

In the year 1919, a virtually unknown German mathematician named Theodor Kaluza suggested a very bold and, in some ways, a very bizarre idea. 在1919年, 一位显为人知名叫“西奥多?卡鲁扎”的德国数学家 提出了一个大胆,甚至有些异乎寻常的猜想。
virtually:adv.事实上,几乎;实质上; mathematician:n.数学家;善作数字计算的人; bold:adj.大胆的,英勇的;黑体的;厚颜无耻的;险峻的; bizarre:adj.奇异的(指态度,容貌,款式等);
He proposed that our universe might actually have more than the three dimensions that we are all aware of. 他认为在我们的宇宙 可能实际上包含不只三个维度 并非像我们一贯所认为的那样。
proposed:adj.建议的;推荐的;v.提议;建议;计划;求婚;(propose的过去分词和过去式) dimensions:n.规模,大小;
That is in addition to left, right, back, forth and up, down, 除了我们熟悉的左和右,前与后,上跟下外,
in addition to:除…之外;
Kaluza proposed that there might be additional dimensions of space that for some reason we don't yet see. “卡鲁扎”认为空间里可能包含有额外的维度 只是因为某些特殊原因,我们还无法认知。
Now, when someone makes a bold and bizarre idea, sometimes that's all it is -- bold and bizarre, but it has nothing to do with the world around us. 当一个人有了大胆怪异的猜想, 我们通常只会关注其大胆和古怪的部分, 而这部分和我们存在的现实世界是毫无关联的。
This particular idea, however -- although we don't yet know whether it's right or wrong, and at the end I'll discuss experiments which, in the next few years, may tell us whether it's right or wrong -- 但是这一次,面对于这个猜想-- 虽然我们还不知道它的正确与否, 之后我会谈谈一些会在未来几年里进行的实验, 可能会证实它的真伪--
this idea has had a major impact on physics in the last century and continues to inform a lot of cutting-edge research. 这个猜想在上个世纪已经给物理学界带来了重大冲击 毫无疑问,它会进一步推动大量前沿学科的研究。
impact:n.影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力;v.挤入,压紧;撞击;对…产生影响; inform:v.通知;告诉;报告;告发;告密; cutting-edge:n.(刀片的)刃口;尖端;前沿;adj.先进的,尖端的;
So I'd like to tell you something about the story of these extra dimensions. 所以,我想借此机会与你一起探讨一下这些“额外的维度”。
So where do we go? 我们从哪里开始好呢?
To begin we need a little bit of back story. Go to 1907. 先让我们谈一些背景知识吧。话说1907年,
This is a year when Einstein is basking in the glow of having discovered the special theory of relativity and decides to take on a new project -- to try to understand fully the grand, pervasive force of gravity. 那年“爱因斯坦”已经成功地 发现了狭义相对论 并且正计划开启一个新的课题研究-- 进一步深入地发掘被大家普遍认知的重力的由来。
basking:v.晒太阳;取暖;(bask的现在分词) glow:n.喜悦; v.发热; relativity:n.相对论;相关性;相对性; pervasive:adj.普遍的;到处渗透的;流行的;
And in that moment, there are many people around who thought that that project had already been resolved . 那时,很多人 认为该课题早已被攻克了。
resolved:adj.下定决心; v.解决; (resolve的过去分词和过去式)
Newton had given the world a theory of gravity in the late 1600s that works well, describes the motion of planets, the motion of the moon and so forth, “牛顿”已经在17世纪末提出了重力理论 该理论可以正确地描述了星球间的运动, 月亮的运动等等,
Newton:n.牛顿(英国科学家);牛顿(力的单位); describes:v.描述;形容;把…称为;画出…图形;(describe的第三人称单数) motion:n.动作;移动;手势;请求;意向;议案;v.运动;打手势;
the motion of apocryphal of apples falling from trees, hitting people on the head. 但这个导致苹果坠落的令人质疑的运动, 一直困扰着大家。
All of that could be described using Newton's work. 虽然这些运动都可以运用牛顿理论来描述,
But Einstein realized that Newton had left something out of the story, because even Newton had written that although he understood how to calculate the effect of gravity, he'd been unable to figure out how it really works. 但是“爱因斯坦”意识到“牛顿”遗留下了一些未解的东西, 甚至“牛顿”本人也提到 虽然他明白如何计算“重力”的影响, 但是他无法真切地了解“重力”究竟是如何工作的。
How is it that the Sun, 93 million miles away, somehow it affects the motion of the earth? 为什么距离地球9千3百万英里外的太阳, 可以影响到地球的运动?
How does the Sun reach out across empty inert space and exert influence ? 太阳是如何超越空旷无极的宇宙来施展它的魔力?
inert:adj.[化学]惰性的;呆滞的;迟缓的;无效的; exert:v.施加;努力;运用;行使; influence:n.影响;势力;感化;有影响的人或事;v.影响;改变;
And that is a task to which Einstein set himself -- to figure out how gravity works. 这恰恰是“爱因斯坦”想探讨地-- 究竟“重力”是从何而来。
And let me show you what it is that he found. 让我们来看看他究竟发现了什么。
So Einstein found that the medium that transmits gravity is space itself. “爱因斯坦”发现 传递“重力”的媒介其实就是空间本身。
medium:n.(传播信息的)媒介;手段;工具;方法;adj.中等的;中号的; transmits:v.传送;发射;播送;传播;传染;(transmit的第三人称单数)
The idea goes like this: imagine space is a substrate of all there is. 他的观点是这样的: 想象空间是承载万物的本源。
Einstein said space is nice and flat, if there's no matter present. “爱因斯坦”认为在没有任何物质存在的情况下,空间是细致扁平的。
But if there is matter in the environment, such as the Sun, it causes the fabric of space to warp , to curve . 但在有物质存在的情况下, 比如说太阳, 它会导致这个类似织布的空间扭曲。
fabric:n.织物;布料;(社会,机构等的)结构; warp:v.弯曲;(使)扭曲,变形;使乖戾;n.(织布机上的)经线,经纱 curve:n.曲线;弯曲;曲面;弧线;v.(使)沿曲线移动;呈曲线形;
And that communicates the force of gravity. 而这导致了“重力”的产生。
Even the earth warps space around it. 地球同样会扭曲在它四周的空间。
warps:n.[纺]经纱(warp的复数); v.弄歪;
Now look at the moon. 你看月亮。
The moon is kept in orbit , according to these ideas, because it rolls along a valley in the curved environment that the sun and the moon and the earth can all create by virtue of their presence . 根据这个想法,月亮之所以能保持在它的轨道上, 是因为它沿着曲面的内测旋转 太阳,地球,月亮间的影响力均是因为它们本身的存在而产生的。
orbit:n.轨道;眼眶;势力范围;生活常规;vi.盘旋;绕轨道运行;vt.绕…轨道而行; according to:根据,据说; curved:adj.呈弯曲状的; v.(使)沿曲线运动; by virtue of:由于,凭借; presence:n.存在;出席;参加;风度;仪态;
We go to a full-frame view of this. 我们来总体看一下。
The earth itself is kept in orbit because it rolls along a valley in the environment that's curved because of the sun's presence. 地球之所以保持在其轨道上 是因为它旋转的曲面是 太阳的存在而产生的。
That is this new idea about how gravity actually works. 这是一个崭新的关于“重力”由来的观点。
Now, this idea was tested in 1919 through astronomical observations . 随后,这个观点在1919年通过天文观测被肯定。
astronomical:adj.天文的,天文学的;极大的; observations:n.观察,观察值;观察结果;(observation的复数形式);
It really works. It describes the data. 这个观点能够正确的解释相关的数据。
And this gained Einstein prominence around the world. 这使得“爱因斯坦”在世界上名声大震。
And that is what got Kaluza thinking. 而这也促使了“卡鲁扎”去思考。
He, like Einstein, was in search of what we call a " unified theory." 他和“爱因斯坦”一样,也在寻找我们称之的“统一理论”。
That's one theory that might be able to describe all of nature's forces from one set of ideas, one set of principles , one master equation , if you will. 一个理论 能够用来描述所有自然间的作用力,可以是一整套观点, 一整套法则,或者一条主宰万物的等式,用你的话来说。
principles:n.原则;主义;本质;政策;(principle的复数) equation:n.方程式,等式;相等;[化学]反应式;
So Kaluza said to himself, 所以“卡鲁扎”自认为,
Einstein has been able to describe gravity in terms of warps and curves in space -- in fact, space and time, to be more precise . “爱因斯坦”能够用扭曲的空间来 描述“重力”-- 更精确的来说,用空间和时间。
curves:n.曲线; v.(使)沿曲线运动; (curve的第三人称单数和复数) precise:adj.准确的;确切的;精确的;明确的;
Maybe I can play the same game with the other known force, which was, at that time, known as the electromagnetic force -- we know of others today, but at that time that was the only other one people were thinking about. 也许我也可以用相同的方式来描述其他已知的作用力, 也就是当时已经被认知的电磁力-- 今天我们知道有更多的作用力,但在那个时期 电磁力是另一个唯一被大众所思索的。
You know, the force responsible for electricity and magnetic attraction and so forth. 你看,这种作用力反应了电场 和磁场的相互作用。
responsible:adj.负责的,可靠的;有责任的; electricity:n.电力;电流;强烈的紧张情绪;
So Kaluza says, maybe I can play the same game and describe electromagnetic force in terms of warps and curves. 所以“卡鲁扎”认为,也许我可以用相同的方式 同样以“扭曲”为基点来描述电磁力。
That raised a question: warps and curves in what? 于是就有了进一步的问题:“扭曲”的依托是什么?
Einstein had already used up space and time, warps and curves, to describe gravity. “爱因斯坦”已经借用了空间和时间, 并以其“扭曲”的结果来描述重力。
There didn't seem to be anything else to warp or curve. 似乎没有什么别的什么依托对象来实施“扭曲”了。
So Kaluza said, well, maybe there are more dimensions of space. 于是“卡鲁扎”想,这样吧,也许空间里包含有更多的维度。
He said, if I want to describe one more force, maybe I need one more dimension. 他想,如果我要描述另一个作用力, 也许我需要增加一个维度。
So he imagined that the world had four dimensions of space, not three, and imagined that electromagnetism was warps and curves in that fourth dimension . Now here's the thing: 所以他想象这个世界是由四个维度的空间组成,而不是三个, 并且电磁力的作用是在第四维度上 的“扭曲”而产生的。请注意这里:
electromagnetism:n.电磁;电磁学; fourth dimension:n.第四维;非常人的体验;
when he wrote down the equations describing warps and curves in a universe with four space dimensions, not three, he found the old equations that Einstein had already derived in three dimensions -- those were for gravity -- but he found one more equation because of the one more dimension. 当他在写方程式组来描述四度空间的“扭曲”, 不再是三度空间的时候, 他发现“爱因斯坦”以三度空间为模型构建的方程式组-- 就是用来描述重力的-- 因其添加了额外的一维空间而增加了一个方程式。
equations:n.方程式;等式;均等;均势(equation的复数形式); describing:v.描述;形容;把…称为;做…运动;(describe的现在分词) derived:adj.导出的;衍生的,派生的;v.得到;推断(derive的过去分词);由…而来;
And when he looked at that equation. 当他查看这个方程式时,
It was none other than the equation that scientists had long known to describe the electromagnetic force. 发现没有别的方程式 被其他的科学家用来描述这个被熟知的电磁力。
Amazing -- it just popped out. 太奇妙了--就这样被发现了。
He was so excited by this realization that he ran around his house screaming, "Victory!" -- that he had found the unified theory. 对于这个发现,他万分激动 他围绕着房子边跑边叫,“成功喽!”-- 他已经发现了“统一理论”。
Now clearly, Kaluza was a man who took theory very seriously. 很明显,“卡鲁扎”极为地偏重“理论”。
He, in fact -- there is a story that when he wanted to learn how to swim, he read a book, a treatise on swimming -- 他,实际上-- 有一个故事,当他想要学习游泳的时候, 他读了本论述游泳的书--
(Laughter) (大笑声)
- then dove into the ocean. -然后就跳到海里去了。
This is a man who would risk his life on theory. 他就是这种将生命系于理论的人。
Now, but for those of us who are a little bit more practically-minded, two questions immediately arise from his observation. 你看,想我们这些稍微有些实践头脑的人, 就他的研究上,两个问题会立即产生。
Number one: if there are more dimensions in space, where are they? 第一个问题:如果空间中含有额外的维度,它们在哪里?
We don't seem to see them. 似乎我们并没有观察到。
And number two: does this theory really work in detail, when you try to apply it to the world around us? 第二个问题:这个理论确实能真实详尽地 应用于我们的世界么?
Now the first question was answered in 1926 by a fellow named Oskar Klein. 第一个问题在1926年被 一个名叫“奥斯卡 克莱恩”的回答了。
He suggested that dimensions might come in two varieties -- there might be big, easy-to-see dimensions, but there might also be tiny, curled-up dimensions, 他认为维度可能以两种形式存在-- 一种维度可能很大,很容易被认知, 另一种可能很小,卷曲在一起的维度,
curled up so small, even though they're all around us, that we don't see them. 因为卷曲得太小了,虽然存在于我们周围, 但我们无法认知。
Let me show you that one visually . 请看这里的图像演示。
So imagine you're looking at something like a cable supporting a traffic light . 设想你正在关注 一根支持交通灯的钢缆。
cable:n.电缆; v.打电报; (用锚链,缆索等)系住; traffic light:交通灯
It's in Manhattan. You're in Central Park -- it's kind of irrelevant -- but the cable looks one dimensional from a distant viewpoint , but you and I all know that it does have some thickness . 是在曼哈顿。你正在中央公园-- 好像跑题了-- 从远处看,钢缆貌似是一维的, 但大家都知道钢缆是有粗细之分的。
irrelevant:adj.不相干的;不切题的; dimensional:adj.空间的;尺寸的; distant:adj.遥远的;远处的;久远的; viewpoint:n.观点;角度;看法; thickness:n.厚度;层;浓度;含混不清;
It's very hard to see it, though, from far away. 虽然从远处来看是非常难辩认的。
But if we zoom in and take the perspective of, say, a little ant walking around -- little ants are so small that they can access all of the dimensions -- the long dimension, but also this clockwise, counter-clockwise direction. 但如果我们聚焦来看,比如, 一只小蚂蚁在上面爬行着-- 因为蚂蚁的微小,它可以穿越不同的维度-- 长的维度, 同样顺时针和逆时针的方向。
perspective:n.观点;远景;透视图;adj.透视的; counter-clockwise:adj.逆时针方向的;
And I hope you appreciate this. 同时,我希望你们能感激我们所做的。
It took so long to get these ants to do this. 我们费了很大功夫才让蚂蚁做到了这些。
(Laughter) (大笑声)
But this illustrates the fact that dimensions can be of two sorts: big and small. And the idea that maybe the big dimensions around us are the ones that we can easily see, 但这却阐明了维度可以有两种类型的事实: 大的和小的。 大的维度就存在于我们的周围 我们可以轻易的识别,
but there might be additional dimensions curled up, sort of like the circular part of that cable, so small that they have so far remained invisible . 但也可能存在有额外的卷曲维度, 就像钢缆的柱面, 因为过于微小而未被发掘。
circular:adj.圆形的; n.(同时送达很多人的)印刷信函(或通知、广告); invisible:adj.看不见的;n.看不见的人或物;
Let me show you what that would look like. 让我们来看看它可能的形状。
So if we take a look, say, at space itself -- 如果我们要看空间本身--
I can only show, of course, two dimensions on a screen. 当然,在屏幕上只能显示两个维度。
Some of you guys will fix that one day, but anything that's not flat on a screen is a new dimension, goes smaller, smaller, smaller, and way down in the microscopic depths of space itself -- this is the idea: you could have additional curled up dimensions. 将来你们之中的一些人会解决这个问题, 当然任何不处于平面上的部分是在一个新的维度上, 让我们深入,深入,再深入, 一直深入到细微的空间本身-- 这里是关键: 空间里可以包含额外的卷曲维度。
Here is a little shape of a circle -- so small that we don't see them. 这就是小圆环--因为太小了所以我们无法观察到。
But if you were a little ultra microscopic ant walking around, you could walk in the big dimensions that we all know about -- that's like the grid part -- 但如果你是超微小的爬行蚂蚁, 你既可以在我们公认的大维度上爬行-- 就像在这些格子里--
ultra:adj.极端的;过分的;n.极端主义者;过激论者;急进论者; grid:n.网格;格子,栅格;输电网;
but you could also access the tiny curled-up dimension that's so small that we can't see it with the naked eye or even with any of our most refined equipment. 也可以在微小的卷曲维度里自由进出 因为它实在太微小了,我们无法用肉眼直接看到 甚至用我们最精良的仪器也无法观测到。
naked:adj.裸体的;无装饰的;无证据的;直率的; refined:adj.精制的; v.精炼;
But deeply tucked into the fabric of space itself, the idea is there could be more dimensions, as we see there. 但当深入到类似织布的空间本身, 可能会存在更多的维度,正像我们刚才看到的。
Now that's an explanation about how the universe could have more dimensions than the ones that we see. 而这就是解释 为什么宇宙中能够包含有更多的维度而并非我们所习惯认知的。
But what about the second question that I asked: does the theory actually work when you try to apply it to the real world? 那么对于我刚才提出的第二个问题: 这个理论能够 被运用于实践么?
Well, it turns out that Einstein and Kaluza and many others worked on trying to refine this framework and apply it to the physics of the universe as was understood at the time, and in detail it didn't work. 其实,“爱因斯坦”,“卡鲁扎”以及其他 致力于优化这个体系 并试图将其应用于当时被认知到的宇宙物理学, 发现在细微处该理论并不能反应现状。
In detail, for instance , they couldn't get the mass of the electron to work out correctly in this theory. 在细微处,比如说, 他们无法得到与理论计算 相一致的电子数。
instance:n.实例;情况;建议;v.举...为例; mass:n.块,团; adj.群众的,民众的; v.聚集起来,聚集; electron:n.电子;
So many people worked on it, but by the 40s, certainly by the 50s, this strange but very compelling idea of how to unify the laws of physics had gone away. 曾经很多人致力于此研究,但从40年代,确切地说50年代起, 这个奇怪但引人入胜的课题 关于如何统一物理学法则的想法没落了。
compelling:adj.引人入胜的; v.强迫; (compel的现在分词) unify:vt.统一;使相同,使一致;
Until something wonderful happened in our age. 直到在我们这个年代,一些奇妙的事情发生了。
In our era , a new approach to unify the laws of physics is being pursued by physicists such as myself, many others around the world, it's called Superstring Theory, as you were indicating . 在我们的时代,物理学家们正在尝试用一种新的理论 来统一物理学,这其中包括我 也包括世界各地的物理学家 这种理论被称作“超弦理论”
era:n.新时期;纪元;年代;新时代; approach:n.方法;路径;v.接近;建议;着手处理; pursued:v.追击,追踪;继续从事(pursue的过去分词形式); physicists:n.物理学家;机械唯物论者(physicist的复数); Superstring:n.超弦; indicating:v.表明;显示;象征;暗示;(indicate的现在分词)
And the wonderful thing is that superstring theory has nothing to do at first sight with this idea of extra dimensions, but when we study superstring theory, we find that it resurrects the idea in a sparkling new form. “超弦理论”奇妙之处在于 乍一看它和多维度并没有什么关系 但是当我们深入研究“超弦理论”的时候 我们发现它以一种崭新的方式使这个理念得以复苏
at first sight:乍一看;初看之下; resurrects:vt.使复活;复兴;挖出;vi.复活; sparkling:adj.闪亮的; v.闪耀; (sparkle的现在分词)
So let me just tell you how that goes. 下面让我来解释其中的道理
Superstring theory -- what is it? 什么是“超弦理论”?
Well, it's a theory that tries to answer the question: what are the basic fundamental indivisible uncuttable constituents making up everything in the world around us? 它是一个试图回答以下问题的理论 在这个世界上,围绕着我们的万事万物都是由什么样的 最基本的,不可再分的成分组成的?
fundamental:n.基础; adj.十分重大的; indivisible:adj.不能分割的;[数]除不尽的;n.不可分割之事物;极微小物; uncuttable:不可切的; constituents:n.构成要素;选民;成分;(constituent的复数)
The idea is like this. 这个理论的观点是
So imagine we look at a familiar object, just a candle in a holder , and imagine that we want to figure out what it is made of. 现在来想象一下我们观察一个熟悉的物体,一个烛托里的蜡烛 接着想象我们试图弄明白它的构成
familiar:adj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的;n.常客;密友; holder:n.持有人;所有人;固定器;(台,架等)支持物;
So we go on a journey deep inside the object and examine the constituents. 于是我们展开一段旅程,进入到这个物体的深处来研究它的构成
So deep inside -- we all know you go sufficiently far down, you have atoms . 我们到了内部足够深的地方,你看到了原子
sufficiently:adv.充分地;足够地; atoms:n.[物]原子(atom的复数);
We also all know that atoms are not the end of the story. 我们也知道原子并不是最小的单位
They have little electrons that swarm around a central nucleus with neutrons and protons . 我们看到微小的电子紧紧地围绕着中心的原子核 原子核中有中子和质子
electrons:n.[物]电子(electron的复数形式); swarm:n.一大群(蜜蜂等昆虫); vi.成群地来回移动; nucleus:n.核,核心;原子核; neutrons:n.[核]中子(neutron的复数); protons:n.[物]质子;氢核(proton的复数);
Even the neutrons and protons have smaller particles inside of them known as quarks . 而在中子和质子里我们也能发现更小的粒子--夸克
particles:n.微粒,粒子;粒子系统;碎木料(particle的复数形式); quarks:n.[高能][天]夸克(quark的复数形式);
That is where conventional ideas stop. 以上是以被广泛接受的观点
Here is the new idea of string theory. 现在我要讲的是弦理论提出的新观点
Deep inside any of these particles, there is something else. 在那些粒子的深处,还可以发现一些东西
This something else is this dancing filament of energy. 他们是正在舞动的丝状物,携带着能量
It looks like a vibrating string -- that's where the idea string theory comes from. 这些东西看上去像振动着的弦 这就是弦理论从何而来
And just like the vibrating strings that you just saw in a cello can vibrate in different patterns, these can also vibrate in different patterns. 就好像你看到的大提琴上的弦 能以不同的模式振动 这些弦也可以以不同模式振动
strings:一串,悬挂(string的第三人称单数和复数) cello:n.大提琴; vibrate:vi.振动;颤动;摇摆;踌躇;vt.使振动;使颤动;
They don't produce different musical notes. 他们不能产生各种音乐符号
Rather, they produce the different particles making up the world around us. 然而,他们制造出了围绕在我们周围,这个世界中的不同粒子
So if these ideas are correct, this is what the ultra-microscopic landscape of the universe looks like. 所以,如果这个理论是正确的话 这就是宇宙中极微观世界的情景
It's built up of a huge number of these little tiny filaments of vibrating energy, vibrating in different frequencies . 它是由无数 微小的振动能量丝组成的 他们以不同的频率振动着
filaments:n.[植]花丝;细丝(filament的复数);[电子]灯丝;电加热丝; frequencies:n.频率;发生率;重复率;频繁;(frequency的复数)
The different frequencies produce the different particles. 不同的频率产生不同的粒子
The different particles are responsible for all the richness in the world around us. 不同的粒子保证了 我们这个世界的多样性
And there you see unification , because matter particles, electrons and quarks, radiation particles, photons , gravitons, are all built up from one entity . 这样你就看到了统一性 因为不论是物质粒子,电子,夸克 还是放射性粒子,光子,引力子,都是由一种实体构成的
unification:n.统一;一致;联合; radiation:n.辐射;放射线;放射疗法; photons:n.[物]光子;[量子]光量子(photon的复数); entity:n.实体;存在;本质;
So matter and the forces of nature all are put together under the rubric of vibrating strings. 自然界中的物质和各种力都是由 这些震动着的红色弦组成的
put together:..放在一起;组合;装配; rubric:n.红字标题;红色印刷;题目;adj.印为红字的;
And that's what we mean by a unified theory. 这就是我们所说的统一理论
Now here is the catch. 但是问题是
When you study the mathematics of string theory, you find that it doesn't work in a universe that just has three dimensions of space. 当你研究弦理论中的数学时 你会发现 它在我们这个只有三维空间的宇宙里是不成立的
It doesn't work in a universe with four dimensions of space, nor five, nor six. 在四维,五维或六维的世界里也不成立
Finally , you can study the equations, and show that it works only in a universe that has 10 dimensions of space and one dimension of time. 最终,当你研究这些方程,你会发现 它只适用于一个有十个空间维度 和一个时间维度的世界
It leads us right back to this idea of Kaluza and Klein -- that our world, when appropriately described, has more dimensions than the ones that we see. 这就是以前克鲁兹和卡莱恩的观点 当我们的世界被合理描述的时候 它的维度应该比我们肉眼看得到的要多
Now you might think about that and say, well, 稍加思索,也许你就会说,
OK, you know, if you have extra dimensions, and they're really tightly curled up, yeah, perhaps we won't see them if they're small enough. 好,你看,如果真的存在更多的维度,他们又紧紧地蜷缩起来 是啊,如果他们真的足够小的话,也许我们确实看不到他们
But if there's a little tiny civilization of green people walking around down there, and you make them small enough and we won't see them either, that is true. 但是如果有一群微小的绿色智人在下面行走 你可以想象让他们变得很小,小到我们眼不见他们,就是这样
One of the other predictions of string theory -- no, that's not one of the other predictions of string theory. 这个弦理论做出的一种预言 不,这并不是弦理论做出的另一种预言
(Laughter) (笑声)
But it raises the question: are we just trying to hide away these extra dimensions, or do they tell us something about the world? 但是它引发了一个问题 是我们企图把这些额外的维度隐藏起来呢 又或者他们向我们揭开世界的奥秘
In the remaining time, I'd like to tell you two features of them. 在接下来的时间里,我会向你们展示这些额外维度的两个特点
First is, many of us believe that these extra dimensions hold the answer to what perhaps is the deepest question in theoretical physics, theoretical science. 第一,我们中的很多人都相信这些额外的维度 可以解答也许是理论物理,理论科学中 最深层的问题
And that question is this: when we look around the world, as scientists have done for the last hundred years, there appear to be about 20 numbers that really describe our universe. 这个问题就是:当我们环顾这个世界, 在过去的几百年中,科学家们得出 大约有20个数字可以有力地描述我们生活的宇宙
These are numbers like the mass of the particles, like electrons and quarks, the strength of gravity, the strength of the electromagnetic force -- a list of about 20 numbers that have been measured with incredible precision , but nobody has an explanation for why the numbers have the particular values that they do. 这些数字包括粒子的质量 包括电子和夸克,引力的强度 电磁力的强度 这大约20个数字 已经被测量的极度精确 但是没人可以解释 为什么这些数字显示现在我们所测量出来的数值
measured:adj.缓慢谨慎的; v.测量; (measure的过去分词和过去式) incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的; precision:n.精度,[数]精密度;精确;adj.精密的,精确的;
Now, does string theory offer an answer? 那么,弦理论可以给出答案吗
Not yet. 现在还不行
But we believe the answer for why those numbers have the values they do may rely on the form of the extra dimensions. 但是我们相信关于上诉问题的答案 有可能有待这些额外维度的形态来解答
answer for:因…而受罚;对…负责; rely:vi.依靠;信赖;
And the wonderful thing is, if those numbers had any other values than the known ones, the universe, as we know it, wouldn't exist. 令人称奇的是,如果这些数字 换成了其他数值而非现在的数值 那么我们熟悉的宇宙就将灰飞烟灭了
This is a deep question. 这是个深奥的问题
Why are those numbers so finely tuned to allow stars to shine and planets to form, when we recognize that if you fiddle with those numbers -- if I had 20 dials up here 为什么这些数字被如此精心地调试 使得恒星发光,行星得以形成 我们意识到,如果你扰乱这些数字 如果我把这个调高20
finely:adv.非常地;细微地;美好地;雅致地; tuned:v.(为乐器)调音,校音;调整,调节(发动机);调频道(tune的过去分词和过去式) recognize:v.认识;认出;辨别出;承认;意识到; fiddle:n.小提琴;vi.瞎搞;拉小提琴;vt.虚度时光;拉小提琴;
and I let you come up and fiddle with those numbers, almost any fiddling makes the universe disappear . 或者我让你上台来搅乱这些数字 几乎任何的干扰都会使宇宙消失
fiddling:adj.琐碎的; v.摆弄; (fiddle的现在分词) disappear:v.消失;失踪;不复存在;
So can we explain those 20 numbers? 那么我们可以解释这20个数字吗?
And string theory suggests that those 20 numbers have to do with the extra dimensions. 弦理论认为,这20个数字 和额外的维度有关系
have to do with:与…有关;
Let me show you how. 让我来向你们演示
So when we talk about the extra dimensions in string theory, it's not one extra dimension, as in the older ideas of Kaluza and Klein. 所以当我们讨论到弦理论中的额外维度时 不是在讨论额外的一个维度 就像早期卡鲁扎和克莱因的观点
This is what string theory says about the extra dimensions. 这才是弦理论描述的额外维度
They have a very rich intertwined geometry . 他们有非常多样又错综复杂的几何图样
intertwined:adj.缠绕的;错综复杂的;v.使缠结,缠绕(intertwine的过去式); geometry:n.几何学;几何结构;
This is an example of something known as a Calabi-Yau shape -- name isn't all that important. 现在你看到的被称为Calabi-Yau形状 名字并不是重点
But as you can see , the extra dimensions fold in on themselves and intertwine in a very interesting shape, interesting structure . 但是你们可以看到 额外的维度嵌入他们之中 缠绕,呈现出一种引人入胜的形状,一个有趣的结构
as you can see:正如你所看到的;你是知道的; fold:v.折叠;包;可叠平(以便贮存或携带);裹;n.褶;褶层;折叠部分;褶痕; structure:n.结构;构造;建筑物;vt.组织;构成;建造;
And the idea is that if this is what the extra dimensions look like, then the microscopic landscape of our universe all around us would look like this on the tiniest of scales . 这个观点认为如果这就是这些额外维度的样子 那么我们身处的宇宙的在显微镜在呈现的景象 在如此微小的尺度中看上去就是这样的
scales:n.规模范围; v.攀登; (scale的第三人称单数和复数)
When you swing your hand, you'd be moving around these extra dimensions over and over again , but they're so small that we wouldn't know it. 就在你的一摆手之间 你就来回穿梭在这些额外的维度里 但是他们太小了,我们不会察觉到
over and over again:adv.一再地;反复不断地;
So what is the physical implication , though, relevant to those 20 numbers? 那么这20个数字隐含着什么物理意义呢?
physical:adj.[物]物理的;身体的;物质的;符合自然法则的;n.体格检查; implication:n.含意;可能的影响(或作用、结果);暗指;(被)牵连;
Consider this. If you look at the instrument , a French horn , notice that the vibrations of the airstreams are affected by the shape of the instrument. 请这样来想。如果你看着这件乐器,一个法国圆号 你会注意到这些气流的震动 受乐器形状的影响
instrument:n.仪器;工具;乐器;手段;器械; French horn:n.圆号; vibrations:n.[力]振动;共鸣;动摇(vibration的复数);
Now in string theory, all the numbers are reflections of the way strings can vibrate. 在弦理论中 所有这些数字反映了弦可以震动的方式
So just as those airstreams are affected by the twists and turns in the instrument, strings themselves will be affected by the vibrational patterns in the geometry within which they are moving. 所以就像这些气流 是受乐器弯曲旋转的影响 弦本身也受 震动模式的影响。而震动模式是由移动的几何图案决定的
twists:n.[力]扭曲,一扭(twist的复数形式);v.[力]扭曲,拧(twist的三单形式); vibrational:adj.[力]振动的,震动性的;摇摆的;
So let me bring some strings into the story. 现在让我来阐述弦理论的原理
And if you watch these little fellows vibrating around -- they'll be there in a second -- right there, notice that they way they vibrate is affected by the geometry of the extra dimensions. 但是观察这些周围震动的细小物体时-- 将会有一个时刻--就是这个时候 可以注意到他们震动的方式是受 额外维度的几何图形的影响
in a second:立刻,很快;
So if we knew exactly what the extra dimensions look like -- we don't yet, but if we did -- we should be able to calculate the allowed notes, the allowed vibrational patterns. 如果我们准确地知道额外维度的形态 我们现在还不知道,但是如果我们可以知道 我们就可以计算出所有可能的模式 所有可能的震动模式
And if we could calculate the allowed vibrational patterns, we should be able to calculate those 20 numbers. 如果我们可以计算出所有可能的震动模式 我们就可以计算出这20个数字
And if the answer that we get from our calculations agrees with the values of those numbers that have been determined through detailed and precise experimentation , 如果我们计算出的答案 等于这些数字 通过细致精确的实验 测量并认定的数值
determined:adj.决定了的:v.决定;(determine的过去分词和过去式) experimentation:n.实验;试验;
this in many ways would be the first fundamental explanation for why the structure of the universe is the way it is. 这将在很多方面成为首次彻底深入地解释 为什么宇宙的结构是现在的样子。
Now, the second issue that I want to finish up with is: how might we test for these extra dimensions more directly ? 现在,我想解决的第二个问题是: 我们如何更直接地证明这些额外维度的存在?
issue:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;发行; finish up with:以…结束; directly:adv.直接地;立即;马上;正好地;坦率地;conj.一…就;
Is this just an interesting mathematical structure that might be able to explain some previously unexplained features of the world, or can we actually test for these extra dimensions? 这只是一个有可能解释 世界上以前未能解释的问题的 奇妙数学结构? 又或者我们真的可以证明这些额外额度的存在?
mathematical:adj.数学的,数学上的;精确的; previously:adv.先前;以前; unexplained:adj.未经解释的;未经说明的;不清楚的;
And we think -- and this is, I think, very exciting -- that in the next five years or so we may be able to test for the existence of these extra dimensions. 我们认为--我也认为,这将是一件激动人心的事情 在将来的五年里,我们有可能成功地证明出 这些额外维度的存在
Here's how it goes. In CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, a machine is being built called the Large Hadron Collider . 事情是这样的。在瑞士日内瓦的欧洲粒子研究中心 我们正在建造一座大型强子对撞机。
Hadron:n.[高能]强子(参与强相互作用的基本粒子); Collider:n.对撞机;碰撞机;
It's a machine that will send particles around a tunnel , opposite directions, near the speed of light. 这个机器会使粒子以接近光速 在隧道中反向运动。
Every so often those particles will be aimed at each other, so there's a head-on collision . 大量粒子会迎面飞行 并且发生碰撞。
Every so often:adv.偶尔;常常;时常; head-on collision:迎面相撞;对正碰撞;正撞;正面相撞;
The hope is that if the collision has enough energy, it may eject some of the debris from the collision from our dimensions, forcing it to enter into the other dimensions. 我们希望,如果这些撞击有足够的能量, 撞击可能使部分残骸会从我们的维度中 喷出,迫使它们进入其他的维度。
eject:vt.喷射;驱逐,逐出; debris:n.碎片,残骸; enter into:进入;讨论;成为…的一部分;研讨;分享;体谅;
How will we know it? 我们是如果知道得呢?
Well, we'll measure the amount of energy after the collision, compare it to the amount of energy before, and if there's less energy after the collision than before, this will be evidence that the energy has drifted away. 我们将测量撞击后的能量, 将其与撞击前的能量作比较, 如果撞击后能量减少了, 这就证明了能量发生了逃逸
compare:v.比较;对比;n.比较; evidence:n.证据,证明;迹象;明显;v.证明; drifted:v.漂流;漂移;缓缓移动;缓慢行走;(drift的过去分词和过去式)
And if it drifts away in the right pattern that we can calculate, this will be evidence that the extra dimensions are there. 如果它们以我们可以计算出的模式发生逃逸 那我们就证明了额外维度的存在。
Let me show you that idea visually. 让我向你们展示这个想法的视觉成果
So imagine we have a certain kind of particle called a graviton -- that's the kind of debris we expect to be ejected out if the extra dimensions are real. 想象一下现在我们有一种叫做引力子的粒子-- 我们假设如果真的存在额外维度, 这就是被喷出的残骸。
graviton:n.[相对][高能]引力子;万有吸引力; ejected:adj.射出的;被驱逐的;被放出的;v.喷射;驱逐(eject的过去分词);
But here's how the experiment will go. 但以下是这个实验的过程
You take these particles. You slam them together. 你握住这些粒子,把它们攥在一起
slam:v.(使…)砰地关上; n.猛关(或推,摔,撞等);
You slam them together, and if we are right, some of the energy of that collision will go into debris that flies off into these extra dimensions. 你把它们攥在一起,如果我们是正确的话, 撞击中的一部分能量 将由残骸携带飞入这些额外维度。
So this is the kind of experiment that we'll be looking at in the next five, seven to 10 years or so. 这就是我们在将来的5年,7年也许10年 的时间里将要持续的实验。
And if this experiment bears fruit, if we see that kind of particle ejected by noticing that there's less energy in our dimensions than when we began, this will show that the extra dimensions are real. 如果这个实验产生了成果, 如果我们注意到我们所处的维度中能量 比之前的能量有所减少 我们就知道某种粒子被喷出 这就证明了额外维度是真正存在的
And to me this is a really remarkable story, and a remarkable opportunity. Going back to Newton with absolute space -- didn't provide anything but an arena , a stage in which the events of the universe take place . 对我来说这是一个伟大的时刻, 一个伟大的机遇。回顾历史,牛顿认为的绝对空间-- 他只证明了一个空间,一个宇宙中 事件发生的舞台。
remarkable:adj.卓越的;非凡的;值得注意的; arena:n.舞台;竞技场; take place:发生;举行;
Einstein comes along and says, well, space and time can warp and curve, that's what gravity is. 当爱因斯坦出现,他告诉我们 空间和时间是可以弯曲的,这就是重力
And now string theory comes along and says, yes, gravity, quantum mechanics , electromagnetism -- all together in one package, but only if the universe has more dimensions than the ones that we see. 现在弦理论出现并告诉我们 对,重力,量子力学,电磁力学 都可以被统一起来 但前提是我们的宇宙拥有更多的维度,多过我们能观察到的
quantum mechanics:n.量子力学;
And this is an experiment that may test for them in our lifetime. 也许在我们的有生之年就能看到这个实验证实了他们的存在
Amazing possibility. 如果真的发生, 那将多么令人激动
Thank you very much. 谢谢大家。
(Applause) (鼓掌声)