

When we think of games, there's all kinds of things. 当我们提起游戏时,脑海中会浮现很多回忆。
Maybe you're ticked off, or maybe you're looking forward to a new game. You've been up too late playing a game. 或许你被某个游戏折磨得够呛,或许你正在期待着 一款新游戏,或许你为了玩游戏而熬夜。
All these things happen to me. 所有这些都发生在我身上。
But when we think about games, a lot of times we think about stuff like this: first-person shooters , or the big, what we would call AAA games, or maybe you're a Facebook game player. 但是大部分时候,当我们想到“游戏” 通常想到的是: 第一人称射击游戏,或者大型的 我们称之为3A级的游戏, 或者,你喜欢玩Facebook里的小游戏。
stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本: first-person:第一人称角色; shooters:n.射手;射击武器;枪;(shooter的复数)
This is one my partner and I worked on. 这是我跟搭档一起设计的一款游戏。
Maybe you play Facebook games, and that's what we're making right now. This is a lighter form of game. 如果你玩Facebook游戏,这就是我们 现在正在设计的游戏。这是一种小型的游戏。
Maybe you think about the tragically boring board games that hold us hostage in Thanksgiving situations. 或许你想到的是那些极为无聊的棋盘游戏 那些我们在感恩节时不得不玩的游戏。
tragically:adv.悲剧地;悲惨地; boring:adj.无聊的;令人厌烦的;n.钻孔;v.使厌烦;钻孔;(bore的现在分词) hostage:n.人质;抵押品;
This would be one of those tragically boring board games that you can figure out. 这个游戏就是那些你能想到的非常无聊的 棋盘游戏之一。
Or maybe you're in your living room , you know, playing with the Wii with the kids, or something like that, and, you know, there's this whole range of games, and that's very much what I think about. 又或许你在客厅里, 与孩子们一起玩Wii或者类似的游戏。 另外,还有各种各样的游戏, 这差不多就是我所能想到的游戏种类。
living room:n.客厅;起居室;
I make my living from games. I've been lucky enough to do this since I was 15, which also qualifies as I've never really had a real job. 我以设计游戏为生。我很幸运 能够15岁就从事这行,另一方面这也意味着 我从没有过一份真正的工作。
But we think about games as fun, and that's completely reasonable , but let's just think about this. 人们认为游戏是有趣的,这是完全合理的, 但让我们从另一个角度来想一想。
So this one here, this is the 1980 Olympics. 请看这张照片,这是1980年的奥运会(美苏曲棍球比赛)。
Now I don't know where you guys were, but I was in my living room. It was practically a religious event. 我不清楚你们当时在什么地方,当时我在 我家的客厅里。这场比赛实际上是一次意识形态的对抗。
practically:adv.实际地;几乎;事实上; religious:adj.宗教的;虔诚的;严谨的;修道的;n.修道士;尼姑;
And this is when the Americans beat the Russians, and this was -- yes, it was technically a game. 照片上就是美国队击败苏联队的瞬间, 这是——是的,从技术上讲仍是一种游戏。
Hockey is a game. But really, was this a game? 曲棍球是一种游戏。但说真的,这场比赛算是“游戏”吗?
I mean, people cried. I've never seen my mother cry like that at the end of Monopoly . 我的意思是,有人因此哭泣。我从没见过我母亲在玩完 《大富翁》之后会哭成那样。
And so this was just an amazing experience. 所以这只是一次“绝妙的体验”。
Or, you know, if anybody here is from Boston -- 或者,如果这里有谁是从波士顿来的
So when the Boston Red Sox won the World Series after, 当波士顿红袜队再次赢得世界冠军,
World Series:n.世界系列赛(美国棒球联盟和全国棒球联盟优胜者之间的年度比赛);
I believe, 351 years, when they won the World Series, it was amazing. 我想,距上次夺冠应该有351年了, 当他们赢得了世界冠军,这真令人惊叹。
I happened to be living in Springfield at the time, and the best part of it was -- is that -- you would close the women's door in the bathroom, and I remember seeing "Go Sox," and I thought, really? 当时我刚好住在斯普林菲尔德(Springfield,和波士顿一个州) 最精彩的部分是—— 如果你到女厕所,关上门 我记得看到门上写着 加油,红袜队 ,我当时想,不是吧?
Or the houses, you'd come out, because every game, well, I think almost every game, went into overtime , right? 另外大家都会从屋子里跑出来,因为每一场比赛, 嗯,我记得几乎每一场比赛都会进入加时赛,对吗?
So we'd be outside, and all the other lights are on on the whole block, and kids, like, the attendance was down in school, and kids weren't going to school. 所以我们会到户外,周围所有的灯都亮着 整个街区都亮着,而孩子们逃课变得比较普遍 他们都不怎么去上学了。
on the whole:基本上,大体上;就全体而论; attendance:n.出席;到场;出席人数;
But it's okay, it's the Red Sox, right? 但这没什么,因为是红袜队,对吧?
I mean, there's education, and then there's the Red Sox, and we know where they're stacked . 我的意思是,一方面是上学,然后一方面是红袜队, 我们知道它们孰轻孰重。
stacked:adj.放有大量…的; v.(使)放成整齐的一叠(或一摞、一堆); (stack的过去分词和过去式)
So this was an amazing experience, and again, yes, it was a game, but they didn't write newspaper articles, people didn't say -- you know, really, "I can die now because the Red Sox won." And many people did. 所以这是一种“绝妙的体验”,而且再一次——是的, 这是一场游戏,但他们没在报纸上写文章, 因为人们不会说——你知道,真的,“我现在感觉快死了 因为红袜队赢了比赛。” 其实很多人那样说了。
So games, it means something more to us. 所以“游戏”对我们而言有更多的意义。
It absolutely means something more. 它绝对拥有更多的意义。
So now, just, this is an abrupt transition here. 现在切换一下话题
abrupt:adj.生硬的;突然的;唐突的;陡峭的; transition:n.过渡;转变;变革;变迁;v.经历转变过程;过渡;
There was three years where I actually did have a real job, sort of. 有三年时间,我有了真正的工作(在某种程度上算)
I was the head of a college department teaching games, so, again, it was sort of a real job, and now I just got to talk about making as opposed to making them. 我担任了一个学院部门的主管 负责教游戏,算是某种意义上的真正的工作, 而现在我只是谈一谈做游戏而不是真正的去做出来。
opposed:adj.强烈反对; v.反对(计划、政策等); (oppose的过去分词和过去式)
And I was at a dinner. Part of the job of it, when you're a chair of a department, is to eat, and I did that very well, and so I'm out at a dinner with this guy called Zig Jackson. 有一次我参加了一个宴会。当你是一个部门头头的时候, 你的工作之一就是“吃”,这项工作我完成的很好。 某次宴会上我认识了这这个人,叫齐格·杰克逊。
So this is Zig in this photograph. This is also one of Zig's photographs. He's a photographer. 这张照片里的人就是齐格,他自己的摄影作品。 他是一名摄影师。
And he goes all around the country taking pictures of himself, and you can see here he's got 他在全国各地跑来跑去,为自己拍照, 在这张照片里你可以看到他的
Zig's Indian Reservation . And this particular shot, this is one of the more traditional shots. This is a rain dancer. “印第安人保留地”系列照片。再来看这一张, 这是较传统的照片之一。这是一位祈雨舞者。
Reservation:n.预约,预订;保留; traditional:传统的,惯例的,
And this is one of my favorite shots here. 这也是我最喜爱的照片之一。
So you can look at this, and maybe you've even seen things like this. This is an expression of culture, right? 接下来我们来看这张照片,也许你曾经看到过 类似的东西。这是一种文化的表达,对吗?
And this is actually from his Degradation series. 这张照片实际上是他的“退化”系列中的一张。
And what was most fascinating to me about this series is just, look at that little boy there. 这个系列最吸引我的是, 看看那里那个小男孩。
Can you imagine? Now let's, we can see that's a traditional 你能想象吗?现在,我们可以看到这是一位典型的
Native American . Now I just want to change that guy's race. 美洲原住民。现在我想改变那家伙的种族。
Native American:n.美洲土著居民;
Just imagine if that's a black guy. 想象一下,如果这是一个黑人。
So, "Honey, come here, let's get your picture with the black guy." 然后, 亲爱的,到这里来,我们来给你和这个黑人拍张照。
Right? Like, seriously, nobody would do this. 是吗?说真的,没有人会这么做。
It baffles the mind. And so Zig, being Indian, likewise it baffles his mind. His favorite photograph -- my favorite photograph of his, which I don't have in here is 这个想法太使人困惑了。齐格,作为印第安人, 同样感到困惑。他最喜欢的照片—— 也是我最喜欢的一张,但这里没有——
baffles:n.[机][电子]挡板(baffle的复数形式); v.阻碍; likewise:adv.同样地;也;
Indian taking picture of white people taking pictures of Indians. (Laughter) 是一个印第安人正在拍摄一个给印第安人拍照的 白人的照片。(笑声)
So I happen to be at dinner with this photographer, and he was talking with another photographer about a shooting that had occurred , and it was on an Indian reservation. He'd taken his camera up there to photograph it, but when he got there, 总之我碰巧与这个摄影师参加同一个宴会, 当时他正与另一个摄影师谈论 一起刚刚发生的枪击案, 发生在印第安人保留区。他当时带了相机 准备到那里拍照,但当他到了那儿,
he discovered he couldn't do it. He just couldn't capture the picture. And so they were talking back and forth about this question. Do you take the picture or not? 他发现他做不到。他总是没有办法按下快门。 所以他们翻来覆去地讨论这一问题 你会拍摄枪击案的照片么?
capture:v.俘虏;捕获;攻占;夺得;刻画,描述;n.(被)捕获;(被)俘获 back and forth:前后移动的,来回的,反复的;
And that was fascinating to me as a game designer, because it never occurs to me, like, should I make the game about this difficult topic or not? 他们的对话让我有了从未有过的想法, 比如,作为一个游戏设计者,我是否应该 设计涉及沉重主题的游戏?
Because we just make things that are fun or, you know, will make you feel fear, you know, that visceral excitement . 我们通常制作的游戏都是有趣的,或是让人恐惧的 你知道,那种让人本能地感到兴奋的游戏。
visceral:adj.内脏的;出于本能的;发自肺腑的;粗俗的; excitement:n.兴奋;刺激;令人兴奋的事物;
But every other medium does it. 但所有其他的媒介都会这么做。
So this is my kid. This is Maezza, and when she was seven years old, she came home from school one day, and like I do every single day, I asked her, "What'd you do today?" 这是我的孩子,Maezza, 她七岁的时候,有一天她放学回家, 我像平常一样问她, 今天你过的怎么样?
So she said, "We talked about the Middle Passage." 她说: 我们今天讨论了中央航路。 (横渡大西洋贩卖黑奴的航线)
Now, this was a big moment. Maezza's dad is black, and I knew this day was coming. I wasn't expecting it at seven. I don't know why, but I wasn't. 这是一个重大的时刻。Maezza 的爸爸是黑人, 而我知道这一天迟早会来。但真没想到会是在她 只有七岁的时候。我不知道为什么,但我确实没想到。
Anyways, so I asked her, "How do you feel about that?" 于是,我接着问她:“你感觉怎么样?”
So she proceeded to tell me, and so any of you who are parents will recognize the bingo buzzwords here. 她接着告诉我,用你们中任何一位 为人父母者都熟悉的“宾果流行语”来回答
proceeded:v.继续做;接着做;继而做;行进;前往;(proceed的过去分词和过去式) recognize:v.认识;认出;辨别出;承认;意识到; bingo:int.答对了;n.宾戈游戏; buzzwords:n.流行词;
So the ships start in England, they come down from England, they go to Africa, they go across the ocean -- that's the Middle Passage part 〞 they come to America where the slaves are sold, she's telling me. 一开始那些船舶在英国,它们向下航行, 离开英国,来到非洲,又跨越大洋—— 这就是中央航路的部分——它们来到美国 在那里出售奴隶”,她告诉我。
But Abraham Lincoln was elected president, and then he passed the Emancipation Proclamation , and now they're free. 但亚伯拉罕 · 林肯当选为总统,然后, 他通过了奴隶解放宣言,所以现在他们自由了。”
Emancipation:n.解放;释放; Proclamation:n.公告;宣布;宣告;公布;
Pause for about 10 seconds. 暂停了大约10 秒钟。
'"Can I play a game, Mommy?" 我可以玩游戏了吗,妈妈?
And I thought, that's it? And so, you know, this is the Middle Passage, this is an incredibly significant event, and she's treating it like, basically some black people went on a cruise , is more or less how it sounds to her. (Laughter) 而我想,这就完了?因为,你知道, 这是可是中央航路,这是一件难以置信的重大事件, 但她看待它就像是一些黑人 去参加一次乘船游览, 她差不多就是这种感觉。(笑声)
incredibly:adv.难以置信地;非常地; significant:adj.重大的;有效的;有意义的;值得注意的;意味深长的;n.象征;有意义的事物; treating:v.以…态度对待;把…看作;处理;讨论;(treat的现在分词) basically:adv.主要地,基本上; cruise:v.巡航;乘船游览;慢速行驶,巡行;猎艳;n.航行;乘船游览; more or less:或多或少;
And so, to me, I wanted more value in this, so when she asked if she could play a game, I said, "Yes." (Laughter) 对我来说,我希望其中有更多意义,所以 当她问我是否可以玩游戏时,我说, 可以。 (笑声)(omfg=oh my fking god)
And so I happened to have all of these little pieces. 碰巧我有很多这种小玩具。
I'm a game designer, so I have this stuff sitting around my house. 我是一个游戏设计师,所以我家到处都是这些东西。
So I said, "Yeah, you can play a game," and I give her a bunch of these, and I tell her to paint them in different families. These are pictures of Maezza when she was 〞 God, it still chokes me up seeing these. 于是我说, 是啊,你可以玩游戏, 之后我给了她 一些这种小玩具,然后我让她给他们上色 表示不同的家庭成员。这些照片都是 Maezza 正在——上帝,现在我看到这些依然会哽咽——
a bunch of:一群;一束;一堆; chokes:v.使窒息; n.窒息;
So she's painting her little families. 她在画她的迷你家庭成员。
So then I grab a bunch of them and I put them on a boat. 于是我抓起其中的一部分,把它们放在一条小船上。
This was the boat. It was made quickly obviously. (Laughter) 这就是那条小船。很明显它是个速成品。(笑声)
And so the basic gist of it is, I grabbed a bunch of families, and she's like, "Mommy, but you forgot the pink baby and you forgot the blue daddy and you forgot all these other things." 所以重点是,我抓起一把玩具“家人”, 而她不断地念叨: 妈妈,您忘了拿粉红宝宝 你忘了拿蓝爸爸 你忘了拿这个那个”等等。
gist:n.主旨,要点;依据; grabbed:v.抓住;攫取;抓住,夺得;(grab的过去分词和过去式)
And she says, "They want to go." And I said, "Honey, no they don't want to go. This is the Middle Passage. 她说, 他们也想要去。 我说: 不,亲爱的,他们不想去。这是中央航路。
Nobody wants to go on the Middle Passage." 没人愿意走中央航路 。
So she gave me a look that only a daughter of a game designer would give a mother, and as we're going across the ocean, following these rules, she realizes that she's rolling pretty high, and she says to me, "We're not going to make it." 然后她看了看我,只有游戏设计师的女儿 才会用这样的表情看着她妈妈 当我们准备“横渡大洋”,按照这些规则进行时, 她意识到这些要求太高了,她对我说 我们做不到。
And she realizes, you know, we don't have enough food, and so she asks what to do, and I say, "Well, we can either" -- Remember, she's seven -- "We can either put some people in the water or we can hope that they don't get sick and we make it to the other side." 她意识到了,我们没有足够的粮食, 于是她问要怎么办,我回答道, 嗯,我们可以要么 ——请记住,她当时七岁—— 我们可以要么把一些人放到水中 要么我们只能希望他们一直不生病 直到我们到达目的地。”
And she -- just the look on her face came over and she said -- now mind you this is after a month of -- this is Black History Month, right? 她又用之前的表情看了我一眼。 后来有一天——请注意,这是经过一个月的(历史熏陶)之后 那个月刚好是美国黑人历史月(二月)。
After a month she says to me, "Did this really happen?" 总之,一个月后,她对我说, 那些事情真的发生了吗?
And I said, "Yes." And so she said, "So, if I came out of the woods " 〞 this is her brother and sister 〞 "If I came out of the woods, Avalon and Donovan might be gone.""Yes." 我说, 是的。 之后她说, 那么,如果我当时 出生了 ——这是她的哥哥姐姐—— 如果我 出生了,Avalon 和 Donovan 可能就不在了?” “是的。”
out of the woods:出森林;脱离险境;脱离困境;
'"But I'd get to see them in America.""No." “但我到美国后会再见到他们吧?”“不会。”
'"But what if I saw them? You know, couldn't we stay together?""No." 但万一我们能见面呢?我们不能呆在一起吗? 不能。
what if:如果…怎么办?
'"So Daddy could be gone.""Yes." 那么爸爸也可能不在了? 是的。
And she was fascinated by this, and she started to cry, and I started to cry, and her father started to cry, and now we're all crying. He didn't expect to come home from work to the Middle Passage, but there it goes. (Laughter) 她被吓呆了,之后她开始哭泣, 我也开始哭,她的父亲也开始哭, 然后我们一起哭。他没想到 下班回家会遇到中央航路这档子事 但它就是发生了。(笑声)
And so, we made this game, and she got it. 总之,我们一起玩了这样一个游戏,最后她懂了其中的含义。
She got it because she spent time with these people. 她懂了,因为她与这些“人”共同经历了那个过程。
It wasn't abstract stuff in a brochure or in a movie. 这不像书本或电影里的教化那样是抽象的东西。
abstract:n.摘要; adj.抽象的; vt.摘要; vi.做摘要; brochure:n.手册,小册子;
And so it was just an incredibly powerful experience. 这是一次令人惊叹、充满力量的体验。
This is the game, which I've ended up calling 这就是那个游戏,我后来给它起了个名字
The New World, because I like the phrase. 叫做《新世界》,因为我喜欢这个叫法。
I don't think the New World felt too new worldly exciting to the people who were brought over on slave ships. 我不认为“新世界”会带来什么世俗的兴奋感 尤其对于那些曾经从奴隶船上下来的人们。
But when this happened, I saw the whole planet. 但当这一切发生时,我看到了整个世界。
I was so excited. It was like, I'd been making games for 20-some years, and then I decided to do it again. 我感觉太激动了。这就像是,我设计游戏 已经超过二十年,而我决定再做一些类似的游戏。
My history is Irish. 我的故乡是爱尔兰。
It's the entire history of my family in a single game. 仅仅这一个游戏就包含了我的整个家族史。
I made another game called Train. 我设计了另一款游戏叫做《列车》。
I was making a series of six games that covered difficult topics, and if you're going to cover a difficult topic, this is one you need to cover, and I'll let you figure out what that's about on your own. 我制作了一个系列的六款游戏 都是关于沉重的主题,如果你要讨论一个 沉重的主题,就需要这样的游戏来开展 我会让你自己通过游戏来发现关于这个主题的一切。
And I also made a game about the Trail of Tears. 我还创作了一款游戏叫做《泪痕》
This is a game with 50,000 individual pieces. 这个游戏有着5万个独立的零件。
I was crazy when I decided to start it, but I'm in the middle of it now. 我当时肯定是疯了才决定要设计它, 不过我现在已经进行了近一半。
It's the same thing. 这和之前的游戏是类似的。
I'm hoping that I'll teach culture through these games. 我希望通过这些游戏来传授文化。
And the one I'm working on right now, which is -- because I'm right in the middle of it, and these for some reason choke me up like crazy -- is a game called Mexican Kitchen Workers. 而我现在正在着手设计的游戏是—— 因为我正在全心投入,所以想到它很容易使我情绪波动—— 这个游戏叫做《墨西哥厨房工人》。
like crazy:拼命地;发疯似的;
And originally it was a math problem more or less. 最初它差不多只是一个数学问题的游戏。
Like, here's the economics of illegal immigration . 就像,关于非法移民的经济学问题。
illegal:adj.不合法的;非法的;n.非法移民;非法劳工; immigration:n.外来移民;移居;
And the more I learned about the Mexican culture -- my partner is Mexican 〞 the more I learned that, you know, for all of us, food is a basic need, but, and it is obviously with Mexicans too, but it's much more than that. 之后,随着我学到越来越多的墨西哥文化—— 我的搭档是墨西哥人——我越来越发现, 你知道,对于我们所有人来说,食物是基本的需求, 当然对墨西哥人也是,但对他们来说食物的含义远不止如此。
It's an expression of love. It's an expression of 〞 食物是爱的表达。它是——
God, I'm totally choking up way more than I thought. 上帝,我没想到我会这么哽咽。
I'll look away from the picture. 我还是先不看这张照片好了。
It's an expression of beauty. It's how they say they love you. 它是美的表达。这是他们表达他们爱你的方式。
It's how they say they care, and you can't hear somebody talk about their Mexican grandmother without saying "food" in the first sentence. 这是他们表达在乎的方式。任何一个墨西哥人 谈起他的祖母 第一句中一定会有 食物 。
And so to me, this beautiful culture, this beautiful expression is something that I want to capture through games. 对我来说,这种美丽的文化,这种美丽的表达方式 正是我想要通过游戏捕捉的东西。
And so games, for a change , it changes how we see topics, it changes how our perceptions about those people in topics, and it changes ourselves. 因此游戏能够带来改变,它改变了我们讨论主题的方式, 它改变了我们对那些主题中人物的看法, 它也改变了我们自己。
for a change:为了改变一下;为了换换口味; perceptions:n.认知;观念(perception的复数);理解;
We change as people through games, because we're involved , and we're playing, and we're learning as we do so. Thank you. (Applause) 我们通过玩游戏发生改变, 因为我们既是玩游戏的人,又是游戏的一部分, 与此同时,我们能学到东西。谢谢。(掌声)
involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词)