

When you're a child, anything and everything is possible. 当你还是个孩子, 凡事皆有可能。
The challenge, so often, is hanging on to that as we grow up. 挑战也总是伴随着我们成长。
And as a four-year-old, 我四岁的时候,
I had the opportunity to sail for the first time. 有机会第一次出海航行。
I will never forget the excitement as we closed the coast. 我永远忘不了快接近海岸时的激动,
I will never forget the feeling of adventure as I climbed on board the boat and stared into her tiny cabin for the first time. 永远忘不了 第一次爬上船 并凝视着船舱的感觉。
adventure:n.冒险;奇遇;经历;冒险游戏;v.探险;以…冒险;大胆进行;闯; stared:v.盯着看;凝视;注视;(stare的过去分词和过去式) cabin:v.把…关在小屋内; n.(轮船上生活或睡觉的)隔间; (通常为木制的)小屋;
But the most amazing feeling was the feeling of freedom, the feeling that I felt when we hoisted her sails. 但最奇妙的是那种自由的感觉, 那种挂帆起航的感觉。
As a four-year-old child, it was the greatest sense of freedom that I could ever imagine. 对于一个四岁的孩子, 那是我能想象到的最大的自由感。
I made my mind up there and then that one day, somehow , 那天,不知何故,我下决心
I was going to sail around the world. 要出海周游世界。
So I did what I could in my life to get closer to that dream. 所以我竭尽全力,只为更接近那个梦想。
Age 10, it was saving my school dinner money change. 10岁的时候,我开始把在学校吃饭省下的零钱攒下来。
Every single day for eight years, I had mashed potato and baked beans , which cost 4p each, and gravy was free. 8年中,我每天只吃土豆泥和烤豆, 每份只要4便士,而肉汁免费。
mashed potato:n.[食]土豆泥; baked beans:n.番茄酱烘豆(常制成罐头);
Every day I would pile up the change on the top of my money box , and when that pile reached a pound, I would drop it in and cross off one of the 100 squares I'd drawn on a piece of paper. 每天我都把零钱堆在存钱罐顶部, 而每攒够一英磅,我就把钱放进存钱罐, 并划掉在纸上预先画好的100个空格中的一个。
pile:n.桩;堆;摞;桩柱;v.堆放;摞起;叠放;放置; money box:n.存钱罐;存钱盒;
Finally , I bought a tiny dinghy . 终于,我买到一个小艇。
Finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; dinghy:n.小艇;敞篷小船;小舢板;
I spent hours sitting on it in the garden dreaming of my goal. 我在花园中花了几个小时,就这么坐在小艇上梦想着我的目标。
I read every book I could on sailing, and then eventually , having been told by my school 我读了能找到的每一本关于航行的书, 然后学校终于通知我,
I wasn't clever enough to be a vet , left school age 17 to begin my apprenticeship in sailing. 我还不够资格做一名兽医, 因此17岁那年我离开了学校,航海学徒的生涯开始了。
vet:n.兽医;兽医诊所;v.审查;仔细检查,审查(内容、质量等); school age:adj.学龄的; apprenticeship:n.学徒期;学徒身分;
So imagine how it felt just four years later to be sitting in a boardroom in front of someone who I knew could make that dream come true . 想象一下这是什么感觉吧,仅仅四年之后, 坐在一间会议室, 面对着一个我知道可以让我梦想成真的人。
boardroom:n.会议室;交换场所; dream come true:梦想成真;美梦成真;愿望成真;
I felt like my life depended on that moment, and incredibly , he said yes. 我觉得我一生都是由那一刻决定的, 而且不可思议的是,他同意了。
And I could barely contain my excitement as I sat in that first design meeting designing a boat on which I was going to sail solo nonstop around the world. 当我第一次坐在会议室, 设计我将用于独自连续环球航行的船时, 我几乎无法抑制内心的兴奋。
barely:adv.仅仅,勉强;几乎不;公开地;贫乏地; solo:n.独奏; adj.独奏的; v.单人攀登; v.单独地; nonstop:adj.直达的;不休息的;不着陆的;n.直达车;adv.不休息地;
From that first meeting to the finish line of the race, it was everything I'd ever imagined. 从第一次会议到比赛的终点线, 这一切我都曾经想象过。
Just like in my dreams, there were amazing parts and tough parts. 正如我想象中的那样,精彩与艰难并存。
We missed an iceberg by 20 feet. 我们曾经只差20英尺就撞到了一个冰山。
Nine times, I climbed to the top of her 90-foot mast . 我爬到90英尺的桅杆顶端9次。
We were blown on our side in the Southern Ocean. 我们在南大洋逆风行驶。
But the sunsets , the wildlife, and the remoteness were absolutely breathtaking . 但是落日,野生动物和那种偏远之地的景象 真的美到让人窒息。
sunsets:n.落日(sunset的复数); remoteness:n.遥远;偏僻;细微;时间久远; absolutely:adv.绝对地;完全地; breathtaking:adj.惊险的;惊人的;激动人心的
After three months at sea, age just 24, 在海上航行了三个月,我那时24岁,
I finished in second position. 以第二名的成绩完成了比赛。
I'd loved it, so much so that within six months 我太喜欢航行了,甚至在不到6个月后,
I decided to go around the world again, but this time not in a race: to try to be the fastest person ever to sail solo nonstop around the world. 我就决定再次环球航行,但这次不是比赛: 是尽量以最快的速度不停站地进行独自环球航行。
Now for this, I needed a different craft : bigger, wider, faster, more powerful. 为了实现这个目标,我需要换一艘船: 它更大,更宽,更快,动力更足。
Just to give that boat some scale , I could climb inside her mast all the way to the top. 只是把船做得更大一点,这样我就可以爬进她的桅杆 一直到顶部。
Seventy-five foot long, 60 foot wide. 75英尺长,60英尺宽。
I affectionately called her Moby . 我亲切地称它白鲸。
affectionately:adv.亲切地;挚爱地; Moby:adj.大的,巨大的;
She was a multihull. 她是一个多体船。
When we built her, no one had ever made it solo nonstop around the world in one, though many had tried, but whilst we built her, a Frenchman took a boat 25 percent bigger than her 我们造她的时候,还没人能够不停站地独自 环球航行,尽管很多人试过了, 但我们造她的同时,一个法国人用了一艘比它的体积大25%的船,
and not only did he make it, but he took the record from 93 days right down to 72. 他不仅成功完成了航行,而且把记录从93天 降到了72天。
The bar was now much, much higher. 现在,这个时间更是被大大缩短了。
And these boats were exciting to sail. 而且用这些船航行是非常棒的体验。
This was a training sail off the French coast. 这是一个法国海岸附近的训练船。
This I know well because I was one of the five crew members on board. 我很了解这艘船,因为我曾是上面的5名船员之一。
Five seconds is all it took from everything being fine to our world going black as the windows were thrust underwater , and that five seconds goes quickly. 只需要5秒钟,我们的世界就会从一切还好 变成一片漆黑,因为我们的窗户会进入水下, 而那五秒很快。
thrust:v.刺;塞;冲;挤;n.刺;插;重点;猛推; underwater:adj.在水中的;水面下的;adv.在水下;n.水下;
Just see how far below those guys the sea is. 只要看看这些家伙比海面高多少就知道了。
Imagine that alone in the Southern Ocean plunged into icy water, thousands of miles away from land. 想象一下独自在南大洋, 在与陆地相隔千里的地方陷入冰冷的水中。
It was Christmas Day. 那是个圣诞节,
I was forging into the Southern Ocean underneath Australia. 我在澳大利亚南面的南大洋航行。
forging:n.锻造;锻件;伪造;v.锻造;打制(forge的现在分词); underneath:prep.在…的下面;在…的支配下;n.下面;底部;adj.下面的;底层的;
The conditions were horrendous . 当时的条件很恶劣。
I was approaching a part in the ocean which was 2,000 miles away from the nearest town. 我正在接近一块距离 最近的城镇也有2000英里的海域。
The nearest land was Antarctica, and the nearest people would be those manning the European Space Station above me. 最近的陆地是南极洲,而最近的人 应该是我上面的那些欧洲空间站的宇航员。
Space Station:n.太空站;航天站;宇宙空间站;
(Laughter) (笑声)
You really are in the middle of nowhere . 这里真的是前不着村后不着店。
nowhere:v.无处; n.无处; adj.不存在的;
If you need help, and you're still alive, it takes four days for a ship to get to you and then four days for that ship to get you back to port. 如果你需要帮助, 并且还能撑一段时间, 一艘船也需要花上四天才能抵达你所在的地方, 然后再用四天把你带回去。
No helicopter can reach you out there, and no plane can land. 没有直升机可以到那儿, 也没有飞机可以降落。
We are forging ahead of a huge storm. 我们在巨大的风暴中艰难前行。
Within it, there was 80 knots of wind, which was far too much wind for the boat and I to cope with. 这里的风速达到80海里每小时, 这远远超过了一艘船和我个人可以控制的范围。
knots:n.发髻:节子:节疤:v.把…打成结(knot的第三人称单数和复数) cope:v.处理;n.大圆衣;
The waves were already 40 to 50 feet high, and the spray from the breaking crests was blown horizontally like snow in a blizzard . 浪高达40至50英尺, 破浪的时候产生的水雾 像暴风雪一样横扫过来。
spray:n.喷雾; v.喷; crests:n.[物]波峰;冠;山顶;顶饰;vi.到达绝顶;形成浪峰; horizontally:adv.水平地;地平地; blizzard:n.暴风雪,大风雪;大打击;vi.下暴风雪;
If we didn't sail fast enough, we'd be engulfed by that storm, and either capsized or smashed to pieces. 如果我们的航行速度不够快,就会被那场风暴吞没, 要么翻船,要么粉身碎骨。
engulfed:vt.吞没;吞食,狼吞虎咽; capsized:v.倾覆(capsize的过去分词);翻船;覆没;adj.翻覆的; smashed:adj.大醉;v.打碎;(使)猛烈撞击;(用力)撞开;(smash的过去分词和过去式)
We were quite literally hanging on for our lives and doing so on a knife edge. 毫不夸张地说,我们是把命 悬在了刀锋上。
The speed I so desperately needed brought with it danger. 我迫切需要的速度带来了危险。
We all know what it's like driving a car 20 miles an hour, 30, 40. 我们都知道每小时驾车20英里是什么感觉,或者30,40英里,
It's not too stressful . We can concentrate . 这不会让人觉得太紧张,集中注意力就好。
stressful:adj.紧张的;有压力的; concentrate:n.浓缩物;v.聚精会神;集中(注意力);使…集中(或集合、聚集);(使)浓缩;
We can turn on the radio. 我们甚至还能听点广播节目。
Take that 50, 60, 70, accelerate through to 80, 90, 100 miles an hour. 但是当速度从50,60,70,加速到80,90,100英里每小时,
Now you have white knuckles and you're gripping the steering wheel . 现在你会感到极度紧张,需要牢牢地抓住方向盘。
knuckles:n.指节; v.用指关节打(压,碰,擦); (knuckle的第三人称单数和复数) gripping:adj.激动人心的; v.紧抓; (grip的现在分词) steering wheel:n.方向盘;(操)舵轮;
Now take that car off road at night and remove the windscreen wipers , the windscreen, the headlights and the brakes. 现在假设你在晚上把车开离公路, 并且拆掉雨刷和挡风玻璃, 还有头灯和刹车。
windscreen:n.汽车挡风玻璃; wipers:n.雨刮,雨刷;[车辆]刮水器(wiper复数); headlights:n.(车辆的)前灯,前灯的光束;(headlight的复数)
That's what it's like in the Southern Ocean. 这就是在南大洋(航行)的感觉。
(Laughter) (Applause) (笑声)(掌声)
You could imagine it would be quite difficult to sleep in that situation, even as a passenger . 你可以想象 在那种情况下很难睡着, 即便只是作为乘客。
But you're not a passenger. 但你不是个乘客。
You're alone on a boat you can barely stand up in, and you have to make every single decision on board. 你独自在船上,连保持站立的姿势都很困难, 还必须独自在船上做出每一个决定。
I was absolutely exhausted , physically and mentally . 我绝对已经精疲力竭了,不管是身体上还是精神上。
exhausted:adj.筋疲力尽的; v.使筋疲力尽; (exhaust的过去分词和过去式) mentally:adv.精神上,智力上;心理上;
Eight sail changes in 12 hours. 12个小时内八个航行变化。
The mainsail weighed three times my body weight, and after each change, 主帆的重量是我体重的三倍, 每次改变航向后,
I would collapse on the floor soaked with sweat with this freezing Southern Ocean air burning the back of my throat. 我都会大汗淋漓地瘫坐下来, 冰冷的南大洋空气不断侵蚀着我的喉咙。
collapse:vi.倒塌;瓦解;暴跌;vt.使倒塌,使崩溃;使萎陷;折叠;n.倒塌;失败;衰竭; soaked:adj.湿透;浸透了…的;v.浸泡;浸湿;浸透;使湿透;(soak的过去分词和过去式)
But out there, those lowest of the lows are so often contrasted with the highest of the highs. 但在那种情况下,绝境往往能够带来 意想不到的惊喜和成功。
A few days later, we came out of the back of the low. 几天后,我们总算度过了最艰难的时期。
Against all odds , we'd been able to drive ahead of the record within that depression . 排除万难后,我们在重压之下终于 打破了航行的记录。
Against all odds:克服一切困难、出乎所有人的意料而完成某事; depression:n.沮丧;洼地;不景气;忧愁;
The sky cleared, the rain stopped, and our heartbeat , the monstrous seas around us were transformed into the most beautiful moonlit mountains. 天空放晴,雨也停了, 而我们的心跳和滔天巨浪, 也转化成了铺满月光的群山,美不胜收。
heartbeat:n.心跳;情感; monstrous:adj.巨大的;怪异的;荒谬的;畸形的; transformed:v.使改变形态;使改变外观(或性质);(transform的过去分词和过去式) moonlit:adj.月光照耀的;
It's hard to explain, but you enter a different mode when you head out there. 这很难解释,但你到达那里的时候,你就进入了不同的模式。
Your boat is your entire world, and what you take with you when you leave is all you have. 船就是你的整个世界, 而你离开时携带的东西也是你的全部家当。
If I said to you all now, "Go off into Vancouver and find everything you will need for your survival for the next three months," 如果我现在对你们说:“去温哥华 找到你在接下来三个月生存所需要的一切东西,”
Vancouver:n.温哥华(加拿大主要港市); survival:n.幸存,残存;幸存者,残存物;
that's quite a task. 这可是一项艰巨的任务。
That's food, fuel, clothes, even toilet roll and toothpaste . 那包括食物,燃料,衣服, 甚至卫生纸和牙膏。
toilet roll:n.卫生纸卷;手纸卷; toothpaste:n.牙膏;
That's what we do, and when we leave we manage it down to the last drop of diesel and the last packet of food. 这就是我们做的, 当我们离开时,准备计划需要精细到 最后一滴油和最后一包食物。
No experience in my life could have given me a better understanding of the definition of the word " finite ." 在我的生命中, 没有任何经历可以像这样让我理解到“有限”这个词的意义。
definition:n.定义;清晰度;(尤指词典里的词或短语的)释义;解释; finite:adj.有限的;限定的;n.有限之物;
What we have out there is all we have. 我们带到那儿的就是全部家当。
There is no more. 不可能有任何补给。
And never in my life had I ever translated that definition of finite that I'd felt on board to anything outside of sailing until I stepped off the boat at the finish line having broken that record. 而我从没在生命中经历过 航行时在船上感受到的这种“有限”的概念, 直到我在终点线下船的时候打破了那个记录。
(Applause) (掌声)
Suddenly I connected the dots. 突然我找到了一些关联性。
Our global economy is no different. 我们的全球经济其实没有什么不同。
global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; economy:n.经济;节约;理财;
It's entirely dependent on finite materials we only have once in the history of humanity . 它完全依赖于那些 我们在人类历史上只会拥有一次的资源。
dependent on:依赖于;依靠; humanity:n.人类;人道;仁慈;人文学科;
And it was a bit like seeing something you weren't expecting under a stone and having two choices: 有点像在一块石头下面看到了意想不到的东西, 你有两种选择:
I either put that stone to one side and learn more about it, or I put that stone back and I carry on with my dream job of sailing around the world. 要么我把那块石头放一边, 并仔细研究它,或者我把它放回去, 然后继续我的环球航行梦。
I chose the first. 我选择了第一种。
I put it to one side and I began a new journey of learning, speaking to chief executives , experts, scientists, economists to try to understand just how our global economy works. 我把它放在一边,并开始了新的学习旅程。 跟首席执行官,专家,科学家,经济学家探讨, 试图了解我们的全球经济是怎么运行的。
journey:n.旅行;行程;vi.旅行; executives:n.经理,主管领导,管理人员;领导层;行政部门(executive的复数)
And my curiosity took me to some extraordinary places. 而好奇心把我带到了一些很棒的地方。
curiosity:n.好奇,好奇心;珍品,古董,古玩; extraordinary:adj.非凡的;特别的;离奇的;临时的;特派的;
This photo was taken in the burner of a coal-fired power station . 这张照片拍摄于一个火力发电站的燃烧炉。
burner:n.燃烧器;火炉;[化工]燃烧炉;灯头; coal-fired:adj.烧煤的; power station:n.发电厂;发电站;
I was fascinated by coal, fundamental to our global energy needs, but also very close to my family. 我对煤很着迷,它是全球能源需求的最基本来源, 但它也跟我的家庭很有缘。
fundamental:n.基础; adj.十分重大的;
My great-grandfather was a coal miner , and he spent 50 years of his life underground. 我的曾祖父是一名煤矿工人, 他在地下矿井工作了50年。
great-grandfather:n.曾祖父; coal miner:n.煤矿工人;
This is a photo of him, and when you see that photo, you see someone from another era. 这是他的照片 当你看到这张照片, 你看到的是另一个时代的人。
No one wears trousers with a waistband quite that high in this day and age. (Laughter) 现在这个年代已经没人穿 那么高腰的裤子了。(笑声)
But yet, that's me with my great-grandfather, and by the way , they are not his real ears. (Laughter) 不过这就是我和我的曾祖父。 顺便说一句,他照片里的耳朵是假的。(笑声)
by the way:顺便说一下;
We were close. I remember sitting on his knee listening to his mining stories. 我们很亲近。我还记得坐在他的膝上听他讲挖煤的故事。
He talked of the camaraderie underground, and the fact that the miners used to save the crusts of their sandwiches to give to the ponies they worked with underground. 他讲过矿井下的友情, 还有矿工们曾经省下三明治的外皮, 喂给跟他们一起工作的小马驹吃。
camaraderie:n.友情;同志之爱; miners:n.[矿业]矿工(miner的复数);煤矿工人; crusts:n.面包皮;糕饼(尤指馅饼)酥皮;硬表面;(crust的第三人称单数和复数) ponies:n.小马(pony的复数形式); v.借助直译本翻译;
It was like it was yesterday. 感觉就像昨天的事。
And on my journey of learning, 在我学习的旅程中,
I went to the World Coal Association website, and there in the middle of the homepage , it said, "We have about 118 years of coal left." 我访问了世界煤炭工业协会的网站, 在主页的中间位置,有这样一句话: “我们大约还剩118年的煤炭储量。”
Association:n.协会;关联;联想;交往; homepage:n.主页;
And I thought to myself, well, that's well outside my lifetime, and a much greater figure than the predictions for oil. 我想,还好,那是我死了很久之后的事儿了, 而且比预测的石油储量大多了。
But I did the math, and I realized that my great-grandfather had been born exactly 118 years before that year, and I sat on his knee until I was 11 years old, and I realized it's nothing in time, nor in history. 但我算了下,意识到(搜索的)那一年之前 刚好是我曾祖父118岁诞辰, 而我坐在他的膝上直到11岁, 我意识到这点时间 在历史的长河中不算什么,
And it made me make a decision I never thought I would make: to leave the sport of solo sailing behind me and focus on the greatest challenge I'd ever come across : the future of our global economy. 这促使我做出了我从没想过的一个决定: 不再独自航行, 而专注于我遇到的最大的挑战上: 全球经济的未来。
come across:偶然遇见;给人以…的印象;
And I quickly realized it wasn't just about energy. 很快我就意识到不仅仅能源是有限的。
It was also materials. 各种材料也是。
In 2008, I picked up a scientific study looking at how many years we have of valuable materials to extract from the ground: copper , 61; tin, zinc , 40; silver , 29. 2008年,我做了一个科学研究, 看看那些需要通过地下开采获得的 有价值的原料还有多少年的储量。 铜,61年;锡,锌,40年;银,29年。
scientific:adj.科学的,系统的; valuable:adj.有价值的;贵重的;可估价的;n.贵重物品; extract:v.提取;取出;摘录;榨取;n.汁;摘录;榨出物;选粹; copper:n.铜;铜币;警察;adj.铜(制)的;(紫)铜色的;v.用铜板[铜皮]盖[包]; zinc:v.镀锌…;涂锌于…;用锌处理;n.锌; silver:n.银; v.给…镀(或包)银; adj.银色的;
These figures couldn't be exact, but we knew those materials were finite. 这些数字可能并不准确,但我们知道这些资源都是有限的,
We only have them once. 用完即枯竭,不可再生。
And yet, our speed that we've used these materials has increased rapidly, exponentially . 然而,我们使用这些材料的速度一直在迅速增长, 甚至是指数增长。
With more people in the world with more stuff , we've effectively seen 100 years of price declines in those basic commodities erased in just 10 years. 随着世界人口越来越多,产品也更多, 我们已经看到100年来基本商品价格的 下降趋势在短短10年内就被打破了。
stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本: declines:vi.下降;衰退;拒绝(decline的第三人称单数); commodities:n.商品(commodity的复数);日用品;商品期货; erased:v.清除;消除;消灭;擦掉,抹掉(erase的过去分词和过去式)
And this affects all of us. 这会影响我们所有的人。
It's brought huge volatility in prices, so much so that in 2011, your average European car manufacturer saw a raw material price increase of 500 million Euros , wiping away half their operating profits through something they have absolutely no control over. 它带来了价格的巨大波动, 以至于在2011年, 普通的欧洲汽车制造商都看到 原材料价格上涨了 5亿欧元, 吞噬了他们一半的营业利润, 而面对这一切他们却束手无策。
volatility:n.[化学]挥发性;易变;活泼; manufacturer:n.生产商;生产者;制造者; raw material:n.原料; Euros:n.欧元;欧洛斯风;带雨东南暴风(euro复数); profits:n.利润; v.获益; (profit的第三人称单数和复数)
And the more I learned, the more I started to change my own life. 随着我的了解逐渐深入,我的生活也开始发生了改变。
I started traveling less, doing less, using less. 我开始减少旅行的次数,过更平淡的生活,避免浪费。
It felt like actually doing less was what we had to do. 好像减少浪费是我们不得不做的。
But it sat uneasy with me. 但是这很难做到。
It didn't feel right. 也许并不是个好方法。
It felt like we were buying ourselves time. 好像我们在给自己买时间。
We were eking things out a bit longer. 我们只是勉强把使用时间延长了一点点。
Even if everybody changed, it wouldn't solve the problem. 即使每个人都开始节约,也无法解决根本的问题。
It wouldn't fix the system. 无法修复整个系统。
It was vital in the transition , but what fascinated me was, in the transition to what? What could actually work? 过渡的过程至关重要,但是使我着迷的是 要过渡到什么样的状态?到底什么才是行之有效的方法?
vital:adj.至关重要的;生死攸关的;有活力的; transition:n.过渡;转变;变革;变迁;v.经历转变过程;过渡;
It struck me that the system itself, the framework within which we live, is fundamentally flawed , and I realized ultimately that our operating system , the way our economy functions, the way our economy's been built, is a system in itself. 我突然意识到系统本身,我们生活的框架 是有根本缺陷的, 最终我意识到, 我们的操作系统,经济运作方式, 经济的建设方式,这一切本身就自成系统。
fundamentally:adv.从根本上;基础地;重要地 flawed:adj.有缺陷的;有瑕疵的;有裂纹的; ultimately:adv.最终;最后;归根结底;终究; operating system:n.(计算机)操作系统;
At sea, I had to understand complex systems. 在海上,我必须了解复杂的系统。
I had to take multiple inputs , 我不得不提出多种指令,
multiple:adj.数量多的;多种多样的;n.倍数; inputs:n.[自][电子]输入;投入(input的复数);
I had to process them, and I had to understand the system to win. 不得不处理它们, 要想赢,我就得去了解这个系统。
I had to make sense of it. 我得搞懂这一切。
make sense of:搞清…的意思;
And as I looked at our global economy, I realized it too is that system, but it's a system that effectively can't run in the long term. 当我看着全球经济的时候,我意识到它也是这样的系统, 但这个系统不能有效地长期运行。
And I realized we've been perfecting what's effectively a linear economy for 150 years, where we take a material out of the ground, we make something out of it, and then ultimately 我还意识到我们已经在过去的150年中完善了有效的 线性经济, 我们从地下开采原料, 做成产品,最后
that product gets thrown away, and yes, we do recycle some of it, but more an attempt to get out what we can at the end, not by design. 扔掉那个产品,当然,我们也回收一些东西, 但更多的是尝试在最后尽点力回收, 而不是事先设计好的。
recycle:v.回收利用;再利用; attempt:n.企图,试图;攻击;v.企图,试图;尝试;
It's an economy that fundamentally can't run in the long term, and if we know that we have finite materials, why would we build an economy that would effectively use things up, that would create waste? 这是一个从根本上就不可能长期运行的经济, 如果我们知道我们只有有限的原料, 为什么还要建立一个快速消耗,并会造成浪费的 经济系统呢?
Life itself has existed for billions of years and has continually adapted to use materials effectively. 生命本身已经存在了数十亿年, 并不断适应有效地使用原料。
continually:adv.不断地;频繁地; adapted:adj.适于…的; v.使适应,使适合; (adapt的过去分词和过去式)
It's a complex system, but within it, there is no waste. 这是一个复杂的系统,但在这个系统内没有浪费。
Everything is metabolized . 一切都被代谢掉了。
It's not a linear economy at all, but circular . 这完全不是线性经济,它是循环的,
circular:adj.圆形的; n.(同时送达很多人的)印刷信函(或通知、广告);
And I felt like the child in the garden. 我就像个孩子在花园中。
For the first time on this new journey, I could see exactly where we were headed. 在这个学习的旅程中,我第一次看清了前进的方向。
If we could build an economy that would use things rather than use them up, we could build a future that really could work in the long term. 如果我们可以建立一种使用原料而不是耗尽原料的经济, 我们就可以建立一个让一切长期运转的未来。
I was excited. 我很激动。
This was something to work towards. 这是可以努力的方向。
We knew exactly where we were headed. We just had to work out how to get there, and it was exactly with this in mind that we created the Ellen MacArthur Foundation in September 2010. 一旦知道要做什么,只需要找出实现目标的途径就行了, 于是有了这个想法之后, 我们于2010年9月创建了Ellen MacArthur基金。
MacArthur:n.麦克阿瑟(美国五星上将); Foundation:n.基础;地基;基金会;根据;创立;
Many schools of thought fed our thinking and pointed to this model: industrial symbiosis , performance economy, sharing economy, biomimicry , and of course, cradle-to-cradle design. 学校的教育塑造了我们的思维并指向了这种模式: 产业共生,性能经济,共享经济,仿生学, 当然,还有初始到初始的循环设计。
industrial:adj.工业的,产业的; n.工业股票; symbiosis:n.[生态]共生;合作关系;共栖; performance:n.性能;表现;业绩;表演; biomimicry:仿生学;生物模拟;生物仿生;
Materials would be defined as either technical or biological , waste would be designed out entirely, and we would have a system that could function absolutely in the long term. 原料可以是技术性的或生物类的, 垃圾会被完全设计出来。 我们将会有一个绝对 长期有效的系统。
defined:adj.有定义的,确定的; v.使明确; technical:adj.工艺的,科技的;技术上的;专门的; biological:adj.生物学的;生物的;与生命过程有关的;加酶的;n.[药]生物制品;
So what could this economy look like? 那么,这个经济会是什么样子?
Maybe we wouldn't buy light fittings , but we'd pay for the service of light, and the manufacturers would recover the materials and change the light fittings when we had more efficient products. 也许我们不会买灯具但是我们可以付照明费, 而厂家将回收这些材料 并用更高效的产品改变灯具的性能。
fittings:n.[机][电子]配件(fitting的复数);设备;家具; manufacturers:n.生产者;制造者;生产商;(manufacturer的复数) efficient:adj.有效率的;有能力的;生效的;
What if packaging was so nontoxic it could dissolve in water and we could ultimately drink it? It would never become waste. 如果包装可溶于水并无毒, 最后还能被喝掉呢?它就永远不会变成废品。
What if:如果…怎么办? nontoxic:adj.无毒的; dissolve:v.溶;使(固体)溶解;解除;终止;解散;消除;n.(电影、电视等画面的)渐隐
What if engines were re-manufacturable, and we could recover the component materials and significantly reduce energy demand. 如果引擎可以重新制造呢? 我们就可以回收组件材料, 从而显着降低能源需求。
component:n.成分;部件;组成部分;adj.构成的; significantly:adv.意味深长地;值得注目地;
What if we could recover components from circuit boards, reutilize them, and then fundamentally recover the materials within them through a second stage? 如果我们可以从电路板回收部件,并重新利用, 从根本上回收其中的材料呢?
components:n.部件;组件;成份(component复数); circuit:n.环行路线;电路;线路;巡回赛;v.巡回;周游; reutilize:用法,发音,音标,搭配,同义词,反义词和例句等在线英语服务。;
What if we could collect food waste, human waste? 如果我们可以收集食品垃圾,人类排泄物呢?
What if we could turn that into fertilizer , heat, energy, ultimately reconnecting nutrients systems and rebuilding natural capital? 如果我们可以把他们转化成肥料,热和其他能源, 并最终把整个营养系统联系起来 重建自然资本呢?
fertilizer:n.[肥料]肥料;受精媒介物;促进发展者; reconnecting:n.重新连线中;正在重新连接;v.再接合(reconnect的现在分词); nutrients:营养盐;[食品]营养素;
And cars -- what we want is to move around . 还有汽车——我们需要的只是变换地点。
move around:v.走来走去;绕着…来回转;
We don't need to own the materials within them. 我们并不需要去拥有这些材料。
Could cars become a service and provide us with mobility in the future? 汽车可以成为一种服务, 并在未来为我们提供移动性吗?
All of this sounds amazing, but these aren't just ideas, they're real today, and these lie at the forefront of the circular economy. 这些听起来很神奇,但它们不再只是想法,如今已经实现了, 而且位于循环经济的最前沿。
What lies before us is to expand them and scale them up. 我们面临是要如何扩展他们并规模化。
So how would you shift from linear to circular? 所以,要如何将线性经济转向循环经济?
Well, the team and I at the foundation thought you might want to work with the top universities in the world, with leading businesses within the world, with the biggest convening platforms in the world, and with governments. 我和我的团队基本的想法是 也许可以跟世界的顶尖大学合作, 与全球的尖端企业合作, 跟世界上最大的集合平台合作, 还有政府。
convening:召开; platforms:n.平台; v.把…放在台上;
We thought you might want to work with the best analysts and ask them the question, "Can the circular economy decouple growth from resource constraints ? 我们认为你也许想和世界上最好的分析师工作, 并问他们一些问题, “可循环经济能够挣脱资源约束吗?
analysts:n.分析师;分析家;[分化]分析员(analyst的复数); decouple:vt.减弱震波;n.[电]去耦; resource:n.资源;资料;才智;财力;v.向…提供资金(或设备); constraints:n.[数]约束;限制;约束条件(constraint的复数形式);
Is the circular economy able to rebuild natural capital? 可循环经济能重建自然资本吗?
Could the circular economy replace current chemical fertilizer use?" 可循环经济能取代现在的化肥吗?”
Yes was the answer to the decoupling , but also yes, we could replace current fertilizer use by a staggering 2.7 times. 答案是,是的, 而且是的,我们还可以取代现代化肥, 并实现惊人的2.7倍的效果。
decoupling:n.去耦;v.去耦(decouple的现在分词); staggering:adj.惊人的; v.蹒跚; (stagger的现在分词)
But what inspired me most about the circular economy was its ability to inspire young people. 但是循环经济激发我最多的是, 它能给年轻人带来启发。
inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式)
When young people see the economy through a circular lens , they see brand new opportunities on exactly the same horizon. 当年轻人通过循环透镜看经济的时候, 他们以同样的眼界看到了全新的机会。
lens:n.透镜,镜头;晶状体;隐形眼镜;汽车的灯玻璃;v.给…摄影; brand new:adj.崭新的;最近获得的;
They can use their creativity and knowledge to rebuild the entire system, and it's there for the taking right now, and the faster we do this, the better. 他们可以用自己的创造力和知识 来重建整个系统, 而且现在就可以采取行动, 越早越好。
So could we achieve this in their lifetimes? 那么我们可以在有生之年实现这些吗?
Is it actually possible? 这真的可能吗?
I believe yes. 我相信这是可能的。
When you look at the lifetime of my great-grandfather, anything's possible. 看看我曾祖父的一生,什么都有可能发生。
When he was born, there were only 25 cars in the world; they had only just been invented. 他出生时,世界上只有25辆汽车; 这些汽车也才刚被发明。
When he was 14, we flew for the first time in history. 他14岁时,我们实现了历史上第一次飞行。
Now there are 100,000 charter flights every single day. 而现在每一天就有10万正常的航班 飞来飞去。
charter:n.章程; v.包租(飞机、船等);
When he was 45, we built the first computer. 他45岁的时候,我们建造了第一台计算机,
Many said it wouldn't catch on, but it did, and just 20 years later we turned it into a microchip of which there will be thousands in this room here today. 许多人说计算机不会流行起来,但他们错了,而且仅仅20年后, 我们就把它变成了一个微芯片, 今天仅在这个房间里就有成千上万个。
Ten years before he died, we built the first mobile phone . 他去世的10年前,我们有了第一个移动电话。
mobile phone:移动电话
It wasn't that mobile, to be fair, but now it really is, and as my great-grandfather left this Earth, the Internet arrived. 老实说,那时候其实不怎么移动, 但现在真的是移动的了, 在我曾祖父去世的时候,互联网出现了。
Now we can do anything, but more importantly, now we have a plan. 现在,我们可以做任何事情, 但更重要是, 现在我们有了个计划。
Thank you. 谢谢。