

Let's talk trash . 让我们来说说垃圾吧
You know, we had to be taught to renounce the powerful conservation ethic we developed during the Great Depression and World War II. 我们曾经被告知 要放弃在大萧条时期和二战时建立起来的 强有力的环境保护道德意识
renounce:vt.宣布放弃;与…断绝关系;垫牌;vi.放弃权利;垫牌;n.垫牌; conservation:n.保存,保持;保护; ethic:n.伦理;道德规范;adj.伦理的;道德的(等于ethical); Depression:n.沮丧;洼地;不景气;忧愁;
After the war, we needed to direct our enormous production capacity toward creation of products for peacetime . 战争之后,我们需要把大量的生产力 转移到和平时期的生产上来
enormous:adj.庞大的,巨大的;凶暴的,极恶的; capacity:n.能力;容量;资格,地位;生产力; creation:n.创造,创作;创作物,产物; peacetime:n.平时;和平时期;adj.平时的;和平时期的;
Life Magazine helped in this effort by announcing the introduction of throwaways that would liberate the housewife from the drudgery of doing dishes. 《生活杂志》在其中起了助推作用 宣称用完就丢的生活方式 以此将家庭主妇从洗涤碗碟的杂务中解放出来
throwaways:n.(一种成本极底的)广告传单(throwaway的复数形式); liberate:v.解放;使自由;使摆脱约束(或限制); housewife:n.家庭主妇; drudgery:n.苦工,苦差事;
Mental note to the liberators : throwaway plastics take a lot of space and don't biodegrade . 但这些被解放的人们应该铭记在心的是: 丢弃塑料占据了大量空间且不能生物降解
Mental:adj.精神的;脑力的;疯的;n.精神病患者; liberators:n.解放者;释放者; biodegrade:vt.生物递降分解;vi.进行生物降解;
Only we humans make waste that nature can't digest . 只有我们人类才能制造出大自然不能消化的废物
Plastics are also hard to recycle . 塑料同样也很难回收利用
A teacher told me how to express the under-five-percent of plastics recovered in our waste stream. 一位老师告诉我,如果要形容 我们排放废物中不到5%的塑料垃圾回收率的话
express:v.表达; adj.特快的; n.特快列车; v.使用快速服务;
It's diddly point squat . 可以用“diddle point squat”(无足轻重的小数目)
diddly:n.无价值的东西;adj.无价值的; squat:v.蹲,蹲下;蹲坐;蹲伏;使蹲坐;n.蹲坐,蜷伏;adj.蹲着的;矮胖的;
That's the percentage we recycle. 而这就是塑料可怜的回收率
Now, melting point has a lot to do with this. 这与塑料的熔点有很大关系
melting point:n.熔点;
Plastic is not purified by the re-melting process like glass and metal. 与玻璃和金属不同,塑料不能通过再熔化进行提炼
purified:v.使(某物)洁净;净化(心灵);提纯;精炼;(purify的过去分词和过去式) process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的;
It begins to melt below the boiling point of water and does not drive off oily contaminants for which it is a sponge . 在水沸点以下塑料便开始熔化 而且塑料会像海绵一样 吸附油性污染物
boiling point:n.沸点;极度愤怒;(某种状态的)爆发点; oily:adj.油的;油质的;油滑的;油腔滑调的; contaminants:n.[环境]污染物;污垢物(contaminant的复数); sponge:v.抹掉;用海绵擦拭;讨得;n.海绵;海绵状物;
Half of each year's 100 billion points of thermal plastic pellets will be made into fast-track trash. 每年回炉生产的1000亿颗塑料小球中 有一半会很快又变成垃圾
thermal:adj.热的;热量的;保热的;n.上升的热气流; pellets:n.芯块,小球(pellet的复数);靶丸;v.使形成小球(pellet的第三人称单数); fast-track:快速立法;
A large, unruly fraction of our trash will flow down rivers to the sea. 这些垃圾中的一大部分 将不可避免地经河流流入大海
unruly:adj.不守规矩的;任性的;难驾驭的; fraction:n.分数;小部分;小数;少量;
Here is the accumulation at Biona Creek next to the airport . 这是洛杉矶机场附近Biona小湾内垃圾堆积的景象
accumulation:n.积聚,累积;堆积物; Creek:n.小溪;小湾; airport:n.机场;航空港;
And here is the flotsam near California State University Long Beach and the de-sal plant we visited yesterday. 这是加州州立大学长滩分校附近的漂浮物 也是我们昨天参观的淡化水工厂所在地
flotsam:n.废料;(遇难船的)漂流货物;浮货;零碎物; State University:n.(美国)州立大学;
In spite of deposit fees, much of this trash leading out to the sea will be plastic beverage bottles. 尽管有回收报酬 但流向海洋的塑料垃圾绝大多数还是饮料瓶
In spite of:尽管;不管,不顾; deposit:n.订金; v.放下; beverage:n.饮料;
We use two million of them in the United States every five minutes, here imaged by TED presenter Chris Jordan who artfully documents mass consumption and zooms in for more detail. 在美国,每五分钟我们就使用了两百万个饮料瓶 这张图片来自TED演讲者克里斯·乔丹 他巧妙地记录了我们消费掉的瓶子数目是多么巨大,这是放大后的细节
United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式) imaged:想象;反映;象征(image的过去式和过去分词); presenter:主持人 artfully:adv.巧妙地;狡诈地; mass:n.块,团; adj.群众的,民众的; v.聚集起来,聚集; consumption:n.消费;消耗;肺痨;
Here is a remote island repository for bottles off the coast of Baja California. 这个位于下加利福尼亚海域的偏远海岛 已经成为塑料瓶的“储藏库”
remote:adj.偏远的;偏僻的;遥远的;久远的; repository:n.贮藏室,仓库;知识库;智囊团;
Isla San Roque is an uninhabited bird rookery off Baja's sparsely-populated central coast. 无人居住的圣罗克岛是许多鸟类的栖息地 位于下加州人口稀少的中部海岸
Roque:n.槌球;(美)短柄槌球(一种在硬地面上玩的游戏); uninhabited:adj.无人居住的,杳无人迹的; rookery:n.假山;贫民窟;(企鹅群)群栖地; sparsely-populated:人口稀少的;
Notice that the bottles here have caps on them. 请注意这些瓶子上都有瓶盖
Bottles made of polyethylene terephthalate , PET, will sink in seawater and not make it this far from civilization . 塑料瓶由聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)制成 会沉入海水而不会漂到这么偏远的地方
polyethylene:n.[高分子]聚乙烯; terephthalate:n.对苯二酸盐;对苯二酸酯; seawater:n.海水; civilization:n.文明;文明社会;文明世界;(特定时期和地区的)社会文明;
Also, the caps are produced in separate factories from a different plastic, polypropylene . 然而,瓶盖来自另一些的工厂 由一种称为聚丙烯的塑料制成
They will float in seawater, but unfortunately do not get recycled under the bottle bills. 它们会漂浮在海面上 不幸的是,瓶盖并不在退瓶法的回收名单中
unfortunately:adv.不幸地; recycled:n.再生纸;回收站;adj.[环境]回收利用的;可循环再造的;
Let's trace the journey of the millions of caps that make it to sea solo . 让我们追踪这数以百万计的瓶盖 看它们是如何漂向大海的
trace:追溯,追踪 journey:n.旅行;行程;vi.旅行; solo:n.独奏; adj.独奏的; v.单人攀登; v.单独地;
After a year the ones from Japan are heading straight across the Pacific, while ours get caught in the California current and first head down to the latitude of Cabo San Lucas. 一年时间里,来自日本的瓶盖横穿太平洋 我们的瓶盖则沿着加利福尼亚寒流漂行 起先到达的是卡波圣卢卡斯所在的纬度附近
latitude:n.纬度;界限;活动范围; Cabo:n.(烟草)叶柄;
After ten years, a lot of the Japanese caps are in what we call the Eastern Garbage Patch , while ours litter the Philippines . 10年之后,大多数来自日本的瓶盖 漂到了所谓的“东洋垃圾场” 而我们扔掉的瓶盖则堆积到了菲律宾
Eastern:adj.东方的;向东的;东部的;东方国家的;n.东方人;东正教信徒; Garbage:n.垃圾;废物; Patch:n.补丁;小片;眼罩;色斑;v.修补;打补丁;缝补; Philippines:n.菲律宾;
After 20 years, we see emerging the debris accumulation zone of the North Pacific Gyre . 20年之后,我们看到在北太平洋环流区 出现了塑料碎片堆积带
emerging:adj.新兴的;v.出现,浮现,露出;暴露;(emerge的现在分词) debris:n.碎片,残骸; Gyre:n.回转;旋回;旋转;vi.旋回;
It so happens that millions of albatross nesting on Kure and Midway atolls in the Northwest Hawaiian Islands National Monument forage here and scavenge whatever they can find for regurgitation to their chicks. 在西北夏威夷群岛国家保护地的两个环礁 库尔环礁和中途岛环礁上 生活着数以百万计的信天翁 它们在这片海域觅食,吃下能找到的所有一切 然后再回吐给幼鸟
albatross:n.[鸟]信天翁;沉重负担; Midway:n.中途;娱乐场;adj.中途的;adv.中途; atolls:n.[海洋]环礁,[地理]环状珊瑚岛; Northwest:adj.西北的;来自西北的;n.西北;adv.在西北;来自西北; Hawaiian:adj.夏威夷的;夏威夷语的;n.夏威夷人;夏威夷语; Monument:n.丰碑;纪念碑(或馆、堂、像等);历史遗迹;有历史价值的建筑; forage:n.饲料;草料;搜索;vi.搜寻粮草;搜寻; scavenge:vt.打扫;排除废气;以…为食;vi.清除污物;打扫; regurgitation:n.回流;反刍;流回;
A four-month old Laysan Albatross chick died with this in its stomach. 这是一只四个月大的黑背信天翁幼鸟 它死的时候,胃里是这些东西
Hundreds of thousands of the goose-sized chicks are dying with stomachs full of bottle caps and other rubbish like cigarette lighters ... 成千上万只鹅体形大小的幼鸟正在死亡线上挣扎 它们的胃里满是瓶盖和其他垃圾 如打火机……
But, mostly bottle caps. 但绝大部分是瓶盖
Sadly, their parents mistake bottle caps for food tossing about in the ocean surface. 不幸的是,它们的父母将漂在大海表面的瓶盖 误认为是食物
The retainer rings for the caps also have consequences for aquatic animals. 瓶盖下的扣环 也会给水生动物带来威胁
retainer:n.定金;保持器;预付费用;租房订金;家仆; consequences:n.后果,结果;影响(consequence的复数); aquatic:adj.水生的;水栖的;在水中或水面进行的;n.水上运动;水生植物或动物;
This is Mae West, still alive at a zookeeper's home in New Orleans . 这只龟名叫Mae West(意为救生背心) 现在仍生活在新奥尔良一位动物园管理员的家中
I wanted to see what my home town of Long Beach was contributing to the problem, so on Coastal Clean-Up Day in 2005 我想看看家乡长滩对这一问题作出的努力 因此,2005年的海岸清理日
contributing:v.捐献,捐赠(尤指款或物);捐助;增加;增进;(contribute的现在分词) Coastal:adj.沿海的;海岸的; Clean-Up:n.清除;净化;打扫卫生;
I went to the Long Beach Peninsula at the east end of our long beach. 我来到我们长滩市最东边的长滩半岛
We cleaned up the swaths of beach shown. 我们清理了这片狭长的沙滩
I offered five cents each for bottle caps. 每搜集一个瓶盖我付给5美分
I got plenty of takers . 许多人加入了行列
Here are the 1,100 bottle caps they collected. 这就是他们搜集的1100个瓶盖
I thought I would spend 20 bucks . 我想我要花上20美元
That day I ended up spending nearly 60. 而那天到最后我花了接近60美元
I separated them by color and put them on display the next Earth Day at Cabrillo Marine Aquarium in San Pedro . 我根据颜色将它们分类 并在接下来的地球日 在圣佩德罗的卡布里奥水族馆进行展览
on display:展览,公开展出; Marine:adj.海的;海产的;海生的;海船的;n.(尤指美国或英国皇家)海军陆战队士兵; Aquarium:n.水族馆;养鱼池;玻璃缸; Pedro:彼得牌戏(一种纸牌戏)
Governor Schwarzenegger and his wife Maria stopped by to discuss the display. 施瓦辛格州长和妻子玛丽亚路过并与我们讨论了这次展览
In spite of my " girly man" hat, crocheted from plastic shopping bags, they shook my hand. 尽管我戴着用塑料购物袋编织成的女里女气的帽子 他们还是与我握了手
girly:adj.像少女的; crocheted:用钩针编织(crochet的过去式和过去分词);
I showed him and Maria a zooplankton trawl from the gyre north of Hawaii with more plastic than plankton. 我给他和玛丽亚看了个浮游动物拖网 在夏威夷北部的涡流处 塑料的量比浮游生物还多
zooplankton:n.浮游动物; trawl:n.拖网;排钩;vi.用拖网捕鱼;vt.用拖网捕鱼;
Here's what our trawl samples from the plastic soup our ocean has become look like. 这就是在我们逐渐变成塑料汤的海洋中拖网得到的样品
Trawling a zooplankton net on the surface for a mile produces samples like this. 在海面用浮游动物拖网拖动一英里 得到的样品就像这个
And this. 和这个
Now, when the debris washes up on the beaches of Hawaii it looks like this. 当塑料碎片冲上夏威夷沙滩的时候 看起来是这样的
And this particular beach is Kailua Beach, the beach where our president and his family vacationed before moving to Washington. 而这里就是凯鲁亚沙滩 我们的总统一家在前往华盛顿之前度假的那个沙滩
Now, how do we analyze samples like this one that contain more plastic than plankton? 那么,我们是如何通过这些样品 分析得出塑料比浮游生物还多的结论呢?
We sort the plastic fragments into different size classes from five millimeters to one-third of a millimeter. 我们将塑料碎片按体积大小分成不同类别 从5毫米到1/3毫米
fragments:n.碎片(fragment的复数);片断;[计]分段;v.破碎(fragment的三单形式);打碎; millimeters:n.毫米;(millimeter的复数)
Small bits of plastic concentrate persistent organic pollutants up to a million times their levels in the surrounding seawater. 少量塑料上浓缩的持续性有机污染物浓度 比周围海水高出一百万倍
concentrate:n.浓缩物;v.聚精会神;集中(注意力);使…集中(或集合、聚集);(使)浓缩; persistent:adj.固执的,坚持的;持久稳固的; organic:adj.有机的;不使用化肥的;绿色的;有机物的;n.分子有机体; pollutants:n.[环境]污染物(pollutant的复数);
We wanted to see if the most common fish in the deep ocean, at the base of the food chain , was ingesting these poison pills . 我们想知道,深海里最普通的鱼类 位于食物链底部 是否也会吞下这些毒药丸
food chain:n.食物链; ingesting:v.摄入;食入;咽下;(ingest的现在分词) pills:n.药丸; v.起球; (pill的第三人称单数和复数)
We did hundreds of necropsies, and over a third had polluted plastic fragments in their stomachs. 我们做了数百例“尸体检验” 在超过三分之一的鱼体胃里面都发现了塑料碎片
The record-holder, only two-and-a-half inches long, had 84 pieces in its tiny stomach. 最高的记录来自一条仅2.5英寸的小鱼 它小小的胃里有84块塑料碎片
Now, you can buy certified organic produce. 你可以买到经过认证的有机制品
certified:adj.被证明了的; v.(尤指书面)证明,证实; (certify的过去式和过去分词)
But no fish monger on Earth can sell you a certified organic wild-caught fish. 但没有一个鱼贩 能卖给你一条经过认证的有机的,野生捕捉的鱼
monger:vt.传播,贩卖;n.商人,贩子; wild-caught:野外捕获的;
This is the legacy we are leaving to future generations. 这就是我们为子孙后代留下的遗产
The throwaway society cannot be contained, it has gone global . 一个无法控制的“用完就扔”的社会 已经成为全球问题
We simply cannot store and maintain or recycle all our stuff . 我们实在没办法储存或回收所有生产的东西
maintain:v.维持;保持;维修;保养;坚持(意见); stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本:
We have to throw it away. 我们必须把它们扔掉
Now, the market can do a lot for us, but it can't fix the natural system in the ocean we've broken. 现在,我们能利用市场做很多事情 但市场不能修补我们已经破坏了的海洋自然系统
All the king's horses and all the king's men ... 即使投入所有的人力物力
will never gather up all the plastic and put the ocean back together again. 也永远无法把海洋里所有的塑料垃圾清理干净
Video: The levels are increasing, the amount of packaging is increasing, the throwaway concept of living is proliferating , and it's showing up in the ocean. 视频:情况正在恶化 塑料包装的数量不断增加 “用完就扔”的生活方式大行其道 危害已经波及到了海洋
Anchor: He offers no hope of cleaning it up. 主持人:他对把海洋清理干净感到希望渺茫
Straining the ocean for plastic would be beyond the budget of any country and it might kill untold amounts of sea life in the process. 把塑料从海水中过滤出来的成本 将超出任何国家的预算 过程中也可能导致海洋生物的死亡
Straining:n.应变,变形;v.拉紧;竭尽…的全力;使…损坏(strain的现在分词); budget:n.预算,预算费;v.安排,预定;把…编入预算;adj.廉价的; untold:adj.数不清的;未说过的;未透露的;无限的;
The solution , Moore says, is to stop the plastic at its source : stop it on land before it falls in the ocean. 摩尔说,解决的方法要从塑料的来源着手 将塑料控制在陆地上,阻止其流入海洋
solution:n.解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答; source:n.来源;水源;原始资料;
And in a plastic-wrapped and packaged world, he doesn't hold out much hope for that, either. 而身处一个被塑料袋和塑料包装包围的世界 他对此也不抱太大希望
This is Brian Rooney for Nightline, in Long Beach, California. 这是布莱恩·鲁尼的《夜线》节目 发自加利福尼亚长滩市
Charles Moore: Thank you. 查尔斯·摩尔:谢谢。