

I'm going to go off script and make Chris quite nervous here by making this audience participation . 我将现场即兴发挥, 来让克里斯感到很紧张, 为了达到这个目标,我希望有现场观众的参与。
script:n.剧本;电影剧本;笔迹;广播(或讲话等)稿;v.为电影(或戏剧等)写剧本; participation:n.参与;分享;参股;
All right. Are you with me? Yeah. Yeah. All right. 大家愿意帮忙么?恩 很好。
So what I'd like to do is have you raise your hand if you've ever heard a heterosexual couple having sex. 在场的朋友,如果你曾听过一对异性情侣做爱的声音,
Could be the neighbors, hotel room, your parents. Sorry. 他们可以是你的邻居,酒店里的陌生人, 或者你的父母。不好意思。
Okay. Pretty much everybody. 好,几乎每个人都举手了。
Now raise your hand if the man was making more noise than the woman. 现在,如果你听到做爱时
I see one guy there. 我看到一位先生举手了。
It doesn't count if it was you, sir. 如果那个人就是你的话,这可不算哦。
(Laughter) (笑声)
So his hand's down. And one woman. Okay. 他把手放下了。有位女士举手了,
Sitting next to a loud guy. 她坐在一个大嗓门的男士旁边。
Now what does this tell us? 这个反映了什么呢?
It tells us that human beings make noise when they have sex, and it's generally the woman who makes more noise. 这说明人类在做爱的时候 会发出声音, 而且通常情况下女性的声音高于男性。
This is known as female copulatory vocalization to the clipboard crowd. 这种现象被许多科学家
female:adj.女性的;雌性的;柔弱的,柔和的;n.女人;[动]雌性动物; copulatory:adj.交配的; vocalization:n.发声,发音;发声法; clipboard:n.剪贴板;附有纸夹的笔记板;
I wasn't even going to mention this, but somebody told me that Meg Ryan might be here, and she is the world's most famous female copulatory vocalizer . 我本来不打算讲这个的, 但是听说梅格·瑞恩也可能在场, 在做爱呻吟方面, 她是世界上最有名的女交配发声演员。
So I thought, got to talk about that. 所以我决定,一定要说说这件事。
We'll get back to that a little bit later. 等下我们会回到这个话题。
Let me start by saying human beings are not descended from apes , despite what you may have heard. We are apes. 首先,我想说的是, 请抛弃你所听过的各种理论,我们就是猿猴。
descended:adj.出身于...的;从一个祖先传下来的; apes:n.[脊椎]猿;猩猩;类人猿(ape的复数);v.模仿;仿效(ape的三单形式); despite:prep.尽管,不管;n.轻视;憎恨;侮辱;
We are more closely related to the chimp and the bonobo than the African elephant is to the Indian elephant, as Jared Diamond pointed out in one of his early books. 我们其实与黑猩猩和倭黑猩猩更相似。 这个相似度高于非洲象和印度象的相似度。 这个理论在贾瑞德·戴蒙德早期的着作中有写出。
chimp:n.(非洲的)黑猩猩; bonobo:n.[脊椎]倭黑猩猩;
We're more closely related to chimps and bonobos than chimps and bonobos are related to any other primate -- gorillas , orangutans , what have you. 与其他生物—— 最为亲近。
chimps:n.(非洲的)黑猩猩; bonobos:n.倭黑猩猩(bonobo的变形); primate:n.大主教;灵长类的动物;首领;adj.灵长目动物的;首要的; gorillas:n.[脊椎]大猩猩;暴徒(gorilla的复数); orangutans:n.[脊椎]猩猩(orangutan的复数);
So we're extremely closely related to them, and as you'll see in terms of our behavior, we've got some relationship as well. 我们它们也有一定的关系。
So what I'm asking today, the question 那么我今天要问的问题
I want to explore with you today is, what kind of ape are we in terms of our sexuality ? 我今天想跟你们一起探索的是 在性能力方面我们是怎样的猿人?
explore:v.探索:探测:探险: sexuality:n.[胚]性别;性欲;性征;性方面的事情(比如性行为或性能力);
Now, since Darwin's day there's been what Cacilda and I have called the standard narrative of human sexual evolution , and you're all familiar with it, even if you haven't read this stuff . 如今,从达尔文的时代就有了 卡西尔达和我称之为 人类性进化的标准纲要, 而且你们都很熟悉它, 即使你还没有读过这个东西。
standard:n.标准;水准;旗;度量衡标准;adj.标准的;合规格的;公认为优秀的; narrative:n.叙述;故事;讲述;adj.叙事的,叙述的;叙事体的; evolution:n.演变;进化;发展;渐进; familiar:adj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的;n.常客;密友; stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本:
The idea is that, as part of human nature , from the beginning of our species ' time, men have sort of leased women's reproductive potential by providing them with certain goods and services. 它的核心是,作为人类的天性 从我们种类开始之初, 男性某种程度上租用女性的生殖潜力 通过给她们提供一定的东西和服务。
human nature:n.人性; species:n.[生物]物种;种类; leased:adj.[租赁]租用的; n.专线; v.租用(lease的过去式和过去分词); reproductive:adj.生殖的;再生的;复制的; potential:n.潜能;可能性;[电]电势;adj.潜在的;可能的;势的;
Generally we're talking about meat, shelter, status , protection, things like that. 比如我们通常所说的肉,庇护的居所, 身份,保护等东西。
And in exchange , women have offered fidelity , or at least a promise of fidelity. 作为交换,女人给予忠诚, 或者至少是忠心的承诺。
exchange:n.交换;交流;交易所;兑换;v.交换;交易;兑换; fidelity:n.保真度;忠诚;精确;尽责;
Now this sets men and women up in an oppositional relationship. 这就让男人和女人站在一种相互对立的关系中。
The war between the sexes is built right into our DNA, according to this vision . Right? 按照这个说法,性别之间的战争
according to:根据,据说; vision:n.视力;美景;幻象;想象力;v.想象;显现;梦见;
What Cacilda and I have argued is that no, this economic relationship, this oppositional relationship, is actually an artifact of agriculture, which only arose about 10,000 years ago at the earliest. 这种经济关系, 以及这种对立关系, 实际上是一个农业社会的人工副产品, 是最早一万年以前才形成的,
economic:adj.经济的,经济上的;经济学的; artifact:n.人工制品;手工艺品; arose:vi.出现(arise的过去式);引发;
Anatomically modern human beings have been around for about 200,000 years, so we're talking about five percent, at most, of our time as a modern, distinct species. 而解剖学上的现代人类 已经有20 万年的历史, 所以,其实我们在说人类作为现代独特的种类 最多百分之五的时间,
Anatomically:adv.结构上;解剖学上; have been around:见识(很)多;世故(很)深;遍布全球;世故深;遍布各地; distinct:adj.明显的;独特的;清楚的;有区别的;
So before agriculture, before the agricultural revolution , it's important to understand that human beings lived in hunter-gatherer groups that are characterized wherever they're found in the world by what anthropologists called fierce egalitarianism . 很重要的一点是理解人类 是以狩猎采集群居的形式生活的 这种群居形式 都被人类学家称做激烈的平均主义。
agricultural:adj.农业的;农艺的; revolution:n.革命;旋转;运行;循环; hunter-gatherer:n.采集狩猎的人; characterized:adj.以…为特点的; anthropologists:[人类]人类学家; fierce:adj.凶猛的;猛烈的;暴躁的; egalitarianism:n.平等主义,[经]平均主义;
They not only share things, they demand that things be shared: meat, shelter, protection, all these things that were supposedly being traded to women for their sexual fidelity, it turns out, are shared widely among these societies. 他们要求东西被分享: 肉类食物,藏身处,保护, 所有这些一般用来交换 女性性忠诚的东西,其实 在这些社会里是被广泛分享的。
Now I'm not saying that our ancestors were noble savages , and I'm not saying modern day hunter-gatherers are noble savages either. 我不是说我们的祖先是 高尚的野人,我也不是说 摩登的狩猎采集是高尚的野蛮行为
noble:adj.高尚的;贵族的;惰性的;宏伟的;n.贵族; savages:n.野蛮人(savage的复数);残酷的人;v.凶猛地攻击;激怒(savage的三单形式); hunter-gatherers:n.采集狩猎的人;
What I'm saying is that this is simply the best way to mitigate risk in a foraging context . 我要说的仅仅是, 降低风险最好的办法。
mitigate:vt.使缓和,使减轻;vi.减轻,缓和下来; foraging:n.觅食(forage的ing形式);觅食力; context:n.环境;上下文;来龙去脉;
And there's really no argument about this among anthropologists. 在人类学家中这是没有争议的。
All Cacilda and I have done is extend this sharing behavior to sexuality. 所有的卡西尔达和我做过的是
extend:vt.延伸; vi.延伸;
So we've argued that human sexuality has essentially evolved , until agriculture, as a way of establishing and maintaining the complex , flexible social systems, networks, that our ancestors were very good at, and that's why our species has survived so well. 我们的论点是,人类的性行为 直到农业社会前逐渐形成了 一种建立和维持复杂而灵活的 社会系统、人际关系网的方式。 这种方式我们的祖先很在行, 这也是为什么我们的种族生存得很好。
essentially:adv.本质上;本来; evolved:v.(使)逐渐形成;进化;进化形成;(evolve的过去分词和过去式) establishing:v.建立;创立;设立;使稳固;(establish的现在分词) maintaining:n.维护;保养;v.维持;保养;(maintain的现在分词) complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施; flexible:adj.灵活的;柔韧的;易弯曲的;
Now, this makes some people uncomfortable, and so I always need to take a moment in these talks to say, listen, 现在,以上这些会让有些人感到不自在, 所以我总是会在这些谈话里插一句
I'm saying our ancestors were promiscuous , but I'm not saying they were having sex with strangers. 但是我没有说他们是跟陌生人发生性关系。
There were no strangers. Right? 根本没有陌生人,对吗?
In a hunter-gatherer band , there are no strangers. 在狩猎采集的队伍里,没有陌生人是因为
You've known these people your entire life. 你已经认识这些人很久了。
So I'm saying, yes, there were overlapping sexual relationships, that our ancestors probably had several different sexual relationships going on at any given moment in their adult lives. 因此我的意思是,不错,交叠的性关系是存在的, 我们的祖先可能在他们成年生活的任何时候 有几个不同的性关系,
But I'm not saying they were having sex with strangers. 但是我并不是说他们跟陌生人发生性关系。
I'm not saying that they didn't love the people they were having sex with. 也不是说他们不爱和他们有着性关系的 人。
And I'm not saying there was no pair-bonding going on. 更不是说这中间没有一夫一妻的情况,
pair-bonding:n.(长期的)对偶结合; (鸟类等一雌一雄的)对偶匹配[亦作pairbond];
I'm just saying it wasn't sexually exclusive . 我只是说祖先们的性关系不是排外的。
sexually:adv.性,性欲 exclusive:adj.独有的;排外的;专一的;n.独家新闻;独家经营的项目;排外者;
And those of us who have chosen to be monogamous -- my parents, for example, have been married for 52 years monogamously , and if it wasn't monogamously , Mom and Dad, 而我们中间选择一夫一妻制的 比方说我的父母,已经 如果你们不是一夫一妻的话,
I don't want to hear about it— 妈妈和爸爸,我不想听到——
I'm not criticizing this and I'm not saying there's anything wrong with this. 我不是批评一夫一妻制, 一夫一妻有什么不对。
What I'm saying is that to argue that our ancestors were sexual omnivores is no more a criticism of monogamy than to argue that our ancestors were dietary omnivores is a criticism of vegetarianism . 我要说的是 争论我们的祖先是杂食动物 而对一夫一妻批判 无外乎是争论因为我们的祖先饮食上杂食 而对素食者批判。
omnivores:n.杂食者(omnivore的复数); criticism:n.批评;批判;评论;指责; monogamy:n.一夫一妻制;[动]单配偶,[动]单配性; dietary:n.规定的食物;饮食的规定;食谱;adj.饮食的,饭食的,规定食物的; vegetarianism:n.素食主义;
You can choose to be a vegetarian, but don't think that just because you've made that decision, bacon suddenly stops smelling good. 你可以选择做一个素食者, 但不要以为仅仅是因为你做了那个决定, 咸肉就突然闻着不香了。
Okay? So this is my point. 是吧?这就是我的论点。
(Laughter) (笑声)
That one took a minute to sink in, huh? 这些需要一分钟来消化吧,哈?
Now, in addition to being a great genius , a wonderful man, a wonderful husband, a wonderful father, Charles Darwin was also a world-class Victorian prude . 现在,除了成为一个伟大的天才, 一个极好的男人,一个完美的丈夫, 一个令人称奇的父亲, 查尔斯达尔文也是一个
in addition to:除…之外; genius:n.天才;天资;才能,本领; world-class:n.世界级;adj.世界级的; prude:n.拘守礼仪的人;故做正经的女人;
All right? He was perplexed by the sexual swellings of certain primates , including chimps and bonobos, because these sexual swellings tend to provoke many males to mate with the females. 好吧?他对某些灵长类的性器充盈 而感到困惑, 包括黑猩猩和倭黑猩猩, 因为那些充盈的性器倾向于激发 许多雄性跟雌性交配。
perplexed:adj.困惑的;不知所措的; swellings:n.肿胀; adj.膨胀的; v.肿胀; primates:n.灵长类; provoke:vt.驱使;激怒;煽动;惹起;
So he couldn't understand why on Earth would the female have developed this thing if all they were supposed to be doing is forming their pair bond, right? 于是,他不能理解为什么雌性会形成那些充盈的性器 如果她们所有要做的都只是
Chimps and bonobos, Darwin didn't really know this, but chimps and bonobos mate one to four times per hour with up to a dozen males per day when they have their sexual swellings. 达尔文并不知道, 其实黑猩猩和倭黑猩猩 每小时交配一到四次
Interestingly , chimps have sexual swellings through 40 percent, roughly , of their menstrual cycle, bonobos 90 percent, and humans are among the only species on the planet where the female is available for sex throughout the menstrual cycle, 令人感兴趣的是,黑猩猩 性器充盈的时间大约 是月经期间的百分之四十, 而倭黑猩猩约百分之九十, 人类在地球上唯一一种 女性可以在整个月经周期 进行性交的物种,
Interestingly:adv.有趣地; roughly:adv.粗糙地;概略地; menstrual:adj.月经的;每月的;一月一次的; throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及;
whether she's menstruating , whether she's post-menopausal , whether she's already pregnant . 不管她在经期,或者经期后, 抑或她已经怀孕。
menstruating:v.月经来潮(menstruate的现在分词); post-menopausal:绝经后; pregnant:adj.怀孕的;富有意义的;
This is vanishingly rare among mammals . 这在哺乳动物里是很非常少见的。
vanishingly:adv.难以察觉地;消遁似地;趋于零地; mammals:n.哺乳动物;(mammal的复数)
So it's a very interesting aspect of human sexuality. 所以这是人类性活动的一个有趣之处。
Now, Darwin ignored the reflections of the sexual swelling in his own day, as scientists tend to do sometimes. 现在,像科学家有时倾向于做的那样, 达尔文他所处的时期,
ignored:v.忽视;对…不予理会;佯装未见;不予理睬;(ignore的过去分词和过去式) reflections:n.映像;(声、光、热等的)反射;反映;显示;表达;(reflection的复数)
So what we're talking about is sperm competition . 所以我们就讲到了精子的竞争。
sperm:n.精子;精液;鲸蜡油; competition:n.竞争;比赛,竞赛;
Now the average human ejaculate has about 300 million sperm cells, so it's already a competitive environment. 如今人类平均射出大约三百万个精细胞 这已经是一个相当有竞争性的环境,
ejaculate:vt.突然说出;射出;vi.射精;射出液体;n.一次射出的精液; competitive:adj.竞争的;比赛的;求胜心切的;
The question is whether these sperm are competing against other men's sperm or just their own. 问题是这些精子 还是只跟他们自己的精子竞争。
There's a lot to talk about in this chart. 在这个图表里要说的有很多。
The one thing I'll call your attention to right away is the little musical note above the female chimp and bonobo and human. 我想唤起你们立即注意的一点是 在雌性黑猩猩,倭黑猩猩
right away:立刻;
That indicates female copulatory vocalization.
Just look at the numbers. 仅仅是看这个数字
The average human has sex about 1,000 times per birth. 人类平均性交的次数 大约是每次出生一千次。
If that number seems high for some of you, 如果这个数目对你们中间
I assure you it seems low for others in the room. 我敢肯定对这里其他人来说就比较低。
We share that ratio with chimps and bonobos. 我们和黑猩猩、倭黑猩猩的比例类似。
We don't share it with the other three apes, the gorilla, the orangutan and the gibbon , who are more typical of mammals, having sex only about a dozen times per birth. 但是我们和其它三种更典型的哺乳动物 类人猿的比例不同, 比如大猩猩,猩猩,和长臂猿。 这些类人猿每次出生大约只有十二次性交。
gibbon:n.[脊椎]长臂猿; typical:adj.典型的;特有的;象征性的;
Humans and bonobos are the only animals that have sex face-to-face when both of them are alive. 人类和倭黑猩猩是唯一脸对脸性交的动物 当然是在双方都活着的时候。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And you'll see that the human, chimp and bonobo all have external testicles , which in our book we equate to a special fridge you have in the garage just for beer. 在我们的书中,我们把这类比成
external:n.外部;外观;形式;外部情况;adj.外部的;外面的;外界的;外来的; testicles:n.[解剖]睾丸;(testicle的复数) equate:vt.使相等;视为平等;vi.等同; garage:n.车库;汽车修理厂;飞机库;v.把…送入车库;把(汽车)开进车库;
If you're the kind of guy who has a beer fridge in the garage, you expect a party to happen at any moment, and you need to be ready. 如果你在车库里有一个啤酒冰箱 并且你需要准备就序。
That's what the external testicles are. 这就是外显睾丸的用途。
They keep the sperm cells cool so you can have frequent ejaculations. 他们保持精子细胞的冷静 这样你可以频繁地射精。
I'm sorry. It's true. 对不起,但这是真的。
The human, some of you will be happy to hear, has the largest, thickest penis of any primate. 你们中的一些人会很高兴听到这个消息, 人类在任何灵长类中
Now, this evidence goes way beyond anatomy .
evidence:n.证据,证明;迹象;明显;v.证明; anatomy:n.解剖;解剖学;剖析;解析;
It goes into anthropology as well. 还包括了人类学。
Historical records are full of accounts of people around the world who have sexual practices that should be impossible given what we have assumed about human sexual evolution. 历史记录充满了全世界人类 在我们对人类性发展的认识前提下,
Historical:adj.历史的;史学的;基于史实的; assumed:adj.假定的;假设的;v.假定;假设;认为;承担;(assume的过去分词和过去式)
These women are the Mosuo from southwestern China. 这些女人是中国西南部的摩梭人
In their society, everyone, men and women, are completely sexually autonomous . 在他们的社会里, 每一个人,男人和女人, 都完全性独立。
There's no shame associated with sexual behavior. 进行性活动没有任何羞耻。
associated:adj.有关联的; v.联想; (associate的过去分词和过去式)
Women have hundreds of partners. 女性有几百个性伙伴。
It doesn't matter. Nobody cares. Nobody gossips . It's not an issue . 这没有关系。
gossips:n.小道传闻;随笔;爱说长道短的人;vi.闲聊;传播流言蜚语; issue:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;发行;
When the woman becomes pregnant, the child is cared for by her, her sisters, and her brothers. 当女人怀孕了, 孩子由她,她的姐妹和她的弟兄抚养。
The biological father is a nonissue . 生理上的父亲不是一个问题。
biological:adj.生物学的;生物的;与生命过程有关的;加酶的;n.[药]生物制品; nonissue:欺人的争论;不成问题的问题;
On the other side of the planet, in the Amazon , we've got many tribes which practice what anthropologists call partible paternity . 在地球的另外一面,在亚马逊 有很多部落实行着人类学家所说的
On the other side:另一面;在另一边; Amazon:亚马逊;古希腊女战士; paternity:n.父权;父系;父系后裔;
These people actually believe -- and they have no contact among them, no common language or anything, so it's not an idea that spread, it's an idea that's arisen around the world -- they believe that a fetus is literally made of accumulated semen . 这些人相信一个婴儿的形成 是所有精子的积累。 (他们之间并不接触,也没有共同的语言, 所以这不是一个传播而形成的观念, 而是一个在世界各地兴起的观念)
contact:n.接触,联系;v.使接触,联系; arisen:v.出现;发生;兴起;(人早上)起来;(arisen是arise的过去分词) fetus:n.胎儿,胎; literally:adv.按字面:字面上:确实地: accumulated:v.积累;积聚;(数量)逐渐增加;(accumulate的过去式和过去分词) semen:n.精液;精子;
So a woman who wants to have a child who's smart and funny and strong makes sure she has lots of sex with the smart guy, the funny guy and the strong guy, 所以一个女人如果想要一个 聪明,有趣而且强壮的孩子的话 她会和聪明的男人,有趣的男人, 还有强壮的男人,性交很多次,
to get the essence of each of these men into the baby, and then when the child is born, these different men will come forward and acknowledge their paternity of the child. 来使这些男人的精华遗传给孩子, 当孩子出生的时候, 这些不同的男人们都会过来 承认他们是孩子的父亲。
So paternity is actually sort of a team endeavor in this society. 所以在这样的社会里,父亲抚养孩子 实际上是一个小组的共同努力。
So there are all sorts of examples like this that we go through in the book. 在书中,我们有各种像上述的例子。
Now, why does this matter? 现在,为什么这个很重要呢?
Edward Wilson says we need to understand that human sexuality is first a bonding device and only secondarily procreation . 爱德华.威尔逊说过 “我们需要理解 人类的性关系首先是情感的链接 其次才是生育繁殖。
device:n.装置;策略;图案; secondarily:adv.在其次;在第二,在第二位; procreation:n.生殖;生产;
I think that's true. This matters because our evolved sexuality is in direct conflict with many aspects of the modern world. 我认为这是对的。这很重要 因为我们进化的性活动跟现代社会的 很多方面有直接的冲突。
conflict:n.冲突;矛盾;争执;抵触;v.抵触; aspects:n.方面;相位;面貌(aspect的复数);
The contradictions between what we're told we should feel and what we actually do feel generates a huge amount of unnecessary suffering. 在我们被告知的应该感受到的 产生了一种巨大却不必要的痛苦。
contradictions:n.不一致,矛盾,对立;反驳;驳斥;(contradiction的复数) generates:[计]生成;发生;
My hope is that a more accurate , updated understanding of human sexuality will lead us to have greater tolerance for ourselves, for each other, greater respect for unconventional relationship configurations like same-sex marriage or polyamorous unions, and that we'll finally put to rest the idea that men have some innate , instinctive right to monitor and control women's sexual behavior. 我希望的是一种对人类性活动更准确, 更先进的理解,将会引导我们更加宽容自己, 宽容对方,更尊重非传统的关系结构 比如同性婚姻或者多妻多夫的联合, 那样我们将会中止 男人有先天与生俱来 监察和控制女人性行为的观念。
accurate:adj.精确的; updated:adj.更新的;现代化的;v.使现代化;更新;(update的过去分词和过去式) tolerance:n.公差;耐量;宽容;容忍; unconventional:adj.非常规的;非传统的;不依惯例的; configurations:n.配置(configuration的复数);立体基阵; same-sex:adj.同性的; finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; innate:adj.先天的;固有的;与生俱来的; instinctive:adj.本能的;直觉的;天生的;
(Applause) (鼓掌)
Thank you. 谢谢。
And we'll see that it's not only gay people that have to come out of the closet . 并且我们会看到,不仅是同性恋人群 已经承认出柜,
out of the closet:出柜;衣柜外面;出柜者;
We all have closets we have to come out of. Right? 我们都有需要摆脱的“衣柜”,对吗?
And when we do come out of those closets, we'll recognize that our fight is not with each other, our fight is with an outdated , Victorian sense of human sexuality that conflates desire with property rights, generates shame and confusion in place of understanding and empathy . 当我们从这些禁锢中走出来后, 我们会意识到我们不是在互相斗争, 我们要挑战的是陈腐的,维多利亚时期把人类性活动 跟财产权混为一谈,产生羞耻和困惑 而不是理解和同情的观念。
recognize:v.认识;认出;辨别出;承认;意识到; outdated:adj.过时的;旧式的;v.使过时(outdate的过去式和过去分词); conflates:vt.合并;异文合并; confusion:n.困惑;混淆;混同;困窘; in place of:代替; empathy:n.神入;移情作用;执着;
It's time we moved beyond Mars and Venus , because the truth is that men are from Africa and women are from Africa. 现在我们是时候超越火星和金星了, 因为事实是 男人来自非洲 女人也来自非洲。
Mars:n.火星 Venus:n.[天]金星;维纳斯(爱与美的女神);
Thank you. 谢谢。
Chris Anderson: Thank you. Christopher Ryan: Thank you.
CA: So a question. 克.安:那么,我有个问题
It's so perplexing , trying to use arguments about evolutionary history to turn that into what we ought to do today. 用有关历史进化的论点 来转化成我们今天需要做的太复杂了。
perplexing:adj.令人不解的;v.迷惑;使困惑;(perplex的现在分词) evolutionary:adj.进化的;发展的;渐进的;
Someone could give a talk and say, look at us, we've got these really sharp teeth and muscles and a brain that's really good at throwing weapons, and if you look at lots of societies around the world, you'll see very high rates of violence . 有人会发表一个演讲并说, 看看我们,我们已经有了很尖的牙齿 很好的肌肉和大脑 很擅长于抛掷武器, 如果你看看世界各地的社会群体 你会发现暴力时常发生。
sharp:锋利的,尖的 muscles:n.肌肉(muscle的复数); violence:n.暴力;侵犯;激烈;歪曲;
Nonviolence is a choice like vegetarianism, but it's not who you are. 非暴力就像素食主义, 是一种选择而不是你是谁。
How is that different from the talk you gave? 这跟你今天的演讲有何不同?
CR: Well first of all , the evidence for high levels of violence in prehistory is very debatable . 克.莱:其实,首先, 史前高频率暴力的证据是有争议的。
first of all:adv.首先; prehistory:n.史前;史前史;(导致事件,危机等的)背景; debatable:adj.成问题的;可争论的;未决定的;
But that's just an example. 但是那仅仅是一个例子。
Certainly, you know, lots of people say to me, just because we lived a certain way in the past doesn't mean we should live that way now, and I agree with that. 当然,你知道,会有很多人对我说, 仅仅是因为我们 并不意味着我们现在应该那样生活,
Everyone has to respond to the modern world. 每个人必须适应现代化世界。
But the body does have its inherent evolved trajectories . 但是身体的确有它固有的进化路径。
inherent:adj.固有的;内在的;与生俱来的,遗传的; trajectories:n.轨迹;轨道线(trajectory的复数形式);
And so you could live on McDonald's and milkshakes , but your body will rebel against that. We have appetites . 所以你可以靠着吃麦当劳和奶昔而活, 但是你的身体会反抗。我们有食欲。
milkshakes:n.奶昔; rebel:n.反政府的人;叛乱者;造反者;反抗权威者;v.造反;反抗;背叛;adj.造反的; appetites:n.食欲;胃口;强烈欲望;(appetite的复数)
I think it was Schopenhauer who said, a person can do what they want but not want what they want. 我想是西鹏郝尔说过, 一个人能做他们想做的 但是却不能想他们所想的。
And so what I'm arguing against is the shame that's associated with desires. 所以,我在辩论的 是和欲望相连的羞耻感。
It's the idea that if you love your husband or wife but you still are attracted to other people, there's something wrong with you, there's something wrong with your marriage, something wrong with your partner. 是如果你爱着你的丈夫或者妻子 但是你依然被另外的人所吸引, 那就是你自己哪里出了问题的想法, 你的婚姻有了问题, 你的配偶有了问题。
I think a lot of families are fractured by unrealistic expectations that are based upon this false vision of human sexuality. 我认为很多家庭是由于 不切实际的预期, 基于这种人类性活动错误的想像而破碎的。
fractured:v.(使)断裂,折断,破裂;(使)分裂;(fracture的过去式和过去分词) unrealistic:adj.不切实际的;不实在的; expectations:n.预料;预期;期待;希望;指望;(expectation的复数)
That's what I'm trying to get at. 这就是我想要表达的。
CA: Thank you. Communicated powerfully . Thanks a lot. 克.安:谢谢你。很有感染力的沟通。非常感谢。
CR: Thank you, Chris. (Applause) 克.莱:谢谢你,克里斯。(鼓掌)