

I'd like to take you to another world. 我将带你们到 另一个世界 去走走。
And I'd like to share a 45 year-old love story with the poor, living on less than one dollar a day. 我想与你们分享 一个持续了45年的 爱情故事 。 这是关于穷人们的故事, 那些人每天的生活费不超多1美元
I went to a very elitist , snobbish , expensive education in India, and that almost destroyed me. 我曾在印度的一个非常优秀,势利, 学费昂贵的学校读书。 这学校几乎毁了我。
elitist:n.优秀人才;杰出人物;adj.优秀人才的;杰出人才的; snobbish:adj.势利的;
I was all set to be a diplomat , teacher, doctor -- all laid out. 万事俱备 我可以去做一名外交家,老师,医生 -- 未来都是设计好的
Then, I don't look it, but I was the Indian national squash champion for three years. 然而,我不喜欢,不过我曾是印度国家壁球比赛 的三连冠!
The whole world was laid out for me. 我的整个世界都是提前安排好的。
Everything was at my feet. 所有的道路都在我的脚下,
I could do nothing wrong. 我不可能出什么错
And then I thought out of curiosity 而就在那时我好奇地想
I'd like to go and live and work and just see what a village is like. 我想去农村生活和工作, 去看看农村是什么样的。
So in 1965, 所以在1965年,
I went to what was called the worst Bihar famine in India, and I saw starvation , death, people dying of hunger, for the first time. 我去了在印度被称为最严重饥荒地区的比哈尔, 我头一次领会了饥荒,死亡, 以及人们饥饿的挣扎。
famine:n.饥荒; starvation:n.饿死;挨饿;绝食;
It changed my life. 这改变了我的生活。
I came back home, told my mother, "I'd like to live and work in a village." 我回到家, 告诉我妈妈, 我想在农村生活和工作。
Mother went into a coma . 我妈妈几乎昏过去了。
'"What is this? 这是什么意思?
The whole world is laid out for you, the best jobs are laid out for you, and you want to go and work in a village? 你的整个世界都为你设计好了,最好的工作也为你准备好了, 你居然现在要去农村工作?
I mean, is there something wrong with you?" 我说,你没有病吧?
I said, "No, I've got the best eduction . 我说, 没有,我得到了最好的教育。
It made me think. 这让我有所思考。
And I wanted to give something back in my own way." 我想做点贡献 以我自己的方式。
'"What do you want to do in a village? 你想在农村做什么?
No job, no money, no security, no prospect ." 没有工作,没有钱, 没有安全保障,没有前途。
I said, "I want to live and dig wells for five years." 我说, 我想在那生活, 并在那挖5年井。
'"Dig wells for five years? “挖5年井?
You went to the most expensive school and college in India, and you want to dig wells for five years?" 你读了印度最贵的学校和大学, 现在你要去挖5年井?
She didn't speak to me for a very long time, because she thought I'd let my family down. 之后很长一段时间里她都拒绝和我说话 因为她认为我给我的家族丢脸了。
But then, 但是之后,
I was exposed to the most extraordinary knowledge and skills that very poor people have, which are never brought into the mainstream -- which is never identified , respected, applied on a large scale . 我看见了那些最贫困人民所拥有的 超乎寻常的知识和技能, 而这些从来都没有被引入到主流体系中过-- 从来没有被发现,被尊重, 以及大规模运用。
exposed:adj.无遮蔽的; v.暴露; (expose的过去分词和过去式) extraordinary:adj.非凡的;特别的;离奇的;临时的;特派的; mainstream:n.主流; identified:v.确认;认出;找到;发现;说明身份;(identify的过去式和过去分词) applied:adj.应用的;实用的;v.应用;使用;申请,请求;(apply的过去分词和过去式) scale:n.规模;比例;鳞;刻度;天平;数值范围;v.衡量;攀登;剥落;生水垢;
And I thought I'd start a Barefoot College -- college only for the poor. 于是我就觉得该建一所赤脚大学 一种只对穷人开放的大学。
What the poor thought was important would be reflected in the college. 穷人认为重要的东西 都能在这个大学里得到反映。
I went to this village for the first time. 我第一次去这个农村。
Elders came to me and said, "Are you running from the police?" 老人们走过来 问我, 你是在躲警察吗?
I said, "No." 我说, 不是。
'"You failed in your exam?" 你考试不及格?
I said, "No." 我说, 不是
'"You didn't get a government job?" I said, "No." 你没有应聘到政府的工作?“ 我说,“也不是。”
'"What are you doing here? “那你在这做什么?
Why are you here? 到这里来干什么?
The education system in India makes you look at Paris and New Delhi and Zurich; what are you doing in this village? 印度的教育系统 让你们这些人都朝巴黎、新德里和苏黎世看齐; 你在这个村落要做什么?
Is there something wrong with you you're not telling us?" 你是不是有什么问题而不愿意给我们说?
I said, "No, I want to actually start a college only for the poor. 我说, 不是,我是想办一个只为穷人 开放的大学。
What the poor thought was important would be reflected in the college." 穷人们认为重要的东西都将在这个大学里面有所反映。
So the elders gave me some very sound and profound advice. 所以那些年迈的人给了我一些明智且有深度的建议。
They said, "Please, don't bring anyone with a degree and qualification into your college." 他们说, 请不要录取 那些有学位和证书的人 到你的大学。
So it's the only college in India where, if you should have a Ph.D. or a Master's, you are disqualified to come. 所以,这是印度唯一一个 如果你有博士或者硕士学位, 你就一定不会被录用的大学。
You have to be a cop-out or a wash-out or a dropout to come to our college. 必须是一个逃学,考试不及格,或者辍学的人 才能来我们大学。
cop-out:n.逃避;自首;站不住脚的借口; wash-out:冲洗;冲刷; dropout:n.退学学生;脱落;信号失落;
You have to work with your hands. 你必须要自己动手
You have to have a dignity of labor. 你必须懂得尊重劳动
You have to show that you have a skill that you can offer to the community and provide a service to the community. 你必须得显现出你有能力造福社会 并为社会提供服务。
So we started the Barefoot College, and we redefined professionalism . 所以我们创办了赤脚大学, 我们重新定义了”专业“这个词
redefined:adj.重新定义的;vt.对…再加以解说;再给…下定义(redefine的过去分词); professionalism:n.专业主义;专家的地位;特性或方法;
Who is a professional? 谁算得上是专业人才
A professional is someone who has a combination of competence , confidence and belief. 一个专业人才是一个 具能力、 信心和信仰于一身的人
combination:n.结合;组合;联合;[化学]化合; competence:n.能力,胜任;权限;作证能力;足以过舒适生活的收入; confidence:n.信心;信任;秘密;adj.(美)诈骗的;骗得信任的;
A water diviner is a professional. 一个用探矿杖探水源的人应该属于专业人才
A traditional midwife is a professional. 一个传统的接生婆 属于专业人才
traditional:传统的,惯例的, midwife:n.助产士;促成因素;vt.助胎儿出生;促成;
A traditional bowl setter is a professional. 一个传统的反射罩安装者也属于专业人才
These are professionals all over the world. 专业人才存在于世界各地。
You find them in any inaccessible village around the world. 你可以在世界任何一个偏远的农村发现他们。
And we thought that these people should come into the mainstream and show that the knowledge and skills that they have is universal . 我们认为这些人应该加入到主流当中, 并证明他们的知识和能力 是具有通用性的
It needs to be used, needs to be applied, needs to be shown to the world outside -- that these knowledge and skills are relevant even today. 这些知识和技能需要被运用起来, 需要展示给外面的世界的人看 -- 这些知识和技能 也甚至与现代社会息息相关。
So the college works following the lifestyle and workstyle of Mahatma Gandhi . 所以这个大学是根据 圣雄甘地的生活和工作方式来运作的。
Mahatma:n.大圣;超人; Gandhi:n.甘地(印度政府,社会和宗教领袖);
You eat on the floor, you sleep on the floor, you work on the floor. 学生在地板上吃饭、睡觉和工作。
There are no contracts , no written contracts. 我们没有合同,没有书面合同。
contracts:n.[经]合同; v.使收缩;
You can stay with me for 20 years, go tomorrow. 你可以跟我在一起呆20年,然后明天就走。
And no one can get more than $100 a month. 没有人能得到超过100美元一个月。
You come for the money, you don't come to Barefoot College. 如果你是为了钱,那么你就别来赤脚大学。
You come for the work and the challenge, you'll come to the Barefoot College. 如果你是为了工作和挑战, 那你就会自然的来我们这里。
That is where we want you to try and create the ideas. 这里是我们让学生尝试和创造新想法的地方
Whatever idea you have, come and try it. 无论你有什么想法,都可以过来试一试。
It doesn't matter if you fail. 就算你失败了也没关系。
Battered , bruised , you start again. 受到打击、创伤之后,你可以重来。
Battered:adj.破旧不堪的;受到重创的;v.连续猛击;殴打;(batter的过去分词和过去式) bruised:v.(使)出现伤痕;撞伤;擦伤;打击;挫伤(bruise的过去分词和过去式)
It's the only college where the teacher is the learner and the learner is the teacher. 这是唯一一所老师是学生, 而学生是老师的大学。
And it's the only college where we don't give a certificate . 这也是唯一一所不授予证书的大学。
You are certified by the community you serve. 你所服务的社区会来评定你。
certified:adj.被证明了的; v.(尤指书面)证明,证实; (certify的过去式和过去分词)
You don't need a paper to hang on the wall to show that you are an engineer. 你不需要挂一张荣誉证书在墙上 以证明你是一个工程师。
So when I said that, they said, "Well show us what is possible. What are you doing? 所以当我说, 有人说, 给我们展示一你的成果和你的工作,如何?
This is all mumbo-jumbo if you can't show it on the ground." 如果你不能拿出实际成果,你做的事都是无意义的。
So we built the first Barefoot College in 1986. 所以我们在1986年创办了第一个 赤脚大学
It was built by 12 Barefoot architects who can't read and write, built on $1.50 a sq. ft. 那是由12个赤脚建筑师建成的, 那些人都不会读书写字, 学校是建在以1.5美元一英尺出售的土地上的。
150 people lived there, worked there. 有150人居住和生活在那里
They got the Aga Khan Award for Architecture in 2002. 他们获得了2002年的Aga Khan建筑奖。
Khan:n.可汗(对最高统治者的尊称);商队客店; Architecture:n.建筑学;建筑风格;建筑式样;架构;
But then they suspected , they thought there was an architect behind it. 但之后评委便开始怀疑,他们认为有一位建筑师在背后支持我们。
I said, "Yes, they made the blueprints , but the Barefoot architects actually constructed the college." 我说, 是的,有人设计了蓝图, 但是是赤脚建筑师亲手建造了这个大学。
blueprints:n.[印刷]蓝图; v.绘…的蓝图; constructed:v.修建;建造;组成;编制,绘制;(construct的过去分词和过去式)
We are the only ones who actually returned the award for $50,000, because they didn't believe us, and we thought that they were actually casting aspersions on the Barefoot architects of Tilonia. 我们最终成了唯一退还了5万美元奖金的获奖人, 因为他们不相信我们 我们认为他们这种做法是对Tilonia地区的 赤脚t建筑师的诽谤
I asked a forester -- high-powered , paper-qualified expert -- 我问过一个森林管理员- 一个有权的、有实际证书的专家--
forester:n.林务官,护林人;森林人,森林居民; high-powered:adj.高性能的;精力充沛的,强有力的;马力大的;
I said, "What can you build in this place?" 我说, 你能在这片土地上建什么?
He had one look at the soil and said, "Forget it. No way. 他叫人看了那的土壤,然后说, 放弃吧,什么也不行。
Not even worth it. 根本不值得尝试
No water, rocky soil." 没有水,土层里有很多岩石。
I was in a bit of a spot. 这答案让我有点难堪。
And I said, "Okay, I'll go to the old man in village and say, 'What should I grow in this spot?'" 于是我说, 那好吧,我再去问问村里的一个老年人 我问,*我可以在这个地方种什么?*
He looked quietly at me and said, "You build this, you build this, you put this, and it'll work." 他静静的看着我,说, 你可以建这个,再建这个,你安装这些,就行了。
This is what it looks like today. 这就是它现在的样子。
Went to the roof, and all the women said, "Clear out. 走到屋顶上去, 所有的女人都会说, 离开这里。
The men should clear out because we don't want to share this technology with the men. 男人必须离开这里,因为我们不想让你们学到这项技术。
This is waterproofing the roof." 这是防水的屋顶。
It is a bit of jaggery, a bit of urens and a bit of other things I don't know. 那是由一些棕榈,荨麻 和其他我不知道的东西制成的。
But it actually doesn't leak . 但是那真东西的不漏水。
Since 1986, it hasn't leaked . 1986年以来,它都没漏过。
This technology, the women will not share with the men. 这项科技,那些女人还是不会给男人分享。
It's the only college which is fully solar electrified . 这是唯一一所 全由太阳能供电的学校
electrified:adj.通电的; v.使电气化; (electrify的过去分词和过去式)
All the power comes from the sun. 所有的能量都是来自于太阳。
45 kilowatt panels on the roof. 屋顶上有45千瓦的光板。
kilowatt:n.[电]千瓦(功率单位); panels:n.面板(panel的复数); v.嵌镶(panel的第三人称单数形式);
And everything works off the sun for the next 25 years. 这里所有东西在没有太阳条件下,都能再工作25年。
So long as the sun shines, we'll have no problem with power. 这些光板寿命和太阳发光时间一样长, 所以我们的供电是没问题的。
So long as:adv.只要;
But the beauty is that is was installed by a priest , a Hindu priest , who's only done eight years of primary schooling -- never been to school, never been to college. 其中最值得称赞的是 这些都是由一个神父, 一个印度神父安装的。 他只读过8年小学 -- 从没上过中学,大学。
installed:v.安装;设置;使就职(install的过去分词和过去式) priest:n.司祭,神父;教士,祭司,僧侣;v.使成为教士;任命…为祭司; Hindu:adj.印度的;印度教的;n.印度人;印度教教徒;
He knows more about solar than anyone I know anywhere in the world guaranteed . 我保证,他知道的太阳能知识, 比我在这世界上认识的任何一个人都多
guaranteed:adj.必然的; v.保证;
Food, if you come to the Barefoot College, is solar cooked. 我们的食物,如果你来赤脚大学看, 都是借助太阳能制作的
But the people who fabricated that solar cooker are women, illiterate women, who actually fabricate the most sophisticated solar cooker. 但是那些编制太阳能炊具的 都是妇女, 都是不识字的妇女。 她们实际上制造的是 最复杂的太阳能炊具。
fabricated:adj.焊接的; v.制造,组装; (fabricate的过去式和过去分词); solar cooker:n.太阳能灶具; illiterate:adj.文盲的;不识字的;没受教育的;n.文盲; sophisticated:adj.复杂的;老练的;见多识广的;水平高的;
It's a parabolic chefless solar cooker. 这是一个抛物形的全自动太阳能炊具。
Unfortunately , they're almost half German, they're so precise . 不幸的是,她们基本算的上是一半的德国人, 她们太精确了
Unfortunately:adv.不幸地; precise:adj.准确的;确切的;精确的;明确的;
You'll never find Indian women so precise. 你永远也不会发现有印度妇女有那么精确。
Absolutely to the last inch, they can make that cooker. 完全的精确到了最后的一英寸, 她们就是做到这点。
And we have 60 meals twice a day of solar cooking. 我们每月有60顿饭,每天2顿 都是靠太阳能做的。
We have a dentist -- she's a grandmother, illiterate, who's a dentist. 我们有一个牙医-- 一个老奶奶,不识字,但是是牙医。
She actually looks after the teeth of 7,000 children. 她实际上负责了 7千名儿童的牙齿问题。
Barefoot technology: this was 1986 -- no engineer, no architect thought of it -- but we are collecting rainwater from the roofs. 赤脚科技: 这是1986年--没有工程师,建筑家考虑过这个-- 但是我们一直用这来收集屋顶的雨水。
Very little water is wasted. 几乎没有水会被浪费掉。
All the roofs are connected underground to a 400,000 liter tank, and no water is wasted. 所有的房顶在地底下都连接着一个 有40万升容量的水槽 没有水被浪费。
If we have four years of drought , we still have water on the campus , because we collect rainwater. 就算我们遭受了4年旱灾,我们校园依然不会缺水, 因为我们一直收集着雨水。
drought:n.干旱;缺乏; campus:n.(大学)校园;大学,大学生活;校园内的草地;
60 percent of children don't go to school, because they have to look after animals -- sheep, goats -- domestic chores. 60%的孩子都不去上学, 因为他们必须要照顾动物-- 绵羊,山羊-- 一些琐碎家务。
So we thought of starting a school at night for the children. 所以我们觉得该为这些孩子开一个 夜间学校。
Because the night schools of Tilonia, over 75,000 children have gone through these night schools. 因为有了Tilonia夜校, 超过7万5千个学生都进入了这些学校学习。
Because it's for the convenience of the child; it's not for the convenience of the teacher. 因为这能给孩子带来方便; 这不是给予老师便利。
And what do we teach in these schools? 我们在这些学校都教什么呢?
Democracy , citizenship , how you should measure your land, what you should do if you're arrested, what you should do if your animal is sick. 民主、公民权, 如何测量土地, 被捕之后应该如何做, 动物生病了应该做什么。
Democracy:n.民主,民主主义;民主政治; citizenship:n.[法]公民身份,公民资格;国籍;公民权;
This is what we teach in the night schools. 这就是我们在夜校教书的内容。
But all the schools are solar-lit. 所有的学校都是太阳能照明的,
Every five years we have an election. 每五年 我们都有一场选举。
Between six to 14 year-old children participate in a democratic process , and they elect a prime minister . 6到14岁的孩子们 会参加一次民主选举, 他们要选出一个“总理”。
participate:v.参加;参与; democratic:adj.民主的;民主政治的;大众的; process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的; prime minister:n.首相;总理;
The prime minister is 12 years old. 现在的总理是12岁。
She looks after 20 goats in the morning, but she's prime minister in the evening. 她白天要照看20只羊, 但是到了晚上,她就是“总理”。
She has a cabinet , a minister of education, a minister for energy, a minister for health. 她有一个内阁, 由一个教育部长,能源部长,以及卫生部长组成。
And they actually monitor and supervise 150 schools for 7,000 children. 他们实际上监管着 150所学校的7千个孩子。
She got the World's Children's Prize five years ago, and she went to Sweden. 她5年前获得了世界儿童奖, 那年她去了瑞典。
First time ever going out of her village. 这是她第一次离开她的村庄。
Never seen Sweden. 从没见过瑞典。
Wasn't dazzled at all by what was happening. 但也并不惊异于那里所发生的事情。
And the Queen of Sweden, who's there, turned to me and said, "Can you ask this child where she got her confidence from? 我们一起的还有瑞典的皇后, 皇后转过来对我说, 你能帮我问问这个孩子她哪里来的勇气吗?
She's only 12 years old, and she's not dazzled by anything." 她只有12岁, 但她对周围的事情却并不感到害怕。“
And the girl, who's on her left, turned to me and looked at the queen straight in the eye and said, "Please tell her I'm the prime minister." 站在她左边的女孩 转过来直视着女王的眼睛, 说到,”请告诉她,我是总理。“
(Applause) 鼓掌
Where the percentage of illiteracy is very high, we use puppetry . 在文盲率很高的地方, 我们都用木偶。
percentage:n.百分比;百分率;利润的分成;提成; illiteracy:n.文盲;无知; puppetry:n.木偶;木偶戏;傀儡;
Puppets is the way we communicate. 木偶是我们的交流工具。
You have Jaokim Chacha who is 300 years old. 这有Jaokim Chacha, 他已经300岁了
He is my psychoanalyst . He is my teacher. 他是我的精神分析学家。他也是我的老师。
He's my doctor. He's my lawyer. 他是我的医生。他也是我的律师
He's my donor . 他是我的捐赠人
He actually raises money, solves my disputes . 他真的能筹钱、 解决纷争。
He solves my problems in the village. 他常解决我在村里的问题
If there's tension in the village, if attendance at the schools goes down and there's a friction between the teacher and the parent, the puppet calls the teacher and the parent in front of the whole village and says, "Shake hands. 如果村里有了纷争, 如果学校学生出勤率下降了 如果老师和家长间产生了矛盾, 木偶就会叫老师和家长来,当着全村的面, 说,”握手吧。
tension:n.张力;拉伸;矛盾;紧张局势(或关系,状况);v.绷紧; attendance:n.出席;到场;出席人数; friction:n.摩擦,[力]摩擦力;
The attendance must not drop." 出勤率不能降。“
These puppets are made out of recycled World Bank reports. 这些木偶 是拿废弃的世界银行报告纸做的。
recycled:n.再生纸;回收站;adj.[环境]回收利用的;可循环再造的; World Bank:n.世界银行(向处于困境需要资助的成员国贷款的国际机构);
(Applause) 鼓掌
So this decentralized , demystified approach of solar electrifying villages, we've covered all over India from Ladakh up to Bhutan -- all solar electrified villages by people who have been trained. 所以太阳能发电村庄的这种权力下放, 无神秘性的运作方式, 我们已经覆盖到了整个印度 从拉达克到不丹 所有的太阳能发电村落 都是由受过培训的村民自己完成的。
decentralized:adj.分散的; vt.使分散; demystified:v.使明白易懂;深入浅出地解释;(demystify的过去分词和过去式) approach:n.方法;路径;v.接近;建议;着手处理; electrifying:adj.令人振奋的; n.毛绒电光整理; v.使充电;
And we went to Ladakh, and we asked this woman -- this, at minus 40, you have to come out of the roof, because there's no place, it was all snowed up on both sides -- and we asked this woman, "What was the benefit you had from solar electricity ?" 我们去了拉达克 我们问了这个妇女-- 这里,零下40度, 你不得不走出房屋 因为,没地方了,两边都是雪 我们问这个妇女, 你从太阳能发电中 得到了什么?
minus:prep.减,减去;n.负号,减号;不足;负数;adj.减的;负的; electricity:n.电力;电流;强烈的紧张情绪;
And she thought for a minute and said, "It's the first time I can see my husband's face in winter." 她思考了一分钟,说 这是我第一次能在冬天,见到我丈夫的脸。
for a minute:一会儿;
Went to Afghanistan . 去阿富汗。
One lesson we learned in India was men are untrainable. 我们在印度学到的一件事是 男人都是没办法教的。
Men are restless , men are ambitious , men are compulsively mobile , and they all want a certificate. 男人很狂躁, 也很有抱负, 男人很喜欢到处跑, 他们都想得到文凭。
restless:adj.焦躁不安的;不安宁的;得不到满足的; ambitious:adj.野心勃勃的;有雄心的;热望的;炫耀的; compulsively:adv.强制地,强迫地; mobile:n.手机;汽车;移动电话;adj.活跃的;可动的;
All across the globe, you have this tendency of men wanting a certificate. 放眼全球,都有这种趋势, 就是男人都想要证书。
Why? Because they want to leave the village and go to a city, looking for a job. 为什么,因为他们想要离开农村 去城市,找工作。
So we came up with a great solution : train grandmothers. 所以我们想到了一个很好的解决办法: 训练老奶奶们。
What's the best way of communicating in the world today? 现在世上最好的 交流方式是什么?
Television? No. 电视?不是。
Telegraph ? No. 电报?不是。
Telephone? No. 电话?也不是。
Tell a woman. 是告诉女人
(Applause) 鼓掌
So we went to Afghanistan for the first time, and we picked three women and said, "We want to take them to India." 所以我们第一次去了阿富汗, 我们选了3个妇女, 说, 我们想带她们去印度。
They said, "Impossible. They don't even go out of their rooms, and you want to take them to India." 他们说, 不可能,她们甚至不会出家门的, 你还幻想带去印度。
I said, "I'll make a concession . I'll take the husbands along as well." 我说,”我会妥协的,把她们丈夫也带上吧。“
So I took the husbands along. 所以我也带上了丈夫。
Of course, the women were much more intelligent than the men. 当然,那些女人要比她们丈夫聪明多了。
In six months, how do we change these women? 6个月的时间, 要怎么改变这些妇女呢?
Sign language . 手语。
Sign language:n.手势语;
You don't choose the written word. 不用书面语言。
You don't choose the spoken word . 不用口头语言。
spoken word:n.口头说的话;
You use sign language. 只比划手势。
And in six months they can become solar engineers. 6个月之后, 她们就能成为太阳能工程师。
They go back and solar electrify their own village. 她们回家,用太阳能使村庄都用上了电。
This woman went back and solar electrified the first village, set up a workshop -- the first village ever to be solar electrified in Afghanistan 这个妇女回去 用太阳能供给了第一个村落, 建立了一个工作坊-- 阿富汗第一个用太阳能供电的村庄
[was] by the three women. 是由这3个妇女亲手建起来的。
This woman is an extraordinary grandmother. 这个妇女 是一个非凡的奶奶。
55 years old, and she's solar electrified 200 houses for me in Afghanistan. 55岁,她在阿富汗帮我用太阳能供给了200个房子。
And they haven't collapsed . 这些一直都没被损坏。
She actually went and spoke to an engineering department in Afghanistan and told the head of the department the difference between AC and DC. 她事实上曾与阿富汗工程部的人交流过, 她甚至告诉他们部长 AC和DC两种电源的区别。
He didn't know. 那个部长不知道这个。
Those three women have trained 27 more women and solar electrified 100 villages in Afghanistan. 那三个妇女已经训练了另外27妇女 并且用太阳能供电供给了阿富汗的100个村子。
We went to Africa, and we did the same thing. 我们去了非洲, 做了同样的事。
All these women sitting at one table from eight, nine countries, all chatting to each other, not understanding a word, because they're all speaking a different language. 这些坐在桌前的妇女来自8、9个不同的国家, 她们在相互对话,尽管没有人能理解对方, 因为她们说的都是不同的语言。
But their body language is great. 但是他们的身体语言很棒。
body language:n.身势语;
They're speaking to each other and actually becoming solar engineers. 他们相互交流 正渐渐变成太阳能工程师。
I went to Sierra Leone , and there was this minister driving down in the dead of night -- comes across this village. 我去了塞拉利昂 有个部长深夜开车-- 穿过了这个村庄。
Sierra:n.(尤指西班牙和美洲的)锯齿状山脉; Leone:n.利昂(塞拉利昂货币单位);
Comes back, goes into the village, says, "Well what's the story?" 又开回来,进了村子, 这里发了什么?
They said, "These two grandmothers ... " 他们说, 这两个老奶奶...
'"Grandmothers?" The minister couldn't believe what was happening. 老奶奶? 这个部长不相信这里发生的一切。
'"Where did they go?" "Went to India and back." ”他们以前去哪里了?“ 去了印度,又回来了。
Went straight to the president. 那部长直接找到了总统。
He said, "Do you know there's a solar electrified village in Sierra Leone?" 他说:“你知道塞拉利昂有个太阳能发电的村庄吗?”
He said, "No." Half the cabinet went to see the grandmothers the next day. 总统说, 不知道。 于是一半的内阁人员就在第二天去看了那里。
'"What's the story." 怎么回事。
So he summoned me and said, "Can you train me 150 grandmothers?" 所以总统传唤了我,说, 你能帮我再培养150名老奶奶吗?
I said, "I can't, Mr. President. 我说,”总统先生,我不能。
But they will. The grandmothers will." 但是她们可以,这几个老奶奶可以。
So he built me the first Barefoot training center in Sierra Leone. 之后总统为我在Sierra Leone修建了第一个赤足培训中心。
And 150 grandmothers have been trained in Sierra Leone. 有150名老奶奶在那接受训练。
Gambia: we went to select a grandmother in Gambia. 冈比亚地区: 我们在冈比亚挑选了一个老奶奶。
Went to this village. 去了这个村庄。
I knew which woman I would like to take. 我知道哪一个妇女我想带走。
The community got together and said, "Take these two women." 社区管理人把大家都组织起来,说, 带走这两位妇女吧。
I said, "No, I want to take this woman." 我说, 不,我想带走这位。
They said, "Why? She doesn't know the language. You don't know her." 他们说, 为什么?她不懂语言,你们也不了解她啊。
I said, "I like the body language. I like the way she speaks." 我说,”我喜欢她的肢体语言,我喜欢她说话的方式。“
'"Difficult husband; not possible." 她有一个难缠的丈夫;不可能。
Called the husband, the husband came, swaggering , politician , mobile in his hand. "Not possible." 他们叫丈夫,丈夫来了, 大摇大摆的,是个政客,手里拿着手机。 不可能。
swaggering:v.神气十足地走;大摇大摆地走;(swagger的现在分词) politician:n.政治家;(蔑)政客;(美)政治贩;
'"Why not?" "The woman, look how beautiful she is." 为什么不行? 这个女人,看她有多么美丽。
I said, "Yeah, she is very beautiful." 我说, 是啊,她很美丽。
'"What happens if she runs off with an Indian man?" 要是她和一个印度人私奔了怎么办?
That was his biggest fear. 那是他最大的担心。
I said, "She'll be happy. She'll ring you up on the mobile." 我说, 她会很高兴的。她应该会给你打电话的。
She went like a grandmother and came back like a tiger. 她走的时候是一个典型的奶奶 回去后就成了一个”老虎“。
She walked out of the plane and spoke to the whole press as if she was a veteran . 她走下飞机 像一个老兵似地对媒体发表言论。
veteran:n.老兵; adj.(尤指军事方面)老练的;
She handled the national press, and she was a star. 她成功应付了全国媒体机构, 她成为了一个明星。
And when I went back six months later, I said, "Where's your husband?" 当我6个月后再去那时,我问,“你丈夫呢?“
'"Oh, somewhere. It doesn't matter." 噢,谁知道在哪儿,这并不重要。
Success story . 成功典范。
Success story:n.获得巨大成功的人(或事物);
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I'll just wind up by saying that I think you don't have to look for solutions outside. 最后,我想说 我认为你们不用去外面找解决问题的方法。
Look for solutions within. 要从内部去寻找。
And listen to people that have the solutions in front of you. 要学会倾听你面前有解决方法人。
They're all over the world. 他们存在于世界各地。
Don't even worry. 不要担心。
Don't listen to the World Bank, listen to the people on the ground. 不要听信世界银行,要相信生活在一线的人民。
They have all the solutions in the world. 他们能解决这个世界上所有问题。
I'll end with a quotation by Mahatma Gandhi. 我将以圣雄甘地的一句话作为结尾。
'"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, and then you win." 最开始,他们忽视你, 之后会嘲笑你, 然后与你斗争, 最终,你会胜利。
Thank you. 谢谢。
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