

You know, my favorite part of being a dad is the movies I get to watch. 身为父亲最让我开心的, 就是可以看自己喜欢的电影。
I love sharing my favorite movies with my kids, and when my daughter was four, we got to watch "The Wizard of Oz" together. 我喜欢跟我的孩子分享我的电影, 当我的女儿四岁的时候, 我们一起看了《绿野仙踪》。
It totally dominated her imagination for months. 接下来几个月她完全被迷住了。
dominated:v.支配;控制;左右;影响;(dominate的过去式和过去分词) imagination:n.想象;想象力;创造力;想象的事物;
Her favorite character was Glinda, of course. 她最喜欢的角色,当然是葛琳达(Glinda)。
It gave her a great excuse to wear a sparkly dress and carry a wand . 这让她把自己打扮的像仙女一样 还拿着魔杖。
sparkly:adj.耀眼的; wand:n.魔杖; v.用扫描笔在…上扫描条形码;
But you watch that movie enough times, and you start to realize how unusual it is. 但是当你看了几遍之后, 你就会发现这部电影是多么的与众不同。
Now we live today, and are raising our children, in a kind of children's-fantasy-spectacular-industrial complex . 现在, 我们生活,抚养小孩, 都是沉浸在一种儿童奇幻般复杂的世界里。
But "The Wizard of Oz" stood alone. 但是《绿野仙踪》独树一帜。
It did not start that trend . 它并不属于那一类。
Forty years later was when the trend really caught on, with, interestingly , another movie that featured a metal guy and a furry guy rescuing a girl by dressing up as the enemy's guards. 这种趋势是四十年后的今天才流行的. 很有意思的是, 另外一部电影 里面有一个铁大个儿 和一个毛绒绒的家伙 伪装成敌人的守卫去解救一个女孩。
interestingly:adv.有趣地; furry:adj.毛皮的;盖着毛皮的;似毛皮的; rescuing:v.营救;援救;抢救;(rescue的现在分词)
Do you know what I'm talking about? (Laughter) 你猜到这是哪部电影了么?(观众笑声)
Yeah. 对的。
Now, there's a big difference between these two movies, a couple of really big differences between "The Wizard of Oz" 这两部电影有很多不同, 《绿野仙踪》跟我们近年来看到的所有电影
and all the movies we watch today. 在两三方面存在巨大的差异。
One is there's very little violence in "The Wizard of Oz." 首先,《绿野仙踪》没有什么暴力成分。
The monkeys are rather aggressive , as are the apple trees. 猴子算是里面比较暴力的了,类似的还有苹果树。
But I think if "The Wizard of Oz" were made today, the wizard would say, "Dorothy, you are the savior of Oz that the prophecy foretold . 但是我想如果我们今天拍摄《绿野仙踪》, 巫师会说:“多萝西(Dorothy),你是预言中 拯救奥兹(Oz)的人,
savior:n.救世主;救星;救助者; prophecy:n.预言;预言书;预言能力; foretold:v.预言(foretell的过去式及过去分词);
Use your magic slippers to defeat the computer-generated armies of the Wicked Witch ." 用你的魔法拖鞋去打败 坏巫婆的(电脑生成的)军队吧。”
slippers:n.拖鞋(slipper的复数形式); computer-generated:adj.计算机产生的;电脑生成的; Wicked:adj.邪恶的;缺德的;调皮的;n.恶人;邪恶的人; Witch:n.巫婆,女巫;vt.迷惑;施巫术;
But that's not how it happens. 但是,不是这样子的。
Another thing that's really unique about "The Wizard of Oz" 《绿野仙踪》的独特性还体现在
to me is that all of the most heroic and wise and even villainous characters are female . 片中绝大多数的英勇角色、 智者、甚至坏人 都是女性。
heroic:adj.英雄的;英勇的;记叙英雄及其事迹的;夸张的;n.史诗;英勇行为; villainous:adj.罪恶的;恶棍的;恶毒的;坏透的; female:adj.女性的;雌性的;柔弱的,柔和的;n.女人;[动]雌性动物;
Now I started to notice this when I actually showed "Star Wars" to my daughter, which was years later, and the situation was different. 我是在几年之后, 跟我的女儿一起看《星球大战》的时候 意识到这点的,那时候情况有些不同。
At that point I also had a son. 那时我添了一个儿子。
He was only three at the time. 当时三岁。
He was not invited to the screening. He was too young for that. 他还太小,所以我们没叫他一起看
But he was the second child, and the level of supervision had plummeted . (Laughter) 但是作为家里第二个孩子, 对他的照看一下子就松了很多。(笑声)
supervision:n.监督,管理; plummeted:n.[测]铅锤,坠子;vi.垂直落下;(价格,水平等)骤然下跌;
So he wandered in, and it imprinted on him like a mommy duck does to its duckling , and I don't think he understands what's going on, but he is sure soaking in it. 结果他也跑了进来, 然后就入迷了 就像是小鸭子一出生见到鸭妈妈一样, 我不认为他看懂了这部电影的内容 但是他显然已经沉迷其中了。
imprinted:adj.印花的;盖印的;v.压印(imprint的过去分词);刻上记号;盖印; duckling:n.小鸭子; soaking:adj.湿透的;湿淋淋的;n.浸湿;浸透;v.浸泡;浸湿;湿透;(soak的现在分词)
And I wonder what he's soaking in. 我很好奇他喜欢这部电影的原因。
Is he picking up on the themes of courage and perseverance and loyalty ? 是影片主题体现出来的勇气、 毅力与忠诚?
perseverance:n.坚持不懈;不屈不挠;n.耐性;毅力; loyalty:n.忠诚;忠心;忠实;忠于…感情;
Is he picking up on the fact that Luke joins an army to overthrow the government? 亦或是卢克(Luke)加入军队 推翻政府的事实?
Is he picking up on the fact that there are only boys in the universe except for Aunt Beru, and of course this princess , who's really cool, but who kind of waits around through most of the movie 还是说他意识到了 整部电影中除了贝鲁阿姨(Aunt Beru)之外 都是男孩?哦,当然还有公主是女性, 很冷艳,但是她基本上只是跑个龙套
so that she can award the hero with a medal and a wink to thank him for saving the universe, which he does by the magic that he was born with? 在故事最后给英雄发放一个奖章,抛个媚眼 感谢他拯救了世界, 用他与生俱来的魔力。
Compare this to 1939 with "The Wizard of Oz." 对比一下1939年的《绿野仙踪》。
How does Dorothy win her movie? 多萝西是如何取得胜利的?
By making friends with everybody and being a leader. 她通过跟每个人都成为好朋友 变成他们的领袖。
That's kind of the world I'd rather raise my kids in -- 我更希望自己孩子可以在这样的环境中——
Oz, right? -- and not the world of dudes fighting, which is where we kind of have to be. 奥兹的世界——长大,而不是打来打去的世界, ——这种世界倒是很贴近现实。
Why is there so much Force -- capital F, Force -- in the movies we have for our kids, and so little yellow brick road? 为什么我们给小孩子的电影中 有那么多的暴力 那么少的黄砖路(绿野仙踪中的道路)?
There is a lot of great writing about the impact that the boy-violent movie has on girls, and you should do that reading. It's very good. 关于男性暴力电影对于女性的影响, 有很多出色的分析文章, 你应该去看看。写的很好。
I haven't read as much on how boys are picking up on this vibe . 这种氛围对男孩的影响,我读的文章不多。
I know from my own experience that 就我自己的经验而言,
Princess Leia did not provide the adequate context that I could have used in navigating the adult world that is co-ed . (Laughter) 从莱娅公主所处环境中得到的经验 不足以指导我在现实生活中引导孩子进入成人世界 成人世界是"男女混居的"。(笑声)
adequate:adj.充足的;适当的;胜任的; context:n.环境;上下文;来龙去脉; navigating:v.航行,操纵(navigate的现在分词形式);adj.航行的,航行中; co-ed:adj.男女同校的;n.男女同校中的女学生;
I think there was a first-kiss moment when I really expected the credits to start rolling because that's the end of the movie, right? 我认为荧幕上的初吻 应该发生在电影的最后,最好是演员表出现的时候, 因为这是电影的结局,对么?
I finished my quest , I got the girl. 我完成了使命,赢得芳心。
Why are you still standing there? 为什么还要呆站在这里?
I don't know what I'm supposed to do. 我不知道应该做什么。
The movies are very, very focused on defeating the villain and getting your reward , and there's not a lot of room for other relationships and other journeys . 这些电影把重点放在打败坏人 获得奖励上,以至于没有多少时间 处理其他关系和经历。
It's almost as though if you're a boy, you are a dopey animal, and if you are a girl, you should bring your warrior costume . 基本上,如果你是男孩 你就是一个呆笨的动物, 如果你是女孩,你就应该穿上战袍。
dopey:adj.迟钝的;被麻醉的;呆笨的; warrior:n.勇士; costume:n.服装;装束;戏装,服装;v.给(某人)穿上特殊服装;
There are plenty of exceptions, and I will defend the Disney princesses in front of any you. 当然反例也很多, 而且我会在你们面前为迪斯尼的公主们辩护。
Disney:n.迪斯尼(美国动画影片制作家及制片人); princesses:n.公主(princess的复数形式);王妃;
But they do send a message to boys, that they are not, the boys are not really the target audience. 但是这些电影给男孩子的感觉是 他们不是这些电影预期的观众
They are doing a phenomenal job of teaching girls how to defend against the patriarchy , but they are not necessarily showing boys how they're supposed to defend against the patriarchy. 这些电影有很大的一个功劳 就是教会女孩子如何反抗父权社会, 但是这些电影并没有 向男孩子们展示如何反抗父权社会。
phenomenal:adj.现象的;显著的;异常的;能知觉的;惊人的,非凡的; patriarchy:n.父权制;家长统治;父系社会; necessarily:adv.必要地;必定地,必然地;
There's no models for them. 孩子们没有偶像可寻。
And we also have some terrific women who are writing new stories for our kids, and as three-dimensional and delightful as Hermione and Katniss are, these are still war movies. 我们也有一些了不起的女性 开始为我们的孩子写新的故事 包括像赫敏和凯特里斯这样生动形象的角色, 但是还是属于战争电影。
terrific:adj.极好的;极其的,非常的;可怕的; three-dimensional:adj.三维的;立体的;真实的; delightful:adj.可爱的,可喜的;令人愉快的;
And, of course, the most successful studio of all time continues to crank out classic after classic, every single one of them about the journey of a boy, or a man, or two men who are friends, or a man and his son, or two men who are raising a little girl. 当然,史上最成功的电影工作室(皮克斯) 连续不断的创造经典电影 每部电影都讲述一段故事 一个小男孩的,或一个大男人的, 或两个大男人,或父与子, 或是两个男人抚养一个小女孩。
studio:n.工作室;[广播][电视]演播室;画室;电影制片厂; crank:n.曲柄;奇想;adj.易怒的;vt.装曲柄; classic:n.名著;优秀的典范;adj.最优秀的;第一流的;有代表性的;典型的;
Until, as many of you are thinking, this year, when they finally came out with "Brave." 终于,你们很多人都已经知道, 今年他们终于推出了《勇敢传说》。
I recommend it to all of you. It's on demand now. 我向你们所有人推荐这部电影。现在正在上映。
recommend:v.推荐;介绍;劝告;建议;使受欢迎; on demand:请求即;按需;随选;随需应变;
Do you remember what the critics said when "Brave" came out? 你还记得《勇敢传说》刚上映时的批评么?
'"Aw, I can't believe Pixar made a princess movie." “哦,不敢相信皮克斯也开始做公主电影了。”
It's very good. Don't let that stop you. 这很好。别止步。
Now, almost none of these movies pass the Bechdel Test. 现在,这些电影几乎都没有通过“贝克德尔测试”(Bechdel Test)。
I don't know if you've heard of this. 我不知道你们是否听说过,
It has not yet caught on and caught fire, but maybe today we will start a movement. 这个测试并不为人所知, 但是今天或许我们能做些推动。
Alison Bechdel is a comic book artist, and back in the mid-'80s, she recorded this conversation she'd had with a friend about assessing the movies that they saw. 艾莉森·贝克德尔是一个漫画作家, 在80年代中期,,她记录下了她和一个朋友 在评估她们看过的电影时的讨论内容。
And it's very simple. There's just three questions you should ask: 非常简单,只有三个问题:
Is there more than one character in the movie that is female who has lines? 这部电影中是否有一个以上的角色 是女性并且有台词?
So try to meet that bar. 想想看这个标准。
And do these women talk to each other at any point in the movie? 如果是,这些女性角色在电影中是否交谈过?
And is their conversation about something other than the guy that they both like? (Laughter) 如果交谈了,有没有跟她们共同的心上人 无关的谈话内容?(笑声)
Right? Thank you. (Applause) 明白了?谢谢。(掌声)
Thank you very much. 非常感谢。
Two women who exist and talk to each other about stuff . 两个女人,有台词,有交谈。
It does happen. I've seen it, and yet I very rarely see it in the movies that we know and love. 确实有这样的电影。我看过, 但是在我们看过的和喜欢的电影中 是很少见的。
In fact, this week I went to see a very high-quality movie, "Argo." 事实上,这个星期我刚看过 一部质量不错的电影《阿尔戈》(Argo)。
Right? Oscar buzz , doing great at the box office , a consensus idea of what a quality Hollywood film is. 奥斯卡热门电影,票房很好, 公认的好莱坞电影高品质电影。
buzz:n.嗡嗡声; v.发出嗡嗡声; box office:adj.票房的;受欢迎的; consensus:n.一致;舆论;合意;
It pretty much flunks the Bechdel test. 但是贝尔德尔测试不及格。
And I don't think it should, because a lot of the movie, 我觉得这不应该。因为电影中的大部分情节
I don't know if you've seen it, but a lot of the movie takes place in this embassy where men and women are hiding out during the hostage crisis . 不知道你们看过没有,电影中的大部分情节 都发生在发生人质劫持事件的大使馆内, 男人和女人都躲在里面。
embassy:n.大使馆;大使馆全体人员; hostage:n.人质;抵押品; crisis:n.危机;危险期;决定性时刻;adj.危机的;用于处理危机的;
We've got quite a few scenes of the men having deep, angst-ridden conversations in this hideout , and the great moment for one of the actresses is to peek through the door and say, "Are you coming to bed, honey?" 我们看到好几个场景, 男人们在藏身处深刻而充满焦虑的对话。 而电影中一个女演员最出彩的情节 是隔着一扇门问道,“睡觉么,亲爱的?”
quite a few:不少,相当多; hideout:n.隐匿处; peek:v.窥视;偷看;探出;n.偷看,窥视;看一眼;
That's Hollywood for you. 这就是好莱坞。
So let's look at the numbers. 来看看统计数字。
2011, of the 100 most popular movies, how many of them do you think actually have female protagonists ? 2011年前100部最流行的电影中, 有多少部电影有女主角?
Eleven. It's not bad. 11部。不算太坏。
It's not as many percent as the number of women we've just elected to Congress , so that's good. 就刚刚普选出的国会议员中 女性议员比例而言,这个比例算好的。
But there is a number that is greater than this that's going to bring this room down. 接下来这个比例比刚才的要高 而这个比例会让在座各位震惊。
Last year, The New York Times published a study that the government had done. 去年,纽约时报发表了一份 由政府完成的报告。
Here's what it said. 以下是内容。
One out of five women in America say that they have been sexually assaulted some time in their life. 每五名美国女性中就有一位 曾经遇到过性骚扰。
sexually:adv.性,性欲 assaulted:v.猛烈攻击,袭击,侵犯人身;使(感官)难受;(assault的过去分词和过去式)
Now, I don't think that's the fault of popular entertainment. 我不认为是流行娱乐圈的过错。
I don't think kids' movies have anything to do with that. 我不认为这是由于儿童电影导致的。
I don't even think that music videos or pornography are really directly related to that, but something is going wrong, and when I hear that statistic , one of the things I think of is that's a lot of sexual assailants . 我甚至觉得 色情音乐和电影跟这都没有直接关系, 但是肯定哪里出问题了。 当我听到这个统计数字, 我当时想到的是 性骚扰者的数量竟然这么多。
pornography:n.淫秽作品;色情书刊(或音像制品等) directly:adv.直接地;立即;马上;正好地;坦率地;conj.一…就; statistic:n.统计学;统计数字;统计资料;(一项)统计数据;adj.统计(上)的; assailants:n.攻击者;adj.袭击的;攻击的;
Who are these guys? What are they learning? 他们是谁?他们怎么被教出来的?
What are they failing to learn? 他们漏学了什么?
Are they absorbing the story that a male hero's job is to defeat the villain with violence and then collect the reward, which is a woman who has no friends and doesn't speak? 他们有没有理解电影的情节, 一个男性英雄打败了残暴的反派 然后获得荣誉和奖励--就是一个没有朋友 又不说话(没有思想)的女人?
Are we soaking up that story? 我们有没有从这些故事中吸取到什么?
You know, as a parent with the privilege of raising a daughter like all of you who are doing the same thing, we find this world and this statistic very alarming and we want to prepare them. 你知道, 作为一名有着抚养女儿 义务的父亲, 我跟你们所有为人父母的人一样, 对这个统计数字和这个世界存在危机感, 我们要做好防范。
We have tools at our disposal like " girl power ," 我们创造了一些类似“少女超人”的角色,
disposal:n.处理;清除;去掉;(企业、财产等的)变卖; girl power:n.女权(认为女性应主宰自己的事业和生活的观念);
and we hope that that will help, but I gotta wonder, is girl power going to protect them if, at the same time , actively or passively , we are training our sons to maintain their boy power? 希望能够有所帮助, 但是我担心,“女性力量”能否保护她们, 同时, 有意无意地, 我们培养我们的儿子们要有英勇气概?
at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时; passively:adv.被动地;顺从地; maintain:v.维持;保持;维修;保养;坚持(意见);
I mean, I think the Netflix queue is one way that we can do something very important, and I'm talking mainly to the dads here. 我的意思是,我觉得 Netflix Queue(一种看电影的服务) 可以成为非常重要的一种方式, 我主要是针对父亲说的。
Netflix:n.网飞公司(出租DVD;在线观看电影的网站。); queue:n.行列;(存储的数据)队列;v.(人、车等)排队等候;(使)排队;列队等待; mainly:adv.大多;大部分;主要地;首要地;
I think we have got to show our sons a new definition of manhood . 我认为我们应该为我们的男孩子们 展示一种新的男子气概。
definition:n.定义;清晰度;(尤指词典里的词或短语的)释义;解释; manhood:n.成年;男子;男子气概;
The definition of manhood is already turning upside down . 现在的男子气概的定义已经本末倒置了。
upside down:adj.颠倒的;乱七八糟的;
You've read about how the new economy is changing the roles of caregiver and wage earner . 你已经知道新的经济环境 正在改变女性在家男性养家胡口的角色。
economy:n.经济;节约;理财; caregiver:n.照料者,护理者; wage earner:n.挣钱的人;挣工资的人;
They're throwing it up in the air. 他们正逐渐被替代。
So our sons are going to have to find some way of adapting to this, some new relationship with each other, and I think we really have to show them, and model for them, how a real man is someone who trusts his sisters and respects them, and wants to be on their team, and stands up against the real bad guys, who are the men who want to abuse the women. 我们的儿子需要能够适应这些改变, 适应相互之间的新关系, 我认为我们需要身先士卒,展示如何成为 一个真正的男人, 他会信任他的姐妹 尊重她们,希望与她们为伍, 对抗真正的坏蛋, 那些虐待妇女的大坏蛋。
adapting:v.使适应,使适合;适应;改编;改写;(adapt的现在分词) abuse:n.滥用;虐待;辱骂;弊端;恶习,陋习;v.滥用;虐待;辱骂;
And I think our job in the Netflix queue is to look out for those movies that pass the Bechdel Test, if we can find them, and to seek out the heroines who are there, who show real courage, who bring people together, 而且我认为我们需要在 Netflix Queue 中 寻找符合贝尔德尔测试的电影, 找到之后,再找出电影中的 女英雄们, 她们英勇无比,把大家团结起来,
look out for:当心,提防 seek:v.寻求;寻找;谋求; heroines:n.女英雄;女主角(heroine的复数形式);
and to nudge our sons to identify with those heroines and to say, "I want to be on their team," 并且鼓励我们的儿子认识到这些女主人公的英勇 并且说:“我想加入她的队伍。”
nudge:n.推动; vt.推进; vi.轻推; identify:v.识别:鉴定:确认:发现:
because they're going to be on their team. 因为他们将来需要与她们合作。
When I asked my daughter who her favorite character was in "Star Wars," 当我问我的女儿最喜欢《星球大战》中的哪个角色,
do you know what she said? 你猜她说谁?
Obi-Wan. 欧比-旺(Obi-Wan)
Obi-Wan Kenobi and Glinda. 欧比-旺·克诺比和葛琳达
What do these two have in common? 他们有什么共同点?
Maybe it's not just the sparkly dress. 或许跟漂亮的衣服没有关系。
I think these people are experts. 我认为他们都是专家。
I think these are the two people in the movie who know more than anybody else, and they love sharing their knowledge with other people to help them reach their potential . 两个人在各自的电影中 都拥有比别人更多的知识, 并且乐意与他人分享他们的知识 帮助他人挖掘潜能。
Now, they are leaders. 现在,他们是领袖。
I like that kind of quest for my daughter, and I like that kind of quest for my son. 我希望自己的女儿有这样的追求, 也希望自己的儿子有这样的追求。
I want more quests like that. 我希望这样的追求越多越好。
quests:n.过关模式(游戏用语); v.探索;
I want fewer quests where my son is told, "Go out and fight it alone," 我希望我的儿子不要被教育成 “冲出去一个人战斗”
and more quests where he sees that it's his job to join a team, maybe a team led by women, to help other people become better and be better people, like the Wizard of Oz. 而是主动的融入一个团队, 或许由一个女性来指挥, 帮助其他人成就自己, 变得更好, 就像奥兹仙女一样。
Thank you. 谢谢。