

Power. 能力
That is the word that comes to mind. 是我们时时在想的
We're the new technologists . 我们是新时代的技术人员
We have a lot of data, so we have a lot of power. 我们有很多信息,这样我们就有能力
How much power do we have? 多少能力呢?
Scene from a movie: " Apocalypse Now" -- great movie. 想像电影“现代启示录”, 这电影绝了
We've got to get our hero, Captain Willard, to the mouth of the Nung River so he can go pursue Colonel Kurtz. 里面有个英雄,卫尔沃德上尉,来到怒河的入海口 去追踪科特兹上校
pursue:v.继续;从事;追赶;纠缠; Colonel:n.(陆军、海军陆战队或美国空军)上校;
The way we're going to do this is fly him in and drop him off. 想像他飞到那里,下飞机
So the scene: the sky is filled with this fleet of helicopters carrying him in. 想像这个情景: 天空布满了陪他来的直升飞机
fleet:n.舰队; v.浅; v.掠过; adj.跑得快的;
And there's this loud, thrilling music in the background, this wild music. 背景音乐震人心肺 非常野性
thrilling:adj.惊心动魄的; v.使非常兴奋; (thrill的现在分词)
? Dum da ta da dum ? ? Dum da ta da dum ?
? Dum da ta da dum ? ? Dum da ta da dum ?
? Da ta da da ? ? Da ta da da ?
That's a lot of power. 充满了力量
That's the kind of power I feel in this room. 这就是我在这个房间里感觉到的能量
That's the kind of power we have because of all of the data that we have. 这就是我们拥有的能量 就因为我们拥有信息
Let's take an example. 举个例子
What can we do with just one person's data? 用个人信息 我们能做什么呢?
What can we do with that guy's data? 用这位先生的信息 我们能做什么?
I can look at your financial records. 我可以查看你的财政历史
I can tell if you pay your bills on time. 看你是不是按时付账单
I know if you're good to give a loan to. 来决定给不给你贷款
I can look at your medical records; I can see if your pump is still pumping -- see if you're good to offer insurance to. 我可以浏览你的医疗病历,看你的心脏好不好 来决定给不给你保险
pumping:v.用泵输送;涌出;奔流;快速摇动;(pump的现在分词) insurance:n.保险;保险业;保险费;保费;adj.胜券在握的;
I can look at your clicking patterns. 我可以跟踪你上网的习惯
When you come to my website, I actually know what you're going to do already because I've seen you visit millions of websites before. 当你访问我的网站时,我已经知道你会怎么做了 因为我已经看到你以前是怎么访问成千上万个网站的
And I'm sorry to tell you, you're like a poker player, you have a tell. 我不得不说 你就像是个赌客,你能被看透
I can tell with data analysis what you're going to do before you even do it. 就凭你的信息我能看透你将会做什么 在你还没做之前
I know what you like. I know who you are, and that's even before I look at your mail or your phone. 我知道你喜欢什么,我知道你是谁 在我看你的邮件之前 看你的电话之前
Those are the kinds of things we can do with the data that we have. 现今我们能这样做了 凭着我们有的信息
But I'm not actually here to talk about what we can do. 但我来这里不是谈我们能做什么
I'm here to talk about what we should do. 我是来谈谈我们应该做什么
What's the right thing to do? 如何善用信息?
Now I see some puzzled looks like, "Why are you asking us what's the right thing to do? 我看到一些人迷惑了 好像在想:“为什么你问我们应该如何善用信息?
We're just building this stuff . Somebody else is using it." 我们只管把技术推出来,用是别人的事情。”
Fair enough . 就算你对
Fair enough:同意或接受但有所保留;
But it brings me back. 但这正是我要说的
I think about World War II -- some of our great technologists then, some of our great physicists , studying nuclear fission and fusion -- just nuclear stuff. 想想二次世界大战 很多我们最优秀的技术人员 最优秀的物理学家 在研究核裂变和核聚变 都是关于核的
physicists:n.物理学家;机械唯物论者(physicist的复数); nuclear fission:n.核裂变; fusion:n.融合;熔化;熔接;融合物;[物]核聚变;
We gather together these physicists in Los Alamos to see what they'll build. 我们把这些科学家请到洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室 来看看他们想用这些技术来做什么
We want the people building the technology thinking about what we should be doing with the technology. 我们希望,人们能够在发明新技术时 时时想着我们应该怎么用这些技术
So what should we be doing with that guy's data? 话说回来,我们应该怎么用这位先生的信息?
Should we be collecting it, gathering it, so we can make his online experience better? 我们应不应该收集他的信息 来使他的上网冲浪的体验更好?
So we can make money? 我们应不应该用这些信息来赚钱?
So we can protect ourselves if he was up to no good ? 应不应该用这些信息来自我保护 以防万一他干坏事?
up to no good:不怀好意;图谋不轨;惹事生非;
Or should we respect his privacy , protect his dignity and leave him alone? 还是我们应该尊重他的隐私 为他保留尊严,不要烦他?
privacy:n.隐私;秘密;隐居;隐居处; dignity:n.尊严;高贵;
Which one is it? 哪一个办法更好?
How should we figure it out? 怎么做决定?
I know: crowdsource . Let's crowdsource this. 我知道:集思广益。让我们来听听大家的意见
So to get people warmed up, let's start with an easy question -- something I'm sure everybody here has an opinion about: iPhone versus Android . 先来个热身题 简单的问题—— 这个问题我相信大家都有倾向 苹果电话还是谷歌Android电话?
versus:prep.对;与...相对;对抗; Android:n.机器人;安卓操作系统;
Let's do a show of hands -- iPhone. 让我们举手表决,支持苹果的
Uh huh.
Android. 现在支持谷歌Android的
You'd think with a bunch of smart people we wouldn't be such suckers just for the pretty phones. 原以为这里都是聪明人 不会只为了漂亮徒有其表而盲目消费。
a bunch of:一群;一束;一堆; suckers:n.吸咀(sucker复数);
(Laughter) (笑声)
Next question, a little bit harder. 下一个问题, 有点难
Should we be collecting all of that guy's data to make his experiences better and to protect ourselves in case he's up to no good? 我们应不应该收集这位先生的信息 来让他的体验更好 同时来保护我们自身,万一他干坏事?
Or should we leave him alone? 还是我们应该不管他?
Collect his data. 支持收集信息的
Leave him alone. 支持不管他的
You're safe. It's fine. (这位先生)你是安全的
(Laughter) (笑声)
Okay, last question -- harder question -- when trying to evaluate what we should do in this case, should we use a Kantian deontological moral framework, or should we use a Millian consequentialist one? 现在,最后一个问题—— 更难一点—— 当我们试图决定 我们应该怎么做的时候 是应该用康德的义务论道德框架, 还是用米利安的结果主义论?
evaluate:v.评价;评估;估计; moral:n.寓意;品行;教益;adj.道德的;道义上的;道德上的;品行端正的;
Kant. 支持康德的
Mill . 支持米利安的
Not as many votes. 没什么人知道哦。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Yeah, that's a terrifying result. 这是个惊人的结果
Terrifying, because we have stronger opinions about our hand-held devices than about the moral framework we should use to guide our decisions. 惊人,因为我们关心 手持设备的电话 比关心道德理论更多 我们应该用这些理论来指导我们的决定
hand-held:adj.手提式的,便携式的; devices:n.[机][计]设备;[机]装置;[电子]器件(device的复数);
How do we know what to do with all the power we have if we don't have a moral framework? 如何决定我们该怎么来使用我们所拥有的能力 如果我们连道德框架都没有?
We know more about mobile operating systems, but what we really need is a moral operating system . 我们对移动电话操作系统知道得越来越多 但是我们需要知道的是道德的操作系统
mobile:n.手机;汽车;移动电话;adj.活跃的;可动的; operating system:n.(计算机)操作系统;
What's a moral operating system? 什么是道德操作系统?
We all know right and wrong, right? 我们知道什么是对,什么是错
You feel good when you do something right, you feel bad when you do something wrong. 你做对了的时候,自我感觉挺好 如果你做错了你觉得自责
Our parents teach us that: praise with the good, scold with the bad. 父母亲教导我们,奖对惩错
But how do we figure out what's right and wrong? 但是怎么才能知道什么是对什么是错?
And from day to day , we have the techniques that we use. 尤其是当每天新技术都层出不穷
from day to day:一天天地; techniques:n.技巧;技艺;工艺;技术;(technique的复数)
Maybe we just follow our gut . 说不定我们可以就靠本能
Maybe we take a vote -- we crowdsource. 说不定我们需要推选——群众意见集思广益
Or maybe we punt -- ask the legal department, see what they say. 或者我们赌一把—— 问法律专家的意见,看他们怎么说
punt:n.踢悬空球;平底船;下赌注者;v.推掉工作;踢悬空球;弃踢 legal:adj.法律的;合法的;法定的;
In other words, it's kind of random , kind of ad hoc , how we figure out what we should do. 也就是说,我们作出决定的办法 很随机 很即兴
random:adj.[数]随机的;任意的;胡乱的;n.随意;adv.胡乱地; ad hoc:na.特别是;特别的;
And maybe, if we want to be on surer footing, what we really want is a moral framework that will help guide us there, that will tell us what kinds of things are right and wrong in the first place , and how would we know in a given situation what to do. 或者,如果我们想更保险些 只想要一个好的道德框架,我们能用来自己弄明白的 能帮我们明辨对错 帮我们决定什么情况下做什么
in the first place:首先;起初;
So let's get a moral framework. 让我们找到一个道德框架
We're numbers people, living by numbers. 我们用很多数字,生活在数字中
How can we use numbers as the basis for a moral framework? 怎么用数字 来建立一个道德框架?
I know a guy who did exactly that. 我知道一个人专门干这个的
A brilliant guy -- he's been dead 2,500 years. 很聪明的人—— 2500年前就死了
Plato , that's right. 柏拉图。对了
Remember him -- old philosopher ? 还记得他?老哲学家?
You were sleeping during that class. 在他的教学课上,你可能睡过去了。
And Plato, he had a lot of the same concerns that we did. 柏拉图,他有很多我们有的担心
concerns:n.关注; v.使关心(concern的三单形式);
He was worried about right and wrong. 他担心如何辨明是非
He wanted to know what is just. 他希望知道怎么衡量
But he was worried that all we seem to be doing is trading opinions about this. 他担心我们现在做的 不过是交换意见
He says something's just. She says something else is just. 你一个主意我一个主意
It's kind of convincing when he talks and when she talks too. 听起来都很有理
convincing:adj.令人信服的; v.使确信; (convince的现在分词)
I'm just going back and forth; I'm not getting anywhere. 我只是前瞻后顾,最后还是没结果
I don't want opinions; I want knowledge. 我不需要意见,我需要的是真理
I want to know the truth about justice -- like we have truths in math. 我需要知道什么是有关正义的真理-- 就像我们研究什么是数学的真理一样
In math, we know the objective facts. 在数学中,我们使用客观的事实
objective:n.目标; adj.客观的;
Take a number, any number -- two. 比如将一个数字,任何数字——二
Favorite number. I love that number. 个人最爱
There are truths about two. 二有一些事实可讲
If you've got two of something, you add two more, you get four. 如果你有两个东西 你再加上两个,就是四个
That's true no matter what thing you're talking about. 这是真理,不管你讨论的东西是什么
no matter what:不管什么…;
It's an objective truth about the form of two, the abstract form. 这是关于二的客观真理 抽象性
abstract:n.摘要; adj.抽象的; vt.摘要; vi.做摘要;
When you have two of anything -- two eyes, two ears, two noses, just two protrusions -- those all partake of the form of two. 当你有两个东西,任何东西——两只眼睛,两只耳朵,两个鼻子 或者仅仅是两个小突起—— 他们都是二的表现
protrusions:n.突出;突出物(protrusion的复数形式); partake:vi.分享;参与;分担;带有某种性质;vt.分担;分享;
They all participate in the truths that two has. 都分享了关于二的事实
They all have two-ness in them. 都有二在其中
And therefore, it's not a matter of opinion. 所以,个人情绪没关系
What if , Plato thought, ethics was like math? 如果柏拉图考虑 道德,就像数学一样,会怎么样?
What if:如果…怎么办? ethics:n.伦理学;伦理观;道德标准;
What if there were a pure form of justice? 如果真有纯粹的公正,会怎么样?
What if there are truths about justice, and you could just look around in this world and see which things participated , partook of that form of justice? 如果公正真有绝对的事实, 你可以环顾四周 看能用在什么上 什么东西有着绝对的公正,会怎么样?
participated:v.参加;参与;(participate的过去式和过去分词) partook:v.分享(partake的过去式);
Then you would know what was really just and what wasn't. 这样你就能知道什么是真的对,什么是真的错
It wouldn't be a matter of just opinion or just appearances . 和事情的外表 和个人的观点都没有关系
That's a stunning vision . 这是个诱人的观点
stunning:adj.惊人的; v.使昏迷; (stun的现在分词) vision:n.视力;美景;幻象;想象力;v.想象;显现;梦见;
I mean, think about that. How grand. How ambitious . 我是说,想象一下,多么壮观,多么充满雄心
That's as ambitious as we are. 这是我们最大的野心了
He wants to solve ethics. 他希望解决道德的问题
He wants objective truths. 他希望客观的事实
If you think that way, you have a Platonist moral framework. 如果你这么想 你就有柏拉图式的道德观。
If you don't think that way, well, you have a lot of company in the history of Western philosophy , because the tidy idea, you know, people criticized it. 如果你不这么认为 那你就在西方哲学史上有很多同僚 因为人们总爱挑剔这简明的观点。
philosophy:n.哲学;哲理;人生观; tidy:adj.整齐的:整洁的:v.使整洁: criticized:v.批评;挑剔;指责;评论;评价;(criticize的过去式和过去分词)
Aristotle , in particular , he was not amused . 特别是亚里士多德,他就不买帐
Aristotle:n.亚里士多德; in particular:尤其,特别; amused:adj.好笑的;逗乐的;v.逗乐;逗笑;(使)娱乐;(amuse的过去分词和过去式)
He thought it was impractical . 他觉得这不实际
Aristotle said, "We should seek only so much precision in each subject as that subject allows." 亚里士多德说:“我们看每个物体 都只能精确到这个物体允许的程度。”
seek:v.寻求;寻找;谋求; precision:n.精度,[数]精密度;精确;adj.精密的,精确的;
Aristotle thought ethics wasn't a lot like math. 亚里士多德认为道德不像是数学
He thought ethics was a matter of making decisions in the here-and-now using our best judgment to find the right path. 他认为道德是我在当时当地 作出的最好的判断 从而引导我们的决定
If you think that, Plato's not your guy. 如果你这么想,柏拉图就不是你这边的了
But don't give up. 但是别放弃
Maybe there's another way that we can use numbers as the basis of our moral framework. 或者还有一条路 我们能用数字,作为我们道德观的基础。
How about this: 这个怎么样:
What if in any situation you could just calculate, look at the choices, measure out which one's better and know what to do? 如果你能在任何情况下都算出 衡量所有的选择 算出怎么做更好,什么应该做?
measure out:按量配给;
That sound familiar ? 听起来熟悉是不是?
That's a utilitarian moral framework. 这就是实用主义的道德观
John Stuart Mill was a great advocate of this -- nice guy besides -- and only been dead 200 years. 约翰·斯图尔特·密尔是大支持者—— 很友善的一个人—— 可惜死了两百年了
Stuart:斯图亚特王室的; advocate:v.拥护;支持;提倡;n.支持者;提倡者;辩护律师;出庭辩护人; besides:adv.此外;而且;prep.除…之外;
So basis of utilitarianism -- 所以实用主义的基础——
I'm sure you're familiar at least. 我详细你们都略知一二
The three people who voted for Mill before are familiar with this. 刚才三个米尔的支持者肯定知道
But here's the way it works. 我还是讲讲这个怎么运作的
What if morals , what if what makes something moral is just a matter of if it maximizes pleasure and minimizes pain? 假如道德,道德的内涵 只是为了最大的享受 和最少的痛苦?
morals:n.道德; maximizes:vt.取…最大值;对…极为重视;vi.尽可能广义地解释;达到最大值; minimizes:vt.使减到最少;小看,极度轻视;vi.最小化;
It does something intrinsic to the act. 这在根本上决定了我们的行为
It's not like its relation to some abstract form. 看起来和任何抽象的形式有关
It's just a matter of the consequences . 只是一系列的必然结果
You just look at the consequences and see if, overall , it's for the good or for the worse . 你只看必然结果 看总的来说是好结果还是坏结果
overall:v.全部; n.外套; adj.全面的; for the worse:恶化;向坏的方面转化;
That would be simple. Then we know what to do. 这看起来简单,然后我们就知道怎么做
Let's take an example. 让我们看一个例子
Suppose I go up and I say, "I'm going to take your phone." 假设我上前 说:“我要没收你的手机。”
Not just because it rang earlier, but I'm going to take it because I made a little calculation. 不仅仅是因为刚才你的手机响了 而是因为我刚算计了一下
I thought, that guy looks suspicious . 我觉得,这个人看起来可疑
And what if he's been sending little messages to Bin Laden 's hideout -- or whoever took over after Bin Laden -- and he's actually like a terrorist, a sleeper cell. 说不定他是在给本拉登的藏身处发消息—— 或者是跟本拉登的接班人发消息—— 他看起来真像是恐怖分子,一个卧底
Laden:adj.负载的; vt.装载(等于lade); vi.装载(等于lade); v.装载(lade的过去分词); hideout:n.隐匿处; whoever:任何人:无论是谁: sleeper:n.卧车;卧铺;枕木;睡眠者;
I'm going to find that out, and when I find that out, 我得把他揪出来,当我揪他时
I'm going to prevent a huge amount of damage that he could cause. 我就能防止他将带来一个大危害
That has a very high utility to prevent that damage. 防止这个危害的结果非常有意义
And compared to the little pain that it's going to cause -- because it's going to be embarrassing when I'm looking on his phone and seeing that he has a Farmville problem and that whole bit -- that's overwhelmed by the value of looking at the phone. 和我的行为将带来的小小痛苦相比—— 因为在我检查他的手机的时候 要是看到他只是在玩线上游戏,是挺丢人的 但是这不抵 检查手机能带来的价值
compared:adj.比较的,对照的; v.相比; (compare的过去式和过去分词) embarrassing:adj.令人尴尬的; v.使尴尬; (embarrass的现在分词) overwhelmed:v.受打击,压倒;淹没;(overwhelm的过去分词和过去式)
If you feel that way, that's a utilitarian choice. 如果你这么想 就是实用主义的选择
But maybe you don't feel that way either. 可能你也并不赞同这个做法
Maybe you think, it's his phone. 可能你会想,这是他的手机
It's wrong to take his phone because he's a person and he has rights and he has dignity, and we can't just interfere with that. 拿他的手机是不对的 他是个人 他有人权,有尊严 我们不能干涉
He has autonomy . 他有自主权
It doesn't matter what the calculations are. 不管计算结果是什么
There are things that are intrinsically wrong -- like lying is wrong, like torturing innocent children is wrong. 这个举动在本质上是错误的—— 就像撒谎是错误的 像是折磨无辜的孩童是错误的
intrinsically:adv.本质地;内在地;固有地; torturing:v.拷打;拷问;使痛苦;使苦恼;(torture的现在分词) innocent:adj.无辜的;无罪的;无知的;n.天真的人;笨蛋;
Kant was very good on this point, and he said it a little better than I'll say it. 康德非常坚持这一点 他解释得更好一点
He said we should use our reason to figure out the rules by which we should guide our conduct , and then it is our duty to follow those rules. 他说我们应该用我们自己的理由 来弄明白决定该怎么做的准则 接下来我们的责任是遵守这些准则
It's not a matter of calculation. 不是关于计算。
So let's stop. 别再算了
We're right in the thick of it, this philosophical thicket . 我们正在这错综复杂的哲学中间
philosophical:adj.哲学的(等于philosophic);冷静的; thicket:n.[林]灌木丛;丛林;错综复杂;
And this goes on for thousands of years, because these are hard questions, and I've only got 15 minutes. 而且已经像这样上千年了 因为这些是很难的问题 我只有十五分钟
So let's cut to the chase . 所以让我们直奔主题
cut to the chase:开门见山;提到关键问题;转入(或切入)正题;
How should we be making our decisions? 我们应该怎么做决定?
Is it Plato, is it Aristotle, is it Kant, is it Mill? 是听从柏拉图,亚里士多德,康德,还是米尔?
What should we be doing? What's the answer? 我们该做什么?答案是什么?
What's the formula that we can use in any situation to determine what we should do, whether we should use that guy's data or not? 能在任何情况下计算出我们应该怎么做的 万灵的公式在哪里? 我们该还是不该用这位先生的数据?
formula:n.公式; adj.(赛车)方程式的(指赛车要符合规定的体积,重量及汽缸容量等); determine:v.决定;确定;测定;查明;形成;影响;裁决;安排;
What's the formula? 公式是什么?
There's not a formula. 没有公式
There's not a simple answer. 没有简单明了的答案
Ethics is hard. 道德观是很难的
Ethics requires thinking. 道德观需要思想
And that's uncomfortable. 这是不太容易的
I know; I spent a lot of my career in artificial intelligence , trying to build machines that could do some of this thinking for us, that could give us answers. 我知道。在我的职业生涯中我花了很多时间 研究机器人 试图造出机器来替我们做决定 来给我们答案
career:n.职业;事业;生涯;经历; artificial intelligence:n.人工智能;
But they can't. 但是他们做不到
You can't just take human thinking and put it into a machine. 你不能就拿人的思维方式 放在机器里
We're the ones who have to do it. 我们要靠自己思考
Happily, we're not machines, and we can do it. 好的方面是我们不是机器,我们能思考
Not only can we think, we must. 不光能思考 我们必须思考
Hannah Arendt said, "The sad truth is that most evil done in this world is not done by people who choose to be evil. 汉娜·阿伦特说过 “悲哀的是 世上大多数的罪恶 不是由有恶意的人 故意造成的
It arises from not thinking." 而是人没有想清楚。”
That's what she called the " banality of evil." 这就是她所谓的“平庸的罪恶”
And the response to that is that we demand the exercise of thinking from every sane person. 对策是 我们需要练习思考 每个平常人都要
response:n.响应;反应;回答; sane:adj.健全的;理智的;[临床]神志正常的;
So let's do that. Let's think. 让我们来做吧,来思考
In fact, let's start right now. 事实上,让我们现在就做
Every person in this room do this: think of the last time you had a decision to make where you were worried to do the right thing, where you wondered, "What should I be doing?" 房间里每个人都这样做: 想像上一次你需要做一个决定的时候 当你担心不能做出正确的决定 当你怀疑:“到底该怎么做呢?”
Bring that to mind, and now reflect on that and say, "How did I come up that decision? 想象那个时刻 之后再想 “我当时是怎么做决定的?”
reflect on:仔细考虑,思考;反省;回想,回顾;怀疑;
What did I do? Did I follow my gut? 我做了什么?是随我意愿的么?
Did I have somebody vote on it? Or did I punt to legal?" 征求他人意见了么?征求法律意见了么?
Or now we have a few more choices. 现在我们有更多选择
'"Did I evaluate what would be the highest pleasure like Mill would? “我有没有像米尔会做的那样 衡量最大的享受?
Or like Kant, did I use reason to figure out what was intrinsically right?" 或者像康德,借助原因来弄明白什么是本质上对的?”
Think about it. Really bring it to mind. This is important. 想象一下,真的深入其中,这是很重要的
It is so important we are going to spend 30 seconds of valuable TEDTalk time doing nothing but thinking about this. 有多重要 我们将会用三十秒,非常宝贵的TED的时间 什么也不做,就思考
Are you ready? Go. 准备好了么?开始
Stop. Good work. 结束,不错
What you just did, that's the first step towards taking responsibility for what we should do with all of our power. 你刚做的 是向着为我们使用我们的能力 负责任迈出的第一步
Now the next step -- try this. 现在第二步——试试这个
Go find a friend and explain to them how you made that decision. 找到一个朋友,向他们解释 你是怎么做决定的
Not right now. Wait till I finish talking. 不是现在,等我讲完了之后。
Do it over lunch. 午饭的时候做
And don't just find another technologist friend; find somebody different than you. 别找另一个搞技术的朋友 找一个和你很不同的
different than:不同于;
Find an artist or a writer -- or, heaven forbid , find a philosopher and talk to them. 艺术家或者作家—— 或者,哲学家,和他们谈
In fact, find somebody from the humanities . 事实上找个人文主义者谈
Why? Because they think about problems differently than we do as technologists. 为什么?因为他们考虑问题的角度 和我们技术人员是很不一样的
Just a few days ago, right across the street from here, there was hundreds of people gathered together. 仅仅几天前,街对面 成百上千人聚集起来
It was technologists and humanists at that big BiblioTech Conference . 都是技术人员和人文主义者 在开一个大的研讨会
humanists:n.人道主义者;人类学者,人文学者;人文主义者;adj.人文主义的;人道主义的; Conference:n.会议;研讨会;商讨会;体育协会(或联合会)
And they gathered together because the technologists wanted to learn what it would be like to think from a humanities perspective . 他们聚集起来 因为技术人员想了解 从人文主义者的角度想是怎么样的
You have someone from Google talking to someone who does comparative literature . 有从谷歌来的人 和研究比较文学的人谈
Google:谷歌;谷歌搜索引擎; comparative:adj.比较的;相当的;n.比较级;对手; literature:n.文学;文献;文艺;著作;
You're thinking about the relevance of 17th century French theater -- how does that bear upon venture capital ? 你在想十七世纪的法国戏剧的影响—— 是怎么在风险投资下存活的?
relevance:n.关联;适当;中肯; venture capital:风险投资;
Well that's interesting. That's a different way of thinking. 这很有趣,是另一个角度看问题。
And when you think in that way, you become more sensitive to the human considerations , which are crucial to making ethical decisions. 我们在这样想的时候 就开始对人类的考量更敏感 这对于做出道德的决定是很重要的
sensitive:adj.敏感的;感觉的;易受影响的;n.敏感的人;有灵异能力的人; considerations:n.考虑;注意事项(consideration的复数形式);体贴; crucial:adj.重要的;决定性的;定局的;决断的; ethical:adj.伦理的;道德的;凭处方出售的;n.处方药;
So imagine that right now you went and you found your musician friend. 想像现在 你去找个音乐家的朋友
And you're telling him what we're talking about, about our whole data revolution and all this -- maybe even hum a few bars of our theme music . 和他说我们现在的话题 这些信息革命等等—— 甚至哼哼我们的一些电影主题音乐。
revolution:n.革命;旋转;运行;循环; theme music:n.(电影、电视节目的)主题音乐;
? Dum ta da da dum dum ta da da dum ? ? Dum ta da da dum dum ta da da dum ?
Well, your musician friend will stop you and say, "You know, the theme music for your data revolution, that's an opera, that's Wagner. 你的音乐家朋友会打断你说: “你知道,你技术革命的 主题音乐 是个戏剧,是瓦格纳的作品。
It's based on Norse legend . 关于一个北欧传说
Norse:adj.挪威的;挪威人的;斯堪的纳维亚语的;n.挪威人;挪威语; legend:n.传奇;说明;图例;刻印文字;
It's Gods and mythical creatures fighting over magical jewelry." 是关于上帝和神话人物 为了魔术珍宝而争斗。”
mythical:adj.神话的;虚构的; creatures:n.生物;动物;(具有某种特征的)人(creature的复数)
That's interesting. 这很有趣
Now it's also a beautiful opera, and we're moved by that opera. 现在这也是个动人的戏剧 我们都被感动了
We're moved because it's about the battle between good and evil, about right and wrong. 因为这是关于一场战争 善与恶之间的 对与错之间的
And we care about right and wrong. 我们关心对和错
We care what happens in that opera. 我们关心在戏剧里发生了什么
We care what happens in "Apocalypse Now." 我们关心在“现代启示录”里发生了什么
And we certainly care what happens with our technologies . 我们也关心 用我们的技术会发生什么
We have so much power today, it is up to us to figure out what to do, and that's the good news. 当下我们有这么多的能力 这是我们的责任来搞清楚该怎么做。 这是好消息
We're the ones writing this opera. 我们是写剧本的人
This is our movie. 这就是我们的电影
We figure out what will happen with this technology. 我们清楚这个技术将会带给我们什么。
We determine how this will all end. 我们认为事情会这样结束
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)