

Puzzles and magic. 猜谜游戏 和魔术。
I work in what most people think are two distinct fields, but I believe they are the same. 我在这大多数人认为是 但我相信他们是相同的。
I am both a magician and a New York Times crossword puzzle constructor , which basically means I've taken the world's two nerdiest hobbies and combined them into one career . 亦是纽约时报的填字游戏的设计者, 这基本上意味着我已经拿了 世界上两个最书呆的嗜好, 结合成一个职業。
crossword puzzle:纵横字谜游戏; constructor:n.构造函数;构造器;建造者; basically:adv.主要地,基本上; career:n.职业;事业;生涯;经历;
And I believe that magic and puzzles are the same because they both key into one of the most important human drives: the urge to solve. 而且我相信,魔术和谜题是相同的, 因为它们都启发人类 最重要的驱动力之一: 需要解决的冲动。
Human beings are wired to solve, to make order out of chaos . 人类是天生的要解决谜团, 要拨乱反正。
It's certainly true for me. 这对来我说是千真万确的。
I've been solving my whole life. 我一生都在解谜。
High school consisted of epic Scrabble matches in the cafeteria and not really talking to girls, and then at about that time 高中大多包括在食堂内举行辉煌的Scrabble拼字游戏, 而不是与女孩子说话, 然后在大约在那时候
consisted:vi.组成;在于;符合; epic:adj.史诗的,叙事诗的;n.史诗;叙事诗;史诗般的作品; Scrabble:v.忙乱地找;翻找;乱抓;乱动;n.争夺;挣扎;奋斗;
I started learning magic tricks and definitely not talking to girls. 我开始学习魔术, 更加绝对没有与女孩子说话。
magic tricks:n.魔术; definitely:adv.清楚地,当然;明确地,肯定地;
There's nothing like starting a conversation with, 没有什么拿这当开场白,
Hey, did you know that 'prestidigitation' is worth 20 points in Scrabble? 「嘿, 你知否在拼字游戏内『prestidigitation(变戏法) 』 是值得20分吗?」
But back then, I noticed an intersection between puzzles and illusion . 但当时,我觉察到的谜题 与幻象之间的交叉点。
intersection:n.交叉;十字路口;交集;交叉点; illusion:n.幻觉,错觉;错误的观念或信仰;
When you do the crossword puzzle or when you watch a magic show, you become a solver , and your goal is to try to find the order in the chaos, the chaos of, say, a black-and-white puzzle grid , a mixed-up bag of Scrabble tiles , or a shuffled pack of playing cards. 当你做填字游戏, 或当你看一个魔术表演, 你就成为一个解决者, 而你的目标是要设法在混乱找到了秩序, 那混乱,比方说,是一个黑色和白色的格子拼图, 是一袋混乱了的拼字游戏方块, 或一迭重洗了的扑克牌。
solver:n.解决者;[计]解算机;[数]求解程序; black-and-white:adj.印刷的;黑白混合的;用笔写的; grid:n.网格;格子,栅格;输电网; mixed-up:adj.头脑不清楚的,混乱的;迷惑不解的; tiles:n.[建]瓷砖(tile的复数形式);v.铺砖(tile的第三人称单数形式); shuffled:拖曳;搅乱;推诿;洗牌(shuffle的过去式和过去分词);
And today, as a cruciverbalist — and an illusion designer, I create that chaos. 而在今天,作为一个 cruciverbalist (字谜者)— 和幻想设计师,我造成了混乱。
I test your ability to solve. 我考验你们的解决能力。
Now, it turns out research tells us that solving is as primal as eating and sleeping. 事实证明,研究告诉我们, 解决像饮食睡眠都是原始机能。
primal:adj.原始的; n.被压抑童年情绪的释放; vt.释放(被压抑的童年情绪);
From birth, we are wired to solve. 从出生开始,我们已经在解决。
In one UCLA study, newborns still in the hospital were shown patterns, patterns like this: circle, cross, circle, cross. 在一个加州大学洛杉矶分校的研究中,
And then the pattern was changed: triangle , square. 然后将图案改为:三角形,正方形。
And by tracking an infant's gaze , we know that newborns as young as a day old can notice and respond to disruptions in order. 并通过跟踪婴儿的目光, 我们知道,年仅一日的新生儿 已可以看到,对秩序中断有响应。
tracking:n.追踪,跟踪;v.跟踪;(track的现在分词) gaze:v.凝视;注视;盯着;n.凝视;注视; respond:vi.回答;作出反应;承担责任;n.应答;唱和; disruptions:破坏,毁坏;分裂,瓦解(disruption的复数);
It's remarkable . 这是了不起的。
So from infancy through old age, the urge to solve unites us all, and I even found this photo on Instagram of pop star Katy Perry solving a crossword puzzle with her morning coffee. 所以,从婴儿期到老年, 解决的冲动把我们团结在一起, 我甚至在Instagram上发现这张 流行歌星凯蒂·佩里的照片,一边在解决一个填字游戏 一边享用她的早晨咖啡
infancy:n.初期;婴儿期;幼年; unites:联合;合并; Instagram:照片分享(一款运行在iPhone平台上的应用程序); Perry:n.梨酒;
Like. 赞。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Now, solving exists across all cultures. 然而,所有的文化都有解决存在。
The American invention is the crossword puzzle, and this year we are celebrating the 100th anniversary of the crossword puzzle, first published in The New York World. 美国发明的填字游戏, 今年我们正在庆祝 填字游戏的100周年, 在纽约世界首次出版。
But many other cultures have their signature puzzles as well. 但许多其他文化也有其独特的谜题。
China gives us tangrams, which would test solvers' abilities to form shapes from the jumbled pieces. 中国给了我们七巧板, 这考验求解者从混乱的 形状塑造指定形状的能力。
Chaos. Order. 秩序。混乱。
Order. 秩序。
And order. 和秩序。
That one's my favorite, let's hear it again. 那一个是我个人的最爱,让我们再听一遍。
Okay. 好。
And how about this puzzle invented in 18th-century England: the jigsaw puzzle. 看看这个发明于 18世纪英国的谜题: 拼图。
Is this not making order out of chaos? 难道这不是在拨乱反正?
So as you can see , we are always solving. 因此,大家可以看到, 我们一直在解决。
as you can see:正如你所看到的;你是知道的;
We are always trying to decode our world. 我们一直在试图将我们的世界解码。
It's an eternal quest . 这是一个永恒的追求。
eternal:adj.永恒的;不朽的; quest:n.追求;寻找;vi.追求;寻找;vt.探索;
It's just like the one Cervantes wrote about in Don Quixote, which by the way is the root of the word quixotry, the highest-scoring Scrabble word of all time, 365 points. 这就像塞万提斯在 「Don Quixote (堂吉诃德)」提及, 顺便说说「Quixote」是单词「quixotry」的字根, Scrabble拼字游戏最高分的字, 365分。
by the way:顺便说一下;
But anyway, Don Quixote is an important book. 但无论如何,「堂吉诃德」是一本重要着作。
You guys have read Don Quixote, yes? 你们看过「堂吉诃德」, 是吗?
I'm seeing some heads nod. 我看到一些人在点头。
Come on guys, really? 好家伙,真的吗?
Who's read Don Quixote? Let's do this. Raise your hands if you've read Don Quixote. 谁在读过「堂吉诃德」?让我们看看。举起你的手,如果你读过「堂吉诃德」。
There we go. Smart audience. 看。聪明的观众。
Who's read Don Quixote? Get them up. 谁读过「堂吉诃德」?让他们起来。
Okay, good, because I need somebody smart here because now I'm going to demonstrate with the help of one of you just how deeply rooted your urge to solve is, just how wired to solve all of you really are, so I'm going to come into the audience and find somebody to help me. 好,好,因为我在这里需要有聪明人, 因为现在我要你们其中一个的幫助 来证明你们需要解决问题的冲动 是有多么的根深蒂固, 你们是如何天生的要解决, 所以我要进入观众群内 找人来幫助我。
Let's see. 让我们来看看。
Everybody's looking away all of a sudden . 现在每个人都在突然望着别处。
all of a sudden:突然地,出乎意料地;
Can I? Would you? What is your name? Gwen. 可以吗?你会吗?你叫什么名字?格温。
I'm not a mind reader, I can see your name tag . 我不是读心术师,我可以看到你名字的标签。
name tag:胸牌;名称标签;
Come with me, Gwen. Everyone give her a round of applause , make her feel welcome. 跟我来,格温。大家给她掌声,让她感到宾至如归。
Gwen, after you. 格温,请。
(Applause) (掌声)
Are you so excited? 你是很兴奋吗?
Did you know that your name is worth eight points in Scrabble? 你知道你的名字在拼字游戏 值8分吗?
Okay, stand right here, Gwen, right here. 好吧,站在这里,格温,就在这
Now, Gwen, before we begin, 现在,格温,在我们开始之前,
I'd like to point out a piece of the puzzle, which is here in this envelope , and I will not go near it. Okay? 我想指出的一块拼图, 就是在这里的信封内, 我不会去接近它。好?
And over here we have a drawing of some farm animals. 而在这里,我们有一些农场动物的图画。
You can see we have an owl , we have a horse, a donkey , a rooster , an ox, and a sheep, and then here, Gwen, we have some fancy art store markers , colors like, can you see that word right there? 你可以看到我们有一只猫头鹰,我们有一匹马, 一头驴,一只公鸡,一只牛和一只羊, 那么在这里,格温,我们有一些 考究的艺术水笔, 颜色像,你能看到这个在那里的字吗?
owl:n.猫头鹰;枭;惯于晚上活动的人; donkey:n.毛驴;傻瓜;[动]驴;(非正式)笨蛋; rooster:n.公鸡;狂妄自负的人; markers:n.(表示方位的)标记,记号;标识;表示;记号笔;(marker的复数)
Gwen: Cobalt . David Kwong: Cobalt, yes. Cobalt . 格温:钴蓝。大卫:钴蓝,是的。钴蓝。
But we have a silver , a red, an emerald , and an amber marker, and Gwen, you are going to color this drawing just like you were five years old, one marker at a time. 但我们有一枝银色,红色,翠绿色 和琥珀色的水笔, 格温,你要为这些图画绘色, 就像你五岁的时候, 一次用一枝水笔。
silver:n.银; v.给…镀(或包)银; adj.银色的; emerald:n.绿宝石;[宝]祖母绿;翠绿色;adj.翠绿色的; amber:adj.琥珀色的;琥珀制的;n.琥珀;琥珀色;vt.使呈琥珀色;
It's going to be a lot of fun. 这将会很有趣。
But I'm going to go over here. 但我会去这里。
to go over:复习;
I don't want to see what you're doing. 我不希望看到你在做什么。
Okay, so don't start yet. 好了,暂不要开始。
Wait for me to get over here and close my eyes. 等我过到这里,并闭上双眼。
Now Gwen, are you ready? 现在,格温,你准备好了吗?
Pick up just one marker, pick up just one marker, and why don't you color in the horse for me? 只拿起一枝笔, 请替我给马填色好吗?
Color in the horse — big, big, big scribbles , broad strokes , don't worry about staying in the lines. 给马填色 — 大刀阔斧, 大大笔的上色,不用担心要填在线内。
scribbles:n.潦草写成的东西; vt.乱写; vi.乱写; strokes:n.中风; v.轻抚; (stroke的第三人称单数和复数)
All right. Great. 好。挺好。
And why don't you take that marker and recap it and place it on the table for me. 请你把笔盖回笔套 并幫我把它放在桌子上。
Okay, and pick up another marker out of the cup and take off the cap and color in the donkey for me, color in the donkey. 好,从杯内拿起另一枝笔, 脱掉笔盖, 然后替我给驴填颜色。
Big scribbles. 涂抹便行。
Okay, cool, and re-cap that marker and place it on the table. 好吧,请把笔盖回笔套 并把它放在桌子上。
And pick up another marker for me and take off the cap. Isn't this fun? 再拿起另一枝笔, 脱掉笔盖。好玩吗?
And color in the owl for me. 替我给猫头鹰填颜色。
Color in the owl. 给猫头鹰填颜色
Okay, and recap that marker and pick up another marker out of the cup and color in the rooster for me, color in the rooster. 好,盖回笔套, 从杯内拿起另一枝笔出来 给公鸡填色。
Good, good, good, good, good. 好,好,挺好。
Big, big, big strokes. Good, good. 大大笔的。好,好。
Pick up another marker out of the cup and color in the ox for me. Color in the ox. 再从杯内拿起另一枝笔出来 给牛填颜色。
Okay, good. 好了,好。
A lot of color on that, and recap, and place it on the table, and pick up another marker out of the cup. 这个有很多颜色,盖回笔套,并把它放在桌子上, 再从杯内拿起另一枝笔。
Oh, I'm out? Okay, I'm going to turn around. 哦,没有了?好吧,我转身了。
Did I forget? Oh, I forgot my purple marker. 我忘了?哦,我忘了我紫色的笔。
This is still going to work, though. 这应该仍然可行。
I think this is still going to work, mostly. 应该大多仍然可行。
So Gwen, I'm going to hand you this envelope. 格温,现在我会交这个信封给你。
Don't open it yet. Do not open it yet, but I am going to write down your choices so that everybody can see the choices that you made. 先不要打开它。先不要打开它, 但是我现在要会写下你的选择, 使每个人都可以看到。 你所做的选择。
I am going to:我将要做什么事情
Okay, great. So we have a cobalt horse, amber owl, a silver ox, yes, okay, a red donkey, and what was the emerald color? A rooster. 好,太好了。所以我们有一匹钴色的马, 琥珀色的猫头鹰, 一头银色的牛, 是的,好,一头红色的驴, 什么是翡翠色的?公鸡。
An emerald rooster. Okay. 翡翠色的公鸡。好。
Now for the moment of truth , Gwen, we're going to take a look in that envelope. 现在是紧张的时刻, 格温, 我们看看信封。
moment of truth:关键时刻;斗牛中的最后一剑;
Why don't you open it up and remove the one piece of paper from inside and hand it to me, and we will see if it matches your choices. 请你打开它, 并从里面取出一张纸 交给我, 我们会看它是否符合您的选择。
Yes, I think it does. 是的,我认为是对的。
We have a cobalt horse, we have a red donkey, we have an amber owl, we have an emerald rooster, a silver ox, 我们有一匹钴蓝色的马,我们有一头红色的驴, 我们有一只琥珀色的猫头鹰,一只翡翠公鸡,一头银牛,
I forgot my purple marker so we have a blank sheep, but that's a pretty amazing coincidence , don't you think? 我忘了我的紫色笔记,所以我们有一只空白的羊, 但是这是一个非常惊人的巧合,你认为是吗?
Gwen, well done . That's beautiful. (Applause) 格温,你做得很好。很不错。 (掌声)
well done:好样的,干得好;
I'll take that back from you. 请交回给我。
So ladies and gentlemen, how is this possible? 先生女士们,这是怎么可能?
How is this possible? Well, could it be that Gwen's brain is so wired to solve that she decoded hidden messages? 这是怎么可能呢?嗯,这可能是 格温的大脑是如此兴奋地想解决问题 以至于她解码了隐藏的信息?
Well this is the puzzle I present to you. 嗯,这是我给你们的难题。
Could there be order in the chaos that I created? 莫不是在我造成的 混乱中带有秩序?
Let's take a closer look. 让我们来仔细看看。
Do you recall when I showed you these puzzle pieces? 你们还记得当我向你们展示了这些拼图吗?
What image did it ultimately become? A cobalt horse. 它最终成为什么样的形象?一匹钴蓝色的马。
The plot thickens . 情节开始高胀。
plot:n.情节;阴谋;布局;小块土地;v.密谋;暗中策划;(在地图上)标出;绘制(图表); thickens:vt.使变厚;使模糊;使…变复杂;vi.变浓;变厚;变得模糊;变粗;变复杂;
And then we played a game of tangrams with an emerald rooster. 然后我们玩翡翠公鸡的 七巧板游戏。
That one's my favorite. 那一个是我的最爱。
And then we had an experiment with a silver ox. 然后我们有一头银牛实验。
And Katy Perry drinks her morning coffee out of an amber owl. 然后凯蒂·佩里喝她的早晨咖啡 有琥珀色的猫头鹰。
Thank you, Katy, for taking that photo for me. 谢谢你,凯蒂,为我拍照。
Oh, and there's one more, there's one more. 哦,还有一个,还有一个。
I believe you colored a red donkey, Gwen. 你填红色的驴,格温。
Ladies and gentlemen, could you raise your hands for me if you've read Don Quixote? 先生女士们,你可以给我举高你的手, 如果你读过「堂吉诃德」?
Who's read Don Quixote? (Laughter) 谁在读过「堂吉诃德」?(笑声)
But wait, but wait, wait, wait, wait, there's more. 但等等,但等等,等等,等等,等等,还有。
There's more. 还有。
Gwen, I was so confident that you were going to make these choices that I made another prediction , and I put it in an even more indelible place, and it's right here. 格温,我是如此的有信心, 你要做出这些选择, 我做了另外一个预言, 我把它放在一个更加不可磨灭的地方, 就是这里。
confident:adj.自信的;确信的; prediction:n.预报;预言; indelible:adj.难忘的;擦不掉的;
Ladies and gentlemen, we have today's New York Times. 先生女士们, 我们有今天的纽约时报。
The date is March 18th, 2014. 日期是2014年3月18日,
Many of you in the first couple of rows have it underneath your seats as well. 在你们中前几排许多人有它, 在你们的座位底下。
Really dig. We hid them under there. 找找看。我们把它们藏在那里。
See if you can fish out the newspaper and open up to the arts section and you will find the crossword puzzle, and the crossword puzzle today was written by yours truly. 看看你能不能找到报纸 翻到艺术专栏, 然后你会看到填字游戏, 而今天的填字游戏的作者 正是本人。
You can see my name above the grid. 你可以在格子的上方看到我的名字。
I'm going to give this to you, Gwen, to take a look. 我打算把这个交给你,格温,看一看。
And I will also put it up on the screen. 我也把它显示在屏幕上。
Now let's take a look at another piece of the puzzle. 现在让我们来看看 另一个谜。
take a look at:看一看;检查;
If you look at the first clue for 1-across, it starts with the letter C, for corrupt , and just below that we have an O, for outfielder , and if you keep reading the first letters of the clues down, you get cobalt horse, amber owl, silver ox, red donkey, and emerald rooster. 如果你看看第一条线索1 - 横, 它以字母C开头,Corrupt 的C, 在下面我们有一个O,Outfielder 的O, 如果你继续看线索的第一个字母, 你会得到钴蓝马, 琥珀猫头鹰,银牛, 红驴,和翡翠公鸡。
corrupt:v.损坏;破坏;使腐化;使堕落;adj.贪污的;受贿的;腐败的;营私舞弊的; outfielder:n.外场手; clues:n.(调查,研究等的)线索;迹象;(故事的)关键情节;(clue的复数)
(Applause) (掌声)
That's pretty cool, right? 这很酷,对吧?
It's The New York Times. 这是纽约时报。
But wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait. 但是,等等,等等,等等。
Oh, Gwen, do you recall how I forgot my purple marker, and you were unable to color the sheep? 哦,格温, 你还记得我忘了我的紫色笔, 而你无法给羊填颜色?
Well, if you keep reading starting with 25-down, it says, 如果你继续由 25向下开始看, 它说,
Oh, by the way, the sheep can be left blank. 「哦,对了, 羊可以留空。」
(Laughter) (Applause) (笑声)(掌声)
But wait, wait, wait, there's one more thing, there's one more thing, there's one final piece of the puzzle. 但是,等等,等等,等等,还有一件事, 有一件事, 有一个最后的谜。
Gwen, I am so grateful for your choices because if we take a look at the first letters of your combinations , we get C-H-A-O-S for chaos and O-R-D-E-R for order. 格温,我很感激你的选择, 因为如果我们来看看 你的组合的第一个字母, 我们得到「C-H-A-O-S」的「混乱」 和「O-R-D-E-R」的秩序。
That's chaos and order. 这是混乱和秩序。
We've all made order out of chaos. 我们都在混乱中找到了秩序。
So ladies and gentlemen, the next time you find yourself with a puzzle, whether it's in your life or in your work, or maybe it's at the Sunday morning breakfast table with The New York Times, remember, you are all wired to solve. 因此,先生女士们,下一次 你发现自己有一个谜, 无论是在你的生活中还是在工作, 或者是在星期天早餐桌上 你的纽约时报, 记住,你们都是天生的要解决谜团。
Thank you. 谢谢。