

So in 1885, Karl Benz invented the automobile . 在1885年,卡尔本茨发明了汽车。
Later that year, he took it out for the first public test drive , and -- true story -- crashed into a wall. 那年年末,他把车开出去进行第一次户外测试, 然后——真实是——他撞墙了。
test drive:vt.试车;
For the last 130 years, we've been working around that least reliable part of the car, the driver. 在过去的130年里, 我们一直在为汽车的最薄弱环节,驾驶员,做着努力。
We've made the car stronger. 我们把车做得更坚固,
We've added seat belts , we've added air bags, and in the last decade, we've actually started trying to make the car smarter to fix that bug , the driver. 我们增加了安全带,增加了安全气囊。 在过去十年里,我们开始让车变得更智能, 是为弥补驾驶员方面的缺陷。
belts:n.皮带(belt的复数);带子;v.用皮带等围绕;用带扎牢(belt的三单形式); bug:n.臭虫,小虫;故障;窃听器;v.烦扰,打扰;装窃听器;
Now, today I'm going to talk to you a little bit about the difference between patching around the problem with driver assistance systems and actually having fully self-driving cars and what they can do for the world. 那么,今天我将给大家讲讲, 用驾驶员辅助系统解决问题, 和真正使用全面自动驾驶汽车的区别, 以及它们对世界的贡献。
patching:v.打补丁;缝补;修补;(patch的现在分词) self-driving:自驾;
I'm also going to talk to you a little bit about our car and allow you to see how it sees the world and how it reacts and what it does, but first I'm going to talk a little bit about the problem. 我也会介绍一下我们的车, 让你们了解它是如何观察这个世界的,以及如何应对各种情况, 但首先我先说说存在的问题。
And it's a big problem: 1.2 million people are killed on the world's roads every year. 这是个很严重的问题, 每年全世界都有120万人因交通事故丧命。
In America alone, 33,000 people are killed each year. 仅仅在美国,每年就有3万3千人死于车祸。
To put that in perspective , that's the same as a 737 falling out of the sky every working day . 换个方式说, 等同于每天都有一架737飞机失事。
perspective:n.观点;远景;透视图;adj.透视的; working day:n.一天中的工作时间;工作日;
It's kind of unbelievable . 有点不可思议。
Cars are sold to us like this, but really, this is what driving's like. 汽车卖给我们后应该是这样一番景象, 但事实上,驾驶过程通常是这样。
Right? It's not sunny, it's rainy, and you want to do anything other than drive. 对吧?这不是晴天,是雨天, 而且除了开车,你还想做点别的事情。
And the reason why is this: 原因就是:
Traffic is getting worse. 交通状况变得越来越糟。
In America, between 1990 and 2010, the vehicle miles traveled increased by 38 percent. 在美国,从1990年到2010年, 交通工具的里程数增加了38%。
We grew by six percent of roads, so it's not in your brains. 而我们只增修了6%的路, 所以不单单是你的感觉如此。
Traffic really is substantially worse than it was not very long ago. 交通状况的确比以前糟糕得多。
And all of this has a very human cost. 所有的这一切也都伴随着人力成本。
So if you take the average commute time in America, which is about 50 minutes, you multiply that by the 120 million workers we have, that turns out to be about six billion minutes wasted in commuting every day. 如果你把在美的平均通勤时间,约50分钟, 乘以我们的1亿2000万工作者, 结果就是60亿分钟, 每天会被浪费在路上。
commute:v.减刑;交换;通勤;代偿;n.通勤(口语); multiply:vt.乘; vi.乘; v.多样地; adj.多层的; commuting:n.乘公交车上下班;经常往来;
Now, that's a big number, so let's put it in perspective. 这是个很大的数字,那么我们换个方式,
You take that six billion minutes and you divide it by the average life expectancy of a person, that turns out to be 162 lifetimes spent every day, wasted, just getting from A to B. 你把这60亿分钟, 除以人均寿命, 得出数字是162个生命周期。 仅仅从A地到B地,每天就有这么多 生命白白浪费掉了。
life expectancy:预期寿命;
It's unbelievable. 太难以置信了。
And then, there are those of us who don't have the privilege of sitting in traffic. 当然,我们当中还有一些人无法享有 坐到车流中来的权利。
So this is Steve. 这个人叫史蒂夫。
He's an incredibly capable guy, but he just happens to be blind, and that means instead of a 30-minute drive to work in the morning, it's a two-hour ordeal of piecing together bits of public transit or asking friends and family for a ride. 他是个很有才能的人。 但很不幸,他是盲人, 这意味着本来早上上班路上的30分钟, 变成了两个小时的各种转乘公共交通的折磨, 或者是请求朋友或家人载他一程。
incredibly:adv.难以置信地;非常地; capable:adj.能干的,能胜任的;有才华的; ordeal:n.折磨;严酷的考验;痛苦的经验; transit:n.运输;经过;v.运送;经过;
He doesn't have that same freedom that you and I have to get around . 他并没有像你我一样想去哪儿就去哪儿的自由。
get around:到处走走;逃避;说服;传开来(等于getround);有办法应付;有办法应付局面;
We should do something about that. 我们应该改变这种现状。
Now, conventional wisdom would say that we'll just take these driver assistance systems and we'll kind of push them and incrementally improve them, and over time, they'll turn into self-driving cars. 现在,传统观点认为, 我们应该使用驾驶员辅助系统, 然后不停改进它们, 总有一天,它们能够实现自动驾驶。
conventional:adj.符合习俗的,传统的;常见的;惯例的; wisdom:n.智慧;明智;才智;学问; incrementally:adv.递增地;增值地; improve:v.改进;改善;
Well, I'm here to tell you that's like me saying that if I work really hard at jumping, one day I'll be able to fly. 事实上我今天来就是想告诉你们,这就跟 如果我努力练习弹跳,有一天我就能飞翔一样不现实。
We actually need to do something a little different. 我们需要做点不同的东西。
And so I'm going to talk to you about three different ways that self-driving systems are different than driver assistance systems. 我会跟你们介绍自动驾驶系统 和驾驶员辅助系统的三个不同方面。
different than:不同于;
And I'm going to start with some of our own experience. 我先从自己的经历说起。
So back in 2013, we had the first test of a self-driving car where we let regular people use it. 在2013年, 我们进行了第一次自动驾驶测试, 让普通人来操作。
Well, almost regular -- they were 100 Googlers, but they weren't working on the project. 算是普通人吧——他们是100名谷歌员工, 但他们没有参与开发这个项目。
And we gave them the car and we allowed them to use it in their daily lives. 我们把车给他们,让他们在日常生活中使用。
But unlike a real self-driving car, this one had a big asterisk with it: 但与真的自动驾驶汽车不同,这一辆得加个星号上去:
They had to pay attention, because this was an experimental vehicle. 他们得留多个心眼儿, 因为这只是一辆试验车。
We tested it a lot, but it could still fail. 我们虽然进行了很多测试,但还是有风险。
And so we gave them two hours of training, we put them in the car, we let them use it, and what we heard back was something awesome , as someone trying to bring a product into the world. 我们对他们进行了两个小时的训练, 然后让他们进行实际操作, 然后我们得到了一些很好的反馈, 因为有人把产品带到现实中来了。
Every one of them told us they loved it. 每个人都对它赞不绝口。
In fact, we had a Porsche driver who came in and told us on the first day, "This is completely stupid. What are we thinking?" 事实上,在第一天有一个保时捷驾驶员进来跟我们说, “这实在是太无厘头了。你们到底怎么想的?”
But at the end of it, he said, "Not only should I have it, everyone else should have it, because people are terrible drivers." 但最后,他说,“不单是我需要它, 每个人都需要有一辆,大家的车技都太烂了。”
So this was music to our ears, but then we started to look at what the people inside the car were doing, and this was eye-opening . 这番话就是我们的福音, 然后我们开始观察人们在车里都在做什么, 真让人大开眼界。
Now, my favorite story is this gentleman who looks down at his phone and realizes the battery is low, so he turns around like this in the car and digs around in his backpack, pulls out his laptop , puts it on the seat, goes in the back again, 我最喜欢的故事,是一位先生 低头看手机,发现手机快没电了, 然后他在车里这样转过身,在背包里四处摸索着, 拿出他的笔记本电脑, 放到副驾驶座位上, 再转过身,
battery:n.[电]电池,蓄电池;n.[法]殴打;n.[军]炮台,炮位; laptop:n.便携式电脑;笔记本电脑;
digs around, pulls out the charging cable for his phone, futzes around, puts it into the laptop, puts it on the phone. 又摸了一通,拿出手机充电线, 理一下线,插进电脑里,连上手机。
cable:n.电缆; v.打电报; (用锚链,缆索等)系住;
Sure enough, the phone is charging. 棒极了,手机有电了。
All the time he's been doing 65 miles per hour down the freeway . 而他那时正行驶在时速65英里的高速上(约104公里每小时)。
Right? Unbelievable. 能想象到吗?太难以置信了。
So we thought about this and we said, it's kind of obvious , right? 所以我们想了想,说,这挺明显的对吧?
The better the technology gets, the less reliable the driver is going to get. 科技越来越发达, 驾驶员就不需要太负责任。
So by just making the cars incrementally smarter, we're probably not going to see the wins we really need. 所以只是把车变得更加智能, 并没法让我们看到真正需要的成功。
Let me talk about something a little technical for a moment here. 我在这里要暂时说一点技术上的东西。
So we're looking at this graph, and along the bottom is how often does the car apply the brakes when it shouldn't. 在这张图上,底部的线 代表着在不必要的时候制动刹车发生的频率。
You can ignore most of that axis , because if you're driving around town, and the car starts stopping randomly , you're never going to buy that car. 你可以忽略这条轴的大部分. 因为如果你在城里开车,然后车时不时自己停下来。 你永远都不会买这辆车。
ignore:v.驳回诉讼;忽视;不理睬; axis:n.轴;轴线;轴心国; randomly:adv.随便地,任意地;无目的,胡乱地;未加计划地;
And the vertical axis is how often the car is going to apply the brakes when it's supposed to to help you avoid an accident. 竖直的轴线表示车会在你需要避免事故时 采取制动刹车的频率。
vertical:n.垂直线;垂直位置;adj.竖的;垂直的;直立的;纵向的; supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式)
Now, if we look at the bottom left corner here, this is your classic car. 如果我们看左下角, 这是你们正在开的普通汽车。
It doesn't apply the brakes for you, it doesn't do anything goofy , but it also doesn't get you out of an accident. 它不会自动为你刹车,也不至于刹车失灵, 但它无法为你避免事故。
Now, if we want to bring a driver assistance system into a car, say with collision mitigation braking, we're going to put some package of technology on there, 如果我们把驾驶员辅助系统装进车里, 比如说撞击缓冲刹车系统, 我们会导入一系列的科技,
collision:n.抵触;碰撞(或相撞)事故; mitigation:n.减轻;缓和;平静;
and that's this curve , and it's going to have some operating properties, but it's never going to avoid all of the accidents, because it doesn't have that capability . 也就是这条曲线,它有了一些操作属性, 但也不会完全规避事故, 因为它没有这个能力。
curve:n.曲线;弯曲;曲面;弧线;v.(使)沿曲线移动;呈曲线形; capability:n.才能,能力;性能,容量;
But we'll pick some place along the curve here, and maybe it avoids half of accidents that the human driver misses, and that's amazing, right? 但我们会在曲线上取某个点, 我们可以减少一半的交通事故。
We just reduced accidents on our roads by a factor of two. 也许它可以避免一半因驾驶员失误引起的事故。
There are now 17,000 less people dying every year in America. 这样每年在美国就有1万7千人幸免于难。
But if we want a self-driving car, we need a technology curve that looks like this. 但如果我们想要一辆自动驾驶汽车, 我们需要一条这样的曲线。
We're going to have to put more sensors in the vehicle, and we'll pick some operating point up here where it basically never gets into a crash. 我们得在车里加装更多的传感器, 然后在这里挑某个操作点, 在这个点上基本永远不会有事故发生。
sensors:n.[自]传感器,感应器;感测器(sensor的复数); basically:adv.主要地,基本上;
They'll happen, but very low frequency . 多少还是会发生,但概率极低。
Now you and I could look at this and we could argue about whether it's incremental, and I could say something like "80-20 rule," 现在我们可以看看这里, 探讨一下是否有所增加,我会提到比方说“80-20规则”,
and it's really hard to move up to that new curve. 而且很难再上升了。
But let's look at it from a different direction for a moment. 但让我们暂时从另一个角度看一看。
So let's look at how often the technology has to do the right thing. 我们看看这种科技应用的频率多高。
And so this green dot up here is a driver assistance system. 这个绿点表示驾驶员辅助系统。
It turns out that human drivers make mistakes that lead to traffic accidents about once every 100,000 miles in America. 调查发现人类驾驶员 因为自身错误导致的交通事故, 在美国是每10万英里(约16万公里)发生一次。
In contrast , a self-driving system is probably making decisions about 10 times per second, so order of magnitude , that's about 1,000 times per mile. 对比之下,自动驾驶系统约在每秒 会自行做10次决定。 所以就数量级而言, 约是每英里(1.6公里)1000次。
contrast:n.对比;对照;反差;明显的差异;v.对比;对照;形成对比; order of magnitude:n.数量级(量度物理量大小的标准,用以10为底的指数表达);
So if you compare the distance between these two, it's about 10 to the eighth, right? 如果你对比一下两者的差距, 就是10的八次方,对吧?
Eight orders of magnitude. 8个数量级,
That's like comparing how fast I run to the speed of light. 这就像拿我跑步的速度 和光速比较,
It doesn't matter how hard I train, I'm never actually going to get there. 即便我再刻苦训练,也永远达不到光速。
So there's a pretty big gap there. 所以这个跨度非常大。
And then finally , there's how the system can handle uncertainty . 最后,就是这个系统如何处理不确定性。
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; handle:n.[建]把手;柄;手感;口实;v.处理;操作;运用;买卖;触摸; uncertainty:n.不确定,不可靠;
So this pedestrian here might be stepping into the road, might not be. 那么这个行人可能会走到路上,也可能不会。
I can't tell, nor can any of our algorithms, but in the case of a driver assistance system, that means it can't take action, because again, if it presses the brakes unexpectedly , that's completely unacceptable . 我不确定,也没有任何算法能确定, 但对于驾驶员辅助系统来说, 这意味着它无法采取措施, 因为如果它在预期之外采取制动,是完全不合适的。
unexpectedly:adv.出乎意料地,意外地; unacceptable:adj.不能接受(或允许、同意)的;
Whereas a self-driving system can look at that pedestrian and say, 但自动驾驶系统则会观察行人,
I don't know what they're about to do, slow down, take a better look, and then react appropriately after that. 然后说我不知道他们要做什么, 于是减速,再仔细观察,然后采取适当措施。
So it can be much safer than a driver assistance system can ever be. 所以这就比驾驶员辅助系统要安全得多,
So that's enough about the differences between the two. 那么以上的例子就足以体现这两者的区别了。
Let's spend some time talking about how the car sees the world. 现在我们再花点时间聊聊车是如何观察环境的。
So this is our vehicle. 这是我们的车。
It starts by understanding where it is in the world, by taking a map and its sensor data and aligning the two, and then we layer on top of that what it sees in the moment. 它从识别自己的位置开始, 通过将它的地图和传感器数据进行叠加, 然后我们再加上它当时看到的东西,
aligning:n.校准;v.调整(align的现在分词形式);使成一行; layer:n.层,层次; vt.把…分层堆放; vi.形成或分成层次;
So here, all the purple boxes you can see are other vehicles on the road, and the red thing on the side over there is a cyclist , and up in the distance , if you look really closely, you can see some cones . 所以在这里所有你能看到的紫色盒子是路上的其他车辆, 旁边红色的物体则是一位骑单车的人, 如果你再仔细点看,在远处, 你能看到一些锥形路障。
purple:n.紫色;紫袍;v.变紫;使成紫色;adj.紫色的;华丽的文辞; vehicles:n.车辆;飞行器;运行工具;(vehicles是vehicle的复数) cyclist:n.骑自行车的人; in the distance:在远处; cones:n.视锥细胞(cone的复数);锥形体;v.使成锥形;使成斜角(cone的三单形式);
Then we know where the car is in the moment, but we have to do better than that: we have to predict what's going to happen. 这样我们就能知道汽车现在的位置了, 但我们还得再改善:我们得预测将发生的事情。
So here the pickup truck in top right is about to make a left lane change because the road in front of it is closed, so it needs to get out of the way. 这里右上角的小卡车正准备换到左道, 因为前面的路被封了, 所以它得驶离原车道。
pickup:n.收集,整理;小卡车;拾起;搭车者;偶然结识者; is about to:眼看就要;即将;正要;行将; lane:n.车道;小巷;泳道;胡同;
Knowing that one pickup truck is great, but we really need to know what everybody's thinking, so it becomes quite a complicated problem. 能知道一辆小卡车的轨迹确实不错, 但我们真正需要的是了解每个人的想法, 所以问题就变得十分复杂了。
And then given that, we can figure out how the car should respond in the moment, so what trajectory it should follow, how quickly it should slow down or speed up. 了解这些之后,我们就可以算出汽车该如何应对, 该跟随哪条线路,要多快实现减速或者加速。
respond:vi.回答;作出反应;承担责任;n.应答;唱和; trajectory:n.[物]轨道,轨线;[航][军]弹道;
And then that all turns into just following a path: turning the steering wheel left or right, pressing the brake or gas. 所有的这一切最终都会变成跟随一条路径: 向左或还是右打方向盘,踩刹车还是油门。
steering wheel:n.方向盘;(操)舵轮;
It's really just two numbers at the end of the day. 所有的一切最终都简化成了两个数值,
So how hard can it really be? 那这能有多难呢?
Back when we started in 2009, this is what our system looked like. 在2009年我们刚开始测试的时候, 我们的系统看起来是这样的。
So you can see our car in the middle and the other boxes on the road, driving down the highway. 你能看到我们的车在中间,路上还有其他盒子, 同时在高速上行驶着。
The car needs to understand where it is and roughly where the other vehicles are. 这辆车需要知道自己的位置以及其他车辆的大概方位。
It's really a geometric understanding of the world. 基本上就是一种几何的分析方式。
Once we started driving on neighborhood and city streets, the problem becomes a whole new level of difficulty. 当我们开始在社区和城市道路上行驶时, 问题又上升到了一个新的难度。
You see pedestrians crossing in front of us, cars crossing in front of us, going every which way, the traffic lights, crosswalks . 你能看到行人在我们面前穿梭,还有汽车, 横纵交错, 还有红绿灯,人行横道。
pedestrians:n.行人(pedestrian的复数); crosswalks:n.人行横道(crosswalk的复数);对照表;
It's an incredibly complicated problem by comparison . 相比之下问题变得极度复杂。
by comparison:相比之下,比较起来;
And then once you have that problem solved, the vehicle has to be able to deal with construction . 当你把这个问题解决后, 接下来汽车还得能应付建筑施工。
So here are the cones on the left forcing it to drive to the right, but not just construction in isolation, of course. 所以左边的锥形路障会迫使汽车开到右边, 当然不仅需要避开施工区域,
It has to deal with other people moving through that construction zone as well. 它还得应付在其间走动的其他人。
And of course, if anyone's breaking the rules, the police are there and the car has to understand that that flashing light on the top of the car means that it's not just a car, it's actually a police officer . 当然,如果有人违规了,有警察在那里, 汽车就得明白车上闪着灯 意味着这不仅仅是一辆车,还有一位警官。
flashing:n.防雨板,盖片; v.闪光; (flash的现在分词) police officer:n.警官;警察;警务人员;
Similarly , the orange box on the side here, it's a school bus, and we have to treat that differently as well. 类似的,这里路边橘黄色的盒子, 是校车, 我们也得分开来处理。
Similarly:adv.同样地;类似于; treat:v.治疗;处理;招待;款待;n.款待;乐事;乐趣;
When we're out on the road, other people have expectations : 当我们在路上时,其他人会表达各种意图:
So, when a cyclist puts up their arm, it means they're expecting the car to yield to them and make room for them to make a lane change. 当骑单车的人举起他们的手臂, 这就意味着他们希望有车能让给他们点空间 以便进行换道。
yield:n.产量;产出;利润;v.屈服;让步;放弃;提供; make room for:让出地方给…,为…腾出空位;
And when a police officer stood in the road, our vehicle should understand that this means stop, and when they signal to go, we should continue. 当路中间站着一位警官, 我们的车得明白这手势是要你停下来, 当他们示意我们可以走了,我们才能继续。
Now, the way we accomplish this is by sharing data between the vehicles. 我们达成这些目标,是通过和其他车辆分享数据。
The first, most crude model of this is when one vehicle sees a construction zone, having another know about it so it can be in the correct lane to avoid some of the difficulty. 首先,最简单粗制的模型, 就是当一辆车看到建筑施工地带时, 告知另一辆车,让它驶上正确的车道 以避免麻烦。
But we actually have a much deeper understanding of this. 但我们对此有更深的认识。
We could take all of the data that the cars have seen over time, the hundreds of thousands of pedestrians, cyclists , and vehicles that have been out there and understand what they look like 我们可以搜集车辆在一段时间内看到的数据, 数以千计在路上的行人,骑单车的人, 以及其他车辆, 了解他们的外形,
and use that to infer what other vehicles should look like and other pedestrians should look like. 再用之去推理其他车辆 以及其他行人的外形。
And then, even more importantly, we could take from that a model of how we expect them to move through the world. 然后,更重要的是,我们可以从中得出一个模型, 预测所有交通参与者的去向。
So here the yellow box is a pedestrian crossing in front of us. 这里的黄色盒子是我们面前过马路的行人。
pedestrian crossing:n.人行横道;行人穿越道;
Here the blue box is a cyclist and we anticipate that they're going to nudge out and around the car to the right. 这个蓝色盒子是个骑单车的人,而且我们预测 他会一直保持在车辆右侧。
anticipate:v.预期,期望;占先,抢先;提前使用; nudge:n.推动; vt.推进; vi.轻推;
Here there's a cyclist coming down the road and we know they're going to continue to drive down the shape of the road. 这里有个在路上骑单车的人, 我们知道他会沿着路一直骑下去。
down the road:只要沿着这条路;将来;在路上;
Here somebody makes a right turn, and in a moment here, somebody's going to make a U-turn in front of us, and we can anticipate that behavior and respond safely. 这里有人右转了, 而在这里,有人会在我们面前调头, 我们可以预测这个行为并安全应对。
in a moment:立刻; U-turn:n.掉头;U形转弯;大转变;vi.作U形转弯;
Now, that's all well and good for things that we've seen, but of course, you encounter lots of things that you haven't seen in the world before. 目前为止,对于我们见过的场景都没什么问题, 但当然,你还会遇见很多 之前没见过的东西。
And so just a couple of months ago, our vehicles were driving through Mountain View, and this is what we encountered . 几个月前, 我们的车辆在通过Mountain View(硅谷地名)的时候, 就遇到了这样的情景。
This is a woman in an electric wheelchair chasing a duck in circles on the road. (Laughter) 这是个坐着电动轮椅的女士, 在路中央绕着圈追赶一只鸭子。(笑声)
electric:n.供电;adj.电的;用电的;电动的;发电的; wheelchair:n.轮椅;
Now it turns out, there is nowhere in the DMV handbook that tells you how to deal with that, but our vehicles were able to encounter that, slow down, and drive safely. 结果呢,在机动车驾驶管理处的手册里 没有一条告诉你该怎么做, 但我们的车辆却能灵活应对, 减速并安全通过。
nowhere:v.无处; n.无处; adj.不存在的; handbook:n.手册;指南;
Now, we don't have to deal with just ducks. 我们应付的不只是鸭子,
Watch this bird fly across in front of us. The car reacts to that. 看看这只飞过我们面前的鸟,汽车也会对之做出处理。
Here we're dealing with a cyclist that you would never expect to see anywhere other than Mountain View. 这里还有一个骑车的, 估计除了在Mountain View,其他地方很难见到。
And of course, we have to deal with drivers, even the very small ones. 当然,我们还得应付其他驾驶员, 甚至那些幼龄的。
Watch to the right as someone jumps out of this truck at us. 注意右边,那个从货车上跳下来的人。
And now, watch the left as the car with the green box decides he needs to make a right turn at the last possible moment. 现在,注意左边绿盒子那辆车, 它决定在最后的时刻右转。
Here, as we make a lane change, the car to our left decides it wants to as well. 这里,当我们变道时,我们左边的车 也同样想变道。
And here, we watch a car blow through a red light and yield to it. 还有这里,我们看到一辆车闯了红灯, 我们就先让它通过。
And similarly, here, a cyclist blowing through that light as well. 同样这里,骑单车的人也闯红灯了,
And of course, the vehicle responds safely. 不出所料,我们的车也能安全应对。
And of course, we have people who do I don't know what sometimes on the road, like this guy pulling out between two self-driving cars. 当然还有一些莫名其妙的人, 就像这家伙一样,直接就从两辆自动驾驶汽车中窜出来。
You have to ask, "What are you thinking?" 你会想问,“你脑子是怎么想的?”
(Laughter) (笑声)
Now, I just fire-hosed you with a lot of stuff there, so I'm going to break one of these down pretty quickly. 我已经给你们看了大量的例子, 我快速地讲一下其中的一个案例。
So what we're looking at is the scene with the cyclist again, and you might notice in the bottom, we can't actually see the cyclist yet, but the car can: it's that little blue box up there, and that comes from the laser data. 我们现在看到的还是骑单车的人, 你们可能会发现在下面的视角,我们还看不到那个人, 但车能看到:就是那里的小蓝盒子, 这来自于激光数据。
And that's not actually really easy to understand, so what I'm going to do is I'm going to turn that laser data and look at it, and if you're really good at looking at laser data, you can see a few dots on the curve there, right there, and that blue box is that cyclist. 这并不是很容易理解, 那么我接下来要做的,就是调出激光数据看一下, 如果你擅长分析激光数据,你能发现 曲线上的一些点, 就在那儿,那个蓝色小盒子就是骑单车的人。
Now as our light is red, the cyclist's light has turned yellow already, and if you squint , you can see that in the imagery . 自行车道的灯已经变黄了, 这会儿面对我们的还是红灯,
squint:vi.眯眼看; vt.使斜眼; n.斜视; adj.斜视的; imagery:n.像;意象;比喻;形象化;
But the cyclist, we see, is going to proceed through the intersection . 但是骑单车的人,我们看到他准备穿过这个十字路口,
proceed:n.收入;卖得金额;收益;v.继续;接着做;行进;前往; intersection:n.交叉;十字路口;交集;交叉点;
Our light has now turned green, his is solidly red, and we now anticipate that this bike is going to come all the way across. 我们的灯已经变绿,他的方向也变红了, 我们预期到这辆单车将会横穿马路。
Unfortunately the other drivers next to us were not paying as much attention. 但不幸的是,我们旁边的其他司机并没有注意到。
They started to pull forward, and fortunately for everyone, this cyclists reacts, avoids, and makes it through the intersection. 他们开始踩油门,不过幸运的是, 骑单车的人及时避开了, 然后平安地穿过了十字路口。
And off we go. 之后我们才又继续前进。
Now, as you can see , we've made some pretty exciting progress, and at this point we're pretty convinced this technology is going to come to market. 正如你们所见,我们已取得了一些激动人心的成就, 此时我们深信 这项技术将会进入市场。
as you can see:正如你所看到的;你是知道的; convinced:adj.坚信; v.使确信; (convince的过去分词和过去式)
We do three million miles of testing in our simulators every single day, so you can imagine the experience that our vehicles have. 我们每天用虚拟器做3百万英里的测试, 所以你就能够想象到我们的车辆获得了多少经验。
We are looking forward to having this technology on the road, and we think the right path is to go through the self-driving rather than driver assistance approach because the urgency is so large. 我们期待这项技术能在道路上使用, 并且认为正确的选择是自动驾驶, 而非驾驶员辅助系统, 因为情况已经刻不容缓了。
approach:n.方法;路径;v.接近;建议;着手处理; urgency:n.紧急;催促;紧急的事;
In the time I have given this talk today, 34 people have died on America's roads. 就在我演讲的时间段内, 在美国的公路上已经有34人丧生。
How soon can we bring it out? 我们多久能实现这个目标呢?
Well, it's hard to say because it's a really complicated problem, but these are my two boys. 嗯,很难说,因为这是个很复杂的问题, 这两个是我的儿子。
My oldest son is 11, and that means in four and a half years, he's going to be able to get his driver's license. 大的11岁,也就是说在四年半后, 他就能去考驾照了。
My team and I are committed to making sure that doesn't happen. 我和我的团队承诺尽量不让他去考(已经不需要了)。
committed:adj.坚信的; v.做出错事; (commit的过去分词和过去式)
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Laughter) (Applause) (笑声)(掌声)
Chris Anderson: Chris, I've got a question for you. 克利斯·安德森(CA):克里斯,我有个问题要问你。
Chris Urmson: Sure. 克里斯·厄姆森(CU):问吧。
CA: So certainly, the mind of your cars is pretty mind-boggling . CA:显而易见,你们的车有着让人惊奇的大脑。
On this debate between driver-assisted and fully driverless -- 在驾驶辅助和无人驾驶这场辩论上——
debate:n.辩论;争论;考虑;v.辩论;争论;考虑; driverless:无人驾驶的;
I mean, there's a real debate going on out there right now. 我是说,现在就有一场真正的辩论。
So some of the companies, for example, Tesla, are going the driver-assisted route . 一些公司,例如,特斯拉, 正在走驾驶辅助的路线。
What you're saying is that that's kind of going to be a dead end because you can't just keep improving that route and get to fully driverless at some point, and then a driver is going to say, "This feels safe," 而你所说的,就是这将是个没前途的死胡同, 因为你不能指望在这方面不断提高就会在某个时候实现无人驾驶, 然后有驾驶员说“这已经挺安全的了”,
and climb into the back, and something ugly will happen. 然后转身去后座,不幸就发生了。
CU: Right. No, that's exactly right, and it's not to say that the driver assistance systems aren't going to be incredibly valuable . CU:对,你说得对,这并不是说 驾驶员辅助系统作用不大。
They can save a lot of lives in the interim , but to see the transformative opportunity to help someone like Steve get around, to really get to the end case in safety, to have the opportunity to change our cities 它能在这个过渡阶段拯救很多生命, 但为了抓住这一变革性的机会,能帮助像史蒂夫这样的人行动自如, 为了终结安全事故, 为了有机会改变我们的城市,
interim:adj.临时的,暂时的;中间的;间歇的;n.过渡时期,中间时期;暂定; transformative:adj.变化的,变形的;有改革能力的;
and move parking out and get rid of these urban craters we call parking lots, it's the only way to go. 解决停车问题,摆脱我们称为停车场的城市大坑, 这是唯一的办法了。
urban:adj.城市的;都市的;城镇的;都市音乐的; craters:n.[地质]火山口; v.形成坑;
CA: We will be tracking your progress with huge interest. CA:我们会带着浓厚的兴趣关注你们的进展的。
Thanks so much, Chris. CU: Thank you. (Applause) 谢谢你,克里斯。CU:谢谢。(掌声)