

My day starts just like yours. 我每天的开始方式和你们一样。
(Laughter) (笑声)
When I wake up in the morning, 当我一早醒来,
I check my phone, and then I have a cup of coffee. 我会看看手机, 然后来一杯咖啡。
But then my day truly starts. 可再之后,我的一天才算真正开始。
It may not be like yours, because I live my life as an artwork. 也许和你们不一样了, 因为我把自己活成了一件艺术品。
Picture yourself in a giant jewelry box with all the beautiful things that you have ever seen in your life. 试想一下你们置身于一个 满是你们这辈子见识过的 美好事物的巨型珠宝盒中。
Then imagine that your body is a canvas . 再把你们的身体想象成一块画布。
And on that canvas, you have a mission to create a masterpiece using the contents of your giant jewelry box. 在这画布上 用你们巨型珠宝盒里的珍藏 来创作一份艺术杰作 是你们的任务。
mission:n.使命,任务;代表团;布道;v.派遣;向…传教; masterpiece:n.杰作;名著;代表作 contents:n.内容; v.知足; (content的第三人称单数和复数)
Once you've created your masterpiece, you might think, "Wow, I created that. 当你们完成了这杰作, 你们会想,“噢,我做完了。
This is who I am today." 这就是今天的我。”
Then you would pick up your house keys, walk out the door into the real world, maybe take public transport to the center of the town ... 然后你们拾起房门钥匙, 出门步入现实世界, 要么是去搭乘 前往市中心的公交......
public transport:n.公共交通;公交车辆;
Possibly walk along the streets or even go shopping. 要么是去遛弯儿, 亦或是去购物。
That's my life, every day. 我的生活,天天如此。
When I walk out the door, these artworks are me. 当我走出房门, 这些艺术品就是我。
I am art. 我就是艺术。
I have lived as art my entire adult life. 自打成年后我就把自己 当成艺术品来生活。
Living as art is how I became myself. 作为艺术品而生活成就了现在的我。
I was brought up in a small village called Fillongley, in England, and it was last mentioned in the "Domesday Book," 我在一个叫做菲朗利 的英格兰小村庄长大, 这地方最近一次被提及 还是在《末日审判书》里,
so that's the mentality . 就是这么个情况。
(Laughter) (笑声)
I was raised by my grandparents, and they were antiques dealers, so I grew up surrounded by history and beautiful things. 我是由爷爷奶奶带大的, 而他们干的是古董买卖, 所以历史与美的事物伴随着我的成长。
I had the most amazing dress-up box. 我有着最棒的扮装盒。
So as you can imagine, it started then. 那么可想而知,事情就这么开始了。
I moved to London when I was 17 to become a model. 17岁时我搬到了 伦敦当模特。
And then I went to study photography . 而后又去学了摄影。
I wasn't really happy with myself at the time, so I was always looking for escapism . 当时我对自己并不满意, 所以我总是在寻求着逃避现实。
I studied the works of David LaChapelle and Steven Arnold, photographers who both curated and created worlds that were mind-blowing to me. 我研究过大卫·拉切贝尔 和史蒂文·阿诺德的作品, 他俩都是提炼且创造出 令我思维炸裂的影像世界的摄影家。
curated:v.当馆长(curate的过去分词); mind-blowing:adj.使兴奋的;引起幻觉的;
So I decided one day to cross over from the superficial fashion world to the superficial art world. 所以我决定有朝一日 我要从这肤浅的时尚界 跨界转行到那肤浅的艺术界。
(Laughter) (笑声)
I decided to live my life as a work of art . 我决定要以一件 艺术作品的身份生活。
work of art:艺术品;
I spend hours, sometimes months, making things. 我会花上数小时, 乃至数月的时间搞创作。
My go-to tool is a safety pin , like this -- 我最称手的工具是 安全别针,就像这个--
safety pin:n.(安全)别针;安全销;保险销;
(Laughter) (笑声)
They're never big enough. 我总嫌它们不够大。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And I use my fabrics time and time again , so I recycle everything that I use. 我还会反复使用我的布料, 所以我得回收我用过的每样东西。
fabrics:n.纤维织物(fabric的复数); time and time again:一次次;一次又一次;多次;不断地; recycle:v.回收利用;再利用;
When I get dressed I'm guided by color, texture and shape. 当我着装时,我会让色彩, 质感和形状来引导我。
I rarely have a theme. 我很少会有主题。
I find beautiful objects from all over the world, and I curate them into 3-D tapestries over a base layer that covers my whole body shape ... 我在世界各地寻找 美丽的物件, 并把它们攒成三维挂毯, 披在一件能遮掩我整个体型的 打底套件上......
tapestries:n.挂毯(tapestry的复数);v.饰以织锦画(tapestry的第三人称单数形式); layer:n.层,层次; vt.把…分层堆放; vi.形成或分成层次;
because I'm not very happy with my body. 因为我对自己的体形不是很满意。
(Laughs) (笑)
I ask myself, "Should I take something off or should I put something on? 我会问自己,“我是该取下点什么呢? 还是该添加点什么?
100 pieces, maybe?" 再添100件,可好?”
And sometimes, I do that. 有的时候,我就这么做了。
I promise you it's not too uncomfortable -- well, just a little -- 我保证这也没多难受—— 好吧,也就有那么点 ——
(Laughter) (笑声)
I might have a safety pin poking at me sometimes when I'm having a conversation with you, so I'll kind of go off -- 在和你们交流的时候 也许有根安全别针 正戳着我, 于是我觉得快绷不住了——
(Laughter) (笑声)
It usually takes me about 20 minutes to get ready, which nobody ever believes. 我通常会花上20分钟左右 来完成造型, 而这没人相信。
It's true -- sometimes. 有时候-—— 是可以的。
So, it's my version of a t-shirt and jeans. 所以,这就是我眼中的休闲装。
(Laughter) (笑声)
When I get dressed, I build like an architect . 我会像建筑师一样穿配衣服。
I carefully place things till I feel they belong. 我会谨慎地把每样服饰配在 我觉得他们该在的地方。
Then, I get a lot of my ideas from lucid dreaming. 然后,我会在清醒梦中 获得许多灵感。
I actually go to sleep to come up with my ideas, and I've taught myself to wake up to write them down. 为了寻求灵感我还真会去睡觉, 我已练就了一手为了记录灵感而 主动从梦中醒来的本事。
come up with:提出;想出;赶上;
I wear things till they fall apart , and then, I give them a new life. 我会把服饰穿到支离破碎为止, 然后,再给予它们新的生命力。
fall apart:崩溃;土崩瓦解;破碎;
The gold outfit , for example -- it was the outfit that I wore to the Houses of Parliament in London. 就拿这件黄金外衣来说—— 我就是穿着这件外衣去了 伦敦的国会大厦。
outfit:n.全套服装;团队;小组;分队;v.装备;配置设备;供给服装; Houses of Parliament:n.(包括上、下议院的)议会;(伦敦)议会大厦;
It's made of armor , sequins and broken jewelry, and I was the first person to wear armor to Parliament since Oliver Cromwell banned it in the 17th century. 它由盔甲,亮片和破碎的珠宝制成, 而我是自从奥利弗·克伦威尔 在17世纪下令 禁止在国会里穿戴盔甲后 第一个这么穿的人。
armor:n.[军]装甲;盔甲;v.为…装甲; sequins:n.亮片(sequin的复数形式); banned:v.明令禁止;取缔;禁止(某人)做某事;(ban的过去分词和过去式)
Things don't need to be expensive to be beautiful. 能让事物变美的 不是高昂的价格。
Try making outfits out of bin liners or trash you found out on the streets. 我们也可以试着用垃圾袋或是 街边捡的破烂来制作外衣。
outfits:n.全套装备; v.装备; liners:n.[航]班机,[水运]班轮(liner的复数);衬层;挂面层; trash:n.垃圾;废物;v.丢弃;修剪树枝;
You never know , they might end up on the pages of " Vogue ." 指不定 它们结果就登上《时尚》杂志了。
You never know:(非正式)很难说,不可预知; Vogue:n.时尚;流行,时髦;adj.时髦的,流行的;
There's over 6,000 pieces in my collection, 我的藏品已超过6000件,
I believe in sharing what I do and what I have with others, so I decided to create an art exhibition, which is currently traveling to museums around the world. 我相信与他人分享我所从事的事业 和我所拥有的东西是有意义的, 所以我决定创办一个艺术展, 也就是目前正巡展于世界各地的 博物馆之间的这个艺术展。
It contains an army of me -- life-size sculptures as you can see behind me, they're here -- they are my life, really. 它展示了一支由我个人组成的军队—— 一个个如我身后的塑像这般的 真人大小的形象。 就在这儿—— 说真的,它们就是我的生命。
life-size:adj.与实物大小一样的;与真人实物一样大小的; sculptures:n.[建]雕塑(sculpture的复数); v.雕刻; as you can see:正如你所看到的;你是知道的;
They're kind of like 3-D tapestries of my existence as living as art. 它们就像是照着我而造的 三维挂毯,如艺术般鲜活。
They contain plastic crystals mixed with diamonds, beer cans and royal silks all in one look. 一眼望去你就能看到它们中包含了 混了钻石的塑胶水晶, 啤酒罐和御用丝绸。
crystals:n.[晶体]晶体(crystal的复数形式);石英晶体; royal:adj.国王的;女王的;皇家的;n.王室成员;
I like the fact that the viewer can never make the assumption about what's real and what's fake . 我喜欢这样一种感觉, 观众永远无法区分真假。
assumption:n.假定;设想;担任;采取; fake:n.假货;骗子;假动作;v.捏造;假装…的样子;adj.伪造的;
I find it important to explore and share cultures through my works. 我觉得通过我的作品来探讨 与分享文化是很重要的。
I use clothing as a means to investigate and appreciate people from all over the world. 我把穿配衣服当作是一种研究与 欣赏来自世界各地的人的一种手段。
investigate:v.调查;研究;审查; appreciate:v.欣赏;感激;感谢;理解;
Sometimes, people think I'm a performer or a drag queen. 有时候,人们会认为我 要么是个戏精,要么是个女装癖。
I'm not. 我不是。
Although my life appears to be a performance , it's not. 尽管我的生活看着像是一场戏, 但它不是戏。
It's very real. 它很真实。
People respond to me as they would any other type of artwork. 人们会像回应任何一种其它艺术形式 一样来回应我。
Many people are fascinated and engaged . 许多人对此着迷,受此吸引。
engaged:adj.已订婚的; v.吸引住; (engage的过去分词和过去式)
Some people walk around me, staring , shy at first. 有的人会走近我,盯着我, 一开始他们还不太好意思。
Then they come up to me and they say they love or absolutely hate what I do. 然后他们会靠上来,告诉我他们是 喜爱还是十分厌恶我的所作所为。
come up to:v.达到;等于; absolutely:adv.绝对地;完全地;
I sometimes respond, and other times I let the art talk for itself. 我有时也会回应,而别的时候 艺术本身就会为自己发言。
The most annoying thing in the world is when people want to touch the artwork. 世上最恼人的事儿 就是会有人想摸一摸艺术品。
But I understand. 但我也理解。
But like a lot of contemporary art, many people are dismissive . 可就像许多当代艺术一样, 很多人对此不屑一顾。
contemporary:n.同时代的人;同时期的东西;adj.当代的;同时代的;属于同一时期的; dismissive:adj.表示轻视的;解雇的;
Some people are critical , others are abusive . 有的人严辞以对, 有的人恶言相对。
critical:adj.鉴定的;[核]临界的;批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的; abusive:adj.辱骂的;滥用的;虐待的;
I think it comes from the fear of the different -- the unknown. 我想这是出于对“未知”这种异类的 恐惧。
There are so many reactions to what I do, and I've just learned not to take them personally . 对我所作所为的回应可多了, 而我也才学会不要 把这些回应往心里去。
reactions:n.反应;回应;抗拒;生理反应;副作用(reaction的复数) personally:adv.个人;亲自;本人;就本人而言;
I've never lived as Daniel Lismore, the person. 我从没有把自己活成我本人, 丹尼尔·利斯莫尔。
I've lived as Daniel Lismore, the artwork. 我把自己活成了一件叫 丹尼尔·利斯莫尔的艺术品。
And I've faced every obstacle as an artwork. 而我也以艺术品的身份 面对了每一次挫折。
It can be hard ... 这确实不容易......
especially if your wardrobe takes up a 40-foot container, three storage units and 30 boxes from IKEA -- 尤其是在你的战袍得占用 一个40英尺的收纳箱、 三个储物间和30个宜家买的盒子时。
especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分; wardrobe:n.衣柜;衣橱;(英国)放置衣物的壁橱;(一个人的)全部衣物;
(Laughter) (笑声)
and sometimes, it can be very difficult, getting into cars, and sometimes -- well, this morning I didn't fit through my bathroom door, so that was a problem. 有的时侯,要上车都会是 一件艰难的事情, 还有的时候...... 对了,今天早上我就没能 挤进我家洗手间的门, 所以这也是个问题。
(Laughter) (笑声)
What does it mean to be yourself? “做自己”是什么意思?
People say it all the time, but what does it truly mean, and why does it matter? 人们老把这话挂在嘴边, 但这话究竟是什么意思, 这话有什么了不起的?
How does life change when you choose to be unapologetically yourself? 当你选择无怨无悔地做自己时 生活怎么就改变了?
I've had to face struggles and triumphs whilst living my life as art. 在我把艺术当作身份的这段生命里 我曾面对过磨难也面对过辉煌。
triumphs:n.巨大成功; v.打败; (triumph的第三人称单数和复数) whilst:conj.同时;时时,有时;当…的时候;
I've been put on private jets and flown around the world. 我曾被请上私人飞机 飞行于世界各地。
My work's been displayed in prestigious museums, and I've had the opportunity -- that is my grandparents, by the way , they're the people that raised me, and there I am -- 我的作品曾被展列在 举世闻名的博物馆中, 我有过这样的机遇...... 顺便一提,这是我的爷爷奶奶, 他们就是养育了我的人, 于是有了我......
displayed:v.陈列;展出;展示;显露(display的过去分词和过去式) prestigious:adj.有名望的;享有声望的; by the way:顺便说一下;
(Laughs) (欢笑)
So I've been put on private jets, flown around the world, and yet, it's not been that easy because at times, I've been homeless, 所以我被请上过私人飞机, 飞行于世界各地, 然而,事情并非向来如此轻松, 因为时不时地,我也曾无家可归,
I've been spat at, 也曾遭人唾弃,
I've been abused , sometimes daily, bullied my entire life, rejected by countless individuals , and I've been stabbed . 有时,遭人辱骂是我的日常, 而我一生都在被欺凌, 被数不清的人拒之门外, 我还被捅过刀子。
abused:v.滥用(以致危害健康); (abuse的过去分词和过去式) bullied:v.恐吓;伤害;胁迫;(bully的过去分词和过去式) rejected:adj.被拒的;不合格的;v.拒绝,驳回;(reject的过去式和过去分词) countless:adj.无数的;数不尽的; individuals:n.[经]个人;[生物]个体(individual的复数); stabbed:v.刺,戳,捅;(stab的过去分词和过去式)
But what hurt the most was being put on the "Worst Dressed" list. 但最令我受伤的是 被列入“最差着装”名单。
(Laughter) (笑声)
It can be hard, being yourself, but I've found it's the best way. 做自己,确实不容易, 但我已明白这才是最好的方式。
There's the "Worst Dressed." 那个就是“最差着装”。
As the quote goes, "Everyone else is already taken." (欢笑)
I've come to realize that confidence is a concept you can choose. 我已经开始意识到 自信的概念可以取决于你。
I've come to realize that authenticity is necessary, and it's powerful. 我已经开始意识到做到独一无二 是必不可少的,那才叫强大。
I've tried to spend time being like other people. 我曾耗费时间试着成为别人。
It didn't work. 但一无所获。
It's a lot of hard work, not being yourself. 不做自己, 是件费力不讨好的事。
I have a few questions for you all. 我有几个问题留给你们。
Who are you? 你是谁?
How many versions of you are there? 你有多少个版本的自己?
And I have one final question: 我还有最后一个问题:
Are you using them all to your advantage ? 这些版本你是否都用上了, 来使自己受益?
In reality, everyone is capable of creating their own masterpiece. 在现实中,每个人都有能力创造出 属于他们自己的杰作。
You should try it sometime. 你们也应该试试。
It's quite fun. 挺有意思的。
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause and cheers) (掌声与欢呼)