

This is a lot of ones and zeros. 这里有很多1和0
It's what we call binary information. 就是所谓的二进制信息。
This is how computers talk. 这是电脑沟通的方式。
It's how they store information. 这是它们收集资料的方式。
It's how computers think. 这是电脑的思考方式。
It's how computers do everything it is that computers do. 这就是电脑的运作 会做的所有事情。
I'm a cybersecurity researcher, which means my job is to sit down with this information and try to make sense of it, to try to understand what all the ones and zeroes mean. 我是一个网路安全研究员, 我的工作就是研究该信息, 和把该信息弄清楚, 尝试去明白1和0的意思。
cybersecurity:网络安全;网络空间安全; make sense of:搞清…的意思;
Unfortunately for me, we're not just talking about the ones and zeros I have on the screen here. 不幸的是,我们不只讨论
We're not just talking about a few pages of ones and zeros. 我们不只是说着几页的1和0。
We're talking about billions and billions of ones and zeros, more than anyone could possibly comprehend . 我们说的是上亿个 1和0, 是超过任何人所能理解的。
Now, as exciting as that sounds, when I first started doing cyber — when I first started doing cyber, I wasn't sure that sifting through ones and zeros was what I wanted to do with the rest of my life, because in my mind, cyber was keeping viruses off of my grandma's computer, 现在,令人感兴趣的是 当我刚开始做网路 当我刚开始做网路, 我并不确定 探讨1和0 是我一辈子想做的事。 因为在我的脑海里,网路是在 防止病毒侵略我奶奶的??电脑,
it was keeping people's Myspace pages from being hacked , and maybe, maybe on my most glorious day, it was keeping someone's credit card information from being stolen. 防止Myspace的网页被骇客入侵, 也许在我最辉煌的日子, 它防止人们的信用卡资料被盗用。
Myspace:"我的空间",美国在线社交网站名称; hacked:v.砍;劈;猛踢;非法侵入(hack的过去分词和过去式) glorious:adj.光荣的;辉煌的;极好的; credit card:n.[经]信用卡;
Those are important things, but that's not how I wanted to spend my life. 这些都是重要的因素, 但这不是我想度过我人生的方式。
But after 30 minutes of work as a defense contractor , 但工作三十分钟之后 作为一名国防承包商,
I soon found out that my idea of cyber was a little bit off. 我开始发现我的网路概念 有点不对劲。
In fact, in terms of national security, keeping viruses off of my grandma's computer was surprisingly low on their priority list. 事实上,在国防眼里, 防止病毒侵略我奶奶的??电脑 在他们的列表里实在不重要。
surprisingly:adv.令人惊讶地;出乎意料地 priority:n.优先;优先权;[数]优先次序;优先考虑的事;
And the reason for that is cyber is so much bigger than any one of those things. 原因是网路 比任何上述事件还来得大。
Cyber is an integral part of all of our lives, because computers are an integral part of all of our lives, even if you don't own a computer. 网路是我们生活中不可或缺的东西, 因为电脑是我们生活中不可或缺的东西 就算你没拥有电脑。
Computers control everything in your car, from your GPS to your airbags . 电脑掌控你车上的一切, 从全球定位系统到安全气囊,
They control your phone. 它控制你的电话。
They're the reason you can call 911 and get someone on the other line. 你之所以能拨911 与别人连线都因为它。
They control our nation's entire infrastructure . 它掌控了国家的整个基础建设,
They're the reason you have electricity , heat, clean water, food. 之所以你能使用电, 使用热能、饮用水、食物,
Computers control our military equipment, everything from missile silos to satellites to nuclear defense networks. 电脑也掌控了军用设备, 从飞弹基地到卫星 一直到核能防御系统,
military:adj.军事的;军人的;适于战争的;n.军队;军人; missile:n.导弹;发射物;投掷物; silos:n.筒仓;粮仓;贮仓(silo的复数); nuclear:adj.原子能的;[细胞]细胞核的;中心的;原子核的;
All of these things are made possible because of computers, and therefore because of cyber, and when something goes wrong, cyber can make all of these things impossible. 上述所有事情的运作 都依赖着电脑, 所以网路极为重要 当其中一个环节出错, 网路也能使所有事情无法运作。
But that's where I step in. 但这就是我踏进网路世界的地方。
A big part of my job is defending all of these things, keeping them working, but once in a while , part of my job is to break one of these things, because cyber isn't just about defense, it's also about offense . 我工作的主要任务是保护全部的东西, 确保它们能运作, 但有些时候,我需要破坏其中的一些东西, 因为网路不光只有保护, 它也包括破坏。
once in a while:偶尔;有时; offense:n.犯罪,过错;进攻;触怒;引起反感的事物;
We're entering an age where we talk about cyberweapons. 我们现在来到了 网路武器的时代。
In fact, so great is the potential for cyber offense that cyber is considered a new domain of warfare . 事实上,讶异的是网路武器 的范畴已经扩大到了战争的地步。
potential:n.潜能;可能性;[电]电势;adj.潜在的;可能的;势的; domain:n.领域;域名;产业;地产; warfare:n.战争;冲突;
Warfare. 战争。
It's not necessarily a bad thing. 它不一定是坏事。
On the one hand , it means we have whole new front on which we need to defend ourselves, but on the other hand , it means we have a whole new way to attack, a whole new way to stop evil people from doing evil things. 在一方面,它意味着我们需要有 全新的战线来保护自己, 但另一方面, 也表示我们有一种全新的攻击方式, 全新的办法来阻止邪恶的人 做邪恶的事情。
On the one hand:一方面; on the other hand:另一方面; evil:adj.邪恶的;不幸的;有害的;讨厌的;n.罪恶,邪恶;不幸;
So let's consider an example of this that's completely theoretical . 让我们用完全理论的例子 来考虑这一点。
Suppose a terrorist wants to blow up a building, and he wants to do this again and again in the future. 假设恐怖分子要炸毁一座建筑物, 他想在未来一次又一次的 做到这一点。
Suppose:v.推断:假定:假设:设想: again and again:adv.再三地,反复地;
So he doesn't want to be in that building when it explodes . 所以在该建筑物爆炸时他并不想在场。
He's going to use a cell phone as a remote detonator . 他会使用手机 作为遥控引爆。
remote:adj.偏远的;偏僻的;遥远的;久远的; detonator:n.雷管;炸药;导火索;
Now, it used to be the only way we had to stop this terrorist was with a hail of bullets and a car chase, but that's not necessarily true anymore. 以往, 唯一制止 这种恐怖份子, 便是我们必须枪林弹雨和汽车追逐, 但现在这未必需要了。
hail:n.冰雹; v.致敬; bullets:n.子弹;弹丸;(bullet的复数)
We're entering an age where we can stop him with the press of a button from 1,000 miles away, because whether he knew it or not, as soon as he decided to use his cell phone, he stepped into the realm of cyber. 我们正在进入这样的一个时代, 按一个钮阻止他 从1000英里外, 因为无论他知道与否, 只要他决定用他的手机, 他便走进网路的领域。
as soon as:一…就; realm:n.领域,范围;王国;
A well-crafted cyber attack could break into his phone, disable the overvoltage protections on his battery , drastically overload the circuit , cause the battery to overheat , and explode. 一个精心制作的网路攻击可以侵略他的手机, 对他的电池禁用过压保护, 大幅度的电路超载, 导致电池过热和爆炸。
disable:vt.使失去能力;使残废;使无资格; battery:n.[电]电池,蓄电池;n.[法]殴打;n.[军]炮台,炮位; drastically:adv.彻底地;激烈地; overload:vt.超载,超过负荷;n.超载;负荷过多; circuit:n.环行路线;电路;线路;巡回赛;v.巡回;周游; overheat:vi.过热;愤怒起来;vt.使过热;使愤怒;n.过热;激烈;
No more phone, no more detonator, maybe no more terrorist, all with the press of a button from a thousand miles away. 没有手机,没有引爆器, 也许恐怖分子都没了, 按一个按钮 全都是千里之外。
So how does this work? 那么这是如何运作呢?
It all comes back to those ones and zeros. 这一切都回到那些1和0。
Binary information makes your phone work, and used correctly, it can make your phone explode. 二进制信息使你的手机的运作, 正确使用它,可以让你的手机爆炸。
So when you start to look at cyber from this perspective , spending your life sifting through binary information starts to seem kind of exciting. 因此,当你开始从这个角度来看网路, 筛选二进制信息过生活 开始似乎有点剌激。
But here's the catch: This is hard, really, really hard, and here's why. 但这里才是大问题:这是很艰苦的, 真的,真的很艰苦, 原因如下。
Think about everything you have on your cell phone. 想想你在手机里拥有的一切。
You've got the pictures you've taken. 你拥有你所拍摄的照片。
You've got the music you listen to. 你拥有你听的音乐。
You've got your contacts list, your email, and probably 500 apps you've never used in your entire life, and behind all of this is the software, the code, that controls your phone, and somewhere, buried inside of that code, is a tiny piece that controls your battery, and that's what I'm really after, but all of this, just a bunch of ones and zeros, and it's all just mixed together. 你拥有你的联络人清单, 你的电子邮件,大概500个应用程序, 你在这一生从来没有用过, 这背后的一切是软体,代码, 控制你的手机, 在某一处,埋藏里面的代码, 是控制你电池的一小片, 那就是我真正找的东西, 但这一切,只是一堆1和0, 而这全部都混在一起。
contacts:v.联系,联络;(contact的第三人称单数) a bunch of:一群;一束;一堆;
In cyber, we call this finding a needle in a stack of needles , because everything pretty much looks alike. 在网路中,我们称这是在一堆针里找出一支针, 因为所有东西都非常相似。
stack:n.堆栈;一摞;大量;许多;v.(使)放成整齐的一叠(或一摞,一堆); needles:n.针数,千针本;[印刷]折页顶针(needle复数形式);
I'm looking for one key piece, but it just blends in with everything else. 我在寻找关键的一块, 但它混在其中。
blends:n.混纺,混纺纤维; vt.使交融(blend的三单形式); vi.[天]混合,混杂;
So let's step back from this theoretical situation of making a terrorist's phone explode, and look at something that actually happened to me. 让我们退后一步 走出制造恐怖手机爆炸这类理论的情况, 看看真实发生在我身上的事。
Pretty much no matter what I do, my job always starts with sitting down with a whole bunch of binary information, and I'm always looking for one key piece to do something specific . 几乎不管我做什么, 我的工作总是坐下来 从一大堆的二进制信息, 一直做一些具体的事情 寻找一个关键的部分。
no matter what:不管什么…; specific:adj.特殊的,特定的;明确的;详细的;[药]具有特效的;n.特性;细节;特效药;
In this case, I was looking for a very advanced , very high-tech piece of code that I knew I could hack, but it was somewhere buried inside of a billion ones and zeroes. 在这种情况下,我要寻找一种非常先进, 非常高科技的一行代码, 我知道我能破解的代码, 但它埋藏在 十亿个1和0的内部的某处。
advanced:adj.先进的; v.前进; (advance的过去式和过去分词形式) high-tech:adj.高科技的,高技术的;仿真技术的;n.高科技;
Unfortunately for me, I didn't know quite what I was looking for. 不幸的是,我不知道 我究竟在找什么。
I didn't know quite what it would look like, which makes finding it really, really hard. 我不知道它看起来像什么, 这使得要发现它真的,真的很辛苦。
When I have to do that, what I have to do is basically look at various pieces of this binary information, try to decipher each piece, and see if it might be what I'm after. 当我这样做, 我基本上是要看 各种二进制信息, 尝试破解每一行信息,看看这是否 是我要找的。
basically:adv.主要地,基本上; decipher:n.密电译文;v.解释;
So after a while, I thought I had found the piece 过了一段时间后,我想我已经找到了
I was looking for. 一直在寻找的那一块。
I thought maybe this was it. 我想这也许是它。
It seemed to be about right, but I couldn't quite tell. 这似乎是对的,但我也不太肯定。
I couldn't tell what those ones and zeros represented . 我不知道这些1和0代表什么。
represented:v.代表; (represent的过去式和过去分词)
So I spent some time trying to put this together, but wasn't having a whole lot of luck, and finally I decided, 所以我花了一些时间,试图把它解决, 但没运气, 最后我决定,
I'm going to get through this, 我要克服它,
I'm going to come in on a weekend, and I'm not going to leave until I figure out what this represents . 我要在一个周末回来, 我要搞清楚这代表什么 才会离开。
So that's what I did. I came in on a Saturday morning, and about 10 hours in, I sort of had all the pieces to the puzzle . 我就这样做。我在一个星期六的早晨, 花约10小时,点滴汇集所有资料。
I just didn't know how they fit together. 我只是不知道它们是如何结合在一起的。
I didn't know what these ones and zeros meant. 我不知道这些1和0的意思。
At the 15-hour mark, 整整历经15小时,
I started to get a better picture of what was there, but I had a creeping suspicion that what I was looking at was not at all related to what I was looking for. 我开始更了解什么在那里, 但我心存疑虑 我一直在整理的资料 实际上与我要找的无关。
creeping:adj.爬行的; n.爬行; v.爬行; (creep的现在分词); suspicion:n.怀疑;嫌疑;疑心;一点儿;v.怀疑; not at all:毫无;一点也不;不用谢;
By 20 hours, the pieces started to come together and I was pretty sure I was going down the wrong path at this point, but I wasn't going to give up. 20小时后,进度开始 我敢肯定 我走错路, 但我不会放弃。
After 30 hours in the lab, 在实验室30小时后,
I figured out exactly what I was looking at, and I was right, it wasn't what I was looking for. 我明白我一直在整理的是什么, 事实证明,我是对的,这并不是我所期待的。
I spent 30 hours piecing together the ones and zeros that formed a picture of a kitten. 我花了30小时拼凑 这些1和0, 形成一张小猫的照片。
(Laughter) (笑声)
I wasted 30 hours of my life searching for this kitten that had nothing at all to do with what I was trying to accomplish . 我浪费我生命中30小时寻找这只小猫, 跟我试图 完成的任务无关。
So I was frustrated , I was exhausted . 我很沮丧,我精疲力竭。
frustrated:adj.失意的,挫败的;泄气的;v.挫败;阻挠;(frustrate的过去式和过去分词) exhausted:adj.筋疲力尽的; v.使筋疲力尽; (exhaust的过去分词和过去式)
After 30 hours in the lab, I probably smelled horrible . 30小时在实验室后,我闻起来可能满身汗臭。
But instead of just going home and calling it quits , I took a step back and asked myself, what went wrong here? 但我没有放弃而回家, 问自己,哪里出了问题呢?
How could I make such a stupid mistake? 我怎么会犯这样一个愚蠢的错误?
I'm really pretty good at this. 我在这方面很能干。
I do this for a living. 我靠这个谋生。
So what happened? 到底发生什么事?
Well I thought, when you're looking at information at this level, it's so easy to lose track of what you're doing. 嗯,我想,当你在这个层面上看信息, 是很容易迷失轨迹的。
lose track of:失去联系;不能跟上…的发展;
It's easy to not see the forest through the trees. 当你在树林之中是不容易见到森林的。
It's easy to go down the wrong rabbit hole and waste a tremendous amount of time doing the wrong thing. 很容易走进错误的兔子洞, 而浪费大量时间 做着错误的事情。
But I had this epiphany . 不过,我有这个顿悟。
We were looking at the data completely incorrectly since day one. 我们从第一天开始已经 完全不正确地看数据。
This is how computers think, ones and zeros. 电脑就是这样思考的,1和0。
It's not how people think, but we've been trying to adapt our minds to think more like computers so that we can understand this information. 这不是人的思考方式, 但我们一直在努力地适应我们的头脑 像电脑一样思考, 这样我们就可以理解这些信息。
Instead of trying to make our minds fit the problem, we should have been making the problem fit our minds, because our brains have a tremendous potential for analyzing huge amounts of information, just not like this. 我们不应该试图让头脑适应问题, 而是应该使问题 符合我们的头脑, 因为大脑有着巨大的潜力 分析大量的信息, 但不是这样。
So what if we could unlock that potential just by translating this to the right kind of information? 如果我们能够将这类信息 做正确的翻译 而发掘潜能呢?
what if:如果…怎么办?
So with these ideas in mind, 抱着这些想法,
I sprinted out of my basement lab at work to my basement lab at home, which looked pretty much the same. 我从工作的地下室实验室 冲到了我家里的实验室, 实际上看起来几乎是一样。
The main difference is, at work, 主要的区别是,在工作时,
I'm surrounded by cyber materials, and cyber seemed to be the problem in this situation. 我被网路上的材料包围, 而这种情况下网路似乎是一个问题。
At home, I'm surrounded by everything else I've ever learned. 在家里,我却是被我所学到一切包围。
So I poured through every book I could find, every idea I'd ever encountered , to see how could we translate a problem from one domain to something completely different? 所以,我翻遍每一本我能找到的书, 每一个我曾有过的想法, 看看我们如何才能将问题转域 换到完全不同的东西?
poured:v.使(液体)连续流出;倾倒;倒出;喷发;(pour的过去分词和过去式) encountered:v.遭遇,遇到;偶然碰到;意外地遇见;(encounter的过去分词和过去式) translate:v.翻译;被翻译;被译成;(使)转变;
The biggest question was, what do we want to translate it to? 最大的问题是, 我们想将它翻译成什么?
What do our brains do perfectly naturally that we could exploit ? 有什么是我们的大脑 能够自然的利用?
naturally:adv.自然地;自然而然地;轻而易举;天生地;大方地; exploit:v.利用…为自己谋利;剥削;压榨;运用;发挥;
My answer was vision . 我的答案是视像。
We have a tremendous capability to analyze visual information. 我们有巨大的能力来分析视觉信息。
capability:n.才能,能力;性能,容量; analyze:v.对…进行分析,分解(等于analyse); visual:adj.视觉的,视力的;栩栩如生的;
We can combine color gradients , depth cues , all sorts of these different signals into one coherent picture of the world around us. 我们可以将颜色色层,深度线索, 这些种种不同的信号到我们周围的世界 成为一个连贯的画面。
gradients:n.渐变,[数][物]梯度(gradient复数形式); cues:n.开端,线索;提示,关键;球杆;诱因(cue的复数形式); coherent:adj.连贯的,一致的;明了的;清晰的;凝聚性的;互相耦合的;粘在一起的;
That's incredible . 实在是难以置信。
So if we could find a way to translate these binary patterns to visual signals, we could really unlock the power of our brains to process this stuff . 因此,如果我们能找到一种方法 把这些二进制模式转换为视觉信号, 我们才能真正解开我们的大脑功能 来处理这些东西。
process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的; stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本:
So I started looking at the binary information, and I asked myself, what do I do when I first encounter something like this? 于是我开始看看这些二进制信息, 我问自己,当我第一次 遇到这样的事情我会怎么办?
And the very first thing I want to do, the very first question I want to answer, is what is this? 我想要做的第一件事, 我要回答的第一个问题的是, 这是什么?
I don't care what it does, how it works. 我不在乎它做什么,它是如何运作。
All I want to know is, what is this? 我所想知道的是,它是什么?
And the way I can figure that out is by looking at chunks , sequential chunks of binary information, and I look at the relationships between those chunks. 我从观察一部分信号 便可以明白这一点, 二进制信息中的序列部分, 我观察着那些数据部分之间的关系。
chunks:n.厚块;大块;相当大的量;组块;(chunk的复数) sequential:adj.连续的;相继的;有顺序的;
When I gather up enough of these sequences , 当我收集够这些序,
I begin to get an idea of exactly what this information must be. 我开始得到信息 意向的头绪。
So let's go back to that blow up the terrorist's phone situation. 让我们回到那个 炸毁恐怖分子电话的情境。
This is what English text looks like at a binary level. 在二进制级别英文文字 看起来是像这样。
This is what your contacts list would look like if I were examining it. 你的联络人清单是像这样, 如果我研究它的话。
It's really hard to analyze this at this level, but if we take those same binary chunks that I would be trying to find, and instead translate that to a visual representation , translate those relationships, this is what we get. 这看起来真的很难分析, 但如果我们采取这些相同的 二进制数据部分, 而将它 翻译成视像, 翻译这些关系, 这就是我们能够得到的东西。
This is what English text looks like from a visual abstraction perspective. 英文文字从视觉抽象的观点 看起来便是这样。
All of a sudden , it shows us all the same information that was in the ones and zeros, but show us it in an entirely different way, a way that we can immediately comprehend. 突然间, 它向我们展示 所有1和0相同的信息, 但以一种完全不同的方式, 一种我们就可以立刻理解的方式。
All of a sudden:突然地,出乎意料地; all the same:仍然:依然:照样:
We can instantly see all of the patterns here. 我们在这里可以即时看到所有的模式。
It takes me seconds to pick out patterns here, but hours, days, to pick them out in ones and zeros. 我花了几秒便挑出在这里的图案, 但从1和0之间 就要数个小时,数天。
It takes minutes for anybody to learn what these patterns represent here, but years of experience in cyber to learn what those same patterns represent in ones and zeros. 这只需要几分钟人们便能看到 这里代表的这些图案, 但要从1和0之间看到 便需要多年的 网路经验。
So this piece is caused by lower case letters followed by lower case letters inside of that contact list. 这部分是 联络人清单里面由小写字母 后跟着小写字母所致。
lower case:adj.小写字母的;
This is upper case by upper case, upper case by lower case, lower case by upper case. 这是由大写跟着大写, 小写跟着大写,大写跟着小写。
upper case:n.大写;adj.大写字母的;vt.以大写字印刷;
This is caused by spaces. This is caused by carriage returns. 这部分是空格所致。这部分归位键是所致。
We can go through every little detail of the binary information in seconds, as opposed to weeks, months, at this level. 这样, 我们可以在几秒钟内 剖析二进制信息的每个小细节, 而不是这个阶段的几个星期,几个月。
opposed:adj.强烈反对; v.反对(计划、政策等); (oppose的过去分词和过去式)
This is what an image looks like from your cell phone. 这就是你手机的
But this is what it looks like in a visual abstraction. 但这是看起来的 视觉抽象。
This is what your music looks like, but here's its visual abstraction. 这就是你音乐的样子, 但这是它的视觉抽象。
Most importantly for me, this is what the code on your cell phone looks like. 对我来说更重要的是, 这就是你手机上代码的视觉抽象。
This is what I'm after in the end, but this is its visual abstraction. 这就是我的目的, 它的视觉抽象。
If I can find this, I can't make the phone explode. 如果我找不到这一点,我便不能让手机发生爆炸。
I could spend weeks trying to find this in ones and zeros, but it takes me seconds to pick out a visual abstraction like this. 我可以花几个星期 在这些在1和0上 但只需要几秒 便能挑出一个视觉的抽象。
One of those most remarkable parts about all of this is it gives us an entirely new way to understand new information, stuff that we haven't seen before. 在这一切中一个最显着的收获 是我们有着一种全新的方式 来了解新的信息,以前从未见过的方式。
So I know what English looks like at a binary level, and I know what its visual abstraction looks like, but I've never seen Russian binary in my entire life. 现在我知道在二进制层次的英文是什么模样, 而我知道它的视觉抽象模样, 但我从来没有见过俄罗斯文的二进制。
It would take me weeks just to figure out what I was looking at from raw ones and zeros, but because our brains can instantly pick up and recognize these subtle patterns inside of these visual abstractions , we can unconsciously apply those in new situations. 我得花几个星期弄清楚 从原始码1和0,我看到什么。 但因为我们的大脑可以 立即接收这些视觉抽象 内部的细微图案, 我们可以不自觉地 应用在这些新的情况。
recognize:v.认识;认出;辨别出;承认;意识到; subtle:adj.微妙的;精细的;敏感的;狡猾的;稀薄的; abstractions:n.抽象;出神;心神专注;提取;分离;(abstraction的复数) unconsciously:adv.不知不觉;无意识地; apply:v.申请;涂,敷;应用;适用;请求;
So this is what Russian looks like in a visual abstraction. 这就是俄罗斯文 看起来的视化抽象。
Because I know what one language looks like, 因为我知道一种语言的样子,
I can recognize other languages even when I'm not familiar with them. 我可以识别其他语言, 即使我不熟悉那些语言。
This is what a photograph looks like, but this is what clip art looks like. 这就是照片的样子, 但是这是剪贴画的样子。
This is what the code on your phone looks like, but this is what the code on your computer looks like. 这是你手机上代码看起来像的样子, 但这是在你电脑上的代码的样子。
Our brains can pick up on these patterns in ways that we never could have from looking at raw ones and zeros. 我们的大脑可以 看得到 在1和0中看不到的模式。
pick up on:注意到;了解;领悟;熟悉起来;
But we've really only scratched the surface of what we can do with this approach . 但我所提所的只是 这个方法潜力的开端。
scratched:adj.受抓损的;有刮痕;v.抓;搔;(scratch的过去式及过去分词) approach:n.方法;路径;v.接近;建议;着手处理;
We've only begun to unlock the capabilities of our minds to process visual information. 我们才刚刚开始解开 我们思想的能力来处理视觉信息。
If we take those same concepts and translate them into three dimensions instead, we find entirely new ways of making sense of information. 如果我们把这些相同的概念, 并将其转化为三维, 我们会发现信息意识的全新方式。
In seconds, we can pick out every pattern here. 在几秒钟内,我们可以挑出这里每个图案。
we can see the cross associated with code. 我们可以看到与代码相关联的交叉。
associated:adj.有关联的; v.联想; (associate的过去分词和过去式)
We can see cubes associated with text. 我们可以看到与文字相关的立方体。
cubes:n.[数]立方体,数据库(cube的复数形式); v.使成立方形(cube的第三人称单数形式);
We can even pick up the tiniest visual artifacts . 我们甚至可以看到最小的视觉物象。
Things that would take us weeks, months to find in ones and zeroes, are immediately apparent in some sort of visual abstraction, and as we continue to go through this and throw more and more information at it, what we find is that we're capable of processing billions of ones and zeros in a matter of seconds just by using our brain's built-in ability to analyze patterns. 0和1的事情使我们花上几个星期, 几个月才找到, 在某种视觉抽象 便立刻显现出来, 我们继续通过这方法, 添上越来越多信息, 我们发现的是 在几秒之内 我们能够处理数十亿的1和0 仅仅使用我们大脑的 内置分析模式的能力。
apparent:adj.显然的;表面上的; capable:adj.能干的,能胜任的;有才华的; processing:v.加工;处理;审核;数据处理;v.列队行进;缓缓前进;(process的现在分词) built-in:adj.嵌入的;固定的;n.内置;
So this is really nice and helpful, but all this tells me is what I'm looking at. 这是非常好的,有益的, 但这一切告诉我真正想知道的。
So at this point, based on visual patterns, 在这一刻, 在视觉模式的基础上,
I can find the code on the phone. 我能在手机上找到代码。
But that's not enough to blow up a battery. 但这还不足以炸毁电池。
The next thing I need to find is the code that controls the battery, but we're back to the needle in a stack of needles problem. 接下来我需要找到的是 控制电池的代码,但我们又回到 一堆针里找一支针的问题。
That code looks pretty much like all the other code on that system. 这些代码看起来非常像该系统上的 所有其它代码。
So I might not be able to find the code that controls the battery, but there's a lot of things that are very similar to that. 所以我可能根本无法找到控制电池的代码, 但有很多东西都是非常相似的。
You have code that controls your screen, that controls your buttons, that controls your microphones , so even if I can't find the code for the battery, 你有控制屏幕的代码, 控制你的按钮,控制你的麦克风, 所以即使我无法找到电池的代码,
I bet I can find one of those things. 我打赌我能找到那其中一件。
So the next step in my binary analysis process is to look at pieces of information that are similar to each other. 所以我在二进制分析过程的下一个步骤 便是要看看 彼此相似的信息片段。
It's really, really hard to do at a binary level, but if we translate those similarities to a visual abstraction instead, 这在二进位级别中,真的,真的很难做到, 但如果我们把这些相似之处视觉化,
I don't even have to sift through the raw data. 我甚至不须经过筛选原始的数据。
All I have to do is wait for the image to light up to see when I'm at similar pieces. 我所要做的就是等待 看到同类片段图像亮起来。
I follow these strands of similarity like a trail of bread crumbs to find exactly what I'm looking for. 我按照这些相似性像面包屑的线索, 寻找我要找的东西。
strands:n.线; v.搁浅; similarity:n.类似;相似点; trail:v.(被)拖,拉;疲惫地走,磨蹭;落后,失败;n.痕迹;踪迹;小路;路线; crumbs:v.捏碎;裹上面包屑(用油煎);n.食物碎屑;一点;(crumb的第三人称单数和复数)
So at this point in the process, 在过程中的这一阶段,
I've located the code responsible for controlling your battery, but that's still not enough to blow up a phone. 我已经找到 负责控制电池的代码, 但仍不足以炸毁电话。
located:adj.位于; v.确定…的准确地点; (locate的过去分词和过去式) responsible:adj.负责的,可靠的;有责任的;
The last piece of the puzzle is understanding how that code controls your battery. 最后一块拼图便是要 理解这些代码 如何控制你的电池。
For this, I need to identify very subtle, very detailed relationships within that binary information, another very hard thing to do when looking at ones and zeros. 对于这一点,我需要 在二进制信息内确定很微妙, 很详细的关系, 当看着1和0 是另外一个很困难的事。
But if we translate that information into a physical representation, we can sit back and let our visual cortex do all the hard work. 但是如果我们把这些信息 表现成视觉, 我们可以坐下来,让我们的视力展其所能。
physical:adj.[物]物理的;身体的;物质的;符合自然法则的;n.体格检查; cortex:n.[解剖]皮质;树皮;果皮;
It can find all the detailed patterns, all the important pieces, for us. 它可以替我们找到详细的模式, 所有的重要部分。
It can find out exactly how the pieces of that code work together to control that battery. 它可以找出代码究竟 是如何拼在一起运作,以控制电池。
All of this can be done in a matter of hours, whereas the same process would have taken months in the past. 这一切都可以在几个小时内就完成, 而以往同样的过程 则要花上几个月。
This is all well and good in a theoretical blow up a terrorist's phone situation. 在打击恐怖分子电话情况的理论上, 这是一个非常不错的主意。
I wanted to find out if this would really work in the work I do every day. 我想看看这在每天的工作上 是否真的有用。
So I was playing around with these same concepts with some of the data I've looked at in the past, and yet again, I was trying to find a very detailed, specific piece of code inside of a massive piece of binary information. 所以我运用这些概念, 于一些我以前看过的数据, 再次的,我要从 大规模的二进制信息内, 试图找到一些非常详细的、特定的代码片段。
So I looked at it at this level, thinking I was looking at the right thing, only to see this doesn't have the connectivity I would have expected for the code I was looking for. 当我在这个层面上看, 我以为一直在 看着正确的事情, 只看到这个我原本期望的代码 没有连结性。
In fact, I'm not really sure what this is, but when I stepped back a level and looked at the similarities within the code 事实上我真的不知道这是什么, 但当我向后退了几步, 看着我看到
I saw, this doesn't have similarities like any code that exists out there. 代码中的相似性, 根本不像现存任的何代码。
I can't even be looking at code. 我看到的甚至不是代码。
In fact, from this perspective, 事实上,从这个角度来说,
I could tell, this isn't code. 我看得出来,这不是代码。
This is an image of some sort. 这是某种类型的图像。
And from here, I can see, it's not just an image, this is a photograph. 从这里,我可以看到, 它不只是一个图像,这是一张照片。
Now that I know it's a photograph, 现在我知道这是一张照片,
I've got dozens of other binary translation techniques to visualize and understand that information, so in a matter of seconds, we can take this information, 我有其他几十个二进制翻译技术, 可视化和理解这些信息, 所以在几秒钟之内,我们就可以利用这信息,
techniques:n.技巧;技艺;工艺;技术;(technique的复数) visualize:vt.形象,形象化;想像,设想;vi.显现;
shove it through a dozen other visual translation techniques in order to find out exactly what we were looking at. 通过其他的视觉转换技术, 以找出我们所期待的。
it was that darn kitten again. 又是那该死的小猫。
All this is enabled because we were able to find a way to translate a very hard problem to something our brains do very naturally. 这一切都是因为 我们能够找到一种方法, 将一个非常困难的问题, 换转成我们大脑非常自然能做的东西。
So what does this mean? 这意味着呢?
Well, for kittens, it means no more hiding in ones and zeros. 嗯,对于小猫, 在1和0里再没法躲起来。
For me, it means no more wasted weekends. 对于我来说,这意味着不再要浪费周末。
For cyber, it means we have a radical new way to tackle the most impossible problems. 对于网路,这意味着我们有一种全新的方式 来解决最不可能的问题。
radical:n.自由基;激进分子;游离基;adj.根本的;彻底的;完全的;全新的; tackle:v.处理; n.用具;
It means we have a new weapon in the evolving theater of cyber warfare, but for all of us, it means that cyber engineers now have the ability to become first responders in emergency situations. 这意味着我们在不断发展的 网路战有新的武器, 但对我们所有人来说, 这意味着网路??工程师 现在在紧急情况下有能力成为 一线救援人员。
evolving:v.(使)逐渐形成,逐渐演变;进化形成;(evolve的现在分词) responders:n.响应器;回答者;(responder的复数) emergency:n.紧急情况;突发事件;非常时刻;adj.紧急的;备用的;
When seconds count, we've unlocked the means to stop the bad guys. 当分秒必争时, 我们有能力解开停止坏人的手段。
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)