

This is Agent Leland Turbo . 我是特工利兰.特伯
Agent:n.代理人,代理商;药剂;特工;v由…作中介;由…代理;adj.代理的; Turbo:n.涡轮增压机;
I have a flash transmission for Agent Finn McMissile. 我有急报给特工飞弹.米索
flash:n.闪光; v.闪光; adj.庞大的; transmission:n.传输;传染;播送;发射;广播;传动装置; Finn:n.芬兰人;爱尔兰巨人;
Finn, my cover's been compromised . 飞弹 我的身份暴露了
compromised:v.妥协,折中,让步; (compromise的过去分词和过去式)
Everything's gone pear-shaped . 事情搞砸了
You won't believe what I found out here. 我有重大发现
This is bigger than anything we've ever seen, and no one even knows it exists. 这地方比我们之前见过的都大 而且没人知道这的存在
Finn, I need backup , but don't call the cavalry , it could blow the operation. 飞弹 我需要支援 但不要通知装甲部队 会中断交易 打草惊蛇
backup:n.后援;增援;(文件等的)备份;adj.后补的;支持性的;伴奏的; cavalry:n.骑兵;装甲兵;装甲部队;
And be careful. It's not safe out here. 小心 这儿外面不安全
Transmitting my grids now. Good luck. 现在传送我的讯息 祝你好运
Transmitting:v.传送;输送;发射;传播;传染;(transmit的现在分词) grids:n.[数]网格(grid的复数形式);栅格;
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All right, buddy , we're here. 好了 伙计 我们到了
Right where you paid me to bring you. 你付钱让我带你来的地方
Question is, why? 你来这干什么
I'm looking for a car. 我在找一辆车
A car? Ha! 一辆车
Hey, pal, you can't get any further away from land than out here. 老兄 这离陆地十万八千里
Exactly where I want to be. 这正是我想到的地方
I got news for you, buddy. There's nobody out here but us. 我跟你说 老兄 这里除了我们没别人
What are you doing out here? 你在这干嘛
What does it look like, genius ? I'm crabbing . 你说呢 蠢货 我在航行
genius:n.天才;天资;才能,本领; crabbing:n.捕蟹;[纺]煮呢;v.捕蟹(crab的ing形式);
Well, turn around and go back where you came from. 哪来的回哪去
Yeah, and who's gonna make me? 凭什么
All right. All right. Don't get your prop in a twist . 好吧 好吧 用不着动家伙
prop:n.道具;支柱;支持者;后盾;v.支撑; twist:v.捻;扭转;曲折;扭动;n.捻;拧;扭动;搓;
What a jerk . Sorry, buddy. Looks like it's the end of the line . 混蛋 抱歉 老兄 我们只能回去了
jerk:v.猛拉;n.混蛋;突然而剧烈的动作;adj.卤的; the end of the line:尽头,极限;
Buddy? 老兄
Incoming . All workers report to the loading dock . 货来了 全体到装载码头集合
Incoming:n.进来;收入;adj.新当选的;新任的; dock:n.码头;船坞;被告席;尾巴的骨肉部分;vt.使靠码头;剪短;vi.入船坞;
Leland Turbo, this is Finn McMissile. 利兰.特伯 我是飞弹.米索
I'm at the rally point. Over. 我已到达集合点 完毕
All right, fellas , you know the drill . 好吧 伙计们 你们知道怎么做
fellas:n.伙伴;小伙子;哥儿们;男朋友;(fella的复数) know the drill:知道一件事该怎么做;
Leland, it's Finn. Please respond . Over. 利兰 我是飞弹 请回答 完毕
Come on, guys. These crates aren't gonna unload themselves. 快点 伙计们 这些木箱不会自己卸下来
crates:n.[包装]板条箱(crate的复数); unload:v.脱手;(从车、船上)卸;退出;推卸(责任);
Too many cars here. Out of my way. 车太多了 给我闪开
Professor Zundapp? 聪达普教授
Here it is, Professor. You wanted to see this before we load it? 在这 教授 你要验货吗
Ah, yes. Very carefully. 是的 要仔细瞧瞧
Oh, a TV camera. 是台电视摄像机
What does it actually do? - This camera is extremely dangerous. 这到底是干嘛的 -这台摄像机非常危险
What are you up to now, Professor? 你有什么企图 教授
What are you up to:你在忙什么呢;你正在做什么;你正在作什么;
This is valuable equipment. 这台设备很值钱
Make sure it is properly secured for the voyage . 要确保它安全抵达
You got it. - Hey, Professor Z! 明白 -教授
This is one of those British spies we told you about. 这就是跟你说过的英国间谍
Yeah! This one we caught sticking his bumper where it didn't belong. 我们发现他 把保险杠贴纸贴错了地方
Agent Leland Turbo. 特工利兰.特伯
It's Finn McMissile! 是飞弹.米索
He's seen the camera! Kill him! 他看到摄像机了 杀了他
All hands on deck ! All hands on deck ! 全员就绪 全员就绪
What? 什么
Get to the boats! 上船
He's getting away! - Not for long! 他要跑了 -跑不了