

Ladies and gentlemen, the history of music and television on the Internet in three minutes. 女士们、先生们 网络上的音乐电视史 在3分钟内完整呈现
A TED medley -- a TEDley. 一个TED旋律 一个“泰迪律”
? It's nine o' clock on a Saturday ? ?星期六的晚上九点钟?
? The record store's closed for the night ? ?唱片行已经打烊?
? So I fire up the old iTunes music store ? ?于是我打开iTune网上音乐商店?
? And soon I am feelin' all right ? ?心情很快随之好转?
? I know Steve Jobs can find me a melody ? ?我知道史蒂夫乔布斯会为我找到一首歌?
? With one dollar pricing that rocks ? ?只需一美元却很酷的歌?
? I can type in the track and get album names back ? ?只需键入曲目,即知专辑名?
? While still in my PJs and socks ? ?而我仍穿着睡衣和温暖的袜子?
? Sell us a song, you're the music man ? ?音乐人啊~买我们歌曲吧~?
? My iPod's still got 10 gigs to go ? ?我的iPod还有10G空间?
gigs:n.轻便两轮马车; v.用鱼叉捕鱼(gig的三单形式);
? Yes, we might prefer more compatibility ? ?是啊,还有更多相容性更好的?
prefer:v.更喜欢;宁愿;提出;提升; compatibility:n.[计]兼容性;
? But Steve likes to run the whole show ? ?但是史蒂夫喜欢当老大?
? I heard " Desperate Housewives " was great last night ? ?我听说昨晚的《绝望主妇》很棒?
Desperate:adj.不顾一切的;令人绝望的;极度渴望的; Housewives:n.家庭主妇;(housewife的复数)
? But I had a bad piece of cod ? ?但是我吃鳕鱼排食物中毒了?
? As I threw up my meal, I thought, "It's no big deal" ? ?昨晚在呕吐的时候我想“这没什么大不了的”?
? I'll watch it tonight on my 'Pod ? ?我今晚就在iPod上看好了?
? And now all of the networks are joining in ? ?现在所有电视网络都加入了?
? Two bucks a show without ads ? ?一集两美元还没广告?
? It's a business those guys always wanted to try ? ?这是这些家伙一直都想做的生意?
? But only Steve Jobs had the 'nads ? ?只有史蒂夫乔布斯够厉害?
? They say we're young, don't watch TV ? ?他们说我们年轻人不看电视?
? They say the Internet is all we see ? ?他们说网络就是我们的一切?
? But that's not true; they've got it wrong ? ?但这不是事实,他们都错了?
? See, all our shows are just two minutes long ? ?因为我们看的节目都只有两分钟?
? Hey ? ?嘿?
? I got YouTube ? ?我有YouTube?
? I got YouTube ? ?我有YouTube?
And now, ladies and gentlemen, a tribute to the Recording Industry Association of America -- the RIAA! 女士们、先生们 向美国唱片工业会(RIAA)致敬 有名的RIAA
tribute:n.礼物;[税收]贡物;颂词;(尤指对死者的)致敬,悼念,吊唁礼物; Association:n.协会;关联;联想;交往;
? Young man, you were surfin' along ? ?年轻人你们独自在上网?
? And then, young man, you downloaded a song ? ?然后,你们下载歌?
? And then, dumb man, copied it to your 'Pod ? ?然后,笨蛋,把歌复制到iPod上?
? Then a phone call came to tell you ... ? ?然后接到一个电话?
? You've just been sued by the R-I-A-A ? ?你被RIAA警告了?
? You've just been screwed by the R-I-A-A ? ?你刚被RIAA搞了?
? Their attorneys say you committed a crime ? ?他们的律师指控你?
attorneys:n.辩护师,律师(attorney的复数形式); committed:adj.坚信的; v.做出错事; (commit的过去分词和过去式)
? And there'd better not be a next time ? ?你最好下次别犯?
? They've lost their minds at the R-I-A-A ? ?RIAA的人他们都疯了?
? Justice is blind at the R-I-A-A ? ?在RIAA正义是盲目的?
? You're depriving the bands ? ?你们在掠夺乐团?
depriving:v.剥夺;使丧失;使不能享有;(deprive的现在分词) bands:n.乐队;法官;
? You are learning to steal ? ?你们在偷窃?
? You can't do whatever you feel ? ?你们不能随心所欲?
? CD sales have dropped every year ? ?CD销量逐年下降?
? They're not greedy , they're just quaking with fear ? ?他们不贪心,只是怕得发抖?
greedy:adj.贪婪的;贪吃的;渴望的; quaking:n.白扬;
? Yes indeedy , what if their end is near ? ?是的,要是他们末日将近?
indeedy:int.真是;不见得吧(表示惊讶,怀疑,讽刺等,等于indeed); what if:如果…怎么办?
? And we download all our music ? ?我们就可以随意下载音乐?
? Yeah, that would piss off the R-I-A-A ? ?是啊,这可惹火了RIAA?
piss off:惹恼;滚开;
? No plastic discs from the R-I-A-A ? ?再也没有来自RIAA的唱片了?
? What a way to make friends ? ?这是一个交朋友的好办法?
? It's a plan that can't fail ? ?绝不会失败?
? All your customers off to jail ? ?所有的客户都进了监狱?
? Who'll be next for the R-I-A-A? ? ?RIAA会下一个找谁的麻烦??
? What else is vexing the R-I-A-A? ? ?什么会让RIAA伤透脑筋??
? Maybe whistling a tune ? ?也许吹口哨??
? Maybe humming along ? ?也许是哼歌??
? Maybe mocking 'em in a song ? ?或许在歌词里嘲讽他们??