

I am going to be talking about secrets. 我要告诉大家一个秘密。
I am going to be:我将成为什么(样的人)
Obviously the best way to divulge a secret is to tell someone to not say anything about it. 一般来说,泄露秘密的最好办法就是 告诫某人千万不要说出去
(Laughter) (笑)
Secrets. I'm using PowerPoint this year just because, you know, I'm into the TED thing. 秘密就是,我目前正在用PowerPoint 就是因为,你知道的,我正在用TED做演讲
(Laughter) (笑)
And when you use these things you don't have to go like that. 还有就是你用这些东西时,你不必非得那样做。
You just press it. 按一下就好了。
(Laughter) (笑)
Oh man. Um, yes. 哦,哥们,嗯,就这样。
(Laughter) (笑)
Yes. I'm sure! Just change it! 是的,真的是这样!换一张!
(Laughter) (笑)
Is Bill Gates here? 比尔盖茨在这儿吗?
Change it! Come on! What? 换一张!快点!怎么回事?
(Laughter) (笑)
Ah! Okay. 恩,好的。
That's not my slides, but it's okay. 这可不是我的幻灯片,不过这张还行。
(Laughter) (笑)
As you can see , these are all maps. 你看,这只是些地图。
As you can see:正如你所看到的;你是知道的;
And maps are important devices for transferring information, especially if you have human cognitive ability. 有了人类的认知能力, 地图在传递信息方面,就尤为重要。
devices:n.[机][计]设备;[机]装置;[电子]器件(device的复数); transferring:n.[计]转移,传递;v.移动,[计]转移(transfer的现在分词形式); especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分; cognitive:adj.认知的,认识的;
We can see that all formulas are really maps. 可以看出,所有的公式其实都是些示意图。
Now, as humans, we make maps of places that we seldom even go. 现在,人在地图上画的地方 我们自己都很少去
Which seems a little wasteful of time. 听起来好像有点浪费时间
This, of course, is a map of the moon. 这个一看就知道是个月球地图
There is some very delightful names. 还起了许多好听的名字。
Tranquilacalitis, [unclear]. My favorite is Frigoris. 坦奎拉克雷提斯。冷海,这名字我喜欢.
What are these people thinking? Frigoris? 这些人都在想什么啊!居然叫冷海?
What the Frigoris you doing? Names are important. 这个名字怎么了?名字是很重要的。
Frigoris? This is the Moon. People could live there one day. 冷海?这可是月球啊。人类会在未来的某一天住在那的。
I'll meet you at Frigoris. No. I don't think so. 那咱们冷海见吧。我可不这么想。
(Laughter) (笑)
There we see Mars , again with various names. 这还有彗星的地图,还有各种各样的名字。
And this is all done, by the way by the International Astronomical Union. 顺便说一下, 这都是国际天文学联合会的杰作。
by the way:顺便说一下; Astronomical:adj.天文的,天文学的;极大的;
This is an actual group of people that sit around naming planetary objects. 这一群人坐在一起 讨论怎么给行星起名字。
sit around:无所事事; planetary:adj.行星的;
This is from their actual book. 这是从他们的书中节选的。
These are some of the names that they have chosen, ladies and gentlemen. 女士们,先生们,这就是他们选的一些名字。
I'll go through a little of them. Bolotnitsa. 我来看几个吧。布隆滕尼撒
That, of course, is the Slavic swamp mermaid . 这是斯拉夫语中的湿地美人鱼的意思。
swamp:v.淹没;使不堪承受;使疲于应对;使应接不暇;n.沼泽(地); mermaid:n.美人鱼(传说中的);女子游泳健将;
(Laughter) (笑)
Now I think the whole concept of a mermaid doesn't really blend into the swamp feel. 我怎么都不能把美人鱼 和沼泽地扯上关系,感觉不协调。?
(Laughter) (笑)
'"Oh look! Mermaid come out of swamp. Oh boy! 哦,看哪!沼泽地里有一条美人鱼。哦,天哪!
It's time for Bolotnitsa!" 到沼泽美人鱼时间啦!
(Laughter) (笑)
Djabran Fluctus. 吉布仑 富卢克图斯
If that don't flow off the tongue, what does? 这太拗口了!
(Laughter) (笑)
I mean kids are studying this stuff and they've got the word "fluctus" up there. That's wrong. 我指的是孩子们都在学这东西, 而且都学会了。那样可不好。
(Laughter) (笑)
One dyslexic kid and he could be ruining his life. 如果是有阅读障碍的孩子,那可就痛苦了。
dyslexic:adj.诵读困难的;n.诵读困难者; ruining:v.毁坏;破坏;毁灭;(ruin的现在分词)
(Laughter) (笑)
'"It fluctus up, mama." “这太拗口了,妈妈。”
Hikuleo Fluctus. 黑酷雷 富鲁克鲁斯
That's a little more flowing. Hikuleo sounds like a kind of a Leonardo DiCaprio 17 syllable thing. 这名字就通顺点了。黑酷雷 听起来有点像莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 共有17个音节。
And that's the Tonga underworld . 这可是汤加的黑社会啊。
And one of my favorites is the Itoki Fluctus, who is the Nicaraguan goddess of insects, stars, and planets. 这是我喜欢的一个名字,依托卡 富鲁克鲁斯, 她是尼加拉瓜的女神,主管虫类,星宿和行星。
Now, if you're a goddess of stars and planets wouldn't you relegate insects to somebody else? 现在,如果你是主管星宿和行星的女神, 你不会把一只虫子变成一个人吧?
(Laughter) (笑)
'"No, no, really, I'm so busy with the stars. “不不,绝不会。我还要忙着星宿的事情哪!
Would you mind taking the insects? Thank you darling. 请你把昆虫带走,好吗?谢谢你,亲爱的!
Oh take the spiders too. I know they're not insects, but I don't care. 哦,还有蜘蛛。我知道他们不是昆虫,不管它。
Monkeys, chimps , just get rid of the hairy creatures ." 像那些猴子啊,黑猩猩之类的,这些有毛发的生物,都让他们从地球消失吧。”
chimps:n.(非洲的)黑猩猩; creatures:n.生物;动物;(具有某种特征的)人(creature的复数)
(Laughter) (笑)
Now, we're going to be going to Mars one day. And when we do 将来有一天我们会登上火星。我们要上去了,
It's going to be unfair for the people that are living there to have to live with these ridiculous names. 火星人可就倒霉了 他们以后要一直听到这些奇怪的名字。
So, you'll be on Mars, and your at 有一天你会站在火星上,身处
Hellespointica Depressio which has got to be a really "up" place. 海里斯庞提卡 迪普锐斯(意为凹陷) 那地方可真高啊。
(Laughter) (笑)
Yeah, I'm at the Depressio, and I want to get over to Amazonis so I plug it into the Mars map, and click the button and there's my directions. 是啊,我身在迪普锐斯,还想穿过亚马逊。 所以我把它插进火星地图里了。 然后按一下这个按钮,就能看到我的指示。
I go to Chrysokeras. 我要去科瑞索克莱斯.
(Laughter) Left to the Thymiamata. (笑)在赛梅塔左边。
Then to Niliacus Lacus, which is not a bad name. 接着再到内雷卡斯 拉克丝, 这个名字还不算坏。
Niliacus Lacus, try to get the practice, slick-a-tick-a-bacus. 内雷卡斯 拉克丝,多练几遍,说的就溜啦。
That's a cool name. I will say that. 不得不说,这名字不错。
So, I hold back a little of my venom for these astronomical misnomers. 所以,我应该对这些天文学的中的用词不当 少挑点毛病。
hold back:n.滞留; venom:n.毒液;恶意;vt.使有毒;放毒;
And then of course Arnon to Thoth . 接下来当然是希伯来到图特
And of course there will be advertisements. 还有广告。
This is from their rule book , the International Astronomical Union. 规则书上写到,国际天文学联合会
rule book:n.规则(或规章)手册;
And you know their international because they put it "en francais " as well. 你知道的,之所以称之为国际是因为 他们附带着法文翻译。
L'Union Astronomique International, for those of you who don't speak French. 左边的“国际天文联合会”, 这是为你们这些不懂法语的人准备的。
I thought I'd translate for you. 我想我应该给你们翻译过来。
From the rulebook : Nomenclature is a tool. 规则手册上说:术语是一种工具。?
rulebook:n.规则手册; Nomenclature:n.命名法;术语;
The first consideration , make it clear, simple and unambiguous . 首先这使得原文清楚简洁,表达通顺。
consideration:n.顾及;报酬;斟酌;仔细考虑; unambiguous:adj.不含糊的;清楚的;明白的;
And I think that Djabran Fluctus, that fits that mode. 我认为吉布仑 富鲁克图斯 就是一个典型。
(Laughter) (笑)
That's simple, the goddess of goats, very simple. 这很简单,山羊女神,你瞧,多么简单。
Djabran Fluctus. 吉布仑 富鲁克图斯
'"Now, Frank is this clear to you, Djabran Fluctus?" 好了,现在你明白吉布仑 富鲁克图斯什么意思了吧?
'"Yeah, that's the goat goddess right? The Abacazanian? 恩,那是山羊女神,是吧?阿巴卡扎捏?
(Laughter) (笑)
It's clear to me." 我明白了
'"Listen, I'm going back to the swamp mermaid. Can you call me in a little while?" 听着,我现在要提到湿地美人鱼了。你一会再叫我,好吗?
(Laughter) (笑)
Also, from the actual document 还有,大家看这些材料,
I highlighted a part I thought may be of interest. 我标注了一部分,我个人认为这部分挺有意思。
Anyone can suggest changing a name. 任何人都可以对改名提出自己的意见。
So, I look to you, fellow member of the Earth community . 各位同仁,我现在就指望住在地球上的诸位了
We've got to change this stuff up fast. 我们要尽快改变这一现状
So, these are actual names of people that work there. 这些是那里工作人员的真实姓名
I did some more investigation. 我还做了些调查
These are more people working for this group. 现在越来越多的人为这个团体工作
And, as you can see, they don't use their first names. 你也看到,他们不用自己的姓。
(Laughter) (笑)
These are people naming planets, and they won't use their first names. 这些人给星球起名字,他们却不用自己的姓。
Something is askew here. 这有点蹊跷。
(Laughter) (笑)
Is it because his name is really Jupiter Blunck? 难道是因为他的名字真的是木星·布隆克?
(Laughter) (笑)
Is that Ganymede Andromeda Burba? 还是木卫·三仙女座·博巴
(Laughter) (笑)
Is that Mars Ya Marov? 又或者叫火星·亚·麦若
I don't know. But it's investigative material, no doubt. 这我不知道。但是这是调查材料啊,绝对真实。
There are some mapping people who do use their names. 有一些绘图的人,他们的确用了自己的名字。
Witness please, Eugene Shoemaker , who, diligently , from a young boy decided he wanted to make maps of celestial bodies. 大家请看,尤金·舒梅克 他从年轻的时候就奋发努力 立志要绘制天体地图
Witness:n.证人;目击者;证据;v.目击;证明;为…作证; Shoemaker:n.鞋匠;补鞋工人; diligently:adv.勤奋地;勤勉地; celestial:adj.天上的,天空的;n.神仙,天堂里的居民;
Must have been a very interesting day in the Shoemaker house. 这样的鞋匠家的一天,一定十分有趣
'"Mom, I want to make maps." “妈妈,我想画地图。”
'"That's wonderful Eugene. You could make maps of Toronto ." 太棒了,尤金。你可以画一画多伦多的地图。
'"No, I want to make maps of planets." 不,我想画各个行星的地图。
'"Yeah, go to your room." “好的,回你房间去。”
(Laughter) (笑)
Martians , Venusians , Jovians. 火星,金星,木星
Martians:n.火星人(Martian的复数形式); Venusians:adj.金星的,太白星的;
We have names for places where people don't exist. 像这些地方,荒芜人烟。
That seems a little silly to me. 我觉着有点傻。
There are no Jovians. 没有朱庇特。
Getting back to my premise , I used stamps, by the way, because you don't have to pay anybody for the rights. 顺便说一下,前提是,我用的是邮票 因为你不用给别人版权税
(Laughter) (笑)
(Applause) (掌声)
There is obviously Einstein, Neils Bohr, 显然这里还有爱因斯坦,内尔斯·波尔
Defermat's last theorem , and I'm not sure whether that's James Coburn or Richard Harris. 迪福马特的最新定理,我不确定这是詹姆斯·科伯恩的 还是理查德·哈里斯的
(Laughter) (笑)
It's definitely one of the two. I'm not really clear which one. 肯定是其中一个。我不确定罢了。
But obviously the point is that numbers are maps. 但是很明显重点在于地图就是数据。
And within numbers, is there an underlying secret to the universe? 在这些数据当中,还潜藏着什么宇宙的秘密?
underlying:adj.根本的; v.构成…的基础; (underlie的现在分词)
That is the premise of this particular presentation . 这就是这次特别发言的前提。
By the way, that's a natural picture of Saturn , no adjustments . I mean that's just beautiful. 顺便说一下,这是土星的一张天然照片, 没有修改过。我是说,这很漂亮。
Saturn:n.[天]土星;农业之神(罗马神话中的一个形象); adjustments:n.调整;调节;调整,适应;(adjustment的复数)
So beautiful that I will even give up a laugh to explain my love of this particular planet, and the day Saturday, named after it, wonderfully . 太漂亮了。我对这个星球的爱 无以言表。 而且,周六就是由它命名,太棒了!
So, formulas relate number to form. 因此,用算式把数字组合起来。
That's Euler, his formula was one of the inspirations that lead to the beginning of string theory which is kind of cool, not that funny, but it is cool. 那是欧拉,他的算式 是发现弦理论的灵感来源之一。 看起来有点酷,很枯燥,但很酷
(Laughter) (笑)
He was also famous for having no body. 他还以没有身体(没有伙伴)而著称。
(Laughter) (笑)
Which a lot of you are like, "How did he figure that out?" 在这方面,你和他很像啊。“他是怎么想出来的啊?”
He's got no body, no man, just a head floating high. 他没有身体,只有头在半空中漂浮着。
Here comes Euler. 欧拉来啦.
(Laughter) (笑)
And that's an icosahedron , which is one of the five sacred solids, very important shapes. 这是个二十面体。 它是五个神圣的立方体之一,非常重要。
You see the icosahedron again. 你看,又是个二十面体。
The dodecahedron , it's dual . 这个十二面体是双面的。
dodecahedron:n.十二面体; dual:adj.双的;双重的;n.双数;双数词;
There is a dodecahedron which I had to do in my room last night. 这是我昨晚在房间做得。
The five sacred solids, as you can see there. 你看,那就是五个神圣立方体
Which is not to be confused with the five sacred salads. 别跟沙拉混了。(solids和salads音近)
confused:adj.困惑的; v.使糊涂; (confuse的过去分词和过去式)
(Laughter) (笑)
Blue cheese , ranch , oil and vinegar , thousand islands and house. 带蓝纹的乳酪,牧场,这是截然不同的东西。还有群岛和房屋
Blue cheese:n.蓝纹奶酪(有霉菌引起的斑纹); ranch:n.大农场;大牧场;v.经营牧场;在牧场工作; vinegar:n.醋;
I suggest the house. 我推荐房屋。
The reality, now here is something important. 实际上,有一点值得注意,
What's important about this is these shapes are duals of each other. 重要的是, 这些图形,都是相对的。
And you can see how the icosahedron withdraws into the dodecahedron and then they just merge into each other. 你看这个二十面体 会变成十二面体, 这两者结合的很好。
withdraws:vt.撤退;收回;撤消;拉开;vi.撤退;离开; merge:vt.合并;使合并;吞没;vi.合并;融合;
So, the whole concept of branes in the universe, if the universe is shaped like a dodecahedron this is is a very good map of what could possibly be. 所以说,提到宇宙外层这个概念, 假设宇宙的状似十二面体, 这张图很好地展示了一种可能情况。
And that is, of course, what we are here to talk about. 当然,这就是我们在这谈的这个问题。
What a coincidence ! 真是巧了!
October ninth, in France, Jean-Pierre Luminet said that the universe is probably shaped like a dodecahedron, based on information that they got from this probe . 在十月九号,法国的让·皮埃尔·卢米涅 宣称,他们的研究显示, 宇宙极有可能是个十二面体。
This would be a normal wave pattern. 这是个很标准的波动图示。
But what they're seeing, way out there in the far reaches of the microwave background, is this kind of odd undulation . 但是他们看到的,远在万里之外的 微波背景 是很零散的。
microwave:n.微波; odd:adj.古怪的;奇数的;n.奇数; undulation:n.波动;起伏;
It doesn't plug in to what they suspected a flat universe would be. 这就和他们认为宇宙是扁平的猜测不符。
So, you can kind of get and idea from this extrapolating that back under this huge picture, so we get this idea of what the primal universe looked like. 所以,从这幅庞大的图片背后 我们可以推断出点什么 比如说原始宇宙是什么样子。
extrapolating:外推;进行推断(extrapolate的现在分词形式); primal:adj.原始的; n.被压抑童年情绪的释放; vt.释放(被压抑的童年情绪);
And judging from this, it looks a little like a cheeseburger . 这样看来,它有点像个芝士汉堡。
(Laughter) (笑)
So, I'm thinking the universe is either a dodecahedron or a cheeseburger. 所以,我认为宇宙即像是一个十二面体,又像是一个芝士汉堡。
And for me, that's a win-win . 对我而言,这是双赢。
Everybody goes, I'm happy. 我很高兴,大家都是这么想的。
(Laughter) (笑)
Better really hurry up. 最好快点。
I just threw this in because as important as all of our intellectual abilities are, without heart and without love it's just -- it's all meaningless. 我提到这个是因为 和我们的智力一样重要的是 如果没有情感和爱,这些全都一无是处。
And that, to me, is really beautiful. 那对我来说,实在是太美了。
(Laughter) (笑)
Except for that creepy guy in the background. 除了在背后偷偷摸摸的人以外。
(Laughter) (笑)
Getting back to the point of my particular presentation, 回到我的陈述的观点
Kepler , one of my great heros, who realized that these five solids, which I spoke of earlier, were related somehow to the planets, but he couldn't prove it. It freaked him out. 开普勒,我的一个大英雄 他发现我刚才提到的那五个立方体 和行星体多少有点关系。 但他无法证实。这可真让他头疼。
Kepler:na.Kepler; somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地; freaked:v.(使)强烈反应,震惊,畏惧;(freak的过去分词和过去式)
But it did lead to Newton discovering gravity. 但是,这使牛顿发现了地心引力。
So, maps of things leading to organized understandings of the universe in which we emerge , 所以,地图能使我们对赖以生存的宇宙 有了有条理的认识。
organized:adj.有组织的; v.组织; (organize的过去分词和过去式) emerge:v.浮现;显现;暴露;露出真相;
Now this is Isaac from a Vietnamese stamp. 现在这是越南邮票上的以撒。
(Laughter) (笑)
I am not suggesting at all that my Vietnamese brothers and sisters could maybe use a little art class here and there . But ... 我不是说,所有的越南兄弟姐妹 或许应该上几堂美术课。但是,
here and there:各处,到处;
(Laughter) (笑)
that's not a good picture. 这张照片实在不怎么样!
(Laughter) (笑)
Not a good picture. Now, my friends in the island of Nevis are a little better. Look at that! That's Isaac Newton. 照片一般。看,我在尼维斯岛的朋友们 这张还好看点。看,那张是爱萨卡·牛顿
That guy is rockin'. 这家伙酷毕了
(Laughter) (笑)
What a handsome cat. 猫很不错啊。
Once again, Nicaragua, let me down. 尼加拉瓜,又来了。饶了我吧!
(Laughter) (笑)
And Copurnicus looks like Johnny Carson, which is really weird . 康普尼克斯看起来像约翰·尼卡森,真奇怪。
(Laughter) (笑)
I don't get that at all. 我完全不理解。
Once again, these guys rock it out. 再说一遍,这些人太帅了!
Isaac is kickin' ass. Man, he looks like a rock star. 艾萨克太了不起了。哦,天哪!他看上去就是个摇滚明星。?
This is freaky is a major way. 这太梦幻了。
This is Sierra Leone . 这是塞拉·里昂。
Sierra:n.(尤指西班牙和美洲的)锯齿状山脉; Leone:n.利昂(塞拉利昂货币单位);
They got little babies in there, floating in there. 他们让小孩子在那漂着。
(Laughter) (笑)
Man. I don't really need to comment on this. 哦,我没必要做评论
comment on:对…评论;
But I didn't know that Isaac Newton was in the Moody Blues. Did you? 但是我不知道爱萨卡·牛顿是穆迪·布鲁斯乐队的(又意为心情不好) 。你知道吗?
(Laughter) (笑)
When did this happen? 这是什么时候的事啊?
(Laughter) (笑)
It's a different kind of course. And they've got five apples? 类型不同,当然。他们有5个苹果?
I mean these guys are extrapolating in realms that are not necessarily valid . 我意思是,这些人钻研领域 都没什么逻辑性
realms:n.领域(realm的复数); necessarily:adv.必要地;必定地,必然地; valid:adj.有效的;有根据的;合法的;正当的;
Although five is a good number, of course. 虽然五这个数字不错。
Ecuador , my friend Kepler, as you can see, they call him Juan. 厄瓜多尔,我朋友开普勒 你是知道的,他们叫他胡安.
(Laughter) (笑)
Juan? No! Johan, not Juan. 胡安?不对!是乔翰不是胡安。
It wasn't Carlos Chaplain . It's wrong. 这不是卡洛斯牧师。弄错了。
(Laughter) (笑)
He's all murky . There is little kids leaning on his leg, little ghosts flying around. We gotta clean this stuff up fast, ladies and gentlemen. 他太阴郁。有个孩子倚在他腿上, 幽灵在旁边四处飞舞。我们还是赶紧忘了吧 女士们,先生们。
murky:adj.黑暗的;朦胧的;阴郁的; leaning:n.倾向;偏向;爱好;v.前俯(或后仰);倾斜;倚靠;(lean的现在分词) ghosts:n.鬼魂;幽灵;一点点;v.无声地行进(ghost的第三人称单数和复数)
(Laughter) (笑)
This is, of course, the Cartesian coordinates . 这当然是笛卡尔坐标。
Once again, that's Sierra Leone. 又来啦,塞拉·里昂
This is again, indicating how numbers relate to space relate to form, maps of the universe. 这又一次显示了 数字与空间,空间与宇宙的表格,图示之间的关系。
Because that's why we're here, really, I think to figure stuff out and to love each other. 这就是我们为什么会在这里,我觉得是为了研究问题,彼此友爱。
Descartes . (Laughter) 笛卡尔(笑)
Before the horse. (Laughter) 在马的前面。
Now, Monaco took Descartes, and just flipped him around. 摩纳哥取代了笛卡尔,颠覆了他的理论
Monaco:n.摩纳哥(欧洲西南部国家); flipped:v.(使)快速翻转;按(开关);轻掷;(flip的过去分词和过去式)
Now, Monaco is problematic for me, and I'll show you why. 算起来摩洛哥跟我还有点瓜葛,我会告诉你们为什么
Here is a map. All they have is a casino on it. 就是这张地图,上面只有个赌场。
(Laughter) (笑)
And why Franklin Delano Roosevelt is on their map 为什么富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福(曾经的美国总统)会在上面
I don't even want to hazard a guess. 我不想猜。
But I'd say he'd been to Hellespointica Depressio recently . 但是我说过他最近去了海里斯庞提卡·迪普锐斯(意为凹陷)
(Laughter) (笑)
This is the flag of Monaco. Ladies and gentlemen, the flag of Indonesia . Please examine. 女士们,先生们,这是摩纳哥的国旗。 印尼的国旗。请看。
(Laughter) (笑)
(Applause) (掌声)
Not sure how this came to be, but it's not right. 不知道怎么会这样,但这可是不对的。
In Monaco, "No, what are you talking about? 在摩纳哥,“不,你在说什么呀?
They are so different. 他们完全不同。
Look, ours is more red, it's longer. 看,我们的旗更红,更长。
They stole our flag! They stole our flag!" 他们偷了我们的国旗!偷了我们的国旗!”
(Laughter) (笑)
Bode's law wasn't even his law. It was a guy named Titus. 彼得定律并不是他首创的,而是一个叫提多的发现的。
And the reason I just bring this up because it is a law that doesn't really work. 我之所以提到它,是因为这条定律根本不管用。
That's Jude Law and some of his films recently didn't work. 那是裘德·洛 ,他的一些电影确实没有票房。(Bode*s law 和Jude Law 音近)
(Laughter) (笑)
Just a correlation that indicates how things are misinterpreted . 只是举个例子来看看平日里误解是怎样产生的。
correlation:n.[数]相关,关联;相互关系; indicates:v.表明指示,显示;(indicate的第三人称单数) misinterpreted:v.误解;误释;(misinterpret的过去分词和过去式)
And I wonder if the photographer said, "Okay, Jude, could you touch your tooth? That's good." 我在想,假使摄影师说,“好的,裘德” 你碰一下牙齿,好吗?恩,很好!”
I wonder if:我不知道是否…?;
Just a tip , if you're being photographed for like press pictures, don't touch your teeth. 提一个小建议,拍照的时候 可千万不要摸着你的牙齿摆动作。
(Laughter) (笑)
Prime numbers, Gauss , one of my favorites. 质数,高斯,我喜欢。
Prime:adj.主要的; v.极好地; n.初期; v.使准备好; Gauss:n.[电磁]高斯(磁感应或磁场的单位);
Golden section , I've been obsessed with this thing since before I was born. 黄金分割,打我一出生, 就迷上它了
Golden section:n.黄金分割; obsessed:v.使痴迷;使迷恋;使着迷;(obsess的过去式和过去分词)
I know that scares a lot of you, but that was my purpose entirely. 我知道这是很多人的噩梦 但这也是我的目的。
There we can see Fibonacci numbers related to the Golden Section, because Fibonacci and Golden Section relate to the unfolding of the measured meter of mater, as I refer to it. 我们可以看到斐波那契数列和黄金分割有关, 因为两者 我说过,关系到测量仪表的运作
Fibonacci:n.斐波纳契(一种整数数列); unfolding:v.(使)展开;打开;展示;透露;(unfold的现在分词) measured:adj.缓慢谨慎的; v.测量; (measure的过去分词和过去式) refer:v.参考;涉及;提到;查阅;
If Fibonacci had been on Paxil , 如果斐波那契依靠吃帕罗西汀抗抑郁。
(Laughter) (笑)
That would be the Fibonacci series . 下面是斐波那契数列。
Fibonacci series:n.斐波那契数列(其中每数等于前面两数之和);
'"10 milligram , 20 milligram." “10毫克,20毫克”
'"Leonardo, dinner's ready, put down those books and take your pills ." 雷纳多,该吃饭了,放下书先吃药吧。
pills:n.药丸; v.起球; (pill的第三人称单数和复数)
'"Yes, Mama." 好的,妈妈
(Laughter) (笑)
Alright where is this going? That's a good question. 好的,现在讲到哪了?问得好!
Here is the premise that I began 27 years ago. 下面是27年前我做得假设
If numbers can express the laws of this incredible universe that we live, 假设数字能表现 宇宙的规则,这个人类居住的宇宙是多么的不可思议。
express:v.表达; adj.特快的; n.特快列车; v.使用快速服务; incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的;
I reason, through some sort of reverse engineering we could extrapolate from them some basic structural element of this universe. 我认为通过一些逆向工程 我们能够从中推断出 宇宙的一些结构单位。
reverse engineering:逆向工程; extrapolate:vt.外推;推断;vi.外推;进行推断; structural:adj.结构的;建筑的; element:n.元素;要素;原理;成分;自然环境;
And that's what I did. 27 years ago 这就是我做的事情。27年前,
I started working on this. 我就开始研究这个了
And I tried to build a particle accelerator . 我现在尝试做一个质子加速器。
particle:n.颗粒;[物]质点;极小量;小品词; accelerator:n.油门;催化剂;[机]加速装置;
(Laughter) (笑)
And that didn't work out well. 可是结果却不怎么样。
So, then I thought a calculator is a metaphor . 那时我认为计算机是一个比喻。
calculator:n.计算器; metaphor:n.暗喻,隐喻;比喻说法;
I can just divide numbers, that's like atom smashing . 我只是拆数而已,就像是原子爆炸。
atom:n.原子; smashing:adj.了不起的,极好的;粉碎性的,猛烈的;v.粉碎(smash的现在分词);
That's what I did. That's how I found Moleeds. 这就是我的工作。这就是我如何发现了莫利德
Moleeds are what I believe the thing that will allow string theory to be proved. 我认为 弦理论可以用来证实它。
They are the nodes on the string , patterns and relationships, 27, 37. 他们是些节点。这些节点分布在弦上 模式和关系中,27,37.
nodes:n.茎节;(根或枝上的)瘤,节,结;节点;(node的复数) on the string:有希望;
That was the first chart I came up with. 这是我绘制的第一幅图表。
You can see, even if you don't go for the numbers, the beauty of the symmetry . 即使一个人不喜欢数字,也会发现 对称的妙处
The numbers from one to 36, divided into six groups. 数字1到36,分成6组。
Symmetry, pairs. 对称分组。
Every top adds up to 37. 顶上两数相加之和是37.
Bottom, all 74. 底部相加之和是74。
There is so many intricate relationships that I'm not going to go there now, because you would say, "Hey, go back to the Fluctus part." 还有很多复杂的关系,我就不在这讲了。 因为你会说,“嘿,还是讲讲伏流克斯(流动地带)吧”。
(Laughter) (笑)
Circle of Fifths, acoustic harmony , geometric symmetry. 调音器和五度圈,声音协调,几何对称
acoustic:adj.声学的;音响的;听觉的;n.原声乐器;不用电传音的乐器; harmony:n.协调;和睦;融洽;调和; geometric:adj.几何学的;[数]几何学图形的;
I knew those two were related. 我知道这两者相互关联。
Once again, the Cartesian kind of cross-over. 又要再说一下笛卡尔坐标,
So, I said if I'm going to put a circle, see what kind of patterns I get, boom , the Red System. 我要画一个圆, 看看我能得到什么图形
Look at that. You can't just make this stuff up, ladies and gentlemen. 大家看,这种事情我们做不来。
(Laughter) (笑)
You can't just go around going, "Oh, I'm going to put some triangles in a circle and they're going to be symmetrical . And they're all going to add up, and it's going to be, oh yeah, I figured that out." 你们不能吊儿郎当,要认真对待。“我要在圆里画一个三角形, 他们要互相对称。而且这要合情合理, 这就要...,哦,好,我想到了。”
triangles:n.[数]三角形,三角型态(triangle的复数形式); symmetrical:adj.匀称的,对称的;
This is beyond anything anybody could just make up. 任何人都办不到。
There is the Orange System. 这是橙色体系。
(Laughter) (笑)
And you'll see over here, these are multiples of the number 27. 你看这,这些都是数字27的倍数。
And they recapitulate that shape, even though that's a circle of nine and that's a circle of 36. It's nuts. 他们概括出这个模式 即使这只是9和36的倍数。真是胡说八道。
(Laughter) (笑)
That's the Green System. It all folds in half on the Green System, right between 18 and 19. 那是绿色系统。都是对半折叠 正好在18与19之间。
The Blue System. The Violet . It's all there. 蓝色系统。紫色系统。都在这。
(Laughter) (笑)
Look at that! I mean you can not make that stuff up. 大家看,我意思是你们绝对办不到。
(Laughter) (笑)
That just doesn't fall out of a tree, ladies and gentlemen. 女士们先生们,这可不是像放弃一棵树那么简单,
27 years of my life! 这可是我27年的大好青春哪!
(Laughter) (笑)
And I'm presenting it here at TED. Why? 我现在在TED网站上把它呈现给大家。为什么呢?
Because this is the place if aliens land, I hope they come here. 因为我想如果外星人来到地球,我想让它到这来。
(Laughter) (笑)
'"We are going to destroy the Earth. Hmmm ... maybe not." 我们要毁灭地球。恩,或许不会。
(Laughter) (笑)
In this last year I have found these subsequent systems which allow for the mathematic possibilities of the Calabi-Yau manifolds in a way that doesn't necesitate these little hidden dimensions . 去年,我发现了下面的体系 考虑到多样态流型在 数学方面的可能性 某种程度上,这没有使得这些隐藏的图表变得那么有必要。
subsequent:adj.后来的,随后的; mathematic:adj.数学的;精确的; manifolds:n.集合管;阀组(manifold的复数形式);v.复写;繁殖(manifold的单三形式); dimensions:n.规模,大小;
Which works mathematically , but it just doesn't seem God-like to me. 这些图表属于数学的范畴,但我不喜欢。
It just seems like it's not sexy and elegant , it's hidden. 这好像不那么迷人讲究,我们看不到。
I don't want hidden, I want to see it. 我可不想藏着掖着,我想看到它。
(Laughter) (笑)
I found other pairs all have symmetry, even though, unlike the master one, their symmetry is split . 我发现其他的几对都是对称的。 虽然不像主要的那一个,此种对称是分开的。
Unbelievable . This is like crazy . 不可思议。太疯狂了。
Unbelievable:adj.(非正式)难以置信的;不可信的 like crazy:拼命地;发疯似的;
Am I the only one that sees this? 难道只有我一人看到此种状况吗?
(Laughter) (笑)
You know, I didn't just draw this in a day, by the way. 顺便说一下,大家都知道,我不是一天做完的
You know, try making some charts like this at home. 在家想要画一些图表的话,
You gotta be accurate ! There's measurement involved , increments . 你应该做到精确无误。这里面涉及度量和增量。
accurate:adj.精确的; measurement:n.测量;度量;长度; involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词) increments:n.[数]增量(incremment的复数);增加数;
These are maps, by the way. 顺便说一下,这些是地图,
Not stamps, but one day. 不是邮票。
(Laughter) (笑)
Okay, I'm getting to the punch . Golden Ratio, it's crazy. 好的,下面是黄金分割,这太厉害了。
punch:n.冲床; v.拳打; (用打孔器等)打孔;
And look at this, built within it is the Golden Ratio. 看这个,这里面的是黄金分割
I start looking at that, and look at them again. 我看了看,又看了看,
They start looking like planets. 越看他们越像行星体
I go to JPL. 我去了喷气推进实验室。
I look at the orbits of the planets. 我观察了行星运行轨道。
orbits:n.[天][航]轨道(orbit的复数); v.环绕…的轨道运行;
I find 18 examples of it in our solar system . 发现在太阳系有18种这样的例子。
solar system:[天]太阳系;
I never told anybody. This is the first thing. This could be history. 重要的是,我从来没告诉任何人。这可能成为历史。
(Laughter) (笑)
Kepler was right. 开普勒是对的。
(Laughter) (笑)
18 and 19, the middle of the Moleeds, 0.618 is the golden section. 18和19,莫利德的中间点,0.618是黄金分割点。
Multiply them together, 18.618 x 19.618 is 365.247. 把他们相乘,18.618 x 19.618结果是365.247.
Multiply:vt.乘; vi.乘; v.多样地; adj.多层的;
Which is .005 different from the number of days in a year. 这和一年365天仅差0.005.
Hey, you can't make this up. 这些是我们人类做不到的。
(Laughter) (笑)
Thank you very much. 非常感谢
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)