

Hello, everyone. 大家好。
And so the two of us are here to give you an example of creation . 今天我们俩将为大家展示一项创作。
And I'm going to be folding one of Robert Lang's models. 我将把罗伯特朗的其中一个模型完整地重现在大家的面前。
And this is the piece of paper it will be made from, and you can see all of the folds that are needed for it. 就用这张纸。 所有的褶痕你都看得见。
And Rufus is going to be doing some improvisation on his custom, five-string electric cello , and it's very exciting to listen to him. 而在此期间,鲁弗斯将为大家做一些即兴的创作。 他的拿手好戏,五弦电子大提琴演奏。 值得一听!
improvisation:n.即兴创作;即兴演奏; electric:n.供电;adj.电的;用电的;电动的;发电的; cello:n.大提琴;
Are you ready to go? OK. 准备好了吗?要开始咯!
Just to make it a little bit more exciting. 为了让这一切更有趣……
All right. Take it away Rufus. 好了,鲁弗斯,把它拿走
(Music) (音乐)
All right. There you go. 好了,开始咯!
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (鼓掌)