

I'd like to tell you about a patient named Donna. 我想和你们讲讲一个 叫唐娜的病人。
In this photograph, Donna was in her mid-70s, a vigorous , healthy woman, the matriarch of a large clan . 在这张照片中,唐娜70多岁, 一个精力充沛、健康的女人, 也是一个大家族的领袖。
vigorous:adj.有力的;精力充沛的; matriarch:n.女家长;女统治者;女负责人;受人尊敬的妇女; clan:n.家族;庞大的家族;宗派;帮派;
She had a family history of heart disease , however, and one day, she had the sudden onset of crushing chest pain. 但她有心脏病家族史, 有一天,她突然感到胸痛。
disease:n.病,[医]疾病;弊病;vt.传染;使…有病; onset:n.开始,着手;发作;攻击,进攻; crushing:adj.惨重的,毁坏性的;v.压碎;压坏;压伤;挤压变形;(crush的现在分词)
Now unfortunately , rather than seeking medical attention, 不幸的是,唐娜没有 寻求医疗救助,
unfortunately:adv.不幸地; seeking:v.寻找;寻求;谋求;争取;(向人)请求(seek的现在分词)
Donna took to her bed for about 12 hours until the pain passed. 而是在床上躺了大约12个小时, 直到疼痛过去。
The next time she went to see her physician , he performed an electrocardiogram , and this showed that she'd had a large heart attack , or a " myocardial infarction " in medical parlance . 下次她去看医生时, 医生做了心电图, 这表明她心脏病发了, 或者医学术语中的“心肌梗塞”。
physician:n.[医]医师;内科医师; performed:v.表演;执行;履行;演出;工作,运转(好/不好)(perform的过去分词和过去式) electrocardiogram:n.[内科]心电图; heart attack:n.[医]心肌梗塞 myocardial:adj.心肌的;n.心肌衰弱; infarction:n.梗塞;[病理]梗塞形成,梗死形成; parlance:n.说法;用语;语调;发言;
After this heart attack, Donna was never quite the same. 在这次心脏病发作之后, 唐娜就再也不一样了。
Her energy levels progressively waned , she couldn't do a lot of the physical activities she'd previously enjoyed. 她的体能逐渐下降, 她不能做很多以前 喜欢的体育活动。
progressively:adv.渐进地;日益增多地; waned:vi.衰落;变小;亏缺;退潮;消逝;n.衰退;月亏;衰退期;缺损; physical:adj.[物]物理的;身体的;物质的;符合自然法则的;n.体格检查; previously:adv.先前;以前;
It got to the point where she couldn't keep up with her grandkids , and it was even too much work to go out to the end of the driveway to pick up the mail. 逐渐到了她不能跟上 孙子孙女的地步, 而且要走到楼道尽头 去拿邮件也变得费劲了。
keep up with:赶得上;和…保持联系; grandkids:n.(外)孙;(外)孙女;(grandkid的复数) driveway:n.(从建筑物,住房,车库等通往大路的)私人车道;
One day, her granddaughter came by to walk the dog, and she found her grandmother dead in the chair. 一天,她的孙女过来遛狗, 她发现奶奶死在椅子上。
Doctors said it was a cardiac arrhythmia that was secondary to heart failure . 医生说这是一种 继发于心力衰竭的心律失常。
cardiac:n.强心剂;强胃剂;adj.心脏的;心脏病的;贲门的; arrhythmia:n.心律不齐,[内科]心律失常; secondary:adj.第二的;中等的;次要的;中级的;n.副手;代理人; heart failure:n.心力衰竭;
But the last thing that I should tell you is that Donna was not just an ordinary patient. 但我最后要告诉你们的是 唐娜不仅仅是个普通病人。
Donna was my mother. 唐娜是我母亲。
Stories like ours are, unfortunately, far too common. 不幸的是,像我们 这样的故事太普遍了。
Heart disease is the number one killer in the entire world. 心脏病是全世界头号杀手。
In the United States, it's the most common reason patients are admitted to the hospital, and it's our number one health care expense . 在美国, 这是病人入院的最常见原因, 这是我们最大的医疗费用。
United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式) patients:n.接受治疗者,病人;(patient的复数) health care:n.卫生保健; expense:n.费用;开支;花费;开销;
We spend over a 100 billion dollars -- billion with a "B" -- in this country every year on the treatment of heart disease. 我们花了1000多亿美元—— 1000多亿美元—— 在这个国家每年 用于心脏病的治疗。
Just for reference , that's more than twice the annual budget of the state of Washington. 顺便说下,这是 华盛顿州年度预算的 两倍多。
reference:n.参考,提及;参考书目;证明书;v.引用; annual:n.年报;年鉴;年刊;adj.每年的;年度的;一年的; budget:n.预算,预算费;v.安排,预定;把…编入预算;adj.廉价的;
What makes this disease so deadly ? 是什么使这种疾病如此致命?
Well, it all starts with the fact that the heart is the least regenerative organ in the human body. 这一切都是因为心脏是在人体内 再生能力最小的器官。
regenerative:adj.再生的,更生的;更新的; organ:n.[生物]器官;机构;风琴;管风琴;嗓音;
Now, a heart attack happens when a blood clot forms in a coronary artery that feeds blood to the wall of the heart. 当将血液注入心脏壁的 冠状动脉中形成血液凝块时, 心脏病就会发作。
blood clot:n.血块;血凝块; coronary artery:n.冠状动脉;
This plugs the blood flow, and the heart muscle is very metabolically active, and so it dies very quickly, within just a few hours of having its blood flow interrupted . 这会堵塞血流, 心脏肌肉的新陈代谢非常活跃, 所以在血液流动 中断后的几个小时内, 心脏很快就死了。
plugs:n.[电]插头; v.插入,塞住; muscle:n.肌肉;力量;v.加强;使劲搬动;使劲挤出; metabolically:代谢的(metabolic的副词形式); interrupted:v.插嘴; adj.被阻止的,中断的; (interrupt的过去分词和过去式)
Since the heart can't grow back new muscle, it heals by scar formation . 因为心脏不能长出新的心肌, 它通过形成疤痕而愈合。
heals:霍尼韦尔错误分析与记录系统; formation:n.形成;编队;组成;队形;
This leaves the patient with a deficit in the amount of heart muscle that they have. 这使病人在 心肌数量上形成了短缺。
And in too many people, their illness progresses to the point where the heart can no longer keep up with the body's demand for blood flow. 在太多的人身上, 他们的病情已经坏到 心脏无法满足身体对 血液流动的需求。
This imbalance between supply and demand is the crux of heart failure. 供求失衡是心力衰竭的 症结所在。
imbalance:n.不平衡;不安定; supply and demand:n.供求关系; crux:n.关键;难题;十字架形,坩埚;
So when I talk to people about this problem, 所以当我和人们 谈论这个问题时,
I often get a shrug and a statement to the effect of, "Well, you know, Chuck , we've got to die of something." 我经常会耸耸肩, 然后说一句话, “好吧,你知道,查克, 我们总会为某件事而死。”
shrug:n.耸肩(表示不知道或不在乎);带袖短披肩;v.耸肩(表示不知道或不在乎); statement:n.声明;陈述,叙述;报表,清单; Chuck:n.卡盘;夹头;辞退;(牛等的)颈肉;v.放弃;[机]用卡盘夹紧;(口语)抛出,逐出;
(Laughter) (笑声)
And yeah, but what this also tells me is that we've resigned ourselves to this as the status quo because we have to. 是的,但这也告诉了我 我们已经对这个 现状自我放弃了。
resigned:adj.逆来顺受的;顺从的;v.辞职;辞去(某职务);(resign的过去分词和过去式) status quo:n.现状;原来的状况;
Or do we? 真是这样吗?
I think there's a better way, and this better way involves the use of stem cells as medicines. 我觉得有更好的方法, 这种更好的方法包括 使用干细胞作为药物。
involves:v.包含;需要;牵涉;牵连;影响;(使)参加,加入(involve的第三人称单数) stem:n.花草的茎或梗;高脚酒杯的脚;烟斗柄;词干;v.阻止;封堵;遏止;
So what, exactly, are stem cells? 那么,究竟什么是干细胞?
If you look at them under the microscope , there's not much going on. 如果你在显微镜下 观察它们,太简单了。
They're just simple little round cells. 它们只是简单的小圆形细胞。
But that belies two remarkable attributes . 但这掩盖了两个显著的特征。
belies:vt.掩饰;与…不符;使失望;证明…虚假错误; remarkable:adj.卓越的;非凡的;值得注意的; attributes:v.把…归因于; n.属性; (attribute的第三人称单数和复数)
The first is they can divide like crazy . 首先,它们可以疯狂地分裂。
like crazy:拼命地;发疯似的;
So I can take a single cell, and in a month's time, 所以我只需要一个 细胞,一个月后,
I can grow this up to billions of cells. 我可以把它长到数十亿个细胞。
The second is they can differentiate or become more specialized , so these simple little round cells can turn into skin, can turn into brain, can turn into kidney and so forth. 第二,它们可以分化或 变得更具指向性, 所以这些简单的圆形细胞 可以变成皮肤,可以变成大脑, 可以变成肾脏等等。
differentiate:vi.区分,区别;vt.区分,区别; specialized:adj.专业的; v.专门研究(或从事); (specialize的过去式和过去分词) kidney:n.[解剖]肾脏;腰子;个性;
Now, some tissues in our bodies are chock-full of stem cells. 现在,我们体内的一些 组织充满了干细胞。
tissues:n.纸巾,手巾纸;(人、动植物细胞的)组织;(tissue的复数) chock-full:adj.塞满了的;充满的,挤满的;
Our bone marrow , for example, cranks out billions of blood cells every day. 例如,我们的骨髓每天 产生数十亿个血细胞。
bone marrow:n.骨髓; cranks:n.[机]曲柄(crank的复数);
Other tissues like the heart are quite stable , and as far as we can tell, the heart lacks stem cells entirely. 心脏等其他组织相当稳定, 据我们所知,心脏 完全缺乏干细胞。
stable:n.马厩;牛棚;adj.稳定的;牢固的;坚定的;vi.被关在马厩;赶入马房; as far as:至于…;
So for the heart, we're going to have to bring stem cells in from the outside, and for this, we turn to the most potent stem cell type, the pluripotent stem cell. 所以对于心脏来说, 我们必须从外部引进干细胞, 为此,我们转向最 有效的干细胞类型, 多能干细胞。
stem cell:干细胞; pluripotent:adj.多能(性)的;
Pluripotent stem cells are so named because they can turn into any of the 240-some cell types that make up the human body. 多能干细胞就是这样命名的, 因为它们可以变成构成人体的 240种细胞类型中的 任何一种。
So this is my big idea: 这是我的想法:
I want to take human pluripotent stem cells, grow them up in large numbers, differentiate them into cardiac muscle cells and then take them out of the dish and transplant them into the hearts of patients who have had heart attacks. 我想培养人类多能干细胞, 让它们大量分裂, 进而分化为心肌细胞, 然后把它们从培养皿中拿出来, 再把它们移植到 心脏病患者的心脏上。
I think this is going to reseed the wall with new muscle tissue, and this will restore contractile function to the heart. 我认为新的心肌细胞会 缝合心脏上的伤口, 进而会恢复心脏的收缩功能。
reseed:vt.重新播种;vi.补播; restore:v.恢复;修复;恢复(某种情况或感受);使复原; contractile:adj.会缩的,有收缩性的;
(Applause) (掌声,欢呼)
Now, before you applaud too much, this was my idea 20 years ago. 在你们鼓太多掌之前, 我想说这是我20年前的想法。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And I was young, I was full of it, and I thought, five years in the lab, and we'll crank this out, and we'll have this into the clinic . 我很年轻,我充满了 这种想法,我想, 在实验室里呆五年, 我们会解决这个问题的, 我们会把这个想法 在临床上变成现实。
Let me tell you what really happened. 我来告诉你们到底发生了什么。
(Laughter) (笑声)
We began with the quest to turn these pluripotent stem cells into heart muscle. 我们开始探索将这些 多能干细胞转化为心肌细胞。
And our first experiments worked, sort of. 我们的第一个实验 差不多算成功了。
We got these little clumps of beating human heart muscle in the dish, and that was cool, because it said, in principle , this should be able to be done. 我们在培养皿中放了 一些跳动的人体心脏肌肉, 这很酷,因为它表明,原则上 我的想法应该可以做到。
clumps:块; in principle:大体上,原则上;
But when we got around to doing the cell counts, we found that only one out of 1,000 of our stem cells were actually turning into heart muscle. 但当我们开始做细胞计数时, 我们发现1000个 干细胞中只有一个 实际上变成了心肌细胞。
The rest was just a gemisch of brain and skin and cartilage and intestine . 其余的只是大脑细胞、皮肤细胞、 软骨细胞和肠道细胞的混合。
cartilage:n.软骨; intestine:adj.内部的;国内的;n.肠;
So how do you coax a cell that can become anything into becoming just a heart muscle cell? 那么你如何让一个能 变成任何东西的细胞 只变成心肌细胞呢?
Well, for this we turned to the world of embryology . 为了这个,我们转向 胚胎学的世界。
For over a century, the embryologists had been pondering the mysteries of heart development. 一个多世纪以来, 胚胎学家一直在思考 心脏发育的奥秘。
embryologists:胚胎学家们; pondering:v.沉思;考虑;琢磨;(ponder的现在分词)
And they had given us what was essentially a Google Map for how to go from a single fertilized egg all the way over to a human cardiovascular system. 他们给了我们一张 类似谷歌地图的东西, 这指示如何从一个受精卵 一直发展到人类心血管系统。
essentially:adv.本质上;本来; Google:谷歌;谷歌搜索引擎; fertilized:v.使受精;使受粉;使受胎;使受孕;施肥于;(fertilize的过去分词和过去式) cardiovascular:adj.[解剖]心血管的;
So we shamelessly absconded all of this information and tried to make human cardiovascular development happen in a dish. 所以我们贪婪地 使用了所有这些信息, 并试图使人的心血管发育 发生在一个培养皿里。
shamelessly:adv.不知羞耻地;厚着脸皮地; absconded:vi.逃匿,潜逃;避债;
It took us about five years, but nowadays, we can get 90 percent of our stem cells to turn into cardiac muscle -- a 900-fold improvement . 我们花了五年时间,但现在, 我们可以让90%的干细胞 变成心肌细胞—— 提高了900倍。
So this was quite exciting. 所以这很令人兴奋。
This slide shows you our current cellular product. 这张幻灯片向你们展示 我们当前的细胞产物。
We grow our heart muscle cells in little three-dimensional clumps called cardiac organoids . 我们的心肌细胞在 被称为心脏类器官的 三维结构中发育。
three-dimensional:adj.三维的;立体的;真实的; organoids:细胞器;类器官;
Each of them has 500 to 1,000 heart muscle cells in it. 它们每个都有500到 1000个心肌细胞。
If you look closely, you can see these little organoids are actually twitching; each one is beating independently . 如果你仔细观察,你会发现 这些小的类器官实际上在运动; 每个类器官都在独立地跳动。
But they've got another trick up their sleeve . 但它们还有另一个小奥秘。
We took a gene from jellyfish that live in the Pacific Northwest , and we used a technique called genome editing to splice this gene into the stem cells. 我们从太平洋西北部的水母身上 提取了一个基因, 我们使用了一种叫做 基因组编辑的技术 把这个基因拼接到干细胞中。
jellyfish:n.水母;[无脊椎]海蜇;软弱无能的人; Northwest:adj.西北的;来自西北的;n.西北;adv.在西北;来自西北; technique:n.技巧,技术;手法; genome:n.基因组;染色体组; editing:v.编辑,校订(文章、书籍等);编选;(edit的现在分词) splice:vt.拼接;接合;使结婚;n.接合;结婚;
And this makes our heart muscle cells flash green every time they beat. 这使得我们的心肌细胞 每跳动一次都会闪烁绿色。
flash:n.闪光; v.闪光; adj.庞大的;
OK, so now we were finally ready to begin animal experiments. 现在,我们终于准备好 开始动物实验了。
We took our cardiac muscle cells and we transplanted them into the hearts of rats that had been given experimental heart attacks. 我们取了我们的心肌细胞, 把它们移植到有 实验性心脏病发作的 老鼠的心脏里。
transplanted:移植;转移; experimental:adj.实验的;根据实验的;试验性的;
A month later, I peered anxiously down through my microscope to see what we had grown, and I saw ... 一个月后,我焦急地 透过显微镜观察, 看看我们长出了什么, 我看到…
peered:v.仔细看;端详(peer的过去分词和过去式) anxiously:adv.不安地,忧虑地;
nothing. 没有什么。
Everything had died. 一切都死了。
But we persevered on this, and we came up with a biochemical cocktail that we called our "pro-survival cocktail," 但我们坚持不懈, 想出了一种生化鸡尾酒, 我们称之为“助生鸡尾酒”,
persevered:vi.坚持;不屈不挠;固执己见(在辩论中); biochemical:adj.生物化学的; cocktail:n.鸡尾酒;开味食品;n.混合物;adj.鸡尾酒的;
and this was enough to allow our cells to survive through the stressful process of transplantation . 这足以通过移植的压力, 让我们的细胞存活下来。
stressful:adj.紧张的;有压力的; process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的; transplantation:n.移植;迁移;移民;
And now when I looked through the microscope, 现在当我通过显微镜看的时候,
I could see this fresh, young, human heart muscle growing back in the injured wall of this rat's heart. 我能看到这些新鲜的、 年轻的人类心肌 在受伤的老鼠心脏壁上生长。
injured:adj.受伤的:委屈的: v.伤害,使受伤: n.伤员;
So this was getting quite exciting. 这变得非常令人兴奋。
The next question was: 下一个问题是:
Will this new muscle beat in synchrony with the rest of the heart? 这种新的肌肉会与心脏的 其他部分同步跳动吗?
So to answer that, we returned to the cells that had that jellyfish gene in them. 要回答这个问题, 我们回到了含有 水母基因的细胞。
We used these cells essentially like a space probe that we could launch into a foreign environment and then have that flashing report back to us about their biological activity. 我们基本上就把这些细胞 当做太空探测器一样来使用, 我们把它们放到一个 陌生的环境中, 然后我们通过返还给 我们的闪烁信号, 来了解它们的生物活性。
space probe:na.航天探测器; launch into:进入,投入; flashing:n.防雨板,盖片; v.闪光; (flash的现在分词) biological:adj.生物学的;生物的;与生命过程有关的;加酶的;n.[药]生物制品;
What you're seeing here is a zoomed-in view, a black-and-white image of a guinea pig's heart that was injured and then received three grafts of our human cardiac muscle. 你们现在看到的是一个放大的 豚鼠心脏的黑白图像, 这颗心脏受了伤, 然后接受了三轮的人体心肌移植。
zoomed-in:放大; black-and-white:adj.印刷的;黑白混合的;用笔写的; guinea:n.几内亚;基尼(英国旧时金币名); grafts:[生物]移植;[农学]嫁接;
So you see those sort of diagonally running white lines. 你们可以看到那些斜行的白线。
Each of those is a needle track that contains a couple of million human cardiac muscle cells in it. 每个都是针线, 里面有几百万人类心肌细胞。
needle:n.针;针头;指针;缝针;v.穿过;刺激;拿针缝;拿针穿; track:n.小道;足迹;车辙;轨道;v.追踪;跟踪;
And when I start the video, you can see what we saw when we looked through the microscope. 当我开始放视频的时候, 你们就可以看到我们透过显微镜时 看到的景象。
Our cells are flashing, and they're flashing in synchrony, back through the walls of the injured heart. 细胞在闪烁, 而且它们在同步闪烁, 透过受伤的心脏壁传回来。
What does this mean? 这是什么意思?
It means the cells are alive, they're well, they're beating, and they've managed to connect with one another so that they're beating in synchrony. 这意味着细胞是活的, 它们很好,它们在跳动, 它们已经成功的融为一体了, 所以它们在同步跳动。
But it gets even more interesting than this. 但还有更有意思的事情。
If you look at that tracing that's along the bottom, that's the electrocardiogram from the guinea pig's own heart. 如果你看底部的线条, 这是豚鼠心脏的心电图。
And if you line up the flashing with the heartbeat that's shown on the bottom, what you can see is there's a perfect one-to-one correspondence . 如果你把闪光和心跳排成一行 如图所示, 你看到的是一对一的完美对应。
heartbeat:n.心跳;情感; one-to-one:adj.一对一的;一一对应的; correspondence:n.通信;一致;相当;
In other words, the guinea pig's natural pacemaker is calling the shots, and the human heart muscle cells are following in lockstep like good soldiers. 换言之,豚鼠自身的 心脏正在主导, 而人体心肌细胞则是 亦步亦趋的跟随着, 就像好士兵一样。
pacemaker:n.[基医]起搏器;领跑者;标兵; lockstep:n.因循守旧;密集连锁的步伐;步伐一致;
(Applause) (掌声,欢呼)
Our current studies have moved into what I think is going to be the best possible predictor of a human patient, and that's into macaque monkeys. 我们目前的研究已经 进入了我所认为的 和人类最相近的动物实验阶段, 那就是猕猴实验。
predictor:n.[气象]预报器;预言者; macaque:n.[脊椎]猕猴,恒河猴;短尾猿;
This next slide shows you a microscopic image from the heart of a macaque that was given an experimental heart attack and then treated with a saline injection . 下一张幻灯片是一幅显微图像, 展示了一只实验性心脏病 发作的猕猴心脏, 然后被注射了盐水。
microscopic:adj.微观的;用显微镜可见的; treated:v.以…态度对待;把…看作;(treat的过去分词和过去式) saline:adj.盐的;含盐分的;n.盐湖;碱盐泻药; injection:n.注射;大量资金的投入;(液体的)注入;
This is essentially like a placebo treatment to show the natural history of the disease. 这基本上就像安慰剂治疗, 显示疾病的自然发生过程。
placebo:n.安慰剂;为死者所诵的晚祷词; natural history:n.自然史;
The macaque heart muscle is shown in red, and in blue, you see the scar tissue that results from the heart attack. 猕猴的心肌呈红色, 蓝色部分,你可以看到 心脏病引起的疤痕组织。
So as you look as this, you can see how there's a big deficiency in the muscle in part of the wall of the heart. 当你看着这张图时, 你会发现心室壁的一部分 肌肉有很大的缺陷。
And it's not hard to imagine how this heart would have a tough time generating much force. 不难想象这颗心脏在起搏时 会有多么大的阻碍。
Now in contrast , this is one of the stem-cell-treated hearts. 相反,这是颗接受 干细胞治疗的心脏。
Again, you can see the monkey's heart muscle in red, but it's very hard to even see the blue scar tissue, and that's because we've been able to repopulate it with the human heart muscle, and so we've got this nice, plump wall. 同样的,你可以看到 猴子的心肌是红色的, 但是很难看到蓝色的疤痕组织, 那是因为我们用了人类的心肌 去恢复了它, 所以我们重新有了一扇 漂亮丰满的心室壁。
repopulate:vt.使人重新住入; plump:vt.使丰满; v.沉重地; vi.变丰满; adj.圆胖的,丰满的; n.扑通声;
OK, let's just take a second and recap . 好吧,让我们花点 时间回顾一下。
I've showed you that we can take our stem cells and differentiate them into cardiac muscle. 我已经向你展示了 我们的干细胞 以及它们分化成心肌细胞的过程。
We've learned how to keep them alive after transplantation, we've showed that they beat in synchrony with the rest of the heart, and we've shown that we can scale them up into an animal that is the best possible predictor of a human's response . 我们已经学会了如何在 移植后保持它们的活力, 我们已经证明它们与心脏的 其他部分同步跳动, 我们已经证明我们可以在 成为最能预测人类反应的 动物身上进行实验。
scale:n.规模;比例;鳞;刻度;天平;数值范围;v.衡量;攀登;剥落;生水垢; response:n.响应;反应;回答;
You'd think that we hit all the roadblocks that lay in our path, right? 你们会认为我们清除了 所有阻碍我们前进的路障,对吧?
Turns out, not. 事实证明,不是这样。
These macaque studies also taught us that our human heart muscle cells created a period of electrical instability . 这些猕猴的研究也教会了我们 我们人类的心肌细胞造成了 一段时间的心电不稳。
electrical:adj.有关电的;电气科学的; instability:n.不稳定(性);基础薄弱;不安定;
They caused ventricular arrhythmias , or irregular heartbeats , for several weeks after we transplanted them. 它们引起了室性心律失常 或不规则的心跳, 长达移植后几个星期之久。
ventricular:adj.心室的;脑室的;膨胀的;腹部的; arrhythmias:n.[内科]心律失常(arrhythmia的复数);心律不整; irregular:n.不规则物;不合规格的产品;adj.不规则的;无规律的;非正规的;不合法的; heartbeats:n.心跳(heartbeat的复数);
This was quite unexpected , because we hadn't seen this in smaller animals. 这完全出乎意料,因为我们 在小动物身上没有看到过。
We've studied it extensively , and it turns out that it results from the fact that our cellular graphs are quite immature , and immature heart muscle cells all act like pacemakers . 我们对这进行了广泛的研究, 结果发现,发生的原因是 我们的细胞图 很不成熟, 未成熟的心肌细胞都像起搏器。
extensively:adv.广阔地;广大地; immature:adj.不成熟的;未成熟的;粗糙的; pacemakers:[基医]起搏器;
So what happens is, we put them into the heart, and there starts to be a competition with the heart's natural pacemaker over who gets to call the shots . 所以当我们把它们放进心脏, 它们便开始与心脏的 自然起搏竞争 决定谁来占主导地位。
competition:n.竞争;比赛,竞赛; call the shots:发号施令;操纵;
It would be sort of like if you brought a whole gaggle of teenagers into your orderly household all at once, and they don't want to follow the rules and the rhythms of the way you run things, and it takes a while to rein everybody in and get people working in a coordinated fashion. 这就有点像 如果你一下子把一群傻乎乎的青少年 带到你井然有序的家里, 他们不想遵守你的规则和节奏, 需要一段时间来控制所有人, 让人们以协调一致的方式工作。
gaggle:n.一群;鹅群;咯咯声;vi.嘎嘎叫; orderly:adj.有秩序的;整齐的;值班的;n.勤务兵;传令兵;护理员;adv.顺序地;依次地; household:n.家庭;一家人;同住一所(或一套)房子的人;adj.家庭的;家常的;王室的; rhythms:韵律; rein:n.缰绳;驾驭;统治;支配;vt.控制;驾驭;勒住;vi.勒住马; coordinated:v.使协调;使相配合;搭配,协调;(coordinate的过去分词和过去式)
So our plans at the moment are to make the cells go through this troubled adolescence period while they're still in the dish, and then we'll transplant them in in the post-adolescent phase , where they should be much more orderly and be ready to listen to their marching orders. 所以我们现在的计划 是当细胞还在培养皿里的时候, 让它们经历这个麻烦的“青春期”, 然后我们在“青春期”后移植它们, 那时它们会更加的有序, 准备好遵守它们的行军命令。
adolescence:n.青春期; phase:n.阶段;时期;月相;(月亮的)盈亏;v.分阶段进行;逐步做;
In the meantime , it turns out we can actually do quite well by treating with anti-arrhythmia drugs as well. 同时,事实证明当这种方法和 抗心律失常药物结合时, 我们做的相当不错。
In the meantime:在此期间;于此际; treating:v.以…态度对待;把…看作;处理;讨论;(treat的现在分词) anti-arrhythmia:抗心律不整药;抗心律失常;
So one big question still remains, and that is, of course, the whole purpose that we set out to do this: 还有一个大问题, 当然,这就是我们开始 做这件事的全部目的:
Can we actually restore function to the injured heart? 我们真的能恢复 受伤心脏的功能吗?
To answer this question, we went to something that's called "left ventricular ejection fraction ." 要回答这个问题, 我们研究了所谓的 “左心室射出分率”。
ejection:n.喷出;排出物; fraction:n.分数;小部分;小数;少量;
Ejection fraction is simply the amount of blood that is squeezed out of the chamber of the heart with each beat. 射出分率是每一次起搏时 从心腔中挤出来的 血液量。
squeezed:v.挤压;捏;榨出,挤出,拧出;挤入;(squeeze的过去分词和过去式) chamber:n.(身体或器官内的)室,膛; adj.室内的; vt.把…关在室内;
Now, in healthy macaques , like in healthy people, ejection fractions are about 65 percent. 健康的猕猴,就像健康人一样, 射出分率约为65%。
macaques:n.[脊椎]猕猴,恒河猴;短尾猿; fractions:n.[数]分数;小部分,片段(fraction的复数);
After a heart attack, ejection fraction drops down to about 40 percent, so these animals are well on their way to heart failure. 心脏病发作后,射出分率 下降到40%左右, 所以这些动物很快 就会患上心力衰竭。
In the animals that receive a placebo injection, when we scan them a month later, we see that ejection fraction is unchanged , because the heart, of course, doesn't spontaneously recover. 在接受安慰剂注射的动物中, 一个月后当我们扫描它们时, 我们看到射出分率不变, 因为心脏不会自动恢复。
unchanged:adj.未改变的; spontaneously:adv.自发地;自然地;不由自主地;
But in every one of the animals that received a graft of human cardiac muscle cells, we see a substantial improvement in cardiac function. 但是在每只接受人体 心肌细胞移植的 动物身上, 我们看到心脏功能 有了实质性的改善。
What I can tell you is that eight points is better than anything that's on the market right now for treating patients with heart attacks. 我能告诉你的是8个点 比现在市场上的任何 用于治疗心脏病患者的东西都要好。
on the market:上市;出售的;
It's better than everything we have put together . 这和我们把所有的东西 放在一起比都要好。
put together:..放在一起;组合;装配;
So if we could do eight points in the clinic, 如果我们能在临床上达到8个点,
I think this would be a big deal that would make a large impact on human health. 我认为这将会对人类健康 会产生很大的影响。
a big deal:na.要人;重要的事; impact:n.影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力;v.挤入,压紧;撞击;对…产生影响;
But it gets more exciting. 但是还有更令人兴奋的。
That was just four weeks after transplantation. 这只是移植后的四周。
If we extend these studies out to three months, we get a full 22-point gain in ejection fraction. 如果我们把这些 研究延长到三个月, 射出分率会增长22个点。
extend:vt.延伸; vi.延伸;
(Applause) (掌声)
Function in these treated hearts is so good that if we didn't know up front that these animals had had a heart attack, we would never be able to tell from their functional studies. 这些治疗过的心脏功能很好 以至于如果我们事先不知道 这些动物有过心脏病发作, 我们永远无法 从功能研究中将它们辨别出来。
Going forward, our plan is to start phase one, first in human trials here at the University of Washington in 2020 -- two short years from now. 接下来,我们的计划 是开始第一阶段, 2020年首次在华盛顿大学 进行人体试验—— 两年后。
Presuming these studies are safe and effective , which I think they're going to be, our plan is to scale this up and ship these cells all around the world for the treatment of patients with heart disease. 假设这些研究是安全有效的, 我觉得它们是这样的, 我们的计划是扩大规模, 把这些细胞运到世界各地 用于治疗心脏病患者。
Presuming:adj.专横的;冒昧的;无耻的; effective:adj.有效的,起作用的;实际的,实在的;给人深刻印象;
Given the global burden of this illness, 鉴于这种疾病的全球性负担,
global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; burden:n.负担;责任;船的载货量;v.使负担;烦扰;装货于;
I could easily imagine this treating a million or more patients a year. 我可以很容易地想象, 每年治疗一百万或更多的病人。
So I envision a time, maybe a decade from now, where a patient like my mother will have actual treatments that can address the root cause and not just manage her symptoms . 我设想一个时间,也许十年后, 像我母亲这样的病人 会接受真正的治疗, 这可以解决根本原因, 而不仅仅是缓解她的症状。
envision:v.想象;预想; treatments:n.治疗;疗法;对待;处理;讨论;(treatment的复数) symptoms:n.症状;征候;征兆;(symptom的复数)
This all comes from the fact that stem cells give us the ability to repair the human body from its component parts. 这些都因为干细胞让我们有能力 可以从人类身体的组成部分 来修复自身。
repair:v.修理;修补;修缮;补救;n.修理;修补;修缮; component:n.成分;部件;组成部分;adj.构成的;
In the not-too-distant future, repairing humans is going to go from something that is far-fetched science fiction into common medical practice. 在不久的将来, 修复人类就要 从牵强附会的科幻小说中 走进普通的医学实践。
far-fetched:adj.强词夺理的;太牵强了; science fiction:科幻小说;
And when this happens, it's going to have a transformational effect that rivals the development of vaccinations and antibiotics . 当这发生时, 它会产生一个颠覆性的效果, 可以比肩疫苗和 抗生素的发展。
transformational:adj.转换的;改变的;转换生成的; rivals:n.对手(rival的复数);[劳经]竞争者;v.竞争(rival的三单形式); vaccinations:n.接种疫苗;种痘; antibiotics:n.抗菌素;抗生素(如青霉素);(antibiotic的复数)
Thank you for your attention. 谢谢你们的聆听。
(Applause) (掌声,欢呼)