

Horsin' Around is filmed before a live studio audience. 《胡闹的小马》在现场观众前录制
Mondays . 又是周一
Well, good morning to you too. 你也早安啊
Oh, hey. 你好[音同干草]
Where? I'd love hay. 在哪 我可喜欢干草了
In 1987, the situation comedy Horsin' Around premiered on ABC. 1987年 情景喜剧《胡闹的小马》 在ABC台首播
situation comedy:n.[影视]情景喜剧; premiered:(戏剧,电影等)首次公演(premiere的过去式和过去分词);
The show, in which a young, bachelor horse is forced to reevaluate his priorities when he agrees to raise three human children, was initially dismissed by critics as broad and saccharine and not good, but the family comedy struck a chord with America and went on to air for nine seasons. 该剧讲述一匹年轻的单身马 在同意抚养三个人类儿童后 被迫重新审视人生的故事 此剧最初被评论家们 认为媚俗且低劣 但这部家庭喜剧引起全美共鸣 并热播九季
bachelor:n.学士;单身汉;(尚未交配的)小雄兽; reevaluate:vt.再评估;重新估计;vi.再评估;重新估计; priorities:n.优先事项;优先权;重点;(priority的复数) initially:adv.最初,首先;开头; dismissed:v.不予考虑;摒弃;去除,消除;解雇;(dismiss的过去分词和过去式) critics:n.评论家;批评者;吹毛求疵的人(critic的复数); saccharine:adj.含糖的;极甜的;和颜悦色的;n.(美)糖精; chord:n.弦;和弦;
The star of Horsin' Around, BoJack Horseman , is our guest tonight. 《胡闹的小马》剧中明星 马男波杰克 就是我们今晚的嘉宾
Welcome, BoJack. 欢迎 波杰克
It is good to be here, Charlie. 很高兴能来 查理
Sorry I was late. The traffic... 抱歉迟到了 太堵了
It's really no problem. 真的没关系
I parked in a handicapped spot. I hope that's okay. 我把车停残疾人车位了 但愿没事
handicapped:adj.残疾的; v.妨碍; n.残疾人; (handicap的过去分词和过去式)
You parked in a... 你停在...
I'm sorry, disabled spot. 抱歉 残障车位
Is that the proper nomenclature ? 这么说是不是更恰当
Maybe you should move the car. 或许你该移下车
No, I don't think I should drive right now. 不要 我觉得我现在不该开车
I'm incredibly drunk. 我醉得不行
You're telling me that you're drunk right now? 你是说你现在喝醉了吗
Is it just me, or am I nailing this interview ? 是光我觉得 还是这采访我表现超棒
I kind of feel like I'm nailing it. 我觉得是自己超棒
Yes. 是的
Anyway, we were talking about Horsin' Around. 总之 我们还是说《胡闹的小马》吧
To what do you attribute the show's wide appeal ? 你觉得这剧为何如此受欢迎
attribute:n.属性;象征;v.把…归因于;认为…属于;认为某人(某物)具有某种特性; appeal:n.上诉;吸引力;申诉;魅力;v.上诉;呼吁;申诉;恳求;
Charlie, listen, you know, I know that it's very hip these days to shit all over Horsin' Around, but at the time, I can tell you... 查理 我知道最近流行把 《胡闹的小马》贬成屎 但在当时 我可以说...
Is it okay to say "Shit"? - Please don't. 我可以说 屎 吗 -请别说
'Cause I... I think the show's actually pretty solid for what it is. 因为我觉得这剧还是有可取之处的
It's not Ibsen, sure, but look, for a lot of people, life is just one long, hard kick in the urethra , and sometimes when you get home from a long day of getting kicked in the urethra , 没错 的确不是经典喜剧 但你要知道 对很多人来说 人生不过是对你尿道猛踢一脚 而且有时候你在尿道被踢 度过漫长的一天后回家
you just want to watch a show about good, likable people who love each other, where, you know, no matter what happens, at the end of 30 minutes, everything's gonna turn out okay. 只想看些善良有爱的人们 相亲相爱的剧 在剧里 不管发生什么 半小时结束 大家还是会团结友爱
likable:adj.可爱的; no matter what:不管什么…;
You know, because in real life... 你懂的 因为现实生活里...
Did I already say the thing about the urethra? 我说了那个尿道梗没
Well, let's talk about real life. 我们还是来说现实生活吧
What have you been doing since the show's cancellation 18 years ago? 这剧18年前取消之后 你都在干什么
That's a great question, Charlie. 问得好 查理
I, uh... 我...