

In June of 1998, 在1998年六月,
Tori Murden McClure left Nags Head, North Carolina for France. Tori Murden McClure离开北卡罗来纳州的马头城,前往法国。
Tori:n.圆环面;花床(torus的复数); Nags:abbr.乙酰谷氨酸合成酶; Carolina:n.卡罗莱纳州(在美国东南部);
That's her boat, the American Pearl . 这就是她的船,美国珍珠号。
Pearl:n.珍珠; v.使成小圆粒; adj.珍珠(制)的;
It's 23 feet long and just six feet across at its widest point. 它仅有23英尺长,最宽处也只有6英尺宽。
The deck was the size of a cargo bed of a Ford F-150 pickup truck. 甲板是福特F -150皮卡车的货厢尺寸。
deck:n.甲板;舱面;层面;一副(为52张);v.装饰;打扮;布置;用力击倒; cargo:n.(船或飞机装载的)货物; Ford:n.福特[姓氏];浅滩;v.涉(水);渡河;津渡; pickup:n.收集,整理;小卡车;拾起;搭车者;偶然结识者;
Tori and her friends built it by hand, and it weighed about 1,800 pounds. Tori和她的朋友纯手工打造出了这艘船, 重量大概是1800磅。
Her plan was to row it alone across the Atlantic Ocean -- no motor, no sail -- something no woman and no American had ever done before. 她的计划是独自划船 横渡大西洋—— 不靠马达,也不靠帆—— 从未有任何一个女性或美国人做成过这件事。
This would be her route : over 3,600 miles across the open North Atlantic Ocean. 她的航线会是这样的: 穿过3600英里空旷的北大西洋。
Professionally , Tori worked as a project administrator for the city of Louisville , Kentucky , her hometown, but her real passion was exploring . Tori的职业是项目管理员,就生活在她的家乡, 肯塔基州的 路易斯维尔城, 但她真正热衷的是探险。
Professionally:adv.专业地;内行地; administrator:n.管理人;行政官; Louisville:n.路易斯维尔(美国肯塔基州城市); Kentucky:n.肯塔基州; passion:n.激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒; exploring:v.探索:考察:探查;(explore的现在分词)
This was not her first big expedition . 这不是她的第一次大远征了。
Several years earlier, she'd become the first woman to ski to the South Pole . 几年之前,她成为了第一位滑雪到南极的女性。
South Pole:n.南极;
She was an accomplished rower in college, even competed for a spot on the 1992 U.S. Olympic team, but this, this was different. 她读大学的时候还曾是一名优秀的桨手, 甚至在1992年作为美国代表队的成员参加了奥运会, 但这一次的经历,十分的不同寻常。
accomplished:adj.完成的;有技巧的;有学问的;v.完成;(accomplish的过去分词和过去式) rower:n.桨手; competed:v.竞争,对抗(compete的过去分词);
(Video) (Music) Tori Murden McClure: Hi. It's Sunday, July 5. (视频)(音乐) Tori Murden McClure:嗨。现在是7月5号,星期天。
Sector time 9 a.m. 手表上显示,上午九点。
So that's Kentucky time now. 所以这是肯塔基时间。
Dawn Landes: Tori made these videos as she rowed. Dawn Landes(DL):Tori在航行中录制了这些视频。
This is her 21st day at sea. 这是她在海上的第21天。
At this point, she'd covered over 1,000 miles, had had no radio contact in more than two weeks following a storm that disabled all her long-range communications systems just five days in. 这个时候,她已经完成了1000英里的旅程, 在一次持续了5天的风暴之后, 她的长距离通信系统遭到了损坏,所以她已经有两周 没有收到无线电信号了。
contact:n.接触,联系;v.使接触,联系; long-range:adj.(飞机,火箭等)远程的;长期的;远大的;
Most days looked like this. 航行的大多数时间都是这样的。
At this point, she'd rowed over 200,000 strokes , fighting the current and the wind. 这个时候,她已经总计划了超过20万桨, 与海上风浪搏斗。
strokes:n.中风; v.轻抚; (stroke的第三人称单数和复数)
Some days, she traveled as little as 15 feet. 有时候,她一天只能前进15英尺。
Yeah. 是的,没错。
And as frustrating as those days were, other days were like this. 但除开这些让人心烦的日子, 其他的日子,是这样的:
(Video) TMM: And I want to show you my little friends. (视频)TMM:现在我想给你们看看我的小朋友们。
DL: She saw fish, dolphins, whales, sharks, and even some sea turtles . DL:她遇见了鱼、海豚、 鲸、鲨鱼, 甚至还有一些海龟。
After two weeks with no human contact, 在与人类失去联系两周之后,
Tori was able to contact a local cargo ship via VHF radio. Tori终于通过VHF无线电,与一艘本地货船 取得了联系。
(Video) TMM: Do you guys have a weather report, over? (视频)TMM:嘿伙计们,你们有天气预报吗?完毕。
Man: Heading up to a low ahead of you but it's heading, and you're obviously going northeast and there's a high behind us. 男人:(你)正向一个低压气团驶去, 就在你的前方,但它也在前行, 你的航向是正东北方向, 还有一个高压在我们身后。
That'd be coming east-northeast also. 它的移动方向 也是东北偏东的方向。
TMM: Good. TMM: 很好。
DL: She's pretty happy to talk to another human at this point. DL:当时她很开心能与另一个人类交流。
(Video) TMM: So weather report says nothing dramatic is going to happen soon. (视频)TMM:所以天气预报说短期内不会有 剧烈的天气变化。
DL: What the weather report didn't tell her was that she was rowing right into the path of Hurricane Danielle in the worst hurricane season on record in the North Atlantic. DL:但天气预报没有告诉她, 她正朝着Danielle飓风的路径划去, 而那段时间是北大西洋有记录以来最糟糕的飓风季节。
(Video) TMM: Just sprained my ankle. (视频)TMM:刚刚扭伤了我的脚踝。
There's a very strong wind from the east now. 从东边来了一阵很强的风。
It's blowing about. 它吹得……
It's blowing! 听这风!
After 12 days of storm 在12天的风暴过后,
I get to row for four hours without a flagging wind. 我得在没风的时候 划上4个小时。
I'm not very happy right now. 我现在不太开心,
As happy as I was this morning, 不像今天早上那么开心,
I am unhappy now, so ... 我现在心情不好,所以…
DL: After nearly three months at sea, she'd covered over 3,000 miles. DL:在海上航行了接近3个月之后, 她已经划过了3000英里以上的航程。
She was two thirds of the way there, but in the storm, the waves were the size of a seven-story building. 她已经完成全程的三分之二了, 但在暴风雨中,海浪有一栋七层建筑物那么高。
Her boat kept capsizing . 她的船不断被打翻。
Some of them were pitchpole capsizes , flipping her end over end, and rowing became impossible. 有些浪直接把船沿径向打翻,把她从一端抛到另一端, 继续划行已经根本不可能了。
pitchpole:n.(小船的)大颠簸;纵摇; capsizes:vt.倾覆(特指船);翻覆;弄翻;vi.翻;倾覆;翻覆; flipping:v.该死; v.(使)快速翻转; (flip的现在分词)
(Video) TMM: It's 6:30 a.m. (视频)TMM:现在是早上6:30。
I'm in something big, bad and ugly . 我处在极其糟糕,惨不忍睹的恶劣环境中。
Two capsizes. 已经翻了两次船了。
Last capsize, I took the rib off the top of my ceiling with my back. 最后一次翻船,我的背部把船舱的吊顶撞下来了。
rib:n.肋骨; v.嘲笑;
I've had about six capsizes now. 我已经翻了6次船了。
The last one was a pitchpole. 最后一次直接从纵向掀翻了。
I have the Argus beacon with me. 我带着Argus信号浮标。
Argus:n.百眼巨人(希腊神话中的一个形象); beacon:n.灯塔; v.像灯塔般照耀;
I would set off the distress signal, but quite frankly, I don't think they'd ever be able to find this little boat. 我准备发射求救信号了, 但说实话,我不觉得他们能发现这艘小船。
It's so far underwater right now, the only part that's showing pretty much is the cabin . 绝大部分船身都已经在水下了, 只有一部分船舱还露在外面。
underwater:adj.在水中的;水面下的;adv.在水下;n.水下; cabin:v.把…关在小屋内; n.(轮船上生活或睡觉的)隔间; (通常为木制的)小屋;
It's about 10 a.m. 现在是早上10点。
I've lost track of the number of capsizes. 我已经数不清翻了多少次船了。
I seem to capsize about every 15 minutes. 感觉每过15分钟它就翻一次。
I think I may have broken my left arm. 我觉得我的左臂受伤了。
The waves are tearing the boat to shreds . 这浪简直要 把船给撕碎了。
I keep praying because 我不停在祈祷,
I'm not sure I'm going to make it through this. 因为我不知道自己能不能躲过这一劫。
DL: Tori set off her distress beacon and was rescued by a passing container ship. DL:Tori发射了求救信号, 被路过的集装箱船救起。
They found her abandoned boat two months later adrift near France. 两个月后,他们在靠近法国的海面找到了被遗弃的船。
abandoned:adj.被抛弃的放纵的;v.抛弃;丢弃,离开;放弃;(abandon的过去分词和过去式) adrift:adj.漂泊的;漂浮着的;adv.随波逐流地;漂浮着;
I read about it in the newspaper. 我从报纸上读到了这个故事。
In 1998, I was a high school student living in Louisville, Kentucky. 在1998年,我还是个高中生,生活在肯塔基州的路易斯维尔。
Now, I live in New York City. I'm a songwriter . 现在,我住在纽约市,是个原创音乐家。
And her bravery stuck with me, and I'm adapting her story into a musical called "Row." 她勇敢的故事始终激励着我,而我将她的故事改编成了 一部音乐剧,叫做《划》。
bravery:n.勇敢;勇气; adapting:v.使适应,使适合;适应;改编;改写;(adapt的现在分词)
When Tori returned home, she was feeling disheartened , she was broke. 当Tori回到家里, 她感到非常沮丧, 她整个人都被打垮了。
disheartened:adj.沮丧的; v.使沮丧;
She was having a hard time making the transition back into civilization . 她正经历着一个艰难的过渡期, 尝试着回归到文明社会。
transition:n.过渡;转变;变革;变迁;v.经历转变过程;过渡; civilization:n.文明;文明社会;文明世界;(特定时期和地区的)社会文明;
In this scene, she sits at home. 在这段场景里,她坐在家中。
The phone is ringing, her friends are calling, but she doesn't know how to talk to them. 电话在响,是她的朋友打来的, 但她不知道该跟他们说什么。
She sings this song. It's called "Dear Heart." 她唱起了这首歌。歌名叫《宝贝》。
(Guitar) (吉他)
When I was dreaming,
I took my body to beautiful places 梦里跋涉万里, 而那美丽风景
I'd never been. 此生未曾亲临。
I saw Gibraltar , and stars of Kentucky burned in the moonlight, making me smile. 直布罗陀美景, 肯塔基的繁星, 全被月光燃尽, 让我心醉神迷。
And when I awoke here, the sky was so cloudy. 但我此刻惊醒, 空中布满乌云。
I walked to a party where people I know try hard to know me and ask where I've been, but I can't explain what I've seen to them. 聚会仍在进行, 旧时知心好友 纷纷表示关心, 问我去了哪里, 让我如何回应, 终究只是梦境。
Ah, listen, dear heart. 啊~听着,宝贝。
Just pay attention, go right from the start. 只要你用心 从原地出发。
Ah, listen, dear heart. 啊~听着,宝贝。
You can fall off the map , but don't fall apart . 你会偏离航向, 但别迷失自己。
off the map:不重要的;不存在的;不易到达的; fall apart:崩溃;土崩瓦解;破碎;
Ooh ooh ooh, ah ah ah ah ah. 喔~~~~~Ooh ooh ooh, 啊~~啊~~~~ah ah ah ah ah.
Ah ah, ah ah ah. 啊~~啊~~Ah ah,
When I was out there, the ocean would hold me, rock me and throw me, light as a child. 当我身处险境, 大海抱我在怀里, 拍打我、摇晃我, 像在婴儿床里。
But now I'm so heavy, nothing consoles me. 但我如此疲惫, 谁能给我慰藉。
My mind floats like driftwood , wayward and wild. 狂野,任性,无助。
driftwood:n.浮木;流散板;废弃物;adj.漂流木的; wayward:adj.任性的;不规则的;刚愎的;
Ah, listen, dear heart. 啊~听着,宝贝。
Just pay attention, go right from the start. 只要你用心, 从原地出发。
Ah, listen, dear heart. 啊~听着,宝贝。
You can fall off the map, but don't fall apart. 你会偏离航向, 但别迷失自己。
Ooh. 喔~~Ooh.
Eventually , Tori starts to get her feet under her. 最终,Tori开始走出阴影。
She starts hanging out with her friends again. 她又能跟朋友们出去聚会了。
She meets a guy and falls in love for the first time. 她第一次邂逅了自己的挚爱。
She gets a new job working for another Louisville native , 她获得了一份新的工作,
Muhammad Ali. 为同样是本地人的Muhammad Ali干活。
One day, at lunch with her new boss, 一天,在她和新老板一起吃午饭时,
Tori shares the news that two other women are setting out to row across the mid-Atlantic , to do something that she almost died trying to do. Tori分享了一个新闻,是另外两个女性 打算横渡大西洋中部, 去做那件她几乎赌命去尝试的事情。
His response was classic Ali: "You don't want to go through life as the woman who almost rowed across the ocean." 而他的回应,完全是Ali式的: “一个女人如果有一个差点就 完成了的梦想,她的生活是无法继续下去的。“
response:n.响应;反应;回答; classic:n.名著;优秀的典范;adj.最优秀的;第一流的;有代表性的;典型的;
He was right. ——他是对的。
Tori rebuilt the American Pearl, and in December of 1999, she did it. Tori重建了美国珍珠号, 并在1999年的12月, 她成功了。
(Applause) (Guitar) (掌声)(吉他)
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)