

I'm the weekly tech critic for the New York Times. 我每周都给纽约时报写科技批评文章
I review gadgets and stuff . 我评测那些小玩意儿
gadgets:n.小配件;小工具(gadget的复数); stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本:
And mostly what good dads should be doing this time of year is nestling with their kids and decorating the Christmas tree. 每年的这个时候那些好爸爸们应该 跟他们的孩子围在一起装饰圣诞树
nestling:n.婴儿;未离巢的雏鸟;v.安顿下来;筑巢;把…安置于巢中(nestle的ing形式); decorating:v.装饰;装潢;粉刷;油漆;(decorate的现在分词)
What I'm mostly doing this year is going on cable TV and answering the same question: "What are the tech trends for next year?" 而我今年要做的呢 是去参加有线电视台的节目,回答那个永恒的问题: 明年科技的趋势是什么啊?
cable:n.电缆; v.打电报; (用锚链,缆索等)系住; trends:n.趋势;倾向;动态;动向;(trend的第三人称单数和复数)
And I'm like, "Didn't we just go through this last year?" 然后我心里暗自不爽:“去年不是刚问过么?”
But I'm going to pick the one that interests me most, and that is the completed marriage of the cell phone and the Internet. 但是我还是挑了一个我最感兴趣的话题,那就是 手机和互联网的紧密联系
You know, I found that volcano on Google Images , not realizing how much it makes me look like the cover of Dianetics. 你们知道么,我在谷歌图像上找到那个火山图片的 我都没意识到那个让我看上去像Dianetics的封面 (Dianetics是一种讲述人的精神和身体关系的理念和实践,其书的封面上有火山图样)
volcano:n.火山; Google:谷歌;谷歌搜索引擎; Images:n.印象;声誉;形象;画像;雕像;(image的第三人称单数和复数)
(Laughter) (笑)
Anyway, this all started a few years ago, when they started carrying your voice over the internet rather than over a phone line, and we've come a long way since that. 这些都是几年前开始的 都是从人们开始用互联网传送你的声音,而不是用电话线 那之后我们走了很长的一段路
come a long way:突飞猛进;
But that was interesting in itself. This is companies like Vonage. 但是它本身就很有趣,这就像Vonage一样。 (Vonage是VoIP协议的发起公司)
Basically you take an ordinary telephone, you plug it into this little box that they give you and the box plugs into your cable modem . 基本上来讲,你拿一部普通的电话,把它连到一个小盒子上 就是他们给你的那个盒子,然后把它接到你的调制解调器上
Basically:adv.主要地,基本上; plugs:n.[电]插头; v.插入,塞住; modem:n.调制解调器(等于modulator-demodulator);
Now, it works just like a regular phone. 现在它就跟一部普通电话一样了
You can pick up the phone, you hear a dial tone , but its just a fake out. It's a WAV file of a dial tone , just to reassure you that the world hasn't ended. 拿起电话以后,你能听到有拨号音 但是那个拨号音是假的,那就是一个拨号音的音频文件 好让你知道世界末日还没有来临
tone:n.语气:风格:特色:声音信号:v.使更结实:与…协调: fake:n.假货;骗子;假动作;v.捏造;假装…的样子;adj.伪造的; reassure:vt.使…安心,使消除疑虑;
It could be anything. It could be salsa music or a comedy routine -- it doesn't matter. 你也可以换成别的声音,比如沙尔莎什么的 或者干脆是一些搞笑的声音,都可以
salsa:n.洋葱做的辣调味汁;萨尔萨舞曲;vi.跳萨尔萨舞; comedy:n.喜剧;喜剧性;有趣的事情;
The little box has your phone number. 那个小盒子里存了你的电话号码
So that's really cool -- you can take it to London or Siberia , and your next door neighbor can dial your home number and your phone will ring, because it's got everything in the box. 这就是最酷的地方了,不管你把它带到伦敦还是西伯利亚 你老妈打你家里号码的时候那个电话都会响 因为所有的东西都存在那个小盒子里面了
They've got every feature known to man in there, because adding a new feature is just software. 他们把所有的功能都放在里面了 因为加个新功能不过是加个软件那么简单
As a result of Voice Over IP -- 因为有了IP电话
As a result:结果;
I hate that term -- Voice Over Internet -- land-line home phone service has gone down 30 percent in the last three years. 我不喜欢这个词 - Voice Over Internet - 固定电话服务业务三年内下降了百分之三十
I mean, no self-respecting college kid has home phone service anymore. 就是说,连很有自尊心的大学生都不会有固定电话了
This is what college kids are more likely to have. It's the most popular 这个是他们最可能想要的,也是当下最潮的
VOIP service in the world: it's Skype . 世界IP电话:这就是Skype
It's a free program you download for your Mac or PC, and you make free phone calls anywhere in the world 你可以免费下载一个Skype程序到你的PC或者是Mac 然后你在世界的任何角落都能免费打电话
The downside is that you have to wear a headset like a nerd . 不爽的一面是,你得跟那些书呆子一样带个耳机
downside:n.下降趋势;底侧;adj.底侧的; headset:n.耳机;头戴式受话器; nerd:n.呆子;讨厌的人;
It's not your phone -- it's your computer. 你用的不是你的电话 - 而是电脑
But nonetheless , if you're a college kid and you have no money, believe me, this is better than trying to use your cellphone . 不管怎么说,如果你还在上大学,然后你也没什么钱 信我吧,这东西比手机好用多了
nonetheless:adv.尽管如此,但是; cellphone:n.蜂窝式便携无线电话;大哥大;
It's really cute seeing middle-aged people like me, try out Skype for the first time, which is usually when their kid goes away for a semester abroad . 看着那些到了中年的人们 比如我,第一次用Skype的时候非常可爱 通常是他们的孩子出国留学大半年的时候
middle-aged:adj.中年的;具有中年人特点的;适合于中年人的; semester:n.学期;半年; abroad:adv.在国外;到海外;adj.往国外的;n.海外;异国;
They don't want to pay the international fees, so they're like, "Timmy! Is that you?" 然后他们不太乐意付国际长途的钱 然后他们就对着电脑大喊:“提米,听得到吗??”
(Laughter) (笑)
It's really cute. 真是可爱
But I -- at least it was when I did it -- 呃 - 我当时就是那个糗样
(Laughter) (笑)
I think where VOIP is really going to get interesting is when they start putting it on cellphones . 我认为IP电话真正开始变得有趣的时候 是他们设法把它集成在手机里的时候
Imagine if you had an ordinary cellphone, and any time you were in a wireless hotspot -- free calls anywhere in the world, never pay the cellular company a nickle . 想象一下你手里拿着一个普通的手机 不管什么时候只要你身处无线的热点 你就可以随意地打电话了,不管打到哪儿 都不用付一分钱的手机费
wireless:adj.无线的;无线电的;n.无线电;v.用无线电发送; hotspot:n.热点;热区; cellular:adj.细胞的;多孔的;由细胞组成的;n.移动电话;单元; nickle:n.镍(等于nickel);五分镍币(美国和加拿大使用的);
It'd be really, really cool, and yet, even though the technology for this has been available for five years, incredibly , the number of standard cellphones offered by US carriers with free VOIP is zero! 那将会非常非常的潮的,但是 即使技术现在已经比较成熟了 这过去的五年里,很让人难以置信 美国电信公司提供的载有 免费IP电话的手机数是 - 零!
technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; incredibly:adv.难以置信地;非常地; standard:n.标准;水准;旗;度量衡标准;adj.标准的;合规格的;公认为优秀的;
I can't figure out why! 我都搞不懂为什么
(Laughter) (笑)
Actually, I need to update that. There's one now. 当然了,事实上我要更正一下,现在已经有一台了
And it's so interesting that I thought I would tell you about it. 这个太好玩儿了,我真得说说
It comes from T-Mobile . 它是T-Mobile提供的
I am not paid by T-Mobile. 我可没收T-Mobile的钱啊
I'm not plugging T-Mobile. 我可不是帮他做广告
The New York Times has very rigid policies about that. 纽约时报在这方面可是非常严格
rigid:adj.严格的;僵硬的,死板的;坚硬的;精确的; policies:n.政策;方针;原则;为人之道;保险单(policy的复数)
Ever since that Jayson Blair jerk ruined it for all of us. 就是那个叫Jayson Blair的坏小子把我们都毁了
jerk:v.猛拉;n.混蛋;突然而剧烈的动作;adj.卤的; ruined:adj.毁灭的;荒废的;v.毁坏;破坏;糟蹋;(ruin的过去分词和过去式)
(Laughter) (笑)(Jayson Blair因为剽窃他人作品和造假新闻而“被辞职”)
Basically, the reason you haven't heard about this program is because it was introduced last year on June 29. 基本上,为什么你们大家都没有听说过这个项目呢? 是因为这是去年刚刚推出的 六月二十九号
Does anyone remember what else happened on June 29 last year? 有人还记得去年六月二十九号发生了什么事情么?
It was the IPhone. The IPhone came out that day. 对,是iPhone! iPhone就是那天发布的
I'm like, can you imagine being the 然后我就想,
T-Mobile PR lady? You know? 你能想象你是T-Mobile的公关部的人么?她们都是那种
'"Hi, we have an anouncement to -- WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" “您好,我们这儿有个新产品发啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊~~~”
(Laughter) (笑)
But its actually really, really cool. You have a choice of phones, and we're not talking smartphones -- ordinary phones, including a Blackberry , that have Wi-Fi . 但是这还是很潮的事情,你有更多可选择的手机 我不是在说那些智能手机 普通手机,连黑莓也算上现在都有Wi-Fi支持了
smartphones:智能手机(smartphone的复数); Blackberry:n.[园艺]黑莓; Wi-Fi:abbr.无线保真技术(wirelessfidelity);无线上网技术;
The deal is, any time you're in a Wi-Fi hotspot, all your calls are free. 也就是说,只要你在无线热点里面 你打电话就不要钱
And when you're out of the hotspot, you're on the regular cellular network. 你走出热点以后呢,你就被自动切回到蜂窝网络里面
Your'e thinking, "Well, how often am I in a hotspot?" 你可能会想了“我什么时候才在热点里面啊?”
The answer is, "All the time!" 答案是“你一直都在”
Because they give you a regular wireless router that works with the phone, for your house. 因为他们会送给你一台 手机可以用的普通无线路由器 装在你家里
Which is really ingenious , because we all know that 这个做法太绝了,我们知道
T-Mobile is the most pathetic carrier. T-Mobile恐怕是最可怜的电信商了
They have coverage like the size of my thumbnail . 他们的信号覆盖范围大概和我大拇指那么大吧
coverage:n.覆盖,覆盖范围; thumbnail:n.拇指指甲;极小的东西;短文;adj.极小的,极短的;
(Laughter) (笑)
But it's a hundred million dollars to put up one of those towers. Right? 但是你要建那种大的信号塔的话估计得上亿美金吧?
They don't have that kind of money. Instead they give each of us a seven-dollar-and-95-cent box. They're like a stealth tower installation program. 他们根本没那么多钱, 所以他送我们每人一台 那种七块九毛五(美金)的小盒子, 这就是他们建立 信号塔 的项目了
stealth:n.秘密;秘密行动;鬼祟; installation:n.安装;设施;设置;安装的设备(或机器);
We're putting it in our homes for them! 我们帮他们在家里弄
Anyway, they have Wi-Fi phones in Europe. 但是人家欧洲人都有支持无线网络的电话了
But the thing that T-Mobile did that nobody's done before is, when you're on a call an you move from Wi-Fi into cellular range, the call is handed off in mid-syllable, 但是T-Mobile做了一件前无古人的事 就是,当你打着电话从无线网络移动到蜂窝网络的时候 电话在不断线的情况下切换网络
seamlessly . I'll show you the advanced technologies we use at the New York Times to test this gear . 完全无缝的, 我给你们演示一下 我们在纽约时报今年用的这种高科技玩意儿
seamlessly:adv.无缝地; advanced:adj.先进的; v.前进; (advance的过去式和过去分词形式) technologies:n.技术;科技(technology的复数); gear:n.齿轮; v.适合;
This is me with a camcorder on a phone going like this. 这是我,手里拿着摄像机和手机 就像这样
(Laughter) (笑)
As I walk out of the house from my Wi-Fi hotspot into the cellular network on a call with my wife -- look at the upper left. That's the Wi-Fi signal. 当我从我家里的无线热点走出去的时候 然后走进蜂窝网络,这时候我在给我老婆打电话 注意看坐上角,现在显示的是无线信号
(Video): Jennifer Pogue: Hello? (背景音)Jennifer Pogue: 喂 (Jeniifer Pogue是David的妻子)
David Pogue: Hi babes , its me. David: 宝贝儿,是我
JP: Oh, hi darling, how are you? Jennifer: 嗨,亲爱的,有啥事儿?
DP: You're on Wi-Fi. How does it sound? David: 我现在从无线上打给你的,效果怎么样?
JP: Oh, it sounds pretty good. Jennifer: 不错啊
DP: Now, I'm leaving the house. I'm going for a walk -- do you mind ? David: 现在我出家门,出去走走,你不介意吧?
do you mind:你介意吗?;
JP: No not at all . I'm having a great day with the kids. Jennifer: 不啊, 我跟孩子们玩儿呢
not at all:毫无;一点也不;不用谢;
DP: What are you guys doing? David: 你们玩儿什么呢?
Right there! 你们看!(对观众说)
It just changed to the cellular tower in mid-call. 它切到蜂窝网络了,而且电话还没断
I don't know why my wife says I never listen to her. I don't get that. 我老婆老说我不听她说话,我都不知道为什么
(Laughter) (笑)
The bottom line is that the boundaries , because of the Internet plus cellphone, are melting . 这儿有个底线是界限的问题 手机加互联网的概念在逐渐淡化
The bottom line:底线;本质内容;最底线; boundaries:n.边界;分界线;(boundary的复数) melting:adj.感人的;v.(使)熔化,融化;(melt的现在分词)
The cool thing about the T-Mobile phones is that although switching technologies is very advanced, the billing technology has not caught up. 这就是T-Mobile手机的好玩儿的地方了 即使他们的切换技术非常非常先进 可是他们的计费技术还差一截子
What I mean is that you can start a call in your house in the Wi-Fi hotspot, you can get in your car and talk until the battery's dead -- which would be like 10 minutes -- 我想说的是,如果你开始打电话的时候 是在你家里的无线热点里面的话 你可以坐上车一直打电话到你手机没电为止 也就10分钟左右吧
(Laughter) (笑)
And the call will continue to be free. 那个电话会继续免费
Because they don't, they haven't -- well, no, wait! Not so fast. 他们根本就没有,或者还没有 但是!别得意得太早
It also works the other way. 反过来也一样的
If you start a call on your cellular network and you come home, you keep being billed. 如果你从蜂窝网络开始打电话的 你回家以后计费仍然不会停止
Which is why most people with this service get into the habit of saying, "Hey, I just got home. Can I call you right back?" 这就是为什么那些买了这个服务的人 总会习惯地说 “我到家了,我挂了再给你打回去哈”
Now you get it. 明白了吧?
It's also true that if you use one of these phones overseas , 如果你把这手机带到国外也一样
It doesn't know what Internet hotspot you're in. 它根本不知道你在哪个热点里面
On the Internet nobody knows you're a dog. 就像在网上没人知道你是条狗一样
Right? Nobody knows you're in Pakistan. 对吧?没人知道你在巴基斯坦
You can make free unlimited calls home to the US with these phones. So, very, very interesting. 你可以随意地打电话 打到哪儿都行。 很好玩儿吧?
This is another favorite of mine. 还有一个更好玩儿的
Does anyone here have a working cellphone that's on, with coverage, who can make a call right now without a lot of fussing ? 谁的手机现在能用? 就是开着机,有信号,拿起来就能打电话的那种
OK. Would you call me please right now? 太好了,你现在能给我打个电话么?(给出电话号,为保护隐私,声音被抹去。)
And don't you all call me at three a.m. asking me to fix your printer. 你们可别半夜三点打给我让我给你们修打印机啊
(Laughter) (笑)
I have two cellphones, so this going to be very odd , if it works. 我这儿有两部手机,所以如果正常的话,这个会很诡异
I should know not to do technology demos in front of an audience. It's just, like, absurd . 我真不应该做这种技术演示 尤其是当着这么多人的面,真奇怪
demos:n.民众;人民;游行;录音样带(demo的复数形式); absurd:adj.荒谬的;可笑的;n.荒诞;荒诞作品;
This one is going off. And -- oh, I have the ringer off. Pffft! Great. 这个手机会响 - 噢,我静音了,好了
Anyway, this one is also going off. So they're both ringing at the same time . 然后这个也会响。你看他们一块儿响了
at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时;
Excuse me one second. 我先接个电话
Hello? 喂!
Oh. Where are you calling from? 你在哪儿?
No, no just kidding. There he is. Thank you very much for doing that. 呵呵,开玩笑的,他在那儿。多谢你帮我做这个演示
I didn't even know it was you. I was looking at this guy. 我都没意识到是你,我还以为是这哥们儿呢
Oh great! Yeah. Yeah you can all stop calling now! 嘿!你们都别打了!
(Laughter) (笑)
All right! We've made the point. 好了,我们已经解释清楚了
All right. Ringer off. Everyone wants in on the action. 好吧,我再静音。每个人都想试试
(Laughter) (笑)
This is Grand Central at work -- it's a -- oh, for gods sake ! 这就是Grand Central如何工作的 - 就是 噢,饶了我吧
(Laughter) (大笑)
I have your numbers now! 我可记下你的号码了
(Laughter) (大笑)
You will pay. 你要付出代价的
Grand Central is this really brilliant idea where they give you a new phone number, and then at that point one phone number rings all your phones at once. Grand Central真是一个伟大的想法 他们分配给你一个新号码 然后别人打那个电话号,你所有的电话都会响
Your home phone, your work phone, your cellphone, your yacht phone. 家庭电话啦,工作电话啦,手机啦,还有游艇上的电话
This is the EG crowd. 这帮哥们可是EG的
(Laughter) (笑)(暗指他们很有钱)
The beauty of that is you never miss a call. 这其中最妙的就是你不会再漏接一个电话
I know a lot of you are like, "Ooh, I don't want to be reached at any hour." 我知道你们中的大多数都是那种 “哦,我可不想任何时候都能被找到”
But the beauty is it's all going through the internet, so you get all of these really cool features -- like you can say, I want these people to be able to call me only during these hours. 但是这里面妙的地方是,他是通过互联网实现的 所以还有这些很酷的功能 - 比如说我想让这些人在这些时候可以打给我
And I want these people to hear this greeting, "Hi boss, I'm out making us both some money. Leave a message." 我想让那些人听到这样的问候语 “老板,我在外头给咱们赚钱呢,留言吧”
And then your wife calls, and, "Hi honey, leave me a message." 或者你老婆打过来的时候 “宝贝儿,留个言吧”
Very customizable . 很容易调整
Google bought it, and they've been working on it for a year. 谷歌后来收购了这家公司,他们已经发展了一年多
They're supposed to come out with it very shortly in a public method. 他们马上就应该公开发布这个产品了
supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式) come out with:说出;发表;出版;供应,把…投入市场;
By the way , this is something that really bothers me. 哦,顺便提一下,有件事儿让我很不爽
By the way:顺便说一下; bothers:n.麻烦; v.给(某人)造成麻烦(或痛苦); (bother的第三人称单数和复数)
I don't know if you realize this. When you call 411 on your cellphone, they charge you two bucks . 我不知道你们知道不,你用手机打411的时候 他们收你两块钱 (美金)
Did you know that? It's an outrage . 你们知道么?这就是抢钱嘛
I actually got a photograph of the Verizon employee right there. 我现在手里就有Versizon员工的照片
I'm going to tell you how to avoid that now. 我来告诉你们怎么能避免那两块钱
What you're going to use is Google Cellular. 你需要用到Google Cellular
It's totally free -- there's not even ads. 没事儿,那东西不要钱,上面连广告都没有
If you know how to send a text message , you can get the same information for free. 如果你知道怎么发短信,你就能得到一样的信息,还是免费的
text message:n.文本信息;短信息;
I'm about to change your life. So here's me doing it. 我要改变你的生活了,我们来看看
You send a text message to the word "Google," 你发一条短信给 Google
which turns out to be 46645. 其实就是46645
Leave off the last "e" for savings . 也可以不写最后那个 e
Anyway, so lets say you need a drugstore near Chicago. 然后,假设你想找芝加哥附近的药店
You type " pharmacy Chicago," or the zip code. 你就输入“药房 芝加哥”或者邮编也行
You hit send, and in five seconds, they will send you back the two closest drugstores 然后发送,大概5秒钟以后 然后他们会发给你两个最近的药店
Complete with name address and phone number. 名字,地址和电话都有
Here it comes. 你们看
And it's already written down -- so, like, if you're driving, you don't have to do one of these things, "Uh huh, uh huh, uh huh." 都已经写下来了,所以如果你在开车 你都不用做这样的事儿“嗯,啊,好,嗯,对~”
It works with weather, too. 查天气也一样好用
You can say "Weather" and the name of the city you're going to travel to. 你写上“天气”还有你要去的那个城市的名字
And then in five seconds, they send you back the complete weather forecast for that town. 5秒钟以后他们就给你发回来 那个镇子的天气预报
weather forecast:n.天气预报;
Shortly I'll tell you why I was in Milan. 等会儿我告诉你们为什么我在米兰
Here we go. And those are just the beginning. 好了,刚才讲的东西只是刚刚开始
These are all the different things that you can text to Google and they will -- yeah! You're all trying to write this down. 这些都是你可以发短信给谷歌的,然后 - 太好了,你们都在记笔记
That's cute. I do have an email address. You can just ask me. 真好。要知道我是有电子邮件的,你们跟我要就行了
It's absolutely phenomenal . The only downside is that it requires you to know how to text -- send a text message. Nobody over 40 knows how to do that. 那些东西真的很牛叉。唯一不怎么令人满意的是 你需要知道怎么写短信 还有发短信。那些年过40的人基本上没人知道怎么做
absolutely:adv.绝对地;完全地; phenomenal:adj.现象的;显著的;异常的;能知觉的;惊人的,非凡的;
So I'm going to teach you something even better. 所以我来教你们一些更简单的方法
This is called Google Info. 这东西叫谷歌信息 (Google Info)
They've just launched this voice-activated version of the same thing. 他们刚刚发布了这东西,就是一个语音版本的
launched:v.发射;发起;开展;开始;(launch的过去式和过去分词) voice-activated:adj.声控的;通过声音启动的;
It's speech recognition like you've never heard before. 他们的语音识别你们之前肯定没见到过
Lets say I'm in Monterey , and I want what? 让我们假设我现在在Monterey 我要点儿什么呢?
I want to find what? Bagels . OK. 我要找点儿什么?百吉饼,好的
Google: Say the business and the city and state. 谷歌:请说出你想找的地方还有城市和州
DP: Bagels, Monterey, California. David: 百吉饼, 蒙特里, 加利福尼亚
I got the Chinese line. 我可能接通中文服务了
(Laughter) (笑)
Google: Bagels, Monterey, California. 谷歌:百吉饼,蒙特里,加利福尼亚
Top eight results: Number one, 前八个结果:第一,
Bagel Bakery on El Dorado Street. Bagel Barkery,El Dorado街
Bakery:n.面包店; Dorado:n.剑鱼;
To select number one, you can press 1 or say "number one." 请按1或者说“第一”来选择第一个结果
Number two: Bagel Bakery, commissary department. 第二:Bagel Bakery,便利店
Number Two. Number Two. Two. 第二。第二,二~
(Laughter) (笑)
Why do I listen to people in the audience? 我干吗要听观众的?
Well anyway -- oh! Here we go! 不管他,好了,出来了
Google: ... commissary department on McClellan Avenue , Monterey. 谷歌:蒙特里麦克雷恩大街便利店
I'll connect you, or say "details," or "go back." 现在帮您接通,或者你可以查看“详细信息”,或者“返回”
DP: He's connecting me! He doesn't even tell me the phone number. David: 他要帮我接通!他都不告诉我电话号是多少
He's just connecting me directly . It's like having a personal valet . 他就直接帮我接通了。这就跟带着个跟班的一样
directly:adv.直接地;立即;马上;正好地;坦率地;conj.一…就; personal:adj.个人的;身体的;亲自的;n.人事消息栏;人称代名词; valet:n.贴身男仆; vt.为...管理衣物; vi.清洗汽车;
Google: Hold on. 谷歌:请稍等
(Laughter) (笑)
DP: Hi, could I have 400 with a schmear ? David:喂,我要400个带酱的
No no no no no -- just kidding, no no no. 没,没,没,开玩笑的,不用了
So anyway, you never even find out the number. 看吧,你根本都没机会知道电话是多少
It's just so amazing. 太牛叉了
And it has incredible , incredible accuracy. 而且他们的准确率非常的惊人
This is even more amazing. Put this in your speed dial. 这就更牛叉了。所以赶紧把它加进快速拨号里面吧
This you can ask by voice any question. 你可以用语音问任何的问题
Who won the 1958 World Series ? 1958年的世界大赛谁赢了?
World Series:n.世界系列赛(美国棒球联盟和全国棒球联盟优胜者之间的年度比赛);
What's the recipe for a certain cocktail ? 某种鸡尾酒怎么做?
recipe:n.食谱;方法;诀窍;烹饪法; cocktail:n.鸡尾酒;开味食品;n.混合物;adj.鸡尾酒的;
It's absolutely amazing -- and they text you back the answer. 太牛叉了 - 然后他们就给你把答案发信息回来
I tried this this morning just to make sure it's still alive. 我今天早晨还试了试,保证它还能用
Which actors have played James Bond? 谁演过詹姆斯邦得?
They text me back this: Sean Connery, 他们给你回的信息就是:肖恩·康纳利
George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton , Pierce Brosnan, Daniel Craig. 乔治·拉兹比,罗杰·摩尔,蒂姆西·道尔顿,皮尔斯·布鲁斯南,丹尼尔·克雷格
Roger:n.罗杰;[男名]男子名;int.明白;v.与某人性交; Timothy:n.[植]梯牧草; Dalton:n.道尔顿(英国化学家,物理学家); Pierce:v.穿透;扎;刺破;穿过;n.皮尔斯;
Right! And then I was trying to pretend I was like a Valley girl . 一点儿都没错!后来我还假装是个脑子不怎么灵光的人
Valley girl:n.谷地富家女(只热衷于购物等,被认为是加利福尼亚州圣费尔南多谷地富家女的典型);
I'm like, "What's the word that means you know, like, when the sun, the moon and the earth are, like, all in a line?" 我说“那个词是什么来的,就是,呃 那个,太阳,月亮和地球,就是,在一条线上的时候?”
Just to see how the recognition was. 我就是想试试识别率怎么样
They texted me back, "It's called a syzgy." 他们给我回短信说“那个词是朔望(syzygy)” (译者注:英文拼错了。)
Which I knew, because it's the word that won me the Ohio spelling bee in 1976. 我知道那个词,为什么呢?因为我1976年就是靠那个词赢了俄亥俄的拼词奖的
spelling bee:n.拼字比赛;
You know, there's a lot of people wondering, "How on earth are they going to make money doing this?" And the answer is: look at the last line. 可能很多人都想问了“他们靠这东西 怎么赚钱啊?”答案就是,看看最后一行
They put this teeny weeny little ad, about 10 characters long. 他们在这儿放了一条大概10个字那么长的小广告
teeny:adj.极小的;微小的; weeny:adj.微小的,极小的;
And a lot of people also want to know, "How does it work? 另外一些人可能会问“这东西怎么工作的?
How can it be so good? It's as though there is a human being on the other end of the line." 怎么能这么准呢?就好像后面有个人 来操作的一样。“
Because there is one! 答对了!就是有个人帮你搜的!
They have 10,000 people who are being paid 20 cents per answer. 他们雇了大概1万人 付给他们每条问题20美分
As you can imagine, it's college kids and old people. 所以你就知道了,就是那些大学生啊,退休的人们在做
That's who can afford to do that. 就是那些有闲工夫的人
But it's a human being on the line . And it's gotten me out of so many tough positions like, "When's the last flight out of Chicago?" 电话的那头就是有个人在操作。所以他才能帮我解决 很多的难问题,比如”从芝加哥起飞的最后一班航班是几点?“
on the line:处于危险中;模棱两可;在电话线上;
You know. It's just absolutely amazing. 这个真是太牛了
Another thing that really bothers me about cellphones today -- this is probably my biggest pet peeve in all of technology. 现在的手机让我觉得很不爽的还有一件事 这大概是我觉得技术领域里面最讨厌的
When I call to leave you a message, 我给你打电话的时候有时候需要留言
I get 15 seconds of instructions from a third-grade teacher on Ambien ! 我就得听15秒的介绍(如何留言) 还是一个很催眠的三年级老师读的 (原文Ambien是一种治疗失眠的药物)
(Laughter) (笑)
'"To page this person ... " “要呼对方…”
Page? What is this, 1975? BP机?怎么了这是?又回到1975年了?
Nobody has pagers anymore. 没人有BP机了
'"You may begin speaking at the tone. “你可以在响声后开始讲话
When you have finished recording, you may hang up." No! 当您讲完之后 您就可以挂机。”天呐!
(Laughter) (笑)
And then it gets worse: when I call to retrieve my messages, first of all : "You have 87 messages. 还有更傻的: 当我打电话要听我的留言的时候 一上来就是:“您有87条留言
retrieve:v.取回;索回;检索数据;挽回;找回;n.恢复; first of all:adv.首先;
To listen to your messages ... " 要听第一条…”
Why else am I calling? 我干吗要打这个电话啊?
(Laughter) (笑)
Of course I want to listen to the messages! 我当然要听留言了!
(Laughter) (笑)
Oh! You all have cellphones too. 噢,你们也有手机是吧?
So last year I went to Milan, Italy, and I got to speak to an audience of cellular executives from 200 countries around the world. 去年我去意大利米兰的时候 我有机会做了一个演讲 下面的观众都是来自世界200多国家的电信运营商们
And I said as a joke -- as a joke, I said, "I did the math. Verizon has 70 million customers. 我刚才那个故事当笑话讲的,然后我说 ”我算了一下,Verizon有七千万用户,
If you check your voicemail twice a day, that's 100 million dollars a year. 如果你每天查两次语音留言的话 一年就是一亿美金。
I bet you guys are doing this just to run up our airtime , aren't you?" 我打赌你们是故意这么做然后赚我们的钱的,是吧?“
bet:n.打赌;赌注;预计;估计;v.下赌注(于);用…打赌;敢说;八成儿; airtime:n.电影或电视节目开始的时间;
No chuckle . They're like this -- 底下没人笑。他们都这样--(做点头状)
(Laughter) (笑)
Where is the outrage, people? Rise up! 哪里有压迫哪里就有反抗啊,朋友们!
(Laughter) (笑)
Sorry. I'm not bitter . 不好意思,我太刻薄了。
bitter:adj.苦的; n.苦味; v.激烈地; v.使变苦;
(Laughter) (笑)
So now I'm going to tell you how to get out of that. 现在让我来告诉你们如何解决这个问题
There are these services that transcribe your voicemail into text. 有一种服务可以 把你的语音留言翻译成文字
And they send it to either your email or as text messages to your phone. 然后他们给你发到电子邮箱里 或者发短信给你
It is a life-changer. 这简直帮了大忙了
And by the way, they don't always get the words right, because it's over the phone and all that. 顺便提一句,他们的准确性不是很高 因为都是通过电话传进来的声音
So they attach the audio file at the bottom of the email so you can listen to double-check . 所以他们把原始的声音文件作为附件发到你的电子邮箱里 然后你可以听那个来检查什么地方出错了
attach:v.贴上;重视;把…固定,把…附(在…上);参加;与…有联系; audio:adj.声音的;录音的; double-check:v将…仔细检查,复核;n.复核;第二次检查;
The services are called things like Spinvox, 这些服务包括有Spinvox,
Phonetag -- this is the one I use -- Phonetag - 这个是我在用的 -
Callwave. A lot of people say, "How are they doing this? Callwave. 很多人说,“他们怎么这么做的啊?”
I don't really want people listening in to my calls." 我可不想别人听我的电话。“
The executives at these companies told me, "Well we use a proprietary B-to-B, best-of-breed, peer-to-peer soluti -- " you know. 那些当头头的就跟我说了, ”我们用最先进的B to B技术,点到点的那种解决方—“你们想必也知道
proprietary:n.所有权;所有人;adj.所有的;专利的;私人拥有的; peer-to-peer:n.对等;对等网络;
I think basically it's like these guys in India with headsets , you know, listening in. 我觉得就是那些带着耳机的印度人,在后面听着。
The reason I think that is that on the first day I tried one of these services, 为什么我这么觉得呢? 我第一天试这个服务的时候
I got two voicemail messages. One was from a guy named Micheal Stevenson, which shouldn't be that hard to transcribe, and it was misspelled . 我收到两条留言。一个是叫Micheal Stevenson打来的, 这个应该不怎么难拼吧?但是它拼错了。
The other was from my video producer at the Times, whose name is Vijaiy with the silent "h". Nailed that one. 另外一个是我在时报的制作人,他叫Vijaiyh 还有个不发音的h, 这个就拼对了。(原文给出的名字里并没有h)
(Laughter) (笑)
You be the judge. 你们来评评看
(Laughter) (笑)
Anyway, this service, Callwave, promises that it's all software -- nobody is listening to your messages. 这个服务,Callwave,宣称 他们全部用软件,没有人听你的信息
And they also promise that they're going to transcribe only the gist of your messages. 他们还说他们只翻译信息的 最精华的部分
(Laughter) (笑)
I thought I'd see how that goes. 我觉得我得试试这东西怎么样
This is me testing it out. 所以我就打了一个测试的电话
(Video): Hello, this is Micheal. (视频):喂,我是Micheal,
Hope you're doing well. I'm fine here. Everything's good. 最近咋样?我挺好的,都很好。
Hey, I was walking along the street and the sky was blue. 我今天上街了,天很蓝
And your daughter broke her leg at soccer practice. 你女儿练习足球的时候腿摔断了
I'm going to have a sandwich for lunch. 我中午准备去吃个三明治
She's in in room -- emergency room 53W. 她现在在急救室53W里
emergency room:n.急诊室;
OK, talk to you later -- 'bye. 好了,回头再聊,再见。
(Laughter) (笑)
I love my job. 我爱死我的工作了
(Laughter) (笑)
A couple minutes later, this I got by email. 过了十几分钟,我收到了邮件
It's a very good transcription . But a couple minutes after that, 写得很详细,很好。但是又过了十几分钟
I got the text message version. Now remember, a text message can only be 160 characters long. 我收到了短信的版本。记得吗? 短信最多只能有160个字符。(75中文)
It had better be the gist of the gist. Right? 所以内容最好是精华的精华,是吧?
I'm not kidding you. The message said, "Was walking along the street" and "sky was blue" and "emergency"! 我可没开玩笑,那个信息上写着 在街上走“ 然后 ”天蓝“ 然后 急救 !
(Laughter) (笑)
What the f -- ? 搞什么飞机?
(Laughter) (笑)
I guess that was the gist. 我想这就是他们所说的精华?
(Laughter) (笑)
Lastly, I just have to talk about this one. 最后,我要说的是
This is my favorite of all time. It's called Popularitydialer.com. 这是我的最爱。就是Popularitydialer.com
Basically, you're going to go on some iffy date, or a potentially bad meeting. 有时候你会去约会 或者去开一个超无聊的会
iffy:adj.未确定的;富于偶然性的;可疑的; potentially:adv.可能地,潜在地;
So you go and you type in your phone number, and at the exact minute where you want to be called 然后你在网站上输入你的电话号码 还有你什么时候想被呼叫
(Laughter) (笑)
And at that moment your phone will ring. 就在那个时候你的手机就会响
And you're like, "I'm sorry. I've got to take this." 然后你就“不好意思,我得接一下”
The really beautiful thing is, you know when somebody's sitting next to you, sometimes they can sort of hear a little bit of the caller. 最有趣的是 你知道你旁边那个家伙,有时候他们会 能听到一点儿电话里的声音
So they give you a choice of what you want to hear on the other end. 所以他们就允许你 选择你想听到的声音是什么
Here's the girlfriend. 这儿有个女朋友的版本
Phone: Hey you, what's going on? 电话:宝贝儿,干吗呢?
DP: I'm kinda like, giving a talk right now. David:我现在,呃,正做一个演讲呢
Phone: Well, that's good. 电话: 哦,不错啊
DP: What are you doing? David: 你干吗呢?
Phone: I was just wondering what you were up to. 电话: 人家就是想知道你在干嘛啊
DP: I can't really talk right now. David: 我现在没法跟你聊啊
This is the -- I love this -- the boss call. 还有一个,我太喜欢这个了,老板版本的
Phone: Hey, this is Mr. Johnson calling from the office. 电话:喂!我是Johnson从办公室打来的
DP: Oh, hi, sir. David: 噢,您有什么事儿?
Phone: Did you complete that thing about a month ago? That photocopier training? 电话:一个月以前让你做的那事儿你做的怎么样了?就是那个复印机的培训。
DP: Oh -- sorry I forgot. David: 噢,对不起,我给忘了
Phone: Yeah, so when was the last time you used the photocopier? 电话: 那你上次用那个复印机是什么时候?
DP: It was like three weeks ago. David: 大概三星期前吧
Phone: Well, I don't know if you heard, you might have heard from Lenny, but -- 电话: 好吧,我不知道你听说了没有,可能Lenny说过,不过 -
(Laughter) (笑)
I think the biggest change when Internet met phone was with the iPhone. 我觉得给英特网加电话这一组合带来最大的变化 的是iPhone
Not my finest moment in New York Times journalism . 这可不是我在纽约时报从业最辉煌的时刻
It was when in the fall of 2006. 2006年的秋天
I explained why Apple would never do a cellphone. 我还解释说为什么苹果不会出一款手机
(Laughter) (笑)
I looked like a moron . However, my logic was good. 我当时就跟傻子一样。但是我当时分析的逻辑是很好的
moron:n.傻瓜;痴愚者;笨人; logic:n.逻辑;逻辑学;逻辑性;adj.逻辑的;
Because I don't know if you realize this, but until the iPhone came along, the carriers -- Verizon, AT&T, Cingular -- held veto power over every aspect of every design of every phone. 但是我不知道你们意识到没有,iPhone出现之前 所有的运营商 - Verizon, AT&T, Cingular -- 他们是对所有手机的设计 主掌大权的
Cingular:adj.(牙齿的)舌面嵴的; veto:n.否决权;vt.否决;禁止;vi.否决;禁止; aspect:n.方面;层面;外观;方位;
I know the people who worked on the Treo. 我恰好认识一个在Treo工作的人
They went around to these carriers and said, "Look at these cool features." And Verizon is like, "Hmmmm, no. 他们找遍了所有的运营商跟他们说 “看这些功能多棒。”然后Verizon说“嗯~ 还好吧,
I don't think so." 我觉得一般”
It was not very conducive to innovation . 要想创新就不是那么容易的事情
conducive:adj.有益的;有助于…的; innovation:n.创新,革新;新方法;
What I didn't anticipate was that Steve Jobs went around and said, "Tell you what -- I'll give you a five-year exclusive if you'll let me design this phone in peace -- and you won't even see it till it's done." 我没有料到的是,史蒂夫乔布斯 到处游说说“这样吧,我给你五年的独占经营权 如果你让我们自己设计我们的手机的话 在出厂之前你什么都不用操心“
anticipate:v.预期,期望;占先,抢先;提前使用; exclusive:adj.独有的;排外的;专一的;n.独家新闻;独家经营的项目;排外者;
Actually, even so, he was turned down by Verizon and others. 事实上,就算这样,他都被Verizon和别的一些运营商否决了
Finally Cingular said OK. 最后Cingular同意了
I'm going to talk about the effect of the iPhone. 我要说说iPhone效应
Please don't corner me at the party tonight and go, "What are you? An Apple fan boy?" 千万别在某个派对的晚上 把我逼在墙角问我“你谁啊你?苹果粉丝么?”
you know. I'm not. 你们知道,我不是的。
You can see what I said about it. It's a flawed masterpiece . 你们知道我之前说过的,人无完人。
flawed:adj.有缺陷的;有瑕疵的;有裂纹的; masterpiece:n.杰作;名著;代表作
It's got bad things and good things. Lets all acknowledge that right now. 有好的一面也有坏的一面。我们承认吧。
But it did change a few things. The first thing it changed was that all those carriers saw that they sold 10 million of these things in a year. 但是他确实改变了一些事情。第一就是 所有的那些运营商都看到了 他们一年内卖掉了1千万台iPhone
And they said, "Oh my gosh, maybe we've been doing it wrong. 他们说“哦,天呐,也许我们做错了,
Maybe we should let phone designers design the phones." 也许我们应该让做手机设计的人来设计手机。”
(Applause) (鼓掌)
Another thing was that it let 10 million people, for the first time, experience being online all the time. 另外一件事是它让1千万的人 头一次感受到了时刻在线的感觉
Not using these 60-dollar-a-month cellular cards for their laptops . 而不是用那些60美金一个月的 笔记本上网网卡
I don't understand why we're not there yet. 我不知道为什么我们还没有到那一步
When I'm an old man, I'm going to tell my grandchildren, "When I was your age, if I wanted to check my email, 当我老了的时候,我会告诉我的儿孙们 “我像你们这么大的时候,如果我要收我的电子邮件
I used to drive around town looking for a coffee shop . I did!" 我得开车到镇子另一边的咖啡馆去。我真的那么做过。“
coffee shop:na.咖啡店;(一般的)小餐馆;
(Laughter) (笑)
'"We had wireless base stations that could broadcast -- yeah, about 150 feet across." ”我当时有个无线基站来的 那个范围能覆盖方圆400多米。“
broadcast:v.广播; n.广播节目; adj.[无线]播音的;
(Laughter) (笑)
It's absurd. We have power outlets in every room of every building. We have running water. 这听上去可能有些可笑,我们有电源插座 每座楼的每个房间里面都有。我们也有自来水
What's the problem? 问题出在哪儿?
Anyway -- but this teaches people what it's like. 话说回来-这也就教会了人们现实是什么样的
You have to go to YouTube and type in "iPhone Shuffle ." 你得去YouTube上看看 搜一下 iPhone Shuffle
Shuffle:v.洗牌; n.洗牌,洗纸牌;
This guy did a mock video of one that's one inch square, like the real iPod Shuffle. 有个家伙做了一个假的视频 就是那个一英尺见方,就像iPod Shuffle一样的那种
It's like, "It only has one button. 里面说“它只有一个按键
Touch it and it dials a number at random ." 每次触摸它的时候它就随机拨一个电话号码。”
(Laughter) (笑)
'"Who the hell is this?" “你是谁啊?”
(Laughter) (笑)
But the other thing it did is it opened up this idea of an app store. 另外一个它(iPhone)所带来的贡献 是它开创了应用商店的概念
It downloads right to the phone. 你立刻就可以把它(应用程序)下载到手机里
And you can use the tilt sensor to steer this car using this game. 你可以用那个倾斜感应器 在这个游戏里面控制车的方向盘
tilt:vi.倾斜;翘起;以言词或文字抨击;vt.使倾斜;使翘起;n.倾斜; sensor:n.传感器; steer:v.引导;控制;操纵;驾驶(船、汽车等);n.建议;劝告;忠告;阉公牛;
These programs can use all the components of the iPhone -- the touch screen . 这些程序能用到iPhone上面的 每一个部件 - 触摸屏
components:n.部件;组件;成份(component复数); touch screen:触摸屏;
This is the Etch-A-Sketch prgram -- the theme of EG 2008. 这个程序叫Etch-A-Sketch - EG 2008的主题就是这个
You know how you erase it? 你知道怎么擦除屏幕么?
Of course. You shake it. 当然了,摇一摇就行
Right, of course. We shake it to erase, like this. 当然了,我们像这么摇它
They have 10 thousand of these programs. 现在他们有超过1万种这样的程序
This is the translator program. They have every language in the world. 这是一个翻译程序。里面集成了世界上所有的语言
You type in what you want, and it gives you the translation. 你随便输入点什么,他都会给你翻译
This is amazing. This is Midomi. 太牛了。这个程序叫Midomi
A song is running through your head -- you sing it into the thing: do do do do do, da da da da da da da ... 比如你脑袋里在想着一首歌 你就可以这么对它哼: 嘟嘟~嘟嘟嘟~,嗒嗒~嗒嗒嗒嗒~
OK, you tap, "Done" and it will find out the song and play it for you. 然后你点一下“完成”然后他就会找到你刚才哼的歌然后放给你听
I know. It's insane , right? 我知道,这太不可思议了,是吧?
This is Pandora. Free internet radio. Not just free internet radio -- 这个是Pandora。免费的互联网电台,不仅仅是免费网上电台 -
You type in a band or a song name. 你输入一个乐队或者一个歌名
It will immediately play you that song or that band. 它马上就能给你放那首歌或者那个乐队的歌
It has a thumbs up and a thumbs down. 它还有一个“喜欢”和“不喜欢”的按钮
You say if you like this song or not. 你就可以告诉它你是不是喜欢这首歌
If you like it, it tries another song on you from a different band, with the same instrumentation , vocals , theme and tempo . 如果你选择喜欢,它就会根据当前歌曲的 乐器、声音,节奏和主题从另外一个乐队 找一首歌给你
instrumentation:n.使用仪器;乐器法;仪表化; vocals:n.元音;声乐作品;声乐节目(vocal的复数); tempo:n.速度,发展速度;拍子;
If you like that one, or don't like it, you do thumbs up and thumbs down. Over time it tailors the songs so that it completely stops playing bad songs. 不管你喜欢还是不喜欢 你都可以告诉它。慢慢地它就会根据你的喜好 再也不播放那些你觉得不好听的歌了
It eventually only plays songs you like. 最终它会只放你喜欢的歌
This is Urbanspoon. You're in a city. It knows from GPS where you're standing. 这个程序是Urbanspoon。假设你在某个城市里。它从GPS知道你的位置
You want to find a place to eat. You shake it. 你想找地方吃饭,只要摇一下
It proposes a restaurant. 然后他就给你一个建议
It gives you the price, and the location and ratings . 它会告诉你价位,位置和大家对它的评价
location:n.地方;地点;位置;定位 ratings:n.评级;等级(rating的复数形式);
(Video): I'm not going all the way to Flushing . (视频):我可不想去那么远的Flushing。(视频中选出的一个饭店)
Anyway, just amazing, amazing things. 这个真是很牛很牛的东西
Of course, its not just about the iPhone. 当然了,这个不是iPhone本身
The iPhone broke the dyke , the wall. 而是iPhone冲破的那层屏障,那座壁垒
But now it's everybody else. So Google has done their own android operating system that will soon be on handsets -- phones from 34 companies. 现在大家也都开始做了。谷歌也开始做他们自己的Android操作系统 很快就会被应用到手持设备上 - 来自34家公司的手机上
android:n.机器人;安卓操作系统; operating system:n.(计算机)操作系统; handsets:n.[通信]手机(handset的复数);
Touch screen -- very, very nice. 触摸屏的,很好很强大
Also with its own app store, where you can download programs. 它还有自己的应用商店,你可以从那儿下载程序
This is amazing. In the wake of all this, 这太棒了。但是这些变化最不可思议的是
In the wake of:紧紧跟随;随着…而来;作为…的结果;仿效;
Verizon, the most calcified , corporate , conservative carrier of all, said, "You can use any phone you want on our network." Verizon,所有运营商里最古板,最保守 的一家 他们说 “你可以在我们的网络里用任何的手机”
calcified:adj.钙化的,硬化的;v.(使)钙化,骨化;(calcify的过去式和过去分词) corporate:adj.公司的;组成公司(或团体)的;法人的;社团的; conservative:adj.保守的;n.保守派,守旧者;
I love the Wired headline: 我很喜欢一则连线杂志的标题:
Pigs Fly, Hell Freezes Over and Verizon Opens Up Its Network -- No. Really. 山无棱,天地合 Verizon才开放他的网络,真的
So everything is changing. We've entered at new world of innovation, where the cellphone becomes your laptop, customized the way you want it. 所以世界在变化,我们已经进入到了 一个创新的新纪元。你的手机会变成你的笔记本电脑 按照你想象的方式
Every cellphone is unique . There is software that you can add on. 每个手机都是独一无二的。有你想要装的软件
Can I do one more one-minute song? Thank you. 我能再唱一首歌吗?谢谢
(Applause) (鼓掌)
Just to round it up -- this is the new Apple Power Music Stand . 就是为了收场 - 这是个新的苹果出的音乐设备 (Apple Macbook Air)
Music Stand:n.乐谱架;
It's only three pounds, or 12 if you install Microsoft Office. 只有三磅重 如果你装上微软Office的话是12磅
(Laughter) (笑)
Sorry, that was mean. 不好意思,太刻薄了
This is a song I did for the New York Times website as a music video. 这是一个我给纽约时报网站写的音乐视频的歌
Ladies and gentlemen, for seven blissful hours it was the number one video on YouTube. 女士们先生们,连续7小时之内 这个视频在YouTube排名第一
And now the end is near. 故事即将结尾
I'm sick to death of this old cellphone. 我老而将死 这个老手机啊
Bad sound, the signal is weak, the software stinks . 声音也差,信号也弱 软件更烂
A made-in-Hell phone. “地狱制造”的手机啊
I've heard there's something new -- a million times more rad, more rad than my phone. 我听说了新的玩意儿 比我的手机强一万倍,一万倍
I too will join the cult . 我也要加入其中
cult:n.崇拜; adj.受特定群体欢迎的;
I want an iPhone. 我要一台iPhone
Concerns -- I have a few. It's got some flaws; we may just face it. 顾虑 - 我也有。 它也有缺陷 你肯定会遇到
Concerns:n.关注; v.使关心(concern的三单形式);
No keys, no memory card, the battery's sealed -- you can't replace it. 没有键盘 - 没有存储卡 电池是封死的 - 你没办法更换
But God, this thing is sweet. 但是天啊,这东西太好了
A multitouch, -Pod, Wi-Fi phone. 多触点,能听歌,能上网的电话
You had me from, "Hello." 你听过我说 喂 (iPhone第一则广告里的台词,只有Hello)
I want an iPhone. 我要一台iPhone
I want to touch its precious screen. 我要触摸它宝贵的屏幕
I want to wipe the smudges clean. 我要把它擦的鲜亮
wipe:v.擦;抹;拭;消除;n.擦;拭;揩;(湿)抹布; smudges:n.污迹;污点(smudge的复数);
I want my friends to look and drool . 我要给我的朋友们炫耀
I want to say, "Look -- now I'm cool" 我要说“看啊,我多酷”
I stood in line and I'll get mine. 我排队也要买一台
I want an iPhone. 我要一台iPhone
For what is a man? 什么让你成为一个男人?
What has he got? If not an iPhone, then he's got squat . 他有什么?如果没有iPhone 他就矮人一截
It's all the things a phone should be. 它是所有手机的榜样
Who cares if it's AT&T? 管他是不是来自AT&T
I took a stand, paid half a grand! 我要买,即使要花500块
I got an iPhone! 我有一台iPhone!
(Applause) (鼓掌)
Thank you. Thank you very much. 谢谢!非常感谢你们!
(Applause) (鼓掌)