

I'm an astronaut. 我是个宇航员,
I flew on the space shuttle twice, and I lived on the International Space Station for almost six months. 我乘坐航天飞机飞行过两次, 曾在国际太空站住了将近 6 个月。
space shuttle:n.航天飞机; Space Station:n.太空站;航天站;宇宙空间站;
People often ask me the same question, which is, "What's it like in space?" 常有人问我: “太空中是什么样子?”
as if it was a secret. 仿佛这是个特大机密。
Space belongs to all of us, and I'd like to help you understand why it's a place that is magic for all of us. 其实太空属于我们大家, 我想告诉大家,对所有人来说, 那都是个神奇的地方。
The day after my 50th birthday, 在 50 岁生日后的第二天,
I climbed aboard a Russian capsule , in Russia, and launched into space. 我在俄罗斯爬进一个 俄制的太空舱, 然后被发射到太空中。
aboard:adv.在飞机上;[船]在船上;在火车上;prep.在…上; capsule:n.太空舱;荚;航天舱;(装药物的)胶囊;adj.简略的;小而结实的;v.节略; launched:v.发射;发起;开展;开始;(launch的过去式和过去分词)
Launching is the most dangerous thing that we do, and it's also the most thrilling . 发射升空是全过程中最危险、 也最刺激的环节。
Launching:n.发射;开办;起飞;v.开始从事,发起,发动;(launch的现在分词) thrilling:adj.惊心动魄的; v.使非常兴奋; (thrill的现在分词)
Three, two, one ... liftoff ! 3、2、1 …… 升空!
I felt every single bit of the controlled fury of those rocket engines as they blasted us off the Earth. 火箭发动机轰鸣, 燃料爆发巨大能量, 带着我们冲离地球。
fury:n.狂怒;暴怒;激怒者; blasted:adj.该死的,可恶的; v.炸毁,把…炸成碎片; (blast的过去分词和过去式)
We went faster and faster and faster, until, after eight and a half minutes, on purpose , those engines stop -- kabunk! -- and we are weightless . 我们的速度越来越快,越来越快, 直到 8 分半钟后, 所有发动机按计划停止运转—— 卡砰! 然后我们就进入了完全失重状态。
on purpose:有目的地,故意地; weightless:adj.失重的;无重量的;
And the mission and the magic begin. 太空任务和神奇旅程就此开始。
Dmitry and Paolo and I are circling the Earth in our tiny spacecraft , approaching the space station carefully. 迪米崔、保罗和我 乘着小巧的太空舱 绕行地球, 小心朝着太空站前进,
spacecraft:n.[宇]宇宙飞船;航天器; approaching:v.靠近,接近;接洽;建议;要求;(approach的现在分词)
It's an intricate dance at 17,500 miles an hour between our capsule, the size of a Smart Car, and the space station, the size of a football field. 如同时速 17500 英里的双人舞, 一边是迷你车般大小的太空舱, 一边是足球场般大小的太空站。
We arrive when those two craft dock with a gentle thunk . 在对接的低沉撞击声中, 我们正式抵达。
dock:n.码头;船坞;被告席;尾巴的骨肉部分;vt.使靠码头;剪短;vi.入船坞; thunk:n.形实转换程序;
We open the hatches , have sloppy zero-G hugs with each other, and now we're six. 我们打开舱门, 在失重状态下 动作笨拙地互相拥抱。 现在我们共有 6 人,
hatches:n.孵化;[船][航]舱口(hatches的复数形式);v.孵出(hatch的第三人称单数); sloppy:adj.草率的;粗心的;泥泞的;肥大的;稀薄的; zero-G:[力]零重力;
We're a space family, an instant family. 我们是太空家庭,一个临时家庭。
instant:n.瞬间; adj.立即的; conj.同"assoonas";
My favorite part about living up there was the flying. 住在太空中,我最喜爱的部分 是飞行。
I loved it. 我很享受,
It was like being Peter Pan . 仿佛成为了彼得·潘。
Peter Pan:n.外表异常年轻的人;行为像孩子的成人;
It's not about floating. 好玩的地方不只是 能在空中飘浮,
Just the touch of a finger can actually push you across the entire space station, and then you sort of tuck in with your toes . 而是只要轻轻一推, 推进的力量就足以 让你穿越整个太空站, 然后用脚趾点地 就能让自己停下来。
tuck:塞进,折叠,卷起; n.(衣服或织物的)褶; toes:n.脚趾;足尖部;有…脚趾的;v.用脚尖走;(toe的第三人称单数和复数)
One of my favorite things was drifting silently through the space station, which was humming along at night. 我最喜欢的就是 在太空站里安静地漂移, 听夜里太空站 随着我的移动轻轻哼响。
drifting:v.漂流;漂移;缓慢行走;顺其自然地做;(drift的现在分词) humming:v.哼(曲子);发嗡嗡声;活跃;繁忙;(hum的现在分词)
I wondered sometimes if it knew I was there, just silent. 我有时候会想,如果我安安静静的, 它会不会知道我在那里?
But sharing the wonder of that with the crew was also part of what was important to me. 不过与太空组员分享这些感受, 对我来说也十分重要。
A typical day in space starts with the perfect commute . 平常的一天从完美的通勤开始。
typical:adj.典型的;特有的;象征性的; commute:v.减刑;交换;通勤;代偿;n.通勤(口语);
I wake up, cruise down the lab and say hello to the best morning view ever. 我醒来,穿过实验室, 跟窗外最美的晨间风景道早安。
It's a really fast commute, only 30 seconds, and we never get tired of looking out that window. 通勤的时间很短,只有 30 秒, 但窗外的美景百看不厌,
I think it reminds us that we're actually still very close to Earth. 仿佛在提醒着我们, 家园近在咫尺。
Our crew was the second ever to use the Canadian robotic arm to capture a supply ship the size of a school bus containing about a dozen different experiments and the only chocolate that we would see for the next four months. 我们的团队是第二批 使用加拿大机械臂的, 用它来抓取校车般大小的补给船, 其中装载了 12 套 不同的实验装置, 也带来了我们在未来四个月中 唯一的一批巧克力。
robotic:adj.机器人的,像机器人的;自动的;n.机器人学; capture:v.俘虏;捕获;攻占;夺得;刻画,描述;n.(被)捕获;(被)俘获
Now, chocolate aside, every single one of those experiments enables yet one more scientific question answered that we can't do down here on Earth. 先不说巧克力,每个太空实验 各解答一项科学问题, 而这些实验在地球上是无法进行的。
enables:v.使得; (enable的第三人称单数) scientific:adj.科学的,系统的;
And so, it's like a different lens , allowing us to see the answers to questions like, "What about combustion ?" 就像透过不同的镜头, 我们可以看到一些问题的答案, 比如:“太空中的燃烧过程什么样?”
lens:n.透镜,镜头;晶状体;隐形眼镜;汽车的灯玻璃;v.给…摄影; combustion:n.燃烧,氧化;骚动;
'"What about fluid dynamics ?" “太空中的流体力学什么样?”
fluid:adj.流动的;流畅的;不固定的;n.流体;液体; dynamics:n.动力学,力学;
Now, sleeping is delightful . 睡觉也是一种享受。
My favorite -- I mean, you could be upside down , right side up -- my favorite: curled up in a little ball and floating freely. 你可以上下左右颠倒着睡, 但我最爱蜷缩成一团,随意漂浮。
upside down:adj.颠倒的;乱七八糟的; curled:adj.卷曲的;鬈发的;v.[纸]卷曲;环绕(curl的过去分词);
Laundry ? Nope. 要洗衣服吗?不。
We load our dirty clothes into an empty supply ship and send it off into space. 我们把脏衣服放到空的补给船中, 然后送入太空中。
The bathroom. 卫生间呢?
Everyone wants to know. 大家都想知道。
It's hard to understand, so I made a little video, because I wanted kids to understand that the principle of vacuum saves the day and that just a gentle breeze helps everything go where it is supposed to. 这很难解释,所以我拍了一个视频, 因为我要告诉小朋友, 可以利用真空原理解决这个问题, 只要一阵微风就可以让那些东西 去到该去的地方。
principle:n.原理,原则;主义,道义;本质,本义;根源,源泉; vacuum:n.真空; adj.真空的; v.用真空吸尘器清扫; breeze:n.微风;和风;轻而易举的事;v.轻盈而自信地走; supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式)
Well, in real life it does. 真实生活中, 它们确实会去该去的地方。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Recycling ? Of course. 回收?那当然。
So we take our urine , we store it, we filter it and then we drink it. 我们收集尿液,储存起来, 过滤后饮用。
urine:n.尿; filter:n.滤波器;过滤器;滤光器;滤声器;v.过滤;渗入;(用程序)筛选;缓行;
And it's actually delicious. 其实味道还不错。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Sitting around the table, eating food that looks bad but actually tastes pretty good. 我们常围坐桌边, 吃着看起来不怎么样, 但实际挺美味的食物。
But it's the gathering around the table that's important, 一起围坐在桌边, 对我们是很重要的,
I think both in space and on Earth, because that's what cements a crew together. 不论在太空中还是地球上, 因为这让我们的感情更紧密。
cements:n.[地质]胶结物,[胶粘]粘合剂(cement的复数形式); vt.接合; vi.粘紧,粘牢(cement的三单形式);
For me, music was a way to stay connected to the rest of the world. 音乐是我与世界连接的桥梁,
I played a duet between Earth and space with Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull on the 50th anniversary of human spaceflight . 在人类太空飞行 50 周年那天, 我和杰梭陶尔乐团的伊恩·安德森 进行了一场太空与地球间的双重奏。
duet:n.二重奏;二重唱; spaceflight:n.航天;宇宙飞行;
Connecting to family was so important. 在太空中与家人联系非常重要。
I talked with my family almost every day the whole time I was up there, and I would actually read books to my son as a way for us just to be together. 在太空中,我几乎每天 都会和家人说话, 我也会读书给儿子听, 享受共处的时间。
So important. 这真的很重要。
Now, when the space station would go over Massachusetts, my family would run outside, and they would watch the brightest star sailing across the sky. 太空站飞过马萨诸塞州上空时, 我的家人都会跑到屋外, 看着天空中最亮的 那颗星星划过天空。
And when I looked down, I couldn't see my house, but it meant a lot to me to know that the people I loved the most were looking up while I was looking down. 往下看,我其实看不到我家, 但我知道在俯视时, 最爱的人也在仰视着我, 这对我来说意义重大。
So the space station, for me, is the place where mission and magic come together. 所以太空站对我来说, 是个任务与神奇经历交会的地方。
The mission, the work are vital steps in our quest to go further than our planet and imperative for understanding sustainability here on Earth. 我们的任务是 探索外太空的重要步骤, 对探索地球永续发展意义重大。
vital:adj.至关重要的;生死攸关的;有活力的; quest:n.追求;寻找;vi.追求;寻找;vt.探索; imperative:adj.重要紧急的; n.重要紧急的事; sustainability:n.持续性;永续性;能维持性;
I loved being a part of that, and if I could have taken my family with me, 我热爱这份工作, 如果能把家人一起带到太空,
I never would have come home. 我永远也不会想回家。
And so my view from the station showed me that we are all from the same place. 太空站的视角让我了解到, 我们都来自同一个地方,
We all have our roles to play. 我们都有各自的职责,
Because, the Earth is our ship. 因为地球是我们的宇宙飞船,
Space is our home. 太空是我们的家,
And we are the crew of Spaceship Earth. 而我们都是“地球号宇宙飞船”的宇航员。
Thank you. 谢谢大家。
(Applause) (掌声)