

(Music) (音乐)
? Here we stand ? 你我并立
? Like an Adam and an Eve ? 有如亚当与夏娃
? Waterfalls ? 瀑布湍流
? The Garden of Eden ? 宛若置身伊甸园
Garden of Eden:na.(《圣经》中所说亚当和夏娃所住的)伊甸园;
? Two fools in love ? 两个坠入爱河的小傻瓜
? So beautiful and strong ? 如此美丽和坚强
? Birds in the trees ? 林间雀鸟
? Are smiling upon them ? 向他们献上微笑
? From the age of the dinosaurs ? 从恐龙时代起
? Cars would run on gasoline ? 汽车就燃着汽油前进
? Where? Where have they gone? ? 哪里?它们去了哪里?
? Now, there's nothing but flowers ? 如今,只有花儿犹在
? This was a factory ? 这里曾是间工厂
?Now there are mountains and rivers ? 如今却变水秀山青
? You got it, you got it ? 你看见了吗,你看见了吗
? We caught a rattlesnake ? 我们抓住一条响尾蛇
? Now we've got something for dinner ? 这下晚餐有着落
? You got it, you got it ? 你看见了吗,你看见了吗
? This was a parking lot ? 这里曾是停车场
parking lot:n.停车场;
? Now it's all covered with flowers ? 如今却是满地鲜花
? You got it, you got it ? 你看见了吗,你看见了吗
? If this is paradise ? 如果这里是天堂
? I wish I had a lawnmower ? 那再赐我一台割草机
? You got it, you got it ? 你看见了吗,你看见了吗
? This was a shopping mall ? 这里曾是购物城
shopping mall:un.商业区林荫路;
? Now it's turned into corn field ? 如今却变金色麦田
? You got it, you got it ? 你看见了吗,你看见了吗
? Don't leave me stranded here ? 别留我独自在此蹉跎岁月
stranded:adj.搁浅的; v.搁浅; (strand的过去式和过去分词);
? I can't get used to this lifestyle ? 我还没习惯这样的生活
get used to:开始习惯于
(Applause) (掌声)
Thomas Dolby: David Byrne. Thomas Dolby:David Byrne。
(Applause) (掌声)