

Charlie Rose: So Larry sent me an email and he basically said, we've got to make sure that we don't seem like we're a couple of middle-aged boring men. 基本上他就是说, 我们得确保我们看起来不能像 两个乏味的中年人。
basically:adv.主要地,基本上; middle-aged:adj.中年的;具有中年人特点的;适合于中年人的; boring:adj.无聊的;令人厌烦的;n.钻孔;v.使厌烦;钻孔;(bore的现在分词)
I said, I'm flattered by that -- because I'm a bit older, and he has a bit more net worth than I do. 我回他说,你这么讲我深感荣幸-- 因为我年纪大一点, 而他的净资产又比我多一点。
flattered:adj.感到满意的,觉得荣幸的; v.奉承; (flatter的过去式和过去分词)
Larry Page: Well, thank you. 拉里·佩奇:呵呵,谢谢。
CR: So we'll have a conversation about the Internet, and we'll have a conversation Google , and we'll have a conversation about search and privacy , and also about your philosophy and a sense of how you've connected the dots and how this journey that began some time ago has such interesting prospects . 查理·罗斯:我们将要谈谈互联网, 我们还会谈谈Google, 以及搜索 和隐私, 还有你思考的基本原则, 以及你是如何把这些点点滴滴联接起来的, 以及多年前开始的 这个发展历程, 具有怎样的有趣前景。
Google:谷歌;谷歌搜索引擎; privacy:n.隐私;秘密;隐居;隐居处; philosophy:n.哲学;哲理;人生观; journey:n.旅行;行程;vi.旅行; prospects:n.可能性; v.探矿; (prospect的第三人称单数和复数)
Mainly we want to talk about the future. 我们主要来讨论一下未来。
So my first question: Where is Google and where is it going? 那我的第一个问题是:Google现在何处, 它要前往何方?
LP: Well, this is something we think about a lot, and our mission we defined a long time ago is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. 拉里·佩奇:好的,这个问题我们思考过很多, 我们很早以前所定下的使命 就是将全世界的信息组织起来 让全世界的人们可以获得它并且从中受益。
mission:n.使命,任务;代表团;布道;v.派遣;向…传教; defined:adj.有定义的,确定的; v.使明确; organize:v.组织;安排;处理;分配;管理; universally:adv.普遍地;人人;到处; accessible:adj.易接近的;可进入的;可理解的;
And people always say, is that really what you guys are still doing? 人们总在说, 你们还在做这个的事情呀?
And I always kind of think about that myself, and I'm not quite sure. 我自己也算是常常思考这个问题, 我还不是很确定。
But actually, when I think about search, it's such a deep thing for all of us, to really understand what you want, to understand the world's information, 但事实上,当我思考搜索时, 它对我们所有人来说是个深刻的问题, 要真正理解你想要的是什么, 要理解这个世界的信息,
and we're still very much in the early stages of that, which is totally crazy. 我们还处于非常早期的阶段, 这太让人着急了。
We've been at it for 15 years already, but it's not at all done. 我们在这个领域里已有十五年, 但是离实现它还差得很远。
not at all:毫无;一点也不;不用谢;
CR: When it's done, how will it be? 查理·罗斯:当你们实现时,它会是什么样?
LP: Well, I guess, in thinking about where we're going -- you know, why is it not done? -- a lot of it is just computing 's kind of a mess . 拉里·佩奇:我猜, 想想我们的前进方向-- 你知道,为什么还没有完成?-- 很大程度是因为数据计算还是一团乱麻。
computing:n.计算;计算机技术;信息处理技术;v.计算;求出;(compute的现在分词) mess:n.混乱;餐厅;杂乱;肮脏;v.使不整洁;弄脏;弄乱;随地便溺;
You know, your computer doesn't know where you are, it doesn't know what you're doing, it doesn't know what you know, and a lot we've been trying to do recently is just make your devices work, make them understand your context . 你知道,你的电脑并不知道你在哪里, 它不知道你在做什么, 它不知道你知道什么。 而且近来花费了我们很大精力的事情, 仅仅是让你的设备工作起来, 让它理解你的大致意图。
recently:adv.最近;新近; devices:n.[机][计]设备;[机]装置;[电子]器件(device的复数); context:n.环境;上下文;来龙去脉;
Google Now, you know, knows where you are, knows what you may need. Google Now(一款个人助理软件)知道你人在哪里, 知道你可能需要什么。
So really having computing work and understand you and understand that information, we really haven't done that yet. 所以让计算机真正地工作起来,理解你 并且理解这些信息, 我们真的还没有做到那一步。
It's still very, very clunky . 它还是非常非常的不成熟。
CR: Tell me, when you look at what Google is doing, where does Deep Mind fit? 查理·罗斯:你讲一讲,当你看着谷歌正在做的工作, DeepMind应该处于什么位置?
LP: Yeah, so Deep Mind is a company we just acquired recently. 拉里·佩奇:DeepMind 这家公司, 我们最近才整合进来。
acquired:adj.习得的; v.获得; (acquire的过去分词和过去式)
It's in the U.K. 它在英国。
First, let me tell you the way we got there, which was looking at search and really understanding, trying to understand everything, and also make the computers not clunky and really understand you -- like, voice was really important. 首先,我来讲一下我们当时的状况, 就是我们正在关注搜索, 真正地理解, 试图理解所有一切, 让电脑不那么不成熟, 并且真正地理解你-- 比如,声音非常重要。
So what's the state of the art on speech recognition ? 那么,语音识别技术的最高水平是怎样的?
state of the art:adj.最先进的;已经发展的;达到最高水准的; recognition:n.识别;认识;承认;认可;
It's not very good. 它不是很好,
It doesn't really understand you. 它并不能真正地理解你。
So we started doing machine learning research to improve that. 于是我们开展了机器学习方面的研究, 来改进它,
That helped a lot. 结果成效很大。
And we started just looking at things like YouTube. 然后我们开始转向YouTube之类的东西。
Can we understand YouTube? 我们可以理解YouTube吗?
But we actually ran machine learning on YouTube and it discovered cats, just by itself. 但是我们确实在Youtube上运行机器学习, 它找到了猫,完全靠自己。
Now, that's an important concept. 现在,这就是一个重要的概念。
And we realized there's really something here. 我们就意识到,其中有些深义。
If we can learn what cats are, that must be really important. 如果我们能学习什么是猫, 那一定是非常重要的。
So I think Deep Mind, what's really amazing about Deep Mind is that it can actually -- they're learning things in this unsupervised way. 所以我认为DeepMind, 它的真正神奇之处 在于它真的可以 -- 可以自主学习,无需人的干预。
They started with video games, and really just, maybe I can show the video, just playing video games, and learning how to do that automatically . 他们从视频游戏开始, 真的只是,也许我可以展示一下那个视频, 只是玩视频游戏, 并且学习怎样自动地玩。
CR: Take a look at the video games and how machines are coming to be able to do some remarkable things. 查理·罗斯:来看一下视频游戏, 机器是如何开始有能力 做一些惊人的事情。
Take a look at:看一看;检查; remarkable:adj.卓越的;非凡的;值得注意的;
LP: The amazing thing about this is this is, I mean, obviously, these are old games, but the system just sees what you see, the pixels , and it has the controls and it has the score, and it's learned to play all of these games, same program. 拉里·佩奇:这件事的惊人之处在于, 我觉得很明显, 这些都是老游戏, 但是系统和你看到的完全一样,就是像素, 并且它能控制,能得分, 还有它学会了所有这些游戏, 同一个程序。
It's learned to play all of these games with superhuman performance . 它学会了所有这些游戏, 而且表现是超人级的。
superhuman:adj.超人的;人类能力所不能及的;属于神仙的;n.超人; performance:n.性能;表现;业绩;表演;
We've not been able to do things like this with computers before. 在以前用电脑是做不到这样的事情的。 在以前用电脑是做不到这样的事情的。
And maybe I'll just narrate this one quickly. 我要简单说明一下,
This is boxing, and it figures out it can sort of pin the opponent down. 这是拳击游戏,系统计算出它可以 将对手击败。
pin:n.大头针;饰针;旗杆;胸针;v.别上;使不能动弹;按住;钳住; opponent:n.对手;竞争者;反对者;阻止者;adj.反对的;
The computer's on the left, and it's just racking up points. 左边的是电脑, 它就是要赢得高分。
racking:n.推压动作; adj.拷问的; v.折磨;
So imagine if this kind of intelligence were thrown at your schedule , or your information needs, or things like that. 所以设想一下,如果这样的 智能可以应用在你的日程中, 或是用来解决你的信息需求,或是类似的事情。
We're really just at the beginning of that, and that's what I'm really excited about. 机器学习其实还只在起步阶段, 而它让我感到无比激动。
at the beginning of:在…的开始;
CR: When you look at all that's taken place with Deep Mind and the boxing, also a part of where we're going is artificial intelligence . 查理·罗斯:当你看到DeepMind和拳击游戏 上所发生的这一切, 并且人工智能 也是我们前进的方向之一。
artificial intelligence:n.人工智能;
Where are we, when you look at that? 你从这些能看到,我们走到哪一步了呢?
LP: Well, I think for me, this is kind of one of the most exciting things 拉里·佩奇:我认为对于我来说, 这是我看到的最令人激动的事情之一,
I've seen in a long time. 在很长时间以来。
The guy who started this company, Demis, has a neuroscience and a computer science background. 创立这家公司的戴米斯 拥有神经学和计算机科学的背景。
neuroscience:n.神经系统科学(指神经病学,神经化学等); computer science:n.计算机科学;
He went back to school to get his Ph.D. to study the brain. 他重返校园攻读博士学位, 课题是研究大脑。
And so I think we're seeing a lot of exciting work going on that sort of crosses computer science and neuroscience in terms of really understanding what it takes to make something smart and do really interesting things. 所以,我觉得我们看到了许多令人激动的成果, 出现在神经学与计算机科学交叉的领域。 出现在神经学与计算机科学交叉的领域。 这些成果有关于真正去理解 要怎样才能制造出智能机器, 然后做一些非常有趣的事情。
CR: But where's the level of it now? 查理·罗斯:我们现在处于什么阶段呢?
And how fast do you think we are moving? 你觉得我们的前进速度如何?
LP: Well, this is the state of the art right now, understanding cats on YouTube and things like that, improving voice recognition. 拉里·佩奇:这是当前达到的最高水平, 理解Youtube上的猫 还有类似的事情, 改进语音识别技术。
We used a lot of machine learning to improve things incrementally , but I think for me, this example's really exciting, because it's one program that can do a lot of different things. 我们使用了许多机器学习 来逐步改进各种问题, 但我个人认为,这个例子真的非常令人激动, 因为它只是一款程序 却可以做许多不同事情。
CR: I don't know if we can do this, but we've got the image of the cat. 查理·罗斯:我不知道这样做可不可以, 我这儿有一张猫的图片,
It would be wonderful to see this. 这张图意义非凡。
This is how machines looked at cats and what they came up with. 这就是机器如何看着猫, 然后它们反映出来的形象。
Can we see that image? 我们可以看下那张图片吗?
LP: Yeah. CR: There it is. Can you see the cat? 拉里·佩奇:好的。查理·罗斯:这就是了。你能看到猫吗?
Designed by machines, seen by machines. 机器设计了它,然后看到了它。
LP: That's right. 拉里·佩奇:是的。
So this is learned from just watching YouTube. 这是仅仅通过观看Youtube学到的。
And there's no training, no notion of a cat, but this concept of a cat is something important that you would understand, and now that the machines can kind of understand. 没有训练过, 事先没有猫的概念, 但是这个猫的概念挺重要的, 我们都知道, 而现在机器也有了一定理解。
Maybe just finishing also on the search part, it started with search, really understanding people's context and their information. 也许它已经完成了搜索这部分, 也许它已经完成了搜索这部分, 它从搜索开始,真正理解人的意图 和他们的信息。
I did have a video 我有一个视频,
I wanted to show quickly on that that we actually found. 我想快速展示一下 我发现了什么。
(Video) ["Soy, Kenya"] (视频)[肯尼亚·索伊]
Zack Matere: Not long ago, 扎克·马泰尔:不久之前,
I planted a crop of potatoes. 我种了一片土豆,
Then suddenly they started dying one after the other . 然后突然不断地有土豆死掉了。
one after the other:相继地,一个接一个地;
I checked out the books and they didn't tell me much. 我从书里查找,但没发现多少信息,
So, I went and I did a search. 所以我去搜索了一下。
["Zack Matere, Farmer"] [ 扎克·马泰尔,农民 ]
Potato diseases . 土豆 病
One of the websites told me that ants could be the problem. 有一个网站告诉我 问题可能是蚂蚁。
It said, sprinkle wood ash over the plants. 它说,在作物上撒一些木灰。
Then after a few days the ants disappeared . 几天之后蚂蚁消失了。
I got excited about the Internet. 互联网让我非常激动。
I have this friend who really would like to expand his business. 我有个朋友, 他很想把生意做大,
So I went with him to the cyber cafe and we checked out several sites . 于是我和他一起去了网吧, 我们查看了一些网站。
cyber:adj.网络的,计算机的; sites:n.网站(site的复数);遗址,举办地点;v.使...位于(site的单三形式);
When I met him next, he was going to put a windmill at the local school. 当我再次见到他的时候, 他准备在当地学校建一座风车。
I felt proud because something that wasn't there before was suddenly there. 我觉得很高兴, 因为一个以前没有的东西, 就这样突然出现了。
I realized that not everybody can be able to access what I was able to access. 我意识到, 我用上的东西 却不是所有人都能用上。
I thought that I need to have an Internet that my grandmother can use. 我想我要有互联网, 我的奶奶也可以用它。
So I thought about a notice board. 所以我想到了一个公告栏,
A simple wooden notice board. 一个简单的木头公告栏。
When I get information on my phone, 我从手机上得到信息的时候,
I'm able to post the information on the notice board. 我就可以把它 公布在公告栏上。
So it's basically like a computer. 所以,它有点像个电脑,
I use the Internet to help people. 我用互联网来帮助别人。
I think I am searching for a better life for me and my neighbors. 我认为我是在搜索 一个更好的生活, 为我,也为我的邻居们。
So many people have access to information, but there's no follow-up to that. 这样许多人都可以得到信息, 但是在这之后就没有后续了。
I think the follow-up to that is our knowledge. 我认为“后续”就是我们的知识。
When people have the knowledge, they can find solutions without having to helped out. 人们有了知识, 他们就可以找到方法, 而不需要找人帮忙。
Information is powerful, but it is how we use it that will define us. 信息就是力量, 但是如何使用信息才决定了我们的未来。
(Applause) (掌声)
LP: Now, the amazing thing about that video, actually, was we just read about it in the news, and we found this gentlemen, and made that little clip . 拉里·佩奇:这段视频的精彩这处在于, 其实是我们先在新闻里看到这件事, 然后我们找到了这位先生, 制作了这段视频。
CR: When I talk to people about you, they say to me, people who know you well, say, 查理·罗斯:当我和别人说起你, 他们是些很了解你的人,他们对我说,
Larry wants to change the world, and he believes technology can show the way. 拉里想要改变世界, 他相信技术可以指出道路,
And that means access to the Internet. 也就是接入互联网。
It has to do with languages. 这一定和语言有关。
It also means how people can get access and do things that will affect their community , and this is an example. 这也意味着,人们要如何访问互联网, 来做一些事情,会影响到他所在的群体。 这就是一个例子。
LP: Yeah, that's right, and I think for me, 拉里·佩奇:是的,对我来说,
I have been focusing on access more, if we're talking about the future. 我一直关注于更广泛和便利的网络联接, 如果我们说的是未来的话。
We recently released this Loon Project which is using balloons to do it. 我们最近推出了Loon Project项目, 用热气球来实现接入互联网,
released:v.释放;使免除;已发布;(release的过去分词和过去式) Loon:n.[鸟]潜鸟;懒人;笨蛋;
It sounds totally crazy. 听起来很疯狂。
We can show the video here. 我们可以在这里放一下视频。
Actually, two out of three people in the world don't have good Internet access now. 事实上,现在世界上有三分之二的人 无法访问互联网。
We actually think this can really help people sort of cost-efficiently. 我们认为这个项目真的可以帮助人们, 并且费用低廉。
CR: It's a balloon. LP: Yeah, get access to the Internet. 查理·罗斯:这是一个气球。拉里·佩奇:是的,可以联网。
CR: And why does this balloon give you access to the Internet? 查理·罗斯:为什么通过这个气球就可以联网? 查理·罗斯:为什么通过这个气球就可以联网?
Because there was some interesting things you had to do to figure out how to make balloons possible, they didn't have to be tethered . 因为你得想出一些有趣的办法, 因为你得想出一些有趣的办法, 来让气球的办法成为可能, 还不用给气球插上线。
LP: Yeah, and this is a good example of innovation . 拉里·佩奇:是的,这一个关于创新的好例子。
Like, we've been thinking about this idea for five years or more before we started working on it, but it was just really, how do we get access points up high, cheaply? 在我们开始着手之前, 我们已经在思考这个想法了, 有五年甚至更久, 但问题在于, 如何才能便宜地在天上设一个接入点?
You normally have to use satellites and it takes a long time to launch them. 通常的办法得用人造卫星, 但发射需要很长时间。
normally:adv.正常地;通常地,一般地; launch:v.发射(导弹,火箭等); n.发射;
But you saw there how easy it is to launch a balloon and get it up, and actually again, it's the power of the Internet, 然后我们就看到,把一个气球放到天上, 是多么简单的事, 事实上,这再一次说明了互联网的力量。
I did a search on it, and I found, 30, 40 years ago, someone had put up a balloon and it had gone around the Earth multiple times. 我确实搜索过这件事, 我发现三四十年前 就有人放出过一个气球, 而且这个气球绕着地球转了不少圈。
And I thought, why can't we do that today? 然后我想,为什么今天我们不可以做呢?
And that's how this project got going. 这个项目就这样开始了。
CR: But are you at the mercy of the wind? 查理·罗斯:但是你受到风的影响大吗?
LP: Yeah, but it turns out, we did some weather simulations which probably hadn't really been done before, and if you control the altitude of the balloons, which you can do by pumping air into them and other ways, you can actually control roughly where they go, and so I think we can build a worldwide mesh of these balloons that can cover the whole planet. 拉里·佩奇:是的,但实际上, 我们做了一些气象模拟, 很可能以前从来没人做过, 如果控制气球的高度, 可以通过充气或别的方法实现, 可以通过充气或别的方法实现, 就可以大致控制气球的运动, 因此,我想我们可以建造一个世界性网络, 用这些气球来覆盖全球。
simulations:n.[计]模拟(simulation的复数);[计]仿真; altitude:n.海拔;海拔高度;高程;(海拔高的)高处; pumping:v.用泵输送;涌出;奔流;快速摇动;(pump的现在分词) roughly:adv.粗糙地;概略地; worldwide:adj.全世界的;adv.在世界各地; mesh:n.网格;网状物;陷阱;困境;圈套;v.(使)吻合,相配,匹配,适合;
CR: Before I talk about the future and transportation , where you've been a nerd for a while , and this fascination you have with transportation and automated cars and bicycles, 查理·罗斯:在我们谈谈未来和交通之前-- 这两样你已经痴迷了有一段时间。 你对交通、 自动驾驶汽车和自行车相当痴迷--
transportation:n.运输;运输系统;运输工具;流放; nerd:n.呆子;讨厌的人; for a while:adv.片刻;暂时;一会儿;一时; fascination:n.魅力;魔力;入迷;
let me talk a bit about what's been the subject here earlier with Edward Snowden . 我先提一下有关爱德华·斯诺登的话题, 稍早之前也是TED主题,
It is security and privacy. 事关安全与隐私。
You have to have been thinking about that. 这个问题你一定一直有所考虑。
LP: Yeah, absolutely . 拉里·佩奇:是的,毫无疑问。
I saw the picture of Sergey with Edward Snowden yesterday. 昨天我看到了谢尔盖和爱德华·斯诺登的照片。
Some of you may have seen it. 在座的有些人应该也看到了。
But I think, for me, I guess, privacy and security are a really important thing. 但我个人觉得, 隐私和安全是非常重要的事情。
We think about it in terms of both things, and I think you can't have privacy without security, so let me just talk about security first, because you asked about Snowden and all of that, and then I'll say a little bit about privacy. 我们在这两方面都有所思考, 我认为没有安全就不存在隐私, 所以我先谈谈安全, 因为你问到了有关斯诺登的事情, 然后我会再讲一点隐私。
I think for me, it's tremendously disappointing that the government secretly did all this stuff and didn't tell us. 我个人感到极度失望, 就是政府偷偷地做了所有这些事, 而且没有告诉我们。
tremendously:adv.非常地;可怕地;惊人地; disappointing:adj.令人失望的;v.使失望;使破灭;使落空(disappoint的现在分词) stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本:
I don't think we can have a democracy if we're having to protect you and our users from the government for stuff that we've never had a conversation about. 我认为这样背离了民主, 如果有些事大家还从未讨论过, 而我们不得不防止政府 来侵犯你和我们的用户的这些事情,
And I don't mean we have to know what the particular terrorist attack is they're worried about protecting us from, but we do need to know what the parameters of it is, what kind of surveillance the government's going to do and how and why, and I think we haven't had that conversation. 我倒不是说我们必须知道 政府所担心的具体的恐怖袭击是什么, 政府所担心的具体的恐怖袭击是什么, 而是我们需要知道 事情应当符合什么条件, 政府要进行何种监控, 打算怎么做,为什么这样做, 我认为我们并没有讨论过这些问题。
parameters:n.决定因素;规范;范围;(parameter的复数) surveillance:n.监督;监视;
So I think the government's actually done itself a tremendous disservice by doing all that in secret. 所以我认为政府偷偷地做了所有这些事情, 实际上造成了严重的伤害。 实际上造成了严重的伤害。
CR: Never coming to Google to ask for anything. 查理·罗斯:绝不要找Google 要任何东西。
LP: Not Google, but the public. 拉里·佩奇:不是Google,而是公众。
I think we need to have a debate about that, or we can't have a functioning democracy. 我认为我们需要讨论一下这个问题, 否则我们的民主就名不副实。
It's just not possible. 这不可能称为民主。
So I'm sad that Google's in the position of protecting you and our users from the government doing secret thing that nobody knows about. 所以Google处在了这样一个位置上, 要防止政府偷偷做这些我们根本不知道的事情, 防止它侵犯你和我们的用户, 这让我觉得荒唐,
It doesn't make any sense. 这毫无道理。
CR: Yeah. And then there's a privacy side of it. 查理·罗斯:没错,然后还有隐私方面的问题。
LP: Yes. The privacy side, 拉里·佩奇:是的,还有隐私一面,
I think it's -- the world is changing. 我认为,世界正在变化。
You carry a phone. It knows where you are. 你带个手机,它知道你在哪里。
There's so much more information about you, and that's an important thing, and it makes sense why people are asking difficult questions. 还有许多你的个人信息, 这是件非常重要的事情, 人们因此而提出难以回答的问题, 是合情合理的。
We spend a lot of time thinking about this and what the issues are. 我们花了很多时间去思考这一点, 以及问题所在。
I'm a little bit -- 我有一点--
I think the main thing that we need to do is just provide people choice, show them what data's being collected -- search history, location data. 我认为我们需要做的事情里最主要的一点, 就是让人们可以选择, 告诉他们什么数据会被收集-- 搜索记录,位置信息。
We're excited about incognito mode in Chrome , and doing that in more ways, just giving people more choice and more awareness of what's going on. 我们对于Chrome浏览器的匿名模式感到很兴奋, 将它应用到更多的方面, 也就是给予人们更多选择, 让他们更好地认识到发生了什么事。
incognito:adj.改名的;微行的;隐姓埋名的;adv.隐姓埋名地;n.匿名者;微行者; Chrome:n.铬,铬合金;铬黄;谷歌浏览器; awareness:n.意识,认识;明白,知道;
I also think it's very easy. 我也认为这非常简单。
What I'm worried is that we throw out the baby with the bathwater . 我所担心的是, 我们把孩子和洗澡水一起倒掉了。
throw out:v.扔掉;伸出;说出;否决;突出; bathwater:n.浴缸里的水;洗涤用水;
And I look at, on your show, actually, 我看到,在你的节目上,
I kind of lost my voice, and I haven't gotten it back. 我嗓子有点哑了, 我还没有恢复。
I'm hoping that by talking to you 我希望和你聊聊
I'm going to get it back. 能恢复得快一点。
CR: If I could do anything, I would do that. 查理·罗斯:如果我能帮上什么忙,我一定会帮。
LP: All right. So get out your voodoo doll and whatever you need to do. 拉里·佩奇:那好,拿出你的劈邪宝剑, 该怎么做你就尽管做。
But I think, you know what, I look at that, 但是我认为,我看着这件事,
I made that public, and I got all this information. 我把它公开化了, 我得到了所有这些信息。
We got a survey done on medical conditions with people who have similar issues, and I look at medical records, and I say, wouldn't it be amazing if everyone's medical records were available anonymously to research doctors? 我做过一个关于身体状况的调查, 调查对象都有些类似的问题。 我一边看着医疗记录,一边说, 如果每个人的医疗记录 都可以匿名地提供给 做研究的医生, 那岂不是很好?
survey:n.调查;测量;审视;纵览;vt.调查;勘测;俯瞰;vi.测量土地; anonymously:adv.不具名地;化名地;
And when someone accesses your medical record, a research doctor, they could see, you could see which doctor accessed it and why, and you could maybe learn about what conditions you have. 当有人查看你的医疗记录时, 一个做研究的医生, 他们可以看到,你也可以看到 是哪一位医生看了,和为什么要看, 然后你也许可以了解到 你的状况如何。
I think if we just did that, we'd save 100,000 lives this year. 我认为如果我们做到这一点, 这一年里就可以拯救十万人的生命。
CR: Absolutely. Let me go — (Applause) 查理·罗斯:毫无疑问。我想要--(掌声)
LP: So I guess I'm just very worried that with Internet privacy, we're doing the same thing we're doing with medical records, is we're throwing out the baby with the bathwater, and we're not really thinking about the tremendous good that can come from people sharing information with the right people in the right ways. 拉里·佩奇:所以我想我就是非常担心 这件事与互联网隐私的问题。 我们现在面对的问题和面对医疗记录时一样, 就是我们把孩子和洗澡水一起倒掉了, 我们没有真正地思考过 信息共享带来的巨大益处, 人们分享信息, 要与正确的人分享,并且用正确的方式。
CR: And the necessary condition that people have to have confidence that their information will not be abused . 查理·罗斯:还有一个必要条件, 就是人们得有信心, 相信他们的信息不会被滥用。
confidence:n.信心;信任;秘密;adj.(美)诈骗的;骗得信任的; abused:v.滥用(以致危害健康); (abuse的过去分词和过去式)
LP: Yeah, and I had this problem with my voice stuff. 拉里·佩奇:是的,我在我的声音上有同样的问题,
I was scared to share it. 我害怕分享出来。
Sergey encouraged me to do that, and it was a great thing to do. 谢尔盖鼓励我这么做, 这件事非常值得一做。
CR: And the response has been overwhelming . 查理·罗斯:而且大家的反应出奇地好。
response:n.响应;反应;回答; overwhelming:adj.势不可挡的; v.压倒; (overwhelm的现在分词)
LP: Yeah, and people are super positive . 拉里·佩奇;是的,而且人们的反应极为正面。
We got thousands and thousands of people with similar conditions, which there's no data on today. 我们调查了成千上万的人, 都有类似的状况, 而这些数据至今都是没有的。
So it was a really good thing. 所以这是一件非常好的事情。
CR: So talking about the future, what is it about you and transportation systems? 查理·罗斯:说到未来,你怎么看? 还有交通问题?
LP: Yeah. I guess I was just frustrated with this when I was at college in Michigan . 拉里·佩奇:我在密歇根州读大学的时候, 我是感到非常沮丧的。
frustrated:adj.失意的,挫败的;泄气的;v.挫败;阻挠;(frustrate的过去式和过去分词) Michigan:n.密歇根;美国密歇根州;
I had to get on the bus and take it and wait for it. 我必须坐公共汽车, 还要等它。
And it was cold and snowing. 当时很冷,又在下雪。
I did some research on how much it cost, and I just became a bit obsessed with transportation systems. 我就做了一点研究,公共交通的成本问题, 然后我就有点迷上了交通系统。
CR: And that began the idea of an automated car. 查理·罗斯:于是就有了自动驾驶汽车的想法。
LP: Yeah, about 18 years ago I learned about people working on automated cars, and I became fascinated by that, and it takes a while to get these projects going, 拉里·佩奇:是的,大约18年前我了解到 有人在研究自动驾驶, 我被深深地吸引住了, 让这些项目有所进展得花点时间,
but I'm super excited about the possibilities of that improving the world. 但是想到有可能让世界变得更好, 我感到无比激动。
There's 20 million people or more injured per year. 每年有超过两千万人受伤。
injured:adj.受伤的:委屈的: v.伤害,使受伤: n.伤员;
It's the leading cause of death for people under 34 in the U.S. 这是美国34岁以下人群 死亡的主要原因。
CR: So you're talking about saving lives. 查理·罗斯:所以这么说就是拯救生命了。
LP: Yeah, and also saving space and making life better. 拉里·佩奇:是的,也是节省空间 和让生活更美好。
Los Angeles is half parking lots and roads, half of the area, and most cities are not far behind, actually. 在洛杉矶一半的土地都是停车场和道路, 一半的土地, 而且大部分城市其实也差不多了。
It's just crazy that that's what we use our space for. 这实在是太疯狂了, 我们把空间就用来作这个用途。
CR: And how soon will we be there? 查理·罗斯:我们什么时候可以实现?
LP: I think we can be there very, very soon. 拉里·佩奇:我想非常、非常快就可以实现了。
We've driven well over 100,000 miles now totally automated. 我们已经良好运行了十万英里(16万公里), 现在完全是自动行驶。
I'm super excited about getting that out quickly. 能够这么快地实现它,让我无比激动。
CR: But it's not only you're talking about automated cars. 查理·罗斯:但你考虑的不只是自动驾驶汽车,
You also have this idea for bicycles. 你对自行车也有这样的想法。
LP: Well at Google, we got this idea that we should just provide free bikes to everyone, and that's been amazing, most of the trips. 拉里·佩奇:在Google,我们有一个想法, 我们应该向每一个人提供免费自行车, 这非常棒,对大多数旅行都是。
You see bikes going everywhere, and the bikes wear out. 你看,自行车哪里都可以去, 而自行车会磨损,
They're getting used 24 hours a day. 它一天24小时都在使用。
CR: But you want to put them above the street, too. 查理·罗斯:但你也想把自行车放到街道上。
LP: Well I said, how do we get people using bikes more? 拉里·佩奇:我就说, 怎样才可以让人们更多地使用自行车呢?
CR: We may have a video here. 查理·罗斯:我们这儿有一段视频。
LP: Yeah, let's show the video. 拉里·佩奇:好,我们来放一下视频,
I just got excited about this. 这个让我非常激动。
(Music) (音乐)
So this is actually how you might separate bikes from cars with minimal cost. 其实这就是把自行车与汽车分离开来的方法, 而且代价最小。
Anyway, it looks totally crazy, but I was actually thinking about our campus , working with the Zippies and stuff, and just trying to get a lot more bike usage , and I was thinking about, how do you cost-effectively separate the bikes from traffic? 当然了,看起来很疯狂, 但实际上我考虑的是我们的校园, 和许多城市等等一起合作, 就是想大大提高自行车使用率, 我还在想, 我们怎样才能有效并且廉价地 把自行车从车流中分离开来?
campus:n.(大学)校园;大学,大学生活;校园内的草地; usage:n.使用;利用;利用率;惯用法;
And I went and searched, and this is what I found. 我做了研究, 这就是我所得到的。
And we're not actually working on this, that particular thing, but it gets your imagination going. 我们其实没有研究这个, 我是说这个具体方案, 但它扩展了想象力。
CR: Let me close with this. 查理·罗斯:我们把这个话题先告一段落,
Give me a sense of the philosophy of your own mind. 描述一下你的想法有着怎样的基本原则。
You have this idea of [Google X]. 你有了Google X这个想法,
You don't simply want to go in some small, measurable arena of progress. 你想要的不只是一些 小的,规模有限的舞台。
measurable:adj.可测量的;重要的;重大的; arena:n.舞台;竞技场;
LP: Yeah, I think many of the things we just talked about are like that, where they're really -- 拉里·佩奇:是的,我认为 我们刚讨论过的许多事情就是这样, 它们真是--
I almost use the economic concept of additionality , which means that you're doing something that wouldn't happen unless you were actually doing it. 我差点要用经济学概念上的额外性了, 就是说,你要做的事情本来并不会发生, 除非你是真的在做它。
economic:adj.经济的,经济上的;经济学的; additionality:额外性;
And I think the more you can do things like that, the bigger impact you have, and that's about doing things that people might not think are possible. 我认为这样的事情你做得越多, 你获得的影响就越大, 人们也许认为不可能的事情 就应当这样做。
And I've been amazed, the more I learn about technology, the more I realize I don't know, and that's because this technological horizon , the thing that you can see to do next, the more you learn about technology, the more you learn what's possible. 我惊讶地发现, 我懂得的技术越多, 就越意识到自己的不足。 这是因为技术的眼界提高了, 也就是你预见下一步应当怎么做的能力。 你懂得的技术越多, 你就越知道什么是可能的。
technological:adj.技术[工程](上)的;因工艺技术高度发展而引起的; horizon:n.地平线;(欲望、知识或兴趣的)范围;
You learn that the balloons are possible because there's some material that will work for them. 你现在知道气球项目是可能的, 因为有了一些材料让它可以运作起来。
CR: What's interesting about you too, though, for me, is that, we have lots of people who are thinking about the future, and they are going and looking and they're coming back, but we never see the implementation . 查理·罗斯:不过在我看来,你的有趣之处在于, 有很多的人在思考未来, 有很多的人在思考未来, 他们去了看了看,又回来了, 而我们从来没有看到最终实现。
I think of somebody you knew and read about, Tesla. 我想到了一个人,你一定知道, 特斯拉。
The principle of that for you is what? 你在这方面的原则是怎样的?
LP: Well, I think invention is not enough. 拉里·佩奇:我认为仅仅有发明是不够的。
If you invent something, 如果你发明一样东西,
Tesla invented electric power that we use, but he struggled to get it out to people. 特斯拉发明了电力系统,我们现在用的就是, 但是他推广起来就非常困难,
electric:n.供电;adj.电的;用电的;电动的;发电的; struggled:v.奋斗;努力;争取;艰难地行进;抗争;(struggle的过去式和过去分词)
That had to be done by other people. 普及是由别人实现的,
It took a long time. 花费了很长时间。
And I think if we can actually combine both things, where we have an innovation and invention focus, plus the ability to really -- a company that can really commercialize things and get them to people in a way that's positive for the world and to give people hope. 我认为,如果我们能将二者真正结合起来, 同时着眼于创新与发明, 再加上一家公司, 可以使成果真正商业化, 让人们接触到它, 让它对世界有积极地影响, 并给人们带来希望。
You know, I'm amazed with the Loon Project just how excited people were about that, because it gave them hope for the two thirds of the world that doesn't have Internet right now that's any good. 你知道,大家对气球项目的关注程度 让我很是吃惊, 因为它带来了希望, 对于世界上现在还不能上网的三分之二来说, 这怎样都是好事。
CR: Which is a second thing about corporations . 查理·罗斯:这就是关于公司的第二件事。
You are one of those people who believe that corporations are an agent of change if they are run well. 有些人,包括你,认为, 公司可以成为带来改变的媒介, 如果它能运营良好的话。
LP: Yeah. I'm really dismayed most people think companies are basically evil . 拉里·佩奇:是的,大部分人认为公司基本上都是邪恶的, 这让我很是沮丧,
dismayed:adj.吃惊,惊愕; v.使…灰心; evil:adj.邪恶的;不幸的;有害的;讨厌的;n.罪恶,邪恶;不幸;
They get a bad rap . 这么说并不公正,
And I think that's somewhat correct. 但我认为在某程度上又是正确的。
Companies are doing the same incremental thing that they did 50 years ago or 20 years ago. 公司做的事情就是渐进发展, 五十年前的公司就这样做, 或者说二十年前,
That's not really what we need. 这也并非是我们真正需要的。
We need, especially in technology, we need revolutionary change, not incremental change. 我们需要的是,特别是在技术上, 是革命性改变, 而不是渐进式改变。
especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分; revolutionary:adj.革命性的;革命的;彻底变革的;n.改革者;革命者;
CR: You once said, actually, as I think I've got this about right, that you might consider, rather than giving your money, if you were leaving it to some cause, just simply giving it to Elon Musk , because you had confidence that he would change the future, and that you would therefore — 查理·罗斯:你曾说过, 我希望我的理解是对的, 就是,你可能考虑, 相比于直接捐出你的钱, 你更愿意用于某些事业, 只管给伊隆·马斯克就好了, 因为你相信 他会改变未来, 因此你就会--
Elon:n.埃伦(可溶性显影剂粉末); Musk:n.麝香;麝香鹿;麝香香味;
LP: Yeah, if you want to go Mars , he wants to go to Mars , to back up humanity , that's a worthy goal, but it's a company, and it's philanthropical. 拉里·佩奇:是的,如果你想去火星, 他想去火星, 来为人类探索后备方案, 这个目标很有价值,但这是一个公司, 这是慈善事业。
Mars:n.火星 humanity:n.人类;人道;仁慈;人文学科; worthy:adj.值得的; n.杰出人物;
So I think we aim to do kind of similar things. 所以我觉得我们的目标是做些类似的事情。
And I think, you ask, we have a lot of employees at Google who have become pretty wealthy. 你问过,我们在Google有许多员工, 他们非常富有,
People make a lot of money in technology. 通过技术赚了很多钱,
A lot of people in the room are pretty wealthy. 很多人都非常富有。
You're working because you want to change the world. 你工作的目的是想要改变世界,
You want to make it better. 你想让世界变得更好。
Why isn't the company that you work for worthy not just of your time but your money as well? 你既然为这家公司工作, 为什么不值得为它投入你的时间, 还有你的金钱呢?
I mean, but we don't have a concept of that. 我的意思是,我们并不这样认为,
That's not how we think about companies, and I think it's sad, because companies are most of our effort. 我们也不是这样看待公司的。 我也觉得很伤感, 因为我们所付出的努力绝大部分都花在了公司上。
They're where most of people's time is, where a lot of the money is, and so I think I'd like for us to help out more than we are. 人们在这里付出了最多的时间, 也花费了许多金钱, 所以我想我要帮助大家, 而不是只顾自己。
CR: When I close conversations with lots of people, 查理·罗斯:我跟许多人的谈话结束时,
I always ask this question: 我总是问这样的一个问题:
What state of mind, what quality of mind is it that has served you best? 什么样的心理状态, 什么样的精神品质, 让你最为受益‘?
People like Rupert Murdoch have said curiosity , and other people in the media have said that. 像鲁珀特·默多克这样的人说是好奇心, 别的媒体人士也这样说。
curiosity:n.好奇,好奇心;珍品,古董,古玩; media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉;
Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have said focus. 比尔·盖茨和沃伦·巴菲特说是专注,
What quality of mind, as I leave this audience, has enabled you to think about the future and at the same time change the present? 在我与观众说再见之际, 什么样的精神品质 使得你能够思考未来, 而且与此同时, 改变现在?
enabled:v.使得;授予…权力;(enabled是enable的过去式) at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时;
LP: You know, I think the most important thing -- 拉里·佩奇:我认为最重要的事情,
I looked at lots of companies and why I thought they don't succeed over time. 我见过很多公司, 为什么我认为它们没能经受时间的考验。
We've had a more rapid turnover of companies. 如今公司的人员流动更快,
And I said, what did they fundamentally do wrong? 我问,他们出错的根源是什么?
What did those companies all do wrong? 这些公司都错在了哪里?
And usually it's just that they missed the future. 通常仅仅是因为他们错失了未来。
And so I think, for me, 所以在我看来,
I just try to focus on that and say, what is that future really going to be and how do we create it, and how do we cause our organization , to really focus on that and drive that at a really high rate? 我就是专注于这一点,并且在想, 未来将真正走向何方, 我们要如何创造未来, 我们怎样才能让我们的组织 真正专注于它, 并且很快地行动呢?
And so that's been curiosity, it's been looking at things people might not think about, working on things that no one else is working on, because that's where the additionality really is, and be willing to do that, to take that risk. 所以那就是好奇心, 去寻找人们 可能没有想过的东西, 研究别人所没有研究过的东西, 因为那才是真正的额外性, 同时乐于去做, 乐于承担风险。
Look at Android . 看看安卓,
I felt guilty about working on Android when it was starting. 为安卓而工作曾让我感到内疚, 在它刚起步时,
It was a little startup we bought. 我们收购它时,它只是很小的一步。
It wasn't really what we were really working on. 它当时也不是我们真正努力的方向。
And I felt guilty about spending time on that. 为它花时间让我感到内疚,
That was stupid. 那真是非常愚蠢。
That was the future, right? 那其实就是未来,对吧?
That was a good thing to be working on. 那是个很棒的东西,值得为之努力。
CR: It is great to see you here. 查理·罗斯:很高兴在这里见到你,
It's great to hear from you, and a pleasure to sit at this table with you. 很高兴听到你的讲述, 和你一起坐在这里也是我的荣幸。
Thanks, Larry. 谢谢拉里。
LP: Thank you. 拉里·佩奇:谢谢你。
(Applause) (掌声)
CR: Larry Page. 查理·罗斯:拉里·佩奇。