

It's a great pleasure to be here. 很高兴来到这里
It's a great pleasure to speak after 很高兴我的发言被安排在
Brian Cox from CERN. 欧洲核子研究中心的布莱恩·考克斯之后
I think CERN is the home of the Large Hadron Collider . 我知道欧洲核子研究中心有一个 大型强子对撞器
Hadron:n.[高能]强子(参与强相互作用的基本粒子); Collider:n.对撞机;碰撞机;
What ever happened to the Small Hadron Collider? 小型强子对撞器出什么事了?
Where is the Small Hadron Collider? 小型强子对撞器去哪了?
Because the Small Hadron Collider once was the big thing. 因为小型强子对撞器曾经是大的
Now, the Small Hadron Collider is in a cupboard , overlooked and neglected . 现在,小型强子对撞器 被扔在柜子里,没人搭理了
cupboard:n.橱柜;密室; overlooked:n.被忽视;v.忽视(overlook的过去式和过去分词形式);忽略;俯瞰; neglected:adj.被忽略的; v.忽略; (neglect的过去分词和过去式)
You know when the Large Hadron Collider started, and it didn't work, and people tried to work out why, it was the Small Hadron Collider team who sabotaged it because they were so jealous . 在大型强子对撞器刚启用的时候 它没能正常运转,大家试图找出原因 原来是小型强子对撞器的团队 在捣鬼 因为他们太嫉妒了
sabotaged:v.蓄意破坏;刻意阻碍;妨碍;捣乱(sabotage的过去分词和过去式) jealous:adj.妒忌的;猜疑的;唯恐失去的;戒备的;
The whole Hadron Collider family needs unlocking . 整个强子对撞器团队 需要被解放
The lesson of Brian's presentation , in a way -- all those fantastic pictures -- is this really: that vantage point determines everything that you see. 布莱恩的演讲 和所有他那些奇妙的图片 其真正含义是 观察位置决定了观察结果
presentation:n.展示;描述,陈述;介绍;赠送; fantastic:奇异的,空想的 vantage point:n.(观察事物的)有利地点;(尤指考虑旧时事物的)有利时刻; determines:v.查明;测定;准确算出;决定;裁决;安排;(determine的第三人称单数)
What Brian was saying was science has opened up successively different vantage points from which we can see ourselves, and that's why it's so valuable . 布莱恩的意思是 科学不断开拓出了各种各样的观察位置 立于其上,我们可以审视自己。 所以它非常具有价值。
successively:adv.相继地;接连着地; valuable:adj.有价值的;贵重的;可估价的;n.贵重物品;
So the vantage point you take determines virtually everything that you will see. 你所处的观察位置 事实上决定了观察结果
The question that you will ask will determine much of the answer that you get. 你所提出的问题 基本决定了你所能得到的答案。
And so if you ask this question: 如果你的问题是
Where would you look to see the future of education? 去哪里能够找到教育的未来
The answer that we've traditionally given to that is very straightforward , at least in the last 20 years: 我们传统上给出的答案 至少在过去的二十年里,非常简单
traditionally:adv.传统上;习惯上;传说上; straightforward:adj.简单的;坦率的;明确的;径直的;adv.直截了当地;坦率地;
You go to Finland. 去芬兰
Finland is the best place in the world to see school systems. 芬兰是世界上观察教育系统的最佳地点
The Finns may be a bit boring and depressive and there's a very high suicide rate, but by golly, they are qualified . 芬兰人可能有些无趣,抑郁,且自杀率颇高 但是他们做的真的很到位
Finns:n.芬兰人(Finn的复数形式); boring:adj.无聊的;令人厌烦的;n.钻孔;v.使厌烦;钻孔;(bore的现在分词) depressive:adj.抑郁的;压抑的; suicide:n.自杀;自杀行为;自杀者;adj.自杀的;v.自杀;vi.自杀; qualified:adj.有资格的; v.合格; (qualify的过去分词和过去式)
And they have absolutely amazing education systems. 他们的教育系统绝对令人叹为观止
So we all troop off to Finland, and we wonder at the social democratic miracle of Finland and its cultural homogeneity and all the rest of it, and then we struggle to imagine how we might bring lessons back. 所以我们都跑去了芬兰 我们惊叹于芬兰社会的民主奇迹 文化的统一性,以及所有其他方面 但最后我们却苦于很难把 所见所学的带回去用。
democratic:adj.民主的;民主政治的;大众的; miracle:n.奇迹,奇迹般的人或物;惊人的事例; cultural:adj.与文化有关的;文化的;与艺术、文学、音乐等有关的; homogeneity:n.同质;同种;同次性(等于homogeneousness); all the rest:其他所有相关信息;
Well, so, for this last year, with the help of Cisco who sponsored me, for some balmy reason, to do this, 所以在过去的一年里 在思科的资助下 基于高尚的理由,
Cisco:n.加拿大白鲑(一种青鱼);Cisco公司(是企业网络产品的全球领先供应商); sponsored:adj.(活动或比赛)为慈善筹款而举办的; v.赞助(活动、节目等); (sponsor的过去式和过去分词) balmy:adj.芳香的;温和的;止痛的;
I've been looking somewhere else. 我到了其他一些地方做调查。
Because actually radical innovation does sometimes come from the very best, but it often comes from places where you have huge need -- unmet , latent demand -- 因为事实上革新性的创造有的时候 来自于发达地区 但它经常来自于 有庞大的需求 不足,和潜在需要
radical:n.自由基;激进分子;游离基;adj.根本的;彻底的;完全的;全新的; innovation:n.创新,革新;新方法; unmet:adj.未满足的;未应付的;未相遇的; latent:adj.潜在的;潜伏的;隐藏的;
and not enough resources for traditional solutions to work -- traditional, high-cost solutions, which depend on professionals , which is what schools and hospitals are. 而且以现有资源和方式无法解决问题的地方- 传统的高成本方法 依赖专业人员, 比如学校和医院
resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数); professionals:n.[管理]专业人员(professional的复数);
So I ended up in places like this. 所以我最后选择了这类地方
This is a place called Monkey Hill. 这个地方叫猴山
It's one of the hundreds of favelas in Rio. 是里约上百个贫民区中的一个
Most of the population growth of the next 50 years will be in cities. 未来50年,大部分的人口增长 都会在城市地区。
We'll grow by six cities of 12 million people a year for the next 30 years. 我们会每年增加六个一千二百万人口的城市 持续增长三十年。
Almost all of that growth will be in the developed world. 大部分的人口增长会在发达地区。
Almost all of that growth will be in places like Monkey Hill. 大部分的增长会在 像猴山的这类地方。
This is where you'll find the fastest growing young populations of the world. 这里有增长最快的 青年人口,全世界最快的
So if you want recipes to work -- for virtually anything -- health, education, government politics and education -- you have to go to these places. 所以如果你想把一些想法派上用场 几乎可以是任何想法 -- 健康,教育 政府工作 以及教育 -- 那么你必须去这类地方
recipes:n.烹饪法;食谱;方法;秘诀;诀窍;(recipe的复数) politics:n.政治;钩心斗角;政治观点;v.(贬)从事政治活动;(politic的第三人称单数)
And if you go to these places, you meet people like this. 在这里,你会遇见这类人
This is a guy called Juanderson. 这个人叫胡安得森
At the age of 14, in common with many 14-year-olds in the Brazilian education system, he dropped out of school. 在他十四岁的时候 像很多在巴西教育系统里的十四岁孩子一样 他退学了
in common with:与…一样;
It was boring. 上学太无聊了
And Juanderson, instead, went into what provided kind of opportunity and hope in the place that he lived, which was the drugs trade. 胡安得森转而去了 能给他机会和希望的地方 在他住的地方,那就是毒品交易
provided:conj.假如; v.提供; (provide的过去分词和过去式)
And by the age of 16, with rapid promotion, he was running the drugs trade in 10 favelas. 他进步神速,到十六岁的时候 已经在十个贫民区展开了毒品业务
He was turning over 200,000 dollars a week. 他一个星期经手二十万美元
He employed 200 people. 手底下有两百人
He was going to be dead by the age of 25. 估计活不到二十五岁就得死
And luckily, he met this guy, who is Rodrigo Baggio, the owner of the first laptop to ever appear in Brazil . 但很幸运,他认识了这个人 罗德里格.巴乔 巴西第一个拥有笔记本电脑的人
laptop:n.便携式电脑;笔记本电脑; Brazil:n.巴西(拉丁美洲国家);
1994, Rodrigo started something called CDI, which took computers donated by corporations , put them into community centers in favelas and created places like this. 1994年,罗德里格开始从事一种 被称作CDI的业务 就是把电脑 从捐赠它们的企业那里 拿到贫民区的社区中心 然后建立一些这样的地方
donated:v.捐赠,赠送;献(血);捐献(器官);(donate的过去分词和过去式) corporations:n.[贸易]公司,[经]企业(corporation的复数形式); community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体;
What turned Juanderson around was technology for learning that made learning fun and accessible . 真正改变胡安得森的 是可以辅助他学习的科技 使学习变得有趣且易行
technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; accessible:adj.易接近的;可进入的;可理解的;
Or you can go to places like this. 你也可以去像这样的地方
This is Kibera, which is the largest slum in East Africa. 这是基贝拉,东非最大的贫民区
Millions of people living here, stretched over many kilometers. 上百万人住在这里 方圆有好几公里
And there I met these two, 我在这遇见了这两个人
Azra on the left, Maureen on the right. 左边的是阿紫,右边的是毛琳
They just finished their Kenyan certificate of secondary education . 她们刚刚拿到了肯尼亚的 中等教育文凭
certificate:n.证明;证明书;合格证书;文凭;v.发给结业证书;(尤指)发给职业培训证书; secondary education:中等教育;
That name should tell you that the Kenyan education system borrows almost everything from Britain, circa 1950, but has managed to make it even worse. 从这个名称可以看出肯尼亚的教育系统 几乎是完全效仿 1950年左右的英国 只是办的更糟糕
So there are schools in slums like this. 可见这类贫民区是有学校设施的
slums:n.贫民,[经]贫民区(slum的复数); v.到贫民窟去;
They're places like this. 学校都是像这样的
That's where Maureen went to school. 毛琳就是在这里上学
They're private schools. There are no state schools in slums. 这些都是私立学校。在贫民区没有公立学校
And the education they got was pitiful . 而且对于她们所受的教育我实在不敢恭维
It was in places like this. This a school set up by some nuns in another slum called Nakuru. 就是在这样一个地方,一个修女们建立起来的学校 坐落于另一个叫那库鲁的贫民区。
Half the children in this classroom have no parents because they've died through AIDS. 这个班上一半的孩子是孤儿 他们的父母死于艾滋病。
The other half have one parent because the other parent has died through AIDS. 另一半孩子是单亲 父母中的一个死于艾滋病。
other half:n.另一半(指配偶或男友,女友);
So the challenges of education in this kind of place are not to learn the kings and queens of Kenya or Britain. 所以上学的内容 在这类地区 不是要了解肯尼亚或者英国的国王和王后
They are to stay alive, to earn a living , to not become HIV positive . 而是如何生存,谋生 不得艾滋病。
earn a living:谋生;活命; HIV:n.艾滋病病毒; positive:adj.积极的;[数]正的,[医][化学]阳性的;确定的;n.正数;[摄]正片;
The one technology that spans rich and poor in places like this is not anything to do with industrial technology. 有一种不分贵贱,人人可享用的科技 在这类地方就有 它跟工业科技毫无关系
spans:n.[建]跨度;一段时间(span的复数);v.跨越;持续;贯穿(span的第三人称单数); industrial:adj.工业的,产业的; n.工业股票;
It's not to do with electricity or water. 也不用电或者水
It's the mobile phone . 它就是移动电话。
mobile phone:移动电话
If you want to design from scratch virtually any service in Africa, you would start now with the mobile phone. 如果你想从头设计一种 在非洲的服务,不论何种方式, 你最好现在就从移动电话入手。
from scratch:白手起家;从头做起;
Or you could go to places like this. 或者你可以去这类地方
This is a place called the Madangiri Settlement Colony , which is a very developed slum about 25 minutes outside New Delhi , where I met these characters who showed me around for the day. 这个地方叫玛丹基利殖民定居地 是一个比较完善的贫民区 离新德里大约二十五分钟车程, 我在那里遇到了这几个人 她们那天带我到周边转了转
Settlement:n.协议:处理:结算:定居点; Colony:n.殖民地;移民队; Delhi:n.德里(印度城市名);
The remarkable thing about these girls, and the sign of the kind of social revolution sweeping through the developing world is that these girls are not married. 这几个女孩,有个值得注意的地方 这其实是社会变革的一种标志 这个现象席卷了发展中国家 那就是这些女孩都还没有结婚。
remarkable:adj.卓越的;非凡的;值得注意的; revolution:n.革命;旋转;运行;循环; sweeping:n.扫除; adj.影响广泛的; v.打扫; (sweep的现在分词)
Ten years ago, they certainly would have been married. 十年前,这个年龄肯定已经结婚了
Now they're not married, and they want to go on to study further, to have a career . 现在却没有,她们还想着 继续深造,拥有一份职业。
They've been brought up by mothers who are illiterate , who have never ever done homework. 抚养她们的母亲们都是文盲, 从未做过家庭作业。
All across the developing world there are millions of parents -- tens, hundreds of millions -- who for the first time are with children doing homework and exams. 全世界的发展中地区,有数以百万的家长 成百上千万的家长 这辈子第一次 和孩子们一起做家庭作业,考试。
And the reason they carry on studying is not because they went to a school like this. 这些家长学习的原因 不是因为她们在这样的学校里学习。
This is a private school . 这是一个私立学校
private school:n.私立学校;私立中小学;
This is a fee-pay school. This is a good school. 一个收费的,不错的学校。
This is the best you can get in Hyderabad in Indian education. 这是你能找到的最好的 在印度海得拉巴的学校了。
The reason they went on studying was this. 她们继续学习的原因是这个。
This is a computer installed in the entrance to their slum by a revolutionary social entrepreneur called Sugata Mitra who has conducted the most radical experiments, showing that children, in the right conditions, can learn on their own with the help of computers. 这台电脑就装在贫民区的门口 装这个的是个给社会带来变革的企业家 名字叫苏迦特.米卡 他通过最基本的试验 给孩子们证明,在合适的条件下 他们可以在电脑的帮助下自主学习
installed:v.安装;设置;使就职(install的过去分词和过去式) revolutionary:adj.革命性的;革命的;彻底变革的;n.改革者;革命者; entrepreneur:n.企业家;承包人;主办者; conducted:v.组织;安排;实施;执行;指挥;带领;引导;(conduct的过去分词和过去式)
Those girls have never touched Google . 那些女孩从没碰过谷歌
They know nothing about Wikipedia . 她们对维基百科一无所知
Imagine what their lives would be like if you could get that to them. 想象一下她们的生活会发生什么变化 如果你能将这些带给她们。
So if you look, as I did, through this tour, and by looking at about a hundred case studies of different social entrepreneurs working in these very extreme conditions, 所以如果你像我一样, 通过此项活动来探寻 通过观察上百个案例来分析 不同的社会企业家 在这些非常极端的条件下进行的工作,
entrepreneurs:n.企业家;(entrepreneur的复数) extreme:adj.极端的;极度的;偏激的;尽头的;n.极端;末端;最大程度;极端的事物;
look at the recipes that they come up with for learning, they look nothing like school. 观察他们想到的为了学习的方法 它们跟学校的方式完全不同。
come up with:提出;想出;赶上;
What do they look like? 那它们是怎么样的呢?
Well, education is a global religion. 改善教育是个全世界都在追求的目标。
And education, plus technology, is a great source of hope. 教育,加上科技 给人带来了巨大希望。
You can go to places like this. 你可以去这样的地方。
This is a school three hours outside of Sao Paulo. 这是一个离圣保罗三小时车程的学校,
Most of the children there have parents who are illiterate. 那里大部分孩子的家长是文盲。
Many of them don't have electricity at home. 很多孩子的家里还没有通上电。
But they find it completely obvious to use computers, websites, make videos, so on and so forth. 但他们会很自然地 开始接触电脑,网站, 制作视频,等等。
When you go to places like this what you see is that education in these settings works by pull, not push. 当你来到这种地方 你看到的是 在这种条件下的教育 是吸引式的,不是灌输式的。
Most of our education system is push. 大部分的教育系统是灌输式的。
I was literally pushed to school. 我就是被逼去上学的。
When you get to school, things are pushed at you: knowledge, exams, systems, timetables . 在学校里,东西都是灌给你的, 知识,考试, 制度,课程表。
If you want to attract people like Juanderson who could, for instance , buy guns, wear jewelry, ride motorbikes and get girls through the drugs trade, and you want to attract him into education, having a compulsory curriculum doesn't really make sense . 如果你想吸引像胡安得森那样的 可能会 买枪,带珠宝, 骑摩托车,勾搭女孩 参与毒品交易的人, 你想吸引他去受教育, 一个强制性的课表将毫无意义。
instance:n.实例;情况;建议;v.举...为例; compulsory:adj.义务的;必修的;被强制的;n.(花样滑冰、竞技体操等的)规定动作; curriculum:n.课程;总课程; make sense:有意义;讲得通;言之有理;
That isn't really going to attract him. 那没法真正地引起他的兴趣。
You need to pull him. 你需要吸引他。
And so education needs to work by pull, not push. 所以教育需要吸引,不能灌输。
And so the idea of a curriculum is completely irrelevant in a setting like this. 类似课表这样的想法 在这样的环境下是完全不适用的。
You need to start education from things that make a difference to them in their settings. 教育要先从 帮助人带来生活上的改变开始 而且适用于他们的环境。
make a difference:有影响,有关系;
What does that? 怎么能做到这个呢?
Well, the key is motivation , and there are two aspects to it. 关键是动力,这里包含两个方面.
motivation:n.动机;积极性;推动; aspects:n.方面;相位;面貌(aspect的复数);
One is to deliver extrinsic motivation, that education has a payoff . 一个是传递外部的动力。 也就是受教育是有回报的。
extrinsic:adj.外在的;外来的;非固有的; payoff:n.报酬;结果;发工资;结算;adj.支付的;决定性的;产生结果的;
Our education systems all work on the principle that there is a payoff, but you have to wait quite a long time. 我们的教育系统都基于 的原则是能带来回报, 但你必须得等很长一段时间。
That's too long if you're poor. 如果你是个穷人,等不了那么久。
Waiting 10 years for the payoff from education is too long when you need to meet daily needs, when you've got siblings to look after or a business to help with. 十年才等来教育的回报 对于需要养家糊口的人来说太长了, 特别是当你有兄弟姐妹需要照看 或是家里有生意需要帮忙。
So you need education to be relevant and help people to make a living there and then, often. 所以你需要有相关性的教育,能给人以帮助 养家糊口,生活下来。
make a living:谋生,维持生活;
And you also need to make it intrinsically interesting. 还要从本质上把学习搞得有趣
So time and again , I found people like this. 长此以往,我发现人们会喜欢学习的。
time and again:adv.屡次;常常;
This is an amazing guy, Sebastiao Rocha, in Belo Horizonte, in the third largest city in Brazil. 这是个了不起的人,塞巴斯蒂安.罗恰 在贝洛奥里藏特 巴西的第三大城市
He's invented more than 200 games to teach virtually any subject under the sun . 他研发了两百多种游戏 可以教授几乎任何已知的学科
under the sun:天下;究竟;
In the schools and communities that Taio works in, the day always starts in a circle and always starts from a question. 在学校和社区 那些泰奥工作的地方 每一天都是周而复始的 总是从一个提问开始
Imagine an education system that started from questions, not from knowledge to be imparted , or started from a game, not from a lesson, or started from the premise that you have to engage people first before you can possibly teach them. 想象一下,一个教育系统,从提问开始 而不直接传授知识 或者从游戏开始,而不是从一堂课 或者说从一个前提开始 就是你必须先把人吸引过来 在那之前你根本不可能教他们。
imparted:adj.给予的;授予的; premise:n.前提;假定;v.假定;预述(条件等);引导(论述等);; engage:v.吸引,占用;使参加;雇佣;使订婚;预定;
Our education systems, you do all that stuff afterward , if you're lucky, sport, drama , music. 我们的教育系统, 所有那些事都是后做的,如果你幸运的话, 体育,戏剧,音乐
stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本: afterward:adv.以后,后来; drama:n.戏剧;戏剧艺术;戏剧文学;戏剧性事件;
These things, they teach through. 这些学科寓教于乐
They attract people to learning because it's really a dance project or a circus project or, the best example of all -- 它们吸引人来学习 因为它说到底就是个舞蹈活动项目 或者是马戏团活动项目 或者,最好的例子是 -
El Sistema in Venezuela -- it's a music project. 委内瑞拉国立青少年管弦乐团系统 它是一个音乐项目。
And so you attract people through that into learning, not adding that on after all the learning has been done and you've eaten your cognitive greens. 你通过它来吸引人们,进而开展学习 而不是把活动放在 所有的学习之后 你的精力到那个时候早用光了
So El Sistema in Venezuela uses a violin as a technology of learning. 委内瑞拉国立青少年管弦乐团系统 用小提琴作为学习的工具
Taio Rocha uses making soap as a technology of learning. 泰奥.罗恰用做肥皂 作为学习的工具
And what you find when you go to these schemes is that they use people and places in incredibly creative ways. 深入到这些计划中你会发现 他们利用人员和场地 的方式很有创造力
schemes:n.方案,计划;阴谋(scheme的复数);v.计划,设计;谋划(scheme的三单形式); incredibly:adv.难以置信地;非常地; creative:adj.创造性的;
Masses of peer learning. 大量的互助学习
Masses:n.民众;大量(mass的复数);包块;v.集中;聚集(mass的三单形式); peer:n.同辈;同龄人;身份(或地位)相同的人;(英国)贵族成员;v.仔细看;端详;
How do you get learning to people when there are no teachers, when teachers won't come, when you can't afford them, and even if you do get teachers, what they teach isn't relevant to the communities that they serve? 怎么样能让人进行学习 在没有老师的情况下学习 在老师不愿来,或你付不起钱的情况下 甚至是你请来了老师 但他们所教授的跟所在社区毫无相关性
Well, you create your own teachers. 那么,你就自己创造一个老师
You create peer-to-peer learning, or you create para-teachers, or you bring in specialist skills. 可以采用互帮互助学习 或者设立辅导教师,还有利用一些特殊技能
But you find ways to get learning that's relevant to people through technology, people and places that are different. 反正是要想办法让人们学有所用 利用各种科技,人员和场地的手段
So this is a school in a bus on a building site in Pune, the fastest growing city in Asia. 这是个在巴士车上的学校 在一个建筑工地上 位于浦那,亚洲发展最快的城市
building site:n.建筑工地;
Pune has 5,000 building sites . 浦那有五千个建筑工地。
It has 30,000 children on those building sites. 有三万名儿童 在那些建筑工地上。
That's one city. 这只是一个城市
Imagine that urban explosion that's going to take place across the developing world and how many thousands of children will spend their school years on building sites. 想象一下,城市飞速扩张之势 将席卷发展中地区 会有成千上万的儿童 将在学龄期间每天泡在工地上
urban:adj.城市的;都市的;城镇的;都市音乐的; explosion:n.爆炸;爆发;激增; take place:发生;举行;
Well, this is a very simple scheme to get the learning to them through a bus. 这是个非常简便的方案 用一辆巴士车让孩子们有学上
And they all treat learning, not as some sort of academic , analytical activity, but as that's something that's productive , something you make, something that you can do, perhaps earn a living from. 而且在这里学到的 不是什么学术,分析过程 而是实际有用的东西 一些你能做出来的 一些你能从事的,能用来谋生的东西
treat:v.治疗;处理;招待;款待;n.款待;乐事;乐趣; academic:adj.学术的;理论的;学院的;n.大学生,大学教师;学者; analytical:adj.分析的;解析的;善于分析的; productive:adj.能生产的;生产的,生产性的;多产的;富有成效的;
So I met this character, Steven. 我遇到了一个叫史蒂夫的人
He'd spent three years in Nairobi living on the streets because his parents had died of AIDS. 他有三年在内罗毕的大街上度过 因为他的父母患艾滋病去世了
And he was finally brought back into school, not by the offer of GCSEs, but by the offer of learning how to become a carpenter , a practical making skill. 他最终还是上了学, 不是为了普通中等教育证书 而是学习如何当木匠 一项实用的技能。
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; carpenter:n.木匠,木工;vi.当木匠,制作; practical:adj.实际的;真实的;客观存在的;n.实习课;实践课;
So the trendiest schools in the world, 全世界最时髦的学校
High Tech High and others, they espouse a philosophy of learning as productive activity. 科技类高中以及其他的 它们提倡的办学理念是学以致用
espouse:vt.支持;嫁娶;赞成;信奉; philosophy:n.哲学;哲理;人生观;
Here, there isn't really an option . 在这里,没有其他选择
Learning has to be productive in order for it to make sense. 学习内容必须要能致用 才有意义
And finally, they have a different model of scale , and it's a Chinese restaurant model of how to scale. 最后它们采用一种与众不同的推广模式 就是中餐馆式的 推广模式
And I learned it from this guy, who is an amazing character. 这个我是从这人身上学到的 这是一个了不起的人
He's probably the most remarkable social entrepreneur in education in the world. 他可能是最杰出的社会企业家 就全世界教育界而言
His name is Madhav Chavan, and he created something called Pratham. 他的名字是马德哈夫.恰凡 他创建了一个叫布拉罕的组织
And Pratham runs preschool play groups for, now, 21 million children in India. 布拉罕开展的是面向学龄前儿童的游戏活动 现在在印度,有两千一百万儿童参与
It's the largest NGO in education in the world. 它是全世界最大的教育类非政府组织
And it also supports working-class kids going into Indian schools. 它也援助进入学校的工薪阶层的孩子
He's a complete revolutionary. 此人是个彻彻底底的革新者
He's actually a trade union organizer by background, and that's how he learned the skills to build his organization . 他的工作背景本来是工会组织者 他就是在那里学到的管理方法 用来建立这个组织
trade union:n.工会; organizer:n.组织者;承办单位;[生物]组织导体; organization:n.组织;机构;体制;团体;
When they got to a certain stage, 当它们到了一定阶段
Pratham got big enough to attract some pro bono support from McKinsey. 布拉罕的规模已经达到可以吸引 来自麦肯锡的无偿援助
pro bono:adj.无偿服务的;公益性的;
McKinsey came along and looked at his model and said, "You know what you should do with this, Madhav? 麦肯锡的人看了他的运营模式后说 “你知道应该怎么来运作它吗,马德哈夫?
You should turn it into McDonald's. 你应该采用麦当劳模式
And what you do when you go to any new site is you kind of roll out a franchise . 每到任何一个新地方,你应该 开展特许加盟
And it's the same wherever you go. 这样你的东西无论到哪都是一个样子
It's reliable and people know exactly where they are. 此举不但稳妥,且让人一进来就知道他们在哪
And there will be no mistakes." 不会有人出差错”
And Madhav said, "Why do we have to do it that way? 马德哈夫说 “我们为什么非那样不可?
Why can't we do it more like the Chinese restaurants?" 为什么不能像中餐馆那样搞呢?”
There are Chinese restaurants everywhere, but there is no Chinese restaurant chain. 中餐馆无处不在 但却没有一个中餐馆连锁系统
Yet, everyone knows what is a Chinese restaurant. 可谁都知道中餐馆什么样
They know what to expect, even though it'll be subtly different and the colors will be different and the name will be different. 他们知道店里会有什么,即便店与店会有些不同 颜色会有点不一样,名字也不同
You know a Chinese restaurant when you see it. 但你一看就知道这是个中餐馆
These people work with the Chinese restaurant model -- same principles , different applications and different settings -- not the McDonald's model. 这些人采用了中餐馆的模式 同一个准则, 不同的用途和配置 没用麦当劳的模式
The McDonald's model scales . 麦当劳模式是增长型的
scales:n.规模范围; v.攀登; (scale的第三人称单数和复数)
The Chinese restaurant model spreads. 中餐馆模式是扩散型的
So mass education started with social entrepreneurship in the 19th century. 大众教育 最初是社会企业的形式 那是在十九世纪
And that's desperately what we need again on a global scale. 而这一特点是我们又重新迫切需要的 全世界都是如此
And what can we learn from all of that? 这对我们有什么启发呢
Well, we can learn a lot because our education systems are failing desperately in many ways. 启发很多 因为我们的教育系统 在很多方面都是非常失败的
They fail to reach the people they most need to serve. 它们帮不到那些 最需要帮助的人
They often hit their target but miss the point . 他们经常是找对了对象,办错了事
miss the point:没有抓住要领;
Improvement is increasingly difficult to organize; our faith in these systems, incredibly fraught . 想要的改进越来越 难于付诸实施 我们对这些系统的信任,非常令人忧心
Improvement:n.改进,改善; increasingly:adv.越来越多地;渐增地; faith:n.信心;信任;宗教信仰; fraught:adj.担心的,忧虑的;充满…的;
And this is just a very simple way of understanding what kind of innovation, what kind of different design we need. 有一个非常简单的方法 来理解什么样的创新 什么样的新式设计是我们需要的。
There are two basic types of innovation. 创新基本有两种类型
There's sustaining innovation, which will sustain an existing institution or an organization, and disruptive innovation that will break it apart, create some different way of doing it. 一种是改良型创新 就是改良一个已有的机构或是组织 另一种是破坏型创新 是打破已有模式,想出一些不同的方式来处理问题
sustaining:adj.持续的;支持的;v.维持(sustain的现在分词);支持;承受; institution:n.制度;建立;(社会或宗教等)公共机构;习俗; disruptive:adj.破坏的;分裂性的;制造混乱的;
There are formal settings -- schools, colleges, hospitals -- in which innovation can take place, and informal settings -- communities, families, social networks. 在一些正式的地方 比如学校,高校,医院 是可以进行创新的 还有一类是非正式的地方,比如社区 家庭,社交网络
Almost all our effort goes in this box, sustaining innovation in formal settings, getting a better version of the essentially Bismarckian school system that developed in the 19th century. 几乎我们所有的力气都花在这里 在那些正式的地方进行改良型创新 改良现行的 也就是原来的俾斯麦式学校系统 它产生于十九世纪
And as I said , the trouble with this is that, in the developing world there just aren't teachers to make this model work. 正如我描述的,这个模式的问题在于 在发展中地区 根本就没有师资能让这个模式运转起来
as I said:正如我所说的
You'd need millions and millions of teachers in China, India, Nigeria and the rest of developing world to meet need. 你需要成百上千万的老师 以供中国,印度,尼日利亚 以及其他发展中地区需要
And in our system, we know that simply doing more of this won't eat into deep educational inequalities , especially in inner cities and former industrial areas. 在我们的系统里,我们了解到 继续这样做不能消除 严重的教育不平等 特别是在内陆城市 和正规的工业区
educational:adj.教育的;有关教育的;有教育意义的 inequalities:n.[数]不等式;不均等,不平衡;不平坦(inequality的复数形式); especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分; inner:n.内部;射中接近靶心部分的一发;adj.里面的;向内的;内部的;接近中心的;
So that's why we need three more kinds of innovation. 这就是为什么我们需要另外三种创新
We need more reinvention . 我们需要更多的彻底改造
And all around the world now you see more and more schools reinventing themselves. 放眼世界,你会看到 越来越多的学校被彻底改造了
They're recognizably schools, but they look different. 它们还可看做是学校,但已大不相同
There are Big Picture schools in the U.S. and Australia. 我们有了一些大图学校 开设在美国和澳大利亚
There are Kunskapsskolan schools in Sweden. 我们有了一些坎斯卡普.思科兰学校 开设在瑞典
Of 14 of them, only two of them are in schools. 这十四个孩子中 只有两个进了学校
Most of them are in other buildings not designed as schools. 大部分人所在的其他那些楼都不是学校。
There is an amazing school in Northen Queensland called Jaringan. 在北昆士兰有一所很棒的学校 名字叫嘉灵甘学校
And they all have the same kind of features: highly collaborative , very personalized , often pervasive technology, learning that starts from questions and problems and projects, not from knowledge and curriculum. 这些学校有很相似的特点 大量的协作,高度的个性化 对高科技的利用大都很普及 由提问展开学习 从实际困难和活动项目展开学习 不是从知识和课程
highly:adv.高度地;非常;非常赞许地; collaborative:adj.合作的,协作的; personalized:v.在…上标明主人姓名; (personalize的过去分词和过去式) pervasive:adj.普遍的;到处渗透的;流行的;
So we certainly need more of that. 我们毫无疑问需要更多这类东西
But because so many of the issues in education aren't just in school, they're in family and community, what you also need, definitely , is more on the right hand side. 但因为很多教育的问题 不光发生在学校 也发生在家庭和社区 你绝对需要 更多的在右手边的东西
issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数) definitely:adv.清楚地,当然;明确地,肯定地;
You need efforts to supplement schools. 你需要课外类的学校得到援助
The most famous of these is Reggio Emilia in Italy, the family-based learning system to support and encourage people in schools. 其中最知名的是意大利的雷乔.艾米利亚 家庭式的学习组织 它进行辅导并且鼓励在校学生
The most exciting is the Harlem Children's Zone, which over 10 years, led by Geoffrey Canada, has, through a mixture of schooling and family and community projects, 最有意思的是哈林儿童区 已有十年历史,是由杰佛瑞.加拿大领导的 这个区是个综合体,由学校 家庭和社区项目组成
Harlem:n.黑人住宅区(纽约的); mixture:n.混合;结合体;混合物;集合体;
attempted to transform not just education in schools, but the entire culture and aspiration of about 10,000 families in Harlem. 他们不光在尝试着改变学校 也尝试着给整个社会文化和心态带来改变 改变对象是大约一万户住在哈林的家庭
attempted:adj.未遂的;v.努力;尝试;试图;(attempt的过去分词和过去式) transform:v.使改变;使改观;使转换;n.[数]变换式;[化]反式; aspiration:n.渴望;抱负;送气;吸气;吸引术;
We need more of that completely new and radical thinking. 我们需要更多这类东西 需要绝对革新性的想法
You can go to places an hour away, less, from this room, just down the road , which need that, which need radicalism of a kind that we haven't imagined. 你可以在不到一小时车程 从这里出发的 街道那边的地方,找到需要这些想法的地方 那里需要闻所未闻的革新性想法
down the road:只要沿着这条路;将来;在路上; radicalism:n.激进主义;
And finally, you need transformational innovation that could imagine getting learning to people in completely new and different ways. 最后,你需要形式上的创新 能让人们接触学习时 以一种全新的不一样的方式
So we are on the verge , 2015, of an amazing achievement, the schoolification of the world. 在2015年,不久的将来 一项惊人的成就就在眼前 全世界都将实现学校普及化
Every child up to the age of 15 who wants a place in school will be able to have one in 2015. 每一个到了十五岁的,想上学的孩子 在2015年都能如愿。
It's an amazing thing. 这太了不起了
But it is, unlike cars, which have developed so rapidly and orderly , actually the school system is recognizably an inheritance from the 19th century, from a Bismarkian model of German schooling that got taken up by English reformers , and often by religious missionaries , taken up in the United States as a force of social cohesion , and then in Japan and South Korea as they developed. 但其实 不像汽车的发展 那样的迅速和有序 学校的系统很明显是 一个十九世纪传承下来的产物 是由俾斯麦时期的德国教育模式 经过英国人的改良 再多次经由 传教士 带到美国 用作增强社会凝聚力的一种工具 而后又带到了发展中的日本和韩国
orderly:adj.有秩序的;整齐的;值班的;n.勤务兵;传令兵;护理员;adv.顺序地;依次地; inheritance:n.继承;遗传;遗产; reformers:维新派; religious:adj.宗教的;虔诚的;严谨的;修道的;n.修道士;尼姑; missionaries:n.传教士;工作人员(missionary的复数); United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式) cohesion:n.凝聚;结合;[力]内聚力;
It's recognizably 19th century in its roots. 本质里还有它十九世纪的原型
And of course it's a huge achievement. 当然教育系统已经取得了巨大的成就
And of course it will bring great things. 也将会带来一些很棒的东西
It will bring skills and learning and reading. 它能给人带来技能,学问和知识
But it will also lay waste to imagination . 但它也会浪费想象力
lay waste to:损毁;使成废墟 imagination:n.想象;想象力;创造力;想象的事物;
It will lay waste to appetite . It will lay waste to social confidence . 浪费求知欲,浪费社会信心
appetite:n.食欲;嗜好; confidence:n.信心;信任;秘密;adj.(美)诈骗的;骗得信任的;
It will stratify society as much as it liberates it. 它会使社会分化 即使它也会使社会自由化
stratify:vt.分层;成层;使形成阶层;vi.分层;成层;阶层化; liberates:vt.解放;放出;释放;
And we are bequeathing to the developing world school systems that they will now spend a century trying to reform. 我们输送给发展中地区的 教育系统需要它们花上 一个世纪来改良
That is why we need really radical thinking, and why radical thinking is now more possible and more needed than ever in how we learn. 这就是为什么我们需要真正全新的思考 以及为什么全新的思考 对于如何学习来说,从未如此可行,如此的需要
Thank you. (Applause) 谢谢大家