

Right now you have a movie playing inside your head. 此时此刻 正有一部电影在你脑海中放映。
It's an amazing multi-track movie. 这是一部奇妙的多轨道电影。
It has 3D vision and surround sound for what you're seeing and hearing right now, but that's just the start of it. 这部围绕着你正看到和听到的电影 拥有三维视觉和环绕立体声, 但这仅仅是个开始。
vision:n.视力;美景;幻象;想象力;v.想象;显现;梦见; surround sound:n.[主英国英语][常用作定语]环绕立体声;
Your movie has smell and taste and touch. 你的电影有嗅觉、味觉和触觉。
It has a sense of your body, pain, hunger, orgasms . 它拥有你的身体所拥有的感觉, 痛苦,饥饿,高潮。
It has emotions , anger and happiness. 它拥有情绪, 愤怒和快乐。
It has memories, like scenes from your childhood playing before you. 它拥有记忆,就像你的童年 正在你的面前放映。
And it has this constant voiceover narrative in your stream of conscious thinking. 并且它在你的有意识的思维流中 拥有恒定的旁白。
voiceover:n.画外音,解说者的声音; narrative:n.叙述;故事;讲述;adj.叙事的,叙述的;叙事体的;
At the heart of this movie is you experiencing all this directly . 这部电影的核心 是你直接体验这一切。
This movie is your stream of consciousness , the subject of experience of the mind and the world. 这部电影是你的意识流, 它是一部关于 对思想和世界的体验为主题的影片。
stream of consciousness:n.意识流文学;
Consciousness is one of the fundamental facts of human existence. 意识是人类之所以存在 的基本事实之一。
fundamental:n.基础; adj.十分重大的;
Each of us is conscious. 我们每个人都是有意识的。
We all have our own inner movie, you and you and you. 我们都有自己的内心电影, 包括你、你、还有你。
There's nothing we know about more directly. 没有什么是我们能直接了解的。
At least, I know about my consciousness directly. 至少,我能直接了解我的意识。
I can't be certain that you guys are conscious. 我不确定你们是否也能意识到这点。
Consciousness also is what makes life worth living. 意识也是一种让生命值得活下去的东西。
If we weren't conscious, nothing in our lives would have meaning or value. 如果我们没有意识,那么我们生命中的任何事情 都失去了意义和价值。
But at the same time , it's the most mysterious phenomenon in the universe. 同时,意识也是 最宇宙中最神秘的现象。
at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时; mysterious:adj.神秘的;不可思议的;难解的; phenomenon:n.现象;杰出的人;非凡的人(或事物);
Why are we conscious? 为什么我们会有意识?
Why do we have these inner movies? 为什么我们会有这些内心电影?
Why aren't we just robots who process all this input , produce all that output , without experiencing the inner movie at all? 为什么我们不只是那种 处理输入 再输出结果 而不会体验任何内心电影的机器人?
process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的; input:n.投入; v.把(数据等)输入计算机; output:n.(人、机器、机构的)产量;输出;输出功率;输出量;v.输出;
Right now, nobody knows the answers to those questions. 目前为止,没有人知道这个问题 的答案。
I'm going to suggest that to integrate consciousness into science, some radical ideas may be needed. 我想说如果要将意识整合 到科学中去,一些激进的想法也许是需要的。
integrate:v.成为一体;(使)加入;adj.完全的; radical:n.自由基;激进分子;游离基;adj.根本的;彻底的;完全的;全新的;
Some people say a science of consciousness is impossible. 有人说意识科学 是不可能存在的。
Science, by its nature, is objective . 科学,从它的本质上来看,是客观的。
objective:n.目标; adj.客观的;
Consciousness, by its nature, is subjective . 意识,从它的本质上来看,是主观的。
So there can never be a science of consciousness. 所以,不可能会有意识科学。
For much of the 20th century, that view held sway . 在20世纪的大部分时间里,这种观点占据统治地位。
Psychologists studied behavior objectively , neuroscientists studied the brain objectively , and nobody even mentioned consciousness. 心理学家客观地研究行为举止, 神经科学家客观地研究大脑, 但是没有人哪怕是提到意识。
Psychologists:n.[心理]心理学家(psychologist的复数形式); objectively:adv.客观地; neuroscientists:n.神经系统科学家;
Even 30 years ago, when TED got started, there was very little scientific work on consciousness. 即使30年前,当TED刚开始时, 也很少见到关于意识方面 的科学研究。
Now, about 20 years ago, all that began to change. 大约在20年前, 所有这些都开始改变了。
Neuroscientists like Francis Crick and physicists like Roger Penrose said now is the time for science to attack consciousness. 像弗朗西斯·克里克这样的神经科学家 以及像罗杰·彭罗斯这样的物理学家 都说现在正是科学向意识方面进攻 的时候。
physicists:n.物理学家;机械唯物论者(physicist的复数); Roger:n.罗杰;[男名]男子名;int.明白;v.与某人性交;
And since then, there's been a real explosion , a flowering of scientific work on consciousness. 从那以来, 关于意识方面的科学研究 遍地开花。
And this work has been wonderful. It's been great. 这项研究很奇妙,很了不起。
But it also has some fundamental limitations so far. 但是迄今为止它也还有一些 根本的局限性。
The centerpiece of the science of consciousness in recent years has been the search for correlations , correlations between certain areas of the brain and certain states of consciousness. 近几年 意识科学研究的核心 是寻找相关性, 关于大脑的特定区域 和特定的意识状态之间的相关性。
centerpiece:n.中心装饰品;放在餐桌中央的摆饰; correlations:n.统计,[数]相关(correlation复数形式);相互关系;
We saw some of this kind of work from Nancy Kanwisher and the wonderful work she presented just a few minutes ago. 我们看了南希·坎维舍 做的一些这方面的研究以及几分钟之前 她刚刚提交的精彩工作。
Now we understand much better, for example, the kinds of brain areas that go along with the conscious experience of seeing faces or of feeling pain or of feeling happy. 现在我们有了更好的理解,例如, 不同的大脑区域对应着不同 的意识体验:人脸识别 或者感受痛苦 或者感受快乐。
go along with:赞同;陪…一起去;
But this is still a science of correlations. 但这仍然是关于相关性的科学。
It's not a science of explanations. 这不是意识科学。
We know that these brain areas go along with certain kinds of conscious experience, but we don't know why they do. 我们知道这些大脑区域 对应着特定的意识体验, 但是我们不知道为什么会这样。
I like to put this by saying that this kind of work from neuroscience is answering some of the questions we want answered about consciousness, the questions about what certain brain areas do and what they correlate with. 我想说的是, 神经科学方面的这种研究 正回答着那些 我们想要回答的关于意识、 关于某些特定大脑区域做些什么 以及对应哪种(意识体验)的问题。
neuroscience:n.神经系统科学(指神经病学,神经化学等); correlate:vi.关联;vt.使有相互关系;互相有关系;n.相关物;相关联的人;adj.关联的;
But in a certain sense, those are the easy problems. 但是从某种意义上来说,这些都是简单的问题。
No knock on the neuroscientists. 都不是神经科学家想要研究的。
There are no truly easy problems with consciousness. 没有真正的关于意识的简单问题。
But it doesn't address the real mystery at the core of this subject: why is it that all that physical processing in a brain should be accompanied by consciousness at all? 它没能解开关于这个课题的核心 的真正谜团: 为什么大脑中所有的物理过程 必须伴随着意识?
core:n.核心;要点;果心;[计]磁心;vt.挖...的核; physical:adj.[物]物理的;身体的;物质的;符合自然法则的;n.体格检查; processing:v.加工;处理;审核;数据处理;v.列队行进;缓缓前进;(process的现在分词) accompanied:v.陪同;陪伴;与…同时发生;为…伴奏;(accompany的过去式和过去分词)
Why is there this inner subjective movie? 为什么会有这种内心的主观电影的存在?
Right now, we don't really have a bead on that. 目前为止,我们对此还没有一点头绪。
bead:n.有孔小珠; v.把…连成一串;
And you might say, let's just give neuroscience a few years. 也许你会说, 让我们再给神经科学几年时间。
It'll turn out to be another emergent phenomenon like traffic jams, like hurricanes , like life, and we'll figure it out. 它会被证明是另一种涌现现象, 就像塞车、就像飓风、 就像生命一样,并且我们会弄明白它。
emergent:adj.紧急的;浮现的;意外的;自然发生的; hurricanes:n.[气象]飓风(hurricane的复数);
The classical cases of emergence are all cases of emergent behavior, how a traffic jam behaves , how a hurricane functions, how a living organism reproduces and adapts and metabolizes , all questions about objective functioning. 所有涌现现象的经典案例 都是应急行为的表现, 塞车是如何行成的, 飓风是如何作用的, 生物体是如何繁殖、 适应环境和新陈代谢的, 所有这些问题都是关于客观机能的。
classical:adj.古典的;经典的;传统的;第一流的;n.古典音乐; emergence:n.出现,浮现;发生;露头; traffic jam:n.堵车;交通阻塞; behaves:v.表现;表现得体;有礼貌;(behave的第三人称单数) organism:n.生物;有机体;有机组织;(尤指)微生物; reproduces:vt.复制;再生;生殖;使…在脑海中重现;vi.复制;繁殖; adapts:abbr.模拟-数字-模拟处理与测试系统(Analogue-Digital-AnalogueProcessandTestSystem); metabolizes:vt.使新陈代谢;使变形;vi.新陈代谢;
You could apply that to the human brain in explaining some of the behaviors and the functions of the human brain as emergent phenomena : how we walk, how we talk, how we play chess, all these questions about behavior. 你可以把它应用到人类的大脑上 去解释为什么人类大脑的某些行为 和功能 跟涌现现象很像: 我们如何走路,如何谈话,如何下象棋, 所有这些问题都是关于行为的。
apply:v.申请;涂,敷;应用;适用;请求; phenomena:n.现象(phenomenon的复数);
But when it comes to consciousness, questions about behavior are among the easy problems. 但是当谈到意识时, 关于行为的问题 只是一个简单的问题。
When it comes to the hard problem, that's the question of why is it that all this behavior is accompanied by subjective experience? 当涉及到困难问题时, 问题就变成了为什么 所有的这些行为 都伴随着主观体验。
And here, the standard paradigm of emergence, even the standard paradigms of neuroscience, don't really, so far, have that much to say. 对此,涌现现象 的标准范例, 甚至神经科学的标准范例, 到目前为止都没有太多可以说的。
standard:n.标准;水准;旗;度量衡标准;adj.标准的;合规格的;公认为优秀的; paradigms:n.范例,模范(paradigm的复数形式);
Now, I'm a scientific materialist at heart. 现在,我本质上是一个科学唯物主义者。
I want a scientific theory of consciousness that works, and for a long time, I banged my head against the wall looking for a theory of consciousness in purely physical terms that would work. 我希望某种关于意识的科学理论 能够奏效, 在过去很长一段时间里, 我埋头苦干, 努力寻找一种有效的 单从物理的角度去解释的 关于意识的理论。
banged:v.猛敲;砰的关上;猛摔;砰地一扔;(bang的过去分词和过去式) purely:adv.完全;仅仅;
But I eventually came to the conclusion that that just didn't work for systematic reasons. 但我最终得出一个结论, 那就是它不起作用只是因为系统性的原因。
eventually:adv.最后,终于; conclusion:n.结论;结局;推论; systematic:adj.系统的;体系的;有系统的;[图情]分类的;一贯的,惯常的;
It's a long story, but the core idea is just that what you get from purely reductionist explanations in physical terms, in brain-based terms, is stories about the functioning of a system, its structure , its dynamics , the behavior it produces, great for solving the easy problems — how we behave, how we function — but when it comes to subjective experience — 说来话长, 但是这个故事的核心就是 你从在物理方面,在基于大脑方面的 纯粹的还原论者的解释中得到的东西, 是关于一个系统的功能、 它的结构、它的动力、 以及它所产生的行为的, 它可以很好地解决简单问题—— 比如说我们如何表现,我们如何活动—— 但是当它涉及到主观体验时——
reductionist:adj.简化(法)的;分解成简单部分的;n.还原论者;简化论; structure:n.结构;构造;建筑物;vt.组织;构成;建造; dynamics:n.动力学,力学;
why does all this feel like something from the inside? — that's something fundamentally new, and it's always a further question. 比如说为什么所有这些都感觉像是来自内心的某些东西?—— 这是一些全新的东西, 并且它总会成为一个更深层次的问题。
So I think we're at a kind of impasse here. 因此我想我们进入了僵局。
We've got this wonderful, great chain of explanation, we're used to it, where physics explains chemistry, chemistry explains biology , biology explains parts of psychology . 我们已经有了一套美妙的、伟大的解释链, 我们已经习惯了它,那就是用用物理解释化学, 用化学解释生物, 用生物解释部分心理学。
biology:n.(一个地区全部的)生物;生物学; psychology:n.心理学;心理状态;
But consciousness doesn't seem to fit into this picture. 但是意识 似乎并不符合这种情形。
On the one hand , it's a datum that we're conscious. 一方面,它是一个已知数 即我们是有意识的。
On the one hand:一方面; datum:n.数据,资料; n.[测]基点,基线,基面; n.[数]已知数; n.(pl.)data;
On the other hand , we don't know how to accommodate it into our scientific view of the world. 另一方面,我们却并不知道 如何使它与我们的科学的世界观相适应。
On the other hand:另一方面; accommodate:vt.容纳;使适应;供应;调解;vi.适应;调解;
So I think consciousness right now is a kind of anomaly , one that we need to integrate into our view of the world, but we don't yet see how. 所以我认为就目前而言意识 是一种反常事物, 是一种需要我们将它整合到 我们的世界观中,而我们却还不知道如何整合的事物。
Faced with an anomaly like this, radical ideas may be needed, and I think that we may need one or two ideas that initially seem crazy before we can come to grips with consciousness scientifically . 面对这样的反常事物, 我们可能需要一些激进的想法, 并且我认为我们可能需要一两个 在我们可以科学地 面对意识之前 看起来很疯狂的想法。
initially:adv.最初,首先;开头; come to grips with:去面对,着手处理; scientifically:adv.系统地;合乎科学地;学问上;
Now, there are a few candidates for what those crazy ideas might be. 现在,对于这些疯狂的想法可能是什么 已经有了一些候选项。
My friend Dan Dennett, who's here today, has one. 我的朋友丹·丹尼特就有一个这样的想法,他今天也在这里。
His crazy idea is that there is no hard problem of consciousness. 他的疯狂想法是关于意识 的困难问题并不存在。
The whole idea of the inner subjective movie involves a kind of illusion or confusion . 整个内心主观电影的想法 涉及一种幻觉或困惑。
involves:v.包含;需要;牵涉;牵连;影响;(使)参加,加入(involve的第三人称单数) illusion:n.幻觉,错觉;错误的观念或信仰; confusion:n.困惑;混淆;混同;困窘;
Actually, all we've got to do is explain the objective functions, the behaviors of the brain, and then we've explained everything that needs to be explained. 事实上,我们现在要做的就是解释 客观功能和大脑行为, 然后自然地我们就解释了 所有需要被解释的。
Well I say, more power to him. 我想说,给他更多的能量。
That's the kind of radical idea that we need to explore if you want to have a purely reductionist brain-based theory of consciousness. 这就是那种我们需要去探索的 激进想法, 如果你想获得关于意识的 纯还原论者的基于大脑的理论的话。
At the same time, for me and for many other people, that view is a bit too close to simply denying the datum of consciousness to be satisfactory . 同时,对于我和其他很多人来说, 这个观点有一点太接近于简单地 否认关于意识的已知资料 而不能令人满意。
denying:v.否认;否定;拒绝承认;拒绝给予;(deny的现在分词) satisfactory:adj.满意的;符合要求的;赎罪的;
So I go in a different direction. 因此我选择了另一个不同的方向。
In the time remaining, 在余下的时间里,
I want to explore two crazy ideas that I think may have some promise. 我想探讨两个我认为可能有希望的 疯狂想法。
The first crazy idea is that consciousness is fundamental. 第一种疯狂想法是 意识是一种基本概念。
Physicists sometimes take some aspects of the universe as fundamental building blocks : space and time and mass . 物理学家有时候会把宇宙中的某些方面 作为基本概念,如: 空间、时间和质量。
aspects:n.方面;相位;面貌(aspect的复数); building blocks:(儿童玩的)积木;建筑砌块;堆积木;建筑砖块;基石; mass:n.块,团; adj.群众的,民众的; v.聚集起来,聚集;
They postulate fundamental laws governing them, like the laws of gravity or of quantum mechanics . 他们设定了一些基本定律去管理它们, 例如重力定律和量子力学定律。
postulate:vt.假定;要求;视…为理所当然;n.基本条件;假定; quantum mechanics:n.量子力学;
These fundamental properties and laws aren't explained in terms of anything more basic. 这些基本性质和定律 不能解释一些更基础的东西。
Rather, they're taken as primitive , and you build up the world from there. 这相当于以它们为根本, 然后你在它们的基础上建立这个世界。
Now sometimes, the list of fundamentals expands . 现在,这张基本定律名单会不时扩大。
fundamentals:n.基本面;基本原理(fundamental的复数); expands:v.展开; (expand的第三人称单数)
In the 19th century, Maxwell figured out that you can't explain electromagnetic phenomena in terms of the existing fundamentals — space, time, mass, Newton's laws — so he postulated fundamental laws of electromagnetism and postulated electric charge as a fundamental element that those laws govern. 在19世纪,麦克斯韦断定 你无法用当时存在的基本概念—— 空间、时间、质量、牛顿定律—— 去解释电磁现象, 因此他设定了电磁学的 基本定律, 并且设定了电荷 作为这些定律的 基本元素。
Maxwell:n.麦克斯韦(磁通量单位); electromagnetic:adj.电磁的; postulated:v.假定;假设;(postulate的过去分词和过去式) electromagnetism:n.电磁;电磁学; electric:n.供电;adj.电的;用电的;电动的;发电的; element:n.元素;要素;原理;成分;自然环境;
I think that's the situation we're in with consciousness. 我认为这与我们在研究意识上的 情形是一样的。
If you can't explain consciousness in terms of the existing fundamentals — space, time, mass, charge — then as a matter of logic , you need to expand the list. 如果我们不能用现存的基本概念—— 时间、空间、质量、电荷—— 去解释意识, 那么从逻辑上而言,你需要去扩充这张名单。
The natural thing to do is to postulate consciousness itself as something fundamental, a fundamental building block of nature. 接下来将意识本身设定为 某种根本性的东西, 作为自然界的基本概念就是一件自然而然的事。
This doesn't mean you suddenly can't do science with it. 这并不意味着突然间你不能用它来研究科学了。
This opens up the way for you to do science with it. 这反而是为你开僻了一条用它来研究科学的道路。
What we then need is to study the fundamental laws governing consciousness, the laws that connect consciousness to other fundamentals: space, time, mass, physical processes . 然后我们需要做的就是研究 那些掌控着意识的基本定律, 那些将意识与其它基本概念—— 空间、时间、质量、物理过程—— 联系在一起的定律。
processes:n.过程; v.处理(process的第三人称单数形式);
Physicists sometimes say that we want fundamental laws so simple that we could write them on the front of a t-shirt. 物理学家有时候说 我们希望那些基本定律可以简单到 能够把它们写在T恤上。
Well I think something like that is the situation we're in with consciousness. 我想我们在对意识的研究上 也应该这样。
We want to find fundamental laws so simple we could write them on the front of a t-shirt. 我希望我们发现的关于意识的基本定律也可以简单到 能够把它们写在T恤上。
We don't know what those laws are yet, but that's what we're after. 我们现在还不知道这些定律是什么, 但这是我们正在寻找的。
The second crazy idea is that consciousness might be universal . 第二个疯狂的想法 是意识也许是普通存在的。
Every system might have some degree of consciousness. 也许每个系统都有某种程度的 意识。
This view is sometimes called panpsychism: pan for all, psych for mind, every system is conscious, not just humans, dogs, mice, flies, but even Rob Knight's microbes , elementary particles . 这种观点有时被称作泛心论: 万物皆有精神或心理活动, 每个系统都具有意识, 不仅是人类、狗、老鼠、苍蝇, 甚至连罗伯·奈特的微生物、 基本粒子都具有意识。
microbes:n.细菌,[微]微生物;微生物类(microbe的复数形式); elementary:adj.基本的;初级的;[化学]元素的; particles:n.微粒,粒子;粒子系统;碎木料(particle的复数形式);
Even a photon has some degree of consciousness. 甚至连一个光子都有某种程度的意识。
The idea is not that photons are intelligent or thinking. 这个观点不是说光子是智能的 或者能思考的。
photons:n.[物]光子;[量子]光量子(photon的复数); intelligent:adj.有才智的;悟性强的;聪明的;有智力的
It's not that a photon is wracked with angst because it's thinking, Aww, I'm always buzzing around near the speed of light. 不是说一个光子 会由于焦虑而被破坏, 而这种焦虑是因为它想着“哦,我总是以接近光速的速度
wracked:n.失事船只;破坏;[植]漂积海草;vt.严重伤害;遇难;vi.彻底破坏; angst:n.焦虑;担心; buzzing:v.发出嗡嗡声;发出蜂鸣声;充满兴奋(或活动等);(buzz的现在分词)
I never get to slow down and smell the roses. 紧张地跑来跑去,从来没有放慢速度来闻一闻玫瑰花香“。
No, not like that. 不,事情不是这样子的。
But the thought is maybe photons might have some element of raw, subjective feeling, some primitive precursor to consciousness. 这种观点想要表达的是也许光子可能会有 一些原始的、主观的体验, 一些原始的意识的前兆。
This may sound a bit kooky to you. 对你来说,这听起来可能有点怪。
I mean, why would anyone think such a crazy thing? 我的意思是,为什么不可以有人思考这样疯狂的事呢?
Some motivation comes from the first crazy idea, that consciousness is fundamental. 有一些动机来自第一个疯狂想法, 即意识是基本概念。
If it's fundamental, like space and time and mass, it's natural to suppose that it might be universal too, the way they are. 如果它是基本概念,就像空间、时间和质量一样, 那么很自然地可以假定它也可能具有普遍性, 就像其它的基本概念一样。
It's also worth noting that although the idea seems counterintuitive to us, it's much less counterintuitive to people from different cultures, where the human mind is seen as much more continuous with nature. 还有一点值得注意的是虽然这个想法 对我们来说是违反直觉的, 但对来自其他文化的人来说 可能就不是那么违反直觉了, 那些(其他文化的)人的心灵 跟自然联系在一起的时间更长。
counterintuitive:adj.违反直觉的; continuous:adj.连续的,持续的;继续的;连绵不断的;
A deeper motivation comes from the idea that perhaps the most simple and powerful way to find fundamental laws connecting consciousness to physical processing is to link consciousness to information. 从这个想法中得到的一个更深的动机是 也许找出将意识与物理过程 联系在一起的 最简单和最有力的方式 就是将意识与信息相结合。
Wherever there's information processing, there's consciousness. 有信息处理的地方 就有意识。
Complex information processing, like in a human, complex consciousness. 复杂的信息处理,比如说人类的信息处理, 伴随着复杂的意识。
Simple information processing, simple consciousness. 简单的信息处理, 伴随着简单的意识。
A really exciting thing is in recent years a neuroscientist, Giulio Tononi, has taken this kind of theory and developed it rigorously with a mathematical theory. 一件令人很兴奋的事是最近几年 有一个神经科学家,朱利奥·托诺尼 采用了这种理论 并且严格按照数学理论 的方式发展了它。
rigorously:adv.严厉地;残酷地; mathematical:adj.数学的,数学上的;精确的;
He has a mathematical measure of information integration which he calls phi, measuring the amount of information integrated in a system. 他有一个关于信息整合 的数学测量, 他称之为phi, 他用它来测量 一个系统中的信息整合的量。
integration:n.集成;综合; integrated:adj.综合的; v.整合; (integrate的过去式和过去分词)
And he supposes that phi goes along with consciousness. 他推断phi 是与意识相关的。
So in a human brain, incredibly large amount of information integration, high degree of phi, a whole lot of consciousness. 所以在人类的大脑中, 有着令人难以置信的信息整合量, 高度的phi值, 一大堆的意识。
In a mouse, medium degree of information integration, still pretty significant , pretty serious amount of consciousness. 在老鼠的大脑中,有中度的信息整合量, 但仍然数目庞大, 仍然具有大量的意识。
medium:n.(传播信息的)媒介;手段;工具;方法;adj.中等的;中号的; significant:adj.重大的;有效的;有意义的;值得注意的;意味深长的;n.象征;有意义的事物;
But as you go down to worms , microbes, particles, the amount of phi falls off. 但是当你将研究目标降至蠕虫、 微生物、粒子, phi的值就会跌落。
The amount of information integration falls off, but it's still non-zero . 信息整合量会跌落, 但不会为零。
On Tononi's theory, there's still going to be a non-zero degree of consciousness. 在托诺尼的理论中, 意识程度 也不会降为零。
In effect, he's proposing a fundamental law of consciousness: high phi, high consciousness. 事实上,他正在提出这样一个关于意识的 基本定律:phi值越高,意识度也越高。
Now, I don't know if this theory is right, but it's actually perhaps the leading theory right now in the science of consciousness, and it's been used to integrate a whole range of scientific data, 现在,我不知道这个理论是否正确, 但是实际上或许它正处于 意识科学的理论前沿, 并且它已经被用于整合 各方面的科学数据,
and it does have a nice property that it is in fact simple enough you can write it on the front of a t-shirt. 它还有一个很好的属性就是它足够简单, 简单到你可以将它写在T恤上。
Another final motivation is that panpsychism might help us to integrate consciousness into the physical world. 另外一个最终动机就是 泛心论可以帮助我们 将意识和物理世界相结合。
Physicists and philosophers have often observed that physics is curiously abstract . 物理学家和哲学家经常注意到 物理学是深奥抽象的。
philosophers:n.哲学家(philosopher的复数); observed:adj.观察的;观测的;v.观察;遵守;注意到(observe的过去分词形式); curiously:adv.好奇地;奇妙地; abstract:n.摘要; adj.抽象的; vt.摘要; vi.做摘要;
It describes the structure of reality using a bunch of equations , but it doesn't tell us about the reality that underlies it. 它用一连串的方程式 去描述现实结构, 但是它又不告诉我们 构成它的现实基础。
describes:v.描述;形容;把…称为;画出…图形;(describe的第三人称单数) a bunch of:一群;一束;一堆; equations:n.方程式;等式;均等;均势(equation的复数形式); underlies:vt.成为…的基础;位于…之下;
As Stephen Hawking puts it, what puts the fire into the equations? 正如史蒂芬·霍金所说, 是什么将火放进方程式的?
Well, on the panpsychist view, you can leave the equations of physics as they are, but you can take them to be describing the flux of consciousness. 而在泛心论者看来, 物理方程可以是它现在的样子, 但是你也可以用它来描述 意识的量。
describing:v.描述;形容;把…称为;做…运动;(describe的现在分词) flux:n.[流][机]流量;变迁;不稳定;流出;vt.使熔融;用焊剂处理;vi.熔化;流出;
That's what physics really is ultimately doing, describing the flux of consciousness. 这是物理学最终要做的, 描述意识的量。
On this view, it's consciousness that puts the fire into the equations. 用这种观点看来,是意识 将火放到了方程中。
On that view, consciousness doesn't dangle outside the physical world as some kind of extra . 在那种观点看来,意识 不是晃荡在物质世界之外 的特别的东西。
dangle:v.摇晃地悬挂着; extra:adj.额外的:n.额外的事物:adv.额外:另外:
It's there right at its heart. 它存在于物质世界的核心。
This view, I think, the panpsychist view, has the potential to transfigure our relationship to nature, and it may have some pretty serious social and ethical consequences . 我认为,这种泛心论者的观点, 有那种使我们对我们与自然的关系产生改观 的潜能, 并且它可能产生一些相当严重的 社会和伦理方面的后果。
potential:n.潜能;可能性;[电]电势;adj.潜在的;可能的;势的; transfigure:vt.使变形;使改观;美化;理想化; ethical:adj.伦理的;道德的;凭处方出售的;n.处方药; consequences:n.后果,结果;影响(consequence的复数);
Some of these may be counterintuitive. 它们当中的一些可能是违反直觉的。
I used to think I shouldn't eat anything which is conscious, so therefore I should be vegetarian . 我曾经想我不可以 吃任何有意识的东西, 因此我要做一个素食主义者。
Now, if you're a panpsychist and you take that view, you're going to go very hungry. 但是现,如果你是一个泛心论者并且采用这种观点, 你只能挨饿。
So I think when you think about it, this tends to transfigure your views, whereas what matters for ethical purposes and moral considerations , not so much the fact of consciousness, but the degree and the complexity of consciousness. 因此我想当你思考它的时候, 这将会使你有改变观点的倾向, 然而对于伦理目标 和道德考量来说 最重要的不是关于意识的事实, 而是意识的程度和复杂性。
whereas:conj.然而;鉴于;反之; moral:n.寓意;品行;教益;adj.道德的;道义上的;道德上的;品行端正的; considerations:n.考虑;注意事项(consideration的复数形式);体贴; complexity:n.复杂性;难以理解的局势
It's also natural to ask about consciousness in other systems, like computers. 探讨其它系统,比如说电脑中的意识 也是一件很自然的事情。
What about the artificially intelligent system in the movie Her, Samantha? 比如说电影《她》中的 人工智能系统萨曼莎是什么情况?
Is she conscious? 她有意识吗?
Well, if you take the informational , panpsychist view, she certainly has complicated information processing and integration, so the answer is very likely yes, she is conscious. 如果你用这种信息性的, 泛心论者的角度来看, 她的确能进行复杂的信息处理 和整合, 所以答案很有可能是“是”,她是有意识的。
informational:adj.情报的;报告的;新闻的; complicated:adj.复杂的;难懂的;v.使复杂化;(complicate的过去分词和过去式)
If that's right, it raises pretty serious ethical issues about both the ethics of developing intelligent computer systems and the ethics of turning them off. 如果这个答案正确的话, 那么不管是开发智能计算机系统 或者关闭他们 都会引起严重的伦理问题。
issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数) ethics:n.伦理学;伦理观;道德标准;
Finally , you might ask about the consciousness of whole groups, the planet. 最后,你可能会询问 集体意识、 行星的意识。
Does Canada have its own consciousness? 加拿大有它自己的意识吗?
Or at a more local level, does an integrated group like the audience at a TED conference , are we right now having a collective TED consciousness, an inner movie for this collective TED group which is distinct from the inner movies of each of our parts? 或者在一个更地方的层面来说, 一个由一场TED大会的听众 所组成的集体 拥有集体的TED意识吗, 这个TED集体 的内在电影 是与我们每个人自己 的内在电影不同吗?
conference:n.会议;研讨会;商讨会;体育协会(或联合会) collective:adj.集体的;共同的;集合的;集体主义的;n.集团;集合体;集合名词; distinct:adj.明显的;独特的;清楚的;有区别的;
I don't know the answer to that question, but I think it's at least one worth taking seriously. 我不知道这个问题的答案, 但我觉得至少它 值得重视。
Okay, so this panpsychist vision, it is a radical one, and I don't know that it's correct. 好了,这就是泛心论者的观点, 它是一个激进的想法, 而我不知道它是否正确。
I'm actually more confident about the first crazy idea, that consciousness is fundamental, than about the second one, that it's universal. 事实上我对第一个疯狂想法 即意识是一种基本概念, 要比对第二个疯狂想法 即意识是普遍存在的 要更有把握。
I mean, the view raises any number of questions, has any number of challenges, like how do those little bits of consciousness add up to the kind of complex consciousness we know and love. 我的意思是,这个观点引起了很多问题, 拥有很多挑战, 比如说那些小的意识 是如何添加到 我们了解和喜爱 的复杂意识中去的。
If we can answer those questions, then I think we're going to be well on our way to a serious theory of consciousness. 如果我们能够回答这些问题, 那么我想我们就会在通往 关于意识的严肃理论的道路上顺利走下去。
If not, well, this is the hardest problem perhaps in science and philosophy . 如果不能,那么这可能成为 科学上和哲学上最难解的问题。
We can't expect to solve it overnight . 我们不能期盼一个晚上就能解决这个问题。
overnight:adj.夜间的; v.在夜间; n.(美)前一天的晚上;
But I do think we're going to figure it out eventually. 但是我相信我们终将弄明白它。
Understanding consciousness is a real key, I think, both to understanding the universe and to understanding ourselves. 我想,理解意识是 我们理解宇宙 和理解我们自己的一个关键。
It may just take the right crazy idea. 而做到这一点也许只需要我们采用正确的疯狂想法。
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)