

(Music) (音乐)
TC Milan: How you doing tonight? TC米兰:大家今晚过得如何?
New York! 纽约!
(Music) (音乐)
Here we go. 开始吧!
(Singing) I don't need another lover (歌唱) 我不需要另一个伴侣
I got my friends 有我的朋友就足矣
No, I don't need another mother -- bet that you can guess 不 我不需要另一个母亲—— 你一定心知肚明
Oh baby, can you talk right act tight, don't fight follow my rules? 噢 宝贝 好好说话 别冲动 别争吵 跟随我的舞步可好
Oh baby, can you stay sweet upbeat fill me with all your cool? 噢 宝贝 请保持温柔 保持乐观 用你的冷静把我填满
Are you man enough for me? 你在我心里够男子汉吗
Nicki B: Are you man enough for me? 尼基B: 你在我心里够男子汉吗
TM: Are you man enough to be? TM:你够男子汉了吗
NB: Are you man enough to be? NB:你够男子汉了吗
TM: Are you man enough for me? TM: 你在我心里够男子汉了吗
NB: Are you man enough for me? NB: 你在我心里够男子汉了吗
TM: Oh, are you man enough to be? TM:噢 你够男子汉了吗
NB: Are you man enough to be? NB:你够男子汉了吗
TM: C'mon. TM: 来吧。
(Singing) Be my man (歌唱) 做我的男子汉
(Music) (音乐)
That's right. 就这样,很好。
(Music) (音乐)
Give it to 'em. 到你了。
NB: Hit it good, c'mon, do better, give me all the feel NB:做得好 来吧不要停 继续 让我感受到你的心情
Keep it hot, assess my pleasure 保持你的热情 感受我的快乐
Just keep it real 展现真实即可
TM: Are you man enough for me? TM: 你是我的男子汉吗
NB: Are you man enough for me? NB:你是我的男子汉吗
TM: Are you man enough to be? TM:你够男子汉吗
NB: Are you man enough to be? NB:你够男子汉吗
TM: Are you man enough for me? TM:你是我的男子汉吗
NB: Are you man enough for me? NB:你是我的男子汉吗
TM: Are you man enough to be? TM:你够男子汉吗
NB: Are you man enough to be? NB:你够男子汉吗
TM: What? TM: 什么?
(Singing) Be my man (歌唱)做我的男子汉
(Music) (音乐)
NB: Be my man NB:做我的男子汉
TM: C'mon, Che-Che. TM:动起来,Che-Che。
(Music) (音乐)
(Music changes) (音乐改变)
Alright, this next one's "Bohanna." 好的,下一首是 “Bohanna”。
(Singing) All the way back to where we began (歌唱)一路回到 我们开始的 地方
Out of the mess they put us in 摆脱他们让我们 深陷其中的 混乱
Le Chev: Bang , bang, off the chain Le Chev:嘣嘣 无拘无束
Bang:n.猛敲; v.猛敲; v.正好;
(Singing) Oooh (歌唱)噢噢噢
LC: Bang, bang, through the pain LC: 嘣嘣 经历了痛苦
(Singing) Oh (歌唱) 噢
LC: Bang, bang, off the chain LC: 嘣嘣 无拘无束
(Singing) Oooh (歌唱) 噢噢噢
LC: Bang, bang, through the pain LC: 嘣嘣 经历了痛苦
One, two, three, let's go! 一,二,三,开始。
(Singing) Bohanna (歌唱)Bohanna
Music for dancing 随音乐舞起来吧
Bohanna Bohanna
Flowers where you go 你去往的地方有鲜花
Bohanna Bohanna
Music for dancing 随音乐舞起来吧
Bohanna Bohanna
We clap , clap our hands for you 我们鼓掌 为你鼓掌
NB: Little bit of rain makes the window shine -- NB: 小雨让窗户更明亮——
TC: Window shine TC: 窗户明亮
NB: Dance with Bohanna, drink that red, red wine NB那:跟随Bohanna起舞 品尝那红酒佳酿
TM: Red, red wine TM: 红,红酒佳酿
NB: Little bit of rain makes the window shine NB: 小雨让窗户更明亮
TM: Window shine TM: 窗户明亮
NB: Dance with Bohanna, drink that red, red wine NB:跟随Bohanna起舞 品尝那红酒佳酿
Bohanna Bohanna
Music for dancing 随音乐舞起来吧
Bohanna Bohanna
Flowers where you go 你去的地方有鲜花
Bohanna Bohanna
Music for dancing 随音乐舞起来吧
Bohanna Bohanna
We clap, clap our hands for you 我们鼓掌 为你鼓掌
(Music) (音乐)
(Music changes) (音乐改变)
TM: This is the last song. TM: 这是最后一首歌。
(Cheers) (欢呼)
Thank you! 谢谢大家。
(Music) (音乐)
(Singing) I was broken down torn up and turned around (歌唱) 我已崩溃 破碎支离 翻天覆地
I got lost in the darkest cloud 迷失在最黑暗的乌云里
I felt there was no way out 感觉无处可逃离
I almost lost control 我就要失控
I forgot what I was living for 我忘记为何而生
But I still got my energy and the music gives me all I need 但我还有能量 音乐满足了我所有想象
We dance, we make the club our own 我们起舞 俱乐部属于我们
We chant at night to free our souls 我们在夜晚颂唱 放飞灵魂
It's that time of the night when the music is right 就在夜晚此刻 音乐相得益彰
Hey, DJ, won't you play my song one more time? 嘿 DJ 你难道不愿 再播放一遍我的歌吗
We dance 我们起舞
Oooh 噢噢噢
We dance, we make the club our home 我们起舞 俱乐部属于我们
We chant at night to free our souls 我们在夜晚颂唱 放飞灵魂
You've been kicked around beat up and beat down 你被踢来踢去 不停地上下敲击
beat down:打倒;杀价;大雨倾盆而下;强烈地照射下来;
And when you make a joyful sound -- oh ... 当你发出欢快的声音—— 噢
Someone's there to shut it down 有人想要你闭嘴安静
So much to overcome 太多要去克服
That struggle it's never, never done 这样的挣扎 永远 永远不会结束
Still got that energy 依然充满能量
And the music gives you all you need 音乐给了你所有想象
We dance, we make the club our own 我们起舞 俱乐部属于我们
We chant at night to free our souls 我们在夜晚颂唱 放飞灵魂
It's that time of the night when the music is right 就在夜晚此刻 音乐相得益彰
Hey, DJ, won't you play my song one more time? 嘿 DJ 你难道不愿 再播放一次我的歌吗
We dance 我们起舞
(Music) (音乐)
We dance, we make the club our own 我们起舞 俱乐部属于我们
We chant at night to free our souls 我们在夜晚颂唱 放飞灵魂
We dance, we make the club our home -- 我们起舞 俱乐部属于我们——
TM: Can you guys clap with us? TM: 伙计们,跟我们一起拍掌吧!
(Singing) We chant at night to free our souls (歌唱)我们在夜晚颂唱 放飞灵魂
TM: Alright, New York. TM:很棒,纽约。
It's that time. 此时此刻。
It's that TED Talks time. 是 TED 演讲时刻。
We're sitting down but we're grooving out, right? 我们坐着, 但心里在舞动,对吧?
(Singing) We dance (歌唱)我们起舞
TM: You know we dance TM:你们知道我们得跳舞。
After this, we're going to go dance, all of us, altogether at Chever's house. 在这段旋律之后, 我们所有人,一起跳舞, 跟随着Chever的节奏。
(Singing) We dance (歌唱)我们起舞
(Clapping) (鼓掌)
Alright, now we're just going to do a simple wave, right? 现在,我们还要一起 做一个简单的波浪。
Easy, from our seats. 很简单,坐在椅子上就可以。
(Singing) We dance (歌唱)我们起舞
NB: Uh huh. NB:啊哈。
TM: There we go. TM: 我们一起来。
(Singing) We dance (歌唱) 我们起舞
TM: One, two, one, two, three -- TM:一,二,一,二,三——
(Singing) We dance, we make the club our home (歌唱)我们起舞 俱乐部属于我们
We chant at night to free our souls 我们在夜晚颂唱 放飞灵魂
It's that time of the night when the music is right 就在夜晚此刻 音乐相得益彰
Hey, DJ, won't you play my song one more time? 嘿DJ 你难道不愿 再播放一次我的歌吗
We dance 我们起舞
Oooh. 噢噢噢
We dance, we make the club our own 我们起舞 俱乐部属于我们
We chant at night to free our souls 我们在夜晚颂唱 放飞灵魂
We dance 我们起舞
(Music ends) (音乐结束)
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause and cheers) (掌声和欢呼)