

There is something you know about me, something very personal , and there is something I know about every one of you and that's very central to your concerns . 有些事情 关于我的,是些非常私人的问题 还有一些我知道 是你们每一个人 最关心的问题
personal:adj.个人的;身体的;亲自的;n.人事消息栏;人称代名词; concerns:n.关注; v.使关心(concern的三单形式);
There is something that we know about everyone we meet anywhere in the world, on the street, that is the very mainspring of whatever they do and whatever they put up with , and that is that all of us want to be happy. 有些我们知道 关于我们在世界上任何地方遇见的所有人 在街上 那是他们做某些事,和忍受某些事情 最主要的动力 那是他们做某些事,和忍受某些事情 最主要的动力 那是他们做某些事,和忍受某些事情 最主要的动力 那就是,我们所有人 都想要快乐。
mainspring:n.主要动力;(钟表)主发条;主要原因;主要动机; put up with:v.忍受;容忍;
In this, we are all together. 就这个问题而言,我们是一样的
How we imagine our happiness, that differs from one another, but it's already a lot that we have all in common, that we want to be happy. 我们如何想象我们的快乐 与别人不同的快乐 但是我们最重要的共同点是 我们想要变得快乐
Now my topic is gratefulness . 我的话题关于感恩
How is the connection between happiness and gratefulness? 快乐和感恩之间 有着怎样的联系?
Many people would say, well, that's very easy. 很多人会说,恩,这很容易
When you are happy, you are grateful. 当你快乐的时候,你就心存感激
But think again. 但是,请再想一想
Is it really the happy people that are grateful? 快乐的人是心存感激的,真的是这样吗?
We all know quite a number of people who have everything that it would take to be happy, and they are not happy, because they want something else or they want more of the same. 我们知道,很多人 他们拥有应该令他们感到快乐的东西 但他们并不快乐 因为他们想要其他的东西 或者他们想要更多自己已有的东西
And we all know people who have lots of misfortune , misfortune that we ourselves would not want to have, and they are deeply happy. 我们都知道 有些遭遇很多不幸的人 这些不幸是我们完全不想沾染的 但他们却深深地感到快乐
They radiate happiness. You are surprised. 他们散播欢乐。你会感到惊讶
radiate:vt.辐射; vi.辐射; adj.辐射状的,有射线的;
Why? Because they are grateful. 为什么?因为他们懂得感恩
So it is not happiness that makes us grateful. 所以,并不是快乐让我们有感激之情
It's gratefulness that makes us happy. 而是感恩之心让我们快乐
If you think it's happiness that makes you grateful, think again. 如果你认为是快乐让你心存感激 再想一想。
It's gratefulness that makes you happy. 是感恩让你快乐。
Now, we can ask, what really do we mean by gratefulness? 现在,我们可以问, 对我们来说,感激的意义是什么?
And how does it work? 它是怎么发生的?
I appeal to your own experience. 我希望你们能想到自己的经验
We all know from experience how it goes. 我们可以从自己的经验中了解到它是如何运作的
We experience something that's valuable to us. 我们经历了一些 对我们来说重要的事情
Something is given to us that's valuable to us. 一些我们收到的,并且对我们而言很宝贵的东西。
And it's really given. 而且,是真正由别人给予的。
These two things have to come together. 这两个条件必须同时存在
It has to be something valuable, and it's a real gift. 这件事物必须是重要的 而且是一份礼物
You haven't bought it. You haven't earned it. 不是你买的,也不是你挣来的。
You haven't traded it in. You haven't worked for it. 不是你买卖得来的,也不是你工作得来的
It's just given to you. 只是单纯的给予了你。
And when these two things come together, something that's really valuable to me and I realize it's freely given, then gratefulness spontaneously rises in my heart, happiness spontaneously rises in my heart. 当这两个条件同时符合时, 这东西对我很有价值 我意识到这完全是馈赠 感恩之心油然 出现在我心里 快乐也同时出现在我心里
That's how gratefulness happens. 这就是感激如何发生的。
Now the key to all this is that we cannot only experience this once in a while . 这一切的关键点在于 我们不能仅仅体会到单一的感觉。
once in a while:偶尔;有时;
We cannot only have grateful experiences. 我们不能只有感激的经验。
We can be people who live gratefully . 我们可以是那些存有感恩生活着的人
Grateful living, that is the thing. 感恩地活着,就是这样
And how can we live gratefully? 那么我们如何能感恩地生活呢?
By experiencing, by becoming aware that every moment is a given moment, as we say. 通过经历,意识到 我们的每秒每刻都是被给予的
It's a gift. You haven't earned it. 这是上天的礼物。不是你挣来的。
You haven't brought it about in any way. 它不是你透过任何方式带来的
You have no way of assuring that there will be another moment given to you, and yet, that's the most valuable thing that can ever be given to us, this moment, with all the opportunity that it contains. 你无法确定 你会被赠予其他的时刻 但是,那就是能赠与我们最有价值的东西。 但是,那就是能赠与我们最有价值的东西。 以及尾随这个时刻而来的各种契机。
assuring:v.使确信; adj.确实的;
If we didn't have this present moment, we wouldn't have any opportunity to do anything or experience anything, and this moment is a gift. 如果我们没有现在这个时刻 我们不会有任何机会 去做任何事,经历任何事 而这个时刻,就是一个礼物
It's a given moment, as we say. 就像我们所说的那样, 它是被赠与的
Now, we say the gift within this gift is really the opportunity. 现在,我们说礼物中的礼物 就是机会
What you are really grateful for is the opportunity, not the thing that is given to you, because if that thing were somewhere else and you didn't have the opportunity to enjoy it, to do something with it, you wouldn't be grateful for it. 你真正感激的,是这个机会 而不是那个你收到的东西。 因为如果那个东西在别处 而你没有机会享受它 来体会它 你就不会觉得感恩
Opportunity is the gift within every gift, and we have this saying, opportunity knocks only once. 机会是礼物中的礼物 我们有这样的谚语 机会只有一次
Well, think again. 那么,再想一想
Every moment is a new gift, over and over again , and if you miss the opportunity of this moment, another moment is given to us, and another moment. 每个时刻都是一个新的礼物,周而复始 如果你错失了这个时刻给予你的机会 另外的时刻总是会出现
over and over again:adv.一再地;反复不断地;
We can avail ourselves of this opportunity, or we can miss it, and if we avail ourselves of the opportunity, it is the key to happiness. 我们可以利用这个机会 或者我们也可以错失它 如果我们把握这个机会 那就是让我们快乐的关键所在
avail:n.效用,利益; vt.有益于,有益于; vi.有益于,有益于;
Behold the master key to our happiness in our own hands. 通往快乐大门的钥匙 在我们手中
Behold:v.看;注视;把...视为;int.瞧;看呀; master key:n.万能钥匙;
Moment by moment, we can be grateful for this gift. 每分每秒 我们感谢这个礼物
Does that mean that we can be grateful for everything? 可是,那意味着 我们会对世间一切都心存感激吗?
Certainly not. 当然不是
We cannot be grateful for violence , for war, for oppression , for exploitation . 我们不会感谢暴力,战争, 镇压,剥削的存在
violence:n.暴力;侵犯;激烈;歪曲; oppression:n.压抑;镇压;压迫手段;沉闷;苦恼; exploitation:n.开发,开采;利用;广告推销;
On the personal level, we cannot be grateful for the loss of a friend, for unfaithfulness, for bereavement . 个人层面上看,我们不会感恩 朋友的离去,不忠 丧友丧亲之痛
But I didn't say we can be grateful for everything. 但我并没有说我们要对 世间一切心怀感恩
I said we can be grateful in every given moment for the opportunity, and even when we are confronted with something that is terribly difficult, we can rise to this occasion and respond to the opportunity that is given to us. 我的意思是,我们感谢 每一个时刻背后所带来的机会 即使当我们面对 极其困难的问题 我们可以回想起这个给予我们的机会 然后对它做出回应
confronted:v.使…无法回避;降临于;处理;面对;对抗;(confront的过去分词和过去式) respond:vi.回答;作出反应;承担责任;n.应答;唱和;
It isn't as bad as it might seem. 它可能没有看起来那么糟
Actually, when you look at it and experience it, you find that most of the time, what is given to us is opportunity to enjoy, and we only miss it because we are rushing through life and we are not stopping to see the opportunity. 事实上,当你检视并经历它之后 你会发现,给予我们的大部分时刻 都是让我们乐在其中的机遇 我们之所以错失它 是因为我们急着过自己的生活 我们没有停下来看看这个机会
But once in a while, something very difficult is given to us, and when this difficult thing occurs to us, it's a challenge to rise to that opportunity, and we can rise to it by learning something which is sometimes painful . 可是偶尔 一些非常困难的事情发生了 当这些困难出现时, 这个机遇,就是一种挑战 它会让我们学到些什么 有时是痛苦的
occurs:v.重现(occur的第三人称单数); painful:adj.痛苦的;疼痛的;令人不快的;
Learning patience , for instance . 例如,学着有耐心
patience:n.耐性,耐心;忍耐,容忍; instance:n.实例;情况;建议;v.举...为例;
We have been told that the road to peace is not a sprint , but is more like a marathon. 我们知道,通往自由的道路 不是短跑 更像是一场马拉松
That takes patience. That's difficult. 那需要耐心。那是困难的
It may be to stand up for your opinion, to stand up for your conviction . 它也有可能是捍卫自己的观点立场 捍卫自己的信念
stand up for:支持,坚持;拥护; conviction:n.判罪;定罪;坚定的看法(或信念);坚信;肯定;
That's an opportunity that is given to us. 这就是给予我们的机会
To learn, to suffer, to stand up, all these opportunities are given to us, but they are opportunities, and those who avail themselves of those opportunities are the ones that we admire. 去学习,去遭遇,去坚持 所有这些给予我们的机会 但是,它们是机会 那些自己 抓住机遇的人 是我们所尊重的
They make something out of life. 他们从生活中获得了些什么
And those who fail get another opportunity. 那些失败的人, 也总能获得其它的机会
We always get another opportunity. 我们总能获得额外的机会
That's the wonderful richness of life. 那就是生活中美好与丰富之处
So how can we find a method that will harness this? 那我们要如何找到善用机会 的方法呢?
harness:vt.治理; n.马具;
How can each one of us find a method for living gratefully, not just once in a while being grateful, but moment by moment to be grateful. 我们每个人如何能找到 生活中存有感恩之心的方法 不是某一次感到感恩 而是每时每刻都心存感激
How can we do it? 我们要如何做到呢?
It's a very simple method. 这是一个非常简单的方法
It's so simple that it's actually what we were told as children when we learned to cross the street. 方法如此简单, 就像小时候大人教我们 如何过马路一样
Stop. Look. Go. 停下来,看一看,向前走
That's all. 就是这样
But how often do we stop? 我们多久才停下来?
We rush through life. We don't stop. 我们急着过自己的生活。我们从不停歇
rush through:快速通过;仓促完成;
We miss the opportunity because we don't stop. 我们错失机会因为我们没有停下来
We have to stop. We have to get quiet. 我们必须停下脚步,安静下来
And we have to build stop signs into our lives. 我们要在人生旅途中 时刻提醒自己停下来
When I was in Africa some years ago and then came back, 很多年前,我去了非洲 回来之后
I noticed water. 我意识到水的存在
In Africa where I was, I didn't have drinkable water. 在非洲,我没有可以饮用的安全水源
Every time I turned on the faucet , 每当我看到水龙头的时候
I was overwhelmed . 我受宠若惊
Every time I clicked on the light, 每次我打开电灯开关的时候
I was so grateful. It made me so happy. 我心怀感恩,非常开心
But after a while, this wears off. 可过了一阵子,我就不再注意到这些了
So I put little stickers on the light switch and on the water faucet, and every time I turned it on, water. 所以我在灯的开关上, 水龙头边贴了一些小贴纸 每次我看到它们就会感受到
So leave it up to your own imagination . 所以请根据自己的情况自由想象
You can find whatever works best for you, but you need stop signs in your life. 你会找到对你来说最好的方式 但你要提醒自己时常停下来
And when you stop, then the next thing is to look. 当你停下来的时候 下一件事就是看一看
You look. You open your eyes. 你看一看,你睁开眼睛
You open your ears. You open your nose. 你打开耳朵。你张开嘴巴
You open all your senses for this wonderful richness that is given to us. 你打开身体的感知系统 感知那些精彩丰富的事情
There is no end to it, and that is what life is all about, to enjoy, to enjoy what is given to us. 这是没有止境的 这就是人生的意义 来享受,享受我们被给予的一切
And then we can also open our hearts, our hearts for the opportunities, for the opportunities also to help others, to make others happy, because nothing makes us more happy than when all of us are happy. 我们也可以敞开心扉 迎接机遇 那些能够帮助他人的机会 让他人开心,因为 没有什么比所有人都开心 更值得高兴的了
And when we open our hearts to the opportunities, the opportunities invite us to do something, and that is the third. 当我们敞开心扉迎接机遇的时候 这些机遇会邀请我们做一些事情 那就是第三件事
Stop, look, and then go, and really do something. 停下来,看一看,向前走,然后真正地去做一些事情
And what we can do is whatever life offers to you in that present moment. 我们能做的是 认真过生命在当下提供的选择。
Mostly it's the opportunity to enjoy, but sometimes it's something more difficult. 大多时候,那是去享受的机会 但有时,是更困难的事
But whatever it is, if we take this opportunity, we go with it, we are "Black "> creative , those are the creative people, and that little stop, look, go, is such a potent seed that it can "Black "> revolutionize our world. 但不管是什么,如果我们抓住了这个机会 我们就去完成它, 我们是有创造性的 人们有创造力 而那个停下来,看一看,向前走 是赋有潜力的种子 那种子甚至可以改变我们的世界
"Black:黑色,黑色的 creative:adj.创造性的;
Because we need, we are at the present moment in the middle of a change of consciousness , and you will be surprised if you -- 因为我们需要,我们在这个时刻 我们在感知发生变化的过程中 你会感到惊讶,当你--
I am always surprised when I hear how many times this word "gratefulness" and " gratitude " comes up. 我时常感到惊讶,当我多次听到 感恩和感激这些词汇的出现
Everywhere you find it, a grateful airline , a restaurant gratefulness, a cafe gratefulness, a wine that is gratefulness. 你可以在任何地方找到 一个“心存感恩”的航空公司, 一家“心存感恩”的餐厅 一间“充满感激之情”的咖啡馆, 一款“充满感激之情”的葡萄酒
Yes, I have even come across a toilet paper that the brand is called Thank You. (Laughter) 确实,我曾见过一款厕纸 “感谢”牌的厕纸
come across:偶然遇见;给人以…的印象; toilet paper:卫生纸,厕纸; brand:v.铭刻于,铭记;打烙印于;印…商标于;n.商标,牌子;烙印;
There is a wave of gratefulness because people are becoming aware how important this is and how this can change our world. “感恩”的浪潮席卷而来,是因为 人们已经开始意识到 感恩有多么重要 并且感恩是如何能改变我们的世界
It can change our world in immensely important ways, because if you're grateful, you're not fearful , and if you're not fearful , you're not violent . 感恩可以改变我们的世界 以诸多种重要的方式 因为当你心存感激,你不会恐惧 如果你不恐惧,你就会平和
immensely:adv.极大地;无限地;广大地;庞大地; fearful:adj.可怕的;担心的;严重的; violent:adj.暴力的;猛烈的;
If you're grateful, you act out of a sense of enough and not of a sense of scarcity , and you are willing to share. 如果你心存感激,你会表现出满足感, 而不是短缺的模样 你会更乐于分享
If you are grateful, you are enjoying the differences between people, and you are respectful to everybody, and that changes this power pyramid under which we live. 如果你心存感激 你会欣赏人与人间的不同 并且你尊重每个人 这会改变我们生活中的 权利金字塔结构
And it doesn't make for equality, but it makes for equal respect, and that is the important thing. 权利金字塔结构 却能带来平等尊重 而这是最重要的事
The future of the world will be a network, not a pyramid, not a pyramid turned upside down . 未来的世界将会是一个网状物 不是金字塔,也不是倒过来的金字塔
upside down:adj.颠倒的;乱七八糟的;
The revolution of which I am speaking is a nonviolent revolution, and it's so revolutionary that it even revolutionizes the very concept of a revolution, because a normal revolution is one where the power pyramid is turned upside down 我所说的革命 是非暴力的革命 它是如此具有革命性 它甚至革命性地改变了 革命的概念 因为一个普通的革命 是权利金字塔倒转过来
nonviolent:adj.非暴力的;不使用暴力的; revolutionary:adj.革命性的;革命的;彻底变革的;n.改革者;革命者; revolutionizes:vt.发动革命;彻底改革;宣传革命;vi.革命化;从事革命;
and those who were on the bottom are now on the top and are doing exactly the same thing that the ones did before. 那些底层的人站在了顶尖 然后做了和以前在金字塔顶尖的人 一模一样的事情
What we need is a networking of smaller groups, smaller and smaller groups who know one another, who interact with one another, and that is a grateful world. 我们需要的是小群组的网络 小型的群组相互知晓 相互沟通 那将是一个充满感恩的世界
A grateful world is a world of joyful people. 一个感恩的世界,是 生活在其中的人,都感到愉悦。
Grateful people are joyful people, and joyful people, the more and more joyful people there are, the more and more we'll have a joyful world. 有感恩之心的人是快乐的人 快乐的人 人们越来越快乐 我们才越会有一个愉快的世界
We have a network for grateful living, and it has mushroomed. 我们有一个感恩地生活的网络 它迅速增长
We couldn't understand why it mushroomed. 我们不明白为什么它增长如此迅速
We have an opportunity for people to light a candle when they are grateful for something. 当人们对某事“心存感激”时 他们就可以点亮一根蜡烛
And there have been 15 million candles lit in one decade. 在十年内点亮了 总计一千五百万蜡烛
People are becoming aware that a grateful world is a happy world, and we all have the opportunity by the simple stop, look, go, to transform the world, to make it a happy place. 人们开始意识到 感恩的世界是快乐的世界 我们都有机会 只需要简单地停下来,看一看,向前走 来改变世界 让世界变得更美好快乐
And that is what I hope for us, and if this has contributed a little to making you want to do the same, stop, look, go. 这就是我所希望的, 如果(我的演讲)能够为你带来 一点点动力,做这件事 停下来,看一看,向前走。
contributed:v.捐献,捐赠(尤指款或物); (contribute的过去式和过去分词)
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)