

What I'm going to do, in the spirit of collaborative creativity, is simply repeat many of the points that the three people before me have already made. 现在我将要做的,在协作创新精神的影响下, 只是简单地重复 前面3位已经说过的许多观点。
But do them -- 但是就这样去做吧 ――
This is called creative collaboration; it's actually called borrowing. 这就叫作创造性协作; 实际上叫借用(拿来主义)。
But do it through a particular perspective , and that is to ask about the role of users and consumers in this emerging world of collaborative creativity that Jimmy and others have talked about. 但是从一个独特的角度来做, 也就是问问用户和消费者 在这个逐渐显现的 协作创新世界里面所扮演的角色, 这也是吉米和其他几位讲过的。
perspective:n.观点;远景;透视图;adj.透视的; consumers:n.消费者;顾客;用户;(consumer的复数) emerging:adj.新兴的;v.出现,浮现,露出;暴露;(emerge的现在分词)
Let me just ask you, to start with, this simple question: who invented the mountain bike ? 作为开头,让我来问你们, 这个简单的问题: 谁发明了山地车?
mountain bike:n.山地自行车;越野单车;
Because traditional economic theory would say, well, the mountain bike was probably invented by some big bike corporation , that had a big R&D lab where they were thinking up new projects, and it came out of there. It didn't come from there. 传统的经济理论会说, 嗯,山地车很有可能是某个大型自行车公司发明的, 因为它有一个很大的研发中心 来琢磨出新项目, 于是山地车就产生了。但是山地车不是从那里创造出来的。
traditional:传统的,惯例的, economic:adj.经济的,经济上的;经济学的; corporation:n.法人;(大)公司;法人团体;市政委员会;
Another answer might be, well, it came from a sort of lone genius working in his garage , who, working away on different kinds of bikes, comes up with a bike out of thin air . 另外一种回答可能是,嗯,山地车来自于一个孤独的天才。 他在他的车库里面, 研究了很多种不同的自行车, 然后就凭空想像出了这么一种新型的自行车。
genius:n.天才;天资;才能,本领; garage:n.车库;汽车修理厂;飞机库;v.把…送入车库;把(汽车)开进车库; out of thin air:无中生有地;凭空捏造;
It didn't come from there. The mountain bike came from users; came from young users, particularly a group in Northern California, who were frustrated with traditional racing bikes, 但是山地车也不是从那里创造出来的。山地车 来自于用户,来自于年轻的用户, 特别是在北加州的那一群。 他们对传统的赛车很灰心丧气,
particularly:adv.特别地,独特地;详细地,具体地;明确地,细致地; frustrated:adj.失意的,挫败的;泄气的;v.挫败;阻挠;(frustrate的过去式和过去分词)
which were those sort of bikes that Eddy Merckx rode, or your big brother, and they're very glamorous . 就那种埃迪?墨克斯(顶尖自行车赛手) 或者你们的大哥骑的赛车,那些赛车过于迷人了。
Eddy:n.涡流;漩涡;逆流;vi.旋转;起漩涡;vt.使…起漩涡; glamorous:adj.迷人的,富有魅力的;
But also frustrated with the bikes that your dad rode, which sort of had big handlebars like that, and they were too heavy. 同样他们也不满于你们的老爸骑的自行车, 它们有着很大的把手,并且太重了。
So, they got the frames from these big bikes, put them together with the gears from the racing bikes, got the brakes from motorcycles, and sort of mixed and matched various ingredients . 于是他们就拿来那些大自行车的骨架, 赛车的挂档系统, 摩托车的刹车, 把这些部分拼在一起搭建起来。
frames:n.[计][电子][通信]帧,[电影]画面;[建][计]框架;眼镜架(frame的复数); gears:n.[机]齿轮,[机]传动装置(gear的复数形式); v.以齿轮连起,安排(gear的三单形式); ingredients:n.成分;(尤指烹饪)原料;(成功的)要素;(ingredient的复数)
And for the first, I don't know, three to five years of their life, mountain bikes were known as " clunkers ." 在起先的大概3到5年, 山地车被称为“咔咔车”(听起来像年久失修的旧机器)。
And they were just made in a community of bikers , mainly in Northern California. 并且也只有 主要在北加州的一个自行车手团体中使用。
community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; bikers:n.骑摩托车的人;骑自行车的人;(biker的复数) mainly:adv.大多;大部分;主要地;首要地;
And then one of these companies that was importing parts for the clunkers decided to set up in business , start selling them to other people, and gradually another company emerged out of that, Marin , and it probably was, I don't know, 10, maybe even 15 years, before the big bike companies realized there was a market. 然后一个给咔咔车进货零配件的公司 决定新开一个生意, 开始向其他人销售, 慢慢地一个新的公司“马林(Marin)”就形成了。 大概过了 10年,甚至15年, 其他的大型自行车公司 才醒悟过来:这里原来有个市场。
set up in business:开始营业; gradually:adv.渐渐地;逐步地; emerged:v.(从隐蔽处或暗处)出现;暴露;露出真相;显现;(emerge的过去分词和过去式) Marin:n.(地中海)海风;
30 years later, mountain bike sales, and mountain bike equipment, account for 65 percent of bike sales in America. 30年后, 山地车的销售额, 和山地车设备, 占据了美洲自行车市场的65%。
account for:对…负有责任;对…做出解释;说明…的原因;导致;(比例)占;
That's 58 billion dollars. 也就是说,580亿美元。
This is a category entirely created by consumers, that would not have been created by the mainstream bike market because they couldn't see the need, the opportunity; they didn't have the incentive to innovate . 这是一个完全靠消费者创造的产业, 之所以它不会被主流自行车市场创造 是因为他们不可能看到这个需求, 这个机会, 所以他们不具有创新的动机。
category:n.种类,分类;[数]范畴; mainstream:n.主流; incentive:n.动机;刺激;adj.激励的;刺激的; innovate:vi.创新;改革;革新;vt.改变;创立;创始;引人;
The one thing I think I disagree with about Yochai's presentation is when he said the Internet causes this distributive capacity for innovation to come alive. 约柴的演讲中 有一点我不同意, 他说互联网所产生的 分布的能力使得创新更有活力。
presentation:n.展示;描述,陈述;介绍;赠送; distributive:adj.分配的;分布的;分发的;n.[语]分配词; capacity:n.能力;容量;资格,地位;生产力; innovation:n.创新,革新;新方法;
It's when the internet combines with these kinds of passionate pro-am consumers -- who are knowledgeable , they've got the incentive to innovate, they've got the tools, they want to -- that you get this kind of explosion of creative collaboration . 只有在互联网 和这些有激情的有专业精神的业余消费者—— 有知识,有创新的动机, 有工具,有渴望——相结合的时候, 你才能看到这种爆发性的 创造性协作。
passionate:adj.热情的;热烈的,激昂的;易怒的; pro-am:n.职业选手和业余选手混合赛;adj.包括职业选手与业余选手比赛的; knowledgeable:adj.知识渊博的,有知识的;有见识的;聪明的; explosion:n.爆炸;爆发;激增; collaboration:n.合作;勾结;通敌;
And out of that, you get the need for the kind of things that Jimmy was talking about, which is our new kinds of organization, or a better way to put it: how do we organize ourselves without organizations ? 从这中间,你也感到 对于吉米所讲的一类东西的需求,也就是我们新的组织形式, 换种更好的方式说: 我们怎么样能够不用某种组织形式来组织我们自己?
organize:v.组织;安排;处理;分配;管理; organizations:n.组织,构造,有机体(organization的复数);组织机构;
That's now possible; you don't need an organization to be organized , to achieve large and complex tasks, like innovating new software programs. 现在已经有可能,你不需要一个组织形式来形成秩序, 来完成大型和复杂的任务, 比如开发新的软件程序。
organized:adj.有组织的; v.组织; (organize的过去分词和过去式) complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施; innovating:n.创新;v.革新(innovate的现在分词);创立;
So this is a huge challenge to the way we think creativity comes about. 所以这对我们认为的创造力的来源 是一个巨大的挑战。
The traditional view, still enshrined in much of the way that we think about creativity 传统的观点,仍然主宰着 我们思考创造力的模式
- in organizations, in government -- is that creativity is about special people: wear baseball caps the wrong way round, come to conferences like this, in special places, ——在组织结构中,在政府中- 认为创新靠的是一群特别的人。 反戴着棒球帽, 像我这样来参加会议,在特殊的场所,
elite universities, R&D labs in the forests, water, maybe special rooms in companies painted funny colors, you know, bean bags, maybe the odd table-football table. 名牌大学,森林里面的研发实验室,水, 或者在公司里面粉刷成怪异的颜色的特殊房间, 你知道吧,豆包沙发,可能还有奇怪的桌子——足球桌。
elite:n.精英;精华;杰出人物; labs:n.实验室;实验大楼;(lab的复数) odd:adj.古怪的;奇数的;n.奇数;
Special people, special places, think up special ideas, then you have a pipeline that takes the ideas down to the waiting consumers, who are passive . 特别的人,特别的地方,想出特别的点子, 然后你还有一个渠道把这些点子实现 并输送给消费者,他们在那里被动地等着。
They can say "yes" or "no" to the invention; that's the idea of creativity. 他们对这个发明可能说“好”或者“不要”, 那就是一般认为的创造性。
What's the policy recommendation out of that if you're in government, or you're running a large company? 从这种概念出发会产生什么样的政策建议, 如果你在政府部门,或者在经营一个大公司?
policy:n.政策,方针;保险单; recommendation:n.推荐;介绍;提议;正式建议;
More special people, more special places. 更多的特别的人,更特别的地方。
Build creative clusters in cities; create more R&D parks, so on and so forth. 在城市中建立有创造力的群体, 更多研发园,等等。
Expand the pipeline down to the consumers. 扩展一直延伸到消费者的渠道。
Well this view, I think, is increasingly wrong. 其实,这种观点,我认为,已经越来越错误。
I think it's always been wrong, because I think always creativity has been highly collaborative. 我认为它一直就是错误的, 因为我一直认为创造力是高度合作的,
and it's probably been largely interactive . 并且很可能大部分是互动的。
largely:adv.主要地;大部分;大量地; interactive:adj.合作的;相互影响的;互相配合的;交互式的;n.交互式视频设备;
But it's increasingly wrong, and one of the reasons it's wrong is that the ideas are flowing back up the pipeline. 但是它越来越错了,其中一个错的原因 是创意在渠道中的反方向回流。
The ideas are coming back from the consumers, and they're often ahead of the producers. 创意开始从消费者那一端产生并回流, 并且它们经常超前于生产商。
Why is that? 为什么会这样?
Well, one issue is that radical innovation, when you've got ideas that affect a large number of technologies or people, have a great deal of uncertainty attached to them. 嗯,一个原因 是突破性创新, 当你的点子 影响到一大批技术或者人时, 产生的后果连带着极大的不确定性。
issue:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;发行; radical:n.自由基;激进分子;游离基;adj.根本的;彻底的;完全的;全新的; technologies:n.技术;科技(technology的复数); a great deal of:大量; uncertainty:n.不确定,不可靠; attached:adj.依恋;v.重视;把…固定;(attach的过去分词和过去式)
The payoffs to innovation are greatest where the uncertainty is highest. 创新的不确定性越大, 回报越高。
And when you get a radical innovation, it's often very uncertain how it can be applied . 并且当你有一项突破性创新, 对于它的应用往往是极其不确定的。
The whole history of telephony is a story of dealing with that uncertainty. 整个电话技术的发展史 就是一个对付不确定性的故事。
The very first land-line telephones, the inventors thought that they would be used for people to listen in to live performances from West End theaters . 发明第一条电话线的时候, 发明人的原设想是 用来让人从外面听到 伦敦西区剧院里面的 现场表演。
performances:n.演出;[法]履行(performance的复数形式); theaters:n.影剧院,剧院(theater复数);
When the mobile telephone companies invented SMS, they had no idea what it was for; it was only when that technology got into the hands of teenage users that they invented the use. 手机公司发明短信技术的时候, 根本不知道能用它来干什么, 一直等到这个技术到了 年轻用户手上的时候, 他们才发明了它的用处。
mobile:n.手机;汽车;移动电话;adj.活跃的;可动的; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语;
So the more radical the innovation, the more the uncertainty; the more you need innovation in use to work out what a technology is for. 所以说越是突破性的创新, 越具有不确定性, 你就越需要使用中的创新 来发现下一个技术能用来干什么。
All of our patents , our entire approach to patents and invention, is based on the idea that the inventor knows what the invention is for; we can say what it's for. 所有我们的专利,我们的整个 获得专利和创造发明的方式都是基于 发明者知道这个发明是干什么, 我们能定义它的用处,这个概念上的。
patents:n.[专利]专利(patent的复数形式);专利权; approach:n.方法;路径;v.接近;建议;着手处理;
More and more, the inventors of things will not be able to say that in advance . 逐渐地,很多东西的发明者 在事先将不能这么说了。
in advance:adv.预先,提前;
It will be worked out in use, in collaboration with users. 它将在使用过程中, 在与用户的协作中被发掘出来。
We like to think that invention is a sort of moment of creation : there is a moment of birth when someone comes up with an idea. 我们习惯地认为发明 是一种好像是短时间内产生的创造。 某人想出一个点子就像是诞生婴儿的那一刻一样。
The truth is that most creativity is cumulative and collaborative, like Wikipedia , it develops over a long period of time. 事实上大部分的创造 是逐渐积累协作产生的, 比如维基百科,它发展了很长一段时间。
cumulative:adj.累积的; Wikipedia:维基百科;
The second reason why users are more and more important is that they are the source of big, disruptive innovations . 为什么用户越来越重要的第二个原因是, 他们是巨大的突破性创新的源头。
source:n.来源;水源;原始资料; disruptive:adj.破坏的;分裂性的;制造混乱的; innovations:n.创新(innovation的复数);改革;
If you want to find the big new ideas, it's often difficult to find them in mainstream markets, in big organizations. 如果你想找到大的新的点子, 往往从主流市场 或大机构中很难找到。
And just look inside large organizations and you'll see why that is so. 只要往大组织机构中看看, 你就能发现为什么会这样。
So, you're in a big corporation; you're obviously keen to go up the corporate ladder . 设想一下,你在一个大公司, 你当然非常想沿着公司的等级阶梯向上爬。
keen:adj.敏锐的,敏捷的;渴望的;强烈的;热心的;锐利的;n.痛哭,挽歌; corporate:adj.公司的;组成公司(或团体)的;法人的;社团的; ladder:n.阶梯;途径;梯状物;v.成名;发迹;在…上装设梯子;
Do you go into your board and say, look, I've got a fantastic idea for an embryonic product in a marginal market, with consumers we've never dealt with before, and I'm not sure it's going to have a big payoff, but it could be really, really big in the future? 你会走进董事会这样说吗, 你们看,我有一个非常好的点子, 在边际市场做这样一个早期产品, 面向 我们从来没有应付过的消费者, 我不确定会不会有大的回报,但是也许有可能在未来的回报非常非常大?
fantastic:奇异的,空想的 embryonic:adj.[胚]胚胎的;似胚胎的; marginal:adj.边缘的;临界的;末端的;
No, what you do, is you go in and you say, 不会的。你会做的是,你走进去,你说,
I've got a fantastic idea for an incremental innovation to an existing product we sell through existing channels to existing users, and I can guarantee you get this much return out of it over the next three years. 我有一个非常好的点子,对我们的现有产品进行一个渐进性的创新改良, 从现有渠道 卖给现有用户,并且我能保证 你们能在3年内获得这么这么多的回报。
incremental:adj.增加的,增值的; guarantee:n.保证;担保;保证人;保证书;抵押品;v.保证;担保;
Big corporations have an in-built tendency to reinforce past success. 大公司有一个内在的倾向 要去强化过去的成功。
corporations:n.[贸易]公司,[经]企业(corporation的复数形式); in-built:adj.内置的;与生俱来的;同时附有的; tendency:n.倾向,趋势;癖好; reinforce:vt.加强,加固; vi.求援; n.加强;
They've got so much sunk in it, that it's very difficult for them to spot emerging new markets. Emerging new markets, then, are the breeding grounds for passionate users. 它们陷入其中不可自拔, 以至于很难发现 逐渐显现的新兴市场。那么新兴市场 就成了有激情的用户的成长温床。
Best example: who in the music industry, 30 years ago, would have said, "Yes, let's invent a musical form which is all about dispossessed black men in ghettos expressing their frustration with the world through a form of music that many people find initially quite difficult to listen to. 举一个最好的例子: 在30年前的音乐产业中, 有谁会说: “好,让我们发明一种音乐形式, 专门反映那些 生活在贫民窟的无家可归的黑人 对这个世界的无奈和困惑, 通过一种很多人一开始都很难听得下去的音乐形式。
dispossessed:adj.被逐出的;无依无靠的;失去产业的; ghettos:n.犹太社区(ghetto复数); expressing:v.表示;表达;表露;显而易见;(express的现在分词) frustration:n.挫折; initially:adv.最初,首先;开头;
That sounds like a winner; we'll go with it." 这听起来好像能火,我们行动吧。”
(Laughter). (大家笑)
So what happens? Rap music is created by the users. 而事实是怎样的?说唱音乐是用户自己创造的。
They do it on their own tapes, with their own recording equipment; they distribute it themselves. 他们用自己的录音设备,录在自己的磁带上, 自己发行。
30 years later, rap music is the dominant musical form of popular culture -- would never have come from the big companies. 30年后, 说唱音乐成了流行文化的主导音乐形式―― 这是永远不可能从大公司产生的。
Had to start -- this is the third point -- with these pro-ams. 必须来自于 ――这是第三点―― 有专业精神的业余人士。
This is the phrase that I've used in some stuff which I've done with a think tank in London called Demos , where we've been looking at these people who are amateurs -- i.e., they do it for the love of it -- but they want to do it to very high standards . 这个词组我曾经在 给伦敦的一个 叫作德莫斯的智囊公司做的一些东西里面用过, 在那里我们曾经研究过这类人,他们是业余的―― 也就是说,他们是因为热爱某件事情―― 但是他们想把它做到非常高的标准。
stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本: think tank:智囊团、思想库; Demos:n.民众;人民;游行;录音样带(demo的复数形式); amateurs:n.业余爱好者;业余运动员;生手;外行;(amateur的复数) standards:n.标准,水平,规格(standard的复数)
And across a whole range of fields -- from software, astronomy , natural sciences, vast areas of leisure and culture like kite-surfing, so on and so forth -- 而且涉及到一系列的领域―― 从软件,天文, 自然科学, 到广阔的休闲和文化领域 比如风筝冲浪,等等――
astronomy:n.天文学; leisure:n.休闲;闲暇;空闲;adj.闲暇的;
you find people who want to do things because they love it, but they want to do these things to very high standards. 你们会发现这些人是因为热爱而想做那些事情, 但是他们想把这些事情做到极其高的水准。
They work at their leisure, if you like. 他们在休闲中工作,你可以这么说。
They take their leisure very seriously: they acquire skills, they invest time, they use technology that's getting cheaper: it's not just the Internet; cameras, design technology, leisure technology, surfboards , so on and so forth. 他们非常严肃地对待他们的闲暇时间: 他们获取技能,他们投资时间, 他们使用越来越便宜的技术:不光是互联网, 照相机,设计技术, 休闲技术,冲浪板,等等。
acquire:v.获得;取得;学到;捕获; invest:v.投资;(把资金)投入;投入(时间、精力等);授予; surfboards:n.冲浪板;vi.以冲浪板滑水;
Largely through globalization , a lot of this equipment has got a lot cheaper. 主要由于全球化, 许多的这些设备已经便宜了很多。
More knowledgeable consumers, more educated, more able to connect with one another, more able to do things together. 消费者越有知识,受过的教育越多, 就越能够与其他人联合, 更能够一起做事情。
Consumption , in that sense, is an expression of their productive potential . 消费,在这种意义上说, 是他们的生产潜力的表达。
Consumption:n.消费;消耗;肺痨; expression:n.表现,表示,表达; productive:adj.能生产的;生产的,生产性的;多产的;富有成效的; potential:n.潜能;可能性;[电]电势;adj.潜在的;可能的;势的;
Why, we found, people were interested in this, is that at work they don't feel very expressed . 为什么,我们发现,人们会对这个有兴趣, 是因为在工作中他们感到没有充分发挥。
They don't feel as if they're doing something that really matters to them, so they pick up these kinds of activities. 他们觉得他们所工作的事情好像不是他们真正在乎的, 所以他们拾掇起这类活动。
This has huge organizational implications for very large areas of life. 这对于 生活中一大片领域都有组织结构上的冲击。
organizational:adj.组织的;编制的; implications:n.蕴涵式;暗指,暗示;含蓄,含意;卷入(implication的复数);
Take astronomy as an example, which Yochai has already mentioned. 拿天文学来作例子, 约柴已经提过的。
20 years ago, 30 years ago, only big professional astronomers with very big telescopes could see far into space. 20年前,30年前, 只有高深的专业天文学家 才有很长大的天文望远镜来看到宇宙的远处。
professional:adj.专业的;职业的;职业性的;n.专业人员;职业运动员; astronomers:天文学家; telescopes:n.望远镜; v.套叠; (telescope的第三人称单数)
And there's a big telescope in Northern England called Jodrell Bank, and when I was a kid, it was amazing, because the moon shots would take off, and this thing would move on rails. 在北英格兰的约德瑞?班克有一个很长大的天文望远镜, 当我还是个小孩的时候,觉得非常神奇, 因为它可以对月亮进行近距离拍摄,并且这个东西还能在轨道上移动。
And it was huge -- it was absolutely enormous . 并且它非常地大――绝对是一个庞然大物。
absolutely:adv.绝对地;完全地; enormous:adj.庞大的,巨大的;凶暴的,极恶的;
Now, six amateur astronomers, working with the internet, with Dobsonian digital telescopes -- which are pretty much open source -- with some light sensors developed over the last 10 years, the internet -- they can do what Jodrell Bank could only do 30 years ago. 现在,6个 业余天文爱好者,通过互联网, 和多布森式数字天文望远镜 (基本上是开源的), 再用一些过去10年开发出来的光学传感器, 以及互联网―― 他们就能做30年前只有约德瑞?班克才能做的事情。
digital:adj.数字的;手指的;n.数字;键; sensors:n.[自]传感器,感应器;感测器(sensor的复数);
So here in astronomy, you have this vast explosion of new productive resources . 所以现在天文学界,你就有了 新的生产力资源的巨大爆发。
resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数);
The users can be producers. 用户也可以成为生产者。
What does this mean, then, for our organizational landscape ? 这种现象,那么,对于我们的 组织结构的前景意味着什么?
Well, just imagine a world, for the moment, divided into two camps. 呃,让我们来暂时想象这样一个世界, 它被分成两个阵营。
Over here, you've got the old, traditional corporate model. 这一边,你有这个旧的传统的公司模式。
Special people, special places; patent it, push it down the pipeline to largely waiting, passive consumers. 特别的人,特别的地方, 申请到专利,通过已有渠道推送到 基本上是等待着的被动的消费者。
Over here, let's imagine we've got 这一边,让我们想象我们有
Wikipedia, Linux , and beyond -- open source. 维基百科,Linux, 和更多的――开放的资源。
This is open, this is closed; this is new, this is traditional. 这边是开放的,这边是封闭的, 这边是新的,这边是传统的。
Well, the first thing you can say, I think with certainty, is what Yochai has said already -- is there is a great big struggle between those two organizational forms. 嗯,第一个你可以说的是,我认为肯定是 约柴已经谈到的―― 这两种组织形式之间 有着非常大的冲突。
These people over there will do everything they can to stop these kinds of organizations succeeding, because they're threatened by them. 那边的那批人会尽其所能 来阻挡这种组织的成功, 因为他们受到对方的威胁。
And so the debates about copyright , digital rights, so on and so forth -- these are all about trying to stifle , in my view, these kinds of organizations. 于是就产生了对于 版权,数字版权,等等的争辩―― 所有这些都是在企图扼杀,在我看来, 这种类型的组织。
debates:n.[法]辩论;讨论(debate的复数);v.[法]辩论;讨论(debate的三单形式); copyright:n.版权;著作权;adj.受版权保护的;未经准许不得复制的;v.获得…的版权; stifle:vt.扼杀; vi.窒息; n.(马等的)后膝关节; (马等的)[动]后膝关节病;
What we're seeing is a complete corruption of the idea of patents and copyright. 我们现在正看到的是一个完全腐败的 专利和版权的概念。
Meant to be a way to incentivize invention, meant to be a way to orchestrate the dissemination of knowledge, they are increasingly being used by large companies to create thickets of patents to prevent innovation taking place. 本该是一种刺激发明创造的机制, 本该是一种协调知识传播的机制, 但是它们越来越被大公司 用来制造专利壁垒 来阻止发明创造。
incentivize:以物质刺激鼓励; orchestrate:v.编配(或创作管弦乐曲);精心安排;策划;密谋; dissemination:n.宣传;散播;传染(病毒); thickets:n.[林]灌木丛;丛林;错综复杂;
Let me just give you two examples. 让我给你们讲两个例子。
The first is, imagine yourself going to a venture capitalist and saying, "I've got a fantastic idea. 第一个,想象你自己走到一个风险投资商面前, 说:“我有一个非常好的点子。
venture:v.敢于;冒险;投机;n.企业;风险;冒险; capitalist:n.资本家;资本主义者;adj.资本主义的;资本家的;
I've invented this brilliant new program that is much, much better than Microsoft Outlook ." 我发明了这个超级棒的新程序, 比微软的Outlook 好得多了去了。
Which venture capitalist in their right mind is going to give you any money to set up a venture competing with Microsoft, with Microsoft Outlook? No one. 有哪一个脑袋还正常的风险投资商会给你钱来设立一个公司 来与微软,与微软的Outlook 竞争?没有人。
That is why the competition with Microsoft is bound to come -- will only come -- from an open-source kind of project. 这就是为什么和微软的竞争肯定会来自于, 也只能是来自于, 开放源代码类型的项目。
competition:n.竞争;比赛,竞赛; is bound to:一定会:必然: open-source:adj.(计算机)开放源代码;
So, there is a huge competitive argument about sustaining the capacity for open-source and consumer-driven innovation, because it's one of the greatest competitive levers against monopoly . 因此,现在就有一个很有争辩力的观点, 要支持 开放资源和消费者驱动的创新, 因为它是反垄断的最有 竞争力的杠杆之一。
competitive:adj.竞争的;比赛的;求胜心切的; sustaining:adj.持续的;支持的;v.维持(sustain的现在分词);支持;承受; consumer-driven:消费者驱动型的; levers:n.杠杆;手段(lever的复数);v.用杠杆撬动(lever的第三人称单数); monopoly:n.垄断;垄断者;专卖权;
There'll be huge professional arguments as well. 当然也有很权威的来自于各专业的观点。
Because the professionals , over here in these closed organizations -- they might be academics , they might be programmers, they might be doctors, they might be journalists -- my former profession -- say, "No, no -- you can't trust these people over here." 因为这些专业人士,在这边的 这些封闭的组织之中―― 他们可能是学者,他们可能是程序员, 他们可能是医生,他们可能是记者 (我以前的职业)―― 他们说,“不行不行。你不能信任这边的这些人。”
professionals:n.[管理]专业人员(professional的复数); academics:n.学术水平;学术知识;专业学者; journalists:n.新闻记者(journalist的复数);
When I started in journalism -- 当我开始进入记者行业的时候
Financial Times, 20 years ago -- it was very, very exciting to see someone reading the newspaper. (金融时报,20年前), 看到别人 看报纸是让我非常兴奋的。
And you'd kind of look over their shoulder on the Tube to see if they were reading your -- reading your article. 于是你在地铁里面就有点像监视别人一样, 去看看他们是不是在阅读你写的文章。
Usually they were reading the share prices, and the bit of the paper with your article on was on the floor, or something like that, and you know, "For heaven's sake , what are they doing! 通常他们是在看股票价格, 而你的文章所在的那一页报纸 被铺在地上,或者类似的地方, 于是你很自然就会想:“天哪,他们在干什么!
They're not reading my brilliant article!" 他们居然不是在阅读我写的漂亮文章!”
And we allowed users, readers, two places where they could contribute to the paper: the letters page, where they could write a letter in, and we would condescend to them, cut it in half, and print it three days later. 并且我们提供了 两个地方给用户和读者来发表东西在报纸上。 读者来信版块,在那里他们可以写一封信进来, 我们就委屈一下,把它砍一半, 然后3天之后印刷出来。
contribute to:有助于;捐献; condescend:vi.屈尊;俯就;(对某人)表现出优越感;
Or the op-ed page, where if they knew the editor -- had been to school with him, slept with his wife -- they could write an article for the op-ed page. 或者个人评论版块,如果他们认识编辑 (什么一起上过学啦,睡了他的老婆啦), 他们就可以在个人评论版块发表文章。
Those were the two places. 就那两个地方。
Shock, horror : now, the readers want to be writers and publishers . 震惊,恐怖:现在读者自己想成为作家和出版商。
horror:n.恐惧;厌恶;震惊;对某事物的强烈畏惧(或憎恨); publishers:n.出版商,出版公司;出版社(publisher的复数);
That's not their role; they're supposed to read what we write. 那不是他们的角色,他们本来是应该只看我们所写的东西的。
But they don't want to be journalists. The journalists think that the -- the bloggers want to be journalists; they don't want to be journalists, they just want to have a voice. 但是他们并不想成为记者。记者们以为 那些博客写手想成为记者, 其实他们不想,他们只想发出自己的声音。
They want to, as Jimmy said, they want to have a dialogue, a conversation. 他们想,就像吉米所说,他们想有对话,有讨论交流。
They want to be part of that flow of information. 他们想成为信息流动中的一部分。
What's happening there is that the whole domain of creativity is expanding . 那里所发生的情况是 整个创造力领域在扩张。
domain:n.领域;域名;产业;地产; expanding:v.扩大,增加,增强细谈;详述;(expand的现在分词)
So, there's going to be a tremendous struggle. 于是也将产生极其严重的冲突。
But, also, there's going to be tremendous movement from the open to the closed. 但是,同时,也会有 从开放走向封闭的强烈趋势。
What you'll see, I think, is two things that are critical , and these, I think, are two challenges for the open movement. 你们将会看到,我认为,两个关键的东西, 而它们,我认为, 将是开放资源运动要面对的两个挑战。
The first is: can we really survive on volunteers ? 第一个是: 我们能依靠志愿者而生存下去吗?
volunteers:n.志愿者; v.自愿做; (volunteer的第三人称单数和复数)
If this is so critical, do we not need it funded , organized, supported in much more structured ways? 如果这是如此生死攸关, 难道我们不需要它有资金来源,有组织形式, 由一个更加结构化的方式来支持?
funded:adj.提供资金的;v.提供资金;积存;提供资金偿付的本息;(fund的过去式); structured:adj.有结构的;有组织的;v.组织;构成(structure的过去分词);建造;
I think the idea of creating the Red Cross for information and knowledge is a fantastic idea, but can we really organize that, just on volunteers? 我认为那个建立一个 信息和知识的红十字会的点子是一个非常好的点子, 但是我们真的能组织起来吗,只凭志愿者?
What kind of changes do we need in public policy and funding to make that possible? 我们需要在公共政策 和资金赞助中做什么样的改变来使这成为可能?
What's the role of the BBC, for instance , in that world? 比如说,英国广播电视台BBC的角色是什么, 在那个世界里面?
What should be the role of public policy? 公共政策的角色应该是什么?
And finally , what I think you will see is the intelligent , closed organizations moving increasingly in the open direction. 最后,我认为你们能看到的 是聪明的封闭的组织 开始逐渐走向开放。
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; intelligent:adj.有才智的;悟性强的;聪明的;有智力的 in the open:在户外;在野外;
So it's not going to be a contest between two camps, but in between them, you'll find all sorts of interesting places that people will occupy . 所以,这将不是两个阵营之间的对垒, 而是在它们之间,你会发现 人们占据着各种各样的有趣的地盘。
New organizational models coming about, mixing closed and open in tricky ways. 新的组织结构模式将产生, 以奇特的方式混合着封闭和开放的特点。
mixing:n.混合;混频;录音;v.混合,掺和,融合;调配;配制;相容;(mix的现在分词) tricky:adj.难办的;难对付的;狡猾的;诡计多端的;
It won't be so clear cut; it won't be Microsoft versus Linux -- there'll be all sorts of things in between. 它不会那么清晰和明确,不会像微软对抗Linux―― 那中间将有各种各样的东西。
And those organizational models, it turns out, are incredibly powerful, and the people who can understand them will be very, very successful. 并且那些组织模式,将被证明, 会极其的强大有力, 而那些能理解它们的人 将非常非常成功。
Let me just give you one final example of what that means. 让我再给你们讲最后一个例子 来说明那是什么意思。
I was in Shanghai, in an office block built on what was a rice paddy five years ago -- 我曾经在上海, 在一个5年前 在水稻田上面建的写字楼里面——
office block:n.办公大楼(通常为几家公司合用的); paddy:n.稻田(复数paddies);爱尔兰人;Patrick(男子名)和Patricia(女子名)的昵称;
One of the 2,500 skyscrapers they've built in Shanghai in the last 10 years. 过去10年上海建起来的 2500栋大厦之一。
And I was having dinner with this guy called Timothy Chen. 我在和这个叫作陈天桥的人一起吃晚饭。
Timothy Chen set up an internet business in 2000. 陈天桥 在2000年开了一家互联网公司。
Didn't go into the internet, kept his money, decided to go into computer games. 但没有进入互联网,保留了他的资金, 决定进入电脑游戏行业。
He runs a company called Shanda, which is the largest computer games company in China. 他运营着一家叫作盛大的公司, 现在是中国最大的电脑游戏公司。
9,000 servers all over China; has 250 million subscribers . 在全中国上下共有9000台服务器, 2.5亿注册用户。
At any one time, there are 4 million people playing one of his games. 任何一个时候,都有4百万人在玩一个他的游戏。
How many people does he employ to service that population? 那他雇佣了多少人 来为这么多人服务?
500 people. 500个人。
Well, how can he service two-and-a-half -- 250 million people from 500 employees? 呃,他怎么能只用500员工 为2.5亿人服务?
Because basically , he doesn't service them. 因为基本上,他并不为他们服务。
He gives them a platform , he gives them some rules, he gives them the tools and then he kind of orchestrates the conversation; he orchestrates the action. 他给他们提供一个平台, 制定一些规矩,提供工具, 然后他就有点像是指挥对话, 协调他们的行动。
platform:n.平台; v.把…放在台上[放在高处;
But actually, a lot of the content is created by the users themselves. 但是实际上,很多的内容 是用户自己创作的。
And it creates a kind of stickiness between the community and the company which is really, really powerful. 因此它就在社会团体和公司之间 建立了一种 真正非常强大的粘性。
The best measure of that: so you go into one of his games, you create a character that you develop in the course of the game. 一个最好的衡量办法:你进到一个他的游戏, 你创建一个人物 然后在游戏过程中发展它。
in the course of:在…过程中;在…期间;
If, for some reason, your credit card bounces, or there's some other problem, you lose your character. 如果,因为某种原因,比如你的信用卡拒付, 或者其他什么原因, 你丢失了你的人物。
credit card:n.[经]信用卡;
You've got two options . 你有两个选择:
options:n.选择; v.得到或获准进行选择; (option的三单形式)
One option: you can create a new character, right from scratch , but with none of the history of your player. 一个选择是:你可以创建一个新的人物, 从头再来,但是没有任何你前面那个人物的历史。
from scratch:白手起家;从头做起;
That costs about 100 dollars. 这要花费大概100美元。
Or you can get on a plane, fly to Shanghai, queue up outside Shanda's offices -- cost probably 600, 700 dollars -- and reclaim your character, get your history back. 或者你可以坐上飞机,飞到上海, 在盛大的办公室外面排队—— 大概花费600或700美元—— 然后就可以重新找回你丢失的人物,要回你的历史。
queue:n.行列;(存储的数据)队列;v.(人、车等)排队等候;(使)排队;列队等待; reclaim:v.开拓;回收再利用;改造某人,使某人悔改;n.改造,感化;再生胶;
Every morning, there are 600 people queuing outside their offices to reclaim these characters. 每天早上,都有600人 在他们的办公室外面排队 要找回他们的人物。
So this is about companies built on communities , that provide communities with tools, resources, platforms in which they can share. 所以这就是以社团为基础的公司, 给社团提供他们能够共享的工具, 资源,和平台。
He's not open source, but it's very, very powerful. 他不是开放资源, 但是它非常非常强大。
So here is one of the challenges, I think, for people like me, who do a lot of work with government. 因此这是一个,我认为, 对于像我这样的 给政府部门做很多事情的人要面对的挑战之一。
If you're a games company, and you've got a million players in your game, you only need one percent of them to be co-developers, contributing ideas, and you've got a development workforce of 10,000 people. 如果你是一个游戏公司, 并且你有1百万玩家在玩你的游戏, 你只需要其中1%的人 是协同开发人员,贡献点子, 那么你就有一个 1万人的开发队伍。
contributing:v.捐献,捐赠(尤指款或物);捐助;增加;增进;(contribute的现在分词) workforce:n.劳动大军;全体员工;
Imagine you could take all the children in education in Britain, and one percent of them were co-developers of education. 想像一下你有英国所有在受教育的小孩, 其中1%是 教育的协同开发者。
What would that do to the resources available to the education system? 这对于教育系统能使用的资源 会有什么样的影响?
Or if you got one percent of the patients in the NHS to in some sense be co-producers of health. 或者如果你有国民医疗系统NHS中1%的病人 成为某种意义上的健康的协同制造者。
The -- the reason why -- despite all the efforts to cut it down, to constrain it, to hold it back -- why these open models will still start emerging with tremendous force, is that they multiply our productive resources. 为什么会这样的原因—— 尽管遇到所有这些力量要削弱它, 限制它,阻止它—— 为什么这些开放模式还能 以极其惊人的力量继续不断显现, 是因为它们能成倍地利用我们的生产力资源。
despite:prep.尽管,不管;n.轻视;憎恨;侮辱; constrain:v.约束;限制;强迫;强制; multiply:vt.乘; vi.乘; v.多样地; adj.多层的;
And one of the reasons they do that is that they turn users into producers; consumers into designers. 它们能办到这一点的其中一个原因是 它们把用户变成了生产者, 把消费者变成了设计者。
Thank you very much. 非常感谢。