

My work is about the behaviors that we all engage in unconsciously , on a collective level. 我的作品描绘了我们大家都会有的下意识的行为 大量积累后的结果
engage:v.吸引,占用;使参加;雇佣;使订婚;预定; unconsciously:adv.不知不觉;无意识地; collective:adj.集体的;共同的;集合的;集体主义的;n.集团;集合体;集合名词;
And what I mean by that, it's the behaviors that we're in denial about, and the ones that operate below the surface of our daily awareness . 我的意思是说 对于这些行为 我们会矢口否认 这些行为是我们日常生活中完全没有意识到的
denial:n.否认;否定;剥夺(应有的权利);拒不承认(令人不快、痛苦的事); awareness:n.意识,认识;明白,知道;
And as individuals , we all do these things, all the time, everyday. 但是我们每一个人 每一天 每时每刻都在做着这类事
It's like when you're mean to your wife because you're mad at somebody else. 比如说你对你的老婆态度恶劣 因为你被其他人给气着了
Or when you drink a little too much at a party just out of anxiety . 或者你在一个派对上多喝了几杯 只是出于焦虑
Or when you overeat because your feelings are hurt, or whatever. 再或者你特别能吃 因为你遭受了情感伤害或者其他什么原因
overeat:vt.使吃过量; vi.吃得过多;
And when we do these kind of things, when 300 million people do unconscious behaviors, then it can add up to a catastrophic consequence that nobody wants, and no one intended . 那么当我们做这类事情的时候 当3亿人都下意识地做了同一件事 其结果累计起来就会是毁灭性的 而这结果是没有人愿意看到的 谁也不会故意去做这样的事
catastrophic:adj.灾难的;悲惨的;灾难性的,毁灭性的; consequence:n.结果;重要性;推论; intended:adj.预定的;计划的;v.打算;计划;想要;(intend的过去分词和过去式)
And that's what I look at with my photographic work. 这类积少成多的无意识行为也正是我的摄影作品所关注的
This is an image I just recently completed, that is, when you stand back at a distance , it looks like some kind of neo-gothic, cartoon image of a factory spewing out pollution. 这是我最近刚完成的一幅作品 当你站在远处看的时候 它看起来好像一幅新歌特式的卡通画 画的是一个工厂正在排放污染
recently:adv.最近;新近; at a distance:在远处;有相当距离; spewing:v.(使)喷出,涌出;呕吐(spew的现在分词)
And as you get a little bit closer, it starts looking like lots of pipes, like maybe a chemical plant, or a refinery , or maybe a hellish freeway interchange . 当你走近一点 它看起来像是很多的管子 像是一个化工厂 或是一个炼油厂 也许是高速公路的立体交叉道
chemical:n.化学制品,化学药品;adj.化学的; refinery:n.炼油厂;制糖厂;精制厂; hellish:adj.地狱的;凶恶的;令人毛骨悚然的; freeway:n.高速公路; interchange:vt.(指两人等)交换;互换;vi.交换;相互交换;n.互换;立体交叉道;
And as you get all the way up close, you realize that it's actually made of lots and lots of plastic cups. 但如果你走到跟前来看的话 你会发现原来这实际上是很多很多的塑料杯子
And in fact, this is one million plastic cups, which is the number of plastic cups that are used on airline flights in the United States every six hours. 事实上 这里是1百万个塑料杯 这正是美国的航空公司 每6个小时消耗掉的塑料杯的数量
airline:n.航空公司; United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式)
We use four million cups a day on airline flights, and virtually none of them are reused or recycled; they just don't do that in that industry. 我们每天要在飞机上用掉4百万个塑料杯 而且没有一个杯子被回收或再利用 整个行业里没有人去做这件事
Now that number is dwarfed by the number of paper cups we use every day, and that is 40 million cups a day for hot beverages , most of which is coffee. 但是跟另一个数目比起来 这个塑料杯的数目简直是小巫见大巫 现在我要说的是我们每天用掉的纸杯的数量 我们每天要用掉4千万个纸杯用来装热饮 主要是咖啡
dwarfed:vi.变矮小;n.侏儒,矮子;vt.使矮小;adj.矮小的; beverages:n.饮料;酒水;饮料类(beverage的复数形式);
I couldn't fit 40 million cups on a canvas , but I was able to put 410,000. That's what 410,000 cups looks like. 我无法在一张画布上塞进4千万个纸杯 但是我可以装下41万个 这就是41万个纸杯的样子
That's 15 minutes of our cup consumption . 而这仅仅是我们在15分钟内用掉的纸杯的数量
And if you could actually stack up that many cups in real life, that's the size it would be. 如果在生活中你真的能把41万个纸杯码起来 那将会是这么大
And there's an hour's worth of our cups. 一小时内用掉的纸杯量就会是这么大
And there's a day's worth of our cups. 这是每天用掉的纸杯量
You can still see the little people way down there. 你仍然能看到下边有几个人 他们是这么小
little people:n.小老百姓;异常矮小的人;侏儒;"袖珍"人;
That's as high as a 42-story building, and I put the Statue of Liberty in there as a scale reference . 这相当于42层楼高 我把自由女神像放进来 作为体积参考
Statue of Liberty:n.(美国纽约港的)自由女神像; scale:n.规模;比例;鳞;刻度;天平;数值范围;v.衡量;攀登;剥落;生水垢; reference:n.参考,提及;参考书目;证明书;v.引用;
Speaking of justice , there's another phenomenon going on in our culture that I find deeply troubling, and that is that America right now has the largest percentage of its population in prison of any country on Earth. 说到正义 在我们的文化中有另外一个现象 令我感到十分不安 那就是现今的美国 有着最大数量的监狱在押人员比例 比世界上任何一个国家都要高
justice:n.公平;公正;司法制度;审判; phenomenon:n.现象;杰出的人;非凡的人(或事物); percentage:n.百分比;百分率;利润的分成;提成;
One out of four people, one out of four humans in prison are Americans, imprisoned in our country. 全世界每4个在押犯人中就有1个 是关押在我们国家的美国人
And I wanted to show the number. 我想把这个数目告诉大家
The number is 2.3 million Americans were incarcerated in 2005. 2005年有230万美国人在押
And that's gone up since then, but we don't have the numbers yet. 这个数目还在持续上升 但我们还没有更新的数据
So I wanted to show 2.3 million prison uniforms , and in the actual print of this piece, each uniform is the size of a nickel on its edge. 那么我想展示230万套犯人服 把这幅作品印出来以后 我们会看到 每一套犯人服就像一枚5美分硬币的边缘那么小
uniforms:n.制服;军服;军人;v.使穿制服;(uniform的复数第三人称单词) nickel:n.镍;镍币;五分镍币;vt.镀镍于;
They're tiny, they're barely visible as a piece of material, and to show 2.3 million of them required a canvas that was larger than any printer in the world would print. 简直是太小了 几乎看不出这是一件有质感的东西 但我却无法把230万套犯人服都放在同一张画布上 因为世界上没有任何一台打印机能打印出如此巨大的一幅画
barely:adv.仅仅,勉强;几乎不;公开地;贫乏地; visible:adj.明显的;看得见的;现有的;可得到的;n.可见物;进出口贸易中的有形项目;
And so I had to divide it up into multiple panels that are 10 feet tall by 25 feet wide. 所以我不得不把它们分成很多块 高度是10英尺(约3米)宽度是25英尺(约7米6)
multiple:adj.数量多的;多种多样的;n.倍数; panels:n.面板(panel的复数); v.嵌镶(panel的第三人称单数形式);
This is that piece installed in a gallery in New York; those are my parents looking at the piece. 这幅作品陈列在纽约的一家画廊里 这两个人是我的父母 他们正在看这幅作品
installed:v.安装;设置;使就职(install的过去分词和过去式) gallery:n.画廊;走廊;旁听席;地道;v.在…修建走廊;挖地道;
(Laughter) (笑声)
Every time I look at this piece, 每次我看到这件作品的时候
I always wonder if my mom's whispering to my dad, "He finally folded his laundry ." 我总觉得我妈妈应该是在跟我爸爸说 他终于知道洗完衣服要叠好放起来了
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; laundry:n.洗衣店,洗衣房;要洗的衣服;洗熨;洗好的衣服;
(Laughter) (笑声)
I want to show you some pieces now that are about addiction . 现在我想给你们看一些令人上瘾的东西
And this particular one is about cigarette addiction. 这一幅是关于烟瘾的
I wanted to make a piece that shows the actual number of Americans who die from cigarette smoking. 我想创作一幅作品能够展示 死于吸烟的美国人的实际数量
More than 400,000 people die in the United States every year from smoking cigarettes. 每年有超过40万美国人 死于吸烟
And so this piece is made up of lots and lots of boxes of cigarettes. 因此这幅作品是由很多很多的烟盒组成的
made up of:由…组成,由…构成;
And, as you slowly step back, you see that it's a painting by Van Gogh, called " Skull with Cigarette." 如果你慢慢退后从远处看的话 你能看到这是梵高的一幅作品 名叫“叼香烟的骷髅头”
Van:n.厢式货车;客货车;v.选矿;用车搬运; Skull:n.头盖骨,脑壳;
It's a strange thing to think about, that on 9/11, when that tragedy happened, 3,000 Americans died, and do you remember the response ? 想来也怪 9/11惨剧发生的时候 有3000名美国人丧生 你们还记得我们当时的反应吗?
tragedy:n.悲惨的事;不幸;灾难;悲剧作品; response:n.响应;反应;回答;
It reverberated around the world, and will continue to reverberate through time. 其影响波及全球 而且会在很长时间内延续下去
reverberated:vt.使回响; vi.回响; adj.回响的;
It will be something that we talk about in 100 years. 这件事我们在今后的100年里都会提及
And yet on that same day, 1,100 Americans died from smoking. 但是就在同一天 1100名美国人死于吸烟
And the day after that, another 1,100 Americans died from smoking. 之后的一天内 又有1100名美国人死于吸烟
And every single day since then, 1,100 Americans have died, and today, 1,100 Americans are dying from cigarette smoking. 从那天起的每一天里 都有1100人死去 就在今天 仍有1100个美国人因为吸烟而丧命
And we aren't talking about it; we dismiss it. 但我们从来不讨论这件事 我们把它草草打发了
The tobacco lobby , it's too strong. 烟草公司的游说太强了
We just dismiss it out of our consciousness . 我们把吸烟的危害完全排除出意识之外
And knowing what we know about the destructive power of cigarettes, we continue to allow our children, our sons and daughters, to be in the presence of the influences that start them smoking. 即使我们知道香烟的巨大危害 我们仍然允许我们的孩子 儿子和女儿们 继续遭受吸烟的危害
destructive:adj.破坏的;毁灭性的;有害的,消极的; in the presence of:在…面前;有某人在场; influences:n.影响; v.影响;
And this is what the next piece is about. 接下来这一幅作品是
This is just lots and lots of cigarettes: 65,000 cigarettes, which is equal to the number of teenagers who will start smoking this month, and every month in the US. 很多很多香烟 总共6万5千支香烟 这个数字等同于这个月 以及每一个月在美国开始吸烟的青少年的数量
More than 700,000 children in the United States aged 18 and under begin smoking every year. 在美国 每年有超过70万18岁或更小的孩子 开始吸烟
One more strange epidemic in the United States that I want to acquaint you with is this phenomenon of abuse and misuse of prescription drugs. 在美国有另外一种更奇怪的 传染病“ 我想让你们了解一下 那就是滥用处方药的现象
epidemic:n.流行病;蔓延;adj.传染病;流行性的; acquaint:vt.使熟悉;使认识; abuse:n.滥用;虐待;辱骂;弊端;恶习,陋习;v.滥用;虐待;辱骂; misuse:vt.滥用;误用;虐待;n.滥用;误用;虐待; prescription:n.处方;药方;医生开的药;开处方;
This is an image I've made out of lots and lots of Vicodin -- well, actually I only had one Vicodin that I scanned lots and lots of times. 这幅作品里是很多很多的维柯丁 事实上 我只有一片维柯丁 我把它扫描了很多很多遍
(Laughter) (笑声)
And so as you stand back you see 213,000 Vicodin pills , which is the number of hospital emergency room visits yearly in the United States, attributable to abuse and misuse of prescription painkillers and anti-anxiety medications . 站远一点你可以看到这是21万3千片维柯丁 这个数量是美国每年 由于滥用和误用止痛药剂 和镇定药剂而导致的 医院的急诊人次
pills:n.药丸; v.起球; (pill的第三人称单数和复数) emergency room:n.急诊室; yearly:adj.每年的;adv.每年;一年一次;n.年刊;年鉴; attributable:adj.可归于…的;可归属的; painkillers:n.止痛药(painkiller的复数形式); anti-anxiety:抗焦虑; medications:n.药;药物;(medication的复数)
One-third of all drug overdoses in the U.S. -- and that includes cocaine , heroin , alcohol , everything -- one-third of drug overdoses are prescription medications. 在美国三分之一的药物过量 包括可卡因 海洛因 酒精 所有(你能想到的) 三分之一的药物过量都是处方药
overdoses:vt.配药过量; n.药量过多(等于overdosage); vi.服药过量; cocaine:n.[药]可卡因; heroin:n.[药][毒物]海洛因,吗啡; alcohol:n.酒精;乙醇;含酒精饮料;
A strange phenomenon. 这是个奇怪的现象
This is a piece that I just recently completed about another tragic phenomenon. And that is the phenomenon, this growing obsession we have with breast augmentation surgery. 这幅作品我近期才完成 是关于另一种可悲的现象 就是我们对隆胸手术越来越迷恋
tragic:adj.悲剧的;悲痛的,不幸的; obsession:n.痴迷;困扰;[内科][心理]强迫观念; augmentation:n.增加,增大;增加物;
384,000 women, American women, last year went in for elective breast augmentation surgery. 去年有38万4千名美国妇女 去做隆胸手术
It's rapidly becoming the most popular high school graduation gift, given to young girls who are about to go off to college. 这迅速成为最受欢迎的高中毕业礼物 送给那些即将步入大学的女孩子的礼物
are about to:眼看就要;即将;正要;行将;
So I made this image out of Barbie dolls, and so as you stand back you see this kind of floral pattern, and as you get all the way back, you see 32,000 Barbie dolls, 于是我用芭比娃娃创作了这幅作品 如果你站远点 会看到这种像花瓣一样的图案 如果你站到很远 你会看到3万2千个芭比娃娃
which represents the number of breast augmentation surgeries that are performed in the U.S. each month. 这等同于美国每个月做的 隆胸手术的数量
represents:v.代表;维护…的利益;相当于;(represent的第三人称单数) surgeries:n.外科手术(surgery复数); performed:v.表演;执行;履行;演出;工作,运转(好/不好)(perform的过去分词和过去式)
The vast majority of those are on women under the age of 21. 绝大部分是21岁以下的女性
majority:n.大部分:大多数:多数票:成年人: under the age of:在年龄之下;16岁以下;
And strangely enough, the only plastic surgery that is more popular than breast augmentation is liposuction , and most of that is being done by men. 更有趣的是 在所有整容手术中只有另外一种 比隆胸更受欢迎 那就是吸脂手术 而大部分接受吸脂手术的是男性
strangely:adv.奇怪地;奇妙地;不可思议地; plastic surgery:n.整形外科; liposuction:n.脂肪吸除手术;抽脂术;
Now, I want to emphasize that these are just examples. 现在我只想强调一点 之前这些仅仅是一些例子
I'm not holding these out as being the biggest issues . 我并不是要把它们作为最严重的问题特别提出来
They're just examples. 这些只是普普通通的例子
And the reason that I do this, it's because I have this fear that we aren't feeling enough as a culture right now. 我之所以要这样做 是因为我恐怕 我们并没有感觉到这就是我们现有的文化
There's this kind of anesthesia in America at the moment. 当今的美国社会对这些现象已经麻木不仁了
We've lost our sense of outrage , our anger and our grief about what's going on in our culture right now, what's going on in our country, the atrocities that are being committed in our names around the world. 我们已经丧失了愤慨 气愤和悲痛感 这些情感原本应该源于我们现有的种种文化现象 源于我们的国家里所发生的一切 源于以我们的名义在世界各地实施的暴行
outrage:n.愤怒,愤慨;暴行;侮辱;vt.凌辱,强奸;对…施暴行;激起愤怒; grief:n.悲痛;忧伤;不幸; atrocities:n.暴行(atrocity的复数);残忍; committed:adj.坚信的; v.做出错事; (commit的过去分词和过去式)
They've gone missing; these feelings have gone missing. 但是这些情感完全丧失了 完全丧失了
Our cultural joy, our national joy is nowhere to be seen. 我们的文化满足感我们的国家满足感完全看不到了
cultural:adj.与文化有关的;文化的;与艺术、文学、音乐等有关的; nowhere:v.无处; n.无处; adj.不存在的;
And one of the causes of this, I think, is that as each of us attempts to build this new kind of world view , this holoptical world view , this holographic image that we're all trying to create in our mind 我觉得原因之一就是 我们每个人都在试图建立所谓新型世界观 一种完全视觉的世界观 一种全息的形象 我们所有人都在努力建立这种观念
attempts:n.企图,试图;尝试(attempt的复数);v.试图;努力去做(attempt的三单形式); world view:n.世界观; holographic:adj.全息的;全部手写的;
of the inter-connection of things: the environmental footprints 1,000 miles away of the things that we buy; the social consequences 10,000 miles away of the daily decisions that we make as consumers . 这种事物内部的相互联系 比如我们购买的商品 在1000英里(约1600公里)以外产生的生态足印 或者是我们作为消费者做出的日常决定 对1万英里远(约1万6千公里)的地方产生的社会效应
footprints:n.脚印;足迹;空间量,面积;(通信卫星)覆盖区;(footprint的复数) consequences:n.后果,结果;影响(consequence的复数); consumers:n.消费者;顾客;用户;(consumer的复数)
As we try to build this view, and try to educate ourselves about the enormity of our culture, the information that we have to work with is these gigantic numbers: 当我们试图建立这种观念 试图让我们认识到我们文化的博大 我们需要处理这些天文数字的信息
enormity:n.巨大;暴行;极恶; gigantic:adj.巨大的,庞大的;
numbers in the millions, in the hundreds of millions, in the billions and now in the trillions . 这些数字是以百万 以亿为单位的 甚至是以十亿 以万亿为单位的
Bush's new budget is in the trillions, and these are numbers that our brain just doesn't have the ability to comprehend . 布什的新预算是万亿级的 这些数字 我们的大脑根本没有能力理解领会
budget:n.预算,预算费;v.安排,预定;把…编入预算;adj.廉价的; comprehend:v.理解;包含;由…组成;
We can't make meaning out of these enormous statistics . 我们搞不清楚这些天文数字意味着什么
enormous:adj.庞大的,巨大的;凶暴的,极恶的; statistics:n.统计数字;统计资料;统计学;(statistic的复数)
And so that's what I'm trying to do with my work, is to take these numbers, these statistics from the raw language of data, and to translate them into a more universal visual language, that can be felt. 这也是为什么我要创作这些作品 我要把这些数字和数据 从原始的数字资料翻译成 一种全人类都能理解的视觉语言 才能被我们感受到
translate:v.翻译;被翻译;被译成;(使)转变; universal:adj.普遍的;全体的;全世界的;共同的; visual:adj.视觉的,视力的;栩栩如生的;
Because my belief is, if we can feel these issues, if we can feel these things more deeply, then they'll matter to us more than they do now. 因为我相信如果我们能感受到这些问题 如果我们能更深刻地体会到这些问题 它们才会与我们更加密切相关
And if we can find that, then we'll be able to find within each one of us what it is that we need to find to face the big question, which is: How do we change? 如果我们能认识到这些问题 我们就能从每一个人自身找到答案 来面对这个最关键的问题 那就是:我们该如何改变?
That, to me, is the big question that we face as a people right now: 对我来说 这就是我们这个民族现在面临的最大的问题
How do we change? How do we change as a culture, and how do we each individually take responsibility for the one piece of the solution that we are in charge of , and that is our own behavior? 我们该如何改变?我们的文化该如何改变? 我们每一个人该如何负起责任? 对我们力所能及的每一点改变负责? 对我们自己的行为负责?
individually:adv.个别地,单独地; solution:n.解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答; in charge of:负责;主管;
My belief is that you don't have to make yourself bad to look at these issues. 我认为你在看待这些问题的时候 不必感到内疚或自责
I'm not pointing the finger at America in a blaming way. 我并不是在指责或责怪美国(文化)
I'm simply saying, this is who we are right now. 我只是在说 我们现在就是这个样子的
And if there are things that we see that we don't like about our culture, then we have a choice. 如果我们发现我们的文化中 有些东西是我们不喜欢的 那么我们还可以做出选择
The degree of integrity that each of us can bring to the surface, to bring to this question, the depth of character that we can summon as we show up for the question of how do we change. 当面对这个问题时 我们每一个人能坚持多少正直的良知? 当我们面对“该如何改变”这个问题时 我们究竟能在多大程度上保留本真?
integrity:n.完整;正直;诚实;廉正; summon:v.召唤;召集;鼓起;振作;
It's already defining us as individuals and as a nation, and it will continue to do that on into the future. 这正在定义着我们每一个人 定义着我们整个民族 这定义还将持续下去 直至未来
And it will profoundly affect the well-being , the quality of life, of the billions of people who are going to inherit the results of our decisions. 它会极大地影响数十亿人的福祉 和他们的生活质量 而他们要承受的正是我们今天做出的种种决定的后果
profoundly:adv.深刻地;深深地;极度地; well-being:n.幸福;康乐; inherit:v.继承;接替(责任等);继任;
I'm not speaking abstractly about this, 我并不是在抽象地谈这些问题
I'm speaking -- this is who we are in this room. 我是在说 在这个会堂里就座的我们 就是这个样子的
Right now in this moment. 就在此时 就在此刻
Thank you and good afternoon. 谢谢 祝大家今天下午愉快
(Applause) 掌声