

Billie Jean King: Hi, everyone! 比利·简·金:嗨,大家好!
(Applause) (掌声)
Thanks, Pat . 谢谢你,帕特。
Pat:v.合适; n.拍打; adj.过于简易的; v.(喜爱地)轻拍;
Thank you! 谢谢大家!
Getting me all wound up, now! 我都有点热血沸腾了!
(Laughter) (笑声)
Pat Mitchell: Good! 帕特·米切尔:那很好!
You know, when I was watching the video again of the match, you must have felt like the fate of the world's women was on every stroke you took. 你知道吗,当我再次看那场比赛的视频时, 感觉好像全世界妇女的命运 都与你的每一次挥拍联系在了一起。
Were you feeling that? 你是这么想的吗?
BJK: First of all , Bobby Riggs -- he was the former number one player, he wasn't just some hacker , by the way . BJK:首先,博比·里格斯,他是前世界排名第一的选手, 他是有实力的,不靠投机取巧。
First of all:adv.首先; Bobby:警察 hacker:n.电脑黑客,企图不法侵入他人电脑系统的人; by the way:顺便说一下;
He was one of my heroes and I admired him. 他是我的偶像之一,我很欣赏他。
And that's the reason I beat him, actually, because I respected him. 所以我才要击败他,因为我很尊重他。
(Laughter) (笑声)
It's true -- my mom and especially my dad always said: "Respect your opponent , and never underestimate them, ever." 真的,我父母,尤其是我父亲经常说: “尊重你的对手,永远不要低估他们。”
especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分; opponent:n.对手;竞争者;反对者;阻止者;adj.反对的; underestimate:v.低估;看轻;n.低估;
And he was correct. He was absolutely correct. 他说的很对,非常对。
But I knew it was about social change. 但我也知道这(场比赛)关系到一场社会变革。
And I was really nervous whenever we announced it, and I felt like the whole world was on my shoulders. 当时每次一提到这个我都会非常紧张, 而且我觉得负担很重,压力很大。
And I thought, "If I lose, it's going to put women back 50 years, at least." 当时我想,“如果我输了,妇女的地位会至少后退50年。”
Title IX had just been passed the year before -- June 23, 1972. 当时,(教育法修正案)第九条刚刚在1972年6月23日通过。
And women's professional tennis -- there were nine of us who signed a one-dollar contract in 1970 -- now remember, the match is in '73. 而女子职业网球—— 当时我们有9名女子运动员在1970年签了合同,价值1美元—— 请记住,那场比赛是在73年举行的。
professional:adj.专业的;职业的;职业性的;n.专业人员;职业运动员; contract:v.收缩;感染;订约;n.合同;婚约;
So we were only in our third year of having a tour where we could actually play, have a place to compete and make a living . 所以女子职业巡回赛开始才三年, 我们刚刚能打上比赛,能靠比赛来养活自己。
compete:v.竞争;对抗;参加比赛(或竞赛); make a living:谋生,维持生活;
So there were nine of us that signed that one-dollar contract. 所以我们9个签了1美元的合同。
And our dream was for any girl, born any place in the world -- if she was good enough -- there would be a place for her to compete and for us to make a living. 我们的梦想是,让每一个姑娘,无论她出生在哪里, 只要她足够优秀, 就能找到自己的舞台,就能养活自己。
Because before 1968, we made 14 dollars a day, and we were under the control of organizations . 因为在1968年之前,我们每天只能挣到14美元, 还被组织管得死死的。
under the control of:受控制;置于控制之下; organizations:n.组织,构造,有机体(organization的复数);组织机构;
So we really wanted to break away from that. 所以我们真的想摆脱这种局面。
But we knew it wasn't really about our generation so much; we knew it was about the future generations. 其实这不光是为了我们这代人, 更多的是为了我们的后代。
We do stand on the shoulders of the people that came before us, there is no question. 我们都是站在前人的肩膀上,毫无疑问。
But every generation has the chance to make it better. 但是每一代人都有机会进步。
That was really on my mind. 我当时有一个想法。
I really wanted to start matching the hearts and minds to Title IX. 我想借(教育法修正案)第九条通过的契机,真正推动男女平等。
Title IX, in case anybody doesn't know, which a lot of people probably don't, said that any federal funds given to a high school, college or university, either public or private, had to -- finally -- give equal monies to boys and girls. 很多人也许不了解这条法案,我来解释一下, 法案规定:拨给高中、学院、大学的联邦(教育)经费, 无论学校是公立的还是私立的, 必须——早就该这样了——公平分配给男生和女生。
federal:adj.联邦的;同盟的;联邦政府的;联邦制的;adv.联邦政府地; funds:n.[会计]资金,现金(fund的复数);基金;v.资助(fund的三单形式);提供资金; finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; monies:n.货币;金钱(money的复数形式);
And that changed everything. 这条法案改变了一切。
(Applause) (掌声)
So you can have a law, but it's changing the hearts and minds to match up with it. 法律的制定是一回事, 但要真正实现男女平等就是另一回事了。
That's when it really rocks, totally. 当时引起的反响还是非常大的。
So that was on my mind. 于是我就有了这个想法。
I wanted to start that change in the hearts and minds. 我要开始推动实现真正的男女平等。
But two things came out of that match. 那场比赛引出了两件事。
For women: self-confidence , empowerment . 对女人而言:自信和自强。
self-confidence:n.自信; empowerment:n.许可,授权;
They actually had enough nerve to ask for a raise. 她们终于有勇气要求平等。
Some women have waited 10, 15 years to ask. 一些女人光为了提出这个要求,就等了10年、15年。
I said, "More importantly, did you get it?" 我说,“更重要的是,提出以后,你得到平等了吗?”
(Laughter) (笑声)
And they did! 她们确实得到了!
And for the men? 那对男人而言呢?
A lot of the men today don't realize it, but if you're in your 50s, 60s or whatever, late 40s, you're the first generation of men of the Women's Movement -- whether you like it or not! 可能现在的许多男人意识不到, 但是如果你生活在五、六十年代,或者是四十年代末, 那你就是经历了妇女运动的第一代男人, 甭管你喜不喜欢!
first generation:adj.出生在美国的;原件第一代;
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
And for the men, what happened for the men, they'd come up to me -- and most times, the men are the ones who have tears in their eyes, it's very interesting. 对男人而言, 发生了什么呢,他们会来找我, 而且大部分时间,他们的眼里会满含泪水, 很有趣不是吗。
come up to:v.达到;等于;
They go, "Billie, I was very young when I saw that match, and now I have a daughter. 他们说,“比利,我看那场比赛的时候还很年轻, 而我现在已经有一个女儿了。
And I am so happy I saw that as a young man." 我很高兴我在年轻的时候看了那场比赛。”
And one of those young men, at 12 years old, was President Obama. 而在这些年轻的小伙子们中,就有当年12岁的奥巴马总统。
And he actually told me that when I met him, he said: "You don't realize it, but I saw that match at 12. 这是他自己跟我说的,他说: “你可能不知道,我看那场比赛的时候才12岁。
And now I have two daughters, and it has made a difference in how I raise them." 而我现在已经有两个女儿了, 那场比赛改变了我培养他们的方法。”
So both men and women got a lot out of it, but different things. 所以说男性女性都从中收获了不少,虽然各不相同。
PM: And now there are generations -- at least one or two -- who have experienced the equality that Title IX and other fights along the way made possible. PM:现在至少有一到两代人, 经历了男女平等的时代, 这些都是(教育法修正案)第九条和其他妇女运动带来的。
And for women, there are generations who have also experienced teamwork. 几代女性(运动员)还有了参加集体项目的经历。
They got to play team sports in a way they hadn't before. 这在以前是没有过的。
So you had a legacy already built in terms of being an athlete, a legacy of the work you did to lobby for equal pay for women athletes and the Women's Sports Foundation . 你作为运动员为我们留下了宝贵的财富, 为女性运动员争取平等的报酬, 以及设立“女子运动基金”。
legacy:n.遗赠,遗产; lobby:n.大堂;门厅;民众接待厅;游说;v.游说(从政者或政府); athletes:n.运动员;身强体健的人(athlete的复数形式); Foundation:n.基础;地基;基金会;根据;创立;
What now are you looking to accomplish with The Billie Jean King Leadership Initiative ? 现在你又成立了“比利·简·金领导计划”组织, 你想通过它达到什么目标?
accomplish:v.完成;实现;达到; Initiative:n.倡议;主动性;积极性;主动权;adj.起始的;
BJK: I think it goes back to an epiphany I had at 12. BJK:我想这件事能追溯到我12岁那年。
At 11, I wanted to be the number one tennis player in the world, and a friend had asked me to play and I said, "What's that?" 11岁的时候我就想成为世界第一的网球运动员, 之前一个朋友叫我一起去打网球我还问,“网球是什么?”
Tennis was not in my family -- basketball was, other sports. 我们家没人打网球,我们打篮球,还有别的运动。
Fast forward to 12 years old, 好吧,我们快进到12岁,
(Laughter) (笑声)
and I'm finally starting to play in tournaments where you get a ranking at the end of the year. 我终于开始打锦标赛了, 在年底的时候有一个排名。
So I was daydreaming at the Los Angeles Tennis Club, and I started thinking about my sport and how tiny it was, but also that everybody who played wore white shoes, white clothes, played with white balls -- everybody who played was white. 我当时就梦想自己加入洛杉矶网球俱乐部, 开始思考网球运动,当时网球还很小众, 而且每一个打网球的人都穿白球鞋,白球衣 打的球也是白色的,连打球的人都是白人。
And I said to myself, at 12 years old, "Where is everyone else?" 然后我就觉得很奇怪,当时我12岁,“其他人怎么不来打球?”
And that just kept sticking in my brain. 这个疑问一直在我脑海中挥之不去。
And that moment, 从那时起,
I promised myself I'd fight for equal rights and opportunities for boys and girls, men and women, the rest of my life. 我就发誓要用我的余生为男孩和女孩,为男人和女人 争取平等的权利和机会。o
And that tennis, if I was fortunate enough to become number one -- and I knew, being a girl, it would be harder to have influence , already at that age -- that I had this platform . 而网球——如果我足够幸运能成为世界第一的话, 当然我明白,作为一个女孩,要达到那个高度很难, 毕竟我网球启蒙得晚—— 网球可以作为我的平台。
fortunate:adj.幸运的;交好运的;吉利的; influence:n.影响;势力;感化;有影响的人或事;v.影响;改变; platform:n.平台; v.把…放在台上[放在高处;
And tennis is global . 网球运动是全球性的。
And I thought, "You know what? 我想,“你们看,
I've been given an opportunity that very few people have had." 我拥有了一个非常难得的机会。”
I didn't know if I was going to make it -- this was only 12. 当然我不知道我最后能不能成功——毕竟我才12岁。
I sure wanted it, but making it is a whole other discussion. 我当然想成功,但是实现起来就是另一回事了。
I just remember I promised myself, and I really try to keep my word. 我对自己做出了承诺,我就会尽全力去实现它。
That's who I truly am, just fighting for people. 这就是我,一个为人民抗争的人。
And, unfortunately , women have had less. 不幸的是,女性拥有的很少。
And we are considered less. 受到的关注也少。
And so my attentions , where did they have to go? 所以我的注意力都集中在哪里呢?
It was just ... you have to. 就是……你必须(抗争)。
And learn to stick up for yourself, hear your own voice. 学会相信自己,追随自己的内心。
stick up for:维护,支持;为…辩护;
You hear the same words keep coming out all the time, and I got really lucky because I had an education. 这些话你们也许听过很多次, 而我非常幸运能够接受教育。
And I think if you can see it you can be it, you know? 我想如果你能看到目标,就有达成的一天,不是吗?
If you can see it, you can be it. 有志者事竟成。
You look at Pat, you look at other leaders, you look at these speakers, look at yourself, because everyone -- everyone -- can do something extraordinary . 你看帕特,看其他的领袖人物, 你看TED的演讲者,看你们自己, 因为每一个人, 无论是谁, 都能做出非凡的成就。
Every single person. 每一个人。
PM: And your story, Billie, has inspired so many women everywhere. PM:比利,你的故事鼓舞了全世界的女性。
inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式)
Now with the Billie Jean King Leadership Initiative, you're taking on an even bigger cause. 现在有了“比利·简·金领导计划”组织, 你开始从事更大的事业。
Because one thing we hear a lot about is women taking their voice, working to find their way into leadership positions. 有一件事我们经常听到,就是女性开始掌握更多话语权, 努力寻求走上领导岗位的方法。
But what you're talking about is even bigger than that. 然而你做的似乎还要更进一步。
It's inclusive leadership. 你关注的是全面的领导力。
And this is a generation that has grown up thinking more inclusively -- 现在成长起来的这一代人思考问题更加全面。
BJK: Isn't it great? Look at the technology ! BJK:这难道不是很棒吗?看看现在的科技水平!
It's amazing how it connects us all! It's about connection. 它将我们都联系在了一起,多么神奇!它彻底改变了人与人的关系。
It's simply amazing what's possible because of it. 因为科技的发展,一切皆有可能。
But the Billie Jean King Leadership Initiative is really about the workforce mostly, and trying to change it, so people can actually go to work and be their authentic selves. 而“比利·简·金领导计划”组织 关注的主要还是劳动力,并试图对它进行改变, 这样一来人们都可以发挥自己所长,展现最真实的自我。
workforce:n.劳动大军;全体员工; authentic:adj.真正的,真实的;可信的;
Because most of us have two jobs: 因为我们大多数人都有两份工作:
One, to fit in -- I'll give you a perfect example. 一是融入(圈子)——我这有个很好的例子。
An African American woman gets up an hour earlier to go to work, straightens her hair in the bathroom, goes to the bathroom probably four, five, six times a day to keep straightening her hair, to keep making sure she fits in. 一名非裔美国女性提早一个小时起床上班, 在洗手间里把自己的头发弄直, 她可能一天内要去洗手间四次、五次甚至六次, 确保自己的头发是直的,确保自己能融入(工作圈子)。
African American:非洲裔美国人(指美国黑人); straightens:vt.整顿;使…改正;使…挺直;使…好转;vi.变直;好转; straightening:v.(使)变直,变正;挺直,端正(身体)(straighten的现在分词)
So she's working two jobs. 所以说她有两份工作。
She's got this other job, whatever that may be, but she's also trying to fit in. 另一份工作是什么并不重要, 但融入(圈子)是必须的。
Or this poor man who kept his diploma -- he went to University of Michigan , but he never would talk about his poverty as a youngster , ever -- just would not mention it. 有一个可怜的男人,一直保存着自己的毕业证书 他上的是密歇根大学, 但他绝不会提起自己贫穷的少年时代, 绝对守口如瓶。
diploma:n.毕业证书,学位证书;公文,文书;奖状;vt.发给…毕业文凭; Michigan:n.密歇根;美国密歇根州; poverty:n.贫困;困难;缺少;低劣; youngster:n.年轻人;少年;
So he made sure they saw he was well-educated . 这样他能确保别人看到的是他受过良好的教育。
And then you see a gay guy who has an NFL -- which means American football for all of you out there, it's a big deal , it's very macho -- and he talked about football all the time, because he was gay and he didn't want anybody to know. 还有一个男同,他在NHL(打球)—— 也就是美式橄榄球(联盟),可能其他国家的观众不了解, 很不简单,这项运动非常有男子气概—— 他无时无刻不在谈论橄榄球, 因为他是同性恋,而他不想让人知道这一点。
American football:n.美式足球; a big deal:na.要人;重要的事; macho:n.男子汉;男子气概;adj.(贬)有男子汉气概的;
It just goes on and on . 这样的事层出不穷。
on and on:继续不停地;
So my wish for everyone is to be able to be their authentic self 24/7, that would be the ultimate . 所以我希望每一个人都能做最真实的自己, 这是我的终极目标。
And we catch ourselves -- I mean, I catch myself to this day . 我们要接受自己,我一直如此,直到今天。
to this day:至今;
Even being gay I catch myself, you know, like, 即使我是同性恋,我也要接受自己,
(Gasp) 就像,呃!
a little uncomfortable, a little surge in my gut , feeling not totally comfortable in my own skin. 尽管有点难受,就像腹中的阵痛, 觉得浑身不对劲。
surge:n.汹涌;大浪,波涛;汹涌澎湃;巨涌;v.汹涌;起大浪,蜂拥而来; gut:n.勇气;肠道;内脏;v.损毁内部;取出…的内脏;adj.非理性的;本能的
So, I think you have to ask yourself -- 我们都应该扪心自问,
I want people to be themselves, whatever that is, just let it be. 我希望人人都可以做自己,无论是什么样,都应该接受。
PM: And the first research the Leadership Initiative did showed that, that these examples you just used -- that many of us have the problem of being authentic. PM:“领导计划”的首个研究结果表明, 正如你刚才举的那几个例子一样, 我们中有很多人不能展现真实的自我。
But what you've just looked at is this millennial generation, who have benefited from all these equal opportunities -- which may not be equal but exist everywhere -- 但您刚刚提到的千禧一代, 他们能享受到平等的机会, 尽管不完全平等,但至少存在,
BJK: First of all, I'm really lucky. BJK:首先,我很幸运。
Partnership with Teneo, a strategic company that's amazing. 我们与Teneo战略咨询公司的合作非常棒。
Partnership:n.合伙;[经管]合伙企业;合作关系;合伙契约; strategic:adj.战略上的,战略的;
That's really the reason I'm able to do this. 没有他们就没有“领导力倡议”组织。
I've had two times in my life where I've actually had men really behind me with power. 我一生中有两次, 得到了别人强有力的支持。
And that was in the old days with Philip Morris with Virginia Slims , and this is the second time in my entire life. (第一次是)“维吉尼亚细长香烟”的菲利普·莫里斯, 然后这是我一生中的第二次。
Virginia:adj.弗吉尼亚州的; Slims:n.细腿紧身裤;v.减轻体重(slim的三单形式);
And then Deloitte. 再然后就是与德勤(的合作)。
The one thing I wanted was data -- facts. 数据和事实对我而言非常重要。
So Deloitte sent out a survey , and over 4,000 people now have answered, and we're continuing in the workplace . 于是德勤组织了一次问卷调查, 有超过4000名受访者递交了答案, 我们还在对结果进行分析。
survey:n.调查;测量;审视;纵览;vt.调查;勘测;俯瞰;vi.测量土地; workplace:n.工作场所;车间;
And what do the millennials feel? 千禧一代的内心有哪些感受?
Well, they feel a lot, but what they're so fantastic about is -- you know, our generation was like, "Oh, we're going to get representation ." 当然,他们的感受很多,但其中最了不起的是—— 你知道,咱们这一代人就像,“哦,我们要表达自我。”
fantastic:奇异的,空想的 representation:n.表现;代表;描述;陈述
So if you walk into a room, you see everybody represented . 如果你走进一间屋子,你会看到每个人都在表达自我。
represented:v.代表; (represent的过去式和过去分词)
That's not good enough anymore, which is so good! 这种方式已经跟不上时代了,这是件好事!
So the millennials are fantastic; they want connection, engagement . 所以说千禧一代非常棒,他们渴望联系,渴望交流。
They just want you to tell us what you're feeling, what you're thinking, and get into the solution . 他们想知道你的感受,你的想法, 然后找到解决之道。
They're problem-solvers, and of course, you've got the information at your fingertips , compared to when I was growing up. 他们是问题解决者, 而且,现在他们通过网络获取信息, 这跟我成长的年代已经完全不同了。
fingertips:n.指尖;(fingertip的复数) compared:adj.比较的,对照的; v.相比; (compare的过去式和过去分词)
PM: What did the research show you about millennials? PM:关于千禧一代的研究您得出了什么结论?
Are they going to make a difference ? 他们能做出改变吗?
make a difference:有影响,有关系;
Are they going to create a world where there is really an inclusive work force? 他们能否创造一个兼容并蓄的劳动力环境?
BJK: Well, in 2025, 75 percent of the global workforce is going to be millennials. BJK:到2025年,全球劳动力中的75% 将是千禧一代。
I think they are going to help solve problems. 我觉得他们会有助于解决一些问题。
I think they have the wherewithal to do it. 他们有能力这样做。
I know they care a lot. 我知道他们在乎很多事情。
They have big ideas and they can make big things happen. 他们有想法,也有能力做大事。
I want to stay in the now with the young people, 我想跟上年轻人,
I don't want to get behind . 不想被甩在后面。
get behind:支持;落后;识破;
(Laughter) (笑声)
PM: I don't think there's any chance! PM:我觉得这个太难了!
But what you found out in the research about millennials is not really the experience that a lot of people have with millennials. 但我觉得您对千禧一代的看法, 跟很多人的看法不太一样。
BJK: No, well, if we want to talk -- OK, I've been doing my little mini-survey. BJK:的确,如果我们想谈——好吧,我自己做了一个小的问卷调查。
I've been talking to the Boomers , who are their bosses, and I go, "What do you think about the millennials?" 我跟许多婴儿潮时代出生的人谈过,他们现在是千禧一代的老板,我问, “你们是怎么看千禧一代的?”
And I'm pretty excited, like it's good, and they get this face -- 我很兴奋,因为我以为评价会很好, 结果他们的表情是这样的……
(Laughter) (笑声)
'"Oh, you mean the 'Me' generation?" “哦,你是说‘自我’一代吗?”
(Laughter) (笑声)
I say, "Do you really think so? 我说,“你真的这么认为吗?
Because I do think they care about the environment and all these things." 因为我真心觉得他们关心环境 和其他(公益)问题。”
And they go, "Oh, Billie, they cannot focus." 他们说,“哦,比利,他们就是关注得太多。”
(Laughter) (笑声)
They actually have proven that the average focus for an 18-year-old is 37 seconds. 他们甚至证明了, (现在)18岁的人集中注意力的时间平均只有37秒。
(Laughter) (笑声)
They can't focus. 他们无法集中注意力。
And they don't really care. 而且他们真的毫不在乎。
I just heard a story the other night: a woman owns a gallery and she has these workers. 有一天晚上我听说了一个故事: 一位女士有一家画廊,手底下有几个员工。
She gets a text from one of the workers, like an intern , she's just starting -- she goes, "Oh, by the way, I'm going to be late because I'm at the hairdresser's." 她收到一个员工的短信, 是一个实习生,刚刚开始上班,她写的是, “哦,对了,我会晚点到,我还在店里做头发。”
intern:n.实习医生; v.(战争期间或由于政治原因未经审讯)拘留;
(Laughter) (笑声)
So she arrives, and this boss says, "What's going on?" 然后她到了,老板问, “发生什么事了吗?”
And she says, "Oh, I was late, sorry, how's it going?" 她说,“哦,我迟到了,抱歉,有什么问题吗?”
She says, "Well, guess what? I'd like you leave, you're finished." 老板说,“好吧,我想说,你可以走了,你被解雇了。”
She goes, "OK." 她说,“行吧。”
(Laughter) (笑声)
No problem! 无所谓!
PM: Now Billie, that story -- PM:好吧,比利,这个故事……
I know, but that's what scares the boomers -- 是啊,这正是婴儿潮一代所不能接受的,
I'm just telling you -- so I think it's good for us to share. 我想说的是,勇于分享是一件好事。
(Laughter) (笑声)
No, it is good for us to share, because we're our authentic selves and what we're really feeling, so we've got to take it both ways, you know? 真的,分享是一件好事, 因为我们要做真实的自己,分享自己真实的感受,
But I have great faith because -- if you've been in sports like I have -- every generation gets better. 我对此很有信心, 如果你也跟我一样从事网球运动, (你会发现)一代比一代强。
It's a fact. 这是事实。
With the Women's Sports Foundation being the advocates for Title IX still, because we're trying to keep protecting the law, because it's in a tenuous position always, so we really are concerned , and we do a lot of research. “女子运动基金”仍然在支持(教育法修正案)第九条, 我们在努力保护这一法律, 因为它的地位很不稳固, 这让我们很担心, 我们做了大量研究工作。
advocates:n.拥护者; vt.主张(advocate的第三人称单数); tenuous:adj.纤细的;稀薄的;贫乏的; concerned:adj.有关的;关心的;v.关心;与…有关;(concern的过去时和过去分词)
That's very important to us. 这对我们意义重大。
And I want to hear from people. 我想听听民意。
But we really have to protect what Title IX stands for worldwide . 我们真正要做的,是在全世界保护(教育法修正案)第九条所代表的(群体)。
And you heard President Carter talk about how Title IX is protected. 你们都听了卡特总统关于保护(教育法修正案)第九条的演讲。
And do you know that every single lawsuit that girls, at least in sports, have gone up against -- whatever institutions -- has won? 你们知不知道,每一件(涉第九条的)案子, 只要是女性提起诉讼——至少在体育界是这样—— 控告某一个机构, 都获胜了。
lawsuit:n.诉讼;[法]官司;诉讼案件; institutions:n.机构;慈善机构;风俗习惯,制度;(institution的复数)
Title IX is there to protect us. 第九条在保护我们。
And it is amazing. 这非常好。
But we still have to get the hearts and minds -- the hearts and minds to match the legislation is huge. 但我们仍需要争取民心, 要让民众真正从心理上接受这条法律,是一项大工程。
PM: So what gets you up every morning? PM:究竟是什么给了你动力,让你每天起早贪黑?
What keeps you sustaining your work, sustaining the fight for equality, extending it, always exploring new areas, trying to find new ways ... ? 是什么支撑你一直努力工作, 争取平等,扩大(男女平等的)领域, 不断探索新的领域,寻找新的方式?
sustaining:adj.持续的;支持的;v.维持(sustain的现在分词);支持;承受; extending:v.使伸长;扩大;扩展;延长;(extend的现在分词) exploring:v.探索:考察:探查;(explore的现在分词)
BJK: Well, I always drove my parents crazy because I was always the curious one. BJK:我好奇心很重,这点一直让我父母很抓狂。
I'm highly motivated . 我的积极性非常高。
highly:adv.高度地;非常;非常赞许地; motivated:adj.有动机的; v.使产生动机;
My younger brother was a Major League Baseball player. 我弟弟是一名美职棒大联盟选手。
Major League:adj.第一流的;职业体育总会的;
My poor parents did not care if we were any good. 我俩(成绩)好不好,我可怜的父母真是不关心。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And we drove them crazy because we pushed, we pushed because we wanted to be the best. 我俩让父母抓狂是因为我们一直非常努力, 我们努力是因为我们想成为最好的。
And I think it's because of what I'm hearing today in TED talks. 我想(我努力工作的)原因就在我今天听到的TED演讲中。
I think to listen to these different women, to listen to different people, to listen to President Carter -- 90 years old, by the way, and he we was throwing these figures out that I would never -- 我觉得听不同的女性发言, 听不同的人发言, 听卡特总统发言,顺便提一句,他已经90岁了, 他对那些数据简直信手捏来,要是我的话,
I'd have to go, "Excuse me, wait a minute, I need to get a list out of these figures." 我估计得走下台, “对不起,请等我一会,我要去拿一下数据清单。”
He was rattling off -- I mean, that's amazing, I'm sorry. 而他张嘴就来,真是了不起。对不起,说远了。
rattling:v.很; adj.格格地响的; v.发出咔嗒咔嗒的声音; (rattle的现在分词)
PM: He's an amazing man. PM:他的确非常棒。
(Applause) (掌声)
BJK: And then you're going to have President Mary Robinson, who's a former president -- BJK:然后还有玛丽·罗宾逊总统, 她是爱尔兰前总统……
Thank you, Irish! 62 percent! LGBTQ! Yes! 谢谢,爱尔兰!62%赞成!同性婚姻!太棒了!
(Applause) (掌声)
Congress is voting in June on same-sex marriage, so these are things that for some people are very hard to hear. (爱尔兰)国会将在6月对同性婚姻进行投票, 这样的事对某些人来说简直难以相信。
Congress:n.国会;代表大会;会议;社交; same-sex:adj.同性的;
But always remember, every one of us is an individual , a human being with a beating heart, who cares and wants to live their authentic life. 请永远牢记,我们大家都是独立的个体, 是有血有肉的人, 我们都想活出自我。
OK? You don't have to agree with somebody, but everyone has the opportunity. 明白吗?你不必人云亦云, 每个人都有机会。
I think we all have an obligation to continue to keep moving the needle forward, always. 我认为我们都有义务 继续推动(平等的)指针向前转动,不要停止。
obligation:n.义务;责任;职责;(已承诺的或法律等规定的)义务; needle:n.针;针头;指针;缝针;v.穿过;刺激;拿针缝;拿针穿;
And these people have been so inspiring . 很多人已经受到了不小的鼓舞。
Everyone matters. 每一个人都很重要。
And every one of you is an influencer . 你们每个人都能发挥影响力。
You out there listening, out there in the world, plus the people here -- every single person's an influencer. 全世界的观众,当然还有现场的听众, 每一个人,都能发挥作用。
Never, ever forget that. OK? 请永远不要忘记这一点。好吗?
So don't ever give up on yourself. 永远不要放弃自己。
PM: Billie, you have been an inspiration for us. PM:比利,你给了我们巨大的鼓舞和启发。
BJK: Thanks, Pat! BJK:谢谢你,帕特。
(Applause) (掌声)
Thanks, TED! 谢谢TED大会!
(Applause) (掌声)
Thanks a lot! 非常感谢!