

That one. 那只
Here, boy. 来吧 小家伙
You're heavy. 你可真重
And slobbery . 口水也多
There. 戴上
You're a good boy. 真是个好孩子
You're my good boy. 我的乖宝宝
Hello? 喂?
Penny, I don't have much time. 彭妮 我没时间多说
Daddy? Are you okay? 爸爸? 你还好吗?
Something's come up at work, honey. 工作上出了点问题 宝贝
Daddy's not gonna be home for a while . 爸爸暂时回不了家
for a while:adv.片刻;暂时;一会儿;一时;
I don't understand. 我不明白
You can't go back to the house, Penny. Okay? 你也别回家 彭妮 知道吗?
What's happening? 怎么了?
It's all right. You won't be alone. You have Bolt . 没什么 你不会一个人 还有闪电陪着你
Bolt:n.螺栓; v.狼吞虎咽; v.突然;
I've altered him. 我改造了他
He can protect you now. 现在他可以保护你了
The doctor has been taken care of, which, of course, is wonderful news. 搞定博士了 确实是个好消息
Everything is positioning nicely . 一切进展顺利
There he is. Dr. Calico . 就是他 卡里科博士
Any luck getting our guest to spill his guts ? 我们的客人招了吗?
spill:v.溢出;涌出;蜂拥而出;n.跌落;洒出(量);泼出(量);溢出(量); guts:n.勇气;肠道;内脏;v.损毁内部;取出…的内脏;(gut的第三人称单数和复数)
Oh! His guts will spill, one way or another. 哦! 会的 无论如何他都会开口的
Never! I'll never talk. 决不! 我绝不会说的
Daddy! 爸爸!
You're beginning to irk me, professor. I am irked , and that will not do. 我开始不耐烦了 教授 这对你可没好处
Has the package arrived? 东西到了吗?
I think it might make our dear friend a bit more communicative . 东西一到 我想我们亲爱的朋友会非常合作的
I'm sending an agent to pick it up. 我派一个手下去取
Gorgeous ! Have him bring it to me on the first flight. 很好! 叫他坐头班飞机给我送来
Bolt, let's go. 闪电 我们走
We only need the girl. 我们只要那女孩
What? 什么?
Where's Calico? - I'm not talking to you. 卡里科在哪里? - 我才不告诉你
Bolivia! Bolivia! Calico's in Bolivia! 玻利维亚! 玻利维亚! 卡里科在玻利维亚!
Near Lake Rogaguado! 在罗格瓜多湖附近
Lake Rogaguado! I should've known. 罗格瓜多湖! 我早该想到的
Come on, Bolt. Let's go! - No! 走吧 闪电 出发! - 不!
Bolivia. There's a flight leaving in 10 minutes. 玻利维亚 10分钟后有一班飞机去那
Bolt! Zoom, zoom. 闪电! 往前 往前
Bolt, fetch. 闪电 去叼回来
Puppy ! 小狗!
Good boy. 好孩子
Airport . 去机场
Uh-oh! 啊哦!
Bolt, speak. 闪电 快吼
Okay, okay. Good job, buddy . 好了 好了 干得不错 伙计
Mission accomplished . 任务完成
Mission:n.使命,任务;代表团;布道;v.派遣;向…传教; accomplished:adj.完成的;有技巧的;有学问的;v.完成;(accomplish的过去分词和过去式)
That's a keeper. 留作纪念
It's all right, tough guy. You got them all. 行了 小硬汉 你把他们都打败了
Don't worry, Bolt. You saved the day again. 别急 闪电 你又反败为胜了
All right. Good job. Let's strike the set. 好了 干得不错 收工
We're gonna need a cable guard on set for that move tomorrow. 明天的拍摄还需要个电缆护罩
cable:n.电缆; v.打电报; (用锚链,缆索等)系住;
Yeah. All right. 好的 没问题
Good boy. 好孩子