

I'd like to talk today about how we can change our brains and our society. 我今天想要谈的是 我们可以如何改变我们的大脑 和我们的社会。
Meet Joe. 这是乔。
Joe's 32 years old and a murderer. 32岁的乔是一个杀人犯。
I met Joe 13 years ago on the lifer wing at Wormwood Scrubs high-security prison in London. 13年前我在伦敦的戒备森严的 沃姆伍德斯克鲁伯斯监狱的无期徒刑区见到了乔。
lifer:n.职业军人;被判无期徒刑者,无期徒刑犯; Wormwood:n.[植]苦艾;苦恼,苦恼的原因; Scrubs:n.实习医生风云(电视剧名); high-security:高安全性;
I'd like you to imagine this place. 我想让大家来想象一下这个地方。
It looks and feels like it sounds: 它和它听上去的一样:
Wormwood Scrubs. 充斥着痛苦的地方。
Built at the end of the Victorian Era by the inmates themselves, it is where England's most dangerous prisoners are kept. 这座由囚犯们在 维多利亚时代后期建立起来的监狱, 是关押英国最危险的犯人的地方。
Era:n.新时期;纪元;年代;新时代; inmates:n.被收容者;居民(inmate的名词复数);
These individuals have committed acts of unspeakable evil . 这些人都犯下了 令人发指的罪行。
individuals:n.[经]个人;[生物]个体(individual的复数); committed:adj.坚信的; v.做出错事; (commit的过去分词和过去式) unspeakable:adj.无法形容的;不能以言语表达的;坏透了的; evil:adj.邪恶的;不幸的;有害的;讨厌的;n.罪恶,邪恶;不幸;
And I was there to study their brains. 而我在那里研究他们的大脑。
I was part of a team of researchers from University College London, on a grant from the U.K. department of health. 我是伦敦大学学院里 一个研究小组的一员, 这个研究是由英国健康部门所资助的。
My task was to study a group of inmates who had been clinically diagnosed as psychopaths . 我的任务是研究一群 被临床诊断为患有精神病的犯人们。
clinically:adv.临床地;门诊部地;不偏不倚;通过临床诊断; diagnosed:v.诊断(疾病);判断(问题的原因);(diagnose的过去分词和过去式) psychopaths:n.心理病态性格;精神病者(psychopath的复数);
That meant they were the most callous and the most aggressive of the entire prison population. 也就是说他们是所有犯人里 最冷酷和冲动的 一群人。
callous:adj.冷酷无情的;无同情心的;冷漠的;v.使硬结;使无感觉;使无情 aggressive:adj.侵略性的;好斗的;有进取心的;有闯劲的;
What lay at the root of their behavior? 是什么根本原因导致了他们的行为?
Was there a neurological cause for their condition? 会不会有神经性的原因引发了这些问题?
And if there was a neurological cause, could we find a cure? 如果真的有神经性的原因, 我们能找到解药吗?
So I'd like to speak about change, and especially about emotional change. 因此我想要谈谈变化,特别是情绪变化。
especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分; emotional:adj.情绪的;易激动的;感动人的;
Growing up, I was always intrigued by how people change. 从小到大,我一直对 人们是如何变化的感到好奇。
intrigued:adj.感兴趣的; v.密谋; (intrigue的过去式和过去分词)
My mother, a clinical psychotherapist , would occasionally see patients at home in the evening. 在晚上会时不时的在家里
psychotherapist:n.精神治疗医师; occasionally:adv.偶尔;有时候;偶然; patients:n.接受治疗者,病人;(patient的复数)
She would shut the door to the living room , and I imagined magical things happened in that room. 她会把客厅的门关上, 然后我就会想象 神奇的事情在那个房间里发生了。
living room:n.客厅;起居室;
At the age of five or six 在我五六岁的时候,
I would creep up in my pajamas and sit outside with my ear glued to the door. 我会穿着睡衣爬到门口 坐在门外把耳朵贴在门上偷听。
creep:v.爬行;蔓延;慢慢地移动;起鸡皮疙瘩;n.爬行;毛骨悚然的感觉;谄媚者; pajamas:n.睡衣;宽长裤; glued:v.(用胶水)粘合,粘牢,粘贴(glue的过去分词和过去式)
On more than one occasion, I fell asleep and they had to push me out of the way at the end of the session . 有好几次,我都睡着了 他们不得不在诊疗结束之后
And I suppose that's how I found myself walking into the secure interview room on my first day at Wormwood Scrubs. 我想就是这好奇心驱使我 走进了 沃姆伍德斯克鲁伯斯监狱的安全面试室。
suppose:v.推断:假定:假设:设想: interview:n.接见,采访;面试,面谈;v.采访;接见;对…进行面谈;
Joe sat across a steel table and greeted me with this blank expression . 乔坐在一个铁桌的对面 然后面无表情的和我打了招呼。
The prison warden , looking equally indifferent , said, "Any trouble, just press the red buzzer , and we'll be around as soon as we can." 而监狱长也同样面无表情的说, “有麻烦的话,就按那个红色的警报器, 我们会尽快赶到的。”
warden:n.监狱长;管理人;看守人;监护人; indifferent:adj.漠不关心的;无关紧要的;中性的,中立的; buzzer:n.蜂鸣器;嗡嗡作声的东西;信号手; as soon as:一…就;
(Laughter) (笑声)
I sat down. 我坐下来。
The heavy metal door slammed shut behind me. 沉重的铁门在我后面砰的关上了。
heavy metal:重金属; slammed:v.(使…)砰地关上;使劲一推;猛烈抨击;(slam的过去分词和过去式)
I looked up at the red buzzer far behind Joe on the opposite wall. 我看着红色的警报器, 它在乔身后离我很远的那堵墙上。
(Laughter) (笑声)
I looked at Joe. 我看着乔。
Perhaps detecting my concern , he leaned forward, and said, as reassuringly as he could, "Ah, don't worry about the buzzer, it doesn't work anyway." 可能是看出了我的顾虑, 他身体前倾, 尽量安慰地对我说, “啊,别担心那个警报器, 反正它已经坏了。“
detecting:n.检测;检定;v.发现;探知(detect的现在分词);adj.探测的; concern:v.涉及,关系到;使担心;n.关系;关心;关心的事; leaned:v.前俯后仰;倾斜;倚靠;使斜靠;(lean的过去分词和过去式)
(Laughter) (笑声)
Over the subsequent months, we tested Joe and his fellow inmates, looking specifically at their ability to categorize different images of emotion. 在接下来的几个月里, 我们测试了乔以及和乔一起的犯人, 特别观察了他们 对不同情绪的照片进行归类的能力。
subsequent:adj.后来的,随后的; specifically:adv.特别地;明确地; categorize:vt.分类; images:n.印象;声誉;形象;画像;雕像;(image的第三人称单数和复数)
And we looked at their physical response to those emotions . 我们观察了他们对这些情绪的 肢体反应。
physical:adj.[物]物理的;身体的;物质的;符合自然法则的;n.体格检查; response:n.响应;反应;回答; emotions:n.强烈的感情;激情;情感;(emotion的复数)
So, for example, when most of us look at a picture like this of somebody looking sad, we instantly have a slight , measurable physical response: increased heart rate, sweating of the skin. 比如说,当我们中的大多数看到 一张某人看上去很伤心的照片, 我们马上会有一个轻微的, 可以测量出来的肢体反应: 心跳加速,皮肤出汗。
slight:adj.轻微的;略微的;细小的;纤细的;n.侮慢;冷落;轻视;v.侮慢;冷落;轻视; measurable:adj.可测量的;重要的;重大的;
Whilst the psychopaths in our study were able to describe the pictures accurately , they failed to show the emotions required. 虽然我们的精神病患者可以 很准确的描述这些照片里的情绪, 但是他们却没有表现出应有的情绪波动。
Whilst:conj.同时;时时,有时;当…的时候; describe:v.描述;形容;把…称为;画出…图形; accurately:adv.精确地,准确地;
They failed to show a physical response. 他们没有任何的肢体反应。
It was as though they knew the words but not the music of empathy . 就像是他们知道字面意思, 却不具备感同身受的能力。
So we wanted to look closer at this to use MRI to image their brains. 所以我们想利用核磁共振 对他们的大脑成像来进一步观察这一现象。
That turned out to be not such an easy task. 这可不是一个简单的工作。
Imagine transporting a collection of clinical psychopaths across central London in shackles and handcuffs in rush hour , and in order to place each of them in an MRI scanner , you have to remove all metal objects, including shackles and handcuffs, and, as I learned, all body piercings. 想象一下 在伦敦的上下班高峰期 运送一群带着手铐脚链的 精神病患者们, 为了让他们躺在核磁共振扫描仪上, 你得去除他们身上所有的金属物, 包括手铐脚链, 以及所有身上的穿环,这也是我才知道的。
transporting:v.运输,运送,输送;传播;(transport的现在分词) shackles:n.[法]手铐,[法]脚镣;塞古; handcuffs:n.手铐;v.用手铐铐住(某人);(handcuff的第三人称单数和复数) rush hour:n.交通拥挤时间;高峰时刻;adj.高峰时刻的; scanner:n.[计]扫描仪;扫描器;光电子扫描装置;
After some time, however, we had a tentative answer. 但是过了一段时间,我们有了一个初步的答案。
These individuals were not just the victims of a troubled childhood . 这些人不仅仅是糟糕童年的 受害者。
There was something else. 还有些其他的原因。
People like Joe have a deficit in a brain area called the amygdala . 像乔这样的人,他们的大脑的杏仁体 是有缺失的。
deficit:n.赤字;逆差;亏损;不足额; amygdala:n.[解剖]杏仁核;扁桃腺;苦巴旦杏;
The amygdala is an almond-shaped organ deep within each of the hemispheres of the brain. 这个杏仁体是一种 杏仁形状的深藏在大脑两半球里的组织。
almond-shaped:杏仁形的; organ:n.[生物]器官;机构;风琴;管风琴;嗓音; hemispheres:n.[天]半球(hemisphere的复数形式);
It is thought to be key to the experience of empathy. 它被认为是产生这种共情性体验的关键。
Normally , the more empathic a person is, the larger and more active their amygdala is. 通常,一个人的共情性越强, 他们的杏仁体就越大越活跃。
Normally:adv.正常地;通常地,一般地; empathic:adj.移情作用的;神入的;
Our population of inmates had a deficient amygdala, which likely led to their lack of empathy and to their immoral behavior. 我们的囚犯们 有一个有缺陷的杏仁体, 这很可能导致了他们缺乏感同身受的能力 进而表现出不道德的行为。
deficient:adj.不足的;有缺陷的;不充分的; immoral:adj.不道德的;邪恶的;淫荡的;
So let's take a step back. 那么让我们回过头来看。
Normally, acquiring moral behavior is simply part of growing up, like learning to speak. 通常,养成道德的行为习惯 是成长过程中的一部分, 就像学习说话一样。
At the age of six months, virtually every one of us is able to differentiate between animate and inanimate objects. 在六个月大的时候,基本上我们每个人 都可以区分有生命和无生命的物体。
virtually:adv.事实上,几乎;实质上; differentiate:vi.区分,区别;vt.区分,区别; inanimate:adj.无生命的;无生气的;
At the age of 12 months, most children are able to imitate the purposeful actions of others. 一岁的时候, 大部分的孩子都可以模仿 他人的有意识的动作。
imitate:v.模仿;仿效;模仿(某人的讲话、举止);作滑稽模仿; purposeful:adj.有目的的;有决心的;
So for example, your mother raises her hands to stretch , and you imitate her behavior. 比如说,你的妈妈举起并伸展她的双手, 而你也会跟着模仿她的行为。
At first, this isn't perfect. 最初,这还不是很完美。
I remember my cousin Sasha, two years old at the time, looking through a picture book and licking one finger and flicking the page with the other hand, licking one finger and flicking the page with the other hand. 我记得我的表妹萨沙, 她两岁的时候, 在看一本图画书的时候, 她一边舔着一个手指,一边用另一只手翻页, 一边舔着一个手指,一边用另一只手翻页。
picture book:图画书; flicking:v.轻击;(使)突然快速移动;向…笑了一下;(flick的现在分词)
(Laughter) (笑声)
Bit by bit, we build the foundations of the social brain so that by the time we're three, four years old, most children, not all, have acquired the ability to understand the intentions of others, another prerequisite for empathy. 渐渐地,我们为我们的社会性大脑建立了基础, 在我们三、四岁的时候, 大部分的孩子,不是所有的, 都具备了领会 他人意图的能力, 这是另一个建立共情性的先决条件。
foundations:n.基础;地基;基金会;粉底;(foundations是foundation的复数) acquired:adj.习得的; v.获得; (acquire的过去分词和过去式) intentions:n.目的,意向,意图;打算;(intention的复数) prerequisite:n.先决条件;adj.首要必备的;
The fact that this developmental progression is universal , irrespective of where you live in the world or which culture you inhabit , strongly suggests that the foundations of moral behavior are inborn . 事实上这种发育进展是 具有普遍性的, 不管你住在哪里, 不管你的文化背景如何, 这都很充分的证明了道德行为的基础 是天生的。
developmental:adj.发展的;启发的; progression:n.前进;连续; universal:adj.普遍的;全体的;全世界的;共同的; irrespective of:prep.不考虑;不管;不受…影响;adj.不顾;不考虑; inhabit:v.居住在;栖居于; inborn:adj.天生的;先天的;
If you doubt this, try, as I've done, to renege on a promise you've made to a four-year-old. 如果你有怀疑的话, 那就试试在一个四岁孩子面前 失守承诺。
You will find that the mind of a four-year old is not na?ve in the slightest . 你就会知道一个四岁的孩子 一点都不好骗。
It is more akin to a Swiss army knife with fixed mental modules finely honed during development and a sharp sense of fairness. 它更像是一把瑞士军刀, 有着经过仔细磨练的 各种固定的金属组件 以及强烈的公平意识。
akin:adj.类似的;同类的;同族的; Swiss army knife:n.瑞士军刀;万能的方法; modules:n.[计]模块(module的复数);加载模块列表; finely:adv.非常地;细微地;美好地;雅致地; honed:adj.磨光的;亚光;v.把…磨光(hone的过去式及过去分词); sharp:锋利的,尖的
The early years are crucial . 早期发育是非常关键的。
There seems to be a window of opportunity, after which mastering moral questions becomes more difficult, like adults learning a foreign language. 在某个时期还是有机会改正过来的, 但是过了那个时期 影响道德行为将变得很难, 就像让成年人学一门外语一样。
That's not to say it's impossible. 但这并不意味着这是不可能的事情。
A recent, wonderful study from Stanford University showed that people who have played a virtual reality game in which they took on the role of a good and helpful superhero actually became more caring and helpful towards others afterwards. 最近斯坦福大学有一项非常棒的研究表明 那些在虚拟游戏里 扮演了乐于助人的 超级英雄的人们 在现实生活中也变得 更有同情心和乐于助人了。
virtual reality:n.(计算机创造的)虚拟现实;
Now I'm not suggesting we endow criminals with superpowers , but I am suggesting that we need to find ways to get Joe and people like him to change their brains and their behavior, for their benefit and for the benefit of the rest of us. 我不是说 要让犯人们有超能力, 我的意思是我们需要找到 让乔和其他像他一样的人 改变他们大脑和行为的办法, 这对他们和 我们都有好处。
endow:vt.赋予;捐赠;天生具有; superpowers:n.超级大国;超能力;超级强权;(superpower的复数形式) for the benefit of:为…的利益;
So can brains change? 那么大脑可以改变吗?
For over 100 years, neuroanatomists and later neuroscientists held the view that after initial development in childhood, no new brain cells could grow in the adult human brain. 在超过100年的时间里, 神经解剖学家以及后来的神经学家 都认为成年后 大脑就不会再产生 新的细胞。
neuroscientists:n.神经系统科学家; initial:adj.最初的; n.(名字的)首字母; v.用姓名的首字母作标记(或签名)于;
The brain could only change within certain set limits. 大脑只能在
That was the dogma . 这就是过去的理念。
But then, in the 1990s, studies starting showing, following the lead of Elizabeth Gould at Princeton and others, studies started showing the evidence of neurogenesis , the birth of new brain cells in the adult mammalian brain, first in the olfactory bulb , which is responsible for our sense of smell, then in the hippocampus involving short-term memory, and finally in the amygdala itself. 但是,在上世纪90年代, 各项研究开始表明, 在普林斯顿的伊丽莎白·古尔德和其他人的领导下, 这些研究显示了神经发展的证据, 新的脑细胞 在成年哺乳动物大脑里产生, 首先在负责嗅觉的 嗅球里, 然后在负责暂时记忆的 海马体里, 最后就是在杏仁体里。
Princeton:n.普林斯顿(美国新泽西州中部的自治市镇); evidence:n.证据,证明;迹象;明显;v.证明; neurogenesis:n.[胚]神经发生;[胚]神经形成; mammalian:adj.哺乳类动物的;n.哺乳类; olfactory:adj.嗅觉的;味道的;n.嗅觉器官; bulb:n.电灯泡;(植物)鳞茎;鳞茎状物(如温度计的球部);v.生球茎;肿[涨]成球; responsible:adj.负责的,可靠的;有责任的; hippocampus:n.[解剖][脊椎]海马;马头鱼尾怪兽(神话中的一个形象); involving:v.包含;需要;牵涉;牵连;影响;(使)参加;(involve的现在分词) short-term:adj.短期的; finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地;
In order to understand how this process works, 为了弄明白这个过程是 如何发展的,
I left the psychopaths and joined a lab in Oxford specializing in learning and development. 我离开了精神病患们并加入了 牛津的一个专门研究学习和发展的实验室。
Instead of psychopaths, I studied mice, because the same pattern of brain responses appears across many different species of social animals. 我的研究对象从精神病人变成了老鼠, 因为同样的大脑反应 在很多的社会性动物中都出现了。
responses:n.回答,答复;反应;响应;(response的复数) species:n.[生物]物种;种类;
So if you rear a mouse in a standard cage, a shoebox , essentially , with cotton wool , alone and without much stimulation , not only does it not thrive , but it will often develop strange, repetitive behaviors. 如果你在一个正常的笼子,或者是鞋盒里, 特别是有药棉的那种, 养一只老鼠, 就让它孤零零的, 它不仅不会活跃, 反而还会有奇怪的、 重复的举动行为。
rear:adj.后方的;后面的;n.后部;屁股;臀部;v.抚养;培养;饲养;用后腿直立; standard:n.标准;水准;旗;度量衡标准;adj.标准的;合规格的;公认为优秀的; shoebox:n.鞋盒;adj.(建筑物)鞋盒似的; essentially:adv.本质上;本来; cotton wool:n.药棉;脱脂棉; stimulation:n.刺激;激励,鼓舞; thrive:v.繁荣;茁壮成长;蓬勃发展;兴旺发达; repetitive:adj.重复的;
This naturally sociable animal will lose its ability to bond with other mice, even becoming aggressive when introduced to them. 这种天生的社会动物 就会失去和其他老鼠打交道的能力, 甚至会在见到其他老鼠的时候变得很好斗。
naturally:adv.自然地;自然而然地;轻而易举;天生地;大方地; sociable:adj.社交的;好交际的;友善的;n.联谊会;
However, mice reared in what we called an enriched environment, a large habitation with other mice with wheels and ladders and areas to explore , demonstrate neurogenesis, the birth of new brain cells, and as we showed, they also perform better on a range of learning and memory tasks. 正相反的是,那些在我们所谓的 丰富的环境里生活的老鼠, 它们跟其他的老鼠居住, 有轮子和梯子可玩以及其他的地方可以去, 在这些老鼠的大脑里出现了神经发展, 新的脑神经的产生, 同时,它们也在各种学习 和记忆任务中表现更出色。
reared:v.抚养;培养;饲养;用后腿直立;(rear的过去分词和过去式) enriched:v.使丰富;使饱含(某物);使富有;(enrich的过去分词和过去式) habitation:n.居住;住所; ladders:n.[建]梯子(ladder的复数);v.装设梯子(ladder的第三人称单数形式); explore:v.探索:探测:探险: demonstrate:vt.证明;展示;论证;vi.示威; perform:v.表演;执行;履行;演出;工作,运转(好/不好);
Now, they don't develop morality to the point of carrying the shopping bags of little old mice across the street, but their improved environment results in healthy, sociable behavior. 它们当然不会发展出 为老老鼠过街提购物袋的 文明举动来, 但是他们所处的良好的环境导致了 健康的社会行为。
morality:n.道德;品行,美德; improved:adj.改良的:v.改进:改善(improve的过去分词和过去式)
Mice reared in a standard cage, by contrast , not dissimilar , you might say, from a prison cell, have dramatically lower levels of new neurons in the brain. 正相反,那些养在普通笼子里的老鼠们, 你可能会说,这跟在监狱里没什么区别, 它们大脑里产生的新的脑细胞却要 少得多。
contrast:n.对比;对照;反差;明显的差异;v.对比;对照;形成对比; dissimilar:adj.不同的; dramatically:adv.戏剧地;引人注目地;adv.显著地,剧烈地;
It is now clear that the amygdala of mammals , including primates like us, can show neurogenesis. 现在很清楚的是哺乳动物包括我们人类 大脑里的杏仁体, 可以有神经发展。
mammals:n.哺乳动物;(mammal的复数) primates:n.灵长类;
In some areas of the brain, more than 20 percent of cells are newly formed. 在大脑的一些区域, 大概20%的细胞是新形成的。
We're just beginning to understand what exact function these cells have, but what it implies is that the brain is capable of extraordinary change way into adulthood . 我们才刚开始研究 这些细胞的确切功能是什么, 但是这暗示了 成年人的大脑也是可以有很惊人的变化的。
implies:v.意味着(imply的第三人称单数);蕴含;暗指; capable:adj.能干的,能胜任的;有才华的; extraordinary:adj.非凡的;特别的;离奇的;临时的;特派的; adulthood:n.成年;成人期;
However, our brains are also exquisitely sensitive to stress in our environment. 然而,我们的大脑 同时也对我们所处环境里的压力非常敏感。
exquisitely:adv.精致地;精巧地;敏锐地; sensitive:adj.敏感的;感觉的;易受影响的;n.敏感的人;有灵异能力的人;
Stress hormones , glucocorticoids , released by the brain, suppress the growth of these new cells. 压力应激激素、糖皮质激素, 它们由大脑产生, 并压抑了这些新细胞的生长。
hormones:n.[生理]激素;荷尔蒙;性激素;荷尔蒙制剂(hormone的复数); glucocorticoids:n.肾上腺糖皮质激素;(glucocorticoids是glucocorticoid的复数); released:v.释放;使免除;已发布;(release的过去分词和过去式) suppress:vt.抑制;镇压;废止;
The more stress, the less brain development, which in turn causes less adaptability and causes higher stress levels. 压力越大,大脑的发展就越少, 这又导致了低适应能力和 更多的压力。
This is the interplay between nature and nurture in real time in front of our eyes. 这就是发生在当下的 先天和后天因素之间的相互作用。
interplay:n.相互影响,相互作用;vi.相互影响,相互作用; nurture:v.养育;培养;养护;支持; real time:adj.实时的;接到指示立即执行的;
When you think about it, it is ironic that our current solution for people with stressed amygdalae is to place them in an environment that actually inhibits any chance of further growth. 大家想想看, 讽刺的是,我们现在对待这些 有着极大精神压力的人们的方法就是 把他们放在一个 永远也不会有助于杏仁体增长的环境下。
ironic:adj.讽刺的;反话的; solution:n.解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答; inhibits:抑制;阻止;
Of course, imprisonment is a necessary part of the criminal justice system and of protecting society. 当然,监狱系统是 刑事司法系统和保护社会的 一个必要组成部分。
imprisonment:n.监禁,关押;坐牢;下狱; justice:n.公平;公正;司法制度;审判;
Our research does not suggest that criminals should submit their MRI scans as evidence in court and get off the hook because they've got a faulty amygdala. 我们的研究并不建议 让犯人都用他们的核磁共振扫描结果, 凭着他们有受损的杏仁体 就让他们免除牢狱之灾。
submit:vt.使服从;主张;呈递;vi.提交;服从; get off the hook:脱身;脱离困境; faulty:adj.有错误的;有缺点的;
The evidence is actually the other way. 实际情况恰恰相反。
Because our brains are capable of change, we need to take responsibility for our actions, and they need to take responsibility for their rehabilitation . 因为我们的大脑是可以改变的, 我们需要对我们的行为负责, 而他们也要对他们的康复 做出努力。
One way such rehabilitation might work is through restorative justice programs. 一种方法就是通过 恢复性司法方案来达到康复的目的。
Here victims, if they choose to participate , and perpetrators meet face to face in safe, structured encounters , and the perpetrator is encouraged to take responsibility for their actions, and the victim plays an active role in the process. 如果受害人愿意,可以和 面对面交流, 然后鼓励肇事者要对 他们的行为负责, 受害人同时也扮演着一个重要的角色。
participate:v.参加;参与; perpetrators:n.作恶者;行凶者;犯罪者;(perpetrator的复数) structured:adj.有结构的;有组织的;v.组织;构成(structure的过去分词);建造; encounters:v.遭遇(encounter的第三人称单数);邂逅;n.遭遇战(encounter的复数);相见; victim:n.受害人;牺牲品;牺牲者;
In such a setting, the perpetrator can see, perhaps for the first time, the victim as a real person with thoughts and feelings and a genuine emotional response. 在这样的情景下,肇事者可以意识到, 可能也是第一次意识到, 受害人是一个真实的个体, 是有想法和情绪以及 真实情感的个体。
This stimulates the amygdala and may be a more effective rehabilitative practice than simple incarceration . 这会刺激大脑中的杏仁体 这可能是比简单的关禁闭 更有效的康复练习。
stimulates:vt.刺激;鼓舞,激励;vi.起刺激作用;起促进作用; effective:adj.有效的,起作用的;实际的,实在的;给人深刻印象; rehabilitative:adj.复职的,复原的; incarceration:n.监禁;下狱;禁闭;
Such programs won't work for everyone, but for many, it could be a way to break the frozen sea within. 这种项目不会适用于所有人, 但是对于很多人,这可能是 改变的开始。
So what can we do now? 那么我们现在能做些什么呢?
How can we apply this knowledge? 我们如何在实践中应用这些知识呢?
I'd like to leave you with three lessons that I learned. 我想和大家分享 我学到的三点。
The first thing that I learned was that we need to change our mindset . 第一点就是 我们需要改变想法。
Since Wormwood Scrubs was built 130 years ago, society has advanced in virtually every aspect , in the way we run our schools, our hospitals. 自130年前沃姆伍德斯克鲁伯斯监狱建立以来, 社会已经在几乎所有的方面都有了发展, 包括我们管理学校、医院的方式。
advanced:adj.先进的; v.前进; (advance的过去式和过去分词形式) aspect:n.方面;层面;外观;方位; in the way:妨碍;挡道;
Yet the moment we speak about prisons, it's as though we're back in Dickensian times, if not medieval times. 然而当我们说起监狱的时候, 就好像我们还处在狄更斯时代, 如果不是中世纪的话。
Dickensian:adj.狄更斯的;n.专门研究狄更斯者;崇拜狄更斯者; medieval:adj.中世纪的;原始的;仿中世纪的;老式的;
For too long, I believe, we've allowed ourselves to be persuaded of the false notion that human nature cannot change, and as a society, it's costing us dearly . 我相信,有太长时间, 我们让自己坚信着 人性是不可改变的错误观点, 而这对社会的消耗是极大的。
persuaded:v.劝说;说服;使信服;使相信;(persuade的过去式和过去分词) notion:n.观念;信念;理解; dearly:adv.深深地;昂贵地;
We know that the brain is capable of extraordinary change, and the best way to achieve that, even in adults, is to change and modulate our environment. 我们知道大脑是可以有惊人变化的, 而达到这些变化的最好方式就是, 改变我们的环境, 这对成人也适用。
The second thing I have learned is that we need to create an alliance of people who believe that science is integral to bringing about social change. 我学到的第二点就是 我们需要把所有 相信科学是社会变革不可分割的组成部分的人们 联合起来。
alliance:n.联盟,联合;联姻; integral:adj.积分的;完整的,整体的;必须的;n.积分;部分;完整;
It's easy enough for a neuroscientist to place a high-security inmate in an MRI scanner. 让神经学家把一个重刑犯放在核磁共振扫描仪上 是一件相当轻松的事情。
Well actually, that turns out not to be so easy, but ultimately what we want to show is whether we're able to reduce the reoffending rates. 实际上,那也不是很容易的事, 但最终我们想知道的是 我们是否有能力来降低再犯罪率。
ultimately:adv.最终;最后;归根结底;终究; reoffending:再次违反(reoffend的变体);再次冒犯(reoffend的变体);
In order to answer complex questions like that, we need people of different backgrounds -- lab-based scientists and clinicians , social workers and policy makers, philanthropists and human rights activists — to work together. 为了回答像这样的复杂的问题, 我们需要来自不同背景的人们 - 实验室里的科学家和临床医生、 社会工作者和决策者、 慈善家和人权活动家 - 一同合作。
complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施; clinicians:临床医生(clinician的名词复数); policy:n.政策,方针;保险单; philanthropists:n.慈善家,博爱主义者;乐善好施的人;
Finally, I believe we need to change our own amygdalae, because this issue goes to the heart not just of who Joe is, but who we are. 最后,我相信我们需要 改变我们自己的杏仁体, 因为这个问题归根结底 不是乔是谁, 而是我们是谁。
We need to change our view of Joe as someone wholly irredeemable , because if we see Joe as wholly irredeemable , how is he going to see himself as any different? 我们需要改变认为乔是 无可救药的观点, 因为如果我们认为乔无可救药的话, 他又怎么能认为自己会有任何改变呢?
wholly:adv.完全地;全部;统统; irredeemable:adj.不能赎回的;[金融]不能兑现的;不可救药的;
In another decade, Joe will be released from Wormwood Scrubs. 再有十年,乔就要从监狱里 释放出来了。
Will he be among the 70 percent of inmates who end up reoffending and returning to the prison system? 他会和其他70%的犯人一样 重操旧业 然后再被关到监狱里吗?
Wouldn't it be better if, while serving his sentence, 如果在他服刑的时候,
Joe was able to train his amygdala, which would stimulate the growth of new brain cells and connections, so that he will be able to face the world once he gets released? 来促进新的脑细胞的产生和连接, 这样不是更好吗? 这样在他出狱的时候他就可以 再次面对这个世界了。
Surely, that would be in the interest of all of us. 毫无疑问,这对我们大家都有利。
in the interest of:adv.为了;为了...的利益;
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. (Applause) 谢谢。(掌声)