

Okay. Here we go. 好了 我们开始吧
Focus. Speed. I am speed. 集中精力 速度 我就是速度
One winner, forty two losers . 1个优胜者 42个失败者
I eat losers for breakfast. 我会把失败者当早餐
Did I used to say that? 我过去常那样说吗
Yes sir... you did. 是的先生 你常说
Yeah sure. You say that all the time. 当然了 你一直这样说
Mater! What are you doing in here! 板牙 你在这里做什么
Well, I didn't want you to be lonely. 我不想让你觉得寂寞
Well, thank you but I'm kind of preparing for a race 谢谢 可我正在准备比赛
I need a little quiet. 需要点安静
Alright. You got it buddy . 好的 给你安静 伙计
Hey every buddy, listen up. 大家好 听好了
My best friend Lightning McQueen need quiet. Perfect quiet. 我最好的朋友闪电麦坤需要安静 绝对安静
Okay, where was I. 好了 刚才到哪儿了
Racing. Real racing. 比赛 真正的比赛
Huh! That ain't racing. That wasn't even a sundae drive. 那不是比赛 甚至都不是圣代之旅
That was one lap racing is 500 of those. 那只比一圈 顶现在500圈
Everybody fighting to move up lap after lap. 所有人一圈圈地力争上游
Inside outside inches apart never touching. 内外道相距咫尺从不接触
Now that's racing. 现在那才叫比赛
Well, I can't argue with "The" Doc Hudson . 这位蓝天博士我无法反驳
How true. How true. 说得多对呀 多对呀
Hey Lightning. Are you ready? - Oh yeah. 闪电 准备好了吗 - 好了
Lightning is ready. 闪电准备好了
This one is for you Doc. 这次是为你比的 博士
Cars 3 《赛车总动员3》
Come on stickers . 加油车手们
That is Bret coming through. Go McQueen. 布雷特到了 加油麦坤
Lightning McQueen. 闪电麦坤
Hey Cal, your blinkers are on. 卡尔 你的转向灯开着呢
blinkers:n.有色眼镜(blinker的复数); v.给…戴眼罩;
What? No, it's not. Hey. 什么 没有啊
Your blinkers are on. 你的转向灯才开着呢
Good comeback Cal. 恢复得不错 卡尔
And into the pit goes lightning McQueen, 正在进站的是闪电麦坤
Bobby Swift and Cal Weathers. 鲍比.斯威夫特和卡尔.韦瑟斯
Bobby:警察 Swift:n.[鸟]雨燕; adj.飞快的;
These three are fun to watch. Aren't they Darrell ? 这三辆车看着很有意思 是不是 达雷尔
You know Bob, I can't tell they have more fun on or off the track . 鲍勃 不好说他们在场内还是场外更有意思
off the track:出轨;误入歧途;离题;
You're geting the car wash too Cal...! 你又在洗车了 卡尔
No, you're getting a car wash McQueen. 不 你才在洗车
Get them now. 现在去追上他们
Lightning, how do you keep your focus racing against Bobby and Cal? 闪电 你是怎么 在与鲍比和卡尔比赛时保持专注的
I mean I think the key is we respect each other. 我认为秘诀就是我们彼此尊重
These guys are real class act . 这些家伙的确出类拔萃
class act:杰出的人;
Congratulations cupcake . 祝贺你 茶杯蛋糕
Oh, they're gonna pay. 他们会付出代价的
Go go Dinoco! 加油 恐龙石油车队
Great win today, Cal. 今天真是场伟大的胜利 卡尔
Thank you Shannon, it was great move towards our.. Hey hey! 谢谢你香农 我们朝目标迈出了巨大...
Guido! Pit- stop... 技师 进站
Ha ha knock it off ! Real funny... 别再说了 真有趣
knock it off:停止做;住口,别再讲下去了;
Speed 196m/h. Your speed. 时速314公里 你的车速
Come on. Keep it going buddy. 加油 保持下去 伙计
Are my sponsors happy today? 我的赞助商们今天还高兴吗