

The word concussion evokes a fear these days more so than it ever has, and I know this personally . 现在听到脑震荡这词比起以往更加恐惧, 这是我个人感受。
concussion:n.冲击;震荡;脑震荡; evokes:vt.引起,唤起;博得; personally:adv.个人;亲自;本人;就本人而言;
I played 10 years of football, was struck in the head thousands of times. 我打美式足球已经有十年了, 头部被击中数千次。
And I have to tell you, though, what was much worse than that was a pair of bike accidents I had where I suffered concussions , and I'm still dealing with the effects of the most recent one today as I stand in front of you. 不过我想告诉你,比起这事还有更糟的 就是被两架单车撞致脑震荡, 这件事近期仍然影响我日常生活 幸好今日我可如常站在你们面前。
There is a fear around concussion that does have some evidence behind it. 对于脑震荡仍然围绕着恐惧 因为背后确实有些证据。
There is information that a repeated history of concussion can lead to early dementia , such as Alzheimer's, and chronic traumatic encephalopathy . 还有一些资讯重复显示脑震荡的历史 可能会导致早期老年痴呆症,例如:阿尔茨海默氏症, 以及慢性创伤性脑病。
dementia:n.[内科]痴呆; chronic:adj.慢性的;长期的;习惯性的; traumatic:adj.外伤的;创伤的;n.外伤药; encephalopathy:n.[内科]脑病;
That was the subject of the Will Smith movie "Concussion." 由威尔?史密斯主演的《震荡效应》是一部2015年美式足球传记剧情片,就是今日的主题。
And so everybody is caught up in football and what they see in the military , but you may not know that bike riding is the leading cause of concussion for kids, sports-related concussion, that is. 电影中讲述每个人都要了解美式足球就好像在军中所看到平凡事一样, 可能你未必知道 对于儿童来说踏单车是引致脑震荡的主要原因, 那么,运动与脑震荡是有关连。
And so another thing that I should tell you that you may not know is that the helmets that are worn in bicycling and football and many activities, they're not designed or tested for how well they can protect your children against concussion. 还有另一件事我应该告诉你 可能你未必知道 踏单车也好,踢美式足球也好都必须配戴头盔 还有其他户外运动亦需要配戴, 由于现时的运动头盔并没有仔细设计或进行测试 故此难易保护儿童防止脑震荡发生。
They're in fact designed and tested for their ability to protect against skull fracture . 实际上在设计及测试方面 应要有预防及保护头骨骨折能力。
protect against:使免受; skull:n.头盖骨,脑壳; fracture:n.(指事实)骨折;(指状态)断裂;破裂;v.(使)断裂;破裂;(使)分裂;
And so I get this question all the time from parents, and they ask me, "Would you let your own child play football?" 所以每时每刻我都从家长那儿得到这个问题, 他们问我, 你会让你的孩子踢美式足球吗?
Or, "Should I let my child play soccer?" 又或者会问, 我应该让我的孩子踢美式足球吗?
And I think that as a field, we're a long way from giving an answer with any kind of confidence there. 作为一个前美式足球员, 当中要找到答案的确还有很长的路要走。
So I look at that question from a bit of a different lens , and I want to know, how can we prevent concussion? 稍为从不同的角度去看这条问题, 我们应如何预防脑震荡?
Is that even possible? 真的有可能吗?
And most experts think that it's not, but the work that we're doing in my lab is starting to reveal more of the details around concussion so that we can have a better understanding. 大多数专家认为这是不可能的, 不过在这项研究已经在我的实验室进行中 我会开始披露更多与脑震荡有关的细节 让我们有更好的理解。
The reason we're able to prevent skull fracture with helmets is because it's pretty simple. We know how it works. 我们之所以配戴头盔主要用来预防头骨破裂 就是这么简单。我们明明知道头盔的作用。
Concussion has been much more of a mystery. 可惜脑震荡仍然充满着谜团。
So to give you a sense of what might be happening in a concussion, 你会觉得脑震荡没可能发生的,
I want to show you the video here that you see when you type into Google , "What is a concussion?" 我想在这里放影少少片段 你亦可以键入到谷歌, 键入"什么是脑震荡?"
The CDC website comes up, and this video essentially tells the whole story. 也可在疾病预防控制中心的网站上找到, 整个足本的影片。
What you see is the head moves forward, the brain lags behind, then the brain catches up and smashes into the skull. 现在留意这个头部向前移动, 大脑先向后撞到, 然后大脑再向后倾 并撞向头骨。
lags:n.延迟支付进口货款; v.落后于(lag的第三人称单数形式); smashes:n.思迈斯类(朱力普中一种较淡的饮料);
It rebounds off the skull and then proceeds to run into the other side of the skull. 再回弹到头骨 然后继续进行到了另一边的头骨。
rebounds:n.篮板球; v.弹回; proceeds:v.继续做;行进;前往;(proceed的第三人称单数)
And what you'll notice is highlighted in this video from the CDC, which I'll note was funded by the NFL, is that the outer surface of the brain, where it was to have smashed into the skull, looks like it's been damaged or injured , so it's on the outer surface of the brain. 由疾控中心提供这影片当中显然你都注意到, 这是国家美式足球联盟赞助, 那是大脑表面的四周, 头骨明显被撞击, 看起来大脑表面周边,像已损毁或受创。
highlighted:adj.突出的;v.使显著;照亮(highlight的过去分词); funded:adj.提供资金的;v.提供资金;积存;提供资金偿付的本息;(fund的过去式); outer:adj.外面的,外部的;远离中心的;n.环外命中; smashed:adj.大醉;v.打碎;(使)猛烈撞击;(用力)撞开;(smash的过去分词和过去式) injured:adj.受伤的:委屈的: v.伤害,使受伤: n.伤员;
And what I'd like to do with this video is to tell you that there are some aspects that are probably right, indicative of what the scientists think happens with concussion, but there's probably more that's wrong with this video. 我估计做这段影片 目的想告诉你某些观点可能是对的, 表明了有科学家认为曾经产生过脑震荡, 不过这段影片中有很多地方弄错了。
aspects:n.方面;相位;面貌(aspect的复数); indicative:adj.象征的;指示的;表示…的;n.陈述语气;陈述语气的动词形式;
So one thing that I do agree with, and I think most experts would, is that the brain does have these dynamics . 有一件事我与大多数专家都认同的, 就是大脑曾有动力学的变化。
It does lag behind the skull and then catch up and move back and forth and oscillate . 确实头骨先向后 再向前继而前后摆动。
back and forth:前后移动的,来回的,反复的; oscillate:vt.使振荡;使振动;使动摇;vi.振荡;摆动;犹豫;
That we think is true. 我认为这是事实。
However, the amount of motion you see in the brain in this video is probably not right at all. 然而,从影片中可以看到大脑摆动次数 但这点可能没根据。
There's very little room in the cranial vault , only a few millimeters , and it's filled entirely with cerebral spinal fluid , which acts as a protective layer . 在大脑与头顶骨之间有一个很细的空间, 只有几毫米, 而且完全充满脑脊髓液, 这角色就是要充当一个保护层。
cranial:adj.头盖的; vault:n.金库,保险库;地下墓室;墓穴;拱顶;v.跳跃,腾跃; millimeters:n.毫米;(millimeter的复数) cerebral:adj.大脑的,脑的; spinal:adj.脊髓的;脊柱的;针的;脊骨的;尖刺的;n.脊椎麻醉; fluid:adj.流动的;流畅的;不固定的;n.流体;液体; protective:adj.防护的;关切保护的;保护贸易的; layer:n.层,层次; vt.把…分层堆放; vi.形成或分成层次;
And so the brain as a whole probably moves very little inside the skull. 因为整个大脑在头骨内变化得很少。
as a whole:总的来说;
The other problem with this video is that the brain is shown as a kind of rigid whole as it moves around, and that's not true either. 这影片内另一个问题 是大脑的显示 作为一种坚硬的整体怎可以四处移动, 而事实并非如此。
Your brain is one of the softest substances in your body, and you can think of it kind of like jello . 你的大脑是你的身体上最柔软的物质之一, 你能想到的它有点像果冻。
substances:n.[物]物质;基本内容;物品药物(substance的复数); jello:n.凝胶物;
So as your head is moving back and forth, your brain is twisting and turning and contorting , and the tissue is getting stretched . 所以当你的头部来来回回移动着, 你的大脑就会弯弯曲曲的旋转和被扭曲, 及组织会被拉长。
twisting:v.使弯曲;转动(身体部位);(twist的现在分词) contorting:vt.扭曲;曲解;vi.扭曲; tissue:n.纸巾,手巾纸;(人、动植物细胞的)组织; stretched:v.拉长;撑大;有弹性(或弹力);拉紧;(stretch的过去式和过去分词)
And so most experts, I think, would agree that concussion is not likely to be something that's happening on this outer surface of the brain, but rather it's something that's much deeper towards the center of the brain. 所以大多数专家,我想,都会同意 脑震荡不太可能像这样子发生的 在大脑表面周边, 对比起其他东西这是更深层 接近大脑中心点。
Now, the way that we're approaching this problem to try to understand the mechanisms of concussion and to figure out if we can prevent it is we are using a device like this. 现在,用我们的方式去解说这个问题 尝试去理解脑震荡的机制 假设我们可以预防便更要弄清楚 我们使用类似的设备。
approaching:v.靠近,接近;接洽;建议;要求;(approach的现在分词) mechanisms:n.机制;[机]机构(mechanism的复数);机械;[机]机构学; device:n.装置;策略;图案;
It's a mouthguard. 这是一个牙套。
It has sensors in it that are essentially the same that are in your cell phone: accelerometers , gyroscopes , and when someone is struck in the head, it can tell you how their head moved at a thousand samples per second. 牙套上有一个感应器本质是相同的 这是在你的手机上: 加速度计,陀螺仪, 当有人头部被击中, 这两部仪器可以告诉你他们的头部是怎样移动 举例说每秒一千样。
sensors:n.[自]传感器,感应器;感测器(sensor的复数); accelerometers:n.[航][物]加速计(accelerometer的复数);加速器;感应器; gyroscopes:n.陀螺仪(gyroscope的复数);
The principle behind the mouthguard is this: it fits onto your teeth. 背后的原理该牙套是这样的: 将牙套套在你的牙齿上。
Your teeth are one of the hardest substances in your body. 你的牙齿是身体上最坚硬的物质之一。
So it rigidly couples to your skull and gives you the most precise possible measurement of how the skull moves. 也是坚固地连接到你的头骨 并为你提供最精确合适的测量 头骨是如何移动的。
rigidly:adv.严格地;坚硬地;严厉地;牢牢地; precise:adj.准确的;确切的;精确的;明确的; measurement:n.测量;度量;长度;
People have tried other approaches , with helmets. 人们尝试其他的方法,配带头盔。
approaches:v.靠近,接近; n.方式,方法,态度;
We've looked at other sensors that go on your skin, and they all simply move around too much, and so we found that this is the only reliable way to take a good measurement. 或会利用其他感应器就是你的皮肤, 因为左右走动太多, 所以我们发现,牙套感应器是唯一可靠的方法 也是取得最好的测量方式。
move around:v.走来走去;绕着…来回转; reliable:adj.可信赖的;可依靠的;真实可信的;可靠的;
So now that we've got this device, we can go beyond studying cadavers , because you can only learn so much about concussion from studying a cadaver, and we want to learn and study live humans. 这个设备我们现在已经拥有了,并利用尸体作为研究, 因此想了解更多关于脑震荡 就是只能从尸体上学习, 如要从活生生的人类当中研究的话。
So where can we find a group of willing volunteers to go out and smash their heads into each other on a regular basis and sustain concussion? 需要找一群志愿者 定期去粉碎他们的头部 并要认定已遭受了脑震荡?
volunteers:n.志愿者; v.自愿做; (volunteer的第三人称单数和复数) sustain:v.支持;支撑;遭受;证实;
Well, I was one of them, and it's your local friendly Stanford football team. 对吧,我就是他们其中之一, 你们本地友好斯坦福大学美式足球队。
So this is our laboratory , and I want to show you the first concussion we measured with this device. 就在我的实验室在中, 我想展示给你们看 我们用这设备进行了第一次脑震荡测量。
laboratory:n.实验室,研究室; measured:adj.缓慢谨慎的; v.测量; (measure的过去分词和过去式)
One of the things that I should point out is the device has this gyroscope in it, and that allows you to measure the rotation of the head. 我想指出今次是利用陀螺仪装置设备, 来测量头部旋转情况。
Most experts think that that's the critical factor that might start to tell us what is happening in concussion. 因为大多数专家认为这就是关键因素 正式开始告诉我们脑震荡是如何形成。
critical:adj.鉴定的;[核]临界的;批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的; factor:n.因素;要素;[物]因数;代理人;v.做代理商;v.把…作为因素计入;
So please watch this video. 请先观看这段影片。
Announcer : Cougars bring extra people late, but Luck has time, and Winslow is crushed . 评述员︰ 美洲狮迟迟才带人来,但卢克仍有时间, 可惜与温思劳撞过正面。
Announcer:n.[广播]广播员;宣告者; Cougars:n.美洲狮;(cougar的复数) extra:adj.额外的:n.额外的事物:adv.额外:另外: crushed:v.压坏;压伤;挤压变形;(crush的过去分词和过去式)
I hope he's all right. 我希望他没事。
(Audience roars) (影片中观众怒吼一声)
Top of your screen, you'll see him come on just this little post route , get separation , safety. 请留意萤光幕上方, 他好像沿着一条小小的路线冲过去, 被撞到弹开了,幸好没大碍。
route:n.路线;路途;固定线路;途径;v.按某路线发送; separation:n.分离;分开;分割;隔离;
Here it comes at you in real speed. You'll hear this. 听说就在这里才会感受到真正的速度。
The hit delivered by -- 交由命运安排 --
David Camarillo: Sorry, three times is probably a little excessive there. 大卫卡马里奥:对不起,撞击三次实在有一点过分。
But you get the idea. 你有什么想法。
So when you look at just the film here, pretty much the only thing you can see is he got hit really hard and he was hurt. 当你只是在这里看着的影片时, 几乎你可以看见唯一的事情就是他们真正被撞击和受伤。
But when we extract the data out of the mouthguard that he was wearing, we can see much more detail, much richer information. 但当我们提取资料时 发现原来他有配戴牙套的, 我们可以看到更详细的,更丰富的信息。
And one of the things that we noticed here is that he was struck in the lower left side of his face mask. 以及我们在这里看到其中的一件事情发生 就是他面具左下方被撞击到。
And so that did something first that was a little counterintuitive . 第一时间觉得有点不合常理。
His head did not move to the right. 他的脑部没有移动到右边。
In fact, it rotated first to the left. 事实上,脑部应先转动到左边。
Then as the neck began to compress , the force of the blow caused it to whip back to the right. 然后随着颈部开始受压, 由冲击力引致脑部迅速撞回右边。
compress:vi.受压缩小;vt.压缩,压紧;精简; whip:n.鞭子; v.鞭打;
So this left-right motion was sort of a whiplash-type phenomenon , and we think that is probably what led to the brain injury . 所以这个左右移动类似那种挥鞭现象, 我们认为就是这样导致了脑部受伤。
phenomenon:n.现象;杰出的人;非凡的人(或事物); injury:n.伤害,损害;受伤处;
Now, this device is only limited in such that it can measure the skull motion, but what we really want to know is what's happening inside of the brain. 由于,这种装置只局限于测量头骨移动, 所以我们真的很想知道在大脑内究竟发生了什么变化。
limited:adj.有限的; n.高级快车; v.限制; (limit的过去分词和过去式)
So we collaborate with Svein Kleiven's group in Sweden. 故此我们在瑞典,与斯韦恩·凯文的研究小组合作。
They've developed a finite element model of the brain. 他们已经利用有限元素法去探讨大脑。
finite:adj.有限的;限定的;n.有限之物; element:n.元素;要素;原理;成分;自然环境;
And so this is a simulation using the data from our mouthguard from the injury I just showed you, and what you see is the brain -- this is a cross-section right in the front of the brain twisting and contorting as I mentioned. 这是一种模拟状态 研究数据主要来自损坏的牙套资料就是我刚才这段影片, 从这片段的大脑你可以看到什么 -- 前面就是大脑右边横切面 正如我所提及的大脑有扭曲及被扭断。
simulation:n.仿真;模拟;模仿;假装; cross-section:n.横截面;横断面;
So you can see this doesn't look a lot like the CDC video. 你们现在看到的与疾控中心的影片完全不同
Now, the colors that you're looking at are how much the brain tissue is being stretched. 现在,你看到的颜色 有多少脑组织被撑大了。
And so the red is 50 percent. 所显示50%红色。
That means the brain has been stretched to 50 percent of its original length, the tissue in that particular area. 就是意味着大脑被撑大程度比起原来的大出50% 这组织在该特定区域。
And the main thing I want to draw your attention to is this red spot. 我想用这个红点来引起你们注意。
So the red spot is very close to the center of the brain, and relatively speaking, you don't see a lot of colors like that on the exterior surface as the CDC video showed. 红点是非常接近大脑中心, 相对来说, 在外层表面并没看到太多类似的颜色 从疾控中心的影片中显示。
relatively:adv.相当程度上;相当地;相对地; exterior:n.外观;外表;adj.外面的;外部的;外表的;户外的;
Now, to explain a little more detail about how we think concussion might be happening, one thing I should mention is that we and others have observed that a concussion is more likely when you're struck and your head rotates in this direction. 但现在,我需要来解释更多细节 关于我们认为发生脑震荡的可能性, 有一件事我必须要提及 就是我们和其他人已经观察到有倾向脑震荡的迹象 当你被撞击时你的头部会从这个方向旋转。
observed:adj.观察的;观测的;v.观察;遵守;注意到(observe的过去分词形式); rotates:旋转;轮流;
This is more common in sports like football, but this seems to be more dangerous. So what might be happening there? 这种情况普遍性发生在美式足球运动内, 似乎相比其他运动更加危险。那里会有什么事发生呢?
Well, one thing that you'll notice in the human brain that is different than other animals is we have these two very large lobes . 好吧,有件事你要注意就是人类的大脑 与其他动物不同 我们有两个非常大的额叶。
different than:不同于; lobes:n.耳垂;脑叶(lobe的复数形式);
We have the right brain and the left brain . 我们有右脑和左脑。
right brain:n.(人的)右脑(据信用于构思新思想和主管情感); left brain:n.左脑;
And the key thing to notice in this figure here is that right down the center of the right brain and the left brain there's a large fissure that goes deep into the brain. 请留意图中最关键的事情 就是右脑与左的脑的中间位置 这里一个大裂缝竟然深进入大脑。
And in that fissure, what you can't see in this image, you'll have to trust me, there is a fibrous sheet of tissue. 那裂缝,你不能在此图片中看到, 请相信我, 那是纤维组织表。
fibrous:adj.纤维的,纤维性的;纤维状的; sheet:n.薄板;床单;纸张;报纸;v.覆盖;展开;给…铺床单;铺开;adj.片状的;
It's called the falx, and it runs from the front of your head all the way to the back of your head, and it's quite stiff . 被称为大脑镰 大脑镰从你的脑前额开始运行然后用尽任何方式走到你的后脑, 而且非常僵硬。
stiff:adj.呆板的; v.僵硬地; n.死尸; v.诈骗;
And so what that allows for is when you're struck and your head rotates in this left-right direction, forces can rapidly transmit right down to the center of your brain. 当你受到撞击你还等什么 你的大脑左右旋转的情况下, 这个撞击力迅速传递直到你的大脑中心。
Now, what's there at the bottom of this fissure? 那么,裂缝的底部究竟有什么?
It's the wiring of your brain, and in fact this red bundle here at the bottom of that fissure is the single largest fiber bundle that is the wiring that connects the right and left sides of your brain. 这是你大脑的路径, 事实上红色一束束是裂缝的底部 是单一最大的神经纤维束 联系左右两侧大脑的主要路径。
bundle:n.包; v.匆匆送走; (成群地)匆忙赶往; fiber:n.纤维;光纤(等于fibre);
It's called the corpus callosum . 被称为胼胝体。
corpus:n.[计]语料库;文集;本金; callosum:n.胼底体;条叶百合;胼胝质;
And we think that this might be one of the most common mechanisms of concussion, and as the forces move down, they strike the corpus callosum, it causes a dissociation between your right and your left brain and could explain some of the symptoms of concussion. 我们认为这可能是 其中最常见的脑震荡机制, 当撞击力向下移,便会撞击胼胝体, 你的左右脑之间会引致分裂 这样可以解释到一些脑震荡的症状。
dissociation:n.分解,分离;分裂; symptoms:n.症状;征候;征兆;(symptom的复数)
This finding is also consistent of what we've seen in this brain disease that I mentioned, chronic traumatic encephalopathy. 调查结果发现与我们见到的也是一致 在这个脑疾病中提及到,慢性创伤性脑病。
consistent:adj.始终如一的,一致的;坚持的; disease:n.病,[医]疾病;弊病;vt.传染;使…有病;
So this is an image of a middle-aged ex-professional football player, and the thing that I want to point out is if you look at the corpus callosum, and I'll page back here so you can see the size of a normal corpus callosum 图中是一位中年人的脑部前职業美式足球运动员, 你看看他的胼胝体,我想指出一点, 先回到这页,你可以看到正常的胼胝体的大小
and the size of the person here who has chronic traumatic encephalopathy, it is greatly atrophied . 与这位中年人的胼胝体的大小那一位真正患有慢性创伤性脑病, 大脑萎缩得非常。
greatly:adv.很,大大地;非常; atrophied:adj.萎缩的;衰退的;v.萎缩(atrophy的过去分词);使衰退;
And the same goes for all of the space in the ventricles . 也是这样对于所有的脑室的空间。
These ventricles are much larger. 这些脑室非常大。
And so all of this tissue near the center of the brain has died off over time. 因此,所有这类组织当靠近大脑中心时 随着时间便会死亡。
So what we're learning is indeed consistent. 与我们学习的确实一致。
Now, there is some good news here, and I hope to give you a sense of hope by the end of this talk. 不过在这里还有好的消息的, 我希望透过这次演说带给你们有希望的感觉。
One of the things that we've noticed, specifically about this mechanism of injury, is although there's a rapid transmission of the forces down this fissure, it still takes a defined amount of time. 我们注意到一件事 整体来说这种受伤的机制, 虽然那种撞击力快速传输到这裂缝处, 仍然需要用时间来定义。
specifically:adv.特别地;明确地; transmission:n.传输;传染;播送;发射;广播;传动装置; defined:adj.有定义的,确定的; v.使明确;
And what we think is that if we can slow the head down just enough so that the brain does not lag behind the skull but instead it moves in synchrony with the skull, then we might be able to prevent this mechanism of concussion. 我们的想法是,如果我们可以刚好将头部减速 大脑便不会落后于头骨 相反与头骨同步移动, 我们也许能够防止这种脑震荡发生。
not lag behind:不掉队; synchrony:n.同步;
So how can we slow the head down? 但如何将头部慢下来?
(Laughter) (笑声)
A gigantic helmet. 一个巨大的头盔。
So with more space, you have more time, and this is a bit of a joke, but some of you may have seen this. 因此需要更多空间,更多时间, 这一点开玩笑,但你们当中可能已经看得出来。
This is bubble soccer, and it's a real sport. 这是泡泡足球也是运动的一种。
In fact, I saw some young adults playing this sport down the street from my house the other day , and as far as I know there have been no reported concussions. 事实上,我看到一些年轻人 在我家中附近的街道玩这运动, 并就我所知没有发生过脑震荡的报导。
the other day:不久前某一天;几天以前; as far as I know:据我所知;就我所知;
(Laughter) (笑声)
But in all seriousness , this principle does work, but this has gone too far. 原则上这是高危运动, 不能走得太远。
This isn't something that's practical for bike riding or playing football. 对于骑单车或踢足球来说泡泡足球是不需要练习。
And so we are collaborating with a company in Sweden called H?vding. 因此,我在瑞典与一家名为H?vding的公司携手合作。
Some of you may have seen their work, and they're using the same principle of air to give you some extra space to prevent concussion. 你们当中可能已经知道关于他们的工作, 他们使用同样充气的道理额外加上一些空间 去预防脑震荡。
Kids, don't try this at home please. 不过小朋友们请勿在家中尝试。
This stuntman does not have a helmet. 这个特技演员并没有戴头盔。
He instead has a neck collar , and this neck collar has sensors in it, the same type of sensors that are in our mouthguard, and it detects when he's likely to have a fall, and there's an airbag that explod es and triggers , the same way that an airbag works in your car, essentially. 他用了颈圈代替, 他的颈圈有一个感应器, 与我们用在牙套上的感应器相同, 在他下坠在情形下便可檢测到, 那是具有爆炸力和触发器的气袋 基本上与你车上的安全气袋用法一样,
collar:n.衣领;领子;箍;(动物,尤指狗的)颈圈;v.抓住;捉住;揪住;逮住; detects:发现; triggers:n.[电子]触发器;触发物(trigger的复数);v.引起(trigger的单三形式);引爆;
And in the experiments we've done in my lab with their device, we found that it can greatly reduce the risk of concussion in some scenarios compared to a normal bicycle helmet. 这个实验早已在我的实验室完成了, 我们发现利用气袋技术可以大大减少脑震荡的风险 相对于正常的单车头盔。
scenarios:n.情节;脚本;情景介绍(scenario的复数); compared:adj.比较的,对照的; v.相比; (compare的过去式和过去分词)
So it's a pretty exciting development. 的确进展令人兴奋。
But in order for us to actually realize the benefits of technology that can prevent concussion, it needs to meet regulations . 为了让我们真正实现气袋技术的好处 是可以防止脑震荡的, 仍需要多点规条。
technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; regulations:n.章程;规则;法规;管理,控制;(regulation的复数)
That's a reality. 这是事实。
And this device is for sale in Europe but is not for sale in the US, and probably won't be any time soon. 这设备在欧洲销售 而不在美国发售,可能时间不合适。
So I wanted to tell you why. 我想告诉你们原因。
There are some good reasons and then there are some not so good reasons. 有一些好的理由,然后有一些不太好的原因。
Bike helmets are federally regulated . 单车头盔是联邦政府监管。
federally:adv.联邦地;联邦政府地;同盟地; regulated:v.约束,控制,管理;(regulate的过去式和过去分词)
The Consumer Product Safety Commission has been given jurisdiction to approve any bike helmet for sale, and this is the test they use. 消费者产品安全委员会得到了司法管辖权 批准任何单车头盔出售, 以及他们使用前的测试。
Consumer:n.[经]消费者;[生,生态]消费者; Commission:n.委员会;佣金;犯;委任;委任状;vt.委任;使服役;委托制作; jurisdiction:n.司法权,审判权,管辖权;权限,权力; approve:v.批准;赞成;同意;核准;
This is back to what I was telling you at the beginning about skull fracture. 回顾由我开始讲述头骨骨折。
at the beginning:首先;从一开始;起初;从头开始;
That's what this test is for. 这是种测试可以为你做些什么。
And that's an important thing to do. 还有一些重要的事项要做。
It can save your life, but it's not sufficient , I would say. 我会说气袋技术可以挽救你的生命,但这还是不足够。
So for example, one thing this test doesn't evaluate is it doesn't tell you is that airbag going to trigger at the right time and place, and not trigger when it doesn't need to? 举个例子,如没有评估这次测试 没有人可以告诉你那气袋将会碰上触发器 在适当的时间和地点,当没有这需要时便不会触发到?
evaluate:v.评价;评估;估计; at the right time:在适当时候;
Similarly , it's not going to tell you is this helmet likely to prevent concussion or not? 同样地,谁都不会告诉你 就好像这个头盔能防止脑震荡吗?
And if you look at football helmets, which aren't regulated, they still have a very similar test. 如果你看到这不合规格的美式足球头盔, 他们仍然有类同的测试。
They're not regulated by the government, anyway. 不管怎么办说他们不受政府监管。
They have an industry body, which is the way most industries work. 这是大多数行業的工作的方式。
But this industry body, I can tell you, has been quite resistant to updating their standards . 但这类机构,我可以告诉你,非常有抵御力 常更新标准。
resistant:adj.抵抗的,反抗的;顽固的;n.抵抗者; updating:v.更新;向…提供最新信息;使现代化;(update的现在分词) standards:n.标准,水平,规格(standard的复数)
So in my lab, we are working on not only the mechanism of concussion, but we want to understand how can we have better test standards? 所以在我的实验室,我们正在研究不仅脑震荡的机制, 还想要瞭解如何可以有更好的测试标准?
And we hope that the government can use this type of information to encourage innovation by letting consumers know how protected are you with a given helmet. 我们希望政府可以使用这种类型的资讯 鼓励创新 好让消费者知道 头盔应该是如何保护你。
innovation:n.创新,革新;新方法; consumers:n.消费者;顾客;用户;(consumer的复数)
And I want to bring this back finally to the original question I asked, which is, would I feel comfortable letting my child play football or ride a bicycle? 最后我想带回来这原来的问题, 就是我可以舒舒服服让我孩子踢美式足球 或骑单车吗?
And this might be just a result of my own traumatic experience. 从我自己的创伤经历中得到这答案。
I'm much more nervous about my daughter, Rose, riding a bicycle. 我更紧张我的女儿,露斯,骑单车。
So she's a year and a half old, and she's already, well, wants to anyway, race down the streets of San Francisco. 所以在她以一岁半时, 她已经做好准备,随时在三藩市街道上比赛。
This is the bottom of one of these streets. 这是一条街的尽头。
And so my personal goal is to -- and I believe this is possible -- is to further develop these technologies , and in fact, we're working on something in my lab in particular that really makes optimal use of the given space of a helmet. 所以我个人的目标是的 — — 相信这是可能的 — — 再进一步发展这些技术, 事实上,我们正在努力特别是在我实验室里的东西 给头盔一个机会真正好好地使用,
technologies:n.技术;科技(technology的复数); in particular:尤其,特别; optimal:adj.最佳的;最理想的;
And I am confident that we will be able to, before she's ready to ride a two-wheeler , have something available that can in fact really reduce the risk of concussion and comply with regulatory bodies. 我很有信心将来我可以, 在露斯要准备骑单车时, 有一样可以用的东西 实际真正可以减少脑震荡的风险 并遵守自己身体的法规。
confident:adj.自信的;确信的; two-wheeler:挂车;两轮挂车; comply:vi.遵守;顺从,遵从;答应; regulatory:adj.管理的;控制的;调整的;
And so what I'd like to do -- and I know that this is for some of you of more immediate nature, 所以这就是我想做的 — — 我知道可以为你们直接做多一些,
I've got a couple years here -- is to be able to tell parents and grandparents when I'm asked, it is safe and healthy for your children to engage in these activities. 我已经有几年在这里 — — 是要当有人问我而又能告诉父母和祖父母, 鼓励你的孩子在运动时应注意安全和健康。
And I'm very fortunate to have a wonderful team at Stanford that's working hard on this. 我非常庆幸我在斯坦福大学有一个队令人赞叹的团队 为这份工作努力。
So I hope to come back in a few years with the final story, but for now I will tell you, please don't just be afraid when you hear the word concussion. 随着故事的发展我希望能在几年后回来, 但现在我会告诉你, 当你听见脑震荡这个名词请不要害怕。
There is hope. 这里仍然有希望。
Thank you. 多谢。
(Applause) (掌声)