

I grew up in Northern Ireland, right up in the very, very north end of it there, where it's absolutely freezing cold. 我从小在北爱尔兰长大,就在 爱尔兰岛的最最北边 那里非常冷
This is me running around in the back garden mid-summer . 这张照片是一个夏天我在我们家后院玩的时候拍的
(Laughter) (笑声)
I couldn't pick a career . 我不知道该选择什么样的职业
In Ireland the obvious choice is the military , but to be honest it actually kind of sucks . 在爱尔兰,最正常的选择应该是参军 但是,说实话,部队里太没劲了
obvious:adj.明显的;显著的;平淡无奇的; military:adj.军事的;军人的;适于战争的;n.军队;军人; sucks:v.吮吸;吸;咂;啜;抽吸;抽取;(suck的第三人称单数)
(Laughter) (笑声)
My mother wanted me to be a dentist. 我妈希望我成为一个牙科医生
But the problem was that people kept blowing everything up. 但问题是,那个时候人们一直在到处乱扔炸弹
So I actually went to school in Belfast, which was where all the action happened. 我去了贝尔法斯特的一个学校读书 所有的骚乱就是在那儿发生的
And this was a pretty common sight. 这张照片上就是当时常见的景象
The school I went to was pretty boring . 我上学的那个学校特别无聊
They forced us to learn things like Latin . 我们被逼着学了像拉丁语这样无聊的东西
The school teachers weren't having much fun, the sports were very dirty or very painful . 学校的老师也都很没劲 学校里的体育项目又脏又累
So I cleverly chose rowing, which I got very good at. 于是我就非常聪明的选择了赛艇,后来我划得还不错
And I was actually rowing for my school here until this fateful day, and I flipped over right in front of the entire school. 照片上我正代表我的学校参加赛艇比赛 直到灾难性的那天,我翻船了 当着全校师生的面,我翻船了
fateful:adj.重大的;决定性的;宿命的; flipped:v.(使)快速翻转;按(开关);轻掷;(flip的过去分词和过去式)
And that was the finishing post right there. 其实比赛的终点就在那儿
(Laughter) (笑声)
So this was extremely embarrassing . 那个时候我觉得特别特别尴尬
extremely:adv.非常,极其;极端地; embarrassing:adj.令人尴尬的; v.使尴尬; (embarrass的现在分词)
But our school at that time got a grant from the government, and they got an incredible computer, the research machine 3DZ, and they left the programming manuals laying around. 不过后来我们学校从政府拿到一份津贴 然后他们买来一台惊人的计算机,用作研究的机器--3DZ 当时他们就把编程手册扔在那儿
grant:v.授予;允许;承认;同意;n.拨款;[法]授予物; incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的; manuals:n.手册,指南;说明书(manual的复数);
And so students like myself with nothing to do, we would learn how to program it. 于是像我这样无所事事的学生就会 去看手册学习怎样在那台计算机上编程
Also around this time, at home, this was the computer that people were buying. 那个时候,我家乡那里的人们 都会买这样的一台计算机
It was called the Sinclair ZX80, this was a 1K computer, and you'd buy your programs on cassette tape. 它叫做Sinclair ZX80,是一台只有1K(内存)的计算机 然后你就可以去买存在磁带上的程序来运行
Actually I'm just going to pause for one second, because I heard that there's a prerequisite to speak here at TED -- you have to have a picture of yourself from the old days with big hair. 我要在这暂停一下 我听说要在TED演讲必须有一个条件 就是要有演讲者必须有一张自己以前留着蓬松长发的老照片
So I brought a picture with big hair. 根据要求我带来了这张照片
(Laughter). (笑声)
I just want to get that out of the way. 我就是想赶快先完成这个要求
So after the Sinclair ZX80 came along the very cleverly named 接着说,在Sinclair ZX80那台计算机之后,他们又推出了一台新的机器
Sinclair ZX81. 这台机器名字很有创意叫做Sinclair ZX81
(Laughter) (笑声)
And -- you see the picture at the bottom? 大家看到底下的那张照片了吗?
There's a picture of a guy doing homework with his son. 照片上是一个人在陪他的儿子做作业
That's what they thought they had built it for. 这是厂商原来推出这台计算机的目的
The reality is we got the programming manual and we started making games for it. 而事实上,当我们拿到编程手册的时候 我们就马上开始在这台机器上做游戏了
We were programming in BASIC, which is a pretty awful language for games, so we ended up learning Assembly language so we could really take control of the hardware . 我们当时用的是BASIC语言编程的 这个语言非常不适合用于游戏编程 于是我们就开始学习汇编语言 因为汇编语言可以让我们完全控制所有硬件
Assembly language:n.汇编语言;组合语言; hardware:n.计算机硬件;五金器具;
This is the guy that invented it, Sir Clive Sinclair, and he's showing his machine. 这就是发明那台机器的人,Clive Sinclair阁下 照片上他正在展示他的机器
You had this same thing in America, it was called the Timex Sinclair1000. 你们美国当时有一种同样的机器 叫做Timex Sinclair1000
To play a game in those days you had to have an imagination to believe that you were really playing " Battlestar Galactica ." 那个时候要玩游戏,你必须有一定的想象力 要相信自己真的在玩《太空堡垒银河号》
imagination:n.想象;想象力;创造力;想象的事物; Battlestar:n.太空堡垒; Galactica:银河号;
The graphics were just horrible . 那个时候的图形画面非常差
graphics:n.[测]制图学;制图法;图表算法; horrible:可怕的,极讨厌的,
You had to have an even better imagination to play this game, "Death Rider ." 要想玩这个游戏,你得有更强的想象力 这是《死亡骑士》
But of course the scientists couldn't help themselves. 当然,科学家们可忍不住了
They started making their own video games. 他们开始做自己的游戏
This is one of my favorite ones here, where they have rabbit breeding , so males choose the lucky rabbit. 这是我最爱的游戏之一,这个游戏是关于养兔子的 雄兔选择走运的雌兔
It was around this time we went from 1K to 16K, which was quite the leap . 差不多这个时候,计算机从1K跳到了16K 这是一个非常大的跨越
And if you're wondering how much 16K is, this eBay logo here is 16K. 如果你在想16K到底有多大 这个eBAY的图标就有16K
And in that amount of memory someone programmed a full flight simulation program. 就在那么大的空间里,有人写出了 一个完整的飞行模拟程序
And that's what it looked like. 那个程序看起来就像这样
I spent ages flying this flight simulator , and I honestly believed I could fly airplanes by the end of it. 我花了好久在这上面开飞机 到后来,我真的以为我可以去开真的飞机了
flight simulator:n.飞行模拟器;飞行练习器; airplanes:n.(美)[航]飞机(airplane的复数);
Here's Clive Sinclair now launching his color computer. 这是Clive Sinclair发布他的彩色(屏幕)电脑
He's recognized as being the father of video games in Europe. 他被当作欧洲的电子游戏之父
He's a multi-millionaire , and I think that's why he's smiling in this photograph. 他是个千万富翁,我想这就是为什么 他在照片里笑得那么开心吧
So I went on for the next 20 years or so making a lot of different games. 在接下来的20年里 我一直在做不同的游戏
Some of the highlights were things like "The Terminator ," 其中有一些让我引以为荣的,像《终结者》
highlights:n.拔萃,集锦; v.使突出(highlight的三单形式); Terminator:n.终结者;终止子;明暗界限;
'"Aladdin," the "Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles ." 《阿拉丁》还有《英雄神龟》(《忍者神龟》的英版名字)
Mutant:n.突变体;突变异种;adj.突变的; Turtles:n.海龟;龟;陆龟;水龟;鳖;(turtle的复数)
Because I was from the United Kingdom they thought the word ninja was a little too mean for children, so they decided to call it hero instead. 因为我来自英国 英国的有关部门觉得“忍者”对孩子们来说太不雅了, 于是他们决定改用“英雄”。
United Kingdom:n.英国; ninja:n.(受过偷窃技术专门训练被雇作间谍或刺客的)日本武士;n.忍者;
I personally preferred the Spanish version, which was "Tortugas Ninja." 对个人来说,我其实更喜欢西班牙版的名字, 叫做“Tortugas Ninja”(《忍者神龟》的西班牙版名字)。
personally:adv.个人;亲自;本人;就本人而言; preferred:v.较喜欢;喜欢…多于…;(prefer的过去式和过去分词)
That was much better. 这个比英版的那个好多了。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Then the last game I did was based on trying to get the video game industry in Hollywood to actually work together on something, instead of licensing from each other, to actually work. 我们想让游戏产业与好莱坞电影互相合作来做出点什么东西。 我做的最后一个游戏就是这样的。 我说的不是互相发许可,而是真正在一起合作。
video game:n.电子游戏; licensing:v.批准;许可;(license的现在分词)
Now, Chris did ask me to bring some statistics with me, so I've done that. Chris要求我带一些相关数据来, 我带来了。
The video game industry in 2005 became a 29 billion dollar business. 游戏已经在2005年变成一个290亿美元的产业,
It grows every year. 而且每年它都在增长。
Last year was the biggest year. 去年是游戏产业最繁盛的一年。
By 2008, we're going to kick the butt of the music industry. 到2008年,我们就会超过音乐产业。
By 2010, we're going to hit 42 billion. 到2010年,这个产业将会达到420亿元。
43 percent of gamers are female . 43%的游戏玩家其实是女性
gamers:n.游戏玩家; female:adj.女性的;雌性的;柔弱的,柔和的;n.女人;[动]雌性动物;
So there's a lot more female gamers than people are really aware. 所以在实际生活中女性玩家的数量比人们想的要多得多
The average age of gamers? 游戏玩家的平均年龄?
Well, obviously it's for children, right? 大家觉得是小孩对不对?
Well, no, actually it's 30 years old. 错了,其实是30岁。
And interestingly , the people who buy the most games are 37. 很有趣的是,买游戏数量最多的玩家其实是37岁。
So 37 is our target audience. 所以37岁时我们的目标用户群。
All video games are violent . 所有游戏都是暴力的。
Of course the newspapers love to beat on this. 当然所有的新闻媒体都爱这样说。
But 83 percent of games don't have any mature content whatsoever , so it's just not true. 但是其实83%的游戏并不包含任何的成人内容 所以游戏很少是暴力的
mature:v.成熟; adj.明白事理的; content:n.内容,目录;满足;容量;adj.满意的;vt.使满足; whatsoever:pron.无论什么;
Online gaming statistics. 关于网络游戏的数据
I brought some stuff on "World of Warcraft ," it's 5.5 million players. 我带来了一些《魔兽世界》的数据,它有550万玩家
stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本: Warcraft:n.军舰;战略;军用飞机;
It makes about 80 million bucks a month in subscriptions . 光从游戏的订阅上,每个月这个游戏就可以赚上8000万美元
bucks:n.元;雄鹿;(buck的复数) subscriptions:n.订阅,订购;定期捐款;会员费;用户费;集体资助;(subscription的复数)
It costs 50 bucks just to install it on your computer, making the publisher about another 275 million. 要安装这个游戏要50美元, 这为发行商赚来2750美元的利润
install:v.安装;设置;安置;建立(程序); publisher:n.出版者,出版商;发行人;
The game costs about 80 million dollars to make, so basically it pays for itself in about a month. 游戏大概花了8000万美元来制作, 所以其实它一个月就把游戏制作花费赚回来了。
A player in a game called "Project Entropia" 游戏中的一个叫做“Project Entropia”玩家
actually bought his own island for 26,500 dollars. 花了26500美元买了一座岛
You have to remember that this is not a real island. 别玩了这可不是一座真的岛
He didn't actually buy anything, just some data. 他实际上什么都没买到,买到的只不过是一些数据而已
But he got great terms on it. 但是他赢得了很好声誉
This purchase included mining and hunting rights, ownership of all land on the island, and a castle with no furniture included. 这桩生意包括了采矿权和打猎权 岛上的土地所有权还有一座城堡 不包括家具
purchase:n.购买;采购;购买的东西;购买项目;v.购买;采购; furniture:n.家具;设备;储藏物;
(Laughter) (笑声)
This market is now estimated at over 800 million dollars annually . 这个市场现在估计是每年8亿美元
estimated:adj.估计的;预计的;估算的; annually:adv.每年;一年一次;
And what's interesting about it is the market was actually created by the gamers themselves. 有趣的是,这个市场其实是被玩家们自己 建立起来的
They found clever ways to trade items and to sell their accounts to each other so that they could make money while they were playing their games. 他们不断找到找到各种聪明的货品交易手段 或者互相销售游戏帐号 因为这样可以在玩游戏的同时达到赚钱的目的
I dove onto eBay just a couple of days ago just to see what was gong on, typed in World of Warcraft, got 6,000 items. 我几天前去eBay上看了一眼 我想看看魔兽世界怎么样,就搜索了一下,发现了6000个商品
dove:n.鸽子;鸽派人士;v.潜水(dive的过去式); gong:n.锣;钟状物;奖章;v.鸣锣传唤;.鸣锣;发出铜锣般的声音;
I liked this one the best. 我最喜欢的一个是
A level 60 Warlock with lots of epics for 174,000 dollars. 一个有很多经验的60级的术士,价格是174000美元
Warlock:n.术士;魔术师; epics:n.史诗;叙事诗(epic的复数);
It's like that guy obviously had some pain while making it. 好像那个人玩游戏的时候受了多大的罪似的
So as far as popularity of games, what do you think these people are doing here? 要说游戏有多流行 大家认为这张照片上的人在干吗?
as far as:至于…; popularity:n.流行;受欢迎;普及
It turns out they're actually in Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles listening to the L.A. Philharmonic playing video game music. 他们当时正在洛杉矶的好莱坞露天剧场 听L.A. Philharmonic演奏游戏音乐
That's what the show looks like. 这是一张当时演唱会的照片
You would expect it to be cheesy , but it's not. 你可能觉得那场演出一定是很俗气的,但它不是
It's very, very epic and a very beautiful concert. 那场演出其实非常精彩,就像一部史诗
And the people that went there absolutely loved it. 观众对那场演出都十分满意
What do you think these people are doing? 这帮人在干吗?
They're actually bringing their computers so they can play games against each other. 这是电子竞技,他们把电脑搬到这个大房间里 来玩游戏对战
And this is happening in every city around the world. 这个画面在全世界每个城市都会出现
This is happening in your local cities too, you're probably just not aware of it. 你的城市也不例外 只不过你没有注意罢了
Now, Chris told me that you had a timeline video a few years ago here just to show how video game graphics have been improving . Chris告诉我这里几年前播放过一段视频 是关于游戏的进化史
timeline:n.时间轴,时间线;大事年表; improving:v.改进;改善;(improve的现在分词)
I wanted to update that video and give you a new look at it. 我现在想更新一下那个视频来让大家有一个新的感觉
But what I want you to do is to try to understand it. 但是希望大家可以试着理解
We're on this curve , and the graphics are getting so ridiculously better. 我们在一个增长曲线上,计算机的视觉效果 正在变得越来越好
curve:n.曲线;弯曲;曲面;弧线;v.(使)沿曲线移动;呈曲线形; ridiculously:adv.可笑地;荒谬地;
And I'm going to show you up to maybe 2007. 这段视频会告诉大家游戏在2007年会是什么样
But I want you to try and think about what games could look like 10 years from now. 但我想让你们联想一下 10年之后游戏的样子
So we're going to start that video. 现在我们就来看一下这段视频
Video: Throughout human history people have played games. 视频:从人类历史的第一篇起,游戏就一直没有消失过
As man's intellect and technology have evolved so too have the games he plays. 随着人类的智慧和科技的发展 游戏也发生了改变
intellect:n.智力,理解力;知识分子;思维逻辑领悟力;智力高的人; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; evolved:v.(使)逐渐形成;进化;进化形成;(evolve的过去分词和过去式)
(Music) (音乐)
(Applause) (掌声)
David Perry : The thing again I want you to think about is, don't look at these graphics and think of that's the way it is. David Perry: 再强调一次,大家想一下 游戏将来会是什么样子
Think about that's where we are right now, and the curve that we're on means that this is going to continue to get better. 想一下我们现在在哪里 再根据那个发展曲线推算一下,将来的游戏 会发展成什么样子
This is an example of the kind of graphics you need to be able to draw if you wanted to get a job in the video game industry today. 如果你现在想进入游戏领域的话 你就得能画出这样的画面
You need to be really an incredible artist. 你得是一个非常有才华的艺术家
And once we get enough of those guys, we're going to want more fantasy artists that can create places we've never been to before, or characters that we've just never seen before. 一旦我们有了足够的这样的人,我们就会需要 更多的幻想艺术家 来创作出我们从没去过的地方 和我们从未谋面的人
fantasy:n.幻想; adj.虚幻的; v.空想;
So the obvious thing for me to talk about today is graphics and audio . 很明显今天我说的都是计算机图形和声音
But if you were to go to a game developers conference , what they're all talking about is emotion , purpose, meaning, understanding and feeling. 但是如果你去参加一个游戏开发者大会 你会发现那里的人都在谈论情绪,目的 意义,理解,感情
developers:n.开发商;发展者;[摄]显影剂(developer的复数); conference:n.会议;研讨会;商讨会;体育协会(或联合会) emotion:n.强烈的感情;激情;情感;
You'll hear about talks like, can a video game make you cry? 你会听到像这样的问题: 一个游戏可以让你流泪吗?
And these are the kind of topics we really actually care about. 这才是我们真正关系的话题
I came across a student who's absolutely excellent at expressing himself, and this student agreed that he would not show his video to anybody until you here at TED here had seen it. 我遇到这样一个很有才华的学生 他很善于表现自己 他同意把他的这段视频最先放给 TED上的观众看
So I'd like to play this video. 现在我想开始放这段视频
So this is a student's opinion on what his experience of games are. 这是一个学生对于游戏的看法
Video: I, like many of you, live somewhere between reality and video games. 视频:我,就像你们一样,生活在 游戏和现实生活之间
Some part of me -- a true living, breathing person -- has become programmed, electronic and virtual . 作为一个生命有呼吸的个体,我的一部分 已经变成了一个被编程过的虚拟的电子体
electronic:adj.电子的;电子器件的;电子设备的; virtual:adj.[计]虚拟的;实质上的,事实上的(但未在名义上或正式获承认);
The boundary of my brain that divides real from fantasy has finally begun to crumble . 我的大脑中把现实与虚拟世界区分开的那个界线 终于开始渐渐消失
boundary:n.边界;范围;分界线; finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; crumble:v.崩溃;破碎,粉碎;n.面包屑;
I'm a video game addict and this is my story. 我是一个游戏爱好者,这是我的故事
(Music) (音乐)
In the year of my birth the Nintendo Entertainment System also went into development. 我出生的那年 任天堂开始开发他们的娱乐系统
I played in the backyard , learned to read, and even ate some of my vegetables. 童年的我,在后院里玩耍,学习认字 甚至有时候吃自己种的蔬菜
Most of my childhood was spent playing with Legos . 我的童年大部分时间花在玩乐高玩具上
childhood:n.童年;幼年;孩童时期 Legos:n.乐高玩具(德国一个积木玩具品牌);
But as was the case for most of my generation, 但是作为我们这一代,那是平常不过的
I spent a lot of time in front of the TV. 除此以外,我还经常看电视
Mr. Rogers, Walt Disney , Nick Junior , and roughly half a million commercials have undoubtedly left their mark on me. Mr. Rogers, 迪斯尼, Nick Junior 还有无数个电视广告已经无疑 都在我心中留下了印记
Walt:adj.空心的; Disney:n.迪斯尼(美国动画影片制作家及制片人); Junior:n.青少年;职位较低者;adj.青少年的;地位低下的; roughly:adv.粗糙地;概略地; commercials:n.商业广告;宣传;商业股票;(commercial的复数) undoubtedly:adv.确实地,毋庸置疑的;
When my parents bought my sister and I our first Nintendo, whatever inherent addictive quality this early interactive electronic entertainment possessed quickly took hold of me. 当我爸妈给我和我妹妹买了第一台任天堂的时候 不管它有多好玩,总之 它一下子占据了我的生活
inherent:adj.固有的;内在的;与生俱来的,遗传的; addictive:adj.使人上瘾的;使人入迷的; interactive:adj.合作的;相互影响的;互相配合的;交互式的;n.交互式视频设备; possessed:adj.着了魔;v.有;拥有;具有(特质);控制;(possess的过去分词和过去式)
At some point something clicked. 好像一切都不谋而合
(Music) (音乐)
With the combination of simple, interactive stories and the warmth of the TV set, my simple 16-bit Nintendo became more than just an escape. 通过简单互动的故事情节 还有温热的电视机,我的16位任天堂 已经不仅仅是一种我对生活得逃避
It became an alternate existence, my virtual reality . 而变成了另外一种存在形式,我的虚拟现实
alternate:vi.交替;轮流;vt.使交替;使轮流;adj.交替的;轮流的;n.替换物; virtual reality:n.(计算机创造的)虚拟现实;
(Music) (音乐)
I'm a video game addict, and it's not because of a certain number of hours I have spent playing, or nights I have gone without sleep to finish the next level. 我是一个游戏爱好者,不仅仅是因为 我花好多时间来玩游戏 也不是因为无数个夜晚里为了通关而通宵达旦
It is because I have had life-altering experiences in virtual space, and video games had begun to erode my own understanding of what is real and what is not. 是因为我在那个虚拟世界里有另外一条生命 电子游戏已经开始改变我对世界的理解 什么是真实的,什么不是
life-altering:改变生活的;改变人生的; erode:vt.腐蚀,侵蚀;vi.侵蚀;受腐蚀;
I'm addicted , because even though I know I'm losing my grip on reality, 我对游戏着迷,因为即使我已经控制不了现实
addicted:adj.上瘾的;上瘾;成瘾;有瘾;入迷; grip:n.紧握;柄;支配;握拍方式;拍柄绷带;vt.紧握;夹紧;vi.抓住;
I still crave more. 我却期望更多
(Music) (音乐)
From an early age I learned to invest myself emotionally in what unfolded before me on screen. 从很小时候,我就开始学习对屏幕上发生的事情 产生真实的情感
invest:v.投资;(把资金)投入;投入(时间、精力等);授予; emotionally:adv.感情上;情绪上;令人激动地;情绪冲动地; unfolded:v.(使)展开;打开;展示;透露;(unfold的过去分词和过去式)
Today, after 20 years of watching TV geared to make me emotional, even a decent insurance commercial can bring tears to my eyes. 今天,在看过20年的电视以后 甚至一个好的保险广告都能让我流泪
geared:adj.齿轮传动的,变速螺旋桨; v.用齿轮连接; decent:adj.正派的;得体的;相当好的; insurance:n.保险;保险业;保险费;保费;adj.胜券在握的;
I am just one of a new generation that is growing up. 我只是成长中的新一代中的一员
A generation who may experience much more meaning through video games than they will through the real world. 这一代从游戏中体会到得滋味 可能比现实生活中更多
Video games are nearing an evolutionary leap, a point where game worlds will look and feel just as real as the films we see in theatres, or the news we watch on TV. 电子游戏正在进行飞速的发展 游戏中的世界已经变得跟电影,电视 相差无几
nearing:v.(时间或空间上)接近,靠近,临近;(near的现在分词) evolutionary:adj.进化的;发展的;渐进的;
And while my sense of free will in these virtual worlds may still be limited , what I do learn applies to my real life. 我在虚拟世界里体验到的自由还是有局限的 可是我在游戏学到的东西却可以拿到现实生活中来
free will:n.自由意志; limited:adj.有限的; n.高级快车; v.限制; (limit的过去分词和过去式) applies:v.适用;申请;运用;专心;(apply的第三人称单数)
Play enough video games and eventually you will really believe you can snowboard , fly a plane, drive a nine-second quarter mile, or kill a man. 玩过足够多游戏之后,你就会觉得 你真的可以玩滑雪板,开飞机 9秒内潜到400米深的水下,或者杀一个人
eventually:adv.最后,终于; snowboard:n.滑雪板;
I know I can. 我知道我可以
Unlike any pop culture phenomenon before it, video games actually allow us to become part of the machine. 跟其他之前的流行文化不一样 电子游戏让我们变成了机器的一部分
They allow us to sublimate into the culture of interactive, downloaded, streaming, HD reality. 它们允许我们沉浸到电子游戏的文化中, 这是一种互动的,可下载的,高清晰的现实文化
We are interacting with our entertainment. 我们可以跟它互动
I have come to expect this level of interaction . 这是我们预期的互动层次
Without it, the problems faced in the real world -- poverty , war, disease and genocide -- lack the levity they should. 达不到这个层次,现实世界中的那些问题 --- 贫穷,战争,疾病,种族灭绝在游戏里就失去了效果
poverty:n.贫困;困难;缺少;低劣; disease:n.病,[医]疾病;弊病;vt.传染;使…有病; genocide:n.种族灭绝;灭绝整个种族的大屠杀; levity:n.多变;轻浮;轻率;不稳定;
Their importance blends into the sensationalized drama of prime time TV. 它们的重要性就跟黄金时段的电视剧 融合为了一体
blends:n.混纺,混纺纤维; vt.使交融(blend的三单形式); vi.[天]混合,混杂; sensationalized:vt.以耸人听闻的手法处理;使引起轰动; drama:n.戏剧;戏剧艺术;戏剧文学;戏剧性事件; prime time:n.黄金时段;
But the beauty of video games today lies not in the lifelike graphics, the vibrating joysticks or virtual surround sound . 然而,电子游戏的魅力不在它有真实的画面 或者是那振动手柄或者立体的声音
lifelike:adj.栩栩如生的;逼真的; vibrating:v.(使)振动,颤动,摆动(vibrate的现在分词) joysticks:n.[航]操纵杆(joystick的复数); surround sound:n.[主英国英语][常用作定语]环绕立体声;
It lies in that these games are beginning to make me emotional. 而在于,这些电子游戏已经开始加入情感元素
I have fought in wars, feared for my own survival , watched my cohorts die on beaches and woods that look and feel more real than any textbook or any news story. 我在游戏里打过仗,在孤军奋战的时候害怕过 看着自己的部队死在沙滩上和丛林里,那种感觉 比任何的课本和新闻都真实
survival:n.幸存,残存;幸存者,残存物; cohorts:n.一群人,一批人;同伙;支持者;(cohort的复数)
The people who create these games are smart. 制作游戏的那些人很聪明
They know what makes me scared, excited, panicked , proud or sad. 他们知道什么东西可以让我害怕,兴奋,慌张,骄傲或者悲伤
Then they use these emotions to dimensionalize the worlds they create. 他们用这些不同的情感元素来划分整个游戏世界
A well-designed video game will seamlessly weave the user into the fabric of the virtual experience. 一个经过很好的设计的电子游戏会把玩家完美的 拼接到游戏的虚拟体验当中
well-designed:adj.精心设计的;设计巧妙的; seamlessly:adv.无缝地; weave:v.编,织;(用…)编成;编造(故事等);n.织法;编法;编织式样; fabric:n.织物;布料;(社会,机构等的)结构;
As one becomes more experienced the awareness of physical control melts away. 随着一个人玩游戏玩得越来越好 那种通过控制在玩游戏的感觉就会渐渐消失
awareness:n.意识,认识;明白,知道; physical:adj.[物]物理的;身体的;物质的;符合自然法则的;n.体格检查; melts:n.[冶]熔体(melt的复数);v.熔化(melt的第三人称单数形式);
I know what I want and I do it. 我知道我想做什么就去做
No buttons to push, no triggers to pull, just me and the game. 不会去想按什么按钮或者扣什么扳机,我考虑的就只有我还有游戏
My fate and the fate of the world around me lie inside my hands. 我的命运还有我身处的世界的命运,都掌握在我的手中
I know violent video games make my mother worry. 我知道我妈很担心那些带有暴力情节的电子游戏
What troubles me is not that video game violence is becoming more and more like real life violence, but that real life violence is starting to look more and more like a video game. 而让我所担心的,不是电子游戏中的暴力正在变得 越来越像现实生活中的暴力 而是,现实生活中的暴力正在变得越来越像一部 电子游戏
(Music) (音乐)
These are all troubles outside of myself. 这些都是跟我没什么关系的问题
I, however, have a problem very close to home . 可是我,有一个跟我很有关的问题
close to home:触及痛处;
Something has happened to my brain. 我的大脑发生了一些变化
(Music) (音乐)
Perhaps there is a single part of our brain that holds all of our gut instincts , the things we know to do before we even think. 也许我们大脑中的一个部分储存着 我们所有的直觉,那些我们不经过思考 就会去做的事
gut:n.勇气;肠道;内脏;v.损毁内部;取出…的内脏;adj.非理性的;本能的 instincts:n.本能;天性;直觉;(instinct的复数)
While some of these instincts may be innate , most are learned, and all of them are hardwired into our brains. 有些直觉可能是天生的,可是大部分是经过后天学习得到的 不管是如何得来的,所有这些直觉都被深深刻在了我们的脑子里
innate:adj.先天的;固有的;与生俱来的; hardwired:adj.电路的;
These instincts are essential for survival in both real and virtual worlds. 而这些直觉,恰恰是我们生存所需要的,不管是在现实生活还是虚拟世界中
Only in recent years has the technology behind video games allowed for a true overlap in stimuli . 其实只是最近几年,游戏技术才真正实现了 虚拟和现实的结合
overlap:n.重叠;重复;v.部分重叠;与…同时发生; stimuli:n.刺激;刺激物;促进因素(stimulus的复数);
As gamers we are now living by the same laws of physics in the same cities and doing many of the same things we once did in real life, only virtually . 在今天的游戏中,我们受到与现实生活中同样的物理法则约束 生活在同样的城市里,做着许多我们曾经在现实生活中 做过的事情,只不过这次是虚拟的
Consider this -- my real life car has about 25,000 miles on it. 想象一下 我实际生活中的车的仪表板上写了25000英里
In all my driving games, I've driven a total of 31, 459 miles. 而把我玩过的所有驾驶类游戏加起来,我一共开了31459英里
To some degree I've learned how to drive from the game. 从某种层次上说,我是从游戏中学会了开车
The sensory cues are very similar. 那种感觉是非常相似的
sensory:adj.感觉的;知觉的;传递感觉的; cues:n.开端,线索;提示,关键;球杆;诱因(cue的复数形式);
It's a funny feeling when you have spent more time doing something on the TV than you have in real life. 仔细想想,同一件事,你在游戏里做过的 比你在现实生活中做过还要多,其实挺有趣的
When I am driving down a road at sunset all I can think is, this is almost as beautiful as my games are. 当我在夕阳西下时开车在路上,我就会想 这件事就像游戏里那么美
sunset:adj.霞红色的; n.日落(时分); v.(使)定期届满废止;
For my virtual worlds are perfect. 因为我的虚拟世界是完美的
More beautiful and rich than the real world around us. 比现实生活要美丽的多,丰富的多
I'm not sure what the implications of my experience are, but the potential for using realistic video game stimuli in repetition on a vast number of loyal participants is frightening to me. 我不知道我在游戏中的体验有什么暗含 但是电子游戏这种吸引人的潜力 实在有点让我惊慌失措
implications:n.蕴涵式;暗指,暗示;含蓄,含意;卷入(implication的复数); potential:n.潜能;可能性;[电]电势;adj.潜在的;可能的;势的; realistic:adj.现实的;现实主义的;逼真的;实在论的; repetition:n.重复;重做;重说;重做的事;重说的话; loyal:adj.忠诚的,忠心的;忠贞的;n.效忠的臣民;忠实信徒; participants:n.参与者(participant的复数形式); frightening:adj.可怕的;骇人的;引起恐惧的;v.使惊吓;使惊恐(frighten的现在分词)
Today I believe Big Brother would find much more success brainwashing the masses with video games rather than just simply TVs. 我相信如果老大哥如果利用电子游戏 而不是电视节目的话 他可以成功的给更多人洗脑
brainwashing:v.给(某人)洗脑;强制说服;(brainwash的现在分词) masses:n.民众;大量(mass的复数);包块;v.集中;聚集(mass的三单形式);
Video games are fun, engaging , and leave your brain completely vulnerable to re-programming. 电子游戏既有趣又吸引人,它使你的大脑 变得对各种信息都不设防
engaging:adj.有趣的; v.吸引住(注意力、兴趣); (engage的现在分词) vulnerable:adj.易受攻击的,易受…的攻击;易受伤害的;有弱点的;
But maybe brainwashing isn't always bad. 但是,洗脑并不都是坏事
Imagine a game that teaches us to respect each other, or helps us to understand the problems we're all facing in the real world. 想象一下,一个游戏可以教我们如何尊重彼此 帮助我们理解我们在现实世界中 遇到的问题
There is a potential to do good as well. 电子游戏可以作为一个很好的工具
It is critical as these virtual worlds continue to mirror the real world we live in, that game developers realize that they have tremendous responsibilities before them. 随着电子游戏中的虚拟世界一直不断得反映 我们生活的现实世界,游戏开发者们开始意识到 他们肩上扛的重担
critical:adj.鉴定的;[核]临界的;批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的; tremendous:adj.极大的,巨大的;惊人的;极好的;
I'm not sure what the future of video games holds for our civilization . 我不知道未来的电子游戏在人类文明中 将起到什么作用
But as virtual and real world experiences increasingly overlap there is a greater and greater potential for other people to feel the same way I do. 但是随着虚拟世界和现实世界有越来越多的交叉 一定会有越来越多的人跟我有 同样的感受
What I have only recently come to realize is that beyond the graphics, sound, game play and emotion it is the power to break down reality that is so fascinating and addictive to me. 我最近才意识到 除了游戏画面,声音,游戏性和情感 游戏正在变成拆分我所喜爱和热衷的 现实世界的强大力量
recently:adv.最近;新近; fascinating:adj.极有吸引力的;迷人的;v.深深吸引;迷住;(fascinate的现在分词)
I know that I am losing my grip. 我知道我正在失去控制
Part of me is just waiting to let go. 我心里有个声音一直在让我放手
I know though, that no matter how amazing video games may become, or how flat the real world may seem to us, that we must stay aware of what our games are teaching us and how they leave us feeling when we finally do unplug . 然而我知道,不管游戏游戏将来会变得多完美 也不管现实生活是多么平淡 我们必须注意这些游戏在试图教给我们什么东西 当我们最后结束游戏的时候,游戏给我们留下了什么样的印记
(Applause) (掌声)
DP: Wow. DP:哇
(Applause) (掌声)
DP: I found that video very, very thought provoking , and that's why I wanted to bring it here for you guys to see. DP: 我发现这个视频非常有感染力 于是我把它带来跟大家分享
And what was interesting about it is the obvious choice for me to talk about was graphics and audio. 我做这个选择很明显 因为我所谈的都是计算机图形和声音
But as you heard, Michael talked about all these other elements as well. 而你们刚刚所看到的,Michael说了其他的元素
Video games give an awful lot of other things too, and that's why people get so addicted. 电子游戏还有很多其他的方面 这就是为什么有的人会那么热衷于玩游戏
The most important one being fun. 最重要的一点就是趣味性
The name of this track is "The Magic To Come." 我们这个主题叫做 即将到来的奇幻旅程
Who is that going to come from? 谁会是它的制作人呢?
Is it going to come from the best directors in the world as we thought it probably would? 会是世界上最好的导演吗? 就像我们想的那样
I don't think so. 我觉得不是
I think it's going to come from the children who are growing up now that aren't stuck with all of the stuff that we remember from the past. 我觉得会是现在正在成长的孩子们 因为他们的脑子里没有被塞满我们以前被塞满的那些东西
They're going to do it their way, using the tools that we've created. 他们将会用他们的方法,用我们做的那些工具
The same with students or highly creative people, writers and people like that. 学生,善于创造的人 作家等等也是如此
highly:adv.高度地;非常;非常赞许地; creative:adj.创造性的;
As far as colleges go, there's about 350 colleges around the world teaching video game courses. 到目前为止,全世界大概有350所大学 教授游戏课程
That means there's literally thousands of new ideas. 这就意味着有成千上万的新想法
Some of the ideas are really dreadful and some of them are great. 有的想法很烂有的却很棒
There's nothing worse than having to listen to someone try and pitch you a really bad video game idea. 被逼无奈去听有的人给你讲一个非常糟糕的游戏点子 是最让人受不了的事
(Laughter) (笑声)
Chris Anderson: You're off, you're off. That's it. Chris Anderson: 到时间了,你该下去了
He's out of time. 他时间用完了
DP: I've just got a little tiny bit more if you'll indulge me. DP: 如果你允许的话,我还想再讲一点
CA: Go ahead. I'm going to stay right here though. CA: 讲吧,不过我就在这儿站着
(Laughter) (笑声)
This is just a cool shot, because this is students coming to school after class. 这是一个很酷的画面,因为学生在放学后回到学校
The school is closed, they're coming back at midnight because they want to pitch their video game ideas. 学校已经关了,他们在半夜里回来 因为他们想把他们的游戏点子描绘出来
I'm sitting at the front of the class. 我当时就坐在教室最前面
and they're actually pitching their ideas. 他们当时正在描绘他们的点子
pitching:n.(船的)纵摇或前后簸动; v.用力扔; (pitch的现在分词)
So it's hard to get students to come back to class, but it is possible. 让学生放学后回到教室是很难的 但是是可能做到的
This is my daughter, her name's Emma, she's 17 months old. 这是我女儿,她叫Emma,她有17个月大了
And I've been asking myself, what is Emma going to experience in the video game world? 我一直在问自己,Emma以后将会有什么样的 游戏体验呢?
And as I've shown here we have the audience. 就像我在这里给大家看的,我们有观众
She's never going to know a world where you can't press a button and have millions of people ready to play. 她未来生活的世界中,只要轻轻按一个键 便有成千上万的人蓄意待发(玩游戏)
You know, we have the technology. 我们已经拥有了技术
She's never going to know a world where the graphics just aren't stunning and really immersive . 她未来生活的世界中,电子游戏的画面 都将是完美和真实的
stunning:adj.惊人的; v.使昏迷; (stun的现在分词) immersive:n.沉浸式;沉浸感;增加沉浸感;
And as the student video showed, we can impact and move. 就像那个学生做的视频里展现的,我们可以让游戏感动人
She's never going to know a world where video games aren't incredibly emotional and will probably make her cry. 因此她生活的世界中的电子游戏将会是充满感情的 很可能会让她哭
I just hope she likes video games. 我就是希望她会喜欢玩游戏
(Laughter) (笑声)
So my closing thought. 我的总结是
Games on the surface seem simple entertainment, but for those that like to look a little deeper, the new paradigm of video games could open entirely new frontiers to creative minds that like to think big. 游戏,表面上看起来是简单的娱乐 但是只要你稍微往深处看一点 这些新的游戏对于那些善于创新的眼光长远的人来说 将会开拓出一个全新的领域
Where better to challenge those minds than here at TED? 有什么地方的人比TED上的你们更适合接受这个挑战呢?
Thank you. 谢谢
Chris Anderson: David Perry. That was awesome . Chris Anderson: David Perry. 太棒了