

So I thought I'd talk about identity . 我要讲的和身份有关。
That's sort of an interesting enough topic to me. 对我来说,这是一个相当有趣的话题。
And the reason was, because when I was asked to do this, 因为当我受邀来做这次演讲时,
I'd just read, in one of the papers, I can't remember, something from someone at Facebook saying, well, "we need to make everybody use their real names." 我正好读到一篇文章, 我不大记得具体是哪篇了, 是脸书上某个人分享,文章说: “我们需要使每个人都使用真名。”
and then that's basically all the problems solved. 这样一来,所有问题 基本上都会迎刃而解。
And that's so wrong, that's such a fundamentally , reactionary view of identity, and it's going to get us into all sorts of trouble. 真是大错而特错。 这根本就是一种关于身份的谬论, 这会使得我们陷入各种麻烦。
fundamentally:adv.从根本上;基础地;重要地 reactionary:adj.保守的,反动的;反动主义的;反对改革的;n.反动分子;反动派;保守派;
And so what I thought I'd do is I'll explain four sort of problems about it, and then I'll suggest a solution , which hopefully you might find interesting. 所以我想, 首先解释关于身份的四个问题, 然后提出我的解决方案, 希望各位也会感兴趣。
So just to frame the problem, what does authenticity mean? 我们先设定这样一个问题, 何为真实性?
frame:n.框架; v.设计; adj.有木架的; authenticity:n.真实性,确实性;可靠性;
That's me, that's a camera phone picture of me looking at a painting. 这个是我用手机拍摄的照片, 那时我正在看一幅油画。
[What's the Problem?] ”问题出在哪里?“
That's a painting that was painted by a very famous forger , and because I'm not very good at presentations , 这是由一位知名的伪造者 完成的油画, 因为我不是很擅长演讲,
forger:n.铁匠;伪造者; presentations:n.展示;自我介绍;业务陈述(presentation的复数形式);
I already can't remember the name that I wrote on my card. 我这会已想不起来我记在 卡片上的那个伪造者的名字了。
And he was incarcerated in, I think, Wakefield Prison for forging masterpieces by, I think, French Impressionists . 他被监禁在韦克菲尔德监狱, 罪名是伪造法国印象派 画家的杰出作品。
incarcerated:v.监禁;关押;禁闭;(incarcerate的过去式和过去分词) Wakefield:n.韦克菲尔德(英格兰北部城市); forging:n.锻造;锻件;伪造;v.锻造;打制(forge的现在分词); masterpieces:n.杰作;绝无仅有的人; Impressionists:n.印象派画家(impressionist的复数);印象主义者;
And he's so good at it, that when he was in prison, everybody in prison, the governor and whatever, wanted him to paint masterpieces to put on the walls, because they were so good. 他对此相当擅长, 以至于在他服刑期间 监狱里的每一个人, 包括监狱长之类的, 都希望请他画一些 这样的杰作,挂在自家墙头。 因为他实在是画得很棒,
And so that's a masterpiece, which is a fake of a masterpiece, and bonded into the canvas is a chip which identifies that as a real fake, if you see what I mean. 这就是其中一副杰作, 一副伪造的赝品, 画框上有一个小芯片, 用于标示它是一副“真正的赝品”, 如果你们理解我的意思的话。
fake:n.假货;骗子;假动作;v.捏造;假装…的样子;adj.伪造的; canvas:n.帆布;(帆布)画布;油画;vt.用帆布覆盖; chip:v.削,凿;削成碎片;剥落;碎裂;n.[电子]芯片;筹码;碎片;(食物的)小片;薄片; identifies:vt.[计]识别,认明;视为相同,鉴定;v.[计]识别,确定(identify的单三形式);
(Laughter) (笑声)
So when we're talking about authenticity, it's a little more fractal than it appears and that's a good example to show it. 因此当我们谈论真实性的时候, 总是比看起来要更复杂, 而那就是一个很好的例子。
I tried to pick four problems that will frame the issue properly. 我尝试选择四个问题, 来合理的组织这个话题。
So the first problem, I thought, 我想,第一个问题应该是
Chip and PIN , right? 芯片和密码, 是吧?
Chip and PIN:n.智能卡付款系统
[Banks and legacies bringing down the system from within] “银行遗产使得系统从内部崩溃”
[Offline solutions do not work online] ”离线方案无法在线运行“
I'm guessing everyone's got a chip and PIN card, right? 我想每个人都应该有 一张芯片卡,对吧?
So why is that a good example? 为什么说它是一个好例证呢?
That's the example of how legacy thinking about identity subverts the security of a well-constructed system. 因为它从遗产的角度展现了, 身份如何摧毁一个健壮的系统。
legacy:n.遗赠,遗产; subverts:v.推翻;腐蚀(思想);(subverts是subvert的第三人称单数);
That chip and PIN card that's in your pocket has a little chip on it that cost millions of pounds to develop, is extremely secure, you can put scanning electron microscopes on it, you can try and grind it down, blah blah blah. 你口袋里的芯片卡 上面有一块小芯片, 那是耗资数百万英镑开发出来的, 它非常安全, 你可以放一个扫描电子显微镜在上面, 或者试试磨损它之类的。
extremely:adv.非常,极其;极端地; electron:n.电子; microscopes:n.[光]显微镜(microscope的复数); grind:v.磨碎;磨快;n.磨;苦工作; blah:n.废话;空话;瞎说;int.废话;
Those chips have never been broken, whatever you read in the paper. 这些芯片其实从没被毁坏过, 无论报纸上怎么说。
And for a joke, we take that super-secure chip and we bond it to a trivially counterfeitable magnetic stripe and for very lazy criminals, we still emboss the card. 说个笑话吧, 我们持有超级安全的芯片卡, 把它们绑在一个稍许伪造的磁条上, 针对那些很懒的罪犯, 我们在磁条上做了浮雕图案。
trivially:adv.琐细地;平凡地;无能地; magnetic:adj.像磁铁的;有磁性的;磁的;富有吸引力的; stripe:n.条纹;线条;杠;种类;v.使…成条纹状; emboss:vt.使凸出;在…上作浮雕图案;装饰;
So if you're a criminal in a hurry and you need to copy someone's card, you can just stick a piece of paper on it and rub a pencil over it just to sort of speed things up. 如果你是一个心急的犯案分子, 你想要复制某人的卡片, 你只需要贴一张纸在上面, 用铅笔涂就可以了, 这样就可以加快速度。
And even more amusingly , and on my debit card too, we print the name and the SALT code and everything else on the front too. 更有趣的是,我们的借记卡也这样。 我们在正面印上姓名, SALT码和其他信息。
amusingly:adv.有趣地;好笑地; debit card:n.借记卡;
Why? 为什么呢?
There is no earthly reason why your name is printed on a chip and PIN card. 似乎没什么站得住脚理由, 把我们的名字印在芯片卡上。
And if you think about it, it's even more insidious and perverse than it seems at first. 如果你仔细想想, 就会觉得更加荒谬反常了。
insidious:adj.阴险的;隐伏的;暗中为害的;狡猾的; perverse:adj.堕落的,不正当的;倔强的;违反常情的;
Because the only people that benefit from having the name on the card are criminals. 因为整个事情的真正受益者 只有犯罪分子。
You know what your name is, right? 你是知道自己的名字的,对吧?
(Laughter) (笑声)
And when you go into a shop and buy something, it's a PIN, he doesn't care what the name is. 当你去商店购物的时候, 只需要你的密码, 不会关心你叫什么姓名。
The only place where you ever have to write your name on the back is in America at the moment. 要求你必须在卡背面 写上自己名字的地方, 目前只有美国。
And whenever I go to America, and I have to pay with a mag stripe on the back of the card, 每次去美国的时候, 我必须用卡背面的磁条付款,
I always sign it Carlos Tethers anyway, just as a security mechanism , because if a transaction ever gets disputed , and it comes back and it says Dave Birch , 我的签名一直是“卡洛斯?特瑟”, 这是一种安全机制。 因为一旦有有争议的付款出现, 显示签名戴維?波奇,
Tethers:n.范围;系链;拴绳;vt.用绳或链拴住; mechanism:n.机制;原理,途径;进程;机械装置;技巧; transaction:n.处理;业务;办理; disputed:adj.有争议的;v.争论;激烈争辩(dispute的过去分词); Birch:n.桦木;桦树;桦条;vt.用桦条鞭打;
I know it must have been a criminal, because I would never sign it Dave Birch. 我就能判别那一定是犯罪分子,
(Laughter) (笑声)
So if you drop your card in the street, it means a criminal can pick it up and read it. 如果你弄丢了你的卡, 这就意味着可能被犯罪分子捡到,
They know the name, from the name they can find the address, and then they can go off and buy stuff online. 他们认得你的名字, 并能根据你的姓名找到地址, 这样他们就可以拿着去网上购物了。
Why do we put the name on the card? 那么为什么我们要把姓名写在卡上呢?
Because we think identity is something to do with names, and because we're rooted in the idea of the identity card , which obsesses us. 因为我们认为身份和姓名有关, 而身份证的概念深入我们内心, 没法摆脱。
identity card:n.身份证;身份卡; obsesses:vt.迷住,缠住;使…着迷;使…困扰;
And I know it crashed and burned a couple of years ago, but if you're someone in politics or the home office or whatever, and you think about identity, you can only think of identity in terms of cards with names on them. 我知道十几年前这个话题 被吵得热火朝天, 但如果你是政客或者内政部的什么人, 对于你来说, 身份就只能靠卡片上的姓名定义了。
politics:n.政治;钩心斗角;政治观点;v.(贬)从事政治活动;(politic的第三人称单数) home office:n.(英国)内政部;
And that's very subversive in a modern world. 在现代社会这是极具颠覆性的。
So the second example I thought I'd use is chatrooms. 第二个我想用的是 聊天室的例子。
[Chatrooms and Children] ”聊天室和孩子“
I'm very proud of that picture, that's my son playing in his band with his friends for the first-ever gig, 我对这张照片非常引以为豪, 这是我的儿子, 和他的朋友组合的乐队 在举行他们的首次演出。
band:n.带;波段;频带;箍;v.加彩条(或嵌条等);(将价格、收入等)划分档次; first-ever:adj.第一例;前所未有;
I believe you call it, where he got paid. 我相信你们会这么称呼它, 他是有收入的。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And I love that picture. 我爱死这幅图片了,
I like the picture of him getting into medical school a lot better, 我更喜欢他进医学院的那张,
(Laughter) (笑声)
I like that picture for the moment. 不过我现在是喜欢那张更多一些。
Why do I use that picture? 我为什么用这个呢?
Because that was very interesting, watching that experience as an old person. 因为作为一个老人回顾这些经历, 实在很有趣。
So him and his friends, they get together , they booked a room, like a church hall, and they got all their friends who had bands , and they got them together, and they do it all on Facebook, 他(我的儿子)和他的朋友们, 一起租了一间类似教堂大厅的房间。 他们召集了所有玩乐队的朋友, 把他们聚在一起, 这些都是完全通过脸书完成的。
get together:聚会 bands:n.乐队;法官;
and then they sell tickets, and the first band on the - 然后他们出售演出票, 那上面的第一个乐队 ——
I was going to say "menu," 我刚才想说在“菜单”上面,
that's probably the wrong word for it, isn't it? 这个词也许用得不对吧?
The first band on the list of bands that appears at some public music performance of some kind gets the sales from the first 20 tickets, then the next band gets the next 20, and so on. 在某种公众表演中 销售了第一个 20 张演出票, 第二个乐队卖掉下一个 20 张, 以此类推。
They were at the bottom of the menu, they were like fifth, I thought they had no chance. 我儿子的乐队在菜单的最下面, 大约第五个, 我本想他们没什么机会了,
He actually got 20 quid . Fantastic , right? 但他们竟然赚了 20 英镑, 很不可思议,对吧?
quid:n.咀嚼物;一英镑;一镑金币; Fantastic:奇异的,空想的
But my point is, that all worked perfectly, except on the web. 我想要说的是, 所有一切都运作很完美, 除了在网络上,
So they're sitting on Facebook, and they're sending these messages and arranging things and they don't know who anybody is, right? 他们通过脸书 传递消息,安排事情, 他们并不知道谁是谁,对吧?
That's the big problem we're trying to solve. 这是我们正在设法解决的最大问题。
If only they were using the real names, 只要他们使用了真实姓名,
Then you wouldn't be worried about them on the Internet. 你就不会再担心互联网上那些人了。
And so when he says to me, "Oh, I want to go to a chatroom to talk about guitars" or something, 因此当他对我说, “我想去聊天室谈一下吉他的事情” 诸如此类的,
I'm like, "oh, well, I don't want you to go into a chatroom to talk about guitars, because they might not all be your friends, and some of the people that are in the chatroom might be perverts and teachers and vicars ." 我差不多会说: “哦 我不想你去聊天室谈这些事, 因为他们可能不全是你的朋友, 聊天室的一些人 可能会是变态、老师、 或者传教士什么的。”
perverts:v.败坏; n.性变态者(pervert的复数) vicars:n.教区牧师,教堂牧师;传教牧师;代理人;
(Laughter) (笑声)
I mean, they generally are, when you look in the paper, right? 我的意思是,他们通常如此, 如果你看报纸的话,不是吗?
So I want to know who all the people in the chatroom are. 我想知道聊天室里都有些什么人。
So okay, you can go in the chatroom, but only if everybody in the chatroom is using their real names, and they submit full copies of their police report. 好吧,你可以去聊天室, 但除非每个人都用真名,
But of course, if anybody in the chatroom asked for his real name, 当然啦,如果聊天室里 有人要问我儿子的真实姓名,
I'd say no. You can't give them your real name. 我都会拒绝 。绝对不能给真名。
Because what happens if they turn out to be perverts, and teachers and whatever. 因为如果他们是变态怎么办? 是老师什么的怎么办?
So you have this odd sort of paradox where I'm happy for him to go into this space if I know who everybody else is, but I don't want anybody else to know who he is. 所以说 你有这类怪异的矛盾 就是说,我乐意让他去一个 知道每个人身份的空间, 但我不想让其他任何人知道他是谁。
odd:adj.古怪的;奇数的;n.奇数; paradox:n.悖论,反论;似非而是的论点;自相矛盾的人或事;
And so you get this sort of logjam around identity where you want full disclosure from everybody else, but not from yourself. 就这样我们陷入了某种身份僵局, 你希望每个人都完全公开, 除了你自己。
logjam:n.僵局;(河道等)受圆木阻塞;停滞状态;拥挤; disclosure:n.揭露;透露;公开;公开的事情;
And there's no progress, we get stuck. 这样就不会有什么改观, 我们陷入了困境,
And so the chatroom thing doesn't work properly, and it's a very bad way of thinking about identity. 而聊天室就没法正常运作了。 这是对于身份问题 一种糟糕的理解方式。
So on my RSS feed, I saw this thing about - 在我的简讯订阅单上 ——
I just said something bad about my RSS feed, didn't I? 我刚说了它的坏话了吧?
I should stop saying it like that. 我不该再这么讲了。
For some random reason, I can't imagine, something about cheerleaders turned up in my inbox . 一个偶然原因,我从未想象过, 一些关于拉拉队的事件 出现在我的收件箱。
random:adj.[数]随机的;任意的;胡乱的;n.随意;adv.胡乱地; cheerleaders:n.拉拉队(电影名);啦啦队; inbox:n.收件箱;收文篮;
And I read this story about cheerleaders, and it's a fascinating story. 我读了他们的故事, 非常不可思议。
This happened a couple of years ago in the U.S. 那是发生在十多年前的美国,
There were some cheerleaders in a team at a high school in the U.S., and they said mean things about their cheerleading coach, as I'm sure kids do about all of their teachers all of the time, and somehow the cheerleading coach found out about this. 当时美国高中的队组中有一支拉拉队, 他们对教练 言语刻薄。 我确信孩子们对自己的老师 一直都是这样。 不知怎么搞的, 拉拉队教练发现了这件事。
cheerleading:n.带领啦啦队; somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地;
She was very upset . 她非常愤怒。
upset:adj.沮丧; v.打乱; n.苦恼; (意外的)混乱;
And so she went to one of the girls, and said, "you have to give me your Facebook password." 于是她对其中的一个女孩说: “把你的脸书密码交出来。”
I read this all the time, where even at some universities and places of education, kids are forced to hand over their Facebook passwords. 我常常遇到类似的事, 即使是在大学, 在某些教育机构中, 孩子们也要被迫交出自己的脸书密码。
So you've got to give them your Facebook password. 所以你也得这样。
She was a kid! 可她只是个孩子!
What she should have said is, "my lawyer will be calling you first thing in the morning. 她本来可以说: “我的律师明天 一早会打电话给你,
It's an outrageous imposition on my 4th Amendment right to privacy , and you're going to be sued for all the money you've got." 你侵犯了我 第四修正案中的个人隐私权, 你等着吃官司, 倾家荡产吧!“
outrageous:adj.粗暴的;可恶的;令人吃惊的; imposition:n.征收;强加;欺骗;不公平的负担; Amendment:n.修正案;改善;改正; privacy:n.隐私;秘密;隐居;隐居处; sued:v.控告;提起诉讼;提出请求;(sue的过去分词和过去式)
That's what she should have said. 她本该这样说,
But she's a kid, so she hands over the password. 可是她还是个小孩, 于是她上缴了她的密码。
The teacher can't log into Facebook, because the school has blocked access to Facebook. 老师当时没法登陆脸书, 因为被学校网络封锁了,
So the teacher can't log into Facebook until she gets home. 只能等到回家后。
So the girl tells her friends, guess what happened? 所以,当女孩把这件事 告诉她的朋友们之后, 猜猜发生了什么?
The teacher logged in, she knows. 她知道老师会登陆,
So the girls just all logged into Facebook on their phones, and deleted their profiles . 所以她们纷纷通过手机, 把所有的脸书资料都删除了。
profiles:n.配置文件; v.扼要描述;
And so when the teacher logged in, there was nothing there. 这样当老师们登陆的时候, 便一无所获。
My point is, those identities , they don't think about them the same way. 我想强调的是,对于身份, 他们的理解方式不再一样了。
Identity is, especially when you're a teenager, a fluid thing. 身份是在流动变化着的, 特别在青少年阶段。
especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分; fluid:adj.流动的;流畅的;不固定的;n.流体;液体;
You have lots of identities. 你会有多重身份,
And you can have an identity, you don't like it, because it's subverted in some way, or it's insecure , or it's inappropriate , you just delete it and get another one. 有的你可能不喜欢, 因为它可能被破坏了, 或者不安全,或是不恰当。
subverted:vt.颠覆;推翻;破坏; insecure:adj.不安全的;不稳定的;不牢靠的; inappropriate:adj.不适当的;不相称的;
The idea that you have an identity that's given to you by someone, the government or whatever, and you have to stick with that identity and use it in all places, that's absolutely wrong. 那种被他人,比如政府之类, 赋予某种身份, 并且在任何地方都要沿用的想法, 真是大错特错。
Why would you want to really know who someone was on Facebook, unless you wanted to abuse them and harass them in some way? 你会要想知道脸书上 某个人的真实身份吗? 除非你要诋毁或是侵扰他?
abuse:n.滥用;虐待;辱骂;弊端;恶习,陋习;v.滥用;虐待;辱骂; harass:v.侵扰;骚扰;不断攻击(敌人);
And it just doesn't work properly. 这种运作方式是不当的。
And my fourth example is there are some cases where you really want to be - 我的第四个例子是, 有一些情况下,你真的想要成为...
In case you're wondering, that's me at the G20 protest . 也许你们也正在疑惑这幅图, 这是 G20 示威活动时的我。
I wasn't actually at the G20 protest, but I had a meeting at a bank on the day of the G20 protest, and I got an email from the bank saying please don't wear a suit, because it'll inflame the protesters . 不过我当时不是参与 G20示威, 而是在一个银行开会。 正好在同一天, 我收到一封来自银行的邮件, 让我别穿正装,这会激怒示威者。
inflame:vt.激怒;使燃烧;使发炎;vi.燃烧;发炎;激动; protesters:n.(公开)抗议者,反对者;(protester的复数)
I look pretty good in a suit, frankly, so you can see why it would drive them into an anti-capitalist frenzy . 坦率的讲,我穿上正装还是挺不错的。 所以你可以看到, 为什么这会让他们卷入 反资本主义的狂热中。
(Laughter) (笑声)
So I thought, well, look. 所以我就想,好吧,你瞧,
If I don't want to inflame the protesters, the obvious thing to do is go dressed as a protester. 如果我不愿意激怒示威者, 我显然要 像示威者一样着装。
So I went dressed completely in black, you know, with a black balaclava , 于是我清一色黑衣, 黑色的巴拉克拉法帽,
I had black gloves on, but I've taken them off to sign the visitor's book. 黑色的手套, 不过在来客簿上签名的时候, 我脱掉了它们。
(Laughter) (笑声)
I'm wearing black trousers, black boots, 我穿着黑色裤子,黑色靴子,
I'm dressed completely in black. 从头到脚都是黑色的。
I go into the bank at 10 o'clock, go, "Hi, I'm Dave Birch, 我十点钟进的银行, 我说:“你好,我是戴維?波奇,
I've got a 3 o'clock with so and so there." 我三点约了会议。“
so and so:某某;如此这般;谁谁;如此如此沙咸沙;
Sure. They sign me in. 当然,他们让我进入了。
There's my visitor's badge . 这是我的访客胸牌。
(Laughter) (笑声)
So this nonsense about you've got to have real names on Facebook and whatever, that gets you that kind of security. 所以说,简直是无稽之谈, 你在脸书和其他任何地方都使用真名, 就会让你获得某种安全。
That gets you security theater, where there's no actual security, but people are sort of playing parts in a play about security. 这就是一个安全剧场, 哪里没有真正所谓的安全, 每个人都在这场有关安全的剧里 扮演某种角色。
And as long as everybody learns their lines, everyone's happy. 只要每个人都记得台词, 大家就都满意了。
as long as:conj.只要;长达;如果;既然;
But it's not real security. 但这不是真正的安全。
Especially because I hate banks more than the G20 protesters do, because I work for them. 特别是我厌恶银行 胜过那些 G20 示威者, 因为我为他们工作,
I know that things are actually worse than these guys think. 我知道的那些事情 要比他们所认为的糟糕得多。
(Laughter) (笑声)
But suppose I worked next to somebody in a bank who was doing something. 假设在银行里工作时,我边上的同事 在做些什么事情,
Suppose I was sitting next to a rogue trader, and I want to report it to the boss of the bank. 假设他在做流氓交易, 我想上报老板。
rogue:n.流氓; v.游手好闲; adj.(野兽)凶猛的;
So I log on to do a little bit of whistleblowing . 于是我登录,打算揭发他。
I send a message, this guy's a rogue trader. 我发一条信息,说这个人是流氓交易员,
That message is meaningless if you don't know that I'm a trader at the bank. 但这个信息是没有意义的, 除非你知道我也是银行的交易员,
If that message just comes from anybody, it has zero information value. 如果这个消息可以从任何人而来, 那它的价值就是零了。
There's no point in sending that message. 这样的信息毫无意义。
But if I have to prove who I am, 但如果我必须要证实我自己的身份,
I'll never send that message. 那我绝不会发这条信息了。
It's just like the nurse in the hospital reporting the drunk surgeon . 就像医院里,护士要揭发 醉酒的手术医生。
That message will only happen if I'm anonymous . 那么他只会匿名上报,
So the system has to have ways of providing anonymity there, otherwise we don't get where we want to get to. 所以这样的系统必须要 提供匿名的途径。 否则我不会达成我的目的。
So four issues . So what are we going to do about it?
Well, what we tend to do about it is we think about Orwell space. 我们要做的, 就是对解奥威尔空间的思考。
And we try to make electronic versions of the identity card that we got rid of in 1953. 我们尝试制作电子版本的身份证, 那是早在1953年我们就废弃了的。
So we think if we had a card, call it a Facebook login, which proves who you are, and I make you carry it all the time, that solves the problem. 如果我们有某种卡, 就叫它脸书准入好了, 它能证明你是谁, 你随身带着它, 就可以解决所有问题了。
And of course, for all those reasons I've just outlined , it doesn't, and it might, actually, make some problems worse. 当然,基于我刚才列出的种种原因, 这也许不会真的解决问题, 可能反倒会使问题变得更糟。
The more times you're forced to use your real identity, certainly in transactional terms, the more likely that identity is to get stolen and subverted. 被强制使用真实身份的次数越多, 当然是在交易中, 那么它被盗被毁的可能性就越大。
The goal is to stop people from using identity in transactions which don't need identity, which is actually almost all transactions. 所以,我们的目标就是使人们 在不必要的交易场合 不再出示真实身份。 其实几乎所有的交易都不需要。
Almost all of the transactions you do are not, who are you? 你参与的几乎所有交易, 都不在乎你是谁,
They're, are you allowed to drive the car, are you allowed in the building, are you over 18, etcetera , etcetera. 而是,你是否被允许开车, 是否可以进入这幢大楼, 是否满18岁, 诸如之类。
So my suggestion-I, like James, think that there should be a resurgence of interest in R D. 所以我的建议,如詹姆斯一样,就是 我认为这个问题应该重新 被研发重视起来。
I think this is a solvable problem. 它是可解的,
It's something we can do about. 对此我们可以有所作为。
Naturally , in these circumstances , 很自然的,在这样的情境下,
Naturally:adv.自然地;自然而然地;轻而易举;天生地;大方地; circumstances:n.情况;环境;情形;(circumstance的复数)
I turn to Doctor Who. 我会向”神秘博士”求助。
Because in this, as in so many other walks of life, 因为在这本剧中, 就像在现实生活中的各行各业,
Doctor Who has already shown us the answer. 神秘博士已经给了我们答案。
So I should say, for some of our foreign visitors, 应该说, 对于我们某些外籍游客,
Doctor Who is the greatest living scientist in England, 神秘博士是英国最伟大的当代科学家,
(Laughter) (笑声)
and a beacon of truth and enlightenment to all of us. 也是我们每个人真理和启示的灯塔。
beacon:n.灯塔; v.像灯塔般照耀; enlightenment:n.启迪;启蒙运动;教化;
And this is Doctor Who with his psychic paper. 这是神秘博士和他的通灵卡片。
Come on, you guys must have seen Doctor Who's psychic paper. 你们肯定读过这个,
You're not nerds if you say yes. 读过又不意味着你就是书呆子。
Who's seen Doctor Who's psychic paper? 谁见过神秘博士的通灵卡片?
Oh right, you were in the library the whole time studying I guess. 好吧,我猜你们一直都在图书馆学习,
Is that what you're going to tell us? 这就是你要告诉我们的吗?
Doctor Who's psychic paper is when you hold up the psychic paper, the person, in their brain, sees the thing that they need to see. 神秘博士的通灵卡片, 就是当你举起它的时候, 这个人能在他们脑中 看到他们所想要的。
So I want to show you a British passport, 我想给你们看一个英国护照,
I hold up the psychic paper, you see a British passport. 我举起通灵卡片, 你就可以看到一个英国护照;
I want to get into a party, 我想要参加一个派对,
I hold up the psychic paper, 只要我举起通灵卡片,
I show you a party invitation . 你就可以看到一个派对邀请。
You see what you want to see. 你可以看到你内心所想的。
So what I'm saying is we need to make an electronic version of that, but with one tiny, tiny change, which is that it'll only show you the British passport if I've actually got one. 我想说的是, 我们可以做一个电子版本, 但是要做出一个很小的改变, 就是它只展示我的英国护照, 如果我确实有一张;
It'll only show you the party invitation if I actually have one. 它会显示那个派对邀请, 如果我也有这个;
It will only show you that I'm over 18 if I actually am over 18. 它也可以显示我已满18岁, 如果情况也属实的话。
But nothing else. 但不会显示其它。
So you're the bouncer at the pub, you need to know that I'm over 18, instead of showing you my driving license , which shows you I know how to drive, what my name is, my address, all these kind of things, 如果你是酒吧保镖, 要知道我是否满18岁, 我不用出示我的驾照, 那就泄露了我会开车, 还透露我的姓名、地址之类的信息。
bouncer:n.保镖;巨大的东西;跳跃的人;吹牛者; license:v.许可;批准;
I show you my psychic paper, and all it tells you is am I over 18 or not. 我给你看我的通灵卡片就可以了, 它只告诉你我是否已满18岁。
Right. 是的。
Is that just a pipe dream ? 这只是白日梦么?
a pipe dream:空想;黄粱美梦;
Of course not, otherwise I wouldn't be here talking to you. 当然不是啦! 否则我不会在这里讲这么多。
So in order to build that and make it work, 为了完成这个设想,让它付诸实际,
I'm only going to name these things, I'll not go into them, we need a plan, which is we're going to build this as an infrastructure for everybody to use, to solve all of these problems. 我只讲讲需要的东西, 就不做具体解释了。 我需要制定一个计划, 建造这样一个 人人都可以使用的基础框架, 来解决所有问题。
We're going to make a utility , the utility has to be universal , you can use it everywhere, 我们会制造一种功用, 它必须是普适的, 你可以随处使用。
utility:n.公用事业;实用;实用程序;adj.多用途的;多效用的; universal:adj.普遍的;全体的;全世界的;共同的;
I'm just giving you little flashes of the technology as we go along. 我来为大家提供一点 有关这些技术的片段。
flashes:n.闪光灯;光芒;披峰;v.闪光;反射;(flash的第三人称单数和复数) technology:n.技术;工艺;术语;
That's a Japanese ATM, the fingerprint template is stored inside the mobile phone . 指纹模板存储在手机里头。
fingerprint:n.指纹;手印;vt.采指纹; template:n.模板,样板; mobile phone:移动电话
So when you want to draw money out, you put the mobile phone on the ATM, and touch your finger, your fingerprint goes through to the phone, the phone says yes, that's whoever , and the ATM then gives you some money. 如果你要取现金, 你可以把手机放在自动提款机上, 按指印, 你的指纹就传送到手机。 手机确认提款人身份后, 自动提款机就会把现金递给你。
It has to be a utility that you can use everywhere. 这是一个你可以随处使用的功能,
It has to be absolutely convenient , that's me going into the pub. 而且它必须非常方便快捷。 我要去酒吧,
All the device on the door of the pub is allowed is, is this person over 18 and not barred from the pub? 酒吧入口的设备会检测是否许可进入, 依据我们是否满18岁。
And so the idea is, you touch your ID card to the door, and if I am allowed in, it shows my picture, if I'm not allowed in, it shows a red cross. 这个想法就是, 让你的身份证接触门, 如果它允许你进入, 就会显示你的照片; 如果不能,就会给你一个红叉。
It doesn't disclose any other information. 这并没有泄露你的其他信息,
It has to have no special gadgets . 它必须没有什么特别的配件。
That can only mean one thing, following on from Ross's statement , which I agree with completely. 那就只意味着一件事, 按照罗斯的声明往下说, 我完全同意其中的观点。
If it means no special gadgets, it has to run on a mobile phone. 如果它没有什么特别配件, 就必须能在手机上运行。
That's the only choice we have, we have to make it work on mobile phones. 这是我们的唯一选择: 得让它在手机上工作。
There are 6.6 billion mobile phone subscriptions . 全球有66亿 手机用户,
My favorite statistic of all time, only 4 billion toothbrushes in the world. 我一直以来最喜欢的一个统计数字, 是全世界只有40亿的牙刷。
statistic:n.统计学;统计数字;统计资料;(一项)统计数据;adj.统计(上)的; toothbrushes:n.[轻]牙刷(toothbrush的复数);
That means something, 它是有意义的,
I don't know what. 只是我不知道是什么。
(Laughter) (笑声)
I rely on our futurologists to tell me. (笑声)
rely:vi.依靠;信赖; futurologists:n.未来学家;未来学研究者;
It has to be a utility which is extensible . 这必须是一个可扩展的功用,
So it has to be something that anybody could build on. 是某种 任何人都能组建的功用。
Anybody should be able to use this infrastructure, you don't need permissions, licenses , whatever, anyone should be able to write some code to do this. 每个人都要能使用这个基础框架, 而不需要任何许可、授权之类的。 每个人都能写代码来做这件事。
You know what symmetry is, so you don't need a picture of it. 你知道对称性是什么, 所以不需要看图去理解。
This is how we're going to do it. 我们就要这样去做,
We're going to do it using phones, and we're going to do it using mobile proximity . 我们用手机和移动感应 完成这件事。
I'm going to suggest to you the technology to implement 我想建议你们, 来实现神秘博士的通灵卡片,
Doctor Who's psychic paper is already here, and if any of you have got one of the new Barclay's debit cards with the contactless interface on it, you've already got that technology. 其实所需技术早已存在。 如果你们任何人有这种 巴克莱银行新发行的、 具有非接触界面的借记卡, 你就已经拥有这种技术了。
contactless:adj.无触点的;不接触的; interface:n.接口;人机界面;连接电路;v.连接;
If you've ever been up to the big city, and used an Oyster card at all, does that ring any bells to anybody? 如果你曾去过大城市, 用过交通卡, 这会对你有什么提示吗?
The technology already exists. 这种技术已经存在。
The first phones that have the technology built in, the Google Nexus , the S2, the Samsung Wifi 7.9, the first phones that have the technology built into them are already in the shops. 首批内置这项技术的手机 带有这些技术的手机 已经在市面出售。
Google:谷歌;谷歌搜索引擎; Nexus:n.关系;连结,连系;
So the idea that the gas man can turn up at my mom's door and he can show my mom his phone, and she can tap it with her phone, and it will come up with green if he really is from British Gas and allowed in, and it'll come up with red if he isn't, end of story. 所以当天然气工人 出现在我母亲的门口, 他出示他的手机, 我母亲点一下自己的手机, 就可以知道他是不是 来自英国天然气公司, 可不可以让他进来。 如果他不是,就会出现红叉。 就这么简单。
come up with:提出;想出;赶上;
We have the technology to do that. 我们具备所需的技术,
And what's more, although some of those things sounded a bit counter-intuitive , like proving I'm over 18 without proving who I am, the cryptography to do that not only exists, it's extremely well-known and well-understood. 更重要的是, 虽然有些事情有些匪夷所思, 比如证明我年满 18 但不泄露我是谁, 事实上相关加密技术不仅存在, 而且非常普遍易懂。
counter-intuitive:adj.反直觉的;违反语感的; cryptography:n.密码学;密码使用法; well-known:adj.著名的;众所周知的;清楚明白的;
Digital signatures , the blinding of public key certificates , these technologies have been around for a while , we've just had no way of packaging them up. 数字签名、公钥证书, 这些技术已经存在有一阵子了, 只是我们还没能把它们打包起来。
Digital:adj.数字的;手指的;n.数字;键; signatures:n.签名;鲜明特征(signature的复数); certificates:n.[管理]证书(certificate的复数); v.用证书证明(certificate的单数第三人称); technologies:n.技术;科技(technology的复数); have been around:见识(很)多;世故(很)深;遍布全球;世故深;遍布各地; for a while:adv.片刻;暂时;一会儿;一时;
So the technology already exists. 这些技术存在,
We know it works, 而且有效。
There are a few examples of the technology being used in experimental places. 有一些此类技术 被用在实验环境中,
That's London Fashion Week, where we built a system with O2, that's for the Wireless Festival in Hyde Park, you can see the persons walking in with their VIP band, it's just being checked by the Nokia phone that's reading the band. 在伦敦时装周, 我们建了一个“氧气”系统, 用在海德公园的无线盛会。 你可以看见人们 带着他们的VIP卡走进去, 它正在检查, 通过Nokia手机读取VIP卡的信息。
I'm only putting those up to show you these things are prosaic , this stuff works in these environments. 我讲这些只是为了告诉大家, 这一切都不足为奇。 能在这样的环境中运作,
They don't need to be special. 其实没什么特别之处。
So finally , I know that you can do this, because if you saw the episode of Doctor Who, the Easter special of Doctor Who, where he went to Mars in a bus, 最后,我知道你可以做到这些, 如果你看过神秘博士, 复活节特辑的那一集, 他乘公车去火星,
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; episode:n.一段经历;片段,插曲;一集; Mars:n.火星
I should say again for our foreign students, that doesn't happen every episode. 我必须为在场的外籍学生 再次解释一遍, 这不是每一集都有的。
This was a very special case. 这是一个特例。
So in the episode where he goes to Mars in a London bus, 他在一辆伦敦公车上前往火星的那集,
I can't show you the clip , due to the outrageous restrictions of Queen Anne-style copyright by the BBC, but in the episode where he goes to Mars in a London bus, 我没法给你们看剪辑, 因为被 BBC 像安妮皇后一般 严格地控制着版权。 在那一集, 神秘博士坐着伦敦公车去火星,
clip:v.剪辑;修剪;削减;固定;n.夹;夹子;速度;钳; restrictions:n.限制规定;限制;约束;制约因素;(restriction的复数) copyright:n.版权;著作权;adj.受版权保护的;未经准许不得复制的;v.获得…的版权;
Doctor Who is clearly shown getting on to the bus with the Oyster card reader using his psychic paper. 你能清楚看到他上了公交车, 在那个交通卡读卡器上, 通过他的通灵卡片使用了特异功能。
Which proves that psychic paper has an MSE interface. 这证实了这个通灵卡片, 有一个MSE(移动服务引擎)的接口。
Thank you very much. 非常感谢!