

Who are we? 我们是谁
Are we simply what others want us to be? 难道我们只能活成别人期待的模样
Are we destined to a fate beyond our control? 无法逃脱既定的宿命
Or can we evolve ? 还是说 我们能够进化
Become... something more? 超越自己
Can you change the station? 你能换个频道吗
When the song's over, honey. 等这首歌放完 亲爱的
You said that two songs ago. 两首歌之前 你就这么说了
You know this is a classic , right? 这首可是经典老歌
Okay, how about I make you a promise? 这样吧 我答应你
When you're old enough to drive, you can listen to whatever music you want. 等你长大 能自己开车了 你想听什么歌都行
That a deal? 行吗
John. - Wasn't me. 约翰 -不是我
Jean, was that... Did you? 琴 是你干的吗
I didn't do anything. 我什么也没干
Jean, what are you... - I... I don't know. It's not me. 琴 你... -我不知道 不是我
Quiet. 安静
Quiet. 安静
Quiet! 安静
She doesn't have a scratch on her. 她连块皮都没破
scratch:n.擦伤; adj.打草稿用的; v.抓;
No internal injuries . 也没有内伤
internal:n.内脏;本质;adj.内部的;里面的;体内的;(机构)内部的; injuries:n.伤害,损伤;挫伤;(injury的复数)
And you're sure she was in the car? 你确定她在事故车辆上吗
Yeah. 确定
Who's gonna tell her? 那这事儿谁通知她
Thank you. 谢谢
Hello. 你好
Where are my parents? 我爸妈呢
My name's Charles Xavier, and... - They're dead. 我叫查尔斯.泽维尔 -他们死了
Aren't they? 对吗
Yes, they are. 对 没错
And I'm very sorry to have to tell you that. 我很抱歉 告诉你这个噩耗
So what happens to me now? 那我接下来会怎样
Well, that's why I'm here, actually. 我就是为此事而来
You see, I have a school that is for young people, who are like you. 我开了一所学校 专门收像你一样的孩子
Special. 特别之人
Special is just a nice word for... 特别只是客气话 用来代称...
Weird ? Or crazy? 怪胎 疯子
Yep. 没错
Yep, sometimes it is. 没错 有时是这样
Sometimes, it can be a word used to describe people who are significant . 但有时也可以用来形容那些重要的人
describe:v.描述;形容;把…称为;画出…图形; significant:adj.重大的;有效的;有意义的;值得注意的;意味深长的;n.象征;有意义的事物;
Or amazing. Or... 了不起的人 或者...
Or just... just really cool. 或者是那些很棒的人
You've got gifts, Jean. 你有天赋 琴
Do you know what? 是这样
Take this pen, right. 拿着这支笔
It's something that... 这支笔…
Well, actually, just take it. 你就拿着吧
It's a gift. 这是礼物
Now, you could choose to draw a really good picture with that... 你可以用这支笔画出一幅佳作
or you could use it to poke someone's eyes out. 也可以用来戳爆别人的眼睛
But either way, it's still just a pen. 但不管怎样 这只是一支笔
well, that's entirely up to you. 完全取决于你
But if you want to use it to do good stuff ... 但如果你想用天赋做善事