

Do you know what time it is? 你知道现在几点吗
Can't sleep. 睡不着
There are tabs for that. 有药片治失眠的
tabs:n.制表符; v.命名;
Yeah, but then I'd be sleeping. 没错 但吃了我不就睡着了
Dreams again? 又做梦了
Wanna fight? 想打架吗
I slipped . 我滑倒了
Right, you slipped as a result of me punching you in the face. 是啊 你滑倒了 因为我一拳打在了你脸上
as a result:结果; punching:v.拳打;以拳痛击;给…打孔;(punch的现在分词)
I was already slipping when you happened to punch me in the face. 你打到我脸的时候 我就已经要滑倒了
The two events were not related. 这两件事毫不相关
Tell me about this dream. 跟我说说这个梦
Anything new? - No. 有什么新内容吗 -没有
You have to let go of the past. 你必须放下过去
I don't remember my past. 我不记得我的过去了
It's causing you doubt, and doubt makes you vulnerable . 这让你产生怀疑 怀疑让你有弱点
Control it. 控制住
Lose control again, and you'll have to commune with the Supreme Intelligence . 如果你再次失控 就得去找至高智慧密谈了
commune:vi.谈心,亲密交谈;密切联系;n.公社; Supreme:adj.最高的;至高的;最重要的;n.至高;霸权; Intelligence:n.智力;智慧;才智;(尤指关于敌国的)情报;
There's nothing more dangerous to a warrior than emotion . 对于战士而言 情绪是最危险的
warrior:n.勇士; emotion:n.强烈的感情;激情;情感;
Humor is a distraction . 幽默使人分心
Humor:n.幽默;心情;情绪;脾气;v.迎合;迁就; distraction:n.注意力分散;消遣;心烦意乱;
And anger? 而愤怒
Anger only serves the enemy. 愤怒只会帮助你的敌人
One hundred twenty days since the last Skrull attack. 距最后一次斯库鲁侵袭已过去了120天
Has anyone ever seen what the Supreme Intelligence really looks like? 有人见过 至高智慧的真面目吗
No one can look upon the Supreme Intelligence in its true form. 没人能看到至高智慧的真面目
You know that. 你知道的
Our subconscious chooses the way they appear to us. 我们的潜意识会选择我们所能看到的形象
So it's sacred. 因此它是神圣的
It's personal . 也是私密的
No Kree divulges it, ever. 克里人绝对不会泄露这个秘密
Who do you see? 你会看到谁
Your brother? - No. 你哥哥吗 -不是
Father? - No. 父亲 -不是
Your old commander ? - Vers . 你以前的指挥官 -弗斯
commander:n.指挥官;司令官; Vers:n.与比较;对;作为的函数;随而转移;
It's me you see, isn't it? 你看到的是我 对吧
I see what you're trying to do. 我知道你想干什么
Is it working? - Yes. 这招有用吗 -有用
But you won't succeed in changing the subject. 但你别想转移话题
What is the point of giving me these... 如果你不希望我使用这力量
if you don't want me to use them? 那还何必把它给我
I want you to use them. 我希望你使用这力量
The Supreme Intelligence gave me a responsibility... 至高智慧让我负责
of showing you how to use them. 教会你如何使用这力量
I know how. 我知道怎么用
Yeah, if that were true, you'd be able to knock me down without them. 如果你真会用 就能不用它也可以打倒我了
Control your impulses . 控制你的冲动
impulses:n.[心理]冲动; v.推动(impulse的第三人称单数);
Stop using this, start using this. 不要用这儿 而是用这儿
I want you to be the best version of yourself. 我希望你成为最好的自己
Vers. 弗斯
Intelligence. 至高智慧