

Tom Green: That's a 4chan thing. Tom Green:这是个4chan特色。
These kids on the Internet, they have this group of kids and they like to say funny words like " barrel roll." 这些在网上聚集的年轻人 喜欢说些很搞怪的词 比如“桶滚”(译:快闪)。
It's a video game move from "Star Fox." 这是“Star Fox”电动游戏里的一个动作。
video game:n.电子游戏;
'"Star Fox 20"? (Assistant: "Star Fox 64.") 是“Star Fox 20”么?(助理:是“Star Fox 64”)
Tom Green: Yeah. And they've been dogging me for a year. Tom Green: 哦对了。他们因为这件事已经烦了我一年。
I got to tell you, it's driving me nuts, actually. 说真的,这快要把我逼疯了。
Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and I scream, "4chan!" 有时我半夜突然惊醒,大叫: “4chan!”
Christopher Poole: When I was 15, Christopher Poole: 在我十五岁的时候,
I found this website called Futaba Channel. 我找到一个叫做“Futaba Channel” 的网站。
And it was a Japanese forum and imageboard. 那是一个论坛兼图片分享的日本网站。
That format of forum, at that time, was not well-known outside of Japan. 在那个时候,这种形式的论坛 是难以在日本境外见到。
And so what I did is I took it, I translated it into English, and I stuck it up for my friends to use. 所以我借用了他们的模式,且将它翻译成英文, 然后放在网上让我的朋友使用。
Now, six and a half years later, over seven million people are using it, contributing over 700,000 posts per day. 六年半后的今天, 已有逾七百万人在使用它, 每天都会有遇700,000篇文章被上载。
And we've gone from one board to 48 boards. 我们从一个版块 发展成四十八个版块。
This is what it looks like. 看起来就是这个样子。
So, what's unique about the site is that it's anonymous , and it has no memory. 这个网站最独特的地方 就是完全的匿名性, 和没有任何记忆储存。
unique:adj.独特的,稀罕的;[数]唯一的;n.独一无二的人或物; site:n.地点;位置;场所;v.设置;为…选址; anonymous:adj.匿名的,无名的;无个性特征的;
There's no archive , there are no barriers , there's no registration . 没有存档。没有限制。没有登记。
archive:n.档案馆;档案文件; barriers:n.障碍;栅栏;篱笆墙(barrier的复数形式); registration:n.登记;注册;挂号;
These things that we're used to with forums don't exist on 4chan. 这些皆是普通论坛的特质, 而在4chan却是不存在的。
forums:n.论坛; (forum的复数)
And that's led to this discussion that's completely raw, completely unfiltered . 结果便是 一种完全未受过滤的的讨论和评论。
What the site's known for, because it has this environment, is it's fostered the creation of a lot of 而网站能够出名 是因为在这种特殊的环境下 它可以掀起
fostered:vt.培养;养育,抚育;抱(希望等);adj.收养的,养育的; creation:n.创造,创作;创作物,产物;
Internet phenomena , viral videos and whatnot , known as " memes ." 网上风潮,大量传播视频和许多称为“谜米”的流行文化。
phenomena:n.现象(phenomenon的复数); viral:adj.滤过性毒菌引起的;滤过性毒菌的; whatnot:n.放古董的架子;不可名状的东西; memes:模因(meme的复数);
Two of the largest memes that have come out of this site some of you might be familiar with are these LOLcats -- just silly pictures of cats with text. 这个网站所推出的两大“谜米”, 其中一个便是有些人可能很熟悉的LOL猫咪—— 就是一些搞怪的猫咪图片加上标题。
And this resonates with millions of people, apparently , because there are tens of thousands of these, and there is a whole blogging empire now dedicated to pictures like these. 显然这些图片得到很多人的回响, 因为现在有成千上万张类似的照片, 还有一个专门为这些照片所设的 博客帝国。
resonates:vt.共鸣;共振;vi.共鸣;共振; apparently:adv.显然地;似乎,表面上; blogging:v.写网志;写博客(blog的现在分词) dedicated:adj.献身的; v.把…奉献给; (dedicate的过去分词和过去式)
And Rick Astley's kind of rebirth these past two years ... 还有就是理查艾斯利的重生 在过去这两年...
Rickroll was this bait and switch , really simple, classic bait and switch. 瑞克摇滚是一种“挂羊头卖狗肉”的恶作剧, 很简单,却是最经典的恶作剧。
bait and switch:诱导转向法; classic:n.名著;优秀的典范;adj.最优秀的;第一流的;有代表性的;典型的;
Somebody says they're linking to something interesting, and you get an '80s pop song. That's all it was. 有人说他们有一些有趣的链接, 不过当你点击进入时,你只会看到80年代的流行歌曲。
And it got big enough to the point where there was a float last year at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade , and Rick Astley pops out, and rickrolls millions of people on television. 不过这个恶作剧越闹越大, 在去年的梅西百货感恩节游行的一辆游行花车上 理查艾斯利突然出现,表演瑞克摇滚 作弄了上万的电视观众。
(Laughter) (笑)
There are thousands of memes that come out of the site. 这个网站创造了许多“谜米”。
There are a handful that have escaped into the mainstream , the ones I've just shown you, but every day, every month, people are producing thousands of these. 有些流入了主流文化, 就像我刚刚介绍的那几个, 不过每天,每个月, 还有人不断地制造上千个新的“谜米”。
So does a site like this have rules? 像这样的网站有什么规则吗?
We do; they're the codified rules that I've come up with , which are more-or-less ignored by the community . 当然有。就是一些我自己想出来的条例 虽然大部分的网民都不将之放在眼里。
codified:编成法典; come up with:提出;想出;赶上; ignored:v.忽视;对…不予理会;佯装未见;不予理睬;(ignore的过去分词和过去式) community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体;
And so they've come up with their own set of rules, the "Rules of the Internet." 所以他们想出了一套自己的规则, 亦就是“网络规则”。
And so there are three that I want to show you specifically . 我想特别介绍3条规则,
Rule one is you don't talk about /b/. 第一条,不可提起/b/
Two is you do not talk about /b/. 第二条,绝不可以提起/b/.
And this one's kind of interesting: "If it exists, there is porn of it. No exceptions." 最后一条更有趣: 如果/b/真的存在,它绝对含有色情内容。没有例外。
(Laughter) (笑)
And I will spare you that slide. 我还是别让你们看刚才的那一条。
I assure you, it is very true. 不过我敢保证,这绝对是真的。
/b/ is the first board we started with, and it is, in many ways, the beating heart of the website. /b/是我们的第一个板块, 而它在各方面 都是网站的活跃中心。
It is where a third of all the traffic is going. 网站三分之一的访客流量都在那里。
And /b/ is known for, more than anything, not just the memes they've created, but the exploits . 而/b/最为人所知的 不仅仅只有它所创造的“谜米”, 更多的还有它的辉煌成就。
And Chris just touched on one of those a second ago, and that was the Time 100 poll . 就像克里斯刚刚提到的, 时代周刊100名人的投票。
poll:n.投票; v.获得(票数); adj.当事人一方作成的;
So somebody at Time, at the magazine, thought it would be fun to nominate me for this thing they did last year. 有个在时代周刊的人 认为在去年的100名人榜上提名我 是件有意思的事。
And so they placed me on it, and the Internet got wind of it. My community decided they wanted me to win it. 所以他们把我的名字放了进去, 而网民们也得知了消息。我的社群 决定要让我赢得这次的投票。
I didn't instruct them to do it; they just decided that that's what they wanted. 我并没有指示他们。他们只是决定这是他们想要做的。
And so, you know, 390 percent approval rating ain't so bad. 就因如此,你知道的,有390%的支持率还真不赖。
(Laughter) (笑)
So they broke that poll. 他们操控了那次的投选。
And I ended up on top. 而我得了第一。
I ended up at this really fancy party. 我最后还参加了一个很有款的派对。
fancy:n.幻想; adj.想象的; v.想象;
But that's not what's interesting about this. 不过这个“成就”有趣的地方还不止于此。
It's that they weren't putting me at the top of this list; they were actually -- it got so sophisticated to the point where they gamed all of the top 21 places to spell "mARBLECAKE. ALSO, THE GAME." 他们不仅仅把我顶上了第一位, 他们其实 以更高超的方式操控了 前21名的全部排名, 拼写出“mARBLECAKE. ALSO, THE GAME. (译:云石蛋糕,必胜!)
(Laughter) (笑)
The amount of time and effort that went into that is absolutely incredible . 他们为此所付出的时间和努力 让人叹为观止。
absolutely:adv.绝对地;完全地; incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的;
And " marble cake " is significant because it is the channel that this group called Anonymous organized . 而“云石蛋糕”意义便在于 它是一群称自己为“匿名者”的人所组织的网络频道。
marble cake:na.大理石纹奶油蛋糕; significant:adj.重大的;有效的;有意义的;值得注意的;意味深长的;n.象征;有意义的事物; organized:adj.有组织的; v.组织; (organize的过去分词和过去式)
Anonymous is this group of people that protested , very famously , “匿名者”是一群人, 他们曾经非常高调抗议
protested:v.(公开)反对;抗议;坚决地表示;申辩;(protest的过去分词和过去式) famously:adv.著名地;极好地;
Scientology . 山达基教(一种信仰体制,科学论派)。
The story is, 故事是这样的,
Scientology had this embarrassing video of Tom Cruise . It went up online. 山达基教有一个汤姆克鲁斯的尴尬视频。它被人放在网上。
embarrassing:adj.令人尴尬的; v.使尴尬; (embarrass的现在分词) Cruise:v.巡航;乘船游览;慢速行驶,巡行;猎艳;n.航行;乘船游览;
They got it taken offline and managed to piss off part of the Internet. 不过有人把它从网上拿了下来,惹火了一部分的网民。
offline:n.脱机;挂线;adj.脱机的;离线的,未连线的;adv.未连线地; piss off:惹恼;滚开;
And so these people, over 7,000 people, less than one month later, organized in a hundred cities around the globe and -- this is L.A. -- protested the Church of Scientology, and they have continued to do so, now, two full years after the fact. 这群差不多有7000多人的组织 在一个月内 在全球上百个城市, 包括洛杉矶, 组织对山达基教的抗议活动, 而他们的活动还在持续, 一直到事件发生两年后的今天。
They are still protesting . 他们还在抗议。
(Laughter) (笑)
So we've got this activist group that's this grassroots group that's come out of the site. 所以我们有这一群基层团体的激进分子, 他们是从网站里发展出来。
activist:n.积极分子;激进主义分子; grassroots:adj.基层的;草根的;乡村的;n.草根;基础;
And last, I'm going to show you the example, the story of Dusty the cat. 最后,我要给你们看一个例子, 那便是灰灰猫的故事。
Dusty is the name that we've given to this cat. 灰灰是我们给一只猫取的名字。
This young man posted a video of him abusing his cat on YouTube. 有个年轻人 在youtube上 上载了一个他在虐待他的猫的视频。
And, you know, this didn't sit well with people, and so there was this outpouring of support for people to do something about this. 而你知道的,这引起很多人的反感, 所以大量的的网民站出来支持 解决这件事情。
So what they did is they -- I mean, they put CSI to shame here -- the Internet detectives came out. 他们所做的事能让C.S.I.(电视节目《犯罪现场调查》)自叹弗如。 网络侦探一齐出动
They matched, they found his MySpace . 他们做了比对并找到了那人的MySpace。
They took the YouTube video and they mashed everything in the video. 他们拿到了YouTube上的视频并把所有的内容都搞乱。
Within 24 hours, they had his name, and within 48 hours, he was arrested. 在24小时之内, 他们查到了那人的名字。 在48小时之内,他被拘捕归案。
(Applause) (鼓掌声)
And so, what I think is really intriguing about a community like 4chan is just that it's this open place. 这让我对4chan的社群 感到非常好奇 它就是一个开放的空间。
As I said , it's raw, it's unfiltered. 就像我说的,它是未加工的,它是未经过滤的。
As I said:正如我所说的
And sites like it are kind of going the way of the dinosaur right now. 而这种类型的网站 已经濒临绝种了。
They're endangered because we're moving towards social networking. 它们之所以快要绝种了是因为我们正迈向 社交关系网络。
We're moving towards persistent identity . 我们正迈向验证固定的身份。
persistent:adj.固执的,坚持的;持久稳固的; identity:n.身份;同一性,一致;特性;恒等式;
We're moving towards, you know, a lack of privacy , really. 我们正迈向, 你知道,真的是一个缺乏隐私的空间。
We're sacrificing a lot of that, and I think in doing so, moving towards those things, we're losing something valuable . 我认为在我们迈向这些情况的当儿,我们也失去了很多, 我们失去一些很珍贵的东西。
sacrificing:v.牺牲;献出;以(人或动物)作祭献;(sacrifice的现在分词) valuable:adj.有价值的;贵重的;可估价的;n.贵重物品;
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (鼓掌)
Chris Anderson: Thank you. Chris Anderson: 谢谢
Got a couple questions for you. 我想问你几个问题。
But if I ask them, is the TED website going to go down? 如果我问了,TED网站会不会被攻陷?
CP: You're lucky that this is not being streamed to them live right now. CP:幸运的是这个演讲 没有现场转播给他们。
CA: Well, you never know . Some of them -- we've got people in 75 countries out there watching. CA:谁知道,也许其中有一些人—— 我们有来自75个国家的人在观看TED大会。
you never know:(非正式)很难说,不可预知;
Don't tell. 千万别说出去。
But seriously, this issue on anonymity is -- 不过认真来说, 关于匿名——
issue:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;发行; anonymity:n.匿名;匿名者;无名之辈;
I mean, you made the case there. 你刚解释了它的优势。
But anonymity basically allows people to say anything, all the rules gone. 不过匿名可让人畅所欲谈。 没有任何规矩。
You've had to wrestle with issues like child pornography . 但你需要面对例如未成年色情内容的问题。
wrestle:n.摔跤;搏斗;斗争;v.摔跤;斗争;斟酌; issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数) pornography:n.淫秽作品;色情书刊(或音像制品等)
And I'm just curious whether you sometimes lie awake in the night worrying that you've opened Pandora's box. 我很好奇你会不会 半夜躺着睡不着觉 担心自己是不是打开了潘多拉之盒。
CP: Yes and no. CP:是与不是。
I mean, for as much good that kind of comes out of this environment, there is plenty of bad. 我想在这个环境中 尽管延伸出很多好处 它也是有很多坏处的。
There are plenty of downsides . 而且坏处也不只是一两件而已。
But I think that the greater good is being served here by just allowing people -- there are very few places, now, where you can go and not have identity, to be completely anonymous and say whatever you'd like. 不过我想把权力交给人们, 我们能得到更多的益处—— 现在有太少的地方让你可以进入 又不需要一个确定的身份,可以保持自己的匿名, 畅所欲言。
And saying whatever you like, I think, is powerful. 而能任意表达你想说的事情,我想,是股很强大的力量。
Doing whatever you like is now crossing a line. 不过现在你想要为所欲为是越界的行为。
But I think it's important to have these places. 不过我想这些地方的存在的很重要的。
When I get emails, people say, "Thank you for giving me this place, this outlet , where I can come after work and be myself." 当我收到电邮时,人们会说:“谢谢你给我一个这样的空间, 一个抒发的地方,一个我下班后能来的地方, 可以让我做我自己。”
CA: But words, saying things, you know, can be constructive; it can be really damaging. CA:不过言语, 可有建设性,但也具毁灭性。
And if you cut the link between what is said and any attribution back to you, 如果你一刀剪断说话 和说话的后果之间的联系
I mean, surely there are huge risks with that. 我想这会有很大的危险吧。
CP: There are, certainly. CP:这当然。
But -- 不过——
CA: Tell me about what -- I mean, I think you asked the board what you might say at TED, right? CA:跟我说说,你曾在论坛上问起 你要在TED讲些什么,对吧。
CP: Yeah, I posted a thread on Sunday. CP:是啊,我发了一个贴子, 就在这个星期天。
And within 24 hours, it had over 12,000 responses . 在24小时之内, 我收到超过1.2万个回复。
And the thing is, 不过
I didn't make it into that presentation because I can't read to you anything that they said, more or less . 我并没有把他们建议的加入我的演讲里 因为我基本上没办法把他们说的任何事情讲出来。
presentation:n.展示;描述,陈述;介绍;赠送; more or less:或多或少;
(Laughter) (笑)
99 percent of it is just, would have been, you know, bleeped out. 99%的内容 应该都会被消声吧。
But there were some good things that came out of that too. 不过也有些不错的内容哦。
(Laughter) (笑)
Love and peace were mentioned. 爱与和平有被提到。
CA: Love and peace were mentioned, kind of with quote marks around them, right? CA:爱与和平被提到时 是不是在双引号里面?
CP: Cats and dogs were mentioned too. CP:猫和狗也被提到了。
Cats and dogs:价值低的股票;杂物;(下雨)猛烈地;大量地;
CA: And that content is all off the board now. CA:现在整个板块都是这样的内容吧。
Right, it's gone? Or is it still up there? 是吗,已经不见了吗?还是仍在网上呢?
CP: I stuck that thread so it lasted a few days. CP:我几天前才放上网的。
It went up to about 16,000 posts, and now it has been taken off. 差不多得到1.6万个回复, 不过现在已经拿下网了。
CA: Okay, well. CA:那好吧。
Now, I'm not sure I would have necessarily recommended everyone at TED to go and check it out anyway. 我不知道现在要不要建议 来参加TED讲座的人去看看着的网站。
necessarily:adv.必要地;必定地,必然地; recommended:v.推荐;举荐;介绍;劝告;建议;(recommend的过去分词和过去式)
Chris, you yourself? I mean, you're a figure of some intrigue . 克里斯,你怎么说呢?你其实是个很有意思的人物。
You've got this surprising semi-underground influence , but it's not making you a lot of money, yet. 你有令人惊讶的 半地下影响力, 不过你好像还没赚到钱吧。
What's the commercial picture here? 这儿的商业前景是怎样的呢?
CP: The commercial picture is that there really isn't much of one, I guess. CP:其实没什么商业前景可言 我是这么觉得。
The site has adult content on it. 这个网站上有限制级内容。
I mean, obviously, it's got some very offensive , obscene content on it, just in terms of language alone. 很明显,它有一些很不雅的内容, 连使用的语言都是这样的。
offensive:n.进攻;攻势;攻击;侵犯;adj.冒犯的;得罪人的;无礼的; obscene:adj.淫秽的;猥亵的;可憎的;
And when you've got that, you've pretty much sacrificed any hope of making lots of money. 当你有这些东西放在网上,你基本上牺牲了 任何能赚大钱的的机会。
CA: But you still live at home, right? CA:你现在还住在父母家吗?
CP: I actually moved out recently . CP:其实我刚搬了出去。
CA: That's very cool. CA:那还蛮酷的。
(Applause) (掌声)
CP: I got out of Mom's, and I'm back in school right now. CP:我搬出了我母亲的家,现在回到了学校。
CA: But what conversations did you or do you have with your mother about 4chan? CA:你和你母亲有过什么 关于4chan的谈话吗?
CP: At first, very kind of pained, awkward conversations. CP:刚开始,其实有点硬坳 又尴尬的谈话。
The content is not dinner table conversation in the least . 网上的内容真的不适合在餐桌上谈起。
dinner table:n.餐桌;同一桌进餐; in the least:一点;丝毫;
But my parents -- I think part of why they kind of are able to appreciate it is because they don't understand it. 不过我的父母——我觉得他们之所以 能够接受它 是因为他们并不懂它。
(Laughter) (笑)
CA: And they were probably pleased to see you on top of the Time poll. CA:他们大概很高兴能看到你 得到时代周刊投选的第一名。
CP: Yeah. They still didn't know what to think of that though. CP:是啊。不过他们其实也不知道要怎么想。
(Laughter) (笑)
CA: And so, in 10 years' time, what do you picture yourself doing? CA:所以,在10年后 你想象自己会在做什么呢?
CP: That's a good question. CP:这是个好问题。
As I said, I just went back to school, and I am considering majoring in urban studies and then going on to urban planning, kind of taking whatever I've learned from online communities and trying to adapt that to a physical community. 就像我说的,我刚回到学校, 我也在考虑 主攻城市科学 然后再去学城市规划, 就是把我从网上学到的东西 试着把它带入 实体的社区里。
urban:adj.城市的;都市的;城镇的;都市音乐的; communities:n.社区;社会;团体;共有(community的复数) adapt:vt.使适应;改编;vi.适应; physical:adj.[物]物理的;身体的;物质的;符合自然法则的;n.体格检查;
CA: Chris, thank you. Absolutely fascinating . Thank you for coming to TED. CA:克里斯,谢谢。非常精彩。谢谢你来TED大会。