

(Music) (音乐)
? I don't understand myself, ? ?我不理解自己?
? why they keep talking of love, ? ?为何他们一直谈论爱情?
? if they come near me, ? ?如果他们靠近我?
? if they look into my eyes and kiss my hand. ? ?如果他们看着我的眼睛亲吻我的手?
? I don't understand myself, ? ?我不理解自己?
? why they talk of magic, ? ?为何他们谈论奇迹?
? that no one withstands , ? ?你战也枉然?
? if he sees me, if he passes by. ? ?如果你看到我,如果你经过我?
? But if the red light is on ? ?如果红色的灯?
? in the middle of the night ? ?亮在深夜里?
? and everybody listens to my song, ? ?每个人听我歌唱?
? then it is plain to see. ? ?那么显而易见?
? My lips, they give so fiery a kiss, ? ?他们在我唇上留下火热的亲吻?
? my limbs , they are supple and white. ? ?我柔软洁白的四肢?
limbs:n.[解剖]四肢(limb的复数); supple:adj.柔软的; vt.使柔软; vi.变柔顺;
? It is written for me in the stars, ? ?这是命中注定?
? thou shalt kiss, thou shalt love. ? ?你当亲吻,你当热恋?
? My feet, they glide and float, ? ?我的双脚,在滑动徜徉?
? my eyes, they lure and glow . ? ?我的双眼,诱人而闪亮?
lure:n.诱惑;饵;诱惑物;v诱惑;引诱; glow:n.喜悦; v.发热;
? And I dance as if entranced, 'cause I know, ? ?我着迷一样跳舞,因为我知道?
? my lips give so fiery a kiss. ? ?我的唇有火热地吻?
? In my veins , ? ?我的血液里?
veins:n.[解剖]静脉(vein的复数); v.使有脉络;
? runs a dancer's blood, ? ?流着舞者的血?
? because my beautiful mother ? ?因为我美丽的母亲?
? was the Queen of dance ? ?是移动城堡里的?
? in the gilded Alcazar . ? ?舞后?
gilded:adj.镀金的,装饰的;富有的;v.给…镀金(gild的过去分词); Alcazar:n.城堡;
? She was so very beautiful, ? ?她是如此美丽?
? I often saw her in my dreams. ? ?我常常梦到她?
? If she beat the tambourine ? ?她打着手鼓?
? to her beguiling dance, all eyes were glowing admiringly. ? ?和着旖旎的舞姿,每一双眼睛都流露爱慕?
beguiling:adj.欺骗的; v.欺骗; glowing:adj.灼热的;热情洋溢的;鲜艳的;v.发光;容光焕发;发热;(glow的现在分词)
? She reawakened in me, ? ?她在我体内复苏?
? mine is the same lot. ? ?我也是如此?
? I dance like her at midnight ? ?我在午夜像她一样跳舞?
? and from deep within I feel: ? ?我深深感受:?
? My lips, they give so fiery a kiss, ? ?他们在我唇上留下火热的亲吻?
? my limbs, they are supple and white. ? ?我柔软洁白的四肢?
? It is written for me in the stars, ? ?这是命中注定?
? thou shalt kiss, thou shalt love. ? ?你当亲吻,你当热恋?
? And I dance as if entranced, 'cause I know, ? ?我着迷一样跳舞,因为我知道?
? my lips give so fiery a kiss. ? ?我的唇有着火热地吻?
(Applause) (掌声)