

Food crisis . 食物危机。
It's in the news every day. 出现在每日新闻中。
But what is it? 那是什么?
Some places in the world it's too little food, maybe too much. 世界上的某些地方食物太匮乏, 某些地方食物产量丰富。
Other places, GMO is saving the world. 有些地方,转基因食物拯救了世界。
Maybe GMO is the problem? 也许转基因食物是个问题?
Too much agricultural runoff creating bad oceans, toxic oceans, attenuation of nutrition . 太多的转基因农业废水制造了污染的海洋、有毒的海水, 营养稀薄。
agricultural:adj.农业的;农艺的; runoff:n.[水文]径流;决赛;流走的东西;adj.决胜的; toxic:adj.有毒的;中毒的; attenuation:n.[物]衰减;变薄;稀释; nutrition:n.营养,营养学;营养品;
They go on and on . 这样循环往复继续着。
on and on:继续不停地;
And I find the current climate of this discussion incredibly disempowering . 我发现,当今的讨论 实在是太没有影响力了。
incredibly:adv.难以置信地;非常地; disempowering:使失去权利或影响力(disempower的现在分词);
So how do we bring that to something that we understand? 我们要如何让这样的讨论为大家所理解呢?
How is this apple food crisis? 苹果食物危机怎么样?
You've all eaten an apple in the last week, I'm sure. 我确定,在过去的一周里你们每个人都吃了一个苹果。
How old do you think it was from when it was picked? 你认为苹果从采摘到你手中花了多久呢?
Two weeks? 两周?
Two months? 两个月?
Eleven months -- the average age of an apple in a grocery store in the United States. 11个月 -- 这就是美国商场中售卖的苹果从采摘到出售的平均时间。
grocery:n.食品杂货店;食品杂货; United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式)
And I don't expect it to be much different in Europe or anywhere else in the world. 我想,在欧洲应该也差不多 在世界各地都差不多。
We pick them, we put them in cold storage , we gas the cold storage -- there's actually documented proof of workers trying to go into t hese environments to retrieve an apple, and dying, becaus e the at mosphere that they slow down the p rocess of the apple with is also to xic to humans. 我们采摘苹果, 把它们冷藏保存, 往冷藏柜中输入氧气-- 事实上有文件记录表明 曾有工人试图进入这样的环境 来取回一个苹果, 然后死亡, 因为身处这样环境下的冷藏库中 冷藏库里的空气对人来来说是有毒性的。
cold storage:n.冷藏;冷藏库;
How is it that none of you knew this? 为什么你们中没有人知道这件事?
Why didn't I know this? 为什么我不知道这件事?
Ninety percent of the quality of that apple -- all of the antioxidants -- are gone by the time we get it. 苹果中90%的养分-- 苹果中所有的抗氧化剂--在我们购买时全部流失完了。
It's basically a little ball of sugar. 它只是一颗小糖果。
How did we get so information poor and how can we do better? 我们为什么不知道这些消息? 要怎样改善这样的状况?
I think what's missing is a platform . 我认为我们缺少了一个平台。
platform:n.平台; v.把…放在台上[放在高处;
I know platforms -- I know computers, they put me on the Internet when I was young. 我知道平台--我会使用电脑, 我很年轻的时候就在网络上活动。
platforms:n.平台; v.把…放在台上;
I did very weird things -- 我做过很多非常怪异的事情--
(Laughter) (笑声)
on this platform. 在这样的平台上。
But I met people, and I could express myself. 但我也遇见了其他人,我能够表达自己的想法。
express:v.表达; adj.特快的; n.特快列车; v.使用快速服务;
How do you express yourself in food? 你对食物有怎样的看法?
If we had a platform, we might feel empowered to question: What if ? 如果我们有一个平台, 我们也许会发现这个问题非常有利 “假如?”
empowered:v.授权;给(某人)…的权力;(empower的过去分词和过去式) What if:如果…怎么办?
For me, I questioned: 我想问:
What if climate was democratic ? 如果气候是民主的?
So, this is a map of climate in the world. 这是一张全球气候分布图。
The most productive areas in green, the least productive in red. 最高效的农业生产地区是绿色的,最差的是红色。
They shift and they change, and Californian farmers now become Mexican farmers. 它们会不断变动,变化, 加州的农民现在变成墨西哥农民。
China picks up land in Brazil to grow better food, and we're a slave to climate. 中国获得巴西的土地以求种出更好的食物, 我们都是环境的奴隶。
What if each country had its own productive climate? 如果每个国家都有自己适合生产的气候?
What would that change about how we live? 那会如何改变我们的生活呢?
What would that change about quality of life and nutrition? 那将如何改变我们生活和营养的质量?
The last generation's problem was, we need more food and we need it cheap. 上一代人遇到的问题是,我们需要更多食物 并且价格低廉。
Welcome to your global farm. 欢迎来到世界农场。
We built a huge analog farm. 我们建造了一个巨大的模拟农场。
All these traces -- these are cars, planes, trains and automobiles . 这些线条轨迹-- 是车、飞机、火车和汽车。
traces:v.跟踪;探索;n.痕迹;踪迹;(trace的复数和第三人单数) automobiles:n.[车辆]汽车,发动器(automobile复数);关于汽车;
It's a miracle that we feed seven billion people with just a few of us involved in the production of food. 能够提供足够的食物给70亿人,这是一个奇迹, 在只有很少人参与到食品制作过程中的情况下。
miracle:n.奇迹,奇迹般的人或物;惊人的事例; involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词)
What if ... 但是如果...
we built a digital farm? 我们建造一个数字农场?
A digital world farm. 数字化的世界农场。
What if you could take this apple, digitize it somehow , send it through particles in the air and reconstitute it on the other side ? 如果你能够拿这个苹果, 在某种程度上,将其数字化, 通过空气中的质点传送, 然后在另一边将质点重组?
digitize:vt.[计]数字化; somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地; particles:n.微粒,粒子;粒子系统;碎木料(particle的复数形式); reconstitute:v.重组;重新设立;使(脱水食物等)恢复原状;使还原; on the other side:另一面;在另一边;
What if? 如果?
Going through some of these quotes , you know, they inspire me to do what I do. 看一看这些引述的话, 你知道,它们鼓励了我这样做。
quotes:n.引用,引号;报价(quote的复数);v.报价(quote的第三人称单数);引用;复述; inspire:v.激发;鼓舞;启示;产生;使生灵感;
First one: 第一条:
["Japanese farming has no youth, no water, no land and no future."] “日本农业没有年轻人,没有水,没有地,也没有未来。”
That's what I landed to the day that I went to Minamisanriku, one stop south of Fukushima, after the disaster . 这是我到达南三陆町的那天, 也就是福岛再往南一站, 在核电站事故之后。
The kids have headed to Sendai and Tokyo, the land is contaminated , they already import 70 percent of their own food. 孩子们都去了仙台和东京, 土地被核电站事故污染了, 他们的食品进口量达 70%。
But it's not unique to Japan. 但这并不是日本独有的现象。
Two percent of the American population is involved in farming. 美国人中只有 2% 的人口从事与农业相关工作。
What good answer comes from two percent of any population? 人口数中 2% 的人从事农业带给我们什么答案?
As we go around the world, 50 percent of the African population is under 18. 我们看看世界上别的地方, 50% 的非洲人口是 18 岁以下。
Eighty percent don't want to be farmers. 他们中的 80% 不愿意成为农民。
Farming is hard. 农业太艰辛。
The life of a small-shareholder farmer is miserable . 小农生活太辛苦。
They go into the city. 他们选择去城市。
In India: farmers' families not being able to have basic access to utilities , more farmer suicides this year and the previous 10 before that. 在印度: 农民的家人无法获取最基础的农用器具, 自杀的农民数量多于过去 10 年的数量。
utilities:n.公用事业;实用工具,[计]实用程序;公用程式;(utility的复数) suicides:n.自杀;自毁;自杀者;(suicide的复数) previous:adj.以前的;早先的;过早的;adv.在先;在…以前;
It's uncomfortable to talk about. 说起这些太令人难过了。
Where are they going? 他们要去哪里?
Into the city. 到城市里。
No young people, and everyone's headed in. 没有年轻人,年轻人都去城市了。
So how do we build this platform that inspires the youth? 那我们要搭建一个怎样的平台来鼓励年轻人呢?
Welcome to the new tractor. 请看这台新的拖拉机。
This is my combine. 这是我的联合收割机。
A number of years ago now, 数年前,
I went to Bed Bath and Beyond and Home Depot and I started hacking . 我去家居连锁店 开始寻觅工具。
Depot:n.仓库;停车场;航空站;vt.把…存放在储藏处;adj.药性持久的; hacking:v.黑客行为;砍;劈;猛踢;(hack的现在分词)
And I built silly things and I made plants dance and I attached them to my computer and I killed them all -- a lot. 我制作过愚蠢的东西 我让植物跳舞 将它们与我的电脑相连 然后我摧毁了它们-- 很多。
(Laughter) (笑声)
I eventually got them to survive. 我最终让它们得以存活。
And I created one of the most intimate relationships 我创造了我人生中
intimate:n.知己; v.暗示; adj.亲密的;
I've ever had in my life, because I was learning the language of plants. 一种最亲密的关系, 因为我最学习植物的语言。
I wanted to make it bigger. 我想要它们长得更大。
They said, "Knock yourself out, kid! 他们说,“孩子,全力以赴吧!
Here's an old electronics room that nobody wants. 这间没有人使用的电子工作室。
What can you do?" 你能做些什么呢?”
With my team, we built a farm inside of the media lab, a place historically known not for anything about biology but everything about digital life. 和团队成员一起,我们在媒体实验室里搭建了一个农场, 一个过去被认为和电子化生活有关 而不是生物有关的地方。
media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉; historically:adv.历史上地;从历史观点上说; biology:n.(一个地区全部的)生物;生物学;
Inside of these 60 square feet, we produced enough food to feed about 300 people once a month -- not a lot of food. 在这个 60 平方米的空间里, 我们制作了足够供应大约 300 人 1 个月的口粮-- 并不是太多。
And there's a lot of interesting technology in there. 这里有很多有趣的科技。
But the most interesting thing? 最有趣的是?
Beautiful, white roots, deep, green colors and a monthly harvest. 漂亮的,白色的根茎, 深绿色的植物 每月一次的收获。
Is this a new cafeteria? 这是新式餐厅吗?
Is this a new retail experience? 这是新式销售体验吗?
Is this a new grocery store? 这是新式的商店吗?
I can tell you one thing for sure: this is the first time anybody in the media lab ripped the roots off of anything. 我能确定的是: 这是第一次 在媒体实验室里可以将任何植物连根拔起。
(Laughter) (笑声)
We get our salad in bags; there's nothing wrong with that. 我们把沙拉装进袋子里; 没什么不对的。
But what happens when you have an image-based processing expert, a data scientist, a roboticist , ripping roots off and thinking, "Huh. I know something about -- 但会发生什么呢 当你有一个图像处理专家, 一个数据科学家, 一个机器人专家, 连根拔起植物然后想, “嗯,我知道有关--
image-based:基于图像; processing:v.加工;处理;审核;数据处理;v.列队行进;缓缓前进;(process的现在分词) roboticist:n.机器人专家; ripping:adj.极好的;美妙的;v.撕破,裂开;突然拉开;(rip的现在分词)
I could make this happen, I want to try." 我能让计划实现,我想试一试。”
In that process we would bring the plants out and we would take some back to the lab, because if you grew it, you don't throw it away; it's kind of precious to you. 在整个过程中我们会把植物拿出去 也会把一些重新拿回实验室, 因为如果是你亲自种植的,不会把它抛弃; 因为它对你来说是珍贵的。
I have this weird tongue now, because I'm afraid to let anybody eat anything until I've eaten it first, because I want it to be good. 我现在有这个奇怪的舌头, 因为我不想任何人在我之前吃到它们, 我希望这是好吃的。
So I eat lettuce every day and I can tell the pH of a lettuce within .1. 我每天都吃生菜 我能知道生菜的PH值小于1
(Laughter) (笑声)
I'm like, "No, that's 6.1 -- no, no, you can't eat it today." 我现在是这样,“不,那是6.1 -- 不不今天你不能吃它。”
(Applause) (鼓掌)
This lettuce that day was hyper sweet. 这棵生菜那天非常甜。
It was hyper sweet because the plant had been stressed and it created a chemical reaction in the plant to protect itself: "I'm not going to die!" 那是因为生菜感到很大的压力 它自体生产出化学反应来保护自己: “我不想死!”
chemical:n.化学制品,化学药品;adj.化学的; reaction:n.反应,感应;反动,复古;反作用;
And the plants not-going-to-die, taste sweet to me. 植物那种不想死的口味尝起来是甜的。
Technologists falling backwards into plant physiology . 科学家们重新回到研究植物生理学上来。
Technologists:n.技术人员(technologist的复数);[劳经]技术专家; physiology:n.生理学;生理机能;
So we thought other people needed to be able to try this. 我想,大家都能试着参与。
We want to see what people can create, so we conceived of a lab that could be shipped anywhere. 我们期待看到大家的创作, 因此我们构想了一个能够被运送到其他地方的实验室。
And then we built it. 将这样的构想制作出来。
So on the facade of the media lab is my lab, that has about 30 points of sensing per plant. 这个媒体实验大楼的正面是我的实验室, 每株植物都有30个感应点。
If you know about the genome or genetics , this is the phenome , right? 如果你了解基因组或是遗传学, 这就是表型组,对吧?
genome:n.基因组;染色体组; genetics:n.遗传学; phenome:表型组;非增殖部;
The phenomena . 表型组呈现的现象。
When you say, "I like the strawberries from Mexico," 当你说,“我喜欢墨西哥产的草莓,”
you really like the strawberries from the climate that produced the expression that you like. 你真正喜欢的是在那样的气候条件下 生产出来的草莓。
So if you're coding climate -- this much CO2, this much O2 creates a recipe -- you're coding the expression of that plant, the nutrition of that plant, the size of that plant, the shape, the color, the texture . 你可以把这样的气候编码 -- 多少二氧化碳,多少氧气创建的菜谱--你可以通过编程 来控制植物的呈现状态,和营养含量, 植物的尺寸,形状,颜色和质感。
coding:n.译码;v.把…编码;(code的现在分词) recipe:n.食谱;方法;诀窍;烹饪法; texture:n.质地;纹理;结构;本质,实质;
We need data, so we put a bunch of sensors in there to tell us what's going on. 我们需要数据, 所以我们放了很多感应仪 来为我们提供数据。
a bunch of:一群;一束;一堆; sensors:n.[自]传感器,感应器;感测器(sensor的复数);
If you think of your houseplants , and you look at your houseplant and you're super sad, because you're like, "Why are you dying? Won't you talk to me?" 你可以回想一下家里的植物, 你看着家里的植物 很悲伤,因为你想 “为什么你死了呢?你会跟我说话吗?”
(Laughter) (笑声)
Farmers develop the most beautiful fortune-telling eyes by the time they're in their late 60s and 70s. 农民有着能预知未来的最美的眼睛, 当他们在六七十岁的时候,
They can tell you when you see that plant dying that it's a nitrogen deficiency , a calcium deficiency or it needs more humidity. 他们能够告诉你那株植物死亡 是因为土壤缺氮,缺钙, 或是它需要更加湿润的空气环境。
nitrogen:n.氮;氮气; deficiency:n.缺陷,缺点;缺乏;不足的数额; calcium:n.[化学]钙;
Those beautiful eyes are not being passed down. 这些美丽的眼睛不会传下去。
These are eyes in the cloud of a farmer. 这些是农民的眼睛。
We trend those data points over time. 我们会持续收集数据信息。
We correlate those data points to individual plants. 我们把这些数据点和单独的植物联合。
correlate:vi.关联;vt.使有相互关系;互相有关系;n.相关物;相关联的人;adj.关联的; individual:n.个人;有个性的人;adj.单独的;个别的;
These are all the broccoli in my lab that day, by IP address . 这些是那天我实验室里所有花椰菜的 IP 地址数据。
broccoli:n.花椰菜;西兰花; IP address:n.IP地址;
(Laughter) (笑声)
We have IP-addressable broccoli. 我们有可追踪 IP 地址的花椰菜。
(Applause) (鼓掌)
So if that's not weird enough, you can click one and you get a plant profile . 如果这还不够怪异的话, 你可以点击这里看到植物的档案。
And what this tells you is downloadable progress on that plant, but not like you'd think, it's not just when it's ready. 这向你展现了那株植物可下载的生长过程, 不是你想象的那样, 不仅仅是在可食用的时候通知你。
When does it achieve the nutrition that I need? 它的养分什么时候达到我的需求?
When does it achieve the taste that I desire? 它的味道什么时候符合我的期待?
Is it getting too much water? 是不是水分太多了?
Is it getting too much sun? 是不是日晒太久了?
Alerts . 都会提示的。
Alerts:n.警报; v.通知(alert的第三人称单数);
It can talk to me, it's conversant , we have a language. 它能够和我对话,可以沟通, 我们可以语言对话。
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (鼓掌)
I think of that as the first user on the plant Facebook, right? 我想,那是第一个植物脸书的用户吧?
That's a plant profile and that plant will start making friends. 那时植物的档案 植物会开始交朋友。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And I mean it -- it will make friends with other plants that use less nitrogen, more phosphorus , less potassium . 我是说真的--植物会开始 和那些使用较少量氮,多一些磷, 少些钾的植物交朋友。
make friends with:与…交友; phosphorus:n.磷; potassium:n.[化学]钾;
We're going to learn about a complexity that we can only guess at now. 我们将会开始了解那些复杂的事 现在只能靠猜想的事。
And they may not friend us back -- I don't know, they might friend us back, it depends on how we act. 它们也许不会和我们友好--我不知道,也许它们也会和我们交好, 这取决于我们的行为。
So this is my lab now. 这是我现在的实验室。
It's a little bit more systematized , my background is designing data centers in hospitals of all things, so I know a little bit about creating a controlled environment. 这有点儿更加系统化, 我的背景是设计医院的数据中心, 我知道如何创建一个可控的环境。
And so -- inside of this environment, we're experimenting with all kinds of things. 于是 -- 在这个环境里, 我们实验各种各样的东西。
This process, aeroponics , was developed by NASA for Mir Space Station for reducing the amount of water they send into space. 这个程序,空气种植法,是 NASA 为了米尔空间站开发出来的, 能够减少他们需要传送到太空的水资源量。
aeroponics:n.空气种植法; Space Station:n.太空站;航天站;宇宙空间站;
What it really does is give the plant exactly what it wants: water, minerals and oxygen. 这个程序做的事是准确提供给植物它们想要的东西。 水,矿物质和氧气。
Roots are not that complicated , so when you give them that, you get this amazing expression. 根部没有那么复杂, 当你把这些输送给它们的时候,你就能看到令人吃惊的效果。
It's like the plant has two hearts. 植物有两个心脏。
And because it has two hearts, it grows four or five times faster. 正因为有两个心脏, 它呈现 4-5 倍的高速增长。
It's a perfect world. 这是个完美的世界。
We've gone a long way into technology and seed for an adverse world and we're going to continue to do that, but we're going to have a new tool, too, which is perfect world. 我们经历了漫长的技术发展寻求一个不同的世界 我们将持续这样做, 但我们也会有新的工具, 这会是个完美的世界。
So we've grown all kinds of things. 我们种植各种各样的东西。
These tomatoes hadn't been in commercial production for 150 years. 这些番茄在过去的 150 年间都没有投入商业化生产。
Do you know that we have rare and ancient seed banks? 你知道我们有少见的,古旧的种子银行吗?
Banks of seed. 种子银行。
It's amazing. 这太赞了。
They have germplasm alive and things that you've never eaten. 它们有活着的种质你没有吃过的食物。
I am the only person in this room that's eaten that kind of tomato. 我是这个房间中唯一一个吃过这种番茄的人。
Problem is it was a sauce tomato and we don't know how to cook, so we ate a sauce tomato, which is not that great. 问题是,这是酱汁番茄我们不知道如何料理, 因此觉得酱汁番茄似乎并不好吃。
But we've done things with protein -- we've grown all kinds of things. 但是我们种过各种含蛋白质的东西。
We've grown humans -- 我们种植过人类 --
(Laughter) (笑声)
Well maybe you could, but we didn't. 也许你能,但我们不行。
But what we realized is, the tool was too big, it was too expensive. 我们意识到, 工具太大了,也太贵了。
I was starting to put them around the world and they were about 100,000 dollars. 我开始把它们放置在世界各地 价值大约 10 万美金。
Finding somebody with 100 grand in their back pocket isn't easy, so we wanted to make a small one. 要找能随意支配10 万美金的人并不容易, 所以我们想要制作小型的工具。
This project was actually one of my student's -- mechanical engineering undergraduate , Camille. 这事实上是我一个学生的项目-- 机械工程系本科生,卡米尔
mechanical engineering:机械工程;机械工程学; undergraduate:n.本科生;
So Camille and I and my team, we iterated all summer, how to make it cheaper, how to make it work better, how to make it so other people can make it. 卡米尔和我,以及我的团队, 我们花了整个暑假重复试验, 如何让它更便宜,如何更好地运作, 如何让他人也能够学会操作。
Then we dropped them off in schools, seventh through eleventh grade. 然后我们把这些工具送到学校给7到11级的孩子们。
And if you want to be humbled , try to teach a kid something. 如果你想要变得谦逊,试着去教孩子做些什么吧。
So I went into this school and I said, "Set it to 65 percent humidity." 我去到这个学校,说到, “将它的湿度设定在65%”
The seventh grader said, "What's humidity?" 7年级的一个孩子问,“什么湿度?”
And I said, "Oh, it's water in air." 于是我说,“哦,是空气中的水。”
He said, "There's no water in air, you're an idiot ." 他说,“空气中根本没有水,你这个笨蛋。”
(Laughter) (笑声)
And I was like, "Alright, don't trust me. 于是我说,“好吧,别信我。
Actually -- don't trust me, right? 事实上-- 别信我,对吗?
Set it to 100. 将它设定到100。
He sets it to 100 and what happens? 他把湿度设定到100,发生了什么呢?
It starts to condense , make a fog and eventually drip . 开始凝结,产生雾气,最终开始滴水。
condense:vi.浓缩;凝结;vt.使浓缩;使压缩; drip:n.滴落;滴落(的液体);水滴;v.(液体)滴下;
And he says, "Oh. Humidity is rain. 然后他说, “哦,湿度是雨。
Why didn't you just tell me that?" 你之前为什么不这样跟我说呢?”
(Laughter) (笑声)
We've created an interface for this that's much like a game. 我们创作的界面看起来像是一个游戏。
They have a 3D environment, they can log into it anywhere in the world on their smartphone , on their tablet . 它们有 3D 环境, 能够在世界各地登录 从手机上,电脑上。
smartphone:n.智能手机; tablet:n.碑;药片;写字板;小块;
They have different parts of the bots -- the physical , the sensors. 程序里面有不同的部分--物理调节,感应器。
bots:n.蝇蛆病; v.只想借不想还(bot的第三人称单数形式); physical:adj.[物]物理的;身体的;物质的;符合自然法则的;n.体格检查;
They select recipes that have been created by other kids anywhere in the world. 他们选择了世界上其他地区孩童们 已经创造的菜谱。
They select and activate that recipe, they plant a seedling . 他们选择并激活菜谱,种下种子。
activate:vt.刺激;使活动;使活泼;使产生放射性;vi.激活;有活力; seedling:n.秧苗,幼苗;树苗;
While it's growing, they make changes. 当种子生长的时候,孩子们可以做出变化。
They're like, "Why does a plant need CO2 anyway? Isn't CO2 bad? 他们说,“植物为什么需要二氧化碳呢?二氧化碳不是坏东西吗?
It kills people." 能让人窒息。”
Crank up CO2, plant dies. 提高二氧化碳的供应量,植物死了。
Or crank down CO2, plant does very well. 降低二氧化碳的量,植物活得很好。
Harvest plant, and you've created a new digital recipe. 收获植物, 你创建了新的电子菜谱。
It's an iterative design and development and exploration process. 这是个反复的设计和发展 以及探索的过程。
iterative:adj.[数]迭代的;重复的,反复的;n.反复体; exploration:n.探索;勘探;探险;[医]探查术;
They can download, then, all of the data about that new plant that they developed or the new digital recipe and what did it do -- was it better or was it worse? 他们可以下载 他们开发的新植物的所有数据, 或是新的电子菜谱它做了些什么-- 是更好还是更坏呢?
Imagine these as little cores of processing. 想象这些是加工处理的一个个核心要素。
cores:n.[晶体]核心; v.挖去(水果的)果心(core的第三人称单数);
We're going to learn so much. 我们能学到很多的东西。
Here's one of the food computers, as we call them, in a school in three weeks' time. 这是一个我们称之为食物计算机, 在一个学校里放了三周。
This is three weeks of growth. 这是三周的种植。
But more importantly, it was the first time that this kid ever thought he could be a farmer -- or that he would want to be a farmer. 更重要的是, 这是第一次,这个孩子认为他能够当农民-- 或是,他想要成为一位农民。
So, we've open-sourced all of this. 所以我们把这些资源公开。
It's all online; go home, try to build your first food computer. 都放在网上;回家,试着搭建你的第一台食物计算机。
It's going to be difficult -- I'm just telling you. 这会很难--我这样告诉你。
We're in the beginning, but it's all there. 我们正在起步阶段,但资源都在那里。
It's very important to me that this is easily accessible . 对我来说,让这些很容易取得是非常重要的。
We're going to keep making it more so. 我们也会继续这样做。
These are farmers, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, environmental engineer, computer scientist, plant scientist, economist, urban planners . 这些是农民, 电子工程师,机械工程师, 环境工程师,电脑科学家, 植物学家,经济学家,城市规划师。
electrical:adj.有关电的;电气科学的; urban:adj.城市的;都市的;城镇的;都市音乐的; planners:n.规划师;规划人员(planner的复数);计划人员;
On one platform, doing what they're good at. 在一个平台上,做他们各自擅长的事情。
But we got a little too big. 团队变得太大了。
This is my new facility that I'm just starting. 这是我的新实验设备正在开始运作。
This warehouse could be anywhere. 这个仓库可以建在任何地方。
That's why I chose it. 这就是我选择它的理由。
And inside of this warehouse we're going to build something kind of like this. 在这个仓库里面 我们要搭建这样的架子。
These exist right now. 现在就可以看到。
Take a look at it. 看一下这个,
Take a look at:看一看;检查;
These exist, too. 这也存在。
One grows greens, one grows Ebola vaccine . 一个种植绿色蔬菜, 一个种植伊波拉病毒疫苗。
Ebola:n.埃博拉病毒; vaccine:n.疫苗;牛痘苗;adj.疫苗的;牛痘的;
Pretty amazing that plants and this DARPA Grand Challenge winner is one of the reasons we're getting ahead of Ebola. 很棒的是,植物和这个美国国防部高级研究计划局优胜项目 是我们研究伊波拉病毒卓有成效的原因。
The plants are producing the protein that's Ebola resistant . 这些植物正在产生对抗伊波拉病毒的蛋白质。
So pharmaceuticals , nutraceuticals , all they way down to lettuce. 所以药品和保健品, 再到生菜种植。
pharmaceuticals:n.药物(pharmaceutical的复数); nutraceuticals:n.保健营养品;营养药品;营养物质,营养素;保健品(nutraceutical的复数);
But these two things look nothing alike, and that's where I am with my field. 但这两件事看起来完全不一样, 那就是我在我自身领域的部分。
Everything is different. 但很多事并不是想象的那样。
We're in that weird "We're alright" stage and it's like, "Here's my black box --" 我们还在“我们是对的”这个阶段 就像是,“这是我的小黑盒子 --”
black box:黑箱;(装在飞机上记录飞行情况等的)密封仪器;
'"No, buy mine." “不,买我的。”
'"No, no, no -- I've got intellectual property that's totally valuable . “不,不,不 -- 我的知识产权绝对的有价值。
intellectual property:知识产权; valuable:adj.有价值的;贵重的;可估价的;n.贵重物品;
Don't buy his, buy mine." 不要买这个,买我的。”
And the reality is, we're just at the beginning , in a time when society is shifting , too. 事实上是,我们只是在开始阶段, 这个时候,社会也在变化中。
at the beginning:首先;从一开始;起初;从头开始; shifting:adj.不断移动的;流动的;v.转移;赶快;快速移动;变换;(shift的现在分词)
When we ask for more, cheaper food, we're now asking for better, environmentally friendly food. 当我们要更多,更便宜的食物, 我们现在需要更优质,环境友好的食物。
environmentally friendly:adj.对环境无害的;保护生态环境的;
And when you have McDonald's advertising what's in the Chicken McNugget, the most mysterious food item of all time -- they are now basing their marketing plan on that -- everything is changing. 但你看到麦当劳广告宣传麦乐鸡的成分, 人类历史上最神秘的食物 -- 麦当劳的市场广告计划正在改变 -- 所有事情都在改变着。
advertising:n.做广告;广告业;广告活动;v.做广告;(advertise的现在分词) mysterious:adj.神秘的;不可思议的;难解的; item:n.条款,项目;一则;一件商品(或物品);adj.又,同上;
So into the world now. 现在看看当今世界。
Personal food computers, food servers and food data centers run on the open phenome. 个人食物计算机, 食物服务器, 食物数据中心, 在公开表型组运作。
Think open genome, but we're going to put little climate recipes, like Wikipedia , that you can pull down , actuate and grow. 就像公开基因组,但我们要把小小的气候食谱综整起来, 像是维基百科那样, 你可以推翻,开动,种植。
Wikipedia:维基百科; pull down:下拉;断开; actuate:vt.开动(机器等);促使,驱使;激励(人等);
What does this look like in a world? 这看起来如何呢?
You remember the world connected by strings ? 你记得世界是由细绳连接起来的?
We start having beacons . 开始出现培根了。
beacons:n.[水文]指向标; v.照亮,指引(beacon的第三人称单数);
We start sending information about food, rather than sending food. 我们开始发送关于食物的信息, 而不是分发食物。
This is not just my fantasy , this is where we're already deploying . 这不仅仅是我的幻想, 这是我们已经在开展的工作。
fantasy:n.幻想; adj.虚幻的; v.空想; deploying:v.部署,调度(军队或武器);有效地利用;调动;(deploy的现在分词)
Food computers, food servers, soon-to-be food data centers, connecting people together to share information. 食物计算机,食物服务器, 很快有的食物数据中心, 把人们连结在一起分享信息。
The future of food is not about fighting over what's wrong with this. 食物的未来不是其错误奋战,
We know what's wrong with this. 我们都知道错在那里。
The future of food is about networking the next one billion farmers and empowering them with a platform to ask and answer the question, "What if?" 未来的食物关乎连结下一代 10 亿农民, 并且用问答的平台来 赋予他们力量, “如果?”
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (鼓掌)