

This is a story that takes place on an island full of wonder. 这是一个发生在一座充满奇迹的小岛上的故事
The story of two lost souls searching for one another, although they don't know that yet. 一个两个迷失的灵魂寻找彼此的故事 不过他们现在还不知道
Because, you see, no matter how alone or out of place one feels, magic is all around us if you just know where to look. 因为 你看 无论一个人感到多么孤单或格格不入 只要知道去何处寻找 魔法就在我们身边
out of place:adj.不合适的;不相称的;不在适当的位置;
Easy, girl. 放轻松 小美女
Hey, Mama. Good girl. 狗妈妈你好 好姑娘
Come on. We're gonna take good care of you. 我们一定会好好照顾你的
Come on. 走吧
Let's go, gang . We're going to the pound. 走吧 宝贝们 我带你们去收容所
gang:n.一群; v.(英)去;
Come on, girl, you're okay. 走吧 没事的
Come on, girl. 快跟上
Hey, Food Stamp . 你好啊 食品券
Food Stamp:n.(政府发给贫民的)食物券;
New girl. 她是新来的
The last tenant put the unit on Airbnb . 上一个租户把房子挂到爱彼迎上
tenant:n.房客;租户;佃户;v.(作为租赁者)居住; Airbnb:寻找奇居;爱本卜(一个网站);
We don't play that 'cause we got rules. 我们不能这样 因为我们有规矩
No subletting , no water beds and no pets. 不能转租 不能有水床 不能养宠物
Y'all got that? 明白吗
Absolutely , Mr. Packard. We won't even drink water in bed. 当然 帕卡德先生 连在床上喝水我们都不会
Hey, 5-C! 5C的
If your mama wants her dishwasher repaired, tell her try a little grease . 如果你妈妈想修洗碗机 告诉她试试加点润滑油
dishwasher:n.洗碗工;洗碟机; grease:v.涂脂于;贿赂;n.油脂;贿赂;
She'll know what I'm talking about. 她会明白我在讲什么的
O-Okay, Mr. Packard. 好的 帕卡德先生
Yes, I know it's important and I wouldn't ask unless- 我知道这很重要 我也不想开这个口 只不过...
Hey, mom. 妈妈
Yeah, okay, I understand. 好的 我能理解
Yeah, I'll figure it out. Okay, yeah. Thanks. 我在想想办法 好的 谢谢
Packard wants a bribe for the dishwasher. 帕卡德想在洗碗机上拿点好处
Splendid! Just grab a stack of hundreds. 棒极了 随便拿一叠百元大钞给他
grab:v.攫取;霸占;将…深深吸引;n.攫取;霸占;夺取之物; stack:n.堆栈;一摞;大量;许多;v.(使)放成整齐的一叠(或一摞,一堆);
I think they're over there by the gold bars that Aunt Irene left us in this rent-controlled flat. 钱应该就在这间租金管控的公寓里 艾琳姨妈给我们留下的金条旁
How was your day, sweetheart ? 今天过得怎么样 宝贝
Somewhere between abysmal and atrocious . 介于糟糕透顶和惨不忍睹之间吧
abysmal:adj.深不可测的;糟透的;极度的; atrocious:adj.凶恶的,残暴的;
Those are two beautiful words, which you probably wouldn't use if you didn't go to such a good school. 这两个可是高级词汇 不上这么好的学校 你可学不到
Great! 太好了
I'll have an epic vocabulary to use in my upcoming decades of therapy . 那之后几十年的心理治疗 我都有登峰造极的词语库了
epic:adj.史诗的,叙事诗的;n.史诗;叙事诗;史诗般的作品; upcoming:adj.即将来临的; therapy:n.治疗,疗法;
Okay. It is hard being the new kid at school. 好了 你刚转学来到一所新的学校是不容易
Those other girls still bothering you? 那几个女生还在烦你吗
It's mostly just this one girl, Florence. 主要就是一个女生 弗洛伦斯
She calls me "Food Stamp. - "Why? 她一直叫我 食品券 -为什么
Maybe because I'm on scholarship , or I'm small, or because we just moved here from upstate . 可能是因为我拿奖学金 或者因为我很矮小 又或许因为我们是从穷乡僻壤搬过来的
scholarship:n.奖学金;学问;学识;学术成就; upstate:adj.北部的;偏僻的;n.州的北部;adv.在州的北部;在州内远离大城市地区;
I don't know. 我也不知道
Well, you're different to those other kids at school. 你和其他学生不一样
That's good. 这是件好事
You know, people who are unique , they're the ones that change the world. 可以改变世界的人 都是独一无二的
Great! I'll tell Florence that. 那好 我就这么告诉弗洛伦斯
Just let me call her mother. 让我给她妈妈打个电话