

I've noticed something interesting about society and culture. 我注意到一些關於社會和文化的有趣現象。
Everything risky requires a license , so learning to drive, owning a gun, getting married. 任何冒險的事都需要證書, 例如學開車、持槍、結婚。
(Laughter) (笑聲)
That's true in everything risky except technology . 對任何冒險的事來說都是如此,除了科技。
For some reason, there's no standard syllabus , there's no basic course . 因為某種原因,科技沒有標準大綱, 沒有基礎課程。
standard:n.标准;水准;旗;度量衡标准;adj.标准的;合规格的;公认为优秀的; syllabus:n.教学大纲,摘要;课程表; basic course:基础课,基础课程;基本训练;
They just sort of give you your computer and then kick you out of the nest. 人們只是給你一台電腦 讓你自生自滅。
You're supposed to learn this stuff how? 你該怎麼學會使用這種東西吶?
supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式) stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本:
Just by osmosis . Nobody ever sits down and tells you, "This is how it works." 僅能潛移默化。沒人會坐下來 告訴你,「它的使用方法是這樣」
So today I'm going to tell you 10 things that you thought everybody knew, but it turns out they don't. 因此我今天打算告訴各位10件事 你認為眾所皆知,事實卻不然。
All right, first of all , on the web, when you're on the web and you want to scroll down, don't pick up the mouse and use the scroll bar . That's a terrible waste of time. 好,首先,在網路上,當你瀏覽網頁時 你想將頁面向下捲動,別拿起滑鼠 使用捲軸。那太浪費時間了。
first of all:adv.首先; scroll bar:n.滚动条;
Do that only if you're paid by the hour. 除非你領的是時薪。
Instead, hit the space bar . 相反地,請按空白鍵。
space bar:n.(计算机或打字机的)空格键;
The space bar scrolls down one page. 空白鍵可使網頁向下捲動一頁。
Hold down the Shift key to scroll back up again. 長按 Shift 鍵(+空白鍵)即可回到原始頁面。
So space bar to scroll down one page. 因此空白鍵可使網頁向下捲動一頁。
It works in every browser on every kind of computer. 適用於所有電腦的任何瀏覽器。
Also on the web, when you're filling in one of these forms like your addresses, 同樣地,在網路上,當你填寫一張像這樣的表格,例如你的地址,
I assume you know that you can hit the Tab key to jump from box to box to box. 我想你們知道可按Tab鍵 從一個框跳到另一個框。
assume:v.承担;假定;采取;呈现; Tab:n.标签;签条;突耳;凸舌;v.说(某人)适合于(某工作或角色);
But what about the pop-up menu where you put in your state? 但若是點選州名的彈出式選單呢?
Don't open the pop-up menu. That's a terrible waste of calories . 別點開彈出式選單,那太浪費精力了。
Type the first letter of your state over and over and over. 重複鍵入你所在州名的第一個字母。
over and over:反复;再三;
So if you want Connecticut, go, C, C, C. 因此如果你想填寫康乃狄克州,請按C、C、C
If you want Texas, go T, T, and you jump right to that thing without even opening the pop-up menu. 若是想填寫德州請按T、T,即可跳到正確選項 甚至不需點開彈出式選單。
Also on the web, when the text is too small, what you do is hold down the Control key and hit plus, plus, plus. 同樣地,在網頁上,當字體太小時, 你可以長按Control鍵然後點擊 +、+、+。
You make the text larger with each tap. 每按一次都可使字體變大些。
It works on every computer, every web browser, or minus , minus , minus to get smaller again. 適用於所有電腦的任何瀏覽器, 或按 -、-、- 使字體再次變小。
If you're on the Mac, it might be Command instead. 如果你使用麥金塔或許需替換成Command鍵。
When you're typing on your Blackberry , Android , iPhone, don't bother switching layouts to the punctuation layout to hit the period and then a space and then try to capitalize the next letter. 當你在黑莓機Android手機或iPhone上打字時, 不須費心切換到符號介面 鍵入句號、空格然後試著使下個字母變成大寫。
Blackberry:n.[园艺]黑莓; Android:n.机器人;安卓操作系统; bother:v.烦扰,打扰;使…不安;操心,麻烦;n.麻烦;烦恼; layouts:n.布局;设计(layout的复数形式);图版; punctuation:n.标点;标点符号; capitalize:vt.使资本化;以大写字母写;估计…的价值;vi.利用;积累资本;
Just hit the space bar twice. 只需雙擊空白鍵。
The phone puts the period, the space, and the capital for you. 手機會自動顯示句號、空格,轉換成大寫字母。
Go space, space. It is totally amazing. 按空白鍵、空白鍵即可,太神奇了。
Also when it comes to cell phones, on all phones, if you want to redial somebody that you've dialed before, all you have to do is hit the call button, and it puts the last phone number into the box for you, and at that point you can hit call again to actually dial it. 同樣地,談到手機,以所有手機來說, 如果你想重撥給之前的致電對象, 只需按撥打鍵, 它會將你最後撥打的號碼顯示於框中, 此時你可再次按撥打鍵,撥出電話。
So you don't need to go into the recent calls list, so if you're trying to get through to somebody, just hit the call button again. 因此你不需要進入最近通話記錄, 因此如果你打算聯絡某人, 只需再次按撥打鍵即可。
Here's something that drives me crazy. 有件事讓我抓狂。
When I call you and leave a message on your voicemail , 當我致電給你,在語音信箱留言時,
I hear you saying, "Leave a message," 我聽見你說,「請留言」
and then I get these 15 seconds of frickin' instructions, like we haven't had answering machines for 45 years! 接著出現15秒該死的提示, 彷彿我們45年不曾用過電話答錄機!
(Laughter) (笑聲)
I'm not bitter . 我不是有怨氣。
bitter:adj.苦的; n.苦味; v.激烈地; v.使变苦;
So it turns out there's a keyboard shortcut that lets you jump directly to the beep like this. 但事實上有個快捷鍵 可直接跳到像這樣的「嗶」聲。
shortcut:n.近路;捷径;快捷方式(图标); directly:adv.直接地;立即;马上;正好地;坦率地;conj.一…就;
Answering machine : At the tone , please ?? BEEP. 答錄機:請在嗶聲後留言-嗶。
Answering machine:n.电话答录机; tone:n.语气:风格:特色:声音信号:v.使更结实:与…协调:
David Pogue: Unfortunately , the carriers didn't adopt the same keystroke , so it's different by carrier, so it devolves upon you to learn the keystroke for the person you're calling. David Pogue:不幸的是,電信公司並未採用 相同的快捷鍵因此視電信公司不同而有所差異, 因此你必須自行找出適用於 不同致電對象的快捷鍵。
Unfortunately:adv.不幸地; adopt:v.采取;接受;收养;正式通过; keystroke:n.击键;按键;vt.用键盘输入;击打…的键;vi.击键; devolves:vi.被移交;转让;vt.转移;移交;使滚下;衰落;
I didn't say these were going to be perfect. 我可沒說這些技巧完美無缺。
Okay, so most of you think of Google as something that lets you look up a webpage , but it is also a dictionary. 好,在座大多數人認為Google是 尋找網頁的工具,但它也是字典。
Google:谷歌;谷歌搜索引擎; webpage:n.网页;
Type the word " define " and then the word you want to know. 輸入「定義」和你想查詢的字詞。
You don't even have to click anything. 甚至不需點擊任何鍵。
There's the definition as you type. 即可得到你所輸入字詞的定義。
It's also a complete FAA database. 它也是完整的FAA(美國聯邦航空總署)資料庫。
Type the name of the airline and the flight. 輸入航空公司名稱及航班。
It shows you where the flight is, the gate, the terminal , how long till it lands. You don't need an app for that. 即可顯示航班、登機門、航站等資訊、 和飛行時間。不需使用應用程式。
It's also a unit and currency conversion . 它也是單位及貨幣轉換工具。
currency:n.货币;通货; conversion:n.转换;变换;[金融]兑换;改变信仰;
Again, you don't have to click one of the results. 同樣地,你不需點擊任何搜尋結果。
Just type it into the box, and there's your answer. 只需將資料輸入搜索框即可得到答案。
While we're talking about text, when you want to highlight -- this is just an example. (Laughter) 談到文本, 當你想標示- 這只是一個例子。(笑聲)
When you want to highlight a word, please don't waste your life dragging across it with the mouse like a newbie . 當你想標示某個字, 請別浪費生命 像菜鳥般地拖曳滑鼠。
Double click the word. Watch 200. I go double click. 雙擊那個單字即可請看200這裡,我雙擊一下。
It neatly selects just that word. 精確地選擇了那個字。
Also, don't delete what you've highlighted . 同樣地,別刪除你所標示的字。
You can just type over it. This is in every program. 你可以直接鍵入覆蓋它。這適用於任何軟體。
Also, you can go double click, drag to highlight in one-word increments as you drag. 同樣地,你可以雙擊、拖曳 藉由拖曳一一標示出每個字詞。
drag:v.拖曳;生拉硬拽;拖动;n.拖累;令人厌烦的人;累赘;绊脚石; increments:n.[数]增量(incremment的复数);增加数;
Much more precise . Again, don't bother deleting. 更加精確。同樣地,別費心將它刪除。
Just type over it. (Laughter) 直接鍵入覆蓋即可。(笑聲)
Shutter lag is the time between your pressing the shutter button and the moment the camera actually snaps. 快門延遲是指按下快門鍵 和相機實際拍攝瞬間的時間差。
Shutter:n.快门;百叶窗;关闭物;遮板;vt.为…装百叶窗;以百叶窗遮闭; lag:v.缓慢移动;发展缓慢;滞后;落后于;n.滞后,间隔;adj.慢的;最后的
It's extremely frustrating on any camera under 1,000 dollars. 任何低於1000美元的相機都有這個惱人的問題。
extremely:adv.非常,极其;极端地; frustrating:adj.令人沮丧的;v.使沮丧;(frustrate的现在分词)
(Camera click) (相機快門聲)
(Laughter) (笑聲)
So that's because the camera needs time to calculate the focus and the exposure , but if you pre-focus with a half-press, leave your finger down, no shutter lag! 那是因為相機需要時間 計算焦距和光圈, 但如果你半壓快門鍵,進行預聚焦, 然後按下手指,不會再發生快門延遲!
You get it every time. 屢試不爽。
I've just turned your $50 camera into a $1,000 camera with that trick. 我剛剛將你那50美元的相機 變成1000美元的相機,僅藉由這個技巧。
And finally , it often happens that you're giving a talk, and for some reason the audience is looking at the slide instead of at you! (Laughter) 最後,這通常發生在你發表演說時, 出於某種原因,觀眾緊盯投影片 而不是你!(笑聲)
So when that happens, this works in Keynote , PowerPoint, it works in every program, all you do is hit the letter B key, 因此發生這種情形時這適用於Keynote、PowerPoint, 適用於任何軟體,你只需要按字母B鍵,
B for blackout , to black out the slide and make everybody look at you, and then when you're ready to go on, you hit B again, and if you're really on a roll , you can hit the W key for whiteout , B代表變黑,將投影片變黑 讓每個人都看著你,當你準備繼續時, 再次按下B鍵,順利的話 你可按W鍵使螢幕變白,
blackout:n.灯火管制;灯火熄灭;暂时的意识丧失; on a roll:(非正式)顺利的;走运的;势如破竹;连连获胜;好运连连; whiteout:n.临时性失明(因暴露于恶劣环境而引起的);乳白天空(极地的一种大气光象);
and you white out the slide, and then you can hit W again to unblank it. 投影片變白後,你可再次按下W鍵 使它恢復原狀。
So I know I went super fast. If you missed anything, 我知道我講得相當快,如果你錯過了什麼,
I'll be happy to send you the list of these tips . 我很樂意提供各位這張技巧列表。
tips:n.尖端; v.(使)倾斜,翻覆; (tip的第三人称单数和复数)
In the meantime , congratulations. 同時恭喜各位。
In the meantime:在此期间;于此际;
You all get your California technology license. 你們全都獲得加州技術證書
Have a great day. 祝你們擁有美好的一天
(Applause) (掌聲)