

I'm a, or was, or kind of am a toy designer. 我是,或者曾经是一个玩具设计师。
And before I was a toy designer, oh, I was a mime , a street mime actually. 而在我成为玩具设计师之前,哦,我是个哑剧演员,事实上是个街头哑剧演员。
And then I was an entertainer , I guess. 我想,那时我是给大家带来娱乐的人。
And before that I was a silversmith , and before that I was -- 而在那之前,我做过银匠,而在银匠之前,我曾经—
I was out of the house at about 15 and a half, and I never wound up going into college. 我在15岁半时离开家, 而且我从未上过大学。
I didn't really -- I didn't see the point at the time. 我没有真正—那时我没有意识到这点的重要性。
I do now, after learning about all the quantum stuff . 我现在意识到了,在学习了有关量子学的一切之后。
quantum:n.量子论;额;美国昆腾公司(世界领先的硬盘生产商); stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本:
(Laughter) (大笑)
It's really cool. 这真的很神奇。
Anyway, I wanted to show you a little bit about the world of toy design, at least from my small aperture of the world. 不管怎样,我想要向你们展示一下玩具设计世界, 至少是从我个人经验中看到的世界。
This is a -- this is a video I made when I first started doing toy design. 这是—这是我刚开始从事玩具设计时做的一段视频。
I'm in my garage , making weird stuff. 我在我的车库里,做着稀奇古怪的玩意。
garage:n.车库;汽车修理厂;飞机库;v.把…送入车库;把(汽车)开进车库; weird:adj.奇怪的;奇异的;离奇的;n.命运;宿命;命运女神;
And then you go to these toy companies and there's some guy across the table, and he goes, "pass, pass, pass." 然后你去这些玩具公司 见这些桌子另一边的家伙, 他说,“下一个,下一个,下一个。”
You know, you think it's so cool, but they -- anyway I'd made this little tape that I always show when I go in. 你看,你们认为这个很有意思,但他们— 不管怎样,我灌制这个录像带,我总在进去的时候让大家看。
This is the name of my company, Giving Toys. 这是我公司的名字,Giving Toys。
So I used to work at Mattel , actually. 我曾在美泰公司工作过。
And after I left Mattel, I started all these hamburger makers. 在我离开美泰后,我制作了这些汉堡包制造机。
And then got the license to make the maker, so this is a hamburger maker that -- you take the peanut butter and stuff and you put it in there, and it makes -- and this is a French fry maker, little tiny food you can eat. 然后搞到了执照去生产汉堡包制造机, 这是一个汉堡包制造机 把花生酱和其它东西放进去,然后就能做出— 而这是一个法式薯条机,(制作)你常吃的小零食。
license:v.许可;批准; peanut butter:n.花生酱; French fry:n.油炸土豆条;炸薯条;
I beat up the pasta maker to make that. 我做的这个战胜了意大利面制造机。
Then this is a McNugget maker, I think. 这是一个麦乐鸡块制作机。
This, now that's the McNugget maker, and this is a -- this is my oldest daughter making a McApple Pie. 这个,现在这个才是鸡块制作机, 然后—这是我大女儿在做一个苹果派。
And let's see, you can make the pie and cinnamon and sugar, and then you eat and you eat and you eat, and you -- she's about 300 pounds now. 然后让我们瞧瞧这个,你可以用它来做派和肉桂和糖, 然后你吃呀吃呀吃呀吃,然后你就会—— 她现在大概有300镑。
No she's not, she's beautiful. 不,我开玩笑的,她很漂亮苗条的。
This is how they looked when they came out at the end. 这是最后它们制作出来后的样子。
These are a -- this is like a 15 million-dollar line. 这些是——这是条1千5百万美元的生产线。
And it got me through some -- I didn't make any royalties on this. 这使得我经历了一些——我没有在这上面得到特许权使用费。
Next is a compilation of a bunch of stuff. 接下来的是这一系列东西的合辑。
compilation:n.编辑; a bunch of:一群;一束;一堆;
That was a missile foam launcher that didn't get sold. 这是一个没有卖出去的导弹泡沫发射器。
missile:n.导弹;发射物;投掷物; foam:n.泡沫;水沫;灭火泡沫;v.起泡沫;吐白沫;起着泡沫流动; launcher:n.发射器;发射台;发射者;
This is a squishy head, for no apparent reason. 这是可以挤压的脑袋,做着玩的。
squishy:adj.粘糊糊的;湿软的; apparent:adj.显然的;表面上的;
This is some effects that I did for " Wig , Rattle and Roll." 这是我为“假发和摇滚”做出的成果。
Wig:n.假发;v.激动;发狂;使戴假发;斥责 Rattle:v.格格作响;使紧张;使恐惧;n.拨浪鼓;咔嗒声;响板;
That was a robot eye-thing controlling it in the back. 这是一个机器人眼睛,控制器在后面。
That paid the rent for about a month. 用这个的收入支付了大概一个月的房租。
This is a walking Barbie -- I said, oh, this is it! 这是一个会走路的芭比娃娃—我说,噢,就是她了!
And they go, oh, that's really nice and out it goes. 他们行动了,噢,表现得真好。
So this is some fighting robots. I thought everyone would want these. 这是一些战斗机器人。我想每个人都想要这些东西。
They fight, they get back up, you know? Wouldn't it be cool? 他们打斗,他们起来,你们知道吗?是不是很神奇?
And they made it into a toy, and then they dropped it like a hot rock. 他们把它做成玩具,然后很快把它扔下。
They're pretty cool. 它们很神奇。
This is a-- we're doing some flight testing on my little Pug, seeing if this really grabs . 这是一个——我们在用我的小哈巴狗做一些战斗测试 看看它是否能抓取什么东西。
It does pretty good. 表现的很好。
I'm using little phone connectors to make so they can spin . 我用电话连接器使他们能旋转。
connectors:n.[电子]连接器;[电子]接插件(connector的复数形式); spin:v.旋转;纺纱;吐丝;纺线;n.头晕;(快速)旋转;常用于英式英语;晕头转向;
It's how they have those album things, little kids don't know what they are. 这是为何他们有专辑一样的东西,小孩子不知道他们是什么。
This is a clay maker. 这是个陶土制作机。
You know I said -- I went to Play-Doh , and said, look, I can animate this. 你们知道的——我去了培乐多, 然后说,看,我能把这做成活动的。
Play-Doh:n.培乐多; animate:vt.使有生气;使活泼;鼓舞;推动;adj.有生命的;
They said don't talk to us about Play-Doh. 他们说别在和我们提有关培乐多的事情。
And then I made a Lego animator . 然后我做了个乐高积木动画仪。
Lego:n.乐高积木(商标名); animator:n.鼓舞者;赋与生气者;卡通片绘制者(等于animater);
I thought, this would be so great! 我想,这真是太好了!
And you know Lego -- don't take Legos to Lego. 你们晓得乐高的——别把积木带去乐高。
That's the answer. They know everything about it. 这就是答案。他们知道乐高积木的一切。
Then I started doing animatronics . 然后我开始做电子动画。
I loved dinosaurs. 我喜欢恐龙。
I used to be in the film business, kind of, and actually Nicholas Negroponte saw this when I was, like, 12, and anyway, so then they said, "No, you have to make two and they have to fight." 我算是在电影行业工作过。 实际上尼古拉斯·内格罗蓬特看到这个的时候,我好像,才12岁, 无论如何,他们却说:“不行,你应该做2个而且它们应该互相打斗。”
You know, how -- why would a kid want a dinosaur? 你们知道,怎样—小孩为什么会只想要一个恐龙?
This is me using Sol' -- or 3D Studio back in the '80s. 我在用溶胶——或者回到80年代的3D制片室。
That's David Letterman . 那是戴维·莱特曼。
You can see how old this stuff is. 你们可以看到这个东西有多老旧。
That's my youngest cousin. 那是我最小的侄子。
This is a segment called, "Dangerous toys you won't see at Christmas." 这是一个标语,“圣诞节见不着的危险玩具。”
We had my first saw blade launcher and we had a flamethrower chair. 我的第一个刀片发射器和火焰喷射椅。
blade:n.叶片;刀片,刀锋;剑; flamethrower:n.火焰喷射器;喷火器;
My career basicly peaked here. 我的职业生涯基本在此登顶。
career:n.职业;事业;生涯;经历; peaked:adj.尖的; v.到达高点,消瘦,竖起(peak的过去式和过去分词形式);
And in the back are foam-core cutouts of people who couldn't make it to the show. 在后面是负责核心部分剪切的幕后工作人员。
This is MEK going through a windshield wiper motor. 这个是丁酮通过汽车雨刷马达喷射出来。
windshield wiper:n.雨刷;
So this is a -- I used to kind of be an actor. 所以这是一个——我曾算是一个演员。
And I'm not really very good at it. 而我并不非常擅长于此。
But the -- this is a guy named Dr. Yutz', who would take toys apart and show kids about engineering . 但这—这个叫Yutz博士的家伙, 他把玩具拆开给孩子们演示工程学。
And you can see the massively parallel processing Nintendos there. 在那里你们可以看见大量的同时运转的任天堂游戏机。
massively:adv.大量地;沉重地;庄严地; parallel processing:n.并行处理;
And over to the left is a view master of the CD-ROM. 往左看是一个光盘只读存储器的视角管理器。
And a guy named Stan Reznikov' did this as a pilot. 一个叫斯坦·瑞斯尼科夫的家伙像一个飞行员在做这个。
This is a -- you can see the little window there. 这是一个——你们可以看见那儿的小窗口。
You can actually see the Steadicam with a bubble on the bottom. 你们实际上也看得见底部有个泡泡的摄影机稳定器。
You see the keyboard strapped to my wrist . 你们看的见键盘绑在我的手腕上。
strapped:adj.缺钱的; v.用带子系; (strap的过去分词和过去式) wrist:n.手腕;腕关节;v.用腕力移动[送出,抛掷等];
Way ahead of my time here. 这远比我那时候强。
(Video) (视频)
Narrator : I'm getting dizzy ... I love toys! 旁白:我头昏眼花……我爱玩具!
Narrator:n.讲述者;(电视节目中的)幕后解说员;旁白员; dizzy:adj.晕眩的; vt.使头晕眼花;
Caleb Chung: That's all I wanted to say there: I love toys. 凯勒·钟:这就是我想在这里说的一切了:我爱玩具。
OK, so, so that was a, that was the first kind of a -- that was the first batch of products. 好,所以,所以这是一个,某种意义上第一种— 第一批产品。
Most of them did not go. 绝大多数没有卖出去。
You get one out of 20, one out of 30 products. 1/20,1/30的产品被卖出去了。
And every now and then we do something like a, you know, an automated hair wrap machine, you know, that tangles your hair and pulls your scalp out, and -- and we'd make some money on that, you know. And we'd give it out. 之后,我们时常做些东西,比如 你们知道的,一个自动卷头发机, 缠绕你的头发然后把你的头皮拔下来,然后—— 我们从中赚到了些钱。后来我们停止生产了。
every now and then:不时地;常常; automated:adj.自动化的;v.(使)自动化;(automate的过去式和过去分词) wrap:v.缠绕;隐藏;掩护;包起来;缠绕;穿外衣;n.外套;围巾; tangles:n.缠结; v.使缠结; scalp:n.头皮;带发头皮;标志;v.(作为战利品,从被杀的敌人头上)剥下带发头皮;
But eventually we left LA, and we moved to Idaho, where there was actually a lot of peace and quiet. 但是后来我们离开洛杉矶,搬到爱达荷。 那里很平静。
And I started working on this project 我开始了这个项目的工作
- oh, I have to tell you about this real quick. —哦,我必须赶快告诉你们这个。
Throughout this whole thing, making toys, 在这制造玩具的整个过程中,
I think there is a real correlation with innovation and art and science. 我认为创新和艺术和科学确实相关。
correlation:n.[数]相关,关联;相互关系; innovation:n.创新,革新;新方法;
There's some kind of a blend that happens that allows, you know -- you to find innovation. 某种程度上由融合它们而产生 这允许,你们知道——你会创新。
And I tried to sum this up in some kind of symbol that means something -- to me anyway. 我尝试将这融合,加入某种象征意义 意味着一些东西——对我来说是这样。
And so art and science have a kind of dynamic balance, that's where I think innovation happens. 艺术和科学之间保持一种动态平衡, 这时就出现了创新。
dynamic:n.动力; adj.充满活力的;
And actually this is, to me, how I can come up with great ideas. 事实上对我来说,这就是为何我能有奇思妙想。
come up with:提出;想出;赶上;
But it's not how you actually get leverage . 但这不是你得到优势的方法。
Actually, you have to put a circle around that, and call it business. 你还得在上面加上一环,商业。
And those three together, I think, give you leverage in the world. 我认为这三者的结合,就给了你竞争的优势。
But moving on. 然后继续。
So, this is a quick tale I'm going to tell. This is the Furby tale. 我将很快的讲一个故事,Furby的故事。
As he said, I was co-inventor of the Furby. 如他所说,我曾参与发明了Furby。
I did the body and creature -- well, you'll see. 我完成了Furby的身体——呃,你们会瞧见的。
So by way of showing you this, you can kind of get an understanding of what it is to, hopefully, try to create robotic life forms, or technology that has an emotional connection with the user. 顺便给你们看一下这个,你们可以大概 理解这是要做什么, 很有希望的,尝试去创造机器人的生活形态,或用技术 使之与用户有情感联系。
by way of:经由;当作; robotic:adj.机器人的,像机器人的;自动的;n.机器人学; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; emotional:adj.情绪的;易激动的;感动人的;
So this is my family. 这是我的家人。
This is my wife, Christi, and Abby and Melissa and my 17-year-old now, Emily, who was just a pack of trouble. 这是我妻子,克里斯蒂,阿比和梅莉莎 还有我现在17岁的埃米莉,她正陷在一堆麻烦中。
All right, there's, there's that robot again. 好,这里回到机器人。
I came out of the movie business, as I said , and I said, let's make these animatronic robots. 正如我所说,我离开了电影行业。 然后我说,让我们做这些电子机器人。
as I said:正如我所说的
Let's make these things. 让我们做这些东西。
And so I've always had a big interest in this. 我永远对此充满激情。
This one actually didn't go anywhere, but I got my feet wet doing this. 这个其实动不了, 但我做这的时候陷进去了。
This is a smaller one, and I have a little moving torso on there. 这是个比较小的,在那里我还有一个小的会活动的躯干。
A little, tiny guy walks along, more servo drives, lots of servo hacking , lots of mechanical stuff. 一个小家伙小心翼翼的走过,使用更多的伺服控制器, 大量的伺服改装和大量的动力学来完成。
servo:n.伺服;伺服系统;随动系统; hacking:v.黑客行为;砍;劈;猛踢;(hack的现在分词) mechanical:adj.机械的;力学的;呆板的;无意识的;手工操作的;
There's another one. 这又是一个。
He actually has Skeletor legs, I think he's wearing there. 他实际上有骨架大腿,我想是的。
Oh, this is a little pony , very cute little thing. 哦,这是一只小狗狗,非常可爱的小东西。
The point of showing these is, I've always been interested in little artificial life pieces. 展示这些是要说,我总是对小型人造生命体有兴趣。
So the challenge was, I worked for Microsoft for a little bit, working on the Microsoft Barney. 所以挑战在于,我曾为微软工作过, 微软巴尼娃娃。
And this is a -- you know, the purple dinosaur with kind of bloat wear. 而这是一个——你们知道的,穿着臃肿衣装的紫色恐龙。
purple:n.紫色;紫袍;v.变紫;使成紫色;adj.紫色的;华丽的文辞; bloat:vt.使膨胀; vi.膨胀; n.膨胀的东西,肿胀的人;
And, you know, they had lots, just lots of stuff in there that you didn't need, I thought. 我认为它们有大量,大量的你们不需要的东西。
And then Microsoft can just fill a, you know, a warehouse full of this stuff and see if they sell. 微软的那些东西都可以堆满一个仓库 退满东西然后看看是否能卖出去。
So it's a really strange business model compared to coming from a toy company. 所以这对出身自玩具公司的人来说是种非常奇怪的商业模式。
compared:adj.比较的,对照的; v.相比; (compare的过去式和过去分词)
But anyway, a friend of mine and I, Dave Hampton, decided to see if we could do like a single-cell organism . 但是,我和一个朋友,戴夫·汉普顿, 决定去尝试一下看我们是否能做成单细胞组织一样的东西。
What's the fewest pieces we could use to make a little life form . 我们到底可以用最少多少零件就可以做出小巧的生命形式。
life form:n.生物;
And that's our little thirty-cent Mabuchi motor. 那是30美分买来的万宝至马达。
And so I have all these design books like I'm sure many of you have. 我有这些设计方面的书籍 我确信你们中很多人有像这样的书。
And throughout the books -- this is the first page on Furby, 通过这些书—这Furby的第一张图纸,
I have kind of the art and science. 我有些艺术细胞和科学细胞。
I have the "why" over here, and the "how" over there. 在那里我知道“为什么”,而在那里知道“如何”。
I try to do a lot of philosophy , a lot of thinking about all of these projects. 我狠狠的尝试了哲学,想了很多关于所有这些东西的事。
Because they're not just "bing" ideas; you have to really dig deep in these things. 因为他们不仅仅是灵光一闪的灵感; 你必须要真正在这些方面深入发掘。
So there's some real pseudo-code over here, and getting the idea of different kind of drives, things like that. 那是些真正的虚拟代码, 得到不同驱动模式的想法,像这样。
And originally Furby only had two eyes and some batteries on the bottom. 最初Furby只有2个眼睛,底部有一些电池。
originally:adv.原来;起初; batteries:n.电池;炮组;炮列;[法]殴打;(batteries是battery的复数)
And then we said, well, you're going to feed him, and he needs to talk, and it got more complicated . 然后我们说,好吧,我们要能喂养他, 而且他应该能讲话,所以事情就变得更加复杂了。
And then I had to figure out how I'm going to use that one motor to make the eyes move, and the ears move, and the body to move, and the mouth to move. 我得弄清楚该怎样去利用那一个马达 使眼睛转动,使耳朵动, 使身体活动,还有嘴巴动。
And, you know, I want to make it blink and do all that at the same time . 而且,我希望能使它眨眼睛 并且同时做这些所有的事情。
blink:vt.眨眼;使…闪烁;vi.眨眼;闪烁;n.眨眼;瞬间;闪光; at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时;
Well, I came up with this kind of linear expression thing with these cams and feedback . And that worked pretty well. 好吧,我开始想出 用凸轮和反馈系统做出线性表达图。这很管用。
linear:adj.线的,线型的;直线的,线状的;长度的; expression:n.表现,表示,表达; cams:n.凸轮(cam的复数); feedback:n.反馈;反馈意见;回授;[电子]反馈;
Then I started to get a little more realistic and I have to start drawing the stuff. 然后我开始去做得更加具有真实感 我要开始画这东西。
And there's my "note to self" at the top: "Lots of engineering." 而在顶部是我的“自我提醒”: “大量的工程学。”
So that turned out to be a little more than true. 所以就显得有点比真实还真实。
There's my first exploded view and all the little pieces and the little worm drive and all that stuff. 这是我第一个透视图,可以看见所有这些小零件 还有这些小螺纹转动杆和所有这些东西。
exploded:adj.分解的; v.爆炸; (explode的过去分词和过去式) worm:n.蠕虫;蠕虫病毒寄生虫;肠虫;v.曲折行进
And then I've got to start building it, so this is the real thing. 然后我开始打造它, 所以这是真材实料。
I get up and start cutting my finger and gluing things together. 我起床开始剪切然后把东西粘在一起。
And that's my little workshop . 这是我的小工作车间。
And there's the first little cam that drove Furby. 这是第一个驱动Furby的小凸轮。
And there's Furby on the half shell . 这是半边的Furby。
You can see, the little BB in the box is my tilt sensor . 你们可以看到,这个在盒子里的小宝宝是我的斜传感器。
tilt:vi.倾斜;翘起;以言词或文字抨击;vt.使倾斜;使翘起;n.倾斜; sensor:n.传感器;
I just basically gnawed all this stuff out of plastic. 我基本上是用塑料把这些都啃出来的。
basically:adv.主要地,基本上; gnawed:adj.缺刻状的;v.咬;侵蚀(gnaw的过去分词);
So there's the back of his head with a billion holes in it. 所以他脸的后面有10亿个小孔。
And there I am. I'm done. There's my little Furby. 这下我就完工了。这是我的小Furby。
No it's a little robot on heroin or something, I think. 不,我想这是一个正在嗑药的小机器人。
(Laughter) (大笑)
So right now, you see, I love little robots. 所以,现在你们瞧见了,我爱小机器人。
So my wife says, "Well, you may like it, but nobody else will." 所以我妻子说,“好吧,也许你喜欢它,但是没有其他人喜欢了。”
So she comes to the rescue . 于是她来帮忙了。
This is my wife Christi who is just, you know, my muse and my partner for eternity here. 这是我妻子克里斯蒂,她是, 我的创作灵感,我在此永远的伙伴。
muse:n.沉思;冥想;vt.沉思;沉思地说;vi.沉思;凝望; eternity:n.来世,来生;不朽;永世;
And she does drawings, right? 而且她还画画,不是吗?
She's an actual, you know, artist. 她事实上是个,艺术家。
And she starts doing all these different drawings and does a, you know, color patterns and coloring books. 她还开始画所有这些不同的画 还做了一个,彩色板和彩绘书籍。
And I like the guy with the cigar at the bottom there. 我喜欢这个最底下的雪茄男。
He didn't test so well, but I like him. 他在测试中表现的不那么好,但是我喜欢他。
And then she started doing these other images . 接着她开始做其他的设想了。
At that time Beanie Babies was a big hit, and we thought we'll do a bunch of different ones. 那个时候豆宝宝很流行, 我们就想做做一大堆其它的玩意。
So here's a little pink one, a little pouf on his head. 所以这里是一个粉红的,他头上有点装饰。
And here's -- this didn't do so well in testing either, I don't know why. 这是——这个也在测试中不是那么好,不知为什么。
There's my favorite, Demon Furby. 这是我最喜欢的,恶魔Furby。
That was a good one. 这个很好。
Anyway, finally settled on kind of this kind of a look, little poufy body, a little imaginary character. 不论如何,最终确定的就是这样的造型, 小可爱的躯体,带点梦幻般的形象。
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; settled:adj.稳定的; v.结束; (settle的过去分词和过去式) imaginary:adj.虚构的,假想的;想像的;虚数的;
And there he is, a little bush baby on -- caught in the headlights there. 就是他了,小小的身体——被头灯照着。
bush:n.灌木; v.以灌木装饰; adj.如灌木般长得低矮的; headlights:n.(车辆的)前灯,前灯的光束;(headlight的复数)
I actually went to Toys 'R' Us, got a little furry cat, ripped it apart and made this. 我实际上去到玩具反斗城,弄了一只小毛猫, 拆开它并做了这个。
And since then, every time I come home from Toys "R" Us with dolls or something they disappear from my desk and they get hidden in the house. 在那之后,每次我从玩具反斗城带娃娃什么的回家, 他们都会从我的办公桌里消失 都被藏在屋子里。
I have three girls and they just, they -- it's like a rescue animal thing they're going there. 我有3个女儿,她们— 做的就像是在拯救动物一样。
(Laughter) (大笑)
So a little tether coming off, it's just a control for the Fur's mouth and his eyes. 小链子除去了, 它只是用来控制Furby的嘴和眼睛。
It's just a little server control and I made a little video going: "Hi, my name's Furby, and I'm good," 这只是一个小服务器控件,我做了小视频: “嗨,我叫Furby,我很好,”
you know, and then I'd reach my hand. 然后我抓住了自己的手。
He'd -- you can tickle him, when I put my hand up, "ha, ha, ha, ha" and that's how we sold him. 他会——当我把手拿上去的时候,你们可以逗弄他, “哈,哈,哈,哈”,这就是为什么他很好卖。
And Hasbro actually said, I meant Tiger Electronics at the time, said, "Yeah, we want to do this. 而孩之宝说,我是说那时的老虎电子公司, 说,“是的,我们想要做这个。
We have, you know, 13 weeks or something to Toy Fair, and we're going to hire you guys to do this." 我们必须,你知道的,还有13周就是玩具展, 而我们雇用你们就是为了做这个的。”
And so Dave and I got working. 所以戴夫和我就得干活了。
Mostly me, because it was all mechanics at this point. 主要是我,因为这个关键点都在于机械。
So now I have to really figure out all kinds of stuff 所以我必须解决所有这类问题
I don't know how to do. 我不知道怎样去做。
And I started working with Solid Works and a whole other group to do that. 我开始使用Solid Works软件, 同一整群人去做这个工作。
And we started -- this was way back before there was really much SLA going on, not a lot of rapid prototyping . 然后我们开始了—— 这是在有大量SLA之前的体会, 没有大量快速的原型制作。
We certainly didn't have the money to do this. 我们当然也没有那么多钱去做这个。
They only paid me, like, a little bit of money to do this, so I had to call a friend of a friend who was running the GM prototype plant, SLA plant that was down. 他们只给我一点点钱去做这个, 所以我不得不去打电话给我一个朋友的朋友 他经营者一家GM的样本制造工厂,SLA工厂那时关闭了。
And they said, "Yeah, well, we'll run them." 他们说,“是,好的,我们会运行它们。”
So they ran all the shells for us, which was nice of them. 所以他们很好,为我们运行了所有这些框架。
And the cams I got cut at Hewlett Packard. 我在惠普·帕卡德那里做了凸轮切割。
We snuck in on the weekend. 我们在周末偷偷的摸进去。
And so we just had a disc of the files. 所以我们还有一张光盘的资料。
But they have a closed system, so you couldn't print the things out on the machine. 但是他们有一个封闭系统,因此你不能在机器上把东西打印出来。
So we actually printed them out on clear and taped them on the monitors. 所以我们清楚的把它们打印出来并记录在显示器上。
And on the weekend we ran the parts for that. 在周末我们为了那个运行这些部分。
So this is how they come out close to the end. 所以这是最后他们的结果。
And then they looked like little Garfields there. 然后他们看起来像些小加菲猫。
Eight months later -- you may remember this, this was a -- total, total, total chaos . 8个月之后——你们也许还记得这个, 这是一个——整个,完全,彻底的混乱。
For a while they were making two million Furbys a month. 一会儿功夫,他们一个月做了200万个Furby。
For a while:adv.片刻;暂时;一会儿;一时;
They actually wound up doing about 40 million Furbys. 他们实际上做了大概4千万个。
I -- it's unbelievable how -- I don't know how that can be. 我——难以置信——我不知道怎么会这样。
And Hasbro made about, you know, a billion-and-a-half dollars. 孩之宝赚了大概,15亿美元。
And I just a little bit on each one. 而我只是在每个上面赚了一点点。
So full circle, why do I do this? 整个来说,为什么我要做这个?
Why do you, you know, try to do this stuff? 为什么你,你们知道的,要尝试去做这个东西?
And it's of course for your kids. 而这当然都是为了你们的孩子。
And there's my youngest daughter with her Furbys. 这个我小女儿和她的Furby玩具。
And she still actually has those. 而她直到现在还保留着那些玩具。
So I kind of retired, and we're already living in paradise up in Boise on a river, you know, so -- and then I started another company called TOY Innovation and we did some projects with Mattel with a -- actually with a lady who's here, Ivy Ross, and we did Miracle Moves Baby, made it in Wired magazine, did a bunch of other stuff. 所以我算是退休了,而我们已经生活在天堂了 博伊斯河边的天堂,所以—— 接着我开始了另一家叫“玩具创新”的公司 我们和美泰做了一些项目和—— 和一位现在在场的女士合作,艾维·罗斯, 我们做了神奇会动的婴儿, 它上了《连线》杂志,我们还做了一堆其他的东西。
paradise:n.天堂;至福境地; Boise:n.博伊西(美国爱达荷州首府); Ivy:n.[植]常春藤;长春藤; Miracle:n.奇迹,奇迹般的人或物;惊人的事例;
And then I started another company. 接着我又去开办了另一家公司。
We did a little hand-held device for teens that could hook up to the internet, one of the best innovations at CES, but really I kind of slowed down and said, OK, 我们为青少年量身打造了个小手握设备,可以用以连接互联网, 在CES(消费电子展)最好的创新玩具之一, 但是我慢了下来说,好啦,
hand-held:adj.手提式的,便携式的; device:n.装置;策略;图案; teens:n.十多岁,十几岁;青少年; hook:n.钩;挂钩;鱼钩;钓钩;v.挂住;箍住;钓(鱼);打曲线球; innovations:n.创新(innovation的复数);改革;
I just -- after a while, I had this old tape of this dinosaur, and I gave it to this guy, and this other guy saw it, and then people started to want to do it. 我只是——不久之后,我拿到这个恐龙的旧录像带, 而我给了这个家伙,而另外一个人看了录像带, 接着人们开始想要制作它。
And they said they'd spend all this time. 他们还说他们愿意花全部时间去做。
So I said, "OK, let's try to do this dinosaur project." 所以我说,:“好的,让我们尝试去做这个恐龙项目。”
The crazy idea is we're going to try to clone a dinosaur as much as we can with today's technology. 这个疯狂的想法是我们将去尝试克隆一只恐龙 以今天的科技尽我们可能去做。
clone:v.克隆; n.克隆动物(或植物);
And it's not really, but as close as we can do. 它不是真的,但我们将尽力去逼近真实。
And we're going to try to really pull this off, intentfully try to make something that seems like it's alive. 而我们将去尝试完成它, 一门心思努力使之栩栩如生。
Not a robot that kind of does, but let's really go for it . 而不是像机器人那样有点像,而是真正努力去做到。
go for it:努力争取;加油;
So I picked a Camarasaurus, because the Camarasaurus was the most abundant of the sauropods in North America . 所以我选择了圆顶龙, 因为圆顶龙是在北美最常见的蜥脚下目恐龙。
abundant:adj.丰富的;充裕的;盛产; sauropods:n.蜥脚类动物;adj.蜥脚类动物的; North America:n.北美洲;
And you could actually find full fossil evidence of these. 你可以找到它们完整的化石痕迹。
fossil:n.化石;老人;老古董;adj.从地下发掘出来的;化石的;属于旧时代的;陈腐的; evidence:n.证据,证明;迹象;明显;v.证明;
That's a juvenile . 那是一只未成年恐龙。
And so we actually went in. 所以我们就开始工作了。
There's a book called Walking on Eggshells , where they found actual sauropod skin in Patagonia . 这里有本书叫做《如履蛋壳》, 他们在巴塔哥尼亚发现了真正的蜥脚类动物的皮肤。
Eggshells:n.蛋壳;薄而易碎的东西; Patagonia:n.巴塔哥尼亚(南美的一个地区);
And the picture from the book, so when I -- 这是书中的图片,所以当我——
I told the sculptor to use this bump pattern, whatever you can to copy that. 我告诉雕刻家使用这个凹凸图案,尽最大努力去复制那个。
sculptor:n.雕刻家; bump:n.肿块,隆起物;撞击;v.碰撞,撞击;颠簸而行;adv.突然地,猛烈地;
Very, very obsessive . 非常,非常入迷。
There's a kind of truncated Camarasaurus skeleton , but the geometry 's correct. 这个一种缩短了的圆顶龙骨架, 但是几何比例是正确。
truncated:adj.缩短了的; v.缩短(truncate的过去分词); skeleton:n.骨架,骨骼;纲要;骨瘦如柴的人;adj.骨骼的;骨瘦如柴的;概略的; geometry:n.几何学;几何结构;
And then I went in and measured all the geometry because I figured, hey, biomimicry , if I do it kind of right, it might move kind of like the real thing. 然后我开始工作并测量了所有的几何比例 因为我猜想,嘿,生物模型, 如果我做对了,它可能会行动起来有点像真家伙。
measured:adj.缓慢谨慎的; v.测量; (measure的过去分词和过去式) biomimicry:仿生学;生物模拟;生物仿生;
So there's the motor. 这里是马达。
And about this time, you know, all these other people are starting to help. 到了这个时候,所有人都开始帮上忙。
Here's an example of what we did with the skull . 这里有个我们怎么处理头骨的例子。
There's the skull, there's my drawing of a skull. 这是头骨,这是我的头骨图样。
There's kind of the skin version of the soft tissue . 这是某种意义上的皮肤软组织样本。
soft tissue:n.(皮肤、肌肉等)软组织;
There's the mechanism that would go in there -- kind of a Geneva drive. 这是在这里即将运作的机制— 就像一个日内瓦机构。
There's some solid works versions of it. 这里有些它的Solid Works处理后的样子。
Here's some SLA parts of the same thing. 这里是一些原型部分,是同样的东西。
And then these are really crude pieces. We were just doing some tests here. 这些是很粗糙的原件。我们只是在这里做些测试。
There's the skull, pretty much the same shape as the Camarasaurus. 这是头骨,非常近似圆顶龙的形状。
There's a photo-realistic eye behind a lens . 这是镜头后的一个照相写实眼。
photo-realistic:逼真的; lens:n.透镜,镜头;晶状体;隐形眼镜;汽车的灯玻璃;v.给…摄影;
And there's kind of the first exploded view, or see-through view. 这算是第一个爆炸性视图,或者说透视图。
There's the first SLA version, and it already kind of has the feel, it has kind of a cuteness already. 这是第一个适配器版本,而且它已经有点那感觉了, 它也已经有了点的萌属性。
And the thing about blending science and art in this multidisciplinary stuff, is you can do a robot, and then you go back and do the shape, and then you go back and forth . 而这东西融合了科学和艺术 在这包罗万象的东西里,你可以做一个机器人, 然后你回归并塑造外形, 然后你往返往复。
blending:v.使混合;掺和;混合;融合;(使)调和,协调(blend的现在分词) multidisciplinary:adj.有关各种学问的; back and forth:前后移动的,来回的,反复的;
The servos in the front legs, we had to shape those like muscles . 在前腿里有伺服马达,我们必须去把他们塑造的像肌肉。
servos:n.伺服系统;伺服机构(servo的复数); muscles:n.肌肉(muscle的复数);
They had to fit within the envelope . 他们必须能被包裹在塑胶封套内。
There was a tremendous amount of work to get all that working right. 要完善一切需要巨大的工作量。
All the neck and the tail are cable , so it moves smoothly and organically . 脖子和尾巴都要连线, 所以它的行动平滑而且自然。
cable:n.电缆; v.打电报; (用锚链,缆索等)系住; smoothly:adv.平稳地,平滑地;流畅地,流利地; organically:adv.有机地;有组织地;器官上地;
And then of course you're not done yet. 当然你还没有完工。
You have to get the look for the skin. 你必须去处理皮肤的外观。
The skin's a whole another thing, probably the hardest part. 皮肤完全是另外一回事,也许是最困难的部分。
So you hire artists, and you try to get the look and feel of the character. 所以你雇佣艺术家们, 试图做出恐龙的外观及手感。
Now, this is not with character designers, right? 现在,这与角色设计师无关了,是吗?
And we're still trying to keep with the real character. 而我们依旧尝试接近真实的角色。
So, now you go back and you cover the whole thing with clay. 所以,现在你回去用粘土覆盖整个东西。
Now you start doing the sculpture for this. 开始对这个东西进行雕刻。
And you can see we got a guy from -- who's just a fanatic about dinosaurs to do the sculpting for us, down to the spoon-shaped teeth and everything. 你们可以看见我们招了一个家伙—— 他只是对恐龙很狂热 为我们做了这个雕刻, 包括勺状的牙齿以及一切东西。
fanatic:n.狂热入迷者;盲信者;盲信;adj.狂热的;盲信的; sculpting:v.雕刻;雕塑;使具有某种形状;(sculpt的现在分词)
And then more sculpting, and then more sculpting, and then more sculpting, and then more sculpting. 更多的雕刻,接着更多的雕刻, 然后更多的雕刻,之后更多的雕刻。
And then, four years and 10 million dollars later, we have a -- a little Pleo. 在耗时4年耗资1千万美元之后, 我们拥有了Pleo。
John, do you want to bring him up? 约翰,你可以把他带上来吗?
John Sosoka is our CTO, and is really the man that's done most of the work with our like, 40-person company. 约翰是我们的首席技术官,而正是此人 完成了我们有大概40人的公司的绝大部分的活。
I'd like to give John a hand. He never gets recognition . This is John Sosoka. 我想要帮约翰一把。他的价值从未被人意识到。这位是约翰·搜搜卡。
(Applause) (鼓掌)
So, thank you, John, thank you, and get back to work, all right, man? 所以,谢谢你,约翰,谢谢你, 然后就要回去工作了,对吧,伙计?
All right -- 对吧——
(Laughter) (大笑)
- no, it's very painful , so -- ——不,这非常令人难过,所以——
(Laughter) (大笑)
- these are little Pleos and you can probably see them. ——这些是小Pleo,你们可以看见。
This -- I on purpose -- they go through life stages. 这个——我有意而为的——它们会经历人生的阶段。
on purpose:有目的地,故意地;
So when you first get them, they're babies. 所以当你们最初得到它们的时候,它们是婴儿。
And you -- more you have them, kind of the older they get, and they kind of learn through their behavior. 而你们——得到它们时间越久,它们也越大, 而且它们通过它们的行为进行学习。
So this one, this one's actually asleep, and, hang on -- 所以这个,这只睡着了,等一下——
Pleo, wake up. Pleo, come on. Pleo,醒醒,Pleo,起来。
So this guy's listening to my voice here. 这家伙听到了我的声音。
But they have 40 sensors all over their body. 它们拥有40个传感器遍布全身。
They have seven processors , they have 14 motors, they have -- but you don't care, do you? 它们有7个处理器,14个马达, 它们有—— 但其实你们并不在意这个,对吧?
They're just cute, right? That's the idea, that's the idea. 它们就是萌,对吧?这就对了,这就对了。
So you see, hey, come on, hey, did you feel that? 所以你们看,嘿,来啊,嘿,你们感觉到了吗?
There's something big and loud over here. 在这里有一些大且响的东西。
Hey. 嘿。
(Laughter) (大笑)
That's good, wake up, wake up, wake up. 这很好,起来,起来,起来。
Yeah, they're like kids, you know. 是的,它们就像小孩子,你们知道。
You, yeah, yeah. Okay, he's hungry. 你,是的,是的。好吧,他饿了。
I'll show you what he's been doing for, for four years. 我将向你们展示他在4年中在做什么。
Here, here, here. Have some money, Pleo. 这里,这里,这里。过来拿钱,恐龙。
(Laughter) (大笑)
There you go. 就这样了。
That's what the investors think, that it's just -- 这是投资者所想的,只是——
(Laughter) (大笑)
- right, right. So they're really sweet little guys. —对,对。所以它们确实甜美可爱的家伙。
And we're hoping that, you know, our belief is that humans need to feel empathy towards things in order to be more human. 我们希望如此, 我们相信人类需要对东西产生情感共鸣 为了更有人性。
And we think we can help that out by having little creatures that you can love. 而且我们可以帮助实现这一目标通过 拥有你可以关爱的小动物。
Now these are, not robots, they're kind of lovebots, you know. 现在这些,不只是机器人,它们是某种意义上爱的容器,你们知道的。
They do change over time. 它们随时间而变。
But mostly they evoke a feeling of caring. 但绝大多数时候它们唤起一种关爱的意识。
And we have a -- I have a little something here. 而我们有一种——我有点想法。
Now I do want to say that, you know, UGOBE is not there yet. 现在我想说的是,UGOBE还没有做到那里。
We've just opened the door, and it's for all of you to step through it. 我们只是打开了扇门,这是为了你们所有的人可以跨进来。
We did include some things that are hopefully useful. 我们做了一些希望是有用的东西。
Excuse me, Pleo. 不好意思哦,Pleo。
They -- he has a USB and he has a SD card, so it's completely open architecture . 它们——他有一个USB接口而且和一个SD卡插槽, 所以这是一个完全开放式的结构。
So anyone can plug him, thank you. 所以任何人都可以给他加入新元素,谢谢你们。
This is John over here. 约翰在那边。
Anyone can take Pleo and they can totally redo his personality . 每个人都可以拥有Pleo,而且他们完全可以进行个性重置。
redo:vt.重做;重新装饰; personality:n.性格;个性;人格;魅力;气质;名人;特色;
You can make him bipolar , or as someone said a -- 你们可以把他变成躁郁症,或者就像有人所说的一个——
(Laughter) (大笑)
You can change his homeostatic drives, or whatever you want to call them. 你们可以改变他的体内平衡装置,或者随你们怎么称呼他们。
Kids can just drag and drop, put in new sounds. 孩子们可以通过鼠标的拖放,加入新的声音。
We actually, it's very hard to keep people from doing this. 实际上,我们,很难阻止人们做这个。
We have one animator who's taken it and he's done a take on the Budweiser beer commercial , and they're going, "Whassup," you know? 我们有个带走了Pleo的动画绘制者而 他做过一个百威啤酒广告, 然后它们就变成了,“怎么啦,” 你们知道?
(Laughter) (大笑)
You -- so it's -- yes, he likes that. 你们——所以就——是的,他就像那样。
So they're a handful. We hope you get one. 所以它们数量有限。我们希望你能拿到一个。
I don't know what I'm missing to say, but as a last thing I'd like to say is that, if we continue along this path, we are designing our children's best friends. 我不知道我还漏讲了什么, 但是作为最后一件事我想说的是, 如果我们在这条道路上继续前进,我们将设计我们孩子最好的朋友。
And there's a lot of social responsibility in that. 而且那其中包含大量的社会责任。
That's why Pleo's soft and gentle and loving. 这就是为什么电子恐龙是温柔的,彬彬有礼的,讨人喜欢的。
And so I just -- I hope we all dream well. 所以我只是——我希望我们都梦想成真。
Thank you. 谢谢你们。
(Applause) (鼓掌)