

I'm going to take you on a journey very quickly. 我将很快带你们踏上一段旅程
To explain the wish, I'm going to have to take you somewhere which many people haven't been, and that's around the world. 为了解释我的愿望,我将不得不带你们去看看 一些很多人没去过的地方,世界各地
When I was about 24 years old, Kate Store and myself started an organization to get architects and designers involved in humanitarian work. 当我24岁左右的时候,凯特·斯托尔和我建立了一个组织 让建筑师和设计师们都参与到人道主义工作中
organization:n.组织;机构;体制;团体; architects:n.建筑师;设计师;创造者;(architect的复数); involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词) humanitarian:adj.人道主义的;博爱的;基督凡人论的;n.人道主义者;基督凡人论者;
Not only about responding to natural disasters , but involved in systemic issues . 不仅仅是应对自然灾害 也包括系统问题
responding:v.响应;作出反应;反应灵敏;(respond的现在分词) disasters:n.灾难(disaster的复数); systemic:adj.系统的;全身的;体系的; issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数)
We believed that where the resources and expertise are scarce , innovative , sustainable design can really make a difference in people's lives. 我们认为在缺乏资源和专业技术的地方 创新,可持续的设计可以真正在人们生活中起到作用
resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数); expertise:n.专门知识;专门技术;专家的意见; scarce:adv.勉强;刚;几乎不;简直不;adj.缺乏的;不足的;稀少的; innovative:adj.革新的,创新的; sustainable:adj.可以忍受的;足可支撑的;养得起的;可持续的; make a difference:有影响,有关系;
So this all began my -- I started my life as an architect, or training as an architect, and I was always interested in socially responsible design, and how you can really make an impact . 所以这所有的一切开始了,我的 --- 职业生涯初期,我成为一名建筑师,或者参加了建筑师培训 我总是对社会负责感的设计 和你怎样能真正做出影响非常感兴趣
responsible:adj.负责的,可靠的;有责任的; impact:n.影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力;v.挤入,压紧;撞击;对…产生影响;
But when I went to architectural school, it seemed that I was the black sheep in the family. 但是当我进入建筑学校学习时, 我好像是害群之马
architectural:adj.建筑学的;建筑上的;符合建筑法的; black sheep:败家子;害群之马;
Many architects seemed to think that when you design, you design a jewel, and it's a jewel that you try and crave for. 很多建筑师好像想的是当你设计时, 你是在设计一个珠宝,而且是一个你尝试和渴望得到的珠宝
Whereas I felt that when you design, you either improve or you create a detriment to the community in which you're designing in. 然而我觉得当你设计时, 对你设计的社区你要么在改良, 要么就是在制造危害
Whereas:conj.然而;鉴于;反之; improve:v.改进;改善; detriment:n.损害;伤害;损害物; community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体;
So you're not just doing a building for the residents or for the people who are going to use it, but for the community as a whole . 所以你不只是在为居民建造一座房屋 或者为了那些将要使用这些房屋的人们 而是为了整个社区
residents:n.居民;住院医生;房客;(resident的复数) as a whole:总的来说;
And in 1999, we started by responding to the issue of the housing crisis for returning refugees in Kosovo and I didn't know what I was doing, like I say, mid-20s, and I'm the, I'm the Internet generation, so we started a website. 在1999年,我们在科索沃开始帮助那些回归的难民 应对住房危机带来的问题 我不知道我过去在做什么,就像我说的,20世纪中期时, 而且我,我是互联网的一代,所以我们建立了一个网站。
crisis:n.危机;危险期;决定性时刻;adj.危机的;用于处理危机的; refugees:n.避难者;逃亡者;难民;(refugee的复数)
We put a call out there, and to my surprise in a couple of months we had hundreds of entries from around the world. 我们在网站上发起了号召,出乎我意料的是,在几个月里 我们的队伍中加入了来自世界各地的很多参与者
That led to a number of prototypes being built and really experimenting with some ideas. 于是我们建立了一些建筑的原型 也尝试一些想法的实验
Two years later we started doing a project on developing mobile health clinics in sub-Saharan Africa, responding to the HIV/AIDS pandemic . 两年后我们在撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲 启动了一个发展可移动的健康诊所的项目 应对全国流行的HIV/AIDS病毒
mobile:n.手机;汽车;移动电话;adj.活跃的;可动的; clinics:n.诊所(clinic的复数形式); sub-Saharan:撒哈拉以南地区; pandemic:adj.(疾病等)全国流行的;普遍的;n.流行性疾病;
That -- that led to 550 entries from 53 countries. 从53个国家发来的550个参与者加入了我们
We also have designers from around the world that participate . 还有来自世界各地的很多设计师也参与进来
And we had an exhibit of work that followed that. 之后我们为那个阶段的工作搞了一次展示
2004 was the tipping point for us. 2004年是我们的转折点
tipping point:n.(个案积累终成大趋势的)引爆点;
We started responding to natural disasters and getting involved in Iran and Bam, also following up on our work in Africa. 我们开始对自然灾害做出应对 并在伊朗和巴姆也有工作, 同时我们在非洲的工作也在持续进行
Working within the United States, most people look at poverty and they see the face of a foreigner, but go live -- I live in Bozeman, Montana -- go up to the north plains on the reservations , or go down to Alabama or Mississippi pre-Katrina, and I could have shown you places that have far worse conditions than many developing countries I've been to. 在美国工作, 大多数人看到贫困,看到外国人, 但是坚持生活 -- 我住在博兹曼,蒙塔那 -- 往北走可以到达保留地的北面平原, 往南走就是阿拉巴马或者密西西比 卡特里娜飓风之前,我可以给你们看看那些地方 那些环境比我去过的很多发展中国家还要差的多的地方
United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式) poverty:n.贫困;困难;缺少;低劣; Montana:n.蒙大纳(美国州名); reservations:n.保留;预定(reservation的复数形式); Alabama:n.阿拉巴马州(美国州名);
So we got involved in and worked in inner cities and elsewhere . 所以我们到内地城市和其他地方工作
inner:n.内部;射中接近靶心部分的一发;adj.里面的;向内的;内部的;接近中心的; elsewhere:adv.在别处;到别处;
And then also I will go into some more projects. 同样,我也进入一些更多的项目中
2005 Mother Nature kicked our arse . 2005年大自然母亲发怒了
Mother Nature:n.大自然;自然界; arse:n.屁股;笨蛋;饭桶;vi.闲混;
I think we can pretty much assume that 2005 was a horrific year when it comes to natural disasters. 我认为我们可以相当肯定的认为2005年是可怕的一年, 当自然灾害来临时。
assume:v.承担;假定;采取;呈现; horrific:adj.可怕的;令人毛骨悚然的;
And because of the Internet, and because of connections to blogs and so forth, within literally hours of the tsunami , we were already raising funds , getting involved, working with people on the ground. 因为互联网, 因为有了博客等等, 在海啸发生的数小时内,我们已经建立了基金, 参与,和地上的人们一起工作。
blogs:n.网志;博客;v.写网志;写博客;(blog的第三人称单数和复数) literally:adv.按字面:字面上:确实地: tsunami:n.海啸; funds:n.[会计]资金,现金(fund的复数);基金;v.资助(fund的三单形式);提供资金;
We run from a couple of laptops in the first couple of days, 在最初的几天,我们利用几台笔记本电脑进行工作,
I had 4,000 emails from people needing help. 我从需要帮助的人们收到4000封电子邮件。
So we began to get involved in projects there, and I'll talk about some others. 所以我们开始参与到那里的项目中, 我将说点别的。
And then of course, this year we've been responding to Katrina, as well as following up on our reconstruction works. 当然,这一年我们对卡特里娜飓风展开相应的工作, 同时还有我们后续的重建工作。
as well as:也;和…一样;不但…而且; reconstruction:n.再建,重建;改造;复兴;
This is a brief overview . 这是一个简短的概览
In 2004, I really couldn't manage the number of people who wanted to help, or the number of requests that I was getting. 在2004年,我真的无法应付 那些需要帮助的人们, 或者我收到的那些请求。
It was all coming into my laptop and cell phone. 他们全部进入到我的笔记本电脑和手机中。
So we decided to embrace an open -- basically an open source model of business, that anyone, anywhere in the world, could start a local chapter, and they can get involved in local problems. 所以我们决定展开怀抱 -- 基本上是一个业务的开源模型, 任何人,世界上的任何地方,都可以启动当地的一章, 他们能参与到当地的问题中。
embrace:n.拥抱,怀抱;v.拥抱;乐意采纳(思想、建议等);信奉;包括; basically:adv.主要地,基本上;
Because I believe there is no such thing as Utopia . 因为我相信没有所谓普世通用的方案
All problems are local. All solutions are local. 所有的问题都是本地的。所有的解决方案也都是本地的。
So, and that means, you know, somebody who is based in, in Mississippi, knows more about Mississippi than I do. So what happened is, we used MeetUp and all these other kind of Internet tools, and we ended up having 40 chapters starting up, thousands of architects in 104 countries. 所以,这意味着,你们知道, 住在密西西比的人 比我更了解密西西比。所以发生了什么呢? 我们使用了MeetUp(一种在线交流工具)和所有这类的其他互联网工具, 我们结束时已有40个本地团队, 104个国家的成千上万个建筑师。
So the, the bullet point -- sorry, I never do a suit, so I knew that I was going to take this off. 所以,关键点 -- 对不起,我从来没穿过西装, 所以我知道我会把这个脱下来。
bullet point:n.点句重要项目(文件中列举时用正方形、菱形等点句符开始);
OK, because I'm going to do it very quick. OK,因为我会很快做这件事。
So in the past seven years, this isn't just about nonprofit . 所以在过去的七年里,这不仅仅是非盈利。
What it showed me is that there's a grassroots movement going on of socially responsible designers who really believe that this world has got a lot smaller, 我看到有一些民间运动发生 在有社会责任感的设计者们 那些真正相信这个世界已经变小了很多
and that we have the opportunity -- not the responsibility, but the opportunity -- to really get involved in making change. 和认为他们有机会 -- 不是责任, 而是机会 -- 来真正参与作出改变。
(Laughter) (笑声)
I'm adding that to my time. 我会把那个加到我的演讲时间里。
So what you don't know is, we've got these thousands of designers working around the world, connected basically by a website, and we have a staff of three. 所以你们不知道的是, 我们有这些成千上万的设计师在全世界各地工作, 基本通过一个网站联系,我们全体员工有3个人。
By doing something, the fact that nobody told us we couldn't do it, we did it. And so there's something to be said about naivete . 来做一些事,事实上没人告诉我们我们不能做, 我们做了。所以有人说我们天真烂漫。
So seven years later, we've developed so that we've got advocacy , instigation and implementation . We advocate for good design, not only through student workshops and lectures and public forums , op-eds , we have a book on humanitarian work, but also disaster mitigation and dealing with public policy . 七年后,我们发展了以至于我们获得了拥护, 鼓励和成就。我们提倡好的设计, 不仅仅通过学生研讨会,演讲和公开探讨会议, 专栏编辑,我们有一本关于人道主义工作的书, 还有减轻灾难带来的影响和应对国家政策。
advocacy:n.主张;拥护;辩护; instigation:n.煽动,鼓动;教唆;刺激; implementation:n.[计]实现;履行;安装启用; advocate:v.拥护;支持;提倡;n.支持者;提倡者;辩护律师;出庭辩护人; workshops:n.工作坊,[工业]车间;研习会,讲习班(workshop的复数形式); forums:n.论坛; (forum的复数) op-eds:n.[美国英语](报纸的)专栏版,特写稿版(相对于社论等的专栏署名版)[亦称作Op-Edpage]; mitigation:n.减轻;缓和;平静; policy:n.政策,方针;保险单;
We can talk about FEMA, but that's another talk. 我们可以讨论FEMA(联邦应急管理局),但那是另一个演讲。
Instigation, developing ideas with communities and NGOs doing open-source design competitions . 鼓励,与社区团体开发创意 和公益性组织进行开源设计竞争。
communities:n.社区;社会;团体;共有(community的复数) open-source:adj.(计算机)开放源代码; competitions:n.比赛,[生态]竞争(competition的复数形式);
Referring , matchmaking with communities and then implementing -- actually going out there and doing the work, because when you invent, it's never a reality until it's built. 跟社团求助,联系 然后去实现 -- 实际的走出去并进行工作, 因为当你创造时,只有等到它建立起来了以后才会真正实现。
Referring:v.引用;提到;将…归因于…;把…提交;(refer的现在分词) matchmaking:n.做媒;火柴制造;安排比赛;adj.火柴制造的;火柴制造者的; implementing:n.实施,执行;实现;v.贯彻,执行(implement的现在分词);
So it's really important that if we're designing and trying to create change, we build that change. 所以这真的很重要,当我们在设计 和试着创造改变时,我们建造了那个改变。
So here's a select number of projects. 所以这里是选出的一些项目。
Kosovo. This is Kosovo in '99. We did an open design competition, like I said. It led to a whole variety of ideas, and this wasn't about emergency shelter, but transitional shelter that would last five to 10 years, 科索沃。这是99年的科索沃。我们进行了一项公开设计竞争, 就像我说的。它产生了整个花样繁多的创意, 这不是关于应急避难所,而是过渡期的避难所 能维持5到10年,
variety:n.多样;种类;杂耍;变化,多样化; emergency:n.紧急情况;突发事件;非常时刻;adj.紧急的;备用的; transitional:adj.变迁的;过渡期的;
that would be placed next to the land the resident lived in, and that they would rebuild their own home. 居民们居住的这些避难所将被安置在靠近陆地(的地方), 这样他们能重建他们自己的家。
This wasn't imposing an architecture on a community, this was giving them the tools and, and the space to allow them to rebuild and regrow the way they want to. 这不是社区里面一座壮观的建筑, 这是给予他们工具, 和空间可以允许他们 去重建和再生他们自己想要的方式。
imposing:adj.壮观的; v.推行,采用; (impose的现在分词) architecture:n.建筑学;建筑风格;建筑式样;架构; regrow:vt.再生;重新长出;vi.重新生长;
We have from the sublime to the ridiculous , but they worked. 我们已经从壮观的到荒谬的,但是这有用。
sublime:adj.庄严的; n.崇高; vt.使…纯化; vi.升华; ridiculous:adj.可笑的;荒谬的;
This is an inflatable hemp house. It was built; it works. 这是一个可充气的纤维房屋。它建造了;并且实用。
inflatable:adj.膨胀的,可充气的;得意的; hemp:n.大麻;麻类植物;大麻烟卷;adj.大麻类植物的;
This is a shipping container. Built and works. 这是一个集装箱。建造了并实用。
And a whole variety of ideas that not only dealt with architectural building, but also the issues of governance and the idea of creating communities through complex networks. 和一整套各式各样的创意 不光是解决了建筑学房屋, 还有治理问题 和通过复杂网络创造社区的创意。
governance:n.管理;统治;支配; complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施;
So we've engaged not just designers, but also, you know, a whole variety of technology-based professionals . 所以我们雇佣了不仅是设计师,还是, 你们知道,一整个拥有各样技术的专家的团队。
engaged:adj.已订婚的; v.吸引住; (engage的过去分词和过去式) technology-based:以科技为本的; professionals:n.[管理]专业人员(professional的复数);
Using rubble from destroyed homes to create new homes. 用被毁掉的家园的破砖碎瓦来创建新的家园。
Using strawbale construction, creating heat walls. 用麦草捆墙壁来创建加热墙。
And then something remarkable happened in '99. 然后在99年的时候一些不平凡的事发生了。
We went to Africa, originally to look at the housing issue. 我们去到非洲,本来是去看看住房问题。
Within three days, we realized the problem was not housing; it was the growing pandemic of HIV/AIDS. 在三天内,我们意识到问题不是住房; 而是正在蔓延的全国性的HIV/AIDS病毒。
And it wasn't doctors telling us this; it was actual villagers that we were staying with. 这不是医生告诉我们的; 而是我们居住地的村民告诉我们的。
And so we came up with the bright idea that instead of getting people to walk 10, 15 kilometers to see doctors, you get the doctors to the people. 所以我们突然有了一个聪明的主意,与其让人们 步行10,15公里去看医生,不如让医生到人们这儿来。
And we started engaging the the medical community. 我们开始雇佣医疗社团。
engaging:adj.有趣的; v.吸引住(注意力、兴趣); (engage的现在分词)
And I thought, you know, we thought we were real bright, you know, sparks -- we've come up with this great idea, mobile health clinics that can -- widely distributed throughout sub-Saharan Africa. 我认为,你们知道,我们认为我们当时真的很聪明,你们知道,突然 -- 这个伟大的创意出现在我们头脑中,那就是移动健康诊所! 它可以广泛的分布在整个撒哈拉以南的非洲。
sparks:n.(船或飞机上的)无线电通信师; come up with:提出;想出;赶上; distributed:adj.分布的;分散的;v.分发;分配;使分布(distribute的过去分词和过去式) throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及;
And the community, the medical community there said, "We've said this for the last decade. We know this. 那里的医疗社团说, “我们在过去十年内说过这个。我们知道这个。
We just don't know how to show this." 我们只是不知道怎样实现。“
So in a way, we had taken a pre-existing need and shown solutions. 所以在某种程度上,我们采纳了一个已经存在的需求并展示了解决方案。
And so again, we had a whole variety of ideas that came in. 于是,我们有一整套花样百出的创意涌现出来。
This one I personally love, because the idea that architecture is not just about solutions, but about raising awareness . 这是我个人喜爱的, 因为建筑学不仅是有关解决方案, 而是关于提高认识。
personally:adv.个人;亲自;本人;就本人而言; awareness:n.意识,认识;明白,知道;
This is a kenaf clinic. You get seed and you grow it in a plot of land, and then once -- and it grows 14 feet in a month. 这是一个洋麻诊所。你得到种子并土地上种植, 然后有一次我们突然发现 -- 它在一个月里长了14英尺。
And on the fourth week, the doctors come and they mow out an area, put a tensile structure on the top and when the doctors have finished treating and seeing patients and villagers, you cut down the clinic and you eat it. It's an Eat Your Own Clinic. 在第四周,医生们来了,他们割掉一个区域的草, 在上面放置了一个可伸长的结构 当医生们结束治疗后 看见病人和村民们, 你割下诊所并且吃掉它。这就是吃你自己的诊所。
mow:v.修剪;割;刈;n.麦秆堆;谷堆;鬼脸 tensile:adj.[力]拉力的;可伸长的;可拉长的; structure:n.结构;构造;建筑物;vt.组织;构成;建造; treating:v.以…态度对待;把…看作;处理;讨论;(treat的现在分词) patients:n.接受治疗者,病人;(patient的复数)
(Laughter) (笑声)
So it's dealing with the fact that if you have AIDS, you also need to have nutrition rates, and the idea that the idea of nutrition is as important as getting anti-retrovirals out there. 所以这解决了一个事实,如果你得了AIDS, 你仍然需要保持营养比, 保证营养的理念就像 将抗逆转录病毒药物从那里拿走一样重要。
nutrition:n.营养,营养学;营养品; anti-retrovirals:抗反转錄病毒药物;
So you know, this is a serious solution . 所以你们知道,这是一个重要的解决方案。
This one I love. The idea is it's not just a clinic -- it's a community center. 这个我喜欢。想法是这不仅是一个诊所 -- 这是一个社区中心。
This looked at setting up trade routes and economic engines within the community, so it can be a self-sustaining project. 这着眼于在社区内建立贸易线路 和经济引擎 所以它可以成为一个自给自足的方案。
routes:n.路线;途径;路途;渠道;v.按某路线发送;(route的第三人称单数和复数) economic:adj.经济的,经济上的;经济学的; self-sustaining:adj.自立的;自谋生活的;自撑的;
Every one of these projects is sustainable. 这些方案里的每个人都能养活自己。
That's not because I'm a tree-hugging green person. 那不是因为我是一个倡导绿色环保的人。
It's because when you live on four dollars a day, you're living on survival and you have to be sustainable. 而是因为当你靠一天4美元为生, 作为幸存者你必须要能养活自己。
You have to know where your energy is coming from. 你必须知道你的能量来自哪里。
You have to know where your resource is coming from. 你必须知道你的资源来自哪里。
And you have to keep the maintenance down. 你不得不保持你的生活费用很低。
So this is about getting an economic engine, and then at night it turns into a movie theater . 所以这是关于获得一个经济引擎, 当夜晚时它就变成了一个电影院。
movie theater:n.电影院;
So it's not an AIDS clinic. It's a community center. 所以它不是AIDS诊所。是一个社区中心。
So you can see ideas. And these ideas developed into prototypes, and they were eventually built. And currently as of this year, there are clinics rolling out in Nigeria and Kenya. 你能看到这些创意。这些创意发展成为原型, 他们最终建立起来。目前,截至今年, 有很多诊所在尼日利亚和肯尼亚陆续建成。
eventually:adv.最后,终于; currently:adv.当前;一般地;
From that we also developed Siyathemba, which was a project -- the community came to us and said, the problem is that the girls don't have education. 从那当中我们还开发了Ceatemba,一个方案 -- 社团来找到我们说, 现在的问题是女孩们都得不到教育。
And we're working in an area where young women between the ages of 16 and 24 have a 50 percent HIV/AIDS rate. 于是我们在一个片区中展开工作 这里年轻女人年龄在16岁到24岁之间 并且HIV/AIDS病率达到50%。
And that's not because they're promiscuous , it's because there's no knowledge. 那不是因为他们关系混乱, 而是因为没有知识。
And so we decided to look at the idea of sports and create a youth sports center that doubled as an HIV/AIDS outreach center, and the coaches of the girls' team were also trained doctors. 所以我们决定着眼于体育并创建了一个年轻人体育中心 这个中心是一个HIV/AIDS扩散中心的两倍, 女子队伍里的教练们都是接受过训练的医生。
outreach:vt.超越,伸出; vi.拓广,延伸; n.延伸,拓广; adj.扩大服务的;
So that there would be a very slow way of developing kind of confidence in health care . 这样能慢慢的 在卫生保健上建立一些信心。
confidence:n.信心;信任;秘密;adj.(美)诈骗的;骗得信任的; health care:n.卫生保健;
And we picked nine finalists , and then those nine finalists were distributed throughout the entire region, and then the community picke d thei r design. 我们选出了9名优秀者, 然后那9名优秀者被分派到遍及整个区域中去, 然后社团采用了他们的设计。
They said, this is our design, because it's not only about engaging a community, it's about empowering a community and about getting them to be a part of the rebuilding process . 他们说,这是我们的设计, 因为这不仅是关于雇佣一个社团, 而是关于授权给一个社团 并让他们成为重建过程中的一部分。
empowering:v.授权;给(某人)…的权力;增加(某人的)自主权;(empower的现在分词) process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的;
So the winning design is here, and then of course, we actually go and work with the community and the clients . 所以胜出的设计是这儿,并且当然, 我们真正去和社团和客户们工作在一起。
So this is the designer. He's out there working with the first ever women's soccer team in Kwa-Zulu Natal , Siyathemba, and they can tell it better. 这是设计者。他在那儿 跟土瓜湾-祖鲁纳塔尔的第一支女子足球队一起工作,Ceatemba(足球队队名), 他们能更好的告诉我们。
Video: Well, my name is Sisi, because I work at the African center. 视频: 嗯,我的名字是茜茜,因为我在非洲中心工作。
I'm a consultant and I'm also the national football player for South Africa, Bafana Bafana , and I also play in the Vodacom League for the team called Tembisa, which has now changed to Siyathemba. 我是一名顾问同时我也是南非国家足球队 队员,曼德拉曼德拉。 我同时还在Vodacom(南非共和共移动网络通信运营商)联赛的Bisa队踢球, 这个队现在改名为Ceatemba。
consultant:n.顾问;高级顾问医师;会诊医师; Bafana Bafana:n.南非小子(南非国家男子足球队的俗称); League:n.联赛;联盟;协会;种类;v.(使)结盟;(使)联合[团结];一鼻孔出气;组成联盟;
This is our home ground . 这是我们的主场。
home ground:n.主场场地;主队运动场;自己的家;熟悉的工作地方;
Cameron Sinclair: So I'm going to show that later because I'm running out of time. 卡梅隆·辛克莱尔: 我打算晚点再给你们看因为我的时间差不多了。
I can see Chris looking at me slyly . 我可以看到克里斯狡猾的看着我。
This was a connection, just a meeting with somebody who wanted to develop 这是一个意见交流, 只是一个跟那些愿意开发建设
Africa's first telemedicine center, in Tanzania. 非洲第一个远距离医疗中心的会议,在坦桑尼亚。
And we met, literally, a couple of months ago. We've already developed a design, and the team is over there, working in partnership . 我们见过面,确切的说,在几个月之前。我们已经开发出了一个设计, 团队在那边,合作工作。
This was a matchmaking, thanks to a couple of TEDsters: 这要感谢几个TED的人的撮合和帮助:
[unclear] Cheryl Heller and Andrew Zolli, who connected me with this amazing African woman. 谢丽尔·海勒和安德鲁·佐利 他和这个令人惊异的非洲女人一起联系到了我。
And we start construction in June, and it will be opened by TEDGlobal. 我们在六月开始建设,将会由TEDGlobal开放。
So when you come to TEDGlobal, you can check it out. 所以当你来到TEDGlobal的时候,你可以来看看。
But what we're known probably most for is dealing with disasters and development, and we've been involved in a lot of issues, such as the tsunami and also things like Hurricane Katrina. 但是可能我们最出名的是应对灾难和发展问题, 并参与到很多问题的解决中, 比如海啸和像卡特里娜飓风之类的事情。
This is a 370 dollar shelter that can be easily assembled . 这是一个价值370美元的避难所,它能很容易的组装起来。
This is a community design. 这是一个社区的设计。
A community-designed community center. 一个社区人民自己设计的社区中心。
And what that means is we actually live and work with the community, and they're part of the design process. 这些意味着我们实际上跟社区人民一起生活和工作, 他们是设计过程中的一部分。
The kids actually get involved in mapping out where the the community center should be, and then eventually, the community is actually, through skills training, end up building the building with us. 孩子们实际上也参与到规划 社区中心应该建立在哪儿,然后最终, 社区的人们实际上,是通过技能培训, 和我们一起建造了建筑。
Here is another school. 这是另一个学校。
This is what the U.N. gave these guys for six months -- 12 plastic tarps . 这是联合国给这些人使用6个月的 -- 12个塑料油布。
This was in August. This was the replacement , and it's supposed to last for two years. 这是在八月。这是替代油布的, 计划维持使用两年。
replacement:n.替换;更换;替代品;接替者; supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式)
When the rain comes down, you can't hear a thing, and in the summer it's about 140 degrees inside. 当下雨的时候,你什么也听不到, 当夏天时,室内有140度左右(华氏温度)。
So we said, if the rain's coming down, let's get fresh water. 所以我们提出,如果下雨了,让我们取些新鲜的水。
So every one of our schools have rain water collection systems, very low cost. 我们学校的每个教室都有雨水采集系统,非常廉价。
A class, three classrooms and rainwater collection is five thousand dollars. 一个班级,三个教室和雨水采集系统总共是5000美元。
This was raised by hot chocolate sales in Atlanta . 这是在亚特兰大销售热巧克力筹集到的。
hot chocolate:n.巧克力热饮;一杯巧克力热饮; Atlanta:n.亚特兰大(美国城市);
It's built by the parents of the kids. 学校是由孩子们的父母建造的。
The kids are out there on-site , building the buildings. 孩子们在那里现场建造房屋。
And it opened a couple of weeks ago, and there's 600 kids that are now using the schools. 它在几周前开放, 现在有600名孩子在使用这个学校。
(Applause) (鼓掌)
So, disaster hits home. 后来,灾难袭击我们的家园。
We've see the bad stories on CNN and Fox and all that, but we don't see the good stories. 我们已经在CNN和Fox上看到所有糟糕的故事, 但是我们没有看到好的故事。
Here is a community that got together and they said no to wait, to waiting. 这儿是一个团队,他们聚集在一起,他们对等待说不。
They formed a partnership, a diverse partnership of players to actually map out East Biloxi, to figure out who is getting involved. 他们合伙起来,一个拥有各种各样合作关系的群体 去实际对东比洛西克绘制地图, 去找出参与者。
We've had 1,500 volunteers rebuilding, rehabbing homes. 我们已经有1500名志愿者参与重建,修复家园。
volunteers:n.志愿者; v.自愿做; (volunteer的第三人称单数和复数) rehabbing:n.康复;修复;修复的房屋;v.修复;修缮;(rehab的现在分词)
Figuring out what FEMA regulations are, not waiting for them to dictate to us how you should rebuild. 搞清楚联邦应急管理局的规章是什么, 不用等他们来告诉我们你应怎样重建。
regulations:n.章程;规则;法规;管理,控制;(regulation的复数) dictate:v.决定;口述;支配;强行规定;n.规定;命令;
Working with residents, getting out -- them out of their homes, so they don't get ill. This is what they're cleaning up on their own. 与居民一起工作,帮助他们从他们的家园中走出来, 这样他们不会生病。这是他们能自己清理的。
Designing housing. This house is going to go in, in a couple of weeks. 设计房屋。这个房屋在几周内可以入住。
This is a rehabbed home, done in four days. 这是一个修复的家,四天内完成。
This is a utility room for a woman who is on a walker. 这是一个正在散步的女人的杂物间。
utility room:n.杂用间(放置洗衣机、电冰箱等大体积家用器具);
She's 70 years old. This is what FEMA gave her. 她70岁了。这是联邦应急管理局给她的。
600 bucks , happened two days ago. 600美元,两天前发生的事。
We put together very quickly a washroom. 我们很快整理出一个盥洗室。
put together:..放在一起;组合;装配;
It's built, it's running and she just started a business today, where she's washing other peoples clothes. 它建成并已投入使用,她刚开始今天的工作, 她在那里清洗其他人的衣服。
This is Shandra and the Calhouns. They're photographers who have documented the Lower Ninth for the last 40 years. 这是桑德拉和卡尔霍恩一家。他们是摄影师 他们见证了低九区过去的40年。
That was their home, and these are the photographs they took. 那是他们的家,这些是他们拍下的照片。
And we're helping, working with them to create a new building. 我们在帮助他们,跟他们一起工作来创建一个新的房屋。
Projects we've done. Projects we've been a part of, support. 我们已经完成的项目。我们完成或支持了一部分的项目。
Why don't aid agencies do this? This is the U.N. tent. 为什么这些事情不由援助机构来做?这是联合国的帐篷。
This is the new U.N. tent, just introduced this year. 这是新的联合国帐篷,今年刚介绍的。
Quick to assemble. It's got a flap , that's the invention. 可以很快组装。有一个偏窗,那是发明。
flap:n.拍打,拍打声; v.拍动; (帽边等)垂下;
It took 20 years to design this and get it implemented in the field. 花了20年时间来设计这个并正式投入使用。
I was 12 years old. There's a problem here. 我当时12岁。这有问题。
Luckily, we're not alone. 幸运的是,我们不是孤独的。
There are hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of architects and designers and inventors around the world that are getting involved in humanitarian work. 有全世界成百上千 成千上百的建筑师、设计师和发明家们 在参与人道主义工作。
More hemp houses -- it's a theme in Japan apparently . 更多的纤维房屋 -- 这显然是日本的一个主题。
I'm not sure what they're smoking. 我不确定他们如果抽烟的话该怎么办。
This is a grip clip designed by somebody who said, all you need is some way to attach membrane structures to physical support beams . 这是一个某人设计的弹簧线夹,设计者称,你全部需要的是找到一些 能把薄膜结构贴到物理支持的梁上面。
grip:n.紧握;柄;支配;握拍方式;拍柄绷带;vt.紧握;夹紧;vi.抓住; clip:v.剪辑;修剪;削减;固定;n.夹;夹子;速度;钳; attach:v.贴上;重视;把…固定,把…附(在…上);参加;与…有联系; membrane:n.膜;薄膜;羊皮纸; structures:n.结构; v.建造(structure的第三人称单数形式); physical:adj.[物]物理的;身体的;物质的;符合自然法则的;n.体格检查; beams:[建]梁;
This guy, designed for NASA -- is now doing housing. 这个人,为美国国家航天和航空管理局设计 -- 现在在设计房屋。
I'm going to whip through this quickly, because I know I've got only a couple of minutes. 我将很快的把这个过一遍, 因为我知道我只有几分钟了。
whip:n.鞭子; v.鞭打;
So this is all done in the last two years. 这是过去两年里所有完成的。
I showed you something that took 20 years to do. 我给你们看看花了20年做的一些事。
And this is just a selection of things that got happened in -- that were built in the last couple of years. 这只是选出来的发生的一些事 -- 那是在过去几年建造的。
From Brazil to India, 从巴西到印度,墨西哥,阿拉巴马,中国,以色列,巴勒斯坦,越南。
Israel ,
The average age of a designer who gets involved in this project is 32 -- that's how old I am. So it's a young -- 参与到这个计划的设计师的平均年龄 是32岁 -- 我就是这个岁数。所以我们是一个年轻的 --
I just have to stop here, because Arup is in the room and this is the best-designed toilet in the world. 我不得不在这里结束了,因为阿勒普在这个房间里 这是世界上设计的最好的厕所
If you're ever, ever in India, go use this toilet. 如果你曾经或者有机会去印度,去使用这个厕所。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Chris Luebkeman will tell you why. 克里斯·卢布克曼会告诉你为什么。
I'm sure that's how he wanted to spend the party, but -- but the future is not going to be the sky-scraping cities of New York, but this. And when you look at this, you see crisis. 我能肯定他想要怎样度过聚会,但是 -- 但是未来不会是纽约那样充满摩天大楼的城市, 而是这个。当你看到这个,你看到了危机。
What I see is many, many inventors. 我看到的是很多,很多的创造者。
One billion people live in abject poverty. 十亿人生活一贫如洗。
We hear about them all the time. 我们一直听到有关他们的消息。
Four billion live in growing but fragile economies . 四十亿人生活在正在发展却脆弱的经济中。
fragile:adj.脆的;易碎的; economies:n.经济;经济结构;节约;(economy的复数)
One in seven live in unplanned settlements . 七分之一的人居无定所。
unplanned:adj.意外的;在计划外的;未经筹划的; settlements:n.协议:处理:结算:定居点;(settlement的复数)
If we do nothing about the housing crisis that's about to happen, in 20 years, one in three people will live in an unplanned settlement or a refugee camp. Look left, look right: one of you will be there. 如果我们不对在20年内即将发生的住房危机采取任何措施, 三分之一的人将居无定所 或者住在应急帐篷中。看看左边,看看右边: 你们中的某人也许就会在那儿。
How do we improve the living standards of five billion people? 我们怎样改进50十亿人民的生活标准?
With 10 million solutions. 通过1000万个解决方案。
So I wish to develop a community that actively embraces innovative and sustainable design to improve the living conditions for everyone. 所以我希望创建一个社团去积极拥抱那些 创新的及可用的设计 来为每个人改进生活条件
Chris Anderson: Wait a second. Wait a second. That's your wish? 克里斯·安德森: 等等。 等等。 那就是你的愿望?
CS: That's my wish. 卡梅隆·辛克莱尔: 那就是我的愿望。
CA: That's his wish! 克里斯·安德森: 那就是他的愿望!
(Applause) (掌声)
We started Architecture for Humanity with 700 dollars and a website. 我们通过700美元和一个网站建立了慈善机构。
So Chris somehow decided to give me 100,000 dollars. 所以,不知怎么克里斯决定给我100,000美元。
So why not this many people? 为什么不是这么多人?
Open-source architecture is the way to go. 开源建筑就是我们要走的路。
You have a diverse community of participants -- and we're not just talking about inventors and designers, but we're talking about the funding model. 我们有各种各样社区的参与者 -- 并且我们不仅仅讨论的是创造者和设计者, 我们讨论的是资金模式。
participants:n.参与者(participant的复数形式); funding:n.基金;资金;提供资金;v.为…提供资金;拨款给;(fund的现在分词)
My role is not as a designer; it's a conduit between the design world and the humanitarian world. 我的角色不是一个设计者; 而是在设计世界和人道主义世界之间的疏通者。
And what we need is something that replicates me globally, because I haven't slept in seven years. 我们需要的是全球性的模仿我的行为, 因为我七年没睡觉了。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Secondly, what will this thing be? 第二,这个会是什么?
Designers want to respond to issues of humanitarian crisis, but they don't want some company in the West taking their idea and basically profiting from it. 设计师们想要应对人道主义危机问题, 但是他们不想要西方国家的一些公司 取用他们的创意并从中赚钱。
So Creative Commons has developed the developing nations license . 所以知识共享设立了发展中国家许可证。
Creative:adj.创造性的; license:v.许可;批准;
And what that means that a designer can -- the Siyathemba project I showed was the first ever building to have a Creative Commons license on it. 这意味着一个设计师可以 -- 我刚才给大家看的Ceatemba项目 就是拥有知识共享许可证的第一个建筑。
As soon as that is built, anyone in Africa or any developing nation can take the construction documents and replicate it for free. 一旦它建成以后,非洲的任何人或任何发展中国家 可以免费得到建设文档并复制使用。
As soon as:一…就;
(Applause) (掌声)
So why not allow designers the opportunity to do this, but still protecting their rights, here? 所以为什么不给设计师们机会来做这些, 而是仍然在这儿保护他们的权利?
We want to have a community where you can upload ideas, and those ideas can be tested in earthquake, in flood, in all sorts of austere environments. The reason that's important is 我们想要建立一个社区,在那里你们可以上传创意, 那些创意可以在地震,洪水,在各种各样严格的环境中 进行测试。原因很重要的一点是
upload:v.上传; austere:adj.严峻的;简朴的;苦行的;无装饰的;
I don't want to wait for the next Katrina to find out if my house works. 我不想要等下一个卡特里娜飓风来验证我的房屋是否有效。
That's too late. We need to do it now. 那就太晚了。我们需要现在就动手去做。
So doing that globally. 所以,全球性的去做吧。
And I want this whole thing to work multi-lingually. 我希望这整个事情能在各种语言下工作。
When you look at the face of an architect, most people think a gray-haired white guy. 当你看见一个建筑师的脸时,大多数人认为是一个满头白发的家伙。
I don't see that. I see the face of the world. 我看到的不是这样。我看到的是世界的脸。
So I want everyone from all over the planet, to be able to be a part of this design and development. 所以我想要这个地球上的每个人, 都能成为这个设计和发展的一份子。
The idea of needs-based competitions -- X-Prize for the other 98 percent, if you want to call it that. 基于需求的竞争的想法 -- 给其他98%的人设立X-奖, 如果你想要那样称呼它。
We also want to look at ways of matchmaking and putting funding partners together. 我们还想要看看寻求合作的方式 并且将资金伙伴们拉拢到一起。
And the idea of integrating manufacturers -- fab labs in every country. 整合制造厂家的想法 -- 在每个国家建立实验室。
integrating:v.(使)合并,成为一体;(使)加入,融入群体;(integrate的现在分词) manufacturers:n.生产者;制造者;生产商;(manufacturer的复数) labs:n.实验室;实验大楼;(lab的复数)
When I hear about the 100 dollar laptop and it's going to educate every child, educate every designer in the world. Put one in every favela , every slum settlement, because you know what, innovation will happen. 当我听说了100美元的笔记本电脑 将用来教育每个小孩, 教育世界上的每一个设计师。在每个贫民区放一个, 每个贫民区置留地,因为你知道, 创新将要发生。
favela:n.(巴西的)贫民区; slum:vi.(为猎奇或救济等)去贫民窟;n.贫民窟;陋巷;脏乱的地方; innovation:n.创新,革新;新方法;
And I need to know that. It's called the leap-back. 我需要知道。这被称为返朴归真,向当地人学习。
We talk about leapfrog technologies . I write with Worldchanging, and the one thing we've been talking about is, 我们讨论的是蛙跳式发展技术。我在Worldchanging写的, 同时也是我们今天讨论到的一件事是,
leapfrog:n.跳背游戏;跳蛙游戏;交互跃进;vi.跳背;跳蛙;交替前进;vt.跃过; technologies:n.技术;科技(technology的复数);
I learn more on the ground than I've ever learned here. 我在各地学到的东西比我在这儿学到的多。
So let's take those ideas, adapt them and we can use them. 让我们采用哪些创意,采行试用它们我们就能使用它们。
These ideas are supposed to have adaptable , they're allowed to be -- they should have the potential for evolution , they should be developed by every nation on the world and useful for every nation on the world. What will it take? 这些创意应该有很强的适应性, 它们能成为 -- 它们应该有发展进化的潜力, 它们应该在世界上每个国家发展 并在世界上每个国家发挥作用。
adaptable:adj.适合的;能适应的;可修改的; potential:n.潜能;可能性;[电]电势;adj.潜在的;可能的;势的; evolution:n.演变;进化;发展;渐进;
There should be a sheet . I don't have time to read this, because I'm going to be yanked off. 应该有一个清单。我没有时间来读, 因为我将要结束今天的讲座。
sheet:n.薄板;床单;纸张;报纸;v.覆盖;展开;给…铺床单;铺开;adj.片状的; yanked:v.猛拉;猛拽;(yank的过去分词和过去式)
CA: Just leave it up there for a sec. 克里斯·安德森: 再多呆一会。
CS: Well, what will it take? You guys are smart. 卡梅隆·辛克莱尔: 那么,代价是什么?你们这些人都是聪明人。
So it's going to take a lot of computing power, because I want this to -- 那么这会消耗很多计算能量,因为我想要这个来 --
I want the idea that any laptop anywhere in the world can plug into the system and be able to not only participate in developing these designs, but utilize the designs. Also, a process of reviewing the designs. 我想要的创意是世界上任何地方的任何笔记本电脑都能连接进入系统 并且不仅能参与开发这些设计, 还能利用这些设计。同样,一个评审设计的过程。
plug:n.插头;塞子;栓;v.塞住;用插头将与电源接通; utilize:v.利用;运用;使用;应用; reviewing:v.复查;重新考虑;反思;评论;(review的现在分词)
I want every Arup engineer in the world to check and make sure that we're doing stuff that's standing, because those guys are the best in the world. Plug. 我想要世界上每一个阿鲁普工程师检查 并确认我们在使用可靠的材料, 因为这些人是世界上最好的。停。
And so you know, I want these -- and I just should note, 所以你们知道,我想要这些 -- 我应该强调,
I have two laptops and one of them there, is there and that has 3000 designs on it. If I drop that laptop, what happens? 我有两台笔记本电脑,其中的一台就在那儿 有3000个设计在里面。如果我不慎摔坏那个笔记本,会发生什么?
So it's important to have these proven ideas put up there, easy to use, easy to get ahold of. 所以将这些已经通过证明的创意上传到那儿是很重要的, 便于使用,便于管理。
My mom once said, there's nothing worse than being all mouth and no trousers. 我母亲曾说过:“没有什么比光张嘴说话而不做事更糟糕的事。”
(Laughing) (笑声)
I'm fed up of talking about making change. 我受够了谈论作出改变。
You only make it by doing it. 你只有靠实际行动去实现它。
We've changed FEMA guidelines . We've changed public policy. 我们已经改变了联邦迎接管理局的指导方针。我们已经改变了国家策略。
We've changed international response -- based on building things. 我们已经改变了国际上的反应 -- 这些都是在建设东西的基础上。
So for me, it's important that we create a real conduit for innovation, and that it's free innovation. 所以对我来说,我们为革新创造了一个真实的管道 是很重要的,并且这是一次开放自由的革新。
Think of free culture -- this is free innovation. 想想开放自由的文化 -- 这是开放自由的革新。
Somebody said this a couple of years back. 有人在几年前说过这个。
I will give points for those who know it, 我会给那些知道它的人加分,
I think the man was maybe 25 years too early, so let's do it. 我认为说话的人也许走在我们前面了25年,所以让我们行动吧。
Thank you. 谢谢大家。
(Applause) (掌声)