

OK... Here we go. Focus. 好 来吧 专心
Speed. I am speed. 速度 我就是速度
One winner, 42 losers . 一位冠军 42位失败者
I eat losers for breakfast. 我会把失败者当早餐吃掉的
Breakfast. 早餐
Wait, maybe I should have had breakfast. 稍等 也许我已经吃过早餐了
A little breck-y could be good for me. No, no, no, stay focused. Speed. 稍微休息一下也不错 不不不 专注 加速
I'm faster than fast. Quicker than quick. 疾上加疾 快上加快
I am lightning ! 我就是 闪电 !
Hey, Lightning! You ready? 喂 闪电 准备好了吗
Oh, yeah. Lightning's ready 喔耶 闪电 已经准备好了
Ka-chow! 咔嚓!
Get your antenna balls here! 卖天线球喔
Go, Lightnin'! 冲啊 闪电 !
Whoo! - You got that right, slick . 哇喔! - 说的没错 伙计
slick:adj.光滑的; n.[机]平滑器; v.灵活地; v.使光滑;
Welcome back to the Dinoco 400. 欢迎回到狄纳哥400
I'm Bob Cutlass , here with my good friend, Darrell Cartrip. 我是鲍伯凯特拉斯 以及我的好友岱洛卡崔普
Cutlass:n.弯刀;短剑; Darrell:n.[男名]男子名;
We're midway through what may be an historic day for racing. 赛车史上一场至关重要的比赛正在进行之中
midway:n.中途;娱乐场;adj.中途的;adv.中途; historic:adj.有历史意义的;历史上著名的;
Bob, my oil pressure's through the roof. 鲍伯 我的油压现在高到不行
If this gets more exciting, they're gonna have to tow me outta the booth! 如果再继续这样剌激下去 我就得被拖吊出去了!
Right, Darrell. 没错 岱洛
Three cars are tied for the season points lead, heading into the final race of the season. 三位选手以平分的方式 进入今年的总决赛
And the winner of this race will win the season title and the Piston Cup. 赢得这场比赛的人不仅得到年度总冠军 更将得到活塞杯
Does The King, Strip Weathers, have one more victory in him before retirement ? 绰号 国王 的选手史崔普惠特 会在退役之前再得到一项冠军吗?
Strip:n.带; v.夺; adj.脱衣舞的; retirement:n.退休;退职;退休年龄;退休生活;
He's been Dinoco's golden boy for years! 他一向都是狄纳哥的常胜将军
Can he win them one last Piston Cup? 他能否再赢一次活塞杯呢?
And, as always, in the second place spot we find Chick Hicks. 像往常一样 别忘了第二名的选手奇克希克斯
He's been chasing that tailfin his entire career . 他的整个职业生涯 都一直紧咬着 国王 不放
tailfin:n.尾翼;垂直翼; career:n.职业;事业;生涯;经历;
Chick thought this was his year. 奇克认为今年时机已到
His chance to finally emerge from The King's shadow. 也许他可以从 国王 的阴影下走出来
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; emerge:v.浮现;显现;暴露;露出真相;
But the last thing he expected was... Lightning McQueen! 但他意想不到的是 闪电 麦坤!
You know, I don't think anybody expected this. 我想大家都没预料到这种情况
The rookie sensation came into the season unknown. 赛季开始时麦坤只是个无名小卒
rookie:n.新手;新人; sensation:n.感觉;轰动;感动;
But everyone knows him now. 但现在没有人不认识他了
Will he be the first rookie to win a Piston Cup and land Dinoco? 他会成为第一个赢得 活塞杯的新人并入主迪纳哥吗?
The legend , the runner-up , and the rookie! 传奇 国王 凶猛 路霸 新人 闪电 !
legend:n.传奇;说明;图例;刻印文字; runner-up:n.亚军,第二名;亚军队;
Three cars, one champion! 三辆赛车 一个冠军!
No you don't. 你休想!
Hey! 嘿!
What a ride! 开得太棒了!
Go get 'em, McQueen! Go get 'em! 追上去 麦坤! 追上去!
I love you, Lightning! 我爱你 闪电 !
Dinoco is all mine. 迪纳哥是我的!
Trouble, turn three! 第三个弯脚处有麻烦了!
Get through that, McQueen. - Huge crash behind the leaders! 看你怎么过来 麦坤 - 领先者的后面发生了大碰撞
Wait a second, Darrell. McQueen is in the wreckage . 等等 岱洛 麦坤冲进了混乱之中
There's no way the rookie can make it through! 他不可能穿过那里的!
Not in one piece, that is. 他会被撞烂的
Yeah! 耶!
Lightning! Oh! 闪电 !喔!
Look at that! McQueen made it through! 快看啊!麦坤冲出来了
A spectacular move by Lightning McQueen! 闪电 麦坤又一次上演精彩表演
Yeah! Ka-chow! 耶!咔嚓!