

So, on the day after the Brexit vote, in June 2016, when Britain woke up to the shock of discovering that we're leaving the European Union , my editor at the " Observer " newspaper in the UK asked me to go back to South Wales, where I grew up, and to write a report. 在英国脱欧公投后的次日, 那时是 2016 年 6 月, 英国人从梦中惊醒过来, 发现我们即将离开欧盟。 我们英国卫报的编辑 派我回到南威尔斯去写个报导, 那里是我成长的地方。
Brexit:英国退出欧盟; European Union:n.欧洲联盟; Observer:n.观察员;观察者;观察家;观测者;
And so I went to a town called Ebbw Vale . 于是我去到了一个叫做 埃布韦尔的小镇。
Here it is. 就是地图上这个地方。
It's in the South Wales Valleys, which is this quite special place. 它位于南威尔斯谷, 是个很特别的地方。
So it's had this very, sort of rich, working-class culture, and it's famous for its Welsh male voice choirs and rugby and its coal. 这里充满着工薪阶层的文化, 最着名的是威尔斯男声合唱团、橄榄球,还有煤矿。
working-class:adj.工人阶级的;劳动阶级的; choirs:n.唱诗班(choir的复数形式);合唱队; rugby:n.英式橄榄球;拉格比(英格兰中部的城市);
But when I was a teenager, the coal mines and the steelworks closed, and the entire area was devastated . 但在我的青少年时期,煤矿和钢铁厂都关闭了, 整个地区遭受非常严重的挫败。
devastated:adj.不安的,混乱的,震惊的; v.彻底破坏; (devastate的过去分词和过去式)
And I went there because it had one of the highest "Leave" votes in the country. 我去那里是因为该地区 「赞成」脱欧率居全国之冠。
Sixty-two percent of the people here voted to leave the European Union. 有 62% 的人赞成离开欧盟。
And I wanted to know why. 我想知道为什么。
When I got there, I was just a bit taken aback , because the last time I went to Ebbw Vale, it looked like this. 到那里之后,我有点吃惊, 因为上一回我到埃布韦尔时, 它看起来是这付模样。
taken aback:惊讶;
And now, it looks like this. 而现在看起来是这个样子。
This is a new 33-million-pound college of further education that was mostly funded by the European Union. 这是新建的高等教育学院, 花了 3300 万英镑, 资金主要由欧盟提供。
further education:n.继续教育; funded:adj.提供资金的;v.提供资金;积存;提供资金偿付的本息;(fund的过去式);
And this is the new sports center that's at the middle of 350-million-pound regeneration project that's being funded by the European Union. 这是新的运动中心, 含在 3.5 亿英镑的重建项目内, 由欧盟出资。
And this is the new 77-million-pound road-improvement scheme , and there's a new train line, a new railway station, and they're all being funded by the European Union. 这是 7700 万英镑的 新建道路改善计划, 还有新的铁道和新的车站, 通通都由欧盟出资。
And it's not as if any of this is a secret, because there's big signs like this everywhere. 这些可不是秘密, 因为到处都有这样的大标示:
I had this sort of weird sense of unreality , walking around the town. 我带着这种如梦似幻的不真实感 走在这个镇上。
weird:adj.奇怪的;奇异的;离奇的;n.命运;宿命;命运女神; unreality:n.不真实;非现实;
[EU Funds : Investing in Wales] 【欧盟基金:投资威尔斯】
Funds:n.[会计]资金,现金(fund的复数);基金;v.资助(fund的三单形式);提供资金; Investing:v.投资;投入(时间、精力等);(invest的现在分词)
And it came to a head when I met this young man in front of the sports center. 就在这个时候, 我在运动中心前面遇到一个年轻人。
And he told me that he had voted to leave, because the European Union had done nothing for him. 他告诉我他投票赞成脱欧, 因为欧盟对他毫无作为。
He was fed up with it. 他受够了。
fed up with:受够了;极厌恶;对…厌倦;
And all around town, people told me the same thing. 镇上处处都有人对我说同样的话。
They said that they wanted to take back control, which was one of the slogans in the campaign. 他们宣称要取回掌控权, 那是脱欧行动宣传的口号之一。
And they told me that they were most fed up with the immigrants and with the refugees . 他们告诉我主要是 他们受够了移民和难民。
immigrants:n.移民(immigrant的复数); refugees:n.避难者;逃亡者;难民;(refugee的复数)
They'd had enough. 他们真的受够了。
Which was odd . 这非常奇怪。
Because walking around, 因为我走来走去,
I didn't meet any immigrants or refugees. 没遇到半个移民或是难民。
I met one Polish woman who told me she was practically the only foreigner in town. 我遇到了一个波兰的妇人告诉我 事实上她是镇上唯一的外国人。
Polish:n.磨光,擦亮;擦亮剂;优雅,精良;v.磨光,使发亮;使完美;改进;adj.波兰的; practically:adv.实际地;几乎;事实上;
And when I checked the figures, 我去查了数字,
I discovered that Ebbw Vale actually has one of the lowest rates of immigration in the country. 发现埃布韦尔事实上 是全英国移民率最低的地方之一。
And so I was just a bit baffled , because I couldn't really understand where people were getting their information from. 我百思不得其解, 因为我全然不知道 这里的人是从哪儿得到资讯的。
Because it was the right-wing tabloid newspapers which printed all these stories about immigration. 因为那些是右翼的小报纸 所报导的移民故事。
right-wing:adj.右翼的;右派的; tabloid:n.小报;药片;文摘;小型画报;adj.小报式的;缩略的;轰动性的;扼要的;
And this is a very much left-wing Labour stronghold . 而这里绝大部分人是左翼的劳工。
left-wing:adj.左派的; Labour:n.劳动;任务;劳工;vi.努力做(困难的事);干苦力活; stronghold:n.要塞;大本营;中心地;
But then after the article came out, this woman got in touch with me. 文章见报之后, 有位女士联系我。
in touch with:同…有联系,和…有接触;
And she was from Ebbw Vale, and she told me about all this stuff that she'd seen on Facebook. 她是埃布韦尔人, 她告诉我她从脸书上看到的讯息。
I was like, "What stuff?" 我纳闷:「看到什么呀?」
And she said it was all this quite scary stuff about immigration, and especially about Turkey. 她说是那些关于移民的恐怖故事, 尤其是关于土耳其的。
So I tried to find it. 于是我试着去找出来到底是什么。
But there was nothing there. 但是根本找不到任何东西。
Because there's no archive of ads that people had seen or what had been pushed into their news feeds. 因为那些人看过的广告没被存檔, 推播给他们的新闻也没被存檔。
No trace of anything, gone completely dark. 没任何痕迹,没一点影子。
And this referendum that will have this profound effect forever on Britain it's already had a profound effect: the Japanese car manufacturers that came to Wales and the north east to replace the mining jobs -- they are already going because of Brexit. 而此次公投的结果将会 对英国造成永久的影响 它已经影响深切: 以前日本车厂到威尔斯 和英国东北部来设厂, 取代了采煤的工作—— 因为英国要脱欧, 日本车厂已经在撤出了。
referendum:n.公民投票权;外交官请示书; profound:adj.深厚的;意义深远的;渊博的; manufacturers:n.生产者;制造者;生产商;(manufacturer的复数)
And this entire referendum took place in darkness, because it took place on Facebook. 这整个公投在暗中发生, 因为是发生在脸书上,
And what happens on Facebook stays on Facebook, because only you see your news feed, and then it vanishes , so it's impossible to research anything. 而脸书上发生的事留在脸书里头, 因为只有你看得到推播给你的新闻, 之后那些新闻就完全消失了, 所以根本无法研究任何东西。
So we have no idea who saw what ads or what impact they had, or what data was used to target these people. 我们完全不知道谁看了那些广告, 那些广告造成什么样的影响, 或是哪些资料被运用到那些 被设定为目标人群的身上。
Or even who placed the ads, or how much money was spent, or even what nationality they were. 甚至不知道是什么人 花了多少钱置放那些广告, 甚至不知道他们到底是哪一国人。
But Facebook does. 然而脸书知道这些答案。
Facebook has these answers, and it's refused to give them to us. 脸书瞭然于胸, 却拒绝让我们晓得这些答案。
Our parliament has asked Mark Zuckerberg multiple times to come to Britain and to give us these answers. 英国国会多次要求 马克·祖克柏 来英国 提供我们这些答案,
parliament:n.议会,国会; multiple:adj.数量多的;多种多样的;n.倍数;
And every single time, he's refused. 每一次他都拒绝了。
And you have to wonder why. 你必然会纳闷到底为什么。
Because what I and other journalists have uncovered is that multiple crimes took place during the referendum. 因为我和其他记者已经发现 在公投期间发生了多起罪行,
journalists:n.新闻记者(journalist的复数); uncovered:adj.裸露的; v.揭开盖子; (uncover的过去式和过去分词)
And they took place on Facebook. 发生在脸书上。
It's because in Britain, we limit the amount of money that you can spend in an election. 因为我们英国 限制选举可花费的金额。
And it's because in the 19th century, people would walk around with literally wheelbarrows of cash and just buy voters. 这是因为在 19 世纪时 有人推着一整车的现金 去买票。
literally:adv.按字面:字面上:确实地: wheelbarrows:n.独轮车;手推车;(wheelbarrow的复数)
So we passed these strict laws to stop that from happening. 因此我们订立严格的法律 不让这样的情形再度发生。
But those laws don't work anymore. 但是这些法律现在已经不适用了。
This referendum took place almost entirely online. 此次公投几乎全在线上举行。
And you can spend any amount of money on Facebook or on Google or on YouTube ads and nobody will know, because they're black boxes. 不管你花多少钱在脸书、 谷歌或 YouTube 上头做广告, 没有人会知道,因为那些根本就是黑箱。
And this is what happened. 因此就发生了这情况。
We've actually got no idea of the full extent of it. 事实上我们根本不知道 牵涉有多广。
But we do know that in the last days before the Brexit vote, the official "Vote Leave" campaign laundered nearly three quarters of a million pounds through another campaign entity that our electoral commission has ruled was illegal , and it's referred it to the police. 但我们知道在即将举行 英国脱欧公投的前几天, 那个推动脱欧运动的正式机构 掷下将近 75 万英镑, 透过另一个竞选单位洗钱, 被我们的选务机关判定为非法, 并已提报给警察机关。
official:adj.官方的;正式的;公务的;n.官员;公务员;高级职员; laundered:v.洗熨(衣物);洗(钱)(launder的过去分词和过去式) three quarters:adj.四分之三的;n.四分之三; entity:n.实体;存在;本质; electoral:adj.选举的;选举人的; commission:n.委员会;佣金;犯;委任;委任状;vt.委任;使服役;委托制作; illegal:adj.不合法的;非法的;n.非法移民;非法劳工; referred:v.提到;引用;认为;指示;涉及;(refer的过去式和过去分词)
And with this illegal cash, "Vote Leave" unleashed a fire hose of disinformation . 该机构用这些非法的资金 大量散布假资讯。
unleashed:v.发泄;突然释放;使爆发(unleash的过去分词和过去式) fire hose:n.消防水龙带;消防水管; disinformation:n.故意的假情报;虚假信息;
Ads like this. 像这样的广告。
[Turkey's 76m people joining the EU] 【土耳其的 7600 万人加入欧盟】
This is a lie, it's a total lie. 这是谎言,全然的谎言。
Turkey is not joining the European Union. 土耳其没要加入欧盟。
There's not even any discussions of it joining the European Union. 事实上连「讨论」加入欧盟都没有。
And most of us, we never saw these ads, because we were not the target of them. 我们大多数人从未见过这样的广告, 因为这些广告的目标不是我们。
'"Vote Leave" identified a tiny sliver of people who it identified as persuadable , and they saw them. 「脱欧」广告针对少数特定的人, 那些他们判定容易被说动的人。
identified:v.确认;认出;找到;发现;说明身份;(identify的过去式和过去分词) persuadable:adj.可说服的;可劝说的;
And the only reason we are seeing these now is because parliament forced Facebook to hand them over. 而我们现在看得到这些的唯一原因 是因为国会强迫脸书交出来。
And maybe you think, "Well, it was just a bit of overspending .It's a few lies." 或许你会想, 「好吧,只是多花了点钱吧。不过是一点谎言。」
But this was the biggest electoral fraud in Britain for 100 years. 然而这可是英国百年来 最大的选举舞弊。
In a once-in-a-generation vote that hinged upon just one percent of the electorate . 这可是整个世代唯一一次 票数差别仅仅 1% 的选举。
hinged:adj.有铰链的;铰链式的;v.给…装上绞链;依…而定(hinge的过去分词); electorate:n.选民;选区;
And it was just one of the crimes that took place in the referendum. 而且这只是此次公投的?众多罪行之一。
There was another group, which was headed by this man, 还有另一团体, 由奈杰·法拉吉这个人主导,
Nigel Farage, the one to the right of Trump . 是照片中川普右边那个人。
And his group, "Leave.EU" -- it also broke the law. 他的「Leave.EU」脱欧团队也违法。
It broke British electoral laws and British data laws, and it's also being referred to the police. 违反了英国选举法和数据法, 也被提报给警方。
And this man, Arron Banks, he funded this campaign. 是阿龙·班克斯这个人 出钱推动脱欧运动。
And in a completely separate case, he's being referred to our National Crime Agency , our equivalent of the FBI, because our electoral commission has concluded they don't know where his money came from. 他在全然不同的另外一案中 已经被移送至国家犯罪总署, 相当于美国 FBI 的对等机构, 因为我们的选务委员会已得出结论: 不知道他的钱来自何方,
Agency:n.代理,中介;代理处,经销处; equivalent:adj.等价的,相等的;同意义的;n.等价物,相等物; concluded:v.断定:得出结论:终止:达成:缔结(协定)(conclude的过去分词和过去式)
Or if it was even British. 甚至不知道到底是不是英国的资金。
And I'm not even going to go into the lies that Arron Banks has told about his covert relationship with the Russian government. 而我甚至不打算谈论 阿龙·班克斯的谎言, 关于他跟俄国政府秘密关系的谎言。
covert:n.隐藏处; adj.隐蔽的;
Or the weird timing of Nigel Farage's meetings with Julian Assange and with Trump's buddy , Roger Stone, now indicted , immediately before two massive WikiLeaks dumps , both of which happened to benefit Donald Trump. 也不提奈杰·法拉吉 诡异的会面时刻, 他与朱利安·亚桑杰 和他与川普现已被起诉的伙伴 罗杰·斯通的会面时间点, 恰好就在维基解密 两次大规模倾倒资讯之前。两次都让川普得益。
buddy:n.伙伴,好朋友;密友;小男孩;v.做好朋友,交朋友; Roger:n.罗杰;[男名]男子名;int.明白;v.与某人性交; indicted:v.控告;起诉(indict的过去分词和过去式) massive:adj.大量的;巨大的,厚重的;魁伟的; WikiLeaks:维基解密; dumps:n.废物,垃圾场(dump的复数);忧郁;v.倾倒(dump的单三形式);
But I will tell you that Brexit and Trump were intimately entwined . 但我要告诉大家 英国脱欧与川普密不可分。
intimately:adv.熟悉地;亲切地;私下地; entwined:vt.缠住;盘绕;使缠绕;vi.缠住;盘绕;
This man told me that Brexit was the petri dish for Trump. 这个人让我知道 英国脱欧是川普的培养皿。
petri dish:n.培养皿(作细菌培养等用的有盖玻璃碟);
And we know it's the same people, the same companies, the same data, the same techniques , the same use of hate and fear. 我们知道是同样的人、 同样的公司、 同样的数据、同样的手法、 同样使用仇恨和恐惧。
This is what they were posting on Facebook. 这是他们贴在脸书上的。
And I don't even want to call this a lie, 我甚至懒得说这是谎言,
[Immigration without assimilation equals invasion] 【未同化的移民等于入侵】
because it feels more like a hate crime to me. 因为我觉得这更像是仇恨罪。
hate crime:n.(因种族、同性恋等歧视引起的)仇恨犯罪;仇恨犯罪行为;
I don't have to tell you that hate and fear are being sown online all across the world. 不用我说, 仇恨与恐惧被深植于 世界各地的网上。
Not just in Britain and America, but in France and in Hungary and Brazil and Myanmar and New Zealand . 不只英国、美国, 法国和匈牙利也有, 还有巴西、缅甸,和纽西兰。
Brazil:n.巴西(拉丁美洲国家); Myanmar:n.缅甸(东南亚国家); Zealand:西兰岛(丹麦最大的岛)
And we know there is this dark undertow which is connecting us all globally. 我们知道这暗流 与全球的你和我连结着。
And it is flowing via the technology platforms . 它透过技术平台流动。
via:prep.通过;经由;n.道路;[医]管道; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; platforms:n.平台; v.把…放在台上;
But we only see a tiny amount of what's going on on the surface. 我们只看到冰山上的一角。
And I only found out anything about this dark underbelly because I started looking into Trump's relationship to Farage, into a company called Cambridge Analytica. 我得以看到这黑暗的软肋 是因为我开始研究 川普和法拉吉的关系, 调查到一家叫做 「剑桥分析」的公司。
underbelly:n.下腹部;薄弱部分;易受攻击的部位,区域等; Cambridge:n.剑桥(英国城市);坎布里奇(美国马萨诸塞州城市);
And I spent months tracking down an ex-employee, Christopher Wiley. 我花了好几个月的时间追查到 该公司的前员工克里斯多福·怀利。
And he told me how this company, that worked for both Trump and Brexit, had profiled people politically in order to understand their individual fears, to better target them with Facebook ads. 他告诉我这家公司 为川普和英国脱欧效力, 他们怎样侧写人们的政治倾向, 为的是了解这些人的个别恐惧, 以用来针对他们散布脸书广告。
profiled:v.描绘…轮廓,评论人物(profile的过去式); politically:adv.政治上; individual:n.个人;有个性的人;adj.单独的;个别的;
And it did this by illicitly harvesting the profiles of 87 million people from Facebook. 做法是非法地采集资料, 采收 8700 万人的脸书资料。
illicitly:adv.违法地;不正当地;禁止地; profiles:n.配置文件; v.扼要描述;
It took an entire year's work to get Christopher on the record. 花了一整年的功夫 才把克里斯多福的话记录在案。
And I had to turn myself from a feature writer into an investigative reporter to do it. 我得把我的角色 从写稿记者转变为调查记者。
And he was extraordinarily brave, because the company is owned by Robert Mercer , the billionaire who bankrolled Trump, and he threatened to sue us multiple times, to stop us from publishing. 他非常勇敢, 因为这个公司的所有人 是?罗伯特·默瑟, 是个以财力支持川普的亿万富翁, 他多次恐吓要控告我们, 不让我们报导。
extraordinarily:adv.非常;格外地;非凡地; Mercer:n.绸缎商人;布商;呢绒布商; billionaire:n.亿万富翁; bankrolled:v.资助;提供资金给;(bankroll的过去分词和过去式) sue:v.控告;提起诉讼;(尤指在法庭上)提出请求;
But we finally got there, and we were one day ahead of publication . 但我们终于完成了, 就在刊出的前一天,
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; publication:n.出版物;发表;公布;发行;
We got another legal threat. 我们收到另一起诉讼威胁。
Not from Cambridge Analytica this time, but from Facebook. 这次不是剑桥分析公司, 而是脸书。
It told us that if we publish , they would sue us. 脸书威胁如果刊出就要告我们。
We did it anyway. 我们仍然刊出了。
Facebook, you were on the wrong side of history in that. 脸书,那回你的选择 在史上留下恶名。
on the wrong side of:过了…岁;已过…岁;亏欠;
And you were on the wrong side of history in this -- in refusing to give us the answers that we need. 这回你又选择再加一笔, 因为你拒绝提供我们需要的答案。
And that is why I am here. 这是为什么我今天站在这里,
To address you directly , the gods of Silicon Valley . 直接对硅谷的神祇们喊话。
directly:adv.直接地;立即;马上;正好地;坦率地;conj.一…就; Silicon Valley:n.硅谷(美国加利福尼亚州一处计算机和电子公司聚集地,有时用以指任何计算机公司聚集地);
Mark Zuckerberg ... 马克·祖克柏……
and Sheryl Sandberg and Larry Page and Sergey Brin and Jack Dorsey, and your employees and your investors, too. 还有雪柔·桑德伯格、赖利·佩吉、 谢尔盖·布林,和杰克·多西, 以及你们的员工和金主。
Because 100 years ago, the biggest danger in the South Wales coal mines was gas. 因为 100 年前, 南威尔斯煤矿面临的 最大危险是天然气。
Silent and deadly and invisible . 无声、无形且致命。
deadly:adj.致命的;非常的;死一般的;adv.非常;如死一般地; invisible:adj.看不见的;n.看不见的人或物;
It's why they sent the canaries down first to check the air. 那是他们带金丝雀进矿坑 监测里头空气的原因。
And in this massive, global , online experiment that we are all living through, we in Britain are the canary . 现在我们共同经历这大规模、 全球性的线上实验, 在英国的我们就是现代的金丝雀。
global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; canary:n.[鸟]金丝雀;淡黄色;
We are what happens to a western democracy when a hundred years of electoral laws are disrupted by technology. 我们正是西方民主世界的 百年选举法被科技毁坏的结果。
democracy:n.民主,民主主义;民主政治; disrupted:破坏;使瓦解;使分裂;使中断;使陷于混乱(disrupt的过去分词形式);
Our democracy is broken, our laws don't work anymore, and it's not me saying this, it's our parliament published a report saying this. 我们的民主被摧毁,法令不再适用, 这话不是我说的, 是我国国会发表的报告里说的。
This technology that you have invented has been amazing. 你们发明非常惊人的科技。
But now, it's a crime scene. 但是现在却变成了犯罪现场。
And you have the evidence . 你们掌握着证据。
And it is not enough to say that you will do better in the future. 光说「以后会做得更好」是不够的。
Because to have any hope of stopping this from happening again, we have to know the truth. 因为要能不重蹈覆辙的唯一希望 在于我们必须知道真相。
And maybe you think, "Well, it was just a few ads. 或许你认为: 「不过是几则广告而已。
And people are smarter than that, right? 人们可没那么笨,对吧?」
'" To which I would say, "Good luck with that. 对此我必须说:「祝你好运。」
'" Because what the Brexit vote demonstrates is that liberal democracy is broken. 因为英国脱欧公投显示 自由民主已被摧毁了。
demonstrates:v.证明;证实;论证;说明;演示;(demonstrate的第三人称单数) liberal:adj.宽宏大度的; n.理解且尊重他人意见的人;
And you broke it. 是你们摧毁的。
This is not democracy -- spreading lies in darkness, paid for with illegal cash, from God knows where. 这可不是民主—— 在暗地里散播谎言, 用非法的资金付广告费, 天知道这些钱从哪儿来的。
It's subversion , and you are accessories to it. 这是顛覆, 而你们是共犯。
subversion:n.颠覆;破坏; accessories:n.附件(accessory的复数形式);辅助程序;
Our parliament has been the first in the world to try to hold you to account, and it's failed. 我们国会是世上第一个 试图要你们负责的, 却失败了。
You are literally beyond the reach of British law -- not just British laws, this is nine parliaments , nine countries are represented here, who Mark Zuckerberg refused to come and give evidence to. 在字面上英国法律对你们没辙—— 不仅仅是英国法律, 这里是代表九个国家的国会, 马克·祖克柏拒绝出席和交出证据。
parliaments:n.议会,国会; represented:v.代表; (represent的过去式和过去分词)
And what you don't seem to understand is that this is bigger than you. 你似乎不明白,这远远大过你,
And it's bigger than any of us. 远远大过我们任何人。
And it is not about left or right or "Leave" or "Remain" or Trump or not. 这可不是左派或右派, 留欧或脱欧,支持或反对川普,
It's about whether it's actually possible to have a free and fair election ever again. 而是在于有没有可能 再举行任何自由和公正的选举了。
Because as it stands, I don't think it is. 因为在目前这情况下, 我认为不可能。
And so my question to you is, is this what you want? 因此我要问,这是你们要的吗?
Is this how you want history to remember you: as the handmaidens to authoritarianism that is on the rise all across the world? 你们要在历史上如此留名: 当威权主义的仆役, 助长当今全球各地 纷纷崛起的威权主义?
handmaidens:n.侍女;女仆(等于handmaid); authoritarianism:n.独裁主义;权力主义;
Because you set out to connect people. 因为你的初衷是要彼此连结,
And you are refusing to acknowledge that the same technology is now driving us apart. 而你现在拒绝承认同样的科技 事实上正将我们彼此推离。
And my question to everybody else is, is this what we want: to let them get away with it , and to sit back and play with our phones, as this darkness falls? 我对其他每个人的问题则是: 我们要让这些人侥幸逃脱, 只是坐在一旁玩手机, 一直玩到黑暗降临大地吗?
get away with it:na.侥幸成功;逃脱处罚;
The history of the South Wales Valleys is of a fight for rights. 这起南威尔斯谷事件攸关争取权利,
And this is not a drill -- it's a point of inflection . 不是演习,而是转折点。
Democracy is not guaranteed , and it is not inevitable , and we have to fight and we have to win and we cannot let these tech companies have this unchecked power. 民主不是被应许的,不必然会有, 我们必须要为民主奋斗, 而且我们必须胜出。 我们不能让这些科技公司 拥有毫无限制的力量。
guaranteed:adj.必然的; v.保证; inevitable:adj.必然的,不可避免的; unchecked:adj.未经核对的;未加抑制的;
It's up to us -- you, me and all of us. 这取决于我们── 你、我,我们所有人。
We are the ones who have to take back control. 我们必须取回掌控权!