

No comment. 无可奉告
Oh, Dr Fallon ... I hate all this. 法伦医生 我也讨厌这样
This little dance of ours. I do. 来回打太极 真的
Us trying to get you to accidentally admit to something, not because we know you'll eventually feel much better for having finally gotten it off your chest-- though, of course you will-- but because it's all so predictable . 我们努力想让你不小心承认什么 不是因为我们知道你最终会好受些 因为你终于说出来了 但你的确会好受的 而是因为这太好猜了
accidentally:adv.意外地:偶然,偶然地; eventually:adv.最后,终于; finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; predictable:adj.可预言的;
We know what we're doing, she knows what she's doing, and you're doing what she's telling you to do. 我们清楚我们的工作 她也清楚她的工作 而你在听她的指挥
But when a 14-year-old girl is found dead in the woods with no knickers , and her shattered skull held in place with a bag-for-life, then you can appreciate why we have to be so forensic . 但如果一个14岁女孩 被发现死在林中 还没穿内裤 她粉碎的头骨仅靠一个购物袋拢住 你可以理解我们为什么要如此重视证据
knickers:n.灯笼裤,短裤;女用灯笼裤型的扎口短裤; shattered:adj.受到严重打击的; v.(使)破碎,碎裂; (shatter的过去式和过去分词) skull:n.头盖骨,脑壳; appreciate:v.欣赏;感激;感谢;理解; forensic:adj.法院的;辩论的;适于法庭的;
Hence why you've been sat here, gone... 也因此你才会坐在这里 这都快...
oh, almost 23 hours, now. 23小时了
Not just your future that depends on the outcome of our conversation. 不单是你的未来 会由我们的对话结果决定
You can understand all that, can't you, Doctor? 你能理解吧 医生
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Why'd you take her knickers off? 你为什么脱下她的内裤
If she was your daughter? - Stepdaughter . 她不是你女儿吗 -继女
Stepdaughter, sorry. 继女 抱歉
Not a blood relative . 不是血亲
You can still answer the question. 你还是可以回答问题的
No, no. Question withdrawn . 不不 撤回这个问题
Do you think Nicky thought you preferred your other children to her? 你觉得妮姬认为 比起她 你更偏爱你的其他孩子吗
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It's only natural, isn't it? 这也难怪
To love them a bit more, your real kids? 更爱你的亲生孩子
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Your actual kids. 你真正的孩子
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Tea? 喝茶吗
When you took Nicky to these events up and down the country, these, erm, netball tournaments ... 你带妮姬在全国各地参加这些活动时 这些篮网球锦标赛
netball:n.类似篮球的球赛; tournaments:n.比赛(tournament的复数);锦标赛;
did you argue? 你们会争吵吗
Did you have arguments? 你们发生过争吵吗
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Only that's what your wife says, or implies . 你妻子是这么说的 至少这么暗示的
She didn't tell you I was coming? 她没说我要来 是吧
'"He'd have resented driving." 他本来就讨厌开车
This is from her statement . 这是她的口供
'"After a stressful week of work, those long trips on the motorway for netball would have shortened his fuse-- his already-short fuse ." 承受了一周的工作压力 为了打篮网球 不得不在高速上开很久 这让他容易发怒 他本来脾气就很暴
stressful:adj.紧张的;有压力的; motorway:n.高速公路,汽车高速公路; shortened:v.(使)变短,缩短;(shorten的过去式和过去分词) fuse:n.保险丝;导火线;v.(使)融合,熔断;熔接;
Then, "Nicky was always late getting ready. 还有 妮姬准备出发时总拖拖拉拉
He was tired, got cross... cross about that, I know he did." 他又累又气 为那个生气 这我知道
Do you lose your temper when you're tired? 你累的时候会发脾气吗
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But you do lose your temper? 但你的确会发脾气是吧
No comment. - No comments all the way? 无可奉告 -一直是无可奉告吗
What's your feeling? 你怎么想