

I started Improv Everywhere about 10 years ago when I moved to New York City with an interest in acting and comedy . 大约十年前我创立了“随处即兴” 当时我刚搬到纽约,对表演和喜剧充满兴趣
Improv:n.即兴表演;adj.即兴的(等于impro); comedy:n.喜剧;喜剧性;有趣的事情;
Because I was new to the city, I didn't have access to a stage, so I decided to create my own in public places. 初来乍到的缘故我找不到舞台落脚 于是我决定把公共场所变成我的大舞台
So the first project we're going to take a look at is the very first No Pants Subway Ride. 策划的第一个活动就是 “首届不穿裤子乘地铁”
take a look at:看一看;检查;
Now this took place in January of 2002. 那是在2002年1月
And this woman is the star of the video. 这位女士就是女主角
She doesn't know she's being filmed. 她不知道自己被拍摄
She's being filmed with a hidden camera. 一个隐蔽摄像头纪录了这一切
This is on the 6 train in New York City. 这是纽约地铁6号线
And this is the first stop along the line. 这是这条线的第一站
These are two Danish guys who come out and sit down next to the hidden camera. 两个丹麦人上来了 他们坐到了隐蔽摄像头的旁边
And that's me right there in a brown coat. 穿着咖啡色外套的就是我
It's about 30 degrees outside. 当时室外温度大概是零下一度
I'm wearing a hat. I'm wearing a scarf. 我戴着帽子和围巾
And the girl's going to notice me right here. 她马上就注意到我
(Laughter) (笑声)
And as you'll see now, I'm not wearing pants. 而我没穿裤子
(Laughter) (笑声)
So at this point -- at this point she's noticed me, but in New York there's weirdos on any given train car. 现在 她注意到我了 但是在纽约地铁里的怪人随处可见
One person's not that unusual. 一个人没有什么稀奇的
She goes back to reading her book, which is unfortunately titled " Rape ." 她继续看书,巧得很书名叫《强奸》
unfortunately:adv.不幸地; Rape:n.强奸罪;强奸案;v.强奸;强暴;
(Laughter) (笑声)
So she's noticed the unusual thing, but she's gone back to her normal life. 她注意到奇怪的事 但很快恢复常态
Now in the meantime , I have six friends who are waiting at the next six consecutive stops in their underwear as well. 就在这个时候 我的6个朋友 再接下来的6个站等着 他们都没穿裤子
in the meantime:在此期间;于此际; consecutive:adj.连贯的;连续不断的;
They're going to be entering this car one by one . 他们将一个接一个进来
one by one:一个接一个;
We'll act as though we don't know each other. 我们装作相互不认识
And we'll act as if it's just an unfortunate mistake we've made, forgetting our pants on this cold January day. 我们都装作 只是碰巧在这寒冬腊月 都忘了穿裤子
(Laughter) (笑声)
So at this point, she decides to put the rape book away. 现在 她把书合上
(Laughter) (笑声)
And she decides to be a little bit more aware of her surroundings . 决定看看到底是怎么一回事
Now in the meantime, the two Danish guys to the left of the camera, they're cracking up. 这时候摄像头旁的两名丹麦男子 已经乐不可支了
They think this is the funniest thing they've ever seen before. 他们觉得这是世界上最搞笑的事情
And watch her make eye contact with them right about now. 你看她在跟他们示意
(Laughter) (笑声)
And I love that moment in this video, because before it became a shared experience, it was something that was maybe a little bit scary, or something that was at least confusing to her. 我最喜欢视频里这一刻 因为这成为一个共同经历 这事有点吓人 有点让人摸不着头脑
confusing:adj.令人困惑; v.使糊涂; (confuse的现在分词)
And then once it became a shared experience, it was funny and something that she could laugh at. 但是一旦她与别人交流了 我就变成一个搞笑滑稽的主体
So the train is now pulling into the third stop along the 6 line. 现在到了 6号线第三站
(Laughter) (笑声)
So the video won't show everything. 这个视频不是全部
This goes on for another four stops. 接下来还有四站
A total of seven guys enter anonymously in their underwear. 7个没穿裤子的男人陆续上车
At the eighth stop, a girl came in with a giant duffel bag and announced she had pants for sale for a dollar -- like you might sell batteries or candy on the train. 第八站一个提着大帆布袋子的女士上车了 一美元一条裤子减价大甩卖 就象别人买电池或者糖果之类
giant:n.巨人;伟人;巨兽;adj.巨大的;特大的 duffel bag:n.筒状帆布包(或旅行包);(用帆布或软皮制造的)大旅行袋; batteries:n.电池;炮组;炮列;[法]殴打;(batteries是battery的复数)
We all very matter of factly bought a pair of pants, put them on and said, "Thank you. That's exactly what I needed today," 我们每人买了一条裤子穿上 然后对她说:“多谢了,真是雪中送炭!”
and then exited without revealing what had happened and went in all different directions. 然后不说什么都下车了 四散各处
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. 谢谢
So that's a still from the video there. 这是暂停的一个画面
And I love that girl's reaction so much. 我十分喜欢她对此的反应
And watching that videotape later that day inspired me to keep doing what I do. 那天我又看了看这个视频 这启发了我应该继续做类似的事
videotape:n.录像带;v.将…录到录像带上; inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式)
And really one of the points of Improv Everywhere is to cause a scene in a public place that is a positive experience for other people. 而“随处即兴”的宗旨 就是在公共场合创造一个 对其他人来说成为积极经历的场景
It's a prank , but it's a prank that gives somebody a great story to tell. 这是个恶作剧,但这个恶作剧带给人们故事去分享
And her reaction inspired me to do a second annual No Pants Subway Ride. 她的反应启发了我 举办第二届“不穿裤子乘地铁”
And we've continued to do it every year. 这变成一项年度活动
This January, we did the 10th annual No Pants Subway Ride where a diverse group of 3,500 people rode the train in their underwear in New York -- almost every single train line in the city. 今年1月,我们举办了第十届“不穿裤子乘地铁” 大约有3,500名各种背景的人 在纽约地铁上共同上演了这个好戏- 几乎每一趟列车上都能见到
And also in 50 other cities around the world, people participated . 同时在世界各地其他50个城市 也有人参与了
(Laughter) (笑声)
As I started taking improv class at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theater and meeting other creative people and other performers and comedians , 我开始在挺直公民旅团剧院教授即兴艺术 并得以见到其他的创意人,演员和喜剧明星们
Upright:n.立柱;adj.直立的;挺直的;竖直的;垂直的;adv.竖立着;垂直着; Brigade:n.旅;大部队;队列;vt.把…编成旅;把…编成队; creative:adj.创造性的; comedians:n.滑稽演员;喜剧演员;(comedian的复数)
I started amassing a mailing list of people who wanted to do these types of projects. 我开始收集 对此类行动有兴趣的人的邮件地址
amassing:v.(尤指大量)积累,积聚;(amass的现在分词) mailing list:n.邮寄名单;邮寄名址录;(计算机中存储的)电邮发送清单;
So I could do more large-scale projects. 来扩大我的表演阵容
Well one day I was walking through Union Square, and I saw this building, which had just been built in 2005. 一天我经过联合广场 我看到这栋楼 于2005落成
And there was a girl in one of the windows and she was dancing. 有一个橱窗前一个女孩在跳舞
And it was very peculiar , because it was dark out, but she was back-lit with florescent lighting, and she was very much onstage , and I couldn't figure out why she was doing it. 非常奇特的景象 因为周围都很暗 亮光从她背后照过来 就是浑然天成的舞台一样 我不明白她干嘛这么做
peculiar:adj.特殊的;独特的;奇怪的;罕见的;n.特权;特有财产; florescent:adj.花盛开的,开花的; onstage:adj.台上的;台上演出的;adv.上台;上场;
After about 15 seconds, her friend appeared -- she had been hiding behind a display -- and they laughed and hugged each other and ran away. 大概15秒后她的朋友出现了- 她躲在一个展板后面 她们大笑着拥抱了对方然后跑开了
So it seemed like maybe she had been dared to do this. 估计她们在玩真心话大冒险
So I got inspired by that. 我受到了启发
Looking at the entire facade -- there were 70 total windows -- and I knew what I had to do. 我望着整栋楼-一共有70个窗户 我知道怎么办了
(Laughter) (笑声)
So this project is called Look Up More. We had 70 actors dress in black. 这个活动就叫做“再抬头看看”,我们有70个着黑衣的舞者
This was completely unauthorized . 未经批准
We didn't let the stores know we were coming. 我们不想商场知道我们的计划
And I stood in the park giving signals. 我站在公园给指示
The first signal was for everybody to hold up these four-foot tall letters that spelled out "Look Up More," 第一个指示是每个人都举起一个四尺高的字母 拼起来就是“再抬头看看”
the name of the project. 活动名称
The second signal was for everybody to do Jumping jacks together. 第二个指示是每个人做踢腿跳
You'll see that start right here. 你能看到
(Laughter) (笑声)
And then we had dancing. We had everyone dance. 然后是跳舞 每个人都跳
And then we had dance solos where only one person would dance and everybody would point to them. 接下来就是独舞 所有人就都指着他们
solos:n.独奏; v.独唱;
(Laughter) (笑声)
So then I gave a new hand signal, which signaled the next soloist down below in Forever 21, and he danced. 然后我给了一个新指示 示意楼下Forever21的人独舞 他就跳起来了
signaled:v.以动作向…示意;用信号发出,用信号通知;向…发信号(signal的过去分词); soloist:n.独奏者;独唱者;
There were several other activities. 还有一些其他形式的表演
We had people jumping up and down, people dropping to the ground. 有的上下蹦跳 有的摔倒地上
And I was standing just anonymously in a sweatshirt , putting my hand on and off of a trashcan to signal the advancement . 我就站在人群里穿着件T恤 把手放上放下一个垃圾桶 来给指示
sweatshirt:n.运动衫;T-恤衫; trashcan:n.垃圾桶; advancement:n.前进,进步;提升;
And because it was in Union Square Park, right by a subway station, there were hundreds of people by the end who stopped and looked up and watched what we were doing. 因为这是在联合广场公园 离地铁站很近 最后有好几百人 停下来观看 我们的表演
There's a better photo of it. 这个照片比较清楚
So that particular event was inspired by a moment that I happened to stumble upon. 那么这个活动 仅仅是由 我偶然间的观察启发而生的
The next project I want to show was given to me in an email from a stranger. 下一个我想分享的 是来自一个陌生人的电子邮件
A high school kid in Texas wrote me in 2006 and said, "You should get as many people as possible to put on blue polo shirts and khaki pants and go into a Best Buy and stand around." 2006年德克萨斯一个高中生写信给我 说:“你应该聚齐尽可能多的人 穿着蓝色polo衫和卡其裤子 跑到百思买去站着。”
khaki:n.咔叽布(尤用以做军装); adj.卡其色的;
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
So I wrote this high school kid back immediately, and I said, "Yes, you are correct. 我立马给他会了邮件 说:“你说的一点没错。
I think I'll try to do that this weekend. Thank you." 这周我就会实行,谢谢!”
So here's the video. 就是这个视频
So again, this is 2005. 这还是在2005年
This is the Best Buy in New York City. 纽约市的百思买
We had about 80 people show up to participate, entering one-by-one. 大约有80人参加 他们一个接一个进入商店
There was an eight year-old girl, a 10 year-old girl. 有八岁的女孩,十岁的女孩
There was also a 65 year-old man who participated. 还有65岁的男人 都参加了
So a very diverse group of people. 因此参加人员十分广泛
And I told people, "Don't work. Don't actually do work. 我告诉他们:“别表现出你真在工作
But also, don't shop. 但是也别买什么
Just stand around and don't face products." 就四处转转别看产品。”
Now you can see the regular employees by the ones that have the yellow tags on their shirt. 正常职员的T恤上 是有黄色牌子的
tags:n.标签; v.附加;
Everybody else is one of our actors. 其他的都是我们的演员
(Laughter) (笑声)
The lower level employees thought it was very funny. 基层职员觉得这很搞笑
And in fact, several of them went to go get their camera from the break room and took photos with us. 甚至有人从休息室拿了相机 要和我们拍照留念
A lot of them made jokes about trying to get us to go to the back to get heavy television sets for customers. 很多人开玩笑说让我们一起去仓库 把客人的沉重的电视剧抬出来
The managers and the security guards, on the other hand , did not find it particularly funny. 不过,商店的经理和保安 可没觉得这有什么搞笑的
on the other hand:另一方面; particularly:adv.特别地,独特地;详细地,具体地;明确地,细致地;
You can see them in this footage . 这个镜头里能看到
They're wearing either a yellow shirt or a black shirt. 他们穿着黄色或者黑色T恤
And we were there probably 10 minutes before the managers decided to dial 911. 我们待了大概10钟 经理觉得要打911报警了
(Laughter) (笑声)
So they started running around telling everybody the cops were coming, watch out, the cops were coming. 于是他们就开始到处跑 通知其他人,注意点,警察要来了
And you can see the cops in this footage right here. 这个镜头里能看到警察
That's a cop wearing black right there, being filmed with a hidden camera. 一个隐蔽摄像头拍到了这个警察
Ultimately , the police had to inform Best Buy management that it was not, in fact, illegal to wear a blue polo shirt and khaki pants. 最终警察告诉百思买的经理 穿蓝色polo衫和卡其裤 不能算违法
Ultimately:adv.最终;最后;归根结底;终究; inform:v.通知;告诉;报告;告发;告密; management:n.管理;管理人员;管理部门;操纵;经营手段; illegal:adj.不合法的;非法的;n.非法移民;非法劳工; polo shirt:球衣;马球衫;
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)
So we had been there for 20 minutes; we were happy to exit the store. 于是我们待了将近有20分钟 愉快地离开了百思买
One thing the managers were trying to do was to track down our cameras. 经理尝试要 讨我们的相机
And they caught a couple of my guys who had hidden cameras in duffel bags. 他们发现我们几个人在帆布包里藏里摄像机
But the one camera guy they never caught was the guy that went in just with a blank tape and went over to the Best Buy camera department and just put his tape in one of their cameras and pretended to shop. 但是有个摄像的却一直没被发现 他带里个空带进去 进了百思买的相机摄影机区域 就把空带放进其中一个摄像机 假装试机
So I like that concept of using their own technology against them. 我很喜欢这个想法,用他们的技术应对他们
(Laughter) (笑声)
I think our best projects are ones that are site specific and happen at a particular place for a reason. 我想最好的行动计划是在特定场所 有原因地计划
site:n.地点;位置;场所;v.设置;为…选址; specific:adj.特殊的,特定的;明确的;详细的;[药]具有特效的;n.特性;细节;特效药;
And one morning, I was riding the subway. 有天早上我去乘地铁
I had to make a transfer at the 53rd St. stop where there are these two giant escalators . 我得在53街站换乘 那儿有两个超长的电梯
transfer:n.转移;调任;调离;[体]转会球员;v.调任;调走;转学;转移; escalators:n.自动扶梯(escalator的复数形式);
And it's a very depressing place to be in the morning, it's very crowded. 而那是个人让人一大早很压抑的地方 人非常多
depressing:adj.令人抑郁的; v.使沮丧; (depress的现在分词)
So I decided to try and stage something that could make it as happy as possible for one morning. 我决定要弄点什么 能让人觉得开心 哪怕只是一早上
So this was in the winter of 2009 -- 8:30 in the morning. 这是2009年冬天- 早上八点半
It's morning rush hour . 上班高峰期
rush hour:n.交通拥挤时间;高峰时刻;adj.高峰时刻的;
It's very cold outside. 外面非常冷
People are coming in from Queens, transferring from the E train to the 6 train. 都是从皇后区过来的乘客 从E号线转乘6号线
And they're going up these giant escalators on their way to their jobs. 他们搭着这超长电梯 去往工作的路上
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. 谢谢
So there's a photograph that illustrates it a little bit better. 另外一张照片照的比较好点
He gave 2,000 high fives that day, and he washed his hands before and afterward and did not get sick. 他那天击掌里两千次 行动前后都洗过手了 没生病
And that was done also without permission, although no one seemed to care. 这个行动没有经过批准 不过似乎也没人理
So I'd say over the years, one of the most common criticisms I see of Improv Everywhere left anonymously on YouTube comments is: "These people have too much time on their hands." 这几年 我见过Youtube上对于“随处即兴” 最常见的评论之一是 “这帮人真是闲得慌”
And you know, not everybody's going to like everything you do, and I've certainly developed a thick skin thanks to Internet comments, but that one's always bothered me, because we don't have too much time on our hands. 不是每个人都喜欢你做的事 多亏这些评论我变得厚脸皮了 但就是这个评论很烦人 因为我们并没有那么闲
bothered:adj.烦(恼)的; v.使(某人)烦恼;
The participants at Improv Everywhere events have just as much leisure time as any other New Yorkers, they just occasionally choose to spend it in an unusual way. “随处即兴”的参与者 都是和其他纽约人一样空闲时间 他们只是偶尔选择 一种不同的方式来休闲
participants:n.参与者(participant的复数形式); leisure:n.休闲;闲暇;空闲;adj.闲暇的; occasionally:adv.偶尔;有时候;偶然;
You know, every Saturday and Sunday, hundreds of thousands of people each fall gather in football stadiums to watch games. 每年秋天每个周末 就有成千上万的人 去足球场看球
And I've never seen anybody comment, looking at a football game, saying, "All those people in the stands, they have too much time on their hands." 从来没见谁看着比赛 说:“看台上的这帮人真闲啊!”
And of course they don't. 不是这样
It's a perfectly wonderful way to spent a weekend afternoon, watching a football game in a stadium. 这只是一个度过周末下午的美好方式 在体育场看场球赛
But I think it's also a perfectly valid way to spend an afternoon freezing in place with 200 people in the Grand Central terminal or dressing up like a ghostbuster and running through the New York Public Library. 我觉得200人一齐 在纽约中央车站玩瞬间静止 也是很好的度过下午的方式 或者穿成捉鬼敢死队的样子 在纽约公共图书馆跑来跑去
valid:adj.有效的;有根据的;合法的;正当的; terminal:n.终端;航站楼;终端机;航空终点站;adj.晚期的;不治的;致命的;患绝症的; ghostbuster:n.驱鬼者;不惧怕鬼魂的人;
(Laughter) (笑声)
Or listening to the same MP3 as 3,000 other people and dancing silently in a park, or bursting into song in a grocery store as part of a spontaneous musical, or diving into the ocean in Coney Island wearing formal attire . 或者三人多人一齐听着MP3 在公园里无声地跳舞 或者在超市突然放声唱歌 创作出即兴音乐剧 或者一帮人盛装冲进科尼岛的海滩
bursting:adj.充满的;渴望的;v.爆炸;猛然打开;突然开始(burst的现在分词); grocery:n.食品杂货店;食品杂货; spontaneous:adj.自发的;自然的;无意识的; diving:n.潜水;跳水;跳水运动;v.下潜;跳水;潜水;(dive的现在分词) Coney:n.兔毛皮;兔子; formal:adj.适合正式场合的; n.(美)须穿礼服的社交集会; (口)夜礼服; attire:n.服装;盛装;vt.打扮;使穿衣;
You know, as kids, we're taught to play. 孩提时候大人教我们玩
And we're never given a reason why we should play. 我们从没问为什么要玩
It's just acceptable that play is a good thing. 玩是理所当然的事情
And I think that's sort of the point of Improv Everywhere. 我想这就是“随处即兴”想要表达的
It's that there is no point and that there doesn't have to be a point. 其实我们并没有什么宗旨 也没必要有
We don't need a reason. 我们不需要原因去玩
As long as it's fun and it seems like it's going to be a funny idea and it seems like the people who witness it will also have a fun time, then that's enough for us. 只要一件事好玩 是个有意思的想法 看的人也会一同开心 那就足够了
As long as:conj.只要;长达;如果;既然; witness:n.证人;目击者;证据;v.目击;证明;为…作证;
And I think, as adults, we need to learn that there's no right or wrong way to play. 作为成年人 我们要认识到玩无止尽
Thank you very much. 非常感谢
(Applause) (掌声)