

Sometimes, I think I'm cursed . 有时候 我觉得我被诅咒了
Because of something that happened before I was even born. 因为一些在我出生之前发生的事
See, a long time ago, there was this family. 很久以前 有这么一家人
The papa, he was a musician. 爸爸是一个音乐家
He and his family would sing and dance and count their blessings . 他和他的家人一起唱歌跳舞 过得很幸福
But he also had a dream. To play for the world. 可是爸爸有个梦想 要唱歌给全世界听
And one day, he left with his guitar and never returned. 有一天 他背着他的吉他离开了 再也没有回来
And the mama... 而妈妈
She didn't have time to cry over that walk-away musician. 她没时间为爸爸的离开而伤心难过
After banishing all music from her life she found a way to provide for her daughter. 抛弃了生命中所有的音乐后 她想了个办法继续养活自己的女儿
banishing:v.放逐;流放;驱逐出境;赶走;(banish的现在分词) provide for:供养,供给;规定;为…作准备;
She rolled up her sleeves and she learned to make shoes. 她卷起了袖子 学习怎么做鞋子
sleeves:n.[服装]袖子; v.给…装袖子; (sleeve的单三形式)
She could have made candy, or fireworks , or sparkly underwear for wrestlers , but no, she chose shoes. 她明明可以学做糖果 或者烟花 或者给摔跤手穿的闪亮裤子 但是不 她偏偏选了鞋子
fireworks:n.烟花;烟火表演;激烈的言辞;令人激动的行动;(firework的复数) sparkly:adj.耀眼的; wrestlers:n.摔角选手(wrestler的复数);
Then she taught her daughter to make shoes. 后来她教女儿怎么做鞋子
And later, she taught her son-in-law . 然后又教会了她的女婿
Then her grandkids got roped in. 她的孙辈也不例外
As her family grew, so did the business. 随着家族日渐壮大 生意也越做越大
Music had torn her family apart. 音乐曾经让她的家族分崩离析
But shoes held them all together. 但是鞋子又帮她建家立业
You see, that woman was my great-great-grandmother, Mama Imelda. 那个女人 就是我的曾曾奶奶 伊美黛
She died way before I was born. 我出生之前很久她就死了
But my family still tells her story every year on Dia de los Muertos... 但是每年亡灵节 我们家 还是会讲她的故事
the Day of the Dead. 这是纪念逝者的节日
And her little girl, she's my great-grandmother , Mama Coco . 她的小女儿 就是我的曾祖母 可可曾奶奶
great-grandmother:n.曾祖母;外曾祖母; Coco:n.椰子(果);椰子树(等于coconutpalm);脑袋;adj.椰子壳的纤维所制的;
Hola, Mama Coco. 你好 可可曾奶奶
How are you, Julio? 你好吗 胡里奥
Actually, my name is Miguel. 其实我的名字叫米格尔
Mama Coco has trouble remembering things. 可可曾奶奶记性不太好了
But it's good to talk to her anyway. 但是我还是很喜欢和她聊天
So, I tell her pretty much everything. 我几乎所有事都和她说
I used to run like this. 我以前这样跑步
But now I run like this which is way faster. 但现在我这样跑步快多了
And the winner is Luchadora Coco! 胜利者是 超级无敌的可可曾奶奶
I have a dimple on this side, but not on this side. 我这边有个酒窝 这边没有
Dimple, no dimple. Dimple, no dimple. 有酒窝没酒窝 有酒窝没酒窝
Miguel, eat your food. 米格尔 好好吃你的
My abuelita, she's Mama Coco's daughter. 我的奶奶 她是可可曾奶奶的女儿
Oh, you're a twig , mijo. Have some more. 你太瘦了 孩子 多吃点
No, gracias. 不用了 谢谢
I asked if you would like more tamales ! 我问过你要不要再来点玉米粉蒸肉
Sí? 好吧
That's what I thought you said! 我记得你就是这么说的
Abuelita runs our house just like Mama Imelda did. 奶奶和伊美黛老祖宗 当年一样管理这个家族
No music! 不准有音乐
No music! 不准有音乐
No music! 不准有音乐
I think we're the only family in Mexico who hates music. 我觉得我们是墨西哥唯一一个 讨厌音乐的家族